A LUCKY SLIME ATE A GOLD PLORT - Slime Rancher Gold Largo Mod

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that's a character that's a blue carrot with a face that's that's a pulse lime nobody my name is Finn playing with that we're playing slime rancher today we're looking at a new mod it's called the strange slime mod basically what this mod does is it swaps like a lot of the 3d models around within the game so you get some slimes that are using different models they might look more like a gordo or something like that I thought we would try and do after that once we've seen all the weird slimes is we'll try finding a lucky slime maybe we'll find one along the way right and we're gonna feed it a gold plot I try to do that in the last video but I didn't find one look at these dudes what they look so weird so a lot of the facial animations have been changed as well oh that is almost creepy to be honest lookit he has a glowing mouth it's all shiny and glowing that is strange dude that is so strange is that a plot the plot looks like a sphere see that it's just a sphere now that is so weird what about the pink ones the big ones again just balls it's so cool Oh even the the Lagos kind of have that weird blobby sort of look to them as well so all the slimes instead of being round there now shaped like Gordo's they've got that really kind of like flat dumpy looking bum on them I'm predicting that the mosaic slimes are gonna look really weird and so with the the dervish slimes let me know in the comments which ones you think are the best or the worst I don't know man I can't wait to see these things oh there there there there there's the dervish okay yeah so they look super weird okay they look like they're melting don't they they just got this is like a really strange kind of melting look to them and the eyeball fourth abuse or the eyes and the ones for the boom slime when they like explore about to explode or whatever they look like they have panda eyes something like panda faces oh cool it's a tangle slime hey buddy hey going how's your face that's just the weirdest thing ever that is just so strange we've got the rock slimes getting around all right what is the tile look like do they look any different what's the toilet there got a different face as well so the tile looks like it's got a regular slime face hey dude I like the top I wish I could vacuum them up and keep them that'd be so cool if you could if you could ranch the tar you know I mean I keep kind of can ranch tar or what does the sand see you look different as well it looks lumpier than normal I don't know I don't know something strange going on what about those those objects are they still normal fair still normal Oh what about a gold plot what's a gold port look like oh cool the gold port is now a gold sphere let's keep going we need to see the rest of the slimes this is gonna be great it's gonna be great I imagine the lucky slime would look super cute being or tubby looking muds man I love the mods all right here they are here's the Bezique slimes Oh what okay right so the mosaic slimes if you look at him right the kind of the pot that's all rainbowy and stuff is shaped you know like it's all saggy but the actual crystal part isn't saggy so there's like two objects going on there and both of them haven't taken on the saggy shape they look like a mushroom like a crystal mushroom what what I can't even just I'm I'm flabbergasted they look like just a bunch of Lago who's bouncing man debris oh that's this scared face it's just like a really shiny looking upside-down kind of mouth all right this one's a happy though why is their mouth so shiny it's creeped me out I want to see you March for the the hand hands the ones that make them all like maybe like slimes it turns them into slimes that'd be great what do we got over here oh cool we've got half dervish half mosaic it's so weird it looks like a desert I would eat him if I could it would be very crunchy but I would eat him anyway that's one of the strangest lies we've ever seen all right then I reckon like some kind of mosaic room would look pretty cool all right what about these dudes we got some rock boobs dude he's kind of cool is about as expected we'll head over this way maybe there's something else going on over here oh it's a golf one what about the golf swing do you have a weird shape no he doesn't cuz he's a Largo maybe that's why he doesn't have a weird shape cuz he's already like a custom model you know what I mean so this mod doesn't affect it whoa whoa it like lifted me up off the ground hey cheeps how are we going that's a really odd looking plot what are the cool things that they bear I think it was Nick the developers showed on his Twitter the other day was like a like part of the update for like the all the extra you know slime styles and stuff like that all the secret Styles they've like redone the mouth and the face and it looks way better it's like the mouth is now kind of like 3d you can kind of see on the inside of the mouth and everything it looks awesome I can't wait for that update now I just ran through fire and I expected to not get but oh dude it's a spherical corner what is going on all these slimes are weed okay okay that's great it's a sphere shaped gourd oh that is so cool what does that say I'm on the bottom of him it says something there's like a weed texture on the bottom of him and I can't see what it is jump so I can read it okay II jumped away of course course he did hey crystal dudes I didn't even know what they are anymore all right what