How To Start A SNOW City With Beautiful Detailing In Cities Skylines! | Noveria

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[Music] [Music] so hello people and welcome to the first episode of our new city skyline snow build nevaria i hope you're all having a wonderful day and how exciting to get started on a new city i truly believe that there are a few things in life that bring as great as satisfaction as a new city in cities skylines that fresh map of course that silky smooth fps as well which you lose appreciation for when you're into a city that is as big as paulovan a huge shout out to content creator exe for remastering the frozen shire map for me he's made it a little more palatable on the eye and it is linked down in the description below you can go ahead and download this map if you'd like to build along or indeed just go ahead and put on it yourself my mod collection is also linked below i will clarify that this series is modded however it is quality of life mods stuff like proplane tool other growables and forest brush stuff that should really be included within the game engine itself however everything that we do in this city from this episode until the last you will be able to recreate entirely on the totally modded games or on the console versions as well but that's enough messing around let's dive in and start building nevaria shall we okay guys let's uh let's get started on the various shall we so exciting start a new city and then having those perfect frames in again as well it's uh you kind of forget how much you appreciate that silky smooth frame rate once you get to a city that's the size of parliament but yeah here we go here we go so unlike the start of bagoozia and parliament we already have our highway exit constructed here for us um as part of the frozen shower remastered map so if you're not following along on this particular map and or the regular frozen shy version then just go ahead and construct yourself a regular highway exit there's many different videos out there that shows you how to do it at this point so we're going to come ahead and start from this little arterial here and of course to get anything unlocked we need to draw out with a length of small two-lane road initially welcome to our medium roads and i'm going to upgrade this here okay i think i'm going to bring this out by a distance of 20 tiles from here to there sugar was a nice straight run down and plenty of decoration opportunities either side of this main arterial world as well and i think this is going to be a sensible place to come in and drop a small roundabout from our roundabouts tab this is going to keep our traffic flowing in a nice direction and it's also going to allow us to kind of upgrade into some impressive bridge over roundabout action when the city's traffic demands it and we have the budget to support it and then we'll keep this arterial flowing right across the river and into some kind of eventual downtown over here right it's a fair bit away from that yet but it's gonna come at some point right at least at some point it will do okay then we'll upgrade this into arterial too we get this nice little run down here i'm also going to take these two lines at this point and probably delete this one for right now into arterial roads as well let's keep going by distance of 40 tiles right now and i'm kind of envisioning this art here we are we'll continue to hold the riverbank here well in this direction but you know we'll just kind of see see what happens here i'll draw up by this little distance for the time being maybe another block of 10 here too then let's start to map out some residential patterns so if we have a look at our toggle snapping tools we want to make sure road guard lines is on because it gives us these little blue circles on the road if we take road guidelines off we can see they disappear the road guidelines on we can just kind of see where we're coming out here so from the second blue circle here i'm going to come out by distance of 10 maybe and these will start to become our first little residential patterns but i don't want to do kind of boring block after block residential here so we're going to factor in some decoration patterns that we can make use of throughout the series we're going to come down by a distance 30 tiles linking back up with the road guideline at the start of the city here we're going to keep everyone very parallel again what i also want to do is kind of factor in some things that we learned from parliament including kind of road against road action which is one of my favorite types of spies so we'll have a look at how we can play with this as well again from this second blue dot i'm going to come out again my distance to 640 and i'm looking that four tar gap between the arterial and then these residential patterns right here as well okay think that'll give us something nice to work with so we'll repeat this side as well as we bring it down again open to these boxes keep everyone very kind of symmetrical unboxed in here and then name against here take away a little bit of that and then we'll bring it down to this point and maintaining that four tile block between the arterial and the smaller word gonna allow for lots of sexual decoration to help really give an impressive look into the entrance to the sea here okay and you know and eventually as we did in parliament in 20 episodes time we will have that view to the skyline from the small town right and kind of maintain our small town vibing fields here then again from this one i'm just going to bring up another road to fill in those tiles that's going to give us some pathway opportunities as well all right that's gonna be a nice little basic residential grid again we'll just kind of keep filling this out here moving in increments 10. keeping this one going okay let's get some nice longer blocks here to help satisfy that demand so a nice way just to kind of make sure you're repeating the pattern if we click on one node and then drag it across to the one we want we can see it's a construction cost of 800. we can mimic that size again just by repeating measurements okay very nice i don't want too many connections along the arterial so i'm gonna not bring him down and further through it against reduction here and connect in a couple of different places okay just getting a basic town