Where Is Everybody At On Egghead??

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gasp everybody look the straw hats have assembled [Music] except for Jean Bae because he doesn't have a pop figurine is what I would have said and then I checked uh just now and I saw that jinbei does in fact have a pop figurine and I ordered it that along with a couple of other ones I got kaido which would have been nice to have when I did the whole who what when where why and how is kaido Series so uh you know whatever but I'm getting that also got the crocodile one now the crocodile one has been out for a while and I always meant to get it but I just I kept putting it off and now that crocodile is back in the story actually doing stuff with the cross scaled I'm like I need to get that pop figurine so we'll be good we got this giant shelf back here which is already filled up so yeah I I have an issue with that anyway today's video hello everybody teching back again and we are going to be talking about where everybody is currently located on Egghead Island the reason I'm making this video and I feel like honestly this is kind of necessary is because yeah it's been like upwards of three months a little bit over that I think that we've actually seen the straw hats the last time the straw hats appeared in the chapter was chapter 1079 in the first half of 1079 and then we have the break where you know Oda kind of pans out from Egghead we're kind of leaving the island momentarily and the narrator comes on and it's just like you know and then the events that will Shock the World occurred the next day and uh kizuru and one of the goros say Saint Jay Garcia Saturn are currently heading toward Egghead and uh you know spoiler alert at the end of the last chapter chapter 1088 we saw the Marines now arriving so we are now resuming um the the main storyline I shouldn't say the main storyline because this is all the main storyline everything that was happening at Hachi nosu is every bit as relevant as what was happening with the reverie uh which is every bit as relevant which is happening with Egghead right now it's just that we weren't focusing on the main cast of the straw hat Pirates and you know what is phenomenal about this it's when you have a really good story that has ran for a very long time over 26 years we're very very close no no I think we're oh we're right on the cusp I think it was July 22nd is when one piece aired in 1997 so we're very close I'm recording this on July 20th right now so by the time you're seeing this it might actually be the anniversary I'm not sure uh whenever this comes out um but no yeah so 26 years of a serialized manga and all of these characters that Oda has created hundreds and hundreds of these characters and all these different paradigms going on you can deviate from the main cast for a little while you can be like okay you know the main characters are not going to show up in the manga for like a little story arc for just 10 chapters or so we're gonna focus on some other characters and nobody really complained I haven't really heard anybody make a huge complaint of like I want to see the straw hats again I'm sure somebody has but overall I mean like it's been a while it's been 10 plus about around down 10 chapters plus we had the five week break and now we're kind of getting back to it and it just it feels like it just flows very well the pacing here seems natural like we left for a little while we got to see what Shanks was up to we got to see what Blackbeard was up to fighting law we got to see what uh you know Hachi nosu was up to we got the whole other side of the reverie flashback and it just it just seemed to transition from one phase into the next and now we're moving back to the Egghead phase the labo phase as it were okay so uh where did we leave off with the straw hats well I'll tell you what um it would have been a little bit confusing if I didn't already make this this is a reference table I made back when um all of the straw hats and the cipher pole were all like in the uh Vega punks the various satellites were scattered all over the lab and I made this this is a uh this is basically a a representation of the map that was in the chapter that I just drew in Ms paint um to make it look like you know actually show it on the channel and so um not everybody is still in the same location as on here um some of the locations have changed but this at least gives us a nice jumping off point here okay so vegapunk's lab is based um you know on the labosphere so you know above the um the fabrication phase below the island it's up there it's uh in the frontier dome in that giant Cloud that's generated by the buildings below okay I'm just gonna throw it up here and talk over it okay you just kind of a little bit of a podcast thing here all right so the building has three separate uh sections the C building the a building the B building laid out like so it actually spells cab which I find funny um okay so let's start at the very top uh this outline is what the lab used to look like before it was bombarded by the various uh seraphim as well as sliced apart by like s Hawk so it incurred a lot of damage you could see the tops of all these buildings were pretty much blown off so the sea building and the bee building both had three floors the top level of the third floor on both of these buildings is is damaged so it's just kind of open to the outside to the air and then the a building had four levels with the fourth level being the control room where everything was kind of manned and everything like that like the computers were there and like the security and everything was at okay so that was sliced apart by S hock and then subsequently blown up but I think one of s Bear's attacks so you know this is the kind of current situation we're in right now okay so originally we had Luffy and Zorro and Shaka there and uh also Luchi and Kaku who were detained after uh Stussy you know subdued them they regained their senses they freed them from the sea prism stone when S Bear and S Hawk showed up and the fight was on okay so currently Luffy and S Bear are the uh and Lucci are the only ones that are currently in the command room essentially what happened with s Hawk is that he decided that this fight was going to be too difficult and he was like you know the AI and the seraphim is pretty intelligent I guess or at least their are like I guess it's not