about these guys hey boom dervish that's kind of awesome looking what do we have up here oh nice we've got some red honey's loot all these like Spears shapes oh that's great what I'm gonna do is is sell like a stack of plots I feel like I could use the money let's get these guys to work go on buddies go and sell some ports from plot collectors and take them to the market go this guy can get it from the silos and take them to the market silos mucket activate go chips go and sell all my stuff or I'm gonna go sleep let's see how much money we have in the morning after activating those drones maybe we'll have heaps Hey got 25 grand okay that's not bad they're still working Don this one's gone to sleep keep those guys water there we go those guys need a bit of water as well get to work dudes let's go check out some more weird Floyd's funny-looking it's a spear that's so cool oh dude all the quick service slimes have this like really strange sort of texture on a texture not extra it's the texture all right get out of my white pink slimes pink slime is just yep he looks pretty regular that's cool what about these okay sir Prager fruits are now shaped like carrots of course they are they're carrots carrots now look like Pogo fruits all right then Q berries are still Q berries yes good all right what else we got going on down here we've got some rock slimes rocks lives pretty awesome they look pretty regular got some more plots kepler chickens everything just feels weird don't know why it just feels kind of didn't do my trees change maybe they did all right so there's the tabby slimes tabby slimes look kinda awesome let's go check out some other slimes so I'm gonna head over to the moss blanket I don't have any the other like Gordo's that are there what we should do is start a new game so we can go and have a look at the Gordo's like all the other ones the rock wands the tabby ones and see if they look different given that the gold one actually looked like a sphere what is that what is that that's a character that's a blue carrot with a face that's that's a pulse lime that's Paula puddle slugs and their carrots you can see that eye is like on the leaves okay that one's a little bit too weird for me okay it's almost time to close the program because that's just too strange all right I'm gonna go this way we're gonna go to the ancient ruins what what did I even see I cannot unsee that I'm gonna be having nightmares tonight of like carrots with faces attacking me it's gonna be crazy and I'll go obviously even though it's fine Oh later quantum slime react react do your little blobby fellas okay ghosts they look like ghosts that's cool I like them one that's got to be one of my favorites I like that that's good I reckon like a quantum dervish combination would look kind of cool as well maybe we should do that let's grab a yeah let's grab a quantum port if we can find one program through alright cool there we go I'll trade that poker fruit for a phase lemon now let's feed it to quantum slime hey go buddies no don't you be eating it all right there we go can I get that nice quantum port so does that mean that the fire slimes are shaped like carrots as well what does this weird glowing fiery carrots scam is so strange now I feel like I've completely ruined my save game not that I care too much cuz I played the game so many times but like I'm gonna have to start a new game at some point maybe when like all the slime styles come out that's what I'll do alright run down here I'm just looking for a dervish slime so I can feed it this quantum plot just to see what it looks like a cheap I don't have this right have this little wee glitchy looking ball thing oh nice he looks really cool dylaney that is such an awesome looking slime I like that one that's that's one of my favorite lagos he's so cool all right let's try feeding a mosaic slime there any left any pure mosaics lives left I don't think so I have to get some from over here all right buddy eat this quantum plot there's so many pink slimes oh that's weird okay it looks like a slime wearing the skull of one of its enemies I haven't seen like a single lucky slime this playthrough I'm normally quite lucky and I see quite a few but none this time all right we've got any rad slimes around here there's not only one or two hanging out but let's go and see the crystal slime see what they look like all right crystal buddies yeah they look kind of cool they look pretty much as I'd expect pretty much the same as like how the rock slime just looks exactly like the rock slime but just fat you know what I mean they look a little bit overweight which is fine if they're a little bit chubby I'm not gonna body shame a slime that'd be weird really weird probably not that weird though that's crazy oh look at these chips name he looks really cool I like that one he's so glowy man it's like something about their eyes looks super awesome when they go full rad mode I wonder if the Farrell's look a little bit different like if they've got a different expression they kind of do don't they they look way grumpier wait wait so grumpy dudes we've got like a mad grump on all right I've got some fire slimes over here yes yes they look like fire carrots oh my god why we don't need fly carrots nobody needs that I would have kind of preferred like super flat disks or something like that you know what I mean but anyway that's what we got we've seen most of the slimes now let's have a look at what the Gordo's look like I'll start a new game all right here we go yes we know how to move we can do