frame set up here we'll have some nice commercial high street action going on and also have i'm kind of envisioning a park that hugs a lot of the river at least on this side maybe start a cycle highway from here as well that flows into the downtown and throughout the rest of the map i have a riverside cycle network lots of opportunities of course which doesn't get involved with okay and then just for the sake of symmetry i'm going to bring my arterial up to match up with this grid right here okay this is enough to get us started let's have a look at some utilities so the map here does come with a hydro dam which of course provides power and it also comes with some water facilities here too however i'm not going to make use of these at the start of them up we will place our own just for those following along that might not have these facilities uh in the map at the start but we will eventually make use of them once we kind of come over to populate this kind of damn valley here right well for the first episode we're going to kind of produce our own little resources here so let's come into water so you can see the uh the starting tile already has the pipes laid out which is tremendously helpful it kind of feeds into here right so we'll grab our water tower yeah i think i'm gonna place this within the middle of a little starting round about here [Music] let me try so we'll now start to work on some really basic quite ugly uh industrial patterns to line this side of the highway just to get that initial industrial demand satisfied until we can get into some forestry stuff probably next episode come out here again buy a distance to 20 tiles then just set up some really basic rudimentary kind of industrial grids okay nothing kind of too serious or intense here i'll probably introduce a smaller one-way flow system into this area as well again just some really basic kind of boxes and puns just to get that initial industrial demand met nothing too serious i'm going to turn this way right here into the entrance way into the industrial area and then i'm going to add this one as the the entrance so this should be the exit i'll bring them down okay and again maybe just another couple of blocks here this won't stay this will eventually be forestry and we'll kind of focus on how we can make the industry stuff look a little more beautiful and rather than using the zone stuff because i don't like the zone industry okay so we're gonna place the power plant in here this is gonna be our call power pump [Music] this is going to provide power for our sims we're going to drag a little power line across the highway here okay it will feed power from our power plant into our water supply which is going to keep everyone happy of course and we also need sewage as well so i think i'm going to use one of the inland water treatment plants for this as opposed to at the water drain pipe which will pollute our water here which isn't ideal but again a lot of this is temporary we'll eventually have kind of dedicated spaces for water treatment and sewage and whatnot i think again just for nice kind of industrial highway vibes here i'm going to place this in on an angle next to the power station [Music] okay so we now have our base utility services of power sewage and water setup this one will allow us to start bringing in some zoning the first people into novaria those first sellers right they're going to come into our zoning tab and we have a couple different types of zoning we can play with here including low density residential low density commercial and industrial and each of these are color coded and represented by this bar down here which refers to residential commercial and industrial demand of which we only have residential demand at the moment so that's what we're going to go ahead and build but usually you can just kind of zone out in these mass squares right there's various different tools you can use to do this you can fill it all in one go if you like or you can paint them in however for a specific vibe that i want to generate within this kind of initial small start in town right i'm going to do something that i refer to as specifically zoning which is painting out 4x4 tiles like this and then waiting for these residences to grow and then fill in the adjacent tiles that aren't this gives us a much more uniform nitro look to the initial suburb and will really kind of pay off in the long run okay i'm sticking to very specific tiles here you can do four by fours you can do three by fours three by threes whatever kind of pattern you want but being patient with your zoning it does kind of slow the gameplay down quite a bit however i think it does kind of pay off in the long run at least i think anyway gives you a much more uniform suburb which uh i think is something we can all appreciate so we'll allow the game to play and we're going to carry on with this pattern here okay so while these guys are growing let's have a little chat about the economy so we're currently sinking about 1 346 a week into upkeep and we are producing way more power and way more water than we need now obviously these numbers here are skewed a little bit by the hydroelectric dam and the water pumps that come with this version of frozen shire but we can still afford to reduce our budgets down by a little bit i'm going to bring it down to about 62 percent on either side you're now playing with the day night cyclone you also need to remember to adjust your night sliders as well but we won't be doing for right now okay then we can just see as time passes by and we reduce the sliders budgets will slowly fall and allow us to just save a little bit more money until the city requires that much power very nice let's get some zones in here now continue to fill in those gaps that we left very small specific zonings nothing too crazy here right and we've got some room some pathways to flow through here too i'm going to leave these squares empty likewise with these ones as well so allow everyone to flow through we'll carry this on with our little four by four grids here okay everyone moving i think what i'll do let's move over to this side leaving these squares in the middle for some pathways to come through of course leaving ourselves decoration opportunities is always always appreciated always something we can get on board with right let's keep it coming in