Making A BEAUTIFUL Modern Farmland In Cities Skylines! First Industry tips! | Noveria

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[Music] [Music] hello people and welcome back to part two of novaria our city skyline snow build hope you're all having a wonderful day thank you so much for all support on the premiere of the start of this series you guys had a very nice time hanging out on the channel and i think i'm happy with it it's a nice little start isn't it got lots of detailing and we'll definitely have to get used to this snowy kind of detailing it's all very mute isn't it there's not much color well basically no color it's it's brown and white get used to this palette everyone we're going to be seeing it everywhere but otherwise nice little start to the city got some nice little action happening these little walkways between the residentials picking up some use now as well cute little designs all over i was a big fan of this one and where is it here there the small playground and the fencing just to expand the asset in some awkward space nice little cute suburban design here i hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for those are building along as well and there's been some really great shots in the discord of people that are going to follow along with the area and plenty to get involved with still i think but generally happy with the start i know it's looking quite quite chilly quite frozen isn't it do you know what else is frozen instant gaming's prices i am an official partner with instant gaming which means that you guys using the links below to help support the channel it really helps me out and you get some disgustingly cheap codes in return features and platform so if you haven't checked out the link yet it is down in the description thanks for the support however in today's episode we have an enormous demand for industry represented by this orange bar down here and we could just keep expanding this awful zone industry which i think at this point in the channel we know that overcharged egg is not a fun of the zoned industry it does have its place actually there's our set for decoration especially near ports and stuff but there's a lot better that we can do than this right this is hideous so today what we're going to work on is a hydroponic farm and something of a modern farming facility to sit up alongside our highway and to give a very kind of its first proper fleshed out build so let's clear all this out and get started shall we okay so let's go ahead and relocated our little services here got our water power and fire just so out the way for the minute you know we will eventually come to the point where we want to do a dedicated power plant build alongside a dedicated sewage and kind of water treatment build as well but for right now we want to clear out this area because we're going to be working with some interest of today so exit has done a fine job of remastering this map and has included a nice little pocket of fertile land up alongside the highway here for us to make use of we're definitely going to be kind of voting with this idea today all right we first of all want to paint out an industrial area because we're playing with the entries dlc today i'll just kind of encompass all of this fertile land with it and we'll kind of see what ideas and vibes we can get generating within this area we'll also name this after one of our wonderful patreon subscribers we're gonna go for the win goodbye hydroponics facility let's make sure we capitalize the h there we go thank you so much for your support win really appreciate it buddy now you now have the farms in the very named after yourself okay so first things first let's begin to kind of formulate some kind of farm entrance right so we're going to use the industrial roads for this i'm going to bring out a little a little distance here just of 210 for the meantime we're going to come into our garbage and industry stuff we're going to switch over to farm industry we're going to grab the farm main building to sit up alongside the entrance to the farm [Music] okay so just decided to flip the orientation of the farm building here i don't think it looked quite right sitting up against the main road so changing our orientation here we're going to have a little farmland farmhouse up against the road you can decorate out in the backspace here as well there's a little farmer walking around here which is okay okay again we'll just amend one way flow system here i've also brought this back over by a tower too because what this will allow us to do now is bring a nice central road out from this point i'm going to run my road length here okay so we got that in so let's start to kind of construct at the main assets here and how these are going to sit so within the snow maps we don't actually get access to the fields and we only have the warehouses or the greenhouses i guess and but this is fine this is going to really kind of help contribute to that hydroponic feel okay kind of very industrial indoor farming is very much the vibe that we're after today and the warehouses or the greenhouses i should say i wonder how many times today we will refer to them as warehouses but you guys know what i'm talking about right have a look at some asset orientation first of all i'm to bring my industrial road down and then i'm going to run it parallel with the highway okay and then just double check we are still within our fertile land here yes we are this is very nice okay and then how about we bring a road out level with the highway