that this is strange in it it feels refreshing though really refreshing to go from having like this super cluttered like ranch to now having this nice and bare and spacious ranch let's go find some Gordo's and see what these dudes look like this is gonna be awesome all right I'm gonna grab some stuff as well just grab some food so we can feed the Almighty Gordo and get a key no I don't want any slimes get outta here salon all right pigs asleep let's suck dumb man it looks like you know some like game prototype kind of thing like it might have looked like this at some point you know all right let's feed him we should get a key from feeding this big boy yeah look at him he's turning into a big circle oh here he goes bang okay give you shaky bro what keeps pass well there's no way that's key all right then hey it's some more stuff all right we've got a slime key so I know where there's a couple more Gordo's that we can look in okay let's go have a look at the phosphor gordo down here I'm a little secret cave here we go yeah he looks all right I kind of like him I like you spiracles shape he kind of looks like just a big slime that's like junked all right I've only got a hundred health I need to be careful running through here cuz I can like I can die in five hits will not die but get knocked down there's no dying in this game it's not Mortal Kombat I'll be super annoyed if I see a lucky slime on this run because I don't have any gold plots to be able to feed him hey hey dude he looks kind of cool I like the look of that one alright let's go find the rock one all right we found that really strange looking slime key so let's open the door okay let's check it in now I basically showed you guys how quick it is right to be able to like on day one to get into the indigo quarry it is super easy I just picked up some fruit and stuff along the way and fed the gordo and it was done hey dudes there's a golf or what let's hit him oh nice I've got a gold portal ready [Music] what are the chances of that when he goes on now there goes half my health is that gold so I'm still around here she is he's not leaving because of the mud okay we don't have a jet pack we can't get to him maybe we could shoot stuff at him though that might work you might fall back down alright let's try and hit him with some stuff all right come on we can get him yeah cool ah he's still up there oh my god there's so much top and this is not a good time to be surrounded by turn oh no wait don't you eat that golf wondered is my favorite uh actually I think go I think the tolerate the port alright alright stomach stop it so much ha Oh boom where is he gone he went like sky-high he's coming down he's coming down I'll catch a little bro I'll catch ya get in here get in a cheap yeah go flung let's get a gulf line does he look old dumpy no he doesn't he just looks like a regular gold slung except for he's face is different this guy oh man that's a happy looking gold oh no I kind of like the sphere shaped ones for some reason you know hey you've actor slime I know it's a gold slime at that as well how awesome am i all right let's go next day I'm just gonna have a quick look and see if I can find a lucky slime I would be incredibly lucky in two days right to have a gold slime and the lucky slime that'd be amazing I don't know what's going on with that guy he looks so strange looking round it's not lucky slimes down here just a bunch of weird-looking slimes to strange faces oh there's a lucky swim yes kidiot gotcha awesome we actually got him I'm so pumped right now alright calm down let's go feed this little dude he shouldn't run away I don't think he'll run away okay we need to feed him a gold plot man the chances that we would find him that was crazy look out dumpy he looks and he's gonna shiny mouth Oh actually he looks really cool with the shiny man because he's all whoa he ate it oh my god that is seriously cool all right what happens if he eats a chicken I'm gonna leave him in this cave here this is now his cave that's held legendary he is he can just have that in Thai okay all right let's go get him a chicken CB chicken wait let's stop eating the chickens it's got to be chicken some way it's cheap it's not quite the same it's quite barbaric we're not gonna eat a tiny baby chicken hey there it is okay so if we feed this golden lucky slime that's right a golden lucky slime if we feed him a hand hand what happens actually what is this dude cold if we like go over and met you know put the mouse over what's he called called lucky la garlic Wow okay he go dude eat this hand hand oh nice I got do I get money for that I think I did I didn't get gold Platz thought but I got money let's go feed him another one who very is okay eat this hand Hin how much money do we get is he gonna chase it Dan yes cool we got like 200 new bucks that's kinda awesome alright he can live there let me know which of all those slaves all right where your favorite this one's my favorite but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us a raise once I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 401,927
Rating: 4.8195643 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher news, Slime Rancher secret style, secret style, Slime Rancher DLC, Slime Rancher update, new slime rancher slime, glitch slime, tiger slime, gold largo, gold puddle slime, gold largo mod, gold slime mod, slime rancher mods, slime rancher videos, new slime rancher update
Id: DozsCbePSu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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