Princess Grizelda & True's Friendship 🌈 2 Full Hours 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom

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freaky [Music] yes this tent is staying up only took me 10 tries I am awesome great job Mommy [Music] hey I forgot you were in there true sorry thanks a lot B just setting up the sleeping bags it's so beautiful out here there's nothing better than going glamping [Music] glamorous camping everyone named Griselda is glamping these days I still can't believe she agreed to come with us there's dirt here you know camping is supposed to be roughing it right oh believe me I know I didn't even pack my sparkly bubble wash isn't that right Froakie oh [Music] just the helper I need to find my long lost treasure he wants a snack back I brought sparkly sandwiches who packed these those are Glam witches they're tasty and gorgeous just ask my frooky kids he loves them nibbles time [Music] okay [Music] energy [Music] come get your Glam witch [Music] he definitely went in here no no I'm so getting washed in this big horrible nasty maze it's amazing and it isn't nasty it's breathtaking and you can't go in foreign don't worry true I'll find a little drill machine in here somewhere somewhere who are you oh clearly you've never heard of a maze troll before we're meanies Bell when I'm not guarding this maze I'm actually quite nice why would anyone build something so unglamorous to hide my precious treasure from those who would try and steal it but now my precious Treasure's in there for good reason between you me and the tree I built this maze so big and tricky that no one can find my treasure not even me I bought a dog with nose Powers oh your puppy Pooch will find my treasure for sure Mr troll both our friends are in there now we have to find them fine but the only way to enter my maze is to solve a riddle how many berries from these baskets of Plenty can you eat before your stomach is no longer empty oh I'll find out wait there's all do we have to count them as you eat one by one buy one the answer is one what that can't be right I've eaten way more than one Berry riddle said how many berries can you eat before your stomachs no longer empty if you eat one Berry it's not empty anymore little sticks that is correct oh you may enter [Music] but first let me give you a sneak peek inside whoa whoa fantastic isn't it one hallway becomes more always than doors begin popping up pretty soon everything's all twisty and turny and where will that leave you too hopelessly [Music] as I said you are free to enter but that doesn't mean you can stay in I just gave myself a shiver saying that I'm such a good meanie what do we do true we'll never find freaking bird will be in that maze don't worry Griselda we'll get them out of there but we need some wish help to do it if you're going to the wishing tree then I'm coming too you bet you are the only way we can do this is if we do it together [Music] [Applause] [Music] me are you home [Music] the wishes and I are camping these three have even earned their merit badges camping sure is fun are we still should not hear about camping we're here about a maze Amaze I love puzzles it sounds like fun it's a giant maze that frooky and Bartleby are trapped in oh that's a lot less fun let's sit and have a think about this [Music] sit on mushrooms puppies stay calm you'll be okay the mushroom will come back down eventually how can the wishing tree help true well this maze is really tricky walls that move around in everything we need a wish that can keep us from getting lost yes I'm stuck in the Maze we'll need a wish to help us get unstuck thanks for Zelda welcome the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Music] well these are some fantastic wishes let's see what the wish of PDF says about them [Music] your first wish is dot spot my buddy blue it can make as many dots as you mean perfect we can use thoughtspot to find our way back out of the maze so we don't get lost we'll just follow the dots remember now polka dots are fabulous this is a wish with style your second wish is roparoo this ropewish is a great help for when you need to climb things or to tie things together that might be handy for pulling us out of a tricky spot and lastly you have sloth b a rare and unusual wish indeed this wish can put anything into slow motion it's incredible I'm just not sure how slowing things down can help save our friends I'm sure you'll find a way true I have to agree and I'm always right thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] have fun with your camping whatever good luck you do I'm sure you'll do amazing [Music] what's up with that how do I get out of here [Music] my ninja kitty skills are set for awesome Froakie oh am I happy to see you yeah was happy to see you okay now careful where you step around here this maze is filled with booby trap [Music] get back here we have to get out of this maze here can you give me a boost this is no time to be sitting on your behind yeah I take it back your behind is the best did you hear that that's Bartleby we're going the right way but how do we keep going the right way there's so many ways we'll work together to find the right ones but before we can go any further let's make sure we can find our way back out of this maze [Music] do I like you [Music] not spot can you leave a trail of dots behind us as we walk like he knows me [Music] very clever the nice troll part of me would just leave these dots but I need that dog to find my long-lost treasure so I mean troll it is no no no no no no no we've been walking forever why does this keep happening you've Fallen here before that means we've been here before walking around in circles no way how is that possible I don't know dot spots still dotting so we should have known stealing our dots oh he is a big meanie without those dots to show us where we've been we'll never get back out and we'll solve that problem later right now we have to stop the troll from stopping us dot spot can you make us one big giant Dot [Music] like that [Music] spooky hold on we'll never get out of this maze if we get stuck okay I'll go first then you what did I just say [Music] troll [Music] it's just a door painted like a troll s oh just another freaky troll door this one's worse than the last I get that a lot to keep going through my maze you need to answer another riddle if you don't Solve the Riddle by the time this bird bath sinks into the floor you must leave my maze forever riddle us your riddle Mr troll we're ready I am it's the part of the bird that's not in the sky it can go in the bird bath and yet it stays dry what is it you keep going the bird bath yet it stays dry maybe it's a smelly armpit okay I could look at it this bird is too quick we have a better chance of catching its shadow shadow bird is in the sky but his shadow is on the ground and its shadow can go in the bird bath and not get wet I know what the answer is it's Shadow riddlesticks right again you may pass again but I'll be around every corner to give you more riddles until you've finally get lost see you soon I mean see you soon how are we ever going to stop this troll from stopping us let's think about this we need to get away from him but he knows this means inside out yeah he's sneaky you just have to slow him down enough so we can catch up to fruity and Bartleby and I have just the wish sloth me guess who's back who's that thought [Music] [Applause] [Music] which come true hi sloppy let's put the brakes on this little ridiculous troll here's your next riddle what jumps in the air [Music] [Applause] [Music] and keep him nice and slow thanks this way you could have waited until I went through first this is first you know that please call her remind me to add this to the grismos laundry list smellies with me over here wherever here is a must block them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is with this crazy maze so frustrating now is not the time for wait you're behind saved us last time keep going work that tail boy true I am so glad to see you did you miss me of course Bartleby are you two okay yes but we're trapped down here and frooky's thinking about giving more drooly kisses we'll get you out right away [Music] yes it's me again no more riddles for you too I'm kicking you both out of my days now hold on this pet I remember now this is where I buried my treasure the dog he found it [Music] riddlesticks I can't get them out of that pit without my