slip and then we can start to formulate some green houses around this area [Music] okay so we've got in our first more crops greenhouse here which is going to work nicely i think and to get the vibe that i'm after here today we're going to be working with some very heavily repeated patterns if you like i think what we'll do is we're going to come and then again we're going to start linking up here and there is an opportunity and to repeat this pattern we can even save a pathway in the middle so this pathway is very much purely aesthetic and if we use the nature as a fence we can actually go ahead and get some a nice nighttime lights between the warehouses if we want to it's also going to blend nicely with the snow texture as well okay so i think we can kind of get on board with that we're getting this kind of hydroponic farm vibe right which is a word i've only just discovered by the way thanks to the discord uh shout out to shout out to prosaic and exe for helping me find the inspiration behind this build today and there's also opportunities as well because the small fruit fields uh in the small fruit greenhouse it's a slightly taller asset than the the crops want so there's opportunities for layers of height here as well let's see how that works right fantastic a little bit of what we're trying to generate starting to appear here from the highway now i think i'm happy with that it's okay right and asset orientation can really make a difference to your builds but now there is a couple of assets that we very rarely use um under the part live tab and if we come into the content creator packs there are a couple of assets here the biodome and the vertical farm that i think would work really nicely to kind of help complement this build i think that's what we're gonna do maybe centralize the biodome in the middle and sparingly use the vertical farms kind of around and about the area we'll see so whilst our industrial area moves up to level two here let's have a little discussion about some decoration pallets for the episode the thing we're going to do is run with some farm fence of course i think possibly wrapped into the tile that runs adjacent to the road all right and we kind of use this as a nice little border maybe even bring it back a touch further than this you'll be coming for the second tile okay and then again kind of still slowly discovering the design palettes gonna try our snowy sugar maples again and kind of see how these guys fit in there's highway decoration up alongside here as well i really like the farm fence and highway combination very nice palette but i think this is the spice sample for the episode right this is kind of the vibe in the atmosphere that we want to generate across the entire farm today which i think we should we should be okay oh i keep repeating this in a couple different areas and then we'll come back once we've hit level two and then have a little bit more money because it's the star blue city and this is one speed problems so we'll be back in a minute okay so we have just hit level two of our farm this is unlocked a couple more assets for us i think the problem we have today is that only really the greenhouses blend into the kind of vibe that we're trying to generate the flower mill and the barns and the cattle shed all look a little more kind of traditionally farm-like so we'll see how we can integrate them maybe split one side into hydroponics on one side into traditional agriculture i don't know we'll we'll kind of come up with the idea together here okay so i now want to implement the bio dome into the area so this again is very much aesthetic this is more this is actually a park attraction it comes from the high tech content creator pack which again if you don't have is linked down in the description to instant gaming go grab it it's a pretty decent one well so this is a park asset right this isn't going to contribute to our farm in any way it's going to draw visitors but it's more than an aesthetic choice as opposed to functional but it definitely fits in right there's even kind of continued layers of height here as we kind of come back into this area and i think there's a nice little kind of front run down into what is a very technological farm i think it's going to serve a purpose and then again maybe complement with a touch of the old faithful farm fence okay just kind of border it off and then when we do have enough money just 60 grand we can maybe place in at the vertical farm right here to kind of sit behind it all right i'll have to wait and see how that's going to look otherwise let's have a look at the level three requirements so we only need 350 workers we currently only have space for 170 so we need to basically double our worker output then of course the resources will come just as time flows so let's have a little look maybe continuing to expand our hydroponic theme here so i'll run up and around this side of it so it's surrounded on all sides by these green houses i will look how we can keep expanding the idea again using that tip with the straight real tool to re-measure we're gonna come from one point to the other and discover that is a distance of 540 which again will help keep everyone nice and parallel through the guideline will be helpful here okay then we can keep these guys coming in that's just a case of replacing in our assets here which we probably won't have enough money to do them all so we've set aside quite a lot of our industrial demand so i'm just going to start coming through and expanding our residentials now we're