Where's Cumulo & A Snoozy Sleepover ๐ŸŒˆ 2 FULL EPISODES ๐ŸŒˆ True and the Rainbow Kingdom ๐ŸŒˆ

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where's camilo [Music] it's such a perfect day for flying you're right true i love feeling the wind in my fur personally bartleby i love the feeling of wind in my face [Applause] i think it's time for our fantastical free falling loop and scoop let's do this [Applause] [Music] you're the best cumulo you're right rainbow city does look extra pretty today cumulo wow this is spectacular wouldn't it be great if everyone in rainbow city could see the view from up here well that reminds me i'm working on a special surprise for everyone in rainbow city you made a giant fishy poof cracker ah thanks true although you know if i ate the giant fishy poop cracker by myself i would beat the world record and then there wouldn't be enough left for the rest of the town so i guess you really didn't think this thing threw true actually i'm making something way better than that it's just up ahead [Music] this is amazing true i love it what is it it's my fantastically fabulous booty float oh i get it it's a boat that floats yep way up in the sky i'm building it so everyone can see the rainbow kingdom the way we see it just like when we fly with you cumulo i just need to finish a few last details need some help it's okay i got this oh great well i've got something i got to finish too hello fishy poof crackers [Music] it's okay i got this it's okay i got this [Music] that's okay i got it [Music] it's okay i got it it's okay i got this [Music] it's okay i got this thanks camilo [Music] now that takes care of that 101 ways to eat a fishy poop cracker that's a world record you know nailed it so what do you think well i think i could have gone for 102 but uh oh why not i'm going for 102. be right back okay but don't take too long we're ready to launch hi true hi mila hey rocky is that your body flow can we ride it can we you bet you'll be our very first passengers [Applause] so how does this boaty go floaty it's easy first i need to spin the left balancer [Applause] then the right balancer [Applause] and then i just need to lift the lifter to get you way up high and that's when i put on the safety brakes so the body float doesn't fly away oh okay well let's go for a ride come on rocky prepare for liftoff left balancer go this is a little tight it's okay cumulo i can do it myself i'm gonna need my spanner though just apply a little pressure oh there we go that's good now for the right balancer go [Music] oh bartleby just in time watch this lifting the lifter now wow your booty float is really floaty true yep just as i planned i've never seen a body float like this before but as far as body floats go yours is the body floatiest thanks bartleby that's a little higher than i thought it would go yeah and it keeps going higher and higher and higher and higher and higher and higher and higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] stand on my [Music] [Music] you installed the get back down button right true actually no bartleby i didn't so how are we gonna bring mila and rocky back down we just need cumulo to fly up there and get them cumilo [Music] oh cute milo oh cumulo oh that's weird cumula always shows up when you call we'd better go look for her excuse me have you seen cumulo yeah uh white fluffy cloud about um this big hmm a white fluffy cloud about that big you say well there's something in the bushes that matches that description yeah that could be cumulo i guess thanks for your help come on bartleby kilo [Music] why are you hiding oh true oh wow the money float is so amazing we're having so much fun hi guys well it sure sounds like they're having a lot of fun out there we still need to get the body float down in case something goes wrong neil and rocky are in trouble and we need to get up to the boaty float can you fly us up there cumulo [Music] something's different maybe you can't fly us up there after all [Music] don't go whoa she's really getting small and she's raining i've never seen her do that before neither have i but lucky for you you've got those awesome yellow boots this is serious bartleby we need wish help to the wishing tree but how are we gonna get there without cumulo you're not going to like this bee we're going to have to use our feet true that's hilarious here buddy wait you're serious ready b on your mark get set go hey wait for me [Applause] [Music] we should have taken the bus i don't think the bus goes to the wishing tree yeah we should talk to the rainbow king about that there it is finally now we just have to make our way to the top should be easy we made it not quite bartleby hey we're here [Music] this has gotta be the top just a little bit further now we did it bartleby i'm proud of us okay oh thanks drew v we need to wish help true bartleby what happened my body float flew away with mila and rocky on it and cumulo started raining and and shrinking and then cumulo ran away but we found her and then we couldn't fit on her and then she tipped over and we had to walk here and i can hardly breathe ah good idea okay let's sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you first we need to get mila and rocky safely back to the ground they're stuck on the boaty float but the problem is i can't get it back down without cumilo what happened