GRAND HEIST CHALLENGE! - Slime Rancher Glass Desert Update - Slime Rancher Challenge

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see if we can get it in from here yes off the wall what a shot how's it going everybody my name is finay we're back we're playing slime Rancher today we're doing the challenge that I mentioned in the last video so I haven't decided yet whether it's going to be like 2 or 3 Days To Do The Challenge what I'm going to do is I'm going to try and do it in 2 days or pretty much as fast as I can okay the challenge is to start a new game you can't spend any money so you can't buy any upgrades jetpack nothing can't create any plots sorry not plots plots you can't create any plots to grow anything you have to make it out to the glass desert get a mosaic slime and bring it back to the ranch okay and I'm going to try and do it in 2 days 3 days at a stretch all right but we'll see how we go once I've done it you guys can try it let me know how quickly you did it send me a screenshot or Twitter or something like that and uh we're going to check this out so we're going to need to buy like lots of keys this is going to be full on but let's jump into it and let's begin okay so I'm I'm in and I'm running around I'm going to quickly check for carrots and stuff I don't see any around here there's going to be like a lot of running and then running out of like energy and then trying to run again get away from my carrots dude these are my carrots these are my carrots I don't want any slimes I'm not carrying any slimes with me there's no need for slimes and obviously tar is going to be encouraged yeah tar is like highly encouraged and you're probably wondering like why Finn why is tar encouraged I'll tell you why because uh the tar is going to eat the slimes that are going to eat the uh the vegetables we just need to get as much as we can as quick as we can all right let's pop this what's in there nothing we need although we could probably no we don't need any chickens for what we're doing we don't need any at all okay let's get rid of this I'm just trying to get as many uh Pogo fruit and carrots as I can at the moment cuz we need to start feeding these gordos like ASAP okay need to do this quick as possible the only veggie Gordo that I can think of that we might need to feed is the rad yeah cuz they normally eat Oka Oka so I don't know I don't know we're going to see how we go though so I'm going to jump down here right away and start feeding this guy and start getting some into him so we'll feed him the carrots feed him the Pogo fruit this go oh man he didn't take many at all okay got our first slime key what's in here let's check this got some Pogo fruit very good oh get away from these get away from them give me the carrots get away from my stuff dude get away from my stuff okay he's going to go into the water that's fine I don't care I'm going to jump down this way oh can I make it I can make it that's fine cuz I know there's some veggies down here and I know there's some Pogo fruit back in the reef area like quite a lot of pogo fruit so we need to get that one as well so let's just oh it's not there anymore I just wasted some precious time I I honestly can't jetpack so I'm very limited on where I jump to you know so I can't I can't do like any of the big crazy jumps so I need to think about that when I'm planning my route these guys are eating all my things dudes get out of it get out of it we can't drop them can't drop them okay oh God I think we full already okay no worries we're full it's fine um can we do with some more carrots there's carrots over this way by the these guys are probably already eaten them get out of here get out of here get out of here yeah these guys have already eaten them okay let's go feed what we have already including some uh if we can get some cuberes along the way we'll do that so let's get these carrots and grab dude no no hands off the merchandise champ jeez okay and get the cuberes that are normally spawning over this way y got some CU berries not some there though that's annoying hey it's a tabby slime hey dude there a few treasure pods around cuz obviously I've got no means for cracking them so they're a little bit useless um but what do we got so we got two cuberes and we've got 20 poo fruit I need to go up here I'm doing a lot of rambling cuz I feel like if I ramble I go go faster what's that about okay go in here feed you hey dude start getting some of these in here they look delicious and some cuberes as well so that guy if we feed him CU berries cuz there cuberes are his favorite uh it takes less fruit so that's good so the more CU berries we can put in him the better I can hear a gold slime which is I don't even need I don't need the gold slimes just picked up a tabby slime though hey dude there's a gold slime how are you champ how you going um anything around here that I can eat yes there is actually don't eat it don't oh did they did you eat it I don't know I don't know I'm going to go over here though because there's fruits and stuff around here I think these guys have already eaten them maybe carrots give me the carrots Tabby slime I don't want you I don't want you can you stop playing with all the food jeez okay there's that there's some carrots here as well very good is is there anything up here I don't think there is but that's going to be one of the gates that we have to get through let's keep going ow dude uh where am I going we need to go this way so part of what we do is collecting uh stuff for the honey Gordo as well cuz we need to pop the honey Gordo and get uh get his stuff um here we go Pogo fruit where's some carrots I think there was normally carrots around here somewhere wasn't there oh here they are okay got some carrots let's run through here get the the fruits and stuff that are going on through here um oh yes nice nice I'm going to start sucking them before these guys get them cool I just got six let's get over here mint mangoes get them in