and we can see now that these demands are starting to rise and fall as people start to move into the city here so we now have some commercial demand let's begin to zone in some commercial assets i'm going to keep these kind of along the high street okay so maybe let's start with a batch of three deep commercial along this run here maybe save a tile at one point to include some path decoration and again how about a nice big batch of it along here too we'll start to see some of the commercial high street develop in this area okay i think this will be okay you can see now that the power is sinking through from our water tower into the neighborhood here so we don't need to worry about the power lines coming into this part of town everyone's just gonna start sinking through here we go it's uh we're in together isn't it we can get very specific uh repeated patterns if we wanted to this is a really nice looking asset in the snow a little four by four level one residential here definitely get some of these maybe facing into the air into the arterial yeah because we are playing with fine and proper growables from the start today which i will use very sparingly we won't go too crazy and it'll be mainly be used for kind of high density residential and whatnot so we can get those nice assets in we'll start to see a little little high street develop here be nice also factor in some entrances into that riverside park as well from here which would be nice we will get through our first couple of milestones today as well that's it someone's going up let's carry on zoning up here keep those people moving in again just gonna keep repeating four by four patterns saving a distance of two tiles in the middle so people can reverse using those pathways so again we can now see we have some industrial demand beginning to creep up represented by this little orange bar here so let's continue to place in industrial again we can specifically zone this but this area will be deleted in favor of some forestry so i'm just going to kind of fill all this in generally right now like being by itself we're not overly bothered about this area for the time being okay so things are still cooking here i don't know with my repeated very specific zoning patterns here okay then what i'm gonna do here is say maybe some kind of internal partland where we have some kind of odd zonings i'm gonna bring my four by fours in here okay leave these three by three spaces three and allow the partland to cross through this area too okay we got some quite nice designs in today i think and we'll continue the designs here and into these spaces you just kind of see how i'm aligning the zonings either side but the small roads leaving plenty of room for pathways to come through rather than just kind of masters only all in one go right get the game on three speed for once and actually actually wait for kind of our city to level up here okay let's have a little look around us how we're looking i have heard that snow maps are kind of difficult to decorate which i'm looking forward to seeing what we can do with them and some people moving around here a little snow suits little huts just phasing through the walls they are that happy to be living in the area they have ascended beyond their physical being look at our industrial area is shaping up too kind of generating some industrial vibes here but you know this this kind of stuff won't stay we will use some of the generic zone industry and mainly for decoration especially these assets right here these little four by four freight container ones these look work quite nicely with a little snow cap on them now as well that's very cute i feel like we're going to get a lot of blown away egg today looking at assets in them in their snowy forms and we have just hit our first population milestone little hamlet and this is going to give us some pretty exciting buildings and themes they're going to get access to taxes and loans sooner you get garbage healthcare and education and then these assets that are included with each of these milestones as well your milestones will look slightly different depending on what dlc's that you do and don't have so you're seeing something that's here that isn't in your screen that's probably why it's coming from a dlc okay with that milestone as well we also get a lot of cash injection let's first of all check on our taxes we can set the tax rate here and kind of the golden spot the golden rule is 12 for each of these um any lower you're kind of not making the most amount of money you can any higher and you'll start to get sims complaining that taxes are too high and then they'll start to leave which is never particularly a good thing okay very nice let's have a look at our school assets there's a couple of ones we can use here and depending on what themes you have active i have the european theme on i also have access to the european versions of these we have a couple different options available to us so there's the community school and the elementary school which will satisfy our elementary school availability so this is the first thing we're going to want to place here i think rather than just placing them on a road like this it's kind of boring it's um i think it deserves a little more importance than that i want to grab a little road here we're not at this junction okay i think i'm going to save three tiles between the arterial and small road and then just bring this out to there for right now i'm also going to grab our community school and place this on the corner as well [Music] this community school here comes with the green cities dlc and it's going to educate our sins here educate our young sims we've allowed some decoration opportunities here opposite just so it kind of gives a little more emphasis and importance on the school okay i'm also going to bring in a little box road around the back of it let's save room for a little kind of playground asset once we unlock our part live stuff which will just help kind of flush the school out a little bit too so we'll leave that there for right now now let's take a look at some garbage as well so i'm not the landfill site so this will go around and collect garbage from the city but it also fills up but we do have the recycling center as another option available to us it's slightly more expensive but it doesn't fill up and it doesn't