really AI it's it's like you know an actual brain like they cloned mihawk's brain and a bunch of other DNA is in there and it's just in there and he's just like okay analyzing but there's also like security protocols programmed in so I'm guessing it's an organic brain because they actually have they have green blood and stuff flowing through them but it's like an organic brain but also it has like cybernetic components I would imagine for the security protocols and like you know like oh who can order around the seraphim and that structure and everything like that so s hock was fighting against everybody and he realizes like wait a minute this fight's gonna be really hard if I continue you know what I'll do is I'll go and find one of Luffy or Zorro's companions one of their comrades and then I can like take them hostage or attack them and then that will distract them enough that I might be able to win so the seraphim are programmed not to just like I will hit things and damage them and kill them it's like they they are very intelligent they can think of the bigger picture when they're in a fight it's not just all about cutting things up it's like a psychological angle to it too like all right my physical might's not enough what's a psychological angle here oh I can find Nami and then you know like hold up my sword to her throat and be like ah you know Luffy if you don't you know let me attack you you know I'm slitter throat or something like that you know what I mean so that's that's kind of what s hock is going for right now so Zorro notices that and he heads off and of course Zorro gets lost and so Luffy calls out to Kaku calls him usop actually hey Usopp going you know go and make sure uh Zorro doesn't get lost that happens to him a lot and so Kaku is just like sure I'll do that what a pain in the ass by the way quit calling me USA so last time we left them so Zorro is running through the hallway kaku's probably gonna try to keep him on track and everything like that and they are currently chasing after s hock so this seems to be setting the stage for an S hock versus Zoro Kaku battle you know two on one that's how that's going to go all right by the way I just love a little running gag throughout like Egghead and it's been going on for I think a while now but it's like I feel like all the straw hats had like a group meeting when Zoro wasn't around and they were like okay listen Zorro gets lost a lot like even Luffy acknowledges this even Luffy's like yeah this is gonna be a problem so all the straw hats came to like a unanimous decision of like okay we never let Zorro leave we have to have him have a buddy the buddy system has to always apply and all of them unanimously agreed on this even Sanji who kind of like likes to see Zorro run off and get lost and he even Luffy who seems to not care about this stuff most of the time or just finds it funny or humorous even Luffy is like all right I will make sure he stays on point we have to have the buddy system okay so I really like that idea okay so they're going off to fight s-hawk Luchi and Luffy and S Bear are still in the control room and I think they continued their attacks Luffy tried to use like a Red Hawk against him when the Flames were still active and even though they found out like hey you have to attack when the Flames are out otherwise it's pointless because they have lunarian DNA and so Luffy's like all right well let me stress test this I'm gonna punch him so hard the Flames will go out and Lucci's like no that's not how it works ah you know what I mean okay so that fight is resuming there okay that's in the control room now uh let's look at other parts of the lab let's go over to Sea building really quick because a lot of stuff was happening there this was the location where Pythagoras originally was attacked and explodified and we find out that his head managed to survive so uh this was the location where s snake showed up and petrified uh it was your as well as usop and Lilith okay Lilith used the bubble gun to try to like stop her but it didn't work out um you know so uh what happened there is usop and Lilith are still currently petrified Frankie was partially petrified as in like 85 90 of his body was petrified the only part that was not petrified was I think his left arm his shoulder and like half of his face and so that was the last time we saw Frankie where he was just like come over here you stupid seraphim I could still kick your ass with just one arm you know what I mean and so s snake just kind of looked over at him and just hmm and just like walked right by Frankie didn't even care uh walked over to Pythagoras Pythagoras was there just like why are you doing this as snake why and then like just stomp down on Pythagoras and then there was just this giant explosion all right which is a little alarming because a giant explosion occurs um I guess Pythagoras just has like a nuclear core in him or something like big big boom happened okay and I'm a little worried because you know Lilith and usop are Stone so if they fell they were like on top of like a catwalk area like there was like you know they were kind of on a precarious location that just blew up and now they're gonna fall down you know obviously I don't think I don't think this is how usopp's story ends like he falls shatters into a million pieces and it's just like that's just the end of Usopp or maybe we could do like a doctor Stone thing with it where even maybe if we saw did fall down and shatter apart but you can like glue him back together or whatever and then you can um you know as snake and de-petrify him and then he'll be fine you know maybe something like that but that did happen so Pythagoras you know uh he escaped the first attack but now the second attack seemed to have gotten him he didn't really seem like he could really defend himself when he was just his head with like little tiny arms coming out right so a little worried about Pythagoras right now um and so s snake also petrified York but then we learned that York like that was part of the plan you know I was like oh petrify me first so it looks like you know I'm off the hook and then come back and de-petrify me later which s snake does after the explosion de petrifies York York is like great and then goes to meet Vega Punk down in the basement okay so that's that's the situation over there the only person right now on the third floor that might be conscious