sheleighly I am not receiving this awful mace without my Fergie cans do you understand me yes wow you'd make a really good maze troll you know that don't worry I have a wish that can help get everyone out of there [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need your roping help to pull our friends out of this pit can you help us grab on your [Music] let go of that thing no no it's my treasure he's got it your treasure is no good if our friends can't bring it up because they're stuck down there oh this is all my fault I need to fix this I'm coming to save you poochies oh yes [Music] riddlesticks now I need a new sheleighly and I'm not strong enough to do this on my own yeah that dog has jaws of Steel Miss Ed you want us to work with him he's been trying to stop us all day the only way we'll get everyone out is by working together Griselda [Music] I wish working together didn't mean having to hold a stinky feet I watched them just last year [Music] oh that's never good all right oh no grab my hand come on Jewel machine Let's Go [Music] [Music] great job roparoo [Applause] [Music] my treasure kids oh thank you thank you thank you thank you everyone working together did the trick I knew it would your Treasure's a dog bone yeah a dog bone that's why I needed a puppy to find it you put my precious fruity through all of this just to get a little glittery dog bone you are a meanie you're right [Music] it's just to stop people from coming in the Maze and getting lost I hope you can forgive me [Music] I hear this is for you [Music] and you're a mean troll but you can be a nice one too she just gave your treasure to my treasure wow how can I resist this little cutie I suppose it wouldn't hurt if you visit frukeytown and then really oh thank you thank you princess group hug ah how are we gonna get out of here [Music] super sniffer what's glamping it's sparkly feel like it good it's just Chris bot [Music] you locked us out on the balcony by mistake think of a way to get us back inside and while you are in deep thought I'll see if we can climb down from here I could call Trey for help no I don't want to but I kind of have to but I don't want to I could but I won't [Music] be true I know Zelda I'm kind of stuck on my balcony right now I could totally get down myself but if you're bored I thought you might like to help we'll be right there icy pops will have to wait bee kidding you had me totally finish [Music] [Music] why do I have to do all of the hard work [Music] thanks flodo who deserves some rest I really could have gotten down by myself I just just thought it would be fun to have a playdate you know oh my thank you Cullen true was my idea was amazing [Music] you must love all those cheers I'm glad they're happy but I just like to help sure helping is probably good but all that clapping that's why you help right nope I just like helping oh I don't get it [Music] sure everybody cheers for true but she has those amazing wishes to help her help people do I have anything as amazing as wishes you Christmas hey you're right true has wishes but I've got Christmas [Applause] just the job for you all right [Music] whoa hold my amazing princess this is so much better than true's wishes thank you I can't believe I just thanked the grismos [Music] royalty away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes that's me everywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] look Fergie now's our chance no fear is here robot man no need for thanks you're welcome is that cheering for me [Music] [Applause] don't worry grease box here to save the day I know yes I know I'm amazing but don't stop don't forget to tell everyone about your new hero [Music] never had a lunch like this be and all around round lunch where everything is round really Fruit Control balls Globe pie and your favorite suzuni juice balls if it's round it's going down in my belly that's also around [Music] Griselda you look different did you change your hair oh you noticed true oh funny running into you here on this street you know I live here Griselda you visit me all the time perfect then you can just kick back at home have a nap finish our lunch because you and your wishes can take the day off princess grispot is on helper Duty um thanks no it's nothing it'll be a breeze oh soops there do we say goodbye to the Rainbow Kingdom now or wait until after she's broken it if mother wants to help people that can only be a good thing right uh-huh yeah um yeah for sure for for sure that's enough help for one day I'm so nice to people um bendy strong [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] we're not a problem foreign [Music] squares Square breakfast Cube fruit Square which is crackle boxes and block pudding no rolling off the table now at least it didn't roll [Music] I thought she wanted to do good deeds these Deeds are not good I agree dancing like that is not good for anybody that's not Griselda that's fruity that dog does not have a license to drive a giant princess shaped robot come on come on be true I simply cannot find my fabulous Francesca's bot never mind [Music] going to do yetis of course you're breaking strong do you think you can stop the giant robot for us [Music] [Music] oh wow hey wow yetis are great at playing tetherball and that's so great at robot stopping princess Chris bought us too big for us to stop by ourselves we need some wish help [Music] [Music] yes it's me I know who had a pleasant surprise Z there's a giant princess Griz ball on the loose and we need some wish help fast true don't tell the wishes I'm here stand easy it keeps the wishes company when I'm not around your flat Z fell a little flat Z let's see back to the drawing board and back to your copies please wishes was there something you needed help with true yes yes true needs help there's a problem with the grizzbods The Fabulous giant robot my grismos made for me giant robot yup and it's kind sort of a lot out of control hmm I'm sure we can find a solution let's have a sit and think about this uh Griselda I don't sit on mushrooms and why are we all sitting time like this anyway it helps us think things through anyway so Chris brought us out of control with Ricky stuck inside it's starting to wreck things around Rainbow City how do you plan to fix the problem well I need some wish help to stop the grisbot from stomping around but I also want to keep Rainbow City and frooky safe my frukey welcome gets so cranky when he misses his belly rubs I'm sure the wishing tree can help with the grit spot not a belly rub the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] tiny wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not amazing or what I guess it was a little amazing a little okay a lot amazing these are very interesting wishes let's look them up on the wishopedia foreign oh it's amazing thanks your first wish is glue boo it makes a coating of glue so sticky strong almost anything will stick to it it'll have to be really strong if it's gonna hold princess grizbot your second wish is bring it it's a powerful magnet wish that can pull any object made of metal towards it you mean like my princess grisbot don't you get a scratch on her [Music] your third wish is zillion it can take one thing and make it into lots and lots of that thing so if I had a diamond I could make it into lots of diamonds or we can use it to help stop princess grizbot somehow oh that sure thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] you know it could be so much more dazzling in here with a little glitter some Jewels no thanks [Music] my response [Music] [Music] I think frooky heard me here's our chance let's see if glue boot can make princess grisma stick around Zip Zap Zoo are you ready to help um then let's make this road [Applause] stuff [Music] you mean [Music] thank you [Music] that umbrella does knock with your outfit at all huh [Music] or Bartleby I need to slow down that Chris bot and I have just the wish to do it is [Music] true are you ready to help okay bring it show me how much metal you can pull towards you slow down ninja kitty Dodge [Music] thank you [Music] I'll give you two power [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that robot can really move are we gonna stop it true we've already used two wishes well my third wish is zillion he can multiply anything but how can we use that to stop princess grisbot it's not the robot we need to stop it's freaky but what can we multiply that freaky really likes well he loves