have quite as much capacity as a landfill site so the sensible option here is to run with the landfill site until you unlock some more with the more efficient garbage processing that comes with green cities and sunset harbour but for right now i think i'm just going to run with a single recycling center for the size of this city [Music] and place it within our industrial area here okay that's going to keep the garbage controlled within the city anyway let's double check our zoning squares here again make sure that we've filled out everything that we intended to they've got a little more space here to get involved with filling these guys out okay again it's kind of the whole initial start of the game is keeping your eyes on these demands and okay so let's have a little conversation about traffic lights and they do have the place within the game however for this artillery run here i do want them to remain free i want this route to have the right of way so to speak if we come into our info views here and we click on the traffic routes icon we can come across to junctions and then we can toggle the traffic lights here and also some stop signs alongside the kind of the smaller residential roads here that's what we're gonna go for i'm gonna put some stop signs there okay and again there's no other traffic lights need to adjust for the time being so allow that to flow and now this street will just have the priority i don't want people kind of waiting here to come through just a little stop sign allow the traffic to just kind of continuously flow okay very nice in that last milestone we did also unlock at the med clinic which is 400 a week which is kind of expensive for the money that we're making at the minute and to be honest the healthcare mechanic within cities skylines isn't overly fleshed out people don't really get sick that often and it's more of a kind of a happiness boost for the the people in the area so again for right now i'm going to avoid placing the med clinic for a little bit until our budget is a little more stable okay so we filled out this kind of initial zoning design and idea here i want to go ahead now and start to expand our patterns a little bit so let's grab our arterial and then we're going to grab reform tool this time and from this point i'll say we're going to curve two instead of think i'm going to have a nice little 10 curve which is represented by the second smaller blue line here okay i just want a nice smooth curve that's gonna continually flow parallel with the river okay we're introducing some different kind of shapes and curves into the area now as well and likewise as well with our grid you know this kind of grid functions it will serve its purpose for however long you need it but it's not particularly interesting to look at especially my bird's eye view so it's kind of straight roads and whatnot so let's start to introduce maybe a couple different curves so as the arterial begins to bend away from the grids i want to keep the width moving in a somewhat straight line okay so i'm going to break the line here and then draw in a regular box okay and i'm going to line up on the node bring out a small road and then start to introduce some curves within the box itself okay and then keep these flowing at different points allows us to integrate some nice green belt into the area too and also just to help shutter that initial grid pattern okay i think we're also going to bring curve right into here as well so that curve continues to flow as it leaves the box which again we'll just have to shut our grid pattern okay so now i'm going to snap onto the rear guideline of the arterial introduce another straight piece here for us to work with okay i'm going to grab my freeform tool with the rear guideline on tapping onto the rear guideline of the rear we just placed and again just got a nice smooth curve transition you can kind of see how just a couple of little tips and tricks with the curve tool and the free form tool and just help us to start shatter that grid pattern introduce some more kind of curvy angles and bends into the area and just kind of play with a couple different ideas again what we can do here so going back to measuring the distance again with our straight reel tool you can see the distance here was 920 so i kind of want to replicate that gap again up on this point so if it's come out by a distance of 920 with no weird guideline on so we'll have a distance of 920 on this side okay and going back to our rear guideline we can then again back onto this one here just get that nice smooth curving again again we're just starting to edge away from those super straight edge roads and to break out of the grid just a little bit and similarly we can even use the grid to kind of help decorate our internal areas within these curvier roads so maybe we're going to start coming out to form a little and a micro grid structure within the curves this is just going to all help keep our residential patterns a little more interesting and a little more easier to look at i guess there's a phrase right so again we have a bunch more uh residential demand right now so let's carry on zoning up with a little four by four patterns here and i think actually what i might do is let's change up the four by four pattern okay maybe let's start going for uh three by fours which again we'll just start to help introduce some different looking assets and keep our suburb looking as interesting as possible okay again where the pattern fracture's here great opportunity for some green belt if you wanted to do that okay but you know we'll get to that it's all going to come again keeping my uh with some trees here as well keeping my kind of chosen pattern for the area going all right keep it happening here again you can kind of see where these spaces are lined up now for our pathways to come through which will really help decorate the town towards the detailing time-lapse of the episode today i think okay we're gonna see now we're getting this little suburban sprawl developing quite nice of course this will be decorated once we've got the part like milestone and likewise with the back of these shops as well the commercial does produce um the tiniest amount of noise pollution you can see here and low density residential is not particularly uh friendly to noise pollution you can kind of see where