to cumulo cumulo strength super small as small as us and she ran away so we need to find cumulative and bring milo rocky and my body flow back to safety [Music] the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] wishing tree wishing to please share your wonderful wishes with me share with me [Music] magic power [Music] wait till you see what the wishipedia says about their powers [Music] first stop is floto florida amazing it's a bubble wish that can float you as high up as you need to go perfect we need to go as high as the boaty float please this is zoomy a telescope wish me can help you see tiny objects that are far away like tiny little cumulo welcome aboard zumi it's easy to see you'll be a huge help [Music] i've been waiting for this one this is squashy one of the rarest wishes of all squashy's so small i think we might need zuni to see it squashy ah squashy's so cute is your wish power to look adorable yes cute and minnie but also mighty don't be fooled by its size squashy is super powerful through the process of whismosis squashy can soak up lots of water and then squeeze it back out to its porous epidermis in other words squashy can squish yes exactly just remember to shout squashy squish i'm sure all you wishes will be a big help i can't wait to see you in action zoo zip zap wishes in my pack good luck true thanks zee come on bartleby let's go find cumilo thank you wishing tree [Music] rocky we're coming to [Music] hey they disappeared they're stuck in that cloud we'd better get up there before something goes wrong time for my first wish [Applause] [Music] wish come true pluto we need to get up to the boaty float bubble us up floato [Music] all these clouds look the same to me which one are mila and rocky hiding in i don't know but they've got to be around here somewhere [Music] i'm so bored [Music] [Applause] only cumulo can fly that fast floto thanks for your help but we need to get back down now we've got to find cumulon [Music] thanks for the ride floato time to pop back into my pack [Music] okay this is the last place we saw cumilo when she was crying hey look two bubbles these must be cloud tears bartleby cumilo must have gone this way let's go [Music] the trail stops here cue me low where are you i don't think we'll ever find her we've looked everywhere don't cry true you'll find a way you always do oh well thanks bee but i'm not crying a raindrop cumilo must be close i know but where she must have shrunk down so small that we can't see her but maybe there's a way we can find her time for my second wish [Music] hi zumi can you help us find cumulo she's somewhere up in this tree lily let's expand on that what do you see drew and see anything nothing yet just a lot of leaves huh there you are thanks zumi i've got it from here back in the pack please [Music] i'm glad you're safe but please don't hide cumulo i need you hmm i know i didn't ask for your help with the bodhi flow it's just sometimes i think i can do things all by myself that's how i am but i was wrong i'm sorry cumulo i always need your help yeah me too we missed you cumulo come on cumilo that's it i can't get the booty float down and save mila and rocky without you [Music] rocky do you want to go even faster [Music] we need to get you big again kimilo and quick what's the plan true i have one wish left squashy how's squishpower gonna help cumulo i think i might have an idea but we're going to have to find some water [Music] are you ready cumilo it's time for my third wish zip zap zoo i choose you wake up squashy wish come true okay squashy let's get squishy with it parting you [Music] whoa that's a lot of water squashy [Music] okay squashy now come over here to where cumilo is that's it nice and easy okay squashy squish [Music] cumulo it's so good to have you back to normal you look better than ever thanks for your help squashy zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] [Music] that does not look safe [Applause] come on cumilo we've got no time to lose [Music] hey i want to try that don't get me wrong i'm still having a lot of fun but my arms are getting tired i want to be that when i grow up okay maybe it's time to stop [Music] faster hi mila hey rocky how's it going great i think we're done with the boaty float now though daddy camus stay with them [Music] rocky i need you to let go let's go don't worry we got you okay true ready three [Music] wow clowns are really super fluffy thanks joe that was a really fun ride you're welcome but i could never have done it without cumulo's help yay thanks jamie let's here for the best cloud in the sky yay [Applause] [Music] i'm okay thanks again cubilo come on rocky let's go practice our parkour thanks kilo you were amazing yeah great job cumulo well true it looks like we saved the day again except um the bodhi float is broken can you fix it true i can with the help from someone special [Music] balance line spanner please thanks cumulo [Music] single file please enjoy the ride keep your hands within the balloon rails at all times next okay yeah sorry little helpers but you've got to be at least this tall to ride well played all aboard how's it looking almost ready b just need to do one last thing okay cumulo you've got this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a snoozy sleepover [Music] you're a worthy opponent master pillow we will meet again