just at the end of the arterial here or by where the high school is again you know it's important that we don't get lazy and just start to mass zone once we pass that first episode we want to make sure that we're continually kind of repeating our themes here okay i'm going to stick to a little pattern of by threes alongside the arterial okay i'm not going to go for the alternate zone in here i'm gonna kind of see what comes in and again for three by threes in these corners i think i'm really happy with the aesthetic of the regular vanilla gravel path uh between the residentials here i'm going to stay with this let's come off the road length coming up with it no no we cannot i'm going to have to shift it over and there we go that's fine let's have this empty space here and then we'll see what kind of residentials we get coming along the ontario now we're kind of heading out of the commercial high street into a little more residential action it's a nice border in riverland park opposite these guys as well eventually in a couple of episodes time okay so i'm just going to carry on satisfying a little more of that residential demand i'm watching people come into the scene just so we can get some more people in the farms as well also continue these zones up here too i think what we might do as well is to help satisfy and this commercial demand is to actually come into at the farm area and build a little green cities district and see if we can do anything with some of the farmers market assets over here as well we're getting not enough buyers of products this is fine it's just because we're producing so much and it's not really going anywhere at the minute and once we can start processing the crops into flower mills and animal pastures that's kind of see this demand drop away a little bit let's have a look at some of these animal pasture designs okay um let's come back to our industrial road i'm kind of envisioning that the farm is kind of split down the middle here with hydroponics on one side and traditional agriculture on the other so we'll see how we can run with this idea just have the small animal patch available to us at the minute [Music] i've been toying with the idea of some animal pasture spice up next to the bathrooms here off camera switching to a dirt road in the middle to help separate them which i think i'm i think i'm happy with i think i can get on board with this all right so let's see what we can do to maybe satisfy a little bit of this commercial demand in the farmland i'm going to paint out a little district in this space here okay something really basic and then we're going to give this district the organic and local produce specialization from the green cities dlc i'm going to start having a little play with some uh internal road networks here so let's see what we can kind of do first let's make sure we complete our decoration pattern okay so there's a particular asset i'm thinking of here that has 1 by four zoning very much what i want to try and recreate here okay okay we use this in the music site model to build for those that ended up watching it okay that's maybe our connection over by one point and the asset that we're looking to generate is gonna appear in this formation the one by four deep commercials earnings i think we can generate some farmers markets that sit within the farm itself almost like a place for citizens to come and stop and pick up something from the local farm and like a little farm shop right a little farm stand and i see how the idea sends out here okay we'll hang around and wait for these guys to come in and then we'll see what we look like with a little bit of a repeated farmers market spice to sit within hydroponic farm itself okay guys so this is them these are the assets that we're after all right uh the asset you're looking for it's called the whole food marketplace i think they're all the same yeah they are but this little kind of produce stands right they're kind of covered in fruit and veg imagine this is kind of growing within the greenhouses back there and then shipped out to these areas too again if we do want to get rid of that snow texture we can come in with a little bit of a vanilla gravel path which will just help fill it out a little more the the power pump really takes away from the vibe but it's only temporary right it's only temporary okay see what other kind of green cities assets we want to play with here today okay so just playing about with a couple of different shaped zonings here i think i can get on board with some indoor shops in here as well okay maybe a little bit of kind of solid indoor space to make use of the market and then we'll bring a little path network around here again as well i think just helping to introduce a little bit of green cities commercial in here and of course once decorated it'll look a little more natural but i think we can kind of get on board with it right it's going to fit in fairly nicely with the rest of the build okay guys so just continue to expand our residentials here again in the same patterns and ideas with pathways and and a fence in between and whatnot just hoping to keep everyone moving around and get a nice little set to start to generate in here now as well but i do want to have a little talk a little discussion maybe about the possibility of some elevated pathway action over the highway here i think continuing to flow out of this little entrance path here is going to keep the walking network quite fleshed out within the area so this is what we're going to do i'm going to come ahead