me of course and squeaky toys and me Bartleby that's it Don't You Love he loves you giving him more of you to love will get him to come out stop the princess Chris bot and save griselda's Castle a little drill never heard anyone and the world can always use more Bartleby [Music] are you ready to be more cats than you've ever been before yep set my bartlebees free Zip Zap Zoom [Music] wish come true Lillian can you make us a few more bartlebees thanks this one hurt will it not a bit okay borrow bees get in front of the grispot so freaking can see all three of you got it okay over here [Music] thank you it's not stopping uh can you ninja cats get me up there [Music] now [Applause] [Music] thanks Bartleby I mean Bartle bees I speak for all of us when I say no problem come on [Music] isn't stopping uh here but away take freaky down cool [Music] I have to get frookie's toy out of here my friend is going to get stomped on doesn't do something something [Music] I have to do something [Music] princess [Music] that was fabulous yeah I was pretty great wasn't I but nobody was around to see me do it except for you guys no but how do you feel actually really good for some reason huh I could get used to this oh it's destroyed oh well I'll just have my Christmas build me another one no can I'll have them build a giant statue of me instead they're a lot less Stompy [Music] ready to have zillion turn you back into just one Bartleby Bartleby yeah uh not yet I want to let Cookie finish with the other knees first please don't [Music] yet he's sitting [Music] next stop Yeti Village are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet Myrtle Beach we just left but I can't blame you for being excited I can't wait to babysit the yeti triplets me too yeah three Yeti babies equals three times the fun which is why toys I just didn't know if they'd be in the squeaky toys or tin foil ball silly faces I'm sure the yeti babies will love your toys thanks for bringing them Bartleby and thank you Griselda for coming along to help oh it's no problem after all I am a pro when it comes to babies look I brought my how to raise a freaky book written by the most fabulous writer I know me a whole chapter on baby talk I'm fluent listen is Widow baby Bridle be excited to see the yeti wedies oh she's good yeah you are a baby expert I raise spooky all by myself and he turned out perfectly babysitting is going to be easy right well we just have to remember though not to actually sit on the babies okay Grizz no baby sitting look sit on the beach [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby [Music] this is going to be so great [Applause] hey hi ERG we are so ready to babysit your fuzzy little triplets I've got my freaky training book and I brought all my toys [Music] they're almost cute enough to be princesses [Music] oh okay the babies just had their nap I made some normal berries and now they're ready for play save playtime no no not that nope nope yes yes what should we play fetch Chaser tail round and round smothered me with kisses rookie can play that four hours [Music] do you want Sunset we'll make sure they're in bed by then all right cuties who's ready for some true hey where'd they go correction I had grok haha nobody touches the crown s [Music] okay Croc that's a good girl Uncle bar to be seriously getting a little tired I'm just gonna put you down for a second Okay who wants to go for a kitty back ride [Music] there you are you silly girl oh [Music] wow wait a ninja catch bee [Music] I think we should take these little bundles of fun outside where things are less Breaky who wants to go for a [Music] little we need toys my fruition book comes never leaves time without his favorite chew toy happy what do you have well let's see I got the squeaky mousy no yarn ball any takers tough crowd let's see [Music] I know you can't go wrong with that tin foil ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you just wanted to go to the playground Okay who wants to push from Uncle Bartleby after he has a rest I've got to face bubble this huh silly floof come down here the only thing cuter than a princess is a princess with the yeti baby foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was fun and you know what else is fun a nice walk by the river ah you're right drew that sounds way less jumpy and crashy [Music] fun [Music] he thinks she wants to sniff around the tree frukey loves sniffing trees [Music] ah frukey does not do that oh yeah oh uh thank you grock but we should put that down now okay what I meant put it back where it was good boy flu now should Rock how to play nice with trees [Music] [Applause] Edge [Music] uh true that's a lot of water we better go find those triplets and see what they're up to I'm sure there's something about all of this in my how to train your fruity book [Music] [Applause] [Music] wherever you are over there you are you stay right there I'm coming to get you [Music] [Applause] look everyone jump [Music] oh they make it look so easy [Music] thank you thanks cumulo Griselda will you be okay keeping an eye on the triplets totally I'm in control as always great we'll be right back to the wishing tree please [Music] foreign [Music] how did the babysitting go we've got a big problem the yeti triplets went rolling off in their carriage and then we found them but then they started pulling out trees River got clogged in the whole Yeti Villages flooded and griselda's just floating there and the babies are definitely not sleeping and ergon Snick will be home any minute now it's a big problem sit and have a think oh [Music] [Applause] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the triplets are safe so first we need to stop the flood in Yeti Village good idea you should tackle the biggest problem first there's so much water that everything's floating yeah and running on logs is way harder than it looks it is the triplets make it look so easy they're impossible to catch so we need a way to round them up [Music] the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] I have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the Wikipedia says about their powers [Music] raplo has Mighty grabbing power he can grab onto anything and lift even the heaviest objects perfect grapplow you can help us unblock the river oh our next wish is hugsy oh yeah this is a fun one pugsy loves wrapping anyone in super tight hugs who doesn't love hugs hugs hugsy you can help us round up the triplets and last but definitely not least we have twisty a a super strong wish twisty great to see you again this one is a force of nature twisty can twist up anything even a strong tornado that's incredible I'm just not sure how twisting could help with a flood or baby yetis but I can't wait to figure it out wishes in my pack [Music] y you're welcome good luck good job watching the babies Griselda oh no problem you know I always knew I was a great babysitter but now I know I'm a fantastic Carriage sitter too time for some wish power true you got it can you take us to the bridge please [Music] time for my first wish you subscribe [Music] see that bridge over there oh there's a big tree that's stuck underneath can you grab onto it and pull it out oh great boy okay get into position hey ho ho ho [Music] hey look the water's going down [Music] oh I just kissed the ground see you buddy Grappler that was really impressive on top Grandpa [Applause] I'm okay now tuck yourself in now to round up those babies and get them home Before Sunset where are those cute Yeti babies anyway [Applause] hahaha [Music] that didn't really answer my question which way did they go your kung fu for swinging over there [Music] okay but where's grok came from over there okay okay don't worry babies Uncle Bartleby will get you down I'm true how is Uncle Bartleby gonna get them down [Applause] we'll give them something a baby's love hugs time for my second wish [Music] this is [Music] wish come true okay hugsy these little yetis need your super Huggy power now's your chance hugsy it's oh [Music] [Applause] nice squeezing oxy you can let go now oh thank you Grog and now to buckle you in to make sure you stay put that away here comes okay hugsy time for round two [Music] oh yeah that was fun wasn't it that's two babies down and one to go hope your snuggle Supply is high hugsy no need true huxy can sit this one out my book has a whole chapter on what to do when your frooky's off his leash come here floof you'll be a good baby Yeti training