who's ready for a yummy surprise kitty natty ninja cats are always ready for surprises popped peppy peppers that's like my fourth favorite snack after of course fishy poof crackers fishy poof crackers with zesty cheese and limited edition extra light poof fishy poof crackers hold it popped peppy peppers chuck sazoony juice balls check bendy straws uncheck [Laughter] [Music] thanks little helpers and check there everything's ready for the sleepover okay back to snacking oh bendy straws i feel like a princess you never know when a real princess might show up i'm here resulta it wouldn't be a party without you i know where's frookie rookie kids is right here [Music] care for an ice cold zazuni juice yes please but would you happen to have a bendy straw so thoughtful of you true hello party people so far so good everything's going just this plan now we're just waiting on the rainbow king that must be him now welcome rainbow king huh your majesty a lovely lavender evening to you true and bartleby i'm so excited about your sleepover i was just making sure i didn't forget anything important not my blanky or my pillow or uh hmm hey if you need a toothbrush i got lots oh there's my tail cleaning brush i was looking for that works like a charm and i found my gum bubble chew hmm you want some ew no thanks no it's not a toothbrush i've got one of those oh what could it be don't worry your majesty we've got everything you could possibly need purple persimmons true your particular predisposition to planning is perfection personified what he said thank you rainbow king please come in rainbow king well that's it everybody's here check next up party time [Music] ready ready [Music] [Laughter] [Music] looks like we're down to our very last party plan a delicious number berry pancake breakfast in the morning all right everybody let's get ready for bed [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] good night everyone good night [Music] indigo injustices i just remember what i forgot to remember my moomoo i always have my moomin with me at bedtime moo moo that's not on my list can you sleep without it well it has helped me sleep every night for the last three or 400 million years but i'm sure i'll be fine i'll just count little helpers until i fall asleep one two three four five six seven [Music] wait i skipped one i'll start over one two two rainbow king do you want me to get your muumuu for you it's no problem goodness greenness no we'd have to go all the way to the royal greenhouse for my moomoo that is pretty far to go not to worry true i'll fall asleep soon okay if you need anything just ask good night rainbow king good night true oh blue father i mustn't keep everyone awake i really don't like using sleeping spells i well i can't remember why but maybe just this once starry bloom help me snooze i'm feeling snoozy already [Music] what a lovely summer rain so refreshing bartleby you're talking in your sleep again so are you frookie you're flying huh what [Music] true look out [Music] what's going on freaky kittens [Music] it's okay snuggles you're safe with me now yes you are i definitely didn't plan for this they're sleep floating fascinating i've read about it i never thought i'd see it in person we should pull them down no don't touch him if you do you'll sleep float too can we wake them up [Music] guess not well we can't just let them float around bumping into things we need some rope or strings or a butterfly net or a string or a super long straw or string good work little helpers wait where's the rainbow king he's there going out the window wake up wake [Music] sorry to wake you cumulo but we've gotta go save the rainbow king oh wait i forgot to get changed um do we need to get changed too nope keep your pjs on [Music] we're still having a sleepover i've just got to be ready for action good idea can you two take result and freaky back inside thanks little helpers [Music] the entire metropolis is sleep floating fascinating yeah but everyone in rainbow city will sleep float right out of town we need some wish help and quick to the wishing tree please cumulo [Music] where are you i need your help uh true i'm right behind you oh right sorry okay we need something bright to find rainbow king and something to get the citizens down something sticky this is sticky um no thanks and we need something loud to wake everyone up if he wakes up too suddenly maybe everyone will fall down right i didn't think of that so uh pillows but everyone's still floating so we do need something sticky tape glue no hair gel z we need wishes you're right we do need wishes but sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we don't know what will happen if we wake up the rainbow king suddenly the other sleep floaters might wake up too and then fall down so we'll have to bring everyone down safely first good thinking true and when everyone is down safely we'll gently wake up the king and he can break the spell the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] share with [Music] snugly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] true these wishes are incredible i can't wait to see what the wishipedia says about their powers [Music] this is snuggly snuggly snuggly's a blanket wish that can go big enough for lots of people to take a nap on and if you sing a lullaby it'll act like a magnet to anyone who's asleep