your God bro these are his favorite yes see I've been planning this i' been thinking about it been thinking about it okay let's head back we need to uh we need to feed our phosphor buddy look at the time already we're totally running out of time already ready I can't believe it I'm going to get up here I'm going to just cut Corners cutting all the corners oh the dudes are eating them get away from those mint mangoes get away get away all right so we need to feed him the cuberes first and then feed him up full of pogo fruit come on dude how much you going to take he's he's quivering he's like a I'm getting so stuffed getting so stuffed I'm going to go feed the uh the honey Gordo these mint mangoes just so that he's got some he's got them in his belly it's a shame I can't get through to the to the rad Gordo and start feeding him these carrots so that I can pick more up on the next day all right mint mangoes for you champ he's not quivering or nothing he's not full he can still eat heaps more okay hey dudes how we doing you guys got any uh got any different plots here's one might get some tar going on just out in this area out here right get some tar going that way oh damn it you're not okay hang on hang on let's feed him a hand hand there we go now we'll get some tar we should do just need to feed this that guy there you go tar bang so that's going to clear out this area the tar is going to eat all of those slimes in there so then we can uh go back and hopefully hopefully more slimes don't come back by the time there's veggies and stuff and fruit hang on I'm going to I'm going to cheat dude no hang on give me one of these uh give me one of these losos where's the lgo no you yes you okay get a lgo right pop him here and then jump on him and then get up see that that's how you do it that's how you get out of there all right dude got some more for you yes awesome oh that is so good that is so good jeez that worked out well okay let's go here pop that get some more stuff we can't fit the carrot in um let's just pop this one as well what do we got oh nothing we can take that's fine that worked out really really well okay I'm going to put these carrots just back here just so I can carry some more okay hopefully they don't go bad fingers crossed otherwise that that's just going to stuff me completely hopefully done one entire day we're now on day two all right this is the beginning of day two of our second 24-hour period um carrots over here cool get these fill up on these ones as well very good any Pogo fruit coming in there nothing yet we're going to load up on Pogo fruit then we're going to go straight out to the Moss blanket and we're going to feed it to the honey slime cool all right that's full hopefully that Pogo fruit stays up there for a little while it doesn't get eaten by all those little pink slimes that bounce around that tree all the time those guys are so cheeky all right I'm going to go out to the mint mango area got 20 Pogo fruit we can't carry any more don't eat my mint mangoes dudes no get away from them get away look get they're mine oh he hate he ate one of them okay is there a crate back again any crate spawns can't spr run quicker bro oh man where's all the mint mangoes there normally only a few out here in the water oh and they come from there too you guys go over there go over that way stop eating all the delicious mint mangoes oh yes nice go over there eat those guys and you I'm going to take him down here with me cuz I'm a troublemaker okay there you go start eating all those guys eat them oh man mint mango there's a tree right there yes another one cool I'm just going to drop all those I'm just going to drop the tower in there and then leave oh those guys are close feed this guy we've already fed him a couple already how many is he going to take oh he's already starting to shake awesome load him up on Pogo fruit yes okay second key get nice one what's in there got some Pogo fruit and some CU berries look at that dudes get out of the way get out of the way HH what was that oh was a heartbeat all right let's get rid of that no no oh I can't get that cuberry oh yes I can yes I can okay are we going to need this fruit for anything yes we do Quantum Quantum Gordo that's what we need it for okay there's cuberes here too isn't there oh there's a couple there's a couple okay cuberry I mean Pogo fruit so now it's time to start feeding the uh the rad slime we need to get him the other thing that we need to do that you guys might not have picked up on yet is we need to collect like all the uh all the basic plots yeah that's right we need those for uh feeding the the the gate the big um ruins gate through here otherwise we're not getting into the ruins nice one nice get that in there as well come on dudes get out of the way let me through let me through if we can find some heartbeats along the way that' be good hey guys we're in the Indigo Quarry how you doing how you doing oh was this normally yes um hang on just going to put them there put them there so I can carry this okay uh what else is there heartbeats nice one nice one okay I almost stepped in the portal there and that would have been a oneway ticket straight to where I don't want to be oh heartbeats nice and got some of them just quickly pump this guy full of some heartbeats and go and get that Oka Oka eat these guy eat him get him in your mouth I'll be back I'll be back let's pump him full of carrots as well let's do this hey dude there you go get them in here feeding them as well okay so there should be some food out here for him to eat some carrots not much else I need a whole bunch of veggies I need all those carrots that I got okay where did I put them I put them over here didn't I yes awesome they're still there Perfect all right let's head back all right back into the Moss blanket again I'm going to grab the heartbeats that I just chucked up on the ledge there last time where are they should be nice and close to grab oh cool yep did I get both of