your freaky offer truth as a reward [Music] I got some yummy Snacky wackies [Music] gotcha [Music] [Applause] come on hugsy go true [Music] nice gads true thanks Drew [Music] you're all such good yetis yes you are yes you are you are thanks for everything hugsy now tuck yourself in well that's that now let's get these Yeti babies home in bed [Applause] sleepy already see I knew babysitting was going to be easy yeah it's a good thing you brought your book Griselda I'm bringing your toys was a great idea too Bartleby we're pretty good babysitting team oh what a wonderful Sunset I love the way it feels on my face huh Sunset and oh look there's Zerg and snack returning from their big day out ergon's sick I really hope they don't see that big pile of trees over there it's messy no we can't leave the yeti Village like this cleaning up trees is not in my babysitting book Crystal the bottle with Yeti babies back in bed before Oregon Snick at home but true who's gonna clean up that mess I'll take care of those trees okay true we're on it oh [Music] it's time for my third wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] wish come true we need your help and fast you see all those trees over there we need to clean them up before mama and papa Yeti get home I know you can twist up a tiny tornado to lift them [Applause] they're getting closer we'd better hurry up twist twisty [Applause] [Music] let's put those trees down [Music] great job twisty let's go join Bartleby and Griselda I'm sure they have the triplets snug in their beds by now foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for the fun day it sure kept us on our toes I hope you two had a lovely time we had such a fun day with your little triplets oh boy they sure do know how to play and good thing I was here because absolutely nothing went wrong here's my card foreign for us oh you shouldn't have it was our pleasure love is Frozen says Sunni juice balls oh thank you so much to the best babysitting team ever [Music] birthday party it's my birthday it's my birthday it's June's birthday my best friend's birthday and I plan to party party I'm gonna see my friends [Music] so excited got him present can't wait [Music] our favorite person in the Kingdom [Music] special day with you happy birthday Drew oh okay are you ready for an amazing birthday of course wait I still have so much to do for the party tonight no you don't because I planned your whole party really yep it's my gift to you I'm gonna make sure you have the most amazing birthday ever you won't have to do a single thing today true oh B you're the best I know but we've got some serious birth thing to do let's get going it's my birthday it's my birthday my best friend's birthday it's my birthday oh [Music] ready for a treat I made something extra special guess what it is Bartle biscuits I got the idea from the mirror hmm part should I eat first my ears of course good choice hey this kind of tastes like straw Nilla are we having a stronger with cake at my party you'll have to wait and see with wiggly jiggly jelly and bubble to icing yeah and as your best friend I of course knew you'd want all those different flavors together it's definitely not just a basic mellow berry cake so well for a non here have another bottle biscuit try eating it as loud as you can allowed enough Griselda answer my face bubble [Music] we have a birthday emergency you ran out of glitter balloons no we need to change the Mellow berry cake into a straw nilly wiggly jiggly jelly bubble chew ice cream cake oh that's no problem baking isn't hard all you need is a princess's [Music] what you don't have a recipe princesses don't need recipes we're amazing at everything we do right grismos okay but don't forget the cake is the most important part of our party obvi that's why I'm in charge of it okay grismos you've heard Bartleby melloberries out and strongello wiggly jiggly Jilly bubble two icing is in where's my super fast ever rise powder let's add more more is better [Music] foreign guys everything good with the decorations okay great talk to you soon all aboard the mushroom Town Birthday Express hey yeah everyone's on their way you bet right on schedule great hey bingo bingo you know the way right you turn left at the never-ending Forest [Music] yeah um okay I'll take that as a yes is ready for ice cream lunch ice cream for lunch we can do that there it's your birthday let's put the scream and ice cream birthday lunch perfect ready to bake what are you Christmas doing step aside this needs a princess's delicate touch [Music] baking would be hard if I wasn't so good at it okay Bartleby I think that's enough just one last thing to top it off a fishy poof cracker [Music] now we can't wear this to my party ah you weren't gonna wear that anyway cause we're gonna get you a new outfit really really but only after you finish all your ice cream challenge accepted [Music] oh no no no no this simply won't do we need to make it pop because all together more is better nothing's going to stop this express bus to true's birthday party except for this delicious goop hey what's the hold up I gotta get to truth party pardon me I have a party to attend can you please move it along now let's go let's go okay he's perfect ready to see my new birthday suit is it as cute as mine what in that fabulous outfit you are going to rock this party what's that I don't know but we better go check it out what's going on a traffic jam excuse party bus oh hello Rainbow City bus shouldn't you be on your way to some place very important mayhaps well I should but as you can see I'm stuck in this delicious goo it does smell yummy yummy and it tastes a lot like bubble chew icing Griselda oh well that's wiggling jiggly enough for a regular cake eater but this cake needs to be princess lava wiggly jiggly more is better [Music] hey Griselda do you know anything about some bubble chew icing traffic jam Bartleby I'm in the middle of making the most important cake in my career I need my space I'll talk to you later now where were we ah yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ERS are okay I'm sure the forest Critters are fine you don't really need to do any hero stuff today do you [Music] but let's go and check it out anyway [Music] what happened is everything okay these trees are blocking your path hmm we'll maybe the three of us can move it not true can it wait we still have that ooey gooey traffic jam to clean up if we don't help no one will be able to come through the forest it is bingo bingo party decorations we need to move this tree right now that's the spirit this isn't working time for some wish help to the wishing tree [Music] happy birthday true I wasn't expecting to see you until your party the party will have to wait Z there was some kind of earthquake yeah we felt it up here too it knocked over trees in the never-ending forest and no one can get around and there's a sticky situation in rainbow sticky gooey situation and it's causing it oh that does sound serious but sit and have a think [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well first we need to get the trees back upright in the never-ending Forest yeah and let's not forget they're super heavy then we have to get the gooey glob off the rainbow city streets [Music] the wishing tree has heard you true time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] please share your wonderful wishes with me [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] these wishes are incredible wait till you see what the Wikipedia says about these [Applause] [Music] is liftoff [Music] this wish is incredibly strong it can lift anything you place on top of it just give it a spin wow livedo you can help us get all the trees standing again next we have Papa this wish can blow air into anything like a flat tire or a balloon bouquet or a giant gooey glob like the one causing the traffic jam maybe pumpa can blow into a bubble and float it away oh you're gonna love this one me kakaraka one of the most powerful wishes of all kakaraka is a bursting wish that can help break large things into smaller pieces wow I'm not sure how I can use kakaraka just yet but I'm sure it'll be a blast Zoo zip wishes [Music] thank you bye see good luck you two [Music] okay we're back thanks for waiting let's see if we can move these trees off the road for you time for my first wish [Music] one two of you wish come true [Music] see all those Fallen trees we need you to lift them back up again which