you'll be perfect for gathering everyone and keeping them safe and sound your next wishes whoa glow logo is a light wish you are exactly what we need on a dark knight and for your last wish pointy the bouncing wish [Music] yeah it's a cat thing it's what i do or you can jump onto it to bounce extra high i'm not sure how a bouncing wish can help but i'm sure we'll think of something zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] come on everybody we've got to go save the rainbow king [Music] thank you wishing tree [Music] wow watch out cumulo maybe it's just me but this is way too many sleep floaters i agree it's gonna be very hard to find the rainbow king in this mess i have an idea take us down to the park please cumulo time for my first wish [Music] zip zap zy to you wake up snuggly wish come true ready snuggly snugly [Music] you said singing a lullaby makes snuggly a magnet for anyone who's asleep right that's right well let's get homing [Music] it's working and look here comes the rainbow king [Music] oh rainbow king put snuggly to sleep snuggly's losing its power [Music] rainbow king he needs to do something or he'll float away with everyone that would not be good i can barely see him now huh who could be calling at this hour [Music] he must have pocket bubbled me wake up rainbow king wake up please it's no use oh rainbow king if only you could tell us what's wrong oh momo even just a clue two-word phrase you know that points us in the right direction yeah like that that's what's wrong rainbow king always has his moo moo at bedtime and he can't settle down without it that's why he's sleep floating we've been doing it all wrong instead of waking him up we need to help him have a good night's sleep of course more sleep is the answer to our sleep problem yeah i knew that yeah all we have to do is get rainbow king his moo moo come on bartleby go go cumulo to the rainbow castle [Music] okay on a scale of one to dark this is dark how are we gonna find our way i mean i don't have that cats can see in the dark thing it's always been a great disappointment to me i remember my mother once bartleby oh sorry time for my second wish [Music] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up low glow wish come true you're up low glow rainbow king set his moo moose in the royal greenhouse this way here's the greenhouse hmm maybe the moo moo is some kind of plant but there's gotta be millions of them how are we gonna know which one is which fortunately every plant is clearly labeled all right let's go look for the moo moo plant okay moo moo plant uh moo moo plant hmm well i mean it's not this one wait for me not this one it's not this one either or this one maybe it's that vinyl one over there nope not over here where is it guys look is that the rainbow king he's floating way too far we need to find that moo moo fast oh we've just looked everywhere and there's nothing nothing but this giant flower pot this must be it true shine the light over here it's the momo plant the fruit of the momo plant gives off a soft glow in a gentle hum that is helpful for sleeping so where's the fruit way up there now i understand why the wishing tree gave me pointy here's e can you hold whoa blow it's time for my third wish [Music] zap do i choose you wake up pointy wish come true okay pointy let's bounce ready let's bounce [Music] how are we gonna get it true i've got an idea bartleby i need some kitty natty help i see where you're going with this true let's try this again pointy [Music] ready [Music] i'm a cat nice work bartleby i'm very proud of myself thanks for your help wingy you too low glow zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] okay let's bring the rainbow king his mumu come on cumulo [Music] there he is this will be tricky if rainbow king touches me and makes me sleep float it's up to you to save the rainbow kingdom no pressure rainbow king i have your [Music] moon the rainbow king isn't sleep floating anymore his mumma must have broken the spell oh and look it's working all the sleep floaters are floating back home to their beds [Music] we did it yeah we did it [Music] thanks snuggly you were super helpful tuck yourself back in the pack now [Music] let's go home i'm sleepy sleepy but we're just getting started we just saved this whole town let's celebrate phew what a night my sleepover didn't exactly go as planned yeah but you saved the kingdom true you're my hero and don't forget we still have number berry pancakes to enjoy in the morning you're right this was a pretty good sleepover after all [Music] true true what hey that smells like little berry pancakes we made them just for you thanks for saving everyone in rainbow city and you you remembered how much i love bendy straws oh thank you true for bringing my moo moo oh thanks everyone that was so good barbie you've got to try some [Music] best pancakes ever um [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 5,386,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, educational kids programming, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom songs, true and the rainbow kingdom theme song, true and the rainbow kingdom wishing tree song, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes trues birthday
Id: Bjni2LYVhb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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