they're spilling into this uh red band here these guys will probably get uh noise pollution sims at some point but we can actually reduce the sound that spills from the commercial into the residential with some trees which again once we get to our kind of decoration milestone we'll be able to do that and save these guys some noise pollution problems nice forever involved i think learn it so rather than just painting out all your available zonings and waiting for it to grow just being a little more cheesy with what assets are actually going to grow within this square and help us to formulate a much nicer looking suburb so again i'm gonna maybe save this middle spot here for some green belt action maybe get a little park in here all the kind of houses are facing into it we'll kind of cover various different residential detail designs i kind of fall into this remit today as well again i'm just going to keep my larger squares filling out a little more commercial demand now as well so let's begin to fill out the area here and again i can kind of see there's maybe an opportunity here for some and a slightly layered commercial valves if we wanted to maybe even bring in a little commercial riverfront if we wanted to do that i'm heading to our forest brush and clear out a bunch of these trees here and if you don't delete the trees and they are deleted by an asset by you placing them and these still actually count as being there so it kind of eats into your tree count so it might be something you want to be aware of that is usually a good idea to clear out vast amounts of trees before you build on them okay and then we can link into this little school world here as well we can maybe even now start to generate a little bit of a riverfront commercial here too which will be nice okay i'm going to factor into our riverfront park here as well at some point when we get to it right now we want to keep plowing on through those population milestones which we are very nearly at the next one of worthy village which gives us some nice stuff to play with we are quickly approaching it there we go there it is so it's going to give us a new tile to play with us and get districts policies second loans specializations and service policies we're also going to get the forestry and agriculture specializations alongside some emergency services which we'll place in a minute as well then a bunch of policies from the green cities district and then some other stuff which we will cover momentarily okay let's have a look at what has been unlocked so first of all we're going to want to place some fire protection and we can see as we come into our fire tab everything that is flyable is highlighted in red and we currently have a very high fire uh hazard wrist because we have no at fire stations which is expected you know happen so i'm gonna place my little firehouse right here [Music] let me try a little firehouse here it's gonna send fire trucks out to put out fires as and when they appear but hopefully they won't be as frequent as uh elements on parliament was in a constant state of flames and fire so maybe they're very different i guess we'll see right okay and likewise again we also have our police station then again i think robin just placing this on a road and kind of take a similar idea and theme with it with the community school okay just kind of set back from the arterial with a little bit of a garden or some kind of decoration out in front of it be a plaza or a car park just something that draws a little more attention to it okay we're going to carry on my interior run down here you can snap into the rear guideline you can see that we're remaining parallel with this run here which is going to be fine i think we'll also bring a connection down into the r2 at this point and don't want loads of connections here but enough so that all these guys over here um bottleneck in down this way you know they have options to get back into in this arterial and again maybe a little space here so it's a little awkward for zoning i'm not entirely sure i want blaster mouse is earning on that square right there okay it's going to draw out a little distance of 120 either side okay let's grab our police station now so we've got the european version or the american version it's kind of up to you which one you want to use i'm going to go with the european one [Music] i think it's just kind of a nice looking asset okay and then just placing this here just when it's lonesome okay and again once we come into kind of the decoration side of things that we can have a look at how we can kind of make this a little more a little more spicy okay again maybe much more commercial in these larger squares here they've been plenty room again for our green belts to come through and see what we can do with a little police station asset as well there are plenty of options today i'm sure plenty of options and then we actually have very few issues popping up around the city at the minute which is i think always appreciated right i think it's like it's going quite well uh he says sounding surprised okay so i'm happy with what's going on here and once we've got our decoration in with fences and trees lining this kind of entrance up to the city here and pathways coming through i want this pattern mimicked on this side of the arterial as well okay a very kind of symmetrical entrance into the small town something that i think i'm going to be on board with so let's break this exit here and see how far we're coming out again just by re-measuring with our straight real tool we can see we're out by a distance of 1020 so we'll repeat that here as well okay and then at the end of that 10 20 we are coming down with a straight road by a distance of 1600 which again will match up with this guideline right here then similarly so we can maybe come in from this point we know we're at 6 40. then we can just start to repeat these designs themes and ideas just so we have that zoning space here too okay let me bring that one up as well they're just mimicking that initial real pattern and then what we can do is maybe take off some different curved vibes from this side and then likewise we're kind of at the top of this landmass as well so grids whilst they are i guess somewhat rudimentary and they are kind of really helpful for noobs starting the game and they work and they can look