and grab an angle on road length i'm going to grab the curve tool and the orientation of the lights does switch but i think while up against the highway i'm not overly bothered about that okay i will keep this coming down here all right yes so i'm not a huge lover of the elevated nature as a path i think for this i think we will actually switch over the first elevated zoo path of that of the series let's have a look how this is going to appear what my 142 again there is there is the slightest tinge of green on that so i think it's gonna help us right okay we'll come over now and then we'll land in the middle of the highway just using that angle snap be able to make it over okay there we go and then we'll come back into the grid and then we'll snap to this one and then we'll descend again by a distance of 142. so i'm expecting this to get a fair bit of use only because there's commercial and park assets in the farm area however it should also help transport workers back into from the farm as well but i don't think it's too much of an eyesore right it's obviously not symmetrical because the residentials don't come out this far but i'm not overly bothered about that and this will be a nice opportunity for some green belt action with conifers uh blocking that sound from the highway which isn't too bad from this point yeah they will be okay but we can reduce it further okay i don't think i'm too adverse with that let's go ahead and grab ourselves nature's a path again and provide the guys a connection open to this side okay so we'll leave the game on three speed here for a hot minute and see if oh yeah here we go people are picking it up very nice okay let's see where they're going i guess he's going to work at the small crops greenhouse then and so he lives right here yeah that makes sense and then keeps him off the road right you just walk over what about you you're going home and you live here as well okay so it would appear that a lot of the workers for the farm just happened to live here which is pretty convenient but i'm gonna keep them off the road right it's gonna keep them elevated which is always nice a little elevated person spice if you will so what we're continuing to do here is just map out the road network uh snap into road guidelines and then kind of changing up whether or not you use your free form or curve tool just to help bring in some kind of different shapes and designs rather than sticking to that really rigid grid and it's kind of how i design my suburbs kind of draw in like a really basic grid pattern at first and then draw out some different shapes from that snap into different road guidelines and then of course keeping a very specific zoned residential going as well which i think now we're kind of seeing the grander scale come together it is kind of having that effect i hope at least i think anyway and we also introduced a little bit of commercial into this residential spot as well again just to help break up that relentless zoning it just adds in a bit of a different shade of different texture of course fences and bushes so always our friend and we're kind of mass detailing areas like this i think our suburbs are slowly coming together for novaria okay guys so we are slowly ticking towards level three of our little hydroponic farm here i think we'll start playing with some of the other assets so we have a little look at the uh area overview which is right here we can see that we're missing about 10 worker spaces in order to get the next level and we've got a ton of industrial demand right now i think i'm going to try out the cattle shed up alongside the cattle here which i don't think it's too bad i think that's okay now especially if we begin to surround it with more cattle fields maybe going for one right here and again a little bit of kind of cow action going on i don't think i'm massively loving the tarmac roads around this i think we have to change them to dirt at least within the kind of internal frame okay and wonderful that is going to give us at level 4 which gives us access to some larger greenhouses so we'll see how we can implement these also a milky palette as well plus the lemonade factory the lemonade factory i'm pretty sure we can't place this yet yeah because we're not producing glass as nice as it would be to have in okay so i think i'm happy with how these are looking i like my little smaller versions of the green houses within this part i think i don't think i want to change this too much i definitely want to play with the medium fruit uh greenhouse and see how we can maybe even with this in a repeated pattern so for those that are following paulovan he did something quite similar in the clawson farm with these assets so let's first of all hold the park asset because we want to place this in as well which is 60 grand and it will centralize here let's have a look at it so again it is a park asset it's providing entertainment value but i think it has its place within a hydroponics farm build right i think it does i hope so anyway but yeah i think i'm happy with that i think that's gonna work what i'm after we'll see anyway so this is gonna be kind of our animal area and let's continue to work on our little little fruit green warehouses so let's maybe start working with a little bit of road against road action here so this is going to be a medium fruit greenhouse and it's a nice looking asset not too dissimilar from the small fruit green houses but slightly different shaped asset a little bit wider and then it's going to hold at more workers for us