will clear the path and allow everyone to get where they need to go ah I'm just excited about getting people moving again go [Music] [Applause] come on down [Music] okay let's get the rest of this path clear [Music] thanks [Applause] though now back in the pack [Music] Come on B we've gotta get back to Rainbow City to deal with that gooey globby mess [Music] birthday all this baking is making my lips chapped oh what is more important than taking care of my beautiful skin [Music] hi everyone Drew thank goodness I don't think I can eat any more of this delicious goo okay time for my second wish [Music] I choose [Music] come true that giant glob has really good up our friends ready to help clean it up great I bet we can blow a huge bubble out of that goo pump [Music] [Applause] s [Music] thanks Pompa that really blew me away now back in the back [Music] it's true well I was hoping you wouldn't need to do any of that hero stuff today but you took care of that pretty easily [Music] true I wish you the most happy birthday Griselda may I please talk to Bartleby about nothing to do with cakes sure okay what is it Griselda Bartleby this cake is not doing what I told it to do stay no the words batting cake are not something I want to hear what's going well it turns out more is not always better the strong yellow cake layer is a bit bigger than I expected like oops it's so big we're gonna be eating cake for a week [Music] out of the oven and the kitchen [Music] that is a super huge birthday cake super huge totally on purpose birthday cake happy you shouldn't have I really shouldn't have thank you for me [Music] in this scrumptious strumming in a sponge cake I've been stuck in a traffic jam before but never a traffic jelly is going straight to Fergie's obedience school [Music] hi B hi true there might be a small problem with the party giant birthday cake that fell over on mushroom town and has all of them that wasn't part of my plan true I hate to ruin your day but I think I really need your help now it's okay B helping people is my favorite thing to do okay [Music] okay we've got a cake problem to the mushroom town [Music] and it looks delicious too should we just eat our way through because I'd be okay with that well as yummy as that sounds it might take too long it's time for my third wish [Music] this is [Music] you wish come true hi kakaraka we have a giant cake problem we need your help ready kakaraka we're rooting for you kakaraka [Music] now wait for my signal [Music] on my count three two one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay foreign [Applause] [Music] let's get this party started hahaha [Music] so I guess we should just leave the party planning to you next year huh what do you mean bartlebeat well nothing worked out the way I wanted it to and besides you don't even have a cake Bartleby I had the most incredible day mostly because I got to spend it with you I love the picnic and the ice cream launch and I love my outfit everything you did today came from your heart and that made this the best birthday ever huh what [Applause] 'll be it's raining cupcakes I don't think anyone's at a birthday party like this before way to go kakaraka Zoo Zip Zap wishes party is amazing thanks everyone this is even better than the best birthday party ever and it's all thanks to Bartleby ah Shacks thanks to you deserve it true okay where'd she go and now for your birthday entertainment may I please present to you our great guest of honor [Music] [Applause] in order for the Rainbow Kingdom 's favorite birthday [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Big Green bounce can I look now how about now ah can I please okay can I please please please please please please look okay Open Your Eyes true that is the most I mean it's just so how did you okay I have no idea what this is what is it it's my invention for the maker Shaker Expo I call it the I Heart You bubblegram It's magnificent I love it watch this thank you wait for it wow are those sugar glitter swirls [Music] a heart for me even better a heart you can eat you sure know the weight of my heart true they're gonna win the sunshine ribbon for sure thanks bee winning would be nice but I'm just excited to see what everyone else has made true I just heard about this maker Shaker whatever thingy you need to help me win this Sunshine ribbon Griselda you can win it without my help you always make cool stuff like your giant crispot true oh no or maybe a mini crispot something less Stompy Goosebumps are so passe I've been trying to come up with an idea but the grismals are being so loud carving my wall of me [Music] well it didn't quite capture my I don't know what do it again talk later true [Music] green crystals gross I only work with pink now now is Eric I need you too uh okay I need you to make me an invention thousand silver salutations welcome to the maker Shaker Expo The Winner Takes hold the spectacular Sunshine ribbon now don't forget to vote for your favorite invention oh that means me too Indigo inventions two this is remarkable what is it this is my I hurt you bubble bubble how does it work allow me to show you [Music] terrific topaz oh and a snack too lovely love Linda I bubble bubble heart now shall we see what everyone else has come up with yes let's go [Music] Mellow Yellow a soothing Rock fountain look how the water comes up right through the Rocks hi everybody [Music] what's your invention have you ever thought that one high five just isn't enough always but you'll love this presenting five five high for when you're feeling undefrived anything spring-loaded high five one two three four five that's five times the fun who wants to try bubbly zazuni juice a juice bubbler I have to see how this works oh this will be fine I just pushed the button here the bubbles Bubble Up and they come out here pickles Peppa pardons Cheers Cheers excuse you why hello little helpers what did you make very impressive I've got my own personal cleaning machine that's also very impressive [Music] what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you get a bouncy bling bling and you get a bouncy bling bling and do you get a bouncy bling bling [Applause] thanks Griselda wow they're so glowy excuse me [Music] excuse me of course [Music] bouncy bling blings invented by Yours Truly princess Griselda Griselda can you show me how your machine works works I have no idea how it works details are so not my thing details are exactly my thing okay let's see now first the grismos carry the green crystals up the ladder and put them into the hopper then it seems like the crystals it all smooched up into a green goo right and that green goo gets rolled up into a ball which comes out the front [Music] [Laughter] Porter spews into the river this doesn't look quite right I don't think this is normal we should go ask roselda Griselda did you know that I'm the best inventor yes smiley face now what did you want me to sign actually B and I were just at the back of your machine and it looks like you were saying how cool the back of my machine is well actually there's green polka dots on these bling blings I don't normally go for green but dogs are too adorbs winky face so are we gonna tell her about the green water thingy I don't know B griselda's really enjoying this I don't want to ruin it for her come on let's go see who's going to win the sunshine ribbon yeah maybe green water is good for the river I am delighted to announce the best invention of the maker Shaker Expo the winner of the sunshine ribbon is please please please please please please please please please please please please [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations Griselda I knew you could do it I'd like to thank everyone who helped me but since I did it all myself I'll just think me where did you get the idea for these bouncing blinglings the fantastically fun and so pretty I based them mostly on myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] never seen this before obvious [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] you look like a bouncy bling bling but you look like a bouncy bling bling [Music] what was that [Applause] [Music] those bouncy bling blings are really big those aren't bling blings those are people perplexing pistachio this water is clean bouncy [Music] [Music] Blues come again it happened to the rainbow king after he was splashed by that Green River water [Music] griselda's machine you need to stop this before everyone turns into