good as well when they're done right they're not always kind of a boring guy so i suppose is the word okay i'm just gonna keep our game running on three speed here just keep getting that population in all about getting in those initial taxpayers and then you can kind of focus on making the city look a little more beautiful when we come into that part of the episode today but getting that population in okay and remembering our specifically zoned theme and ideas here okay let's see some houses looking out onto this main arterial now as well we might at some point introduce a little real connection in here but i don't really want people skipping the arterials you know these these roads are here to keep you flowing there we go there's the first fire of course it is that's happened in the first episode right so prior example now you can see we've got a fire truck on the way these guys have been distributed from that firehouse that we just placed i'm gonna head over here now and go and extinguish the fire which would be nice thank you so much for your service very much appreciated and saving that space for pathways to flow through gonna give us a lot of nice decoration opportunities once we hear that milestone i feel like i'm repeating that a lot today but um i really kind of find my cities come to life once we hit that that park milestone it really um it kind of makes a difference as to how the city looks and it kind of generally feels as a authentic city okay so let's have a look at the houses so a lot of them we're all still level one at the minute uh which is indicated by these little bars here as they progress through you kind of pay more tax hold more people so it's uh it's good to have houses level up through their perspective levels i think now i'll budget and justify at a med clinic and there's a really nice spot for it right along the corner here so it's basically first of all [Music] okay so i think i'm just going to integrate this as part of my high street it's also going to make everyone around us everyone around the middle clinic anyway really quite happy because they now have medical care which is obviously an important thing in life lots of people moving through here now as well lots of people walking which of course our paths will uh help with that as well which will be pretty much appreciated so we can see now that the power sync has come through from this area we can actually remove the power line here bring it up to this point and then delete these guys here so that way everyone is going to flow through with the power network and then we'll just kind of see oh support developers i'm a big fan of these assets this is the point where i might want to use plot the growables in order to get these in it's like a repeated line of these houses along the front so again populations going up we're nearly the next milestone which will give us a whole bunch more things to play with including decoration i think the next one is it i'm pretty sure it is right yes park area is wonderful that's exactly what we want waiting for that ever important park art milestone really helped bring at least an overcharged like city to life right the minute it's not looking too bad at the minute but uh this is what we're after okay the tiny town a population of 1500 gives us access to park and industrial areas landscaping and policies a whole bunch of parks and plaza stuff loads of park policies lots of park assets lots of very nice things here and that all contributes improving the look of rc again all of this will look vastly different depending on what dlc's you do and do not have which remember there is a link down below to instant gaming which does help support the channel if you are looking to pick up any of the dlcs okay so let's start to discuss pathways for the first time in the sea here we have a huge little bit of paths on the channel i know there's a couple of little things we can do here in order to kind of spice up the entrance into the city okay so we could bring um an elevated path over there we'll kind of discuss all different palettes here okay so i'm going to snap into everything but real guideline here i want to be happening to angle grid row length i'm going to come up by distance of 140 and then this little button down here the elevation step will indicate how high our path or road rises when we hit the page up button but if we can come up by one increment with the highest step is going to be a really large incline then likewise we come down to the lowest step and then start coming up you can see it's a little more gradual and a little more smooth okay very nice i think i'm going to have a little elevated pathway here that's going to cross over both sides of this arterial again using our tip to remeasure we can come down and find out it's a distance of 162 which we can repeat in this area as well using our page down button to come back down to earth okay that's gonna give us a nice little elevated design okay i think i'm fairly happy with that for the time being imagine some people start to pick this up as well as a potential opportunity back and forth rather than having to walk or drive all the way around here okay i think i'm fairly happy with that then what i'm going to do here is grab ourselves a grab a path and come out by two tiles and i'm gonna come down this section instead okay i'm going to grab my nature as a path with decorations and then upgrade it into that so the part life paths they perform slightly differently than the vanilla parts they're not quite as flexible in terms of the spaces you can draw them in so if you're having a little difficulty placing them in i'll try and explain what i'm talking about here so if we were to do this one as nature as a path straight away and snap on to the second node just because of the way that the part like paths behave it's just the way they're programmed however if we do a dirt path first of all we can actually snap into the second node and then come back with the upgrade tool and then upgrade them into part paths so it's kind of up to you which one you want to do um but you can kind of see the price behind them right okay we're starting to develop some lot pop ideas here now all right gonna bring these down until these corners and again eventually we bring them around this point for some surrounding green belt that's gonna board