as well it's going to be handy okay so let's kind of discuss asset orientation i think i'm going to keep them facing here okay and then let's come out with our roads again shall we all right give ourselves a little more breathing room then we'll maybe drop in another one right next door okay we can place in a couple more of our little fruit warehouses greenhouses whatever they're called okay very nice and then we repeat that pattern with the path through the middle and we're going to get our boomtown milestone on the back of that as well which gives us a new area uh new transport options which is really good we'll definitely get some public transport soon probably some trans next episode and a bit of a little snowy tram square really excited about that i should be good at post services which are always nice decoration opportunities too and the vanilla ore stuff bunch of new policies bunch of new roads and some new pipes a bunch of new assets to go along with the public transport stuff as well which will be fun that's it was a clothing factory the farm maintenance building the large barn and the slaughterhouse it should be quite an interesting time as to how we work with these assets okay have a look at the clothing factory and i'm pretty sure it's going to be too big and too expensive yeah okay so we're requiring plastics as well um it's not something we have at the minute so i think any of these major factors here within this small town vibe will really kill it i think they're probably too industrial looking but with that in mind i think we'll run with the bakery and the flour mill vibe instead okay and possibly put them down here on the front okay so it's almost like people driving bike and see the fresh bread being made and whatnot all right something like that whatever kind of reason you need to need to justify your builds okay so let's bring some fence against road action for the first time and then we'll see what we can do here so let's go ahead and grab at the bakery okay so he's gonna need animal products crops and flour of which they're producing two of those resources at the minute that we do need to come and place in the flour mill which is right here okay so he's going to convert our crops into flowers or into flower rather not actual flowers okay we'll also keep this in a little one-way loop as well just so trucks aren't backing on them onto themselves they come in drop your stuff off and then head back out again and then likewise we'll do the same thing as well and with the flower mill here we'll kind of have a look at the asset orientation looks a little a little wider than the bakery and again it doesn't really need a road behind it but just for the sake of bringing some kind of concrete border around the back of the flower mill i think we are going to do that and then we'll also bring in a little bit of dirt puff action just to fill out those white spaces between and that should give us another little theme and vibe up alongside our farm here okay i think the specific placement of the factories within the industrial areas really makes a difference and we saw it with the port in palaven with the uh industrial steel plant and then likewise as well with the uh soft paper factory in the forestry build it all comes together okay very nice i think we'll now work on getting the slaughterhouse into the build i'm going to kind of keep it with these more industrial looking assets over here that's going to make sense over the wireless scheme again we'll just have a look at this asset first of all is it something we want up against the road or set a little further back let's see we've plugged into another layer here but i think that's okay yeah i think i kind of want it up against the road here and rather than just as a block here because we'll expand our farms animal farms out this way i think that's what we'll do let's bring in another road that's going to run along this way and just to help our traffic flow in the area we're going to try a little concept over here in the far corner and so at least in england this is what we would refer to as kind of like a little slip road just going to make the tiniest little one-way exit i think we're going to use that curved road tool here actually okay i'm going to come off all my snap into and just kind of eyeball this as a nice little smooth curve okay i'm going to switch into a little highway ramp so we do some people deciding to put it as an option back onto the highway it's just gonna take a little bit of pressure off the front of the farm having this little slip road here we can blend it in nice with the detailing looks like he's gonna take it as well nice cool so if they're already over this side of the farm rather than forcing their way back through these junctions just gonna have a little slip out of the farm here and also do the same on this side as well if we wanted to i tend to avoid doing kind of bridges over start to get some slightly more industrial vibes maybe save something like for a downtown industrial build but not for like a little farm like this i don't think so i'm thinking why don't we continue to work with our animal enclosures here they're going to provide 25 workspaces uh per time so let's have a little check on what part we want everyone probably this one again i imagine come out with 160. okay and then we'll grab a couple more animal pastures i think perhaps this time we'll maybe not have the root in between again we can just place them back to back like this other really decide and then what we can do is our old