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okay cue berry come on yes finally finally hey with the potty crates here as well oh that's good and therefore got swords and shields with that queer playing slime rancher and we're playing it on my playstation today because we're gonna be checking out the new dlc remember I did a video a little while ago about some DLC that was coming for the PlayStation and the Xbox well I downloaded it it's finally released and we can check it out so this is the new chrome pack it's the sapphire one there's an emerald one if you've got an xbox but obviously I got a PlayStation so let's let's whack this bad boy on let's do it sapphire everything is blue everything is blue alright I just got an achievement color me impressed wow I am impressed look at that that looks really good now I haven't played a great deal on my playstation since the game come out I played a little bit and I do have a bit of a you know I guess income happening I've got a little bit of a cash flows that's not too bad we could get a drone going on though wouldn't light a drone to start selling my plots here to start making a bit of coin alright all over the lab doesn't the lab look nice but if we have a look over here there should be a fashion pod right have I bought the fashion pod yet let's have a look fashion pod let's buy this fashion pod this is the heroic fashion pod so this is this is the DLC right here so let's purchase it right purchased what do we need to actually build this let's have a look so where is it as you can see I haven't purchased anything yet we need pink plots honey plots and indigo Neum so we need to go stick some stuff out in the indigo quarry some drills we're gonna need drills I just got trophies thanks thanks so much all right so we're gonna need plots to build some drills and then we're gonna need to wait for those drills to drill some indigo rhenium and then from there we'll be sweet so let's go ahead get some plots come in the refinery I don't have any pic ports that's a worry was it Rock plots that I needed for the drill I think it might have been all right let's get those I'll just get a bunch just a whole bunch I've been selling these because I've been trying to make a bit of money but it's probably best if I start stocking up my refinery given that I haven't done that yes here we go check a couple back in there pick up that one and we good all right oh I need red plots as well let's get some red wants that's four there's four all right hang on let's feed these slimes some get some more plots got four whole okay okay that's it all right he's chucking it Aiden gobble them up maybe we can upgrade this guard and start getting small okay okay let's have a look 350 as we can all right let's do it awesome all right a we've got ten points now all right to get these red walls very good now we can go and sell them we're not selling them we're putting them in the refinery I know what I'm saying and then from there we'll go and well maybe get some pink quartz I think that's what we'll have to do give it that I don't think I've actually got any being produced by any slimes cuz I'm a bit slack with this one I've just been all about getting the cash all right honey boards red ports what do we need for a drone probably need to buy drawings first don't we well they cost - agreed my gosh probably do putting some slimes out here that'd be a good idea thankfully there's loads of pink quartz down this way let's get let's get them all as many as we can carry okay you guys save me a bunch of time jeez all right oh I just threw that one over there I want that one as well what am all pink quartz of red very good now can we make some drills drills yes okay let's make two very good can we put some drills here yes okay let's do it here's a good spot drill install there you go done all right come and check these tomorrow and hopefully get some indigo neom and then from there we can build the the new fashioned pot oh here we go feed those guys now let's go have a nap and see what tomorrow brings there's so many new like little notifications and mail and all that sort of stuff when you when you start the game again I forgot about it alright sleep until the morning okay what do we get we get any mail ooh [Music] trash cracker yes'm that's good the first treasure cracker alright these guys are crapping out some plots got some more stuff for these guys to eat I need to get some money I'm really low on money at the moment I have six six whole new bucks you go guys alright you guys gonna have some heartbeats let's go check those drills we put in and see how much indigo Neum we get hopefully we get a lot given that indigo nians kind of like the UM you know it's kind of like the the easier more common sort of stuff to get out of the drills usually get heaps of it look at 36 pin bullets just from all around that area that's really good normally I don't get that many maybe I forgot to do it for a while and they stacked up I don't know I know it doesn't matter it's a bit of money though or I could put it in the refinery given that most of the things that you build do actually use pink cloths here we go 55 seconds Oh hot come on dudes for nine seconds things like hey Jim how do you like it on the PlayStation no ban a frame rates not as great as on PC but it's still good still feels nice three two one done all right give me the start okay two pieces of indicate wow those drills don't hang around do they how many we get five pieces all up geez I guess a Jellystone is the most common it seems followed by indigo neom I don't know what else what else is there well there's obviously strange diamond but is there something else I guess you would get something else if you mine it like out this way probably like some kind of rock good all of that chroma pack though it's really nice look at that the yeah the slime on the side of the house is shiny look at it it's full-on shiny that is awesome shiny slime its krump alright let's load this thing up with all the the resources we've got and see if we can unlock anything okay cool heroic fashion pod yes we can do it we need five indigo Neum and we got five indigo diem nice bang fabric eh thank you very much let's do this where we gonna put it no probably out this way now it's also the weekend all right which means we should have a party Gordo somewhere I'm a little bit worried though because I haven't unlocked many areas it's got air Drive great okay hang on let's stick out fashion pod right here heroic fashion pod do it yes look at these things let's suck em up it's carry a bunch of them let's make a bunch of heroes alright we got another one alright come on buddy get out of here but I believe this dude with the fashion pot on alright ready Hey he's got a sword and shield yes check him out done he look cool it's like a little rock sandy cat thing it's heavy slime you know what I mean he looks very good he looks like a cat here are all right get back in your cage here we go in the corral with you all right what are these dudes look like hey they look cool as well I should put one in each Corral like one little hero like is the hero that protects the corral yeah so I'm gonna do let's do let's do another one it's gonna be you the angry one and I might just sell some of these ports I'll have a bit of cash there we go nice all right that's good now what do I need I'm gonna go buy the drone I'm gonna find out what I need to actually build a drone I'm pretty sure it's honey ports maybe quantum plots or rad