up along the highway i think i'm fairly happy with these guys as well you can also see that the orientation of the lights switches depending on how we draw this in and then i'm going to come into my freeform tool here now so let's line up this side as well so what else let's look at some path decoration for this point and discuss a few templates here before we jump into the design timelapse of the episode you know i've saved all this space here maybe let's come through with one of these dirt paths again and we'll bring second pathway from this point and then let's come off all of our snapping and then we'll just squeeze through these little areas here went back upgrade into that nature reserve path came here again as well and everything that we placed okay and how about we discuss some fence designs so nature reserve fence is a firm favorite of course i'm just gonna come into the grid here and i'm gonna draw up the fences that are just gonna order the arterial rail as we come into the city okay and then we'll have that grander more important design beginning to appear within the city now okay very nice a lot of the paths here um are kind of more aesthetically pleasing as opposed to functional and you can see there will be some people picking them up okay so let's have a look at some i repeated three pattern ideas for the episode so we have a couple different color for designs here i think i'm gonna go with on for one again i am playing with the prop line tool here my mod collection is down in the description below if you want to go ahead and check it out it makes placing repeat your tree patterns like this a little easier but maybe have a row of conifers are gonna sit here okay again we're just kind of really accentuating that symmetry and entrance into the town also get some bushes in here as well if we wanted to you know just having kind of a a grander more detailed entrance into a district just helps give it a little bit more personality a little more identity that's not an incredibly pretentious thing to say i don't think it is i think it's okay but you know i'm hoping hammering the point home here okay that's basically what i'm trying to say let's also have a look at some park assets as well let's dive into the world of parks and we will place in perhaps a small playground which i mentioned that we will use to almost expand the school asset so this little small playground here it's gonna serve as a park area to increase the happiness of our sims locally also so it was a nice little extension to the community school you can kind of see there's some similar assets here with the swings and the tables and roundabouts kind of looks like a kid's play area right because that's what it is it's a small playground you know you can kind of use the idea to expand the asset and again talking about decoration themes in front of our school let's have a look at some pathway designs here so we'll come through first of all again using our vanilla game gravel puff then gonna grab at some fences and come off with all our snapping and try and do some decoration uh boxes or flower gardens here if you like okay so i'm just gonna come really close in uh snapping isn't always your friend kind of depends in the space that you're working with but just to make sure i get a nice straight angle snap here i'm gonna turn on my angle snapping bring it back up to the top as far as we can and bring it in this doesn't give me a nice little square fence okay we're gonna do the same here as well okay i'm just gonna bring it up to c now we can snap it into there again okay and how about we grab ourselves a couple little trees here again this is where i'm kind of figuring out the detailing parts for navarre everyone i believe these trees are always dead with the snow palette pretty sure you can get color trees in right maybe it's just their vibe i don't know they're kind of all the same this is why people say it's so difficult to detail in snow okay we're learning as we go here big father the snowy sugar maples though we'll absolutely run with these okay so a couple of little snowy sugar maples instead of the flower trees here i'll have a look at those flower trees after the episode today just a little repeatable design at the front of the school here that's gonna give us just a little more breathing room between the asset and everything else right i hope i'm making some kind of sense here okay okay and then again i'm just going to box in another little pattern here let's keep snapping to my angle then maybe let's introduce some rocks into here as well maybe kind of one large one complemented with a couple of baby rocks okay just i'll sweep a little baby rocks here and then we'll grab maybe um toiletry you could introduce the parliament pine back into the area almost as though it's become like a an invasive species right yeah the parliament pine has um pollinated and kind of the seeds have been blown across the ocean into the area it's now considered something of a past let's grab in maybe triple conifers here a little bit of overgrowth which is very very subtle now with the snow isn't it you can just about how it's there though that's going to add in some texture and then maybe a couple of kind of smaller looking trees out from here as well just a very natural rock garden which is going to help border up the entrance into our city here as well keeping that kind of repeated designs and themes going and there's people picking up the pathways now as well i'm not going to upgrade this one to nature reserve i'm quite happy with the the grammar path for this one that's going to look quite nice okay i'm fairly happy with that for the time being we can kind of see how the spice and the template is going to develop for this episode right this is going to be kind of the theme for this part of the town uh very kind of small town vibes but also landscapes as well you know they're taking time to kind of plant these trees yeah and various city council is a little bit more considerate of the parliament one i think uh let's discuss some internal uh designs again for these little residential areas we've got going on so we've left a couple of spaces here open haven't we so let's have a look at this one first of all let's bring down pathway that's gonna run all the way how about we switch up our fence in here let's grab some forestry fence