bling blings then let's ask Griselda to turn off the machine hey Brazil we can't why not she's having such a fun time with this also she doesn't know how the machine works so telling her wouldn't help smiley face so how do we stop the water well we know how the Machine Works we can fix it [Music] turn anything on here if it burn we've got to stop this we need some wish help oh [Music] foreign [Music] have you seen these bouncy bling blings aren't they fun they are fun but people are turning into them wow that's super fun but you seem worried explain please griselda's machine is turning all the water green and some people got splashed by it and then they became polka dotted and it gets worse they inflated and then they started bouncing and bouncing and bouncing just like the bouncy bling blings wandering wormholes but sit and have a sink [Music] [Applause] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well griselda's really proud of her invention so we need a way to stop the green water without having to tell her right and I'm sure you can with some wish help we also need a way to unborn the boinging citizens they'll keep bouncing forever if we don't get them back to normal [Music] Trey has heard you true time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] burglars [Music] wishes are spectacular true let's see what the Wikipedia says about them first up is Tai Thai this wish can tie itself into all sorts of nuts great Ty Ty you can help tie up our Loose Ends oh Bumper Shoot has fantastic parachute powers bomber shoot can float you down to the ground safely from any height Bumbershoot you could help catch the bouncing citizens it's one of my favorite wishes has a gelatinous body I can absorb anything into it hmm I don't know how cubically can help stop the green water or the boinging citizens but I'm sure we can put your GUI Center to good use Zip Zap wishes in my pack see you later [Music] now let's put a stop to this green water time for my first wish you [Music] you wish I need you to give the pipe a big hug [Music] yes bye bye green water where's a high five hat when you need one hey [Music] I wouldn't be bouncy too how's everybody doing modern sides feel jiggly I'm tired this is ruining my Royal laugh hang in there we're going to please [Music] [Music] never get tired of that cumulo time for my second wish [Music] come true hi Bumbershoot I need your help to catch and hold down those boingy citizens are you sure this is gonna work only one way to find out roll over cumulo foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put if you move sing again um true I think taita is about to untie oh no oh no okay it's finally time to tell Griselda to turn her machine off [Music] Tommy is all jiggly bubbly zazuni juice to calm your belly storm that just might settle it excuse me said less jiggly make that twenty percent what's your name here you go puppy face [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] she can't hear us we need to get past this crowd sounds like a job for a stealth Kitty naughty Master follow me almost there [Music] so how many fishy poop crackers for me and the friend to get to see the princess next oh [Music] we've got to tell Griselda no matter what it takes even if it means standing in line [Music] Griselda what's your name it's me here you go it's me I need to tell you something I need to tell you something what a unique name Griselda it's me true your machine is turning people into bouncy bling blings what no way how could my machine turn people into bling blings allow me true when the green crystals ran through the machine bouncing bling blings weren't the only thing that came out green water gushed out of the back and into the river turning it green the green water ran through the city and any citizens that touched it blew up like bling Wings they started bouncing higher and higher and higher and higher so we had to jump off cumulo to catch them with Bumbershoot which was super scary Tammy ran to tell you to turn off the machine but the grismo said no and we said please and then Christmas said no and we said pretty please and then they said no so we waited in line until it was our turn to see you and we said nice job b um what's happening it's gonna [Music] die what's happening to me it's way bouncier than the others [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign sounds yummy it really does doesn't it [Music] my third wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] you Wiggly griselda's going to land here any second we need you to catch her [Music] okay okay this way [Music] right with you drew okay here [Applause] [Music] it worked yes nice work too bigly now let's get Griselda back to the Expo we still need to unborn everyone now what princesses are rarely polka Dotty and never inflated and absolutely never green don't worry Griselda we just need to figure out how to unborn the boinginess wow you're not boingy anymore no a bubbly's a Zuni burp did the trick excuse me oh I can do that trick oh excuse me firmer monster just follow me please when juice ball coming at you [Music] what's up why aren't you burping are you kidding burping is very unprincicely but if you don't burp you'll stay like that forever I will do many things but I will never pardon me well I will be doing that ever again [Music] thanks cubicley YouTube Ty Ty you were both super helpful Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome Griselda Oh and about my machine I'm sorry it caused all that trouble I'm sorry too Griselda I should have told you about the green water in the first place I really will miss all that selfie taking and autograph signing if only there was a way to fix the green water problem hold on I have an idea [Music] it worked the little helper's cleaning machine did the trick you're a genius true thanks Bartleby it sure is nice to have everything back to normal everything back to normal face through switcheroo [Music] Myrtle Beach could you pass me an empty flower pot please oh you're no Bartleby good work Little Helpers I just wonder where my big helper Bartleby went [Music] water poof crackers [Music] are you forgetting what day it is today is it sleep on the grass day nope brush My Fur Day nope eat a big lunch day no silly we're going to help Griselda with her gardening today oh now stop right there where you think you're going with true's flowers it's okay B I'm giving them to Griselda so she can add them to her garden so nice okay enough chatter let's get these flowers onto the wagon [Music] it's some kind of crystal smells pepperminty what kind of Crystal smells pepperminty hmm we might be able to tell if we clean it up a little I don't know what just happened I Crystal just made your juice ball switch places with that shovel wow what do you know an actual working for real switch from a jig switch them a box yeah switch them a thing Switcheroo Switcheroo that's good yeah yeah that's what I said have you ever seen anything so amazing just think of all the things we can switch [Music] wow [Music] [Music] awesome [Music] what just happened I don't know me and you're an extremely handsome kitty cat Switcheroo switched our bodies I what about me how am I supposed to be a human or a girl I don't know how to be either I have to switch back oh what's for all they do is wiggle around when are you going together to help me with my garden the grismos are ruining everything help me she thinks you're me say something like what wait who said that um hold on just let me guess on our way true we can't go to griseldas like this we have to we promised we'd help grab that Crystal and we'll try and figure it out there okay but the second we get there I want to be a cat again I don't know how you people live without fur I'm freezing foreign put the bench for the bush is in the bush were the benches no no that's not right either put them back where they were okay let's try switching back before we talk to Griselda [Music] hard to get a grip on anything with these Paws who is that back there oh no here she comes let her do all the Talking yeah for a change hello true Bartleby you two sound weird [Music] anyway everything that's here should be there and everything that's there should be here [Music] uh hands still dirty from uh gardening okay what's this surprise oh that's so sweet of you true oh Crystal it smells like peppermint it'll be the perfect centerpiece for my garden true we need the switcheroo back why didn't you tell her it wasn't