them oh the other one's a little bit little bit difficult to get there it is nice every single little one counts there's carrots down there we could probably grab a carrot can't hold anything else though okay we jump up here there's normally like loads of heartbeats through the um Indigo Quarry but we haven't really been through there too much surely it's not going to take too many more than this right come on come on yes done and I don't need these heartbeats and stuff anymore let's get rid of that junk where's the key where's the key get out of the way oh God what jeez I started to die very quick give me this what's in that just carrots and things I just want the key man I just want the key jeez they started to kill me quick all that radiation poisoning is what it was okay red slimes I don't need you bros but I do need I do need your plots where's your plots do you have any red plots yes and was that a phosphor plot did I see a phosphor plot somewhere all right have this cuberry oh God yes fos for plot please nice one okay cuz we need to uh we need to put these plots in the gate so let's do that now CU berries I'm going to keep the CU berries cuz I need the uh I need the fruit uh phosphor one is right there can I get it in yes good shot cool all right let's go back through here and see if there's any plots that we can get any Rock plots yes there's one there grab that I'll just grabb a carrot for some reason I don't really need a carrot could do with some Tabby plots though Tabby plots oh you guys are like right here okay where's some chickens awesome okay let's just feed these guys there's a H H you eat that and you eat that yes okay boom uh there's the where's the boom boom's just over here dude get get out of the thing done Honey's up this uh Tabby's up this way into his Gob rock is like all the way over there let's see if we can get it in from here yes off the wall what a shot okay we just need the honey uh honey plot um honey honey plot here we go cool got the honey plort awesome any uh mint mangoes here that you haven't eaten yet oh there's a couple give me them I want them awesome okay so this should be the last plot and this should get us into uh where we need to into the into the ancient ruins yes awesome let's head in and let's start feeding up the quantum Gordo jeez we've got just a couple of hours left oh man this is tough okay come on come on hurry up hurry up and this will be 2 days it is so close so close come on get in here get in here yes oh jeez that's a big jump cuz phze lemons would be best to feed to the um to the quantum Gordo cuz it would mean um you know feeding them less all right almost I'm going to jump down here go this way jump up there there's a cuberry tree any cuberes there's a couple it's garbage that one's turned to garbage okay is this closed no it's not okay let's feed up old mate here he is hey dude let's feed him up how much is he going to take probably heaps come on oh man what do we got in here Pogo fruit chicken get out of here chicken no still need lots more lots more fruit yeah we're not going to make it we're going make we've only got an hour left so it looks like getting our Mosaic slime back in 2 days is pretty hard probably impossible all right oh just made it 6:00 so it's been 2 days two full in-game days okay we need to find more fruit oh come on come on please please you kidding me that's going to add a whole another 24 hours to my time oh absolutely got it all just for a little simple mistake Landing in the water you're probably wondering Finn why haven't you just gone out to the glass desert you've already got the extra key why don't you do it well well I I'll tell you now because you can't actually get any Mosaic slimes unless you open up another one of the gates in the glass desert that's right you can go through into the first bit but there aren't any Mosaic slimes around there so it's just a waste of time come on man where's these Pogo fruits jeez all right I might just head through anyway pick some up along the way some of the other areas no no cuberes nothing's Fring this is super annoying come on no nothing man I'm so sad I'm so sad that that happened that it just happened to just I don't know I I can't even remember exactly what happened I just know I missed a jump and then I ended up in the water and then everything just made me feel really upset okay go through here come on jeez Pogo fruits CU berries we should have enough fruit to uh to feed this Quantum Gordo but I'm not 100% sure I think we fed him like maybe 30 perhaps but anyway there's more fruit through here so we'll just get it oh are you serious why are none of these things fruiting yeah I must have hit the tree there or something and then just hit like the the ledge there such a risky jump I shouldn't have taken it oh yes nice okay oh take that give me give me get that one got any more for me oh we got another cuberry cool we don't need the carrots and stuff though just get in the water dudes get in the water cool phze lemons let's do it see how many it takes yes he's full awesome what do we got we got a key got what's in the crates not much okay got a heartbeat don't need it get rid of it okay let's uh let's head out into the glass desert it's 2 and 1/2 days or 2 hours and 9 hour uh sorry 2 days and 9 hours so far so I think at this rate we're going to do this under 3 days easy we need Quantum lgo I mean we need jeez we need Quantum plots need five of them I forgot about that completely okay Quantum plots dudes give us your plots give us your plots plorts PL me plort me you e that one you e that one okay nice got five let's head back I realized I could have fed them F lemons and gotten twice as much out of each one I could have done but I didn't this is all the type of stuff that would make it much quicker to do if uh if you knew exactly what you were doing before you did it I reckon if I did this again I would do it so much quicker okay yep yep another one last one cool let me in let's go awesome