upgrade trick we draw in two parallel dirt paths and upgrade these the nature reserve which again going left to right will give us a little light to the side of the animal posture here a nice little detailing trick to throwing with the industrial areas you probably have been squeezing some trees but being here as well maybe probably a sweet spot yeah there is just about just about a small little sweet spot of course trees do take away fertile lawn so don't be placing too many of them i think there's one or two at each end okay that's gonna be a nice little addition onto the farm so let's check our spaces again okay yeah so we have the capacity of 813. we require 800 so we'll probably get to level five farm in today's episode which is going to be nice okay it's a decent little build this has the aesthetic appeal wanted to fit as well quite modular within its road design very kind of modern looking farm if we wanted to as well once we do hit level five we can always upgrade these into large ones if you want kind of a chunky or aesthetic right this will be okay they've also placed down the farm maintenance building here as well this is going to help and make our farm a little more kind of effective in everything that it does and produces again some nice kind of fence against fence action within the two assets that we placed ourselves i think i'm very happy with that that's gonna be nice i think the last thing i want to look at before we hit level five is maybe a little bit of a little bit of dirt road action within this space right here it's a place in some of the forestry worker barracks so it kind of look a little more like tool sheds or work sheds as opposed to barracks so i'm not too bothered about having them this close to the greenhouse it's not that you would imagine the greenhouses are particularly loud anyway but has to maintain some point of realism right fantastic and we have this hit level five which is going to give us the last few assets which is a large green silo large animal pasture food factory large crops greenhouse and a large fruit greenhouse again i don't think i'm going to run with any of the larger assets you guys could of course if you wanted to we'll have a quick look at them together so the large larger greenhouses they're significantly larger a lot more industrial looking but again all is kind of well with the world of farming we're making about 7760 from the farm and then the unique buildings are giving us an extra 2 201 so making some really decent money now and you can just kind of see as i've been speeding through the game waiting for this to level up we've made an absolute ton of money uh everyone's gonna be happy we are getting some kind of um warnings about not enough resources and what not enough crops sort of raw materials and but you know these guys are all filling up with crops it's just waiting for the trucks to get over to those crops but for the vast majority of the time we are producing um actual grow more money for once anyway this does feel like a good place for a detailed time lapse i've continued to bring the medium arterial around the back of the farm just so it has something of a frame and we eventually expand that into this area whatever's going to lie over there we're kind of preparing our roads to keep flowing in that direction and we'll also do something with this side um of the highway and probably an extension of the subway maybe the first town center around here so it's kind of focused around all of this stuff that's gonna lie over here also train line opportunities here as well when we get to trains otherwise as a general concept i'm fairly happy with the hydroponics farm let's detail it up then we'll see what we're looking like from the end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] though during the detailing time-lapse here it would appear that the cows have inverted themselves and now have buried their heads in the snow so to speak ah welcome to navarro everyone okay guys that is gonna do it for today i wanna thank you all so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video a like below is always appreciated because if you haven't enjoyed it please feel free to leave a dislike as well and there are various ways to support the channel down below like i've mentioned today instant gaming alongside patreon and merch as well should you so wish really happy with this build and kind of the first time i've tried to bring a hydroponic vibe into the city skylines farm assets i think that the vertical farm and the biodome from the high tech content creator pack really do help out to that vibe and a lot of the other assets like the bakery and the flour mill they don't really lean into that high-tech vibe so separating them into a separate area of the farm helps them integrate a little bit more and of course some green city spice is always appreciated no matter what assets we use otherwise hang around without to attach this thing should look very nice at night time but i will shut up and i will leave it there i want to thank you all so much for watching and as always enjoy the rest of your day [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 26,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, how to start, how to start a new city, cities skylines no mods, vanilla, unmodded, cities skylines how to start, overchargedegg, cities: skylines, city builder, industries, content creator pack, how to, tutorial
Id: u8eyxdb44h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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