a gift I couldn't say anything [Music] on the top of the bird bath right away my new centerpiece so guard it for all your worth gardening is exhausting time for a beauty nap oh and I want that Crystal to be sparkling so I can see my face in it so be sure to shine it every couple seconds thank you every few seconds Christmas I really need that Crystal back but it's getting switched [Music] uh oh [Music] wanna we have to stop all this switching never fear this ninja cat um girl we'll get it back uh Bartleby [Music] I don't know what to do next with your body [Music] laughing the cat I can leap a feather duster dirty trick hmm I'm used to landing on my Paws look the beams are going everywhere true even Rainbow City yeah mustard [Music] good morning no no no no no no no no [Music] there's no way we can fix this on our own we need some wish house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you sound wishes you move over here please and bouncy wishes you can move over here [Music] see greetings true on bottleby I'm just switching some of the wishes spots in the wishing tree ah more switching can't things just stay the same anymore true there's something wrong with your voice you sound like Bartleby no no my voice sounds the same as always no Bartleby my eyes must be seeing things my ears must be hearing things dreaming wishes help me wake up please I can't be sleeping on the job thanks bouncing wish it's okay you're not dreaming B and I switched bodies yeah true dug up this Crystal thing we call the switcheroo and it Zapped us and now I'm a human and she's a cat I miss having fur great gravity what a problem this is come let's sit and have a think about this [Music] oh [Music] how can the wishes help you true well first we need to get the switcheroo back from the grismos Griselda thinks true gave it to her as a gift but she did not oh that's that's awkward really awkward but maybe a wish can help us give Griselda something else that she'll like even more and once you get the crystal you can switch yourselves back and everything will be normal right uh not exactly we saw the switch root beams blasting towards Rainbow City landed on my feet it is time to get your three wishes wait true's the one who asked for the wishes but right now I'm true the wishing tree always knows the real true but she will need her wish pack all right huh perfect fit I'm ready [Music] three stories [Music] dreams these are some great wishes Bartleby I mean true let's check the Wikipedia [Music] [Music] Norful this smelling wish has a very strong nose for sniffing things out don't stuff back again strong sneezer too I bet your second wish is zillion one of my favorites you can make exact copies of things whether you just need one copy or a hundred copies what could I make a copy of that'll help me Switcheroo I could give a copy of it to Griselda so I can get the real one back and your third wish is ah yes looksie the seeing wish it can help you spot things that our eyes can't see I don't know why we'd need a sing wish but I'm sure I'll find some way to use it you always do true thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sure you wonderful wishes of me [Music] you're the best YouTuber will be true [Applause] how are you flowers magnificus hello bee a sleeping lemon yellow now I'm a bee well I better practice my buzzing [Music] huh yeah [Music] ice cream break B we need to switch a roof first ice cream later oh right it's time to get it back and put a stop to all the switching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right ready to go hi grismos I really need that Crystal back I'm not gonna take it I'm just gonna make a cop y [Music] perfect and we'd like one copy of the switcheroo please but don't copy its powers arrested princess is a happy princess okay everyone let's see how things are looking in my um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow that's weird did everyone just get taller I'm a dog why my dog I'm really sorry Griselda uh why are you talking like true you and your gizmos weren't supposed to have my crystal it's a Switcheroo and it switches things and people and cats and switched our bodies that's so so weird [Music] it's with my froopy kids [Music] [Music] right behind you true oh [Music] no how are we gonna find the real switch room now don't feel bad zillion it's not your fault you got startled you're a good helper I can't believe I'm a dog a really adorable dog but a dog [Applause] be a princess come on Bee we gotta find the real Switcheroo I'm with you troops [Music] this isn't my stop okay things are looking really switched up around here these come from oh yeah uh true of Crystal hide and seek how are we gonna know which one's the real Switcheroo with all the copies what first we'll have to gather up every last Crystal there is okay but how can we find all the crystals if we can't even see where they all are you do need to see them you just have to smell them oh yeah they smell pepperminty [Applause] which comes true hi snorkel I need you to find all the crystals wherever they are they smell like peppermint can you sniff them out for us [Music] sorry [Music] got it hey I'm getting good with these finger thingies I guess that's all of them [Music] now we gotta figure out which is the real Switcheroo luckily I have a system grab them nope can I help no I got it I'm cramp I'm cramp this is gonna take forever [Music] there it is again nope none of those crystals was the switcheroo maybe it's one of these there has to be a way to find out which crystals the real Switcheroo without having to polish them all let's think about this Our Last Wish is luxie we can see things or regularized can't right what's on the switcheroo that we can't see my paw print I left paw prints on it when I tried to grab it that's a super incredible idea let's do this [Music] [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] think we're looking for one special Crystal that has a kitty paw print on it are you ready to look well [Music] where is it the paw print ninja kitty Kitty toys [Music] nice tail control you know what they say B practice makes perfect thanks look see you've been a huge house great job true now um he switched us back quick okay Bartleby whiskers no whiskers too no tail Kitty sense of self-importance uh no tail [Music] we've got a lot more stuff to switch around come on can't we celebrate for a second okay one second dance party okay let's go let's switch a room with finger two [Music] [Applause] no sense wasting all that practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice switch [Music] teal wagging isn't fun anymore huh that Crystal looks so gorgeous in my garden I didn't realize it wasn't for me great news Griselda fruity you can have all the crystal copies just don't ask me to count how many there are I can't count that high yeah [Music] oh wait tail gone fingers back ability to curtsy perfect so uh what are you gonna do with that Switcheroo true well I know the perfect spot where it won't cause any more trouble there back in the ground great gizmos [Music] hello marshmallow bardovy meow look look I love gloves but cats Love yarn even more darn did you say yarn oh oh what's gonna happen to the marshmallow part will be delicious true you're eating marshmallow me I couldn't help it you're just so marshy I really am yeah I like the glitter bird you made thanks oh boy you and I made a lot of great art today while it was raining outside but it isn't draining anymore want to take this art party outside [Music] okay whoops true are you all right I'm okay I just slept on a marshmallow bad inconsiderate marshmallow for not making it in my mouth true the door's a mess this looks amazing B look how glittery prettily it got yeah and now it's even more amazing [Music] well look at that it matches our house but glittery whoa dazzling door true that's some kind of dark whoa dazzling door true I think we just started something I think you're right [Music] wow look at all the neighborhood doors they're so dazzling ah this is amazing so much great art everywhere hey look that that's a painting of me that is the sweetest thing it's a potato oh [Applause] [Music] mine is coming along okay Christmas let's see what you made to Dazzle your princess with [Music] uh grismos this isn't dazzling enough we're on a Mountaintop my door has to be so dazzling that people can see it from all across the kingdom I know I'll Dazzle it with crystals and not just on the door I'll build