glass desert no damn it let me in let me in okay now we have a key so we should be able to get through to the area where the uh where the Mosaic slimes are we just need to Sprint you need a key to get through to the area where you can uh where you can get the the Mosaic slimes cuz they don't spawn anywhere in this area it's not until you actually get through to here where there's a few little spots where Mosaic slimes sometimes spawn okay sometimes the very first time I came through this area in my first glass desert video I had some maic slimes spawn it was weird but they're not today I don't know why what is this about whoa almost landed in the water water hang on all right there's another spot where they spawn go away out of my face ow ow ow no almost killed me jeez okay let's go over here so they spawn over here as well yes there's one okay I need to get him I need to get him oh there's some fire slimes too here we go here we go mic Slim's up there where'd you go buddy there he is he's doing the runner yes I have him okay now we need to get back how are we going to get back I guess we need to climb all the way back up here oh man this is intense all right we're up here let's run back over this way there's a door there but we can't go through it how appropriate is this m music music this music is very appropriate that's good oh we need to get over there how we going to get up there oh that's going to be be tricky that is going to be tricky okay oh man I don't even know if I can get up there ow it's so much more dangerous when you don't have all the health there's literally no way to get back from [Music] here oh unless I go up there somehow and then jump over I can't even think of how I would do that an angry slime down that way so we need to get over there we've got no way of getting over there oh man yep we're stuck we are so stuck this is basically a oneway trip once you come this way you can't get back again I can shoot the uh Mosaic slime over though shoot him over the fence okay he should be over there the only way I can get back is basically just jump in the slime in the in the sand see and that's going to waste a whole another day it's going to bring me up actually that's only 2 hours okay no it's called what it's added a whole another 24 hours on it actually added 26 hours okay I'm almost back out to the glass desert again I'm going to grab my Mosaic slime I'm going to bring him back to the ranch I feel like I don't feel like it's a failure completely I feel like I've learned a valuable lesson if I did this again I'd know exactly how to do it now and I'd be able to do it like probably with I don't know maybe like 3 days I reckon I could do it in 3 days so I'm I think I'm going to have to try it again I I don't think I record it but I'll most certainly um show you guys I'll show you the results maybe even show you on Twitter few slimes getting round see how many more slimes are spawning this time instead of last time so where's this Mosaic slime that I created let's see if he's over the fence where are you dude I shot you around here somewhere you're down here bro oh yes he is get in here we found him awesome let's take you home man let's take you home it's been a long journey let's get you back in the ranch man this is crazy how long is it going to take me to get back I reckon I'll be surprised if we can get back before 2:00 so the things I would do differently I think I was I think I did a good job with getting all the fruits and veget vegetables I did forget about the fact that I needed the uh the quantum plots I forgot about that I could have grabbed them that probably would have saved me maybe like 30 in-game minutes and I did make that stupid jumper I landed in the water so that cost me exactly 24 hours next time if I do this I'll take the other slime door in the uh in the glass desert cuz there's two and I took I took the wrong one basically if I'd have taken the other one I would have been able to get the the Mosaic slime exactly the same M slime and I would have been able to get back without having to jump into the sand sea because if you go the other way it's a oneway trip you can't you can't get back without a jetpack now we won't need to run all the way back to the ranch we should just go to the uh the Indigo Quarry and take the uh the teleporter back that'll be heaps quicker actually no if we take that back we're going to end up on the wrong side of The Grotto and then from there we're not going to be able to get through we need to go this way here we go we're finally back Mosaic slime does not look happy he looks quite angry oh we can put him in the Corral there we go he's in here wow okay so it took about 40 50 it took 50 hours longer than it should have so if you shave 50 hours off this time you'd basically have like 3 days I think it'll be about that so mistakes aside I could probably do this in 3 days wow I can't believe I fell in the water that completely screwed me it did so give this a go let me know on Twitter send me a message or you can even let me know in the comments here how you did what your time was if you can link to a screenshot so that I can see it basically if you stood here with the uh you know with the Mosaic slime in this Corral and you've got uh you've got time up there and you should only have about $635 you shouldn't have too much but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 146,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slime Rancher Glass Desert update, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher update, Glass Desert Update, 0.6.0 Update, slime rancher news, gaming news, Download Slime Rancher, Download Slime Rancher Update, family friendly Slime Rancher, mosaic slime, slime rancher mosaic, rare slime, secret slime, Let's Play Slime Rancher, tangle slime, Slime Rancher Gordo, Slime Rancher challenge, grand heist challenge, heist challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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