plots I can't remember and then some other things it could be a waste of money let's do it anyway I'm pretty sure it's like stuff from an apiary perhaps let's check it out utilities drawn we need wow hunter ports as well watch dude hunter ports quantum ports honey ports oh my gosh you need lots of stuff all right clearly I'm not doing it right now although how cool with the sapphire drones look they would look pretty awesome all right well I need to get a key because I need to unlock the the next area which is out into the out to the ancient deserts to meet the sorry the ancient ruins you can tell I haven't played slime rancher in about a week because I'm getting all the names muddled up I wonder if we can make one of the Gordo's like heroic we'll stick a sword and shield on him what about this little guy like mr. get him everyone's just eaten stuff wait yeah you you get that hey he looks very cool lynnie these little sword and shield that is awesome alright here we go you get a sword and shield as well haha look at Manas cool it's covered up he's alive oh car looks like he has a patch or something alright eight should only need a few cuz I've already given him some haha what dude what's with this garbage guts wait hey can you give a tire of fashion pod ah damn that sucks how cool would be he could give him a little sword and shield I'm keep our you went to fight him but then he got eaten I guess the sword and shield is just for sure alright Pargo fruits that should be enough pretty sure hey fashion pod remover who'd want to do that when you go to sword and shield it's the best alrighty come on damn it oooh there's a party thing up there oh hey give me that give me these knock knock get out of it wow there's so many feral slimes around here dudes no leave me alone I'm gonna jump up here I'm gonna jump up there yes party crates help all right stop it get out of it I'm getting hurt and it's a bit of a problem when you get hurt when you just start the game you can't actually get booted out you know knocks straight out oh yeah look at that first party crater open and I've got a honey ornament I thought it was gold I really thought it was gold I am so disappointed hey that's cool I like it okay cue berry come on yes finally finally hey we go potty crates here as well oh that's good it therefore got swords and shields because I stuck the sword and shield on him that is awesome okay let's just what do we got another honey one yeah it's a honey one just gonna put these honey ornaments just there so I can pick up the tabby ornaments and the rock ornament there we go because if I get out to the the gate where we open up the ancient ruins we can we can go ahead and have a look in the ancient ruins and see if the if the party god I was there given that I haven't found him yet I have had a bit of a look around like the reef area and the indigo quarry I haven't checked the moss blanket though so it could be out there as well and it is a honey ornament I mean yeah it is a honey ornament so it can actually be possible that it's out here I'm actually just gonna jump that fence I'm not gonna waste a key on there all right here we go there's a party crate there as well straight over the fence very good all right so there's a gate here this is what I wanted the key for let's open this up and we've got three plots that we can stick in in the gate here and these little statues the pink ones already done there's the honey one there's a boom one just there is it the tabby one that's just over the quality look yeah tabby all right put that one in there so we need boom red and hide there's rats over there nice thankfully I've got all those plots back in my ranch so we'll just go there and get him all right party crate what's in this one but what's this a 70 ornament nice I don't think we've had those ones before that's really cool hey nice one what are we going honey mal leave it there I can't carry it anyway okay I'm back I've got one of each port Lance bung it in there where's the boom statue here we go done this a thousand times I should actually check around here and see if there's a party going on oops get serious come on although I probably hear the music but I don't know I'll have a look can I get up there I think I can't the gates opening is it opening or what maybe I need to go it's up there look at that hang on look carrying any food like usual okay we'll come back with some food we could probably get food straight in here hey nice all right let's get in let's go the ancient ruins grab some food come back feed the party Gordo and get all of these goodies I wonder if we can put the heroic fashion pod on him and if we do and we pop him or all the little party slimes are they gonna have the sword and shield as well I don't know all right open up that's let's go through here I'm gonna get some quantum slimes while I'm at it come on dudes I need you I need you for making all the the things in the lab oh nice one all right we have a map hey party great fashion pod very good we need some food as paragraph fruit-tree down there all right come on I'm gonna put you guys I don't know I don't know where I'm gonna put you all right get it's better to free-range the the quantum slimes because they just phase out of the corral too much I always like forget to feed them and if you forget to feed them there's a big problem so where is like other slimes if you forget to feed him it's not too bad so how am I gonna get up there then um I guess I could try and climb the trees that's probably one way hang on jump on here then I'll jump up on that tree come on yes all right and then I'll just fly straight over there and put a heroic fashion pod on him here we go will it work because I wonder if like big sunglasses and stuff kind of takes the fashion pod slot I don't know let's try it yeah he's like he's a party nice that's cool man check him out I like him yeah that is so awesome all right let's feed him here we go and see if we get little little 9 party slimes here we go are they no they're not they're just like little regular ones although we could probably put fashion pods on ah gets rid of the year the party gear oh man hey I got a tire woman nice one pink oh no it's a potty one cool potty wants a rare good about that 7 z honey honey nice that is a good haul we were managed to unlock the new DLC gear which is really cool and we found the party gato so it's out in like the the ancient ruins gates so it's the big slime gate thingy so that's if you're looking for it that's where it is but I'm gonna leave the video here alright I probably won't play the game again on my playstation I'll probably play it off cam given that you guys see me do this sort of stuff thousands of times already if you haven't go back and watch my old videos I've got like hundreds of slime rancher videos so go check them out but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones and I'll see you guys next time um what their birth here are you serious well that was awesome a column and a lucky Salam in say spot touching each other and I was able to put the the fashion pod on the gold slime that is so cool [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 250,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Drones, drone update, drones update, slime drones, slime rancher update, new slime rancher, slime rancher ps4, slime rancher dlc, slime rancher hero, slime rancher heroic
Id: JvTi96hz_FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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