Making FERAL GOLD SLIMES with Mods! - Slime Rancher Mods

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whoa what is too big he's home god there's a feral gold slime on the loose hey alright alright get back out of it I mean don't champs with playing slime rancher I've worked it up here in the morning on my rage and this Corral is empty the corral over there is empty as well and so is that one I don't know why I did have some like tornadoes and stuff going on last time maybe yesterday with that I'm not too sure I need to get some water though I need to water my drones I don't know if you've missed it or not Ryan I did a slime rancher video this week already it was demonetized and then it wasn't suggested to anybody so if you haven't seen it go back and watch it give that video some love it was a lot of fun we played around with a few mods some new ones there's the slime sizes mod which allows you to change the sizes of slimes which is what we're gonna do today but I'm gonna try to do the reverse I'm gonna see if as possible to make slimes a little bit smaller than what they normally are I thought it'd be cool to have like a tiny slime going around I thought that'd be kind of cute like a tiny tabby slime or something like that and we're also gonna try and get some more tas slimes now that we can actually tame the tas slimes dude that is awesome okay let's run over this way hit the little speed pant get a burst of speed let's go we're gonna head out to our pumps that we've got going on add in like the near the moss blanket we're gonna check our pumps hopefully we get some more of that slimy substance or whatever it's called or I forget its name here we go with the pumps let's empty out the pumps dude that looks really cool I'm still got the riche aid mod installed which like you know ramps up the colors and makes everything like sharper and prettier looking and that lava dust stuff looks amazing with this mod going on but nope we didn't get any slimy substance so this yeah this craps going in the ocean now there was another mod that I installed called Morcom aids which and commands let's have a look play play a scale what does that do I just grew up spit turd no no not only did I just grow up but I got bigger look at this like yeah I'm getting stuck on the wall there so that's amazing that is so good I can't suck things up there like too far away now no no no I'm too big to get through that Oh too chunky where help and I could jump so high now as well this is so good yeah I'm just gonna jump over the walls like I can't no I can't I was before how am I gonna get through there I'm too big oh yes oh we can't I just fell in the water oh god what's gonna happen when I get back to my ranch am I still gonna be super big Oh too big for this game I need to shrink myself down doo doo doo doo doo doo okay that's better I feel like really short now like extra short I'm gonna get some of these scoop of fashion pods and I'm gonna shoot my drones in the face there we go look at him a little scuba drawing Gary goes what a cutie let's give him I'm out of water again cuz I went in the wet in the slime scene there's also a command here called ferrule we could make a fair gold slime which be had to be incredible that would be absolutely amazing okay I'm gonna head back out I'm gonna check my drones again imma drones I'm gonna check my pumps so if you guys have got some you know or any suggestions also just stuff you want to see me doing slime rancher let me know in the comments we'll give it a crack man okay let's see if we can actually make one of these slimes a little bit smaller let's just try it this going so scale okay now five would make him five times his normal size what about 0.5 0.5 does that make him half his size [Laughter] it's a little look at he just sorry tiny you could just pick this little ah go up and put him in your pocket why is he shaking like that there was that a man why is he shaking I'm gonna put this one in the ocean all right just discard the evidence so it works okay it definitely works that's good to know we could even make tiny tar slimes can we get some more task lines please yes yes two of them slimy substance slimy solution that's what it's called okay no slimy substance I'm just making up names no that's not it come on come on come on come on come on yes one more cool that's three more TAS slimes that we can get if you guys realize how bummed I was when my last video got to monetized it was a super sad moment especially for slime rancher of all games to get heat it didn't make sense basically there was a glitch in YouTube's captioning system it thought I said a naughty word what I really didn't what are you gonna do anyway we got some slimy solution this is cool let's find some tar to give it to come on come on come on come on right there it's right there eat it eat it eat it don't eat me yes yes there we go okay so he is now calm you can see his sits in the top right calmed tossed lime he's calm he's still chewing on my face I don't know why maybe there's like something delicious on my face dude he's mad he's so mad he doesn't appear very calm does he let's try point eight yeah look at that is so cool man yeah regular toss lon does he eat carrots let's just try him on some carrots I don't think he does hey eat slimes mate and ranches okay oh that's right I forgot if it's hassle I'm touches like food items he makes it rot so let's get some chickens do I have any chickens - guys can you not kill all quantum boom LIGO five did that work that didn't work whoa okay they're gone I just got rid of all of those quantum boom lagers okay that's good that's good that was a really quick way to clean this place up yeah there's a chicken for you dude yes okay Willie multiply no but we didn't get a tarp loss that's good will he just keep eating chickens yeah yeah they don't stop do they they okay I just got a stack load of ms8 plots I'm gonna sell those I'm gonna get some money I'm a little bit strapped for cash at the moment it have got nothing more to buy in this game I've bought everything nice let's go and get some more tarp lots meet our slaves bring them back work yes yes tar ports they do get sucked in there that's good I wonder what would happen if we made a feral task line I