maybe again you don't have the images dlc then you won't have access to forest defense i'm going to come off all my snappings and then draw it along the back of the zoning as close as we can before we hit the road okay and again repeat the same thing this side boxing in those residential areas get down to this well and also allow my pathway to hook down this way up into our angle and come through this area and the same again my fencing the heads back down towards the main street but the forestry fencing got a really nice kind of wood panel on it and it serves nicely for decorating a smaller path networks like this okay again where we have these corners in this is a great opportunity to come through with some really tragic looking dead snowy bushes we're learning as we go we will find a pilot that works for this and then maybe some of these larger significant assets as well and perhaps one kind of tall tree okay we're gonna have to decorate out these little corners and generate some nice little green belt that's gonna flow around our residentials also serve the purpose of keeping people walking in the area as well very nice so this is our current went state of the city right okay guys so before we finish up today we are getting a little warning which is this little blue people with a red background icon and this is referring to not enough educated workers so let's have a little look at our education shall we go into elementary we are meeting the demand because we have the community school however we currently have a ton of high school availability so we'll band out today's episode by constructing a little kind of highway school park similar to what we did with the community school at the start of the city i think i'm gonna bring a road down about here and hold these guys together okay hopefully that's too bad then we'll grab the highest glass itself i'm just gonna do this one right here and we'll put this [Music] okay so this is gonna be a nice asset to sit up alongside the river here quite important looking i think i'm happy with it let's have a look at our plazas maybe outside let's have a look at the bars with trees perhaps this will work nicer here okay it's gonna back onto these commercials quite nicely too which is always appreciated of course i'm now thinking do we want the high school actually facing the water i think we probably do so let's reconfigure the tennis court a little bit but the high school onto its other axis i should be all right yeah i think i'm happy with that okay so these actual plasters are gonna provide a touch more happiness for our sims which is gonna be nice for them okay let's have a look at kind of boxing in with some pathways and fencing just to try and make this little area feel like it's kind of one thing like a little high school park okay let's bring a pathway behind and i think we'll probably run with the zoo fence that's kind of a school fence if that makes sense okay bring it through he will break the fence pattern where the plaza is which is fine and then when we do eventually come to build our riverside park we're gonna get some nice pathway opportunities alongside this fence as well kind of walking past the school here you can build an entrance way into of course but we'll work on that when we come to the park so this building has abandoned due to low education so we'll delete him and now these guys will slowly stabilize as the sims around the area become educated from the high school however guys that does feel like a good place to jump into the first ever nevarian detailing time lapse we're going to carry on fleshing out some of the green belt ideas here using themes that we spoke about with paths trees bushes rocks and fencing to help detail these guys up and bring some kind of central uh park or plaza design here um i don't think we'll get anything to fit maybe a playground and but yeah there's probably something we can squeeze in here maybe a dog park or something right all these park assets here just to help expand our residentials and keep everyone leveling up and then likewise with our police station as well let's continue to detail it with our usual pallets and then we'll see what we're looking like towards the first level of various cinematics otherwise let's detail up and i'll be back in a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys that is going to do it for today i want to thank you all so much for watching if you have enjoyed the start of novaria a like below is always appreciated equally much if you haven't enjoyed it please feel free to leave a dislike as well if you've really enjoyed yourself maybe consider subscribing to the channel if you aren't already and if you are missing any of the city skylines dlcs that we've used in today's episode there are links down to instant gaming below which do help support the channel and you get some insanely cheap codes in return really happy with this start we can definitely see some kind of inspiration and ideas that we picked up over the course of parliament which for those following that series palaven will now move into live streams until we get to the final episode at which point we will have a nice big cinematic farewell premiere here on the channel again just a huge thank you for all the support on the channel it's nice to see a little mass effect community forum as well alongside our little city skylines community that we have at the same time yeah i'm just really happy and blown away and super enthusiastic about what's coming for the channel this year by the way i hope you enjoyed the first ever snow episode there was an absolute ton of detail in this episode you guys wouldn't have seen it all so hang around for the first ever nevario cinematics otherwise i will shut up and i will leave it there i want to thank you all so much for watching and as always enjoy the rest of your day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 66,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, snowcity, snow city, snow build, quality of life mods, vanilla, unmodded, xbox, ps4, PC, cities skylines episode 1, cities skylines ep1, cities skylines, Cities skylines detailing, inspiration, designs, detailing, how to detail, cities skylines modded, overcharged egg
Id: HX8v5pegZKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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