a new tower entirely of crystals that everyone can see all right find me the sparkliest crystals you can and get dazzling yeah that's your thing [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it'll be I can't start my day until I get a kitty cuddle from you know who the rainbow King oh he's a busy guy but there's always time for True tickles I can't wait to see what everyone's doors look like how am I supposed to eat my car and I can't see it what's happening whoa this is way too much sun I cannot believe I'm saying that a cat too much sun what's happening true I have no idea wait look that glare isn't from the sun it's from griselda's Castle really I can't see anything oh yeah there it is it looks brighter now shinier we've gotta go up there and find out what's going on rain or sun this blocks them both yep I'm ready come on [Music] cumulo you poor thing is the sun hurting your eyes too it's hard to fly when it's this bright out huh cumulo there you go buddy do better anyways [Applause] fly safe cumulo frooky we've talked about this no drooling it's a lot of love far too moist are you here to give me the award for the most dazzling Castle we're still covered Tower um no this wasn't a competition how can it not be everyone is doing it so what's the prize a ribbon a trophy wait is it a crown Crown isn't it sorry there's no Crown a tiara then nope not even a hair clip no oh well but don't you just love it my castle is the most dazzling home ever it is but your new tower is reflecting so much light it's blinding the entire Kingdom oh so everyone can see my crystal sparkling if it's too bright for some people they can just wear sunglasses like you stop did your Castle just sink uh my castle um don't be silly now if you'll excuse me I have to watch my grismos put on even more gorgeous crystals toodles hey oh hi there little grismo oh man you want us to go down there I think that's a yes [Music] whoa [Music] you live right beneath griselda's Castle how cute you know not the most cat friendly Furniture though that's just an observation look B that pillar is where all the crystals are coming from Eiffel Tower is getting so heavy that pillar's gonna crumble that's what you want to show me you poor little grismos oh no [Music] I gotcha griselda's Castle is sinking and we're right under it everybody here before that pillar breaks this is not a drill okay grismos the new Crystal Towers making the castle too heavy and now the castle is sinking into your home but don't worry we'll convince Griselda to take off the crystals right away we have to so right my beautiful castle it's because your crystals aren't wait wait wait wait don't tell me princesses hate bad news okay I won't tell you Bartle be well it's because of all the crystals you put on it no are you done [Music] okay now I'm done you have to take the crystal tower down it's just too heavy there's Sparkles so sparkly I really really love it I know you do but if you don't take the tower down your Castle will sink into the grismos home and crush it [Music] she's doing it again Griselda sorry it's not my fault I never knew where my grismos lived that's okay Bartleby and I will try to hold the castle up while you and the grismos take the crystals down good luck I'll try but I can barely see it's so bright out here why is it so all right that was me oh grismos let's get stacking [Music] that should hold it up we're almost to the ceiling hurry true we're running out of big things to stack up uh small things that's a great idea wait hey more small things [Music] we propped up the ceiling and saved the day and the history books shall reflect this okay maybe saved wasn't the right word let's get everyone out of here grismos we have to go outside all right gizmos you know the deal two left right here we go we tried everything we could now we need some wish help cumulo to the wishing tree [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry about that are you in the wishes okay oh yes I was just testing to see how high they can bounce bouncy good fun it is but that bright light really startled the wishes that's the problem it's from griselda's Castle she built a crystal tower so tall and heavy it's sinking into the grismo's home great gravity that is a problem come sit down and we'll figure this out [Music] so how do you plan to fix this well we need something to stop the glare outside while we work wait no more sunglasses ah I was just getting used to looking like a cool cat yeah you know an even cooler cat oh Bartleby we need to hold up the castle so it doesn't crush the grismo's home not forever but long enough to take down the Crystal Tower and put the crystals back where they belong sounds like you know exactly what you need to do it's time to get your three wishes [Music] wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] says about them [Music] [Applause] your first wish is Tip Top it is a stacking wish made of smaller parts that work together to build bigger structures okay they look like little Locker bats they'll work perfectly for holding up the grismo ceiling now for wish number two ah yes zeppelo it can hold hot air inside its body and expand as it rises hmm maybe he can help get us high up on the tower to help take off the crystals and the last wish you have is slipsy it is a slide wish not only can you slide down it you can also slide up what a unique specimen I've never slid up a slide before I'm just not sure how it can help me with griselda's Castle ah you'll think of something you're a good thinker thank you Z and thank you Russian tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] good luck let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay B first we have to prop up the ceiling to stop the grisma's home from caving in time time for Tip Top [Music] [Applause] wish come true Tip Top gets stuck [Laughter] oh my gosh they're so cute [Laughter] [Applause] whoa those guys are tougher than they look tough job Tip Top now that they're holding up the castle let's go help Griselda take the crystals down roselda how's it going up there huh not great my Christmas can't see what they're doing we need something to block the sun yeah and it would need to be hmm huge zeppelo gets huge let's block some light [Music] yeah wish come true okay zeppelo time to get huge [Music] wow you're humongous that tail where should zeppelo be to block the light um gotcha this way [Music] it's working Barbie [Music] it's wobbling no that's just me so dizzy okay let's hurry and get the rest of those crystals down and back were they [Music] better check on Tip Top [Music] whoa Tip Top can't hold up the castle forever we've gotta get the crystals in here faster and rebuild the pillar [Music] hurry grismos I'm not sure how much faster they can go they're pooped [Music] your little guy what now true this gives me an idea one grismal got down here faster by sliding on a crystal hmm if we get slipsy near the tower we can move a lot of crystals down here faster slipsy let's do some sliding [Music] hi slipsy I need you to make a slide all the way to the top of griselda's Castle [Applause] [Music] but we're at the bottom Z told us that we could slide down or up on slipsy remember now this I gotta try [Music] and around [Music] true this is no time for playing it's not for us it's to help bring the crystals back under the castle everyone put the crystals onto slipsy and he'll slide them down fast [Music] [Music] [Music] now don't get too excited guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey look they're putting the crystals back and rebuilding the Killer [Music] thanks for working so hard Tip Top you can rest now [Music] great job slipsy and zeppelo we couldn't have done it without you [Music] so I guess I got a little carried away trying to outdo everyone's dazzling doors a little carried away I know it wasn't a competition but I did want to win yeah but you also wanted to help your grismos that's what counts if you still want to add a little Dazzle to your door we have a surprise for you oh yeah [Music] not again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a cake for me it's so beautiful now let's get this party Griselda grooving [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 4,370,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: cnIqVW0MnrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 15sec (9255 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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