said this that's something we can do I don't know need to change the size of this one let's go scale what do we go zero point eight yeah okay now there little tosser cute all right I'm gonna go to sleep you guys better stayin here wow they're really bad they bounce around like crazy okay maybe we can buy him a toy to calm them down a little bit okay okay there we go maybe that'll calm him down this Utah toy no they're still pretty angry now we need to try and find like a lucky slime or a gold slime or something like that and see if we can make them feral there's gonna be really cool all right let's just go for a bit of a walk around every week it's right there what that's crazy what are the chances oh look at his face soon as I hit enter he's face turned into that yes sir man is this to me is he still man I just sucked him up no no okay if you vacuum him up he is no longer man which is nice to know hey all right all right get back out of it I mean get that evening watts why won't they stay in their thing oh dude well they require a lot of food okay hang on and let's feed them there you go there you go eat is that gonna calm down well they bounced around a lot chicken Colonna go yes I did get to that time okay let's try this nope we just shredded that one into nuggets okay that works and yeah yeah two more cool it doesn't always work but when it does work it's good yeah just fry it another one all right I'm back down to one I just fried all of my chickens Wow four in a row just goes ant doesn't always work Hey angry all right hang on Aaron scale let's make him huge let's go ten whoa well he's too big he's oh god there's a feral gold slime on the loose and he's massive he is so massive um oops can I just can I just say I've made a mistake wait maybe we can vacuum him up during buddy don't bite me bro don't slap me come on come on come on thank you meme up no we can't thank you move up we need to make him little again there we go does that calm him down yeah he's calm again hope okay you can hang out on the slime stage maybe we can make him a little bit bigger like lago sized no are they yeah there we go he's a big one no he just jumps right off hey he's bite-sized hey there's a smallest gold slime ever oh oh I can't make him big again Oh God um honey i shrunk the slime oh there he goes okay he's back to normal okay I'm gonna head out to maybe the moss blanket right let's try and find some largo size slimes and see if we can make them regular-sized and what if we combine one of those new tabbies then like the taiga slimes with one of these arcane slimes it's awesome okay now we go like this so he goes scale 0.8 I think that might be a little bit too small hey there it is that's a bad slime sized yeah it might even be a little bit smaller that's quite cute though oh yeah we can he's so little and cute why is he so wobbly though I don't understanding oh there we go 0.55 seems to fix it he's such a tough lie he's the size of a port that's great hey can we make big balls yeah yeah we can off it goes so the question is what happens if you find yourself at a slime and make him feral what does that even do I mean tah are already kind of feral aren't they so yeah it has to be done we have to make him Superman eat that dude all right toss line let's make him feral and see what happens I can't even I can't even guess his eyes didn't change but he's got the red Sparky stuff coming up in which means his feral I don't know if he's gonna do anything different maybe he'll stop biting me no not he's still eating stuff is he still feral he's not because they just ate okay let's get out of here before we die oh it's been a while since I've been out here all right let's head into the slum ulation let's do it this place is really cool I forgot how awesome this place is this let's get some of this stuff some deep rug spray looks like I'm in some sort of weird video game world I realize it's a video game but still hey James Hey look at the deal one that is hey hey lucky store yes let's make a feral 1 feral like you slime coming right up Pharaoh always man he's me it's not Farrell not a chance look at him look at his face yeah he's gone oh that's sad just making some big slimes there we go hey he's so don't be looking at massive Wow here he comes he's rolling he's rolling he made it over that thing well done Chaney jeez he's RedBubble is just too big he is too big oh wait little puddle slime hey going champ let's make him big as well 5 that's 15 that's true beaky won't feet oh wait a minute where's no working oh oh no not that works that works well ok yeah that's probably a little bit too big let's scale that down to 5 ok that's a normal-sized puddle slime it looks like he can't balance very well maybe we can ride him hey we can we can around like a Bart thanks really cool all right just me and my puddle slime let's go everything go over that way why isn't he moving out you let me drown all right Dee bug spray let's see if we can hit Oh glitch slime oh there it is ok let's make him big yeah he's the big glitch slime he'll still disappear I bet you he's in the water he's gone man they don't last long oh well there he is dude Thurston's scary looking Oh big gone man that is spooky yes hey he just exported into a stack of smaller ones all right I'll get rid of him if you want to grab these mods there on the Nexus I'll leave a link in the description so you can go and grab him now just a moment I don't provide support for the mods because I don't make them if you're after support maybe leave the post on the actual mud page where you get it from and maybe the mod developer will will help you out or you could always jump on the slime rancher discord on there as well most of the motors are actually on there but thank you very much first in this video if you liked it give us one of these ones see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 365,276
Rating: 4.8413901 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Mods, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Scuba, Slime Rancher Treasure Pods, Slime Rancher 2020, New Slime Rancher videos, Slime Rancher Fynnpire, Slime Rancher Youtuber
Id: pX0CgMmJrkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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