is Frankie or maybe Pythagoras if he somehow managed to escape but I'm thinking he probably didn't um I'm assuming they could just repair him maybe I'm not really sure how that works out with Pythagoras because he definitely seems more robot than anything but um moving on over to the a-wing uh we had uh Nami and Brooke on floor three as well as Edison Edison got attacked by I believe as shark and then Sanji showed up out of nowhere after Nami screened and so the fight I believe is still there third floor Sanji was brawling with s shark who is the seraphim gin Bay okay so I think they are all currently on that floor one level below uh the second level of floor of a of uh building a was Robin Chopper and Atlas and they were in the area with the yeah the organelles you know the organoids or whatever they were called you know organelles I think that's actually the name of the organs inside of individual cells but the organoids I think they were called and those are the artificial organs that vegapunk was creating like in his medical science research lab okay so that was the floor two of building a so they were there but then Atlas was like oh wait everybody I have an idea I think I might know where the Stella body went might be in the secret lab in the basement the old devil fruit research lab that's been sealed off forever let's go there keep in mind all of the straw hats as well as the cipher poles I think except for Lucy and Kaku uh they're all wearing the uh the Dom shoes so they're able to like fly they're able to like levitate I don't think Haku or Luchi got a pair Stussy does um all the satellites do and all of the straw hats too I believe so they can like float around a little bit more freely it was also uh Robin and Shoppers group was the only group that was not attacked um by a seraphim directly okay uh so I guess I guess uh Stussy and jinbe weren't attacked either but Sanji went to go fight a seraphim right also from something we learned in a chapter a little bit a little while ago there are other seraphim there's s Flamingo s bats which would be uh Gekko Moria and then there's also s crocodile okay but they are all out in the world on other missions right now so the idea that they're gonna pop in like like s Flamingo was in the lab the entire time uh probably not going to happen no I mean even if they move back it's they're on other parts of the world on other missions dealing with like quelling rebellions so yeah they're not going to be there on the island right now so it's the only four seraphim we have to deal with but that's definitely plenty so they are currently heading down to the laboratory basement and then finally in Building B second floor we have jinbei and stucy uh you know Sanji left so jinbei and Stussy were actually flying away to an undisclosed location stucy was communicating with sento Mario last time we saw her and she was basically just bringing centimaro up to speed and everything like that and this actually gives us a good uh cutaway to centimaru who's not in the labosphere is actually in the fabrication sphere below in the uh Factory okay so it was in the major Factory there it was kind of reinforced where it was like an evacuation shelter where all the scientists came in after the attacks began and so centimaru got attack got stabbed by Luchi so he's in there kind of being recovered and you know healed up and then he pulls the switch and activates 50 Mark III passifista models okay so these are not seraphim but they are a passive Vistas that are capable of using the bubble Shield technology and firing off the lasers and are just more Hardy and probably more intelligent and um a lot more mobility and just everything is like the upgraded form of the passy feast is that we've seen at like Saba ODI and things like that okay so centimaru is aware that uh the knowledge that vegapunk possesses is now a threat to the world government and so that he realizes like okay the world government's gonna stop at nothing to end us and unlike Ohara which a simple Buster call would suffice they know that vegapunk at Egghead has like defensive Tech so Ohara there was no defense there was no like uh like retaliation it was just send a buster call and burn the island down but you know egghead's got the frontier Dome they got the passy feasters they got gun turrets they got a mechanic Sea Beast patrolling the outside of the island you know like you know centimaru is not an idiot he knows that like they're gonna send everything but the kitchen sink they might even start hurling kitchen sinks at us you know they're they're gonna send a full fighting force and they also are aware that kizeru is coming so you know send tomorrow's like okay Uncle Keyser is coming this this isn't good this isn't good I don't think they know the Goro say is coming they don't know Saint Jay Garcia is coming but uh they are they're coming in a big way okay so send tomorrow's like okay mobilize the passy Feast of Mark III's told all of the scientists to evacuate now a lot of the cipher pull agents that were remaining on the fabrication sphere you know Lucy and Kaku and stucy went above but they all stayed behind they started attacking the ports so hopefully there's at least one port left the pacifistas are going to bust their way through the government agents they seem to be doing a pretty good job of that uh already they're going to reach the ships and start like helping like evacuate please citizen escape the island you know so hopefully the civilians will be able to get away from the island before really gets live Okay so dude this is this is really insane when you stop to think about it we got like I don't even know dozens and dozens of marine battleships we got uh Vice Admirals heading their way you know Dahl was going Kadar was going there was a random Marine that had a bunch of chins that's gonna show up Kizer who's gonna be there Saint Jay Garcia Saturn is going to be there and that's relevant because we now know that Saint Jay Garcia all of the uh goros say now have fighting capabilities they took a point-blank fire Fist from uh Sabo and they were fine and they have Transformations and everything like that so we know he's going to be able to do something cool uh he's not just gonna be a defenseless like old man that can't really fight or anything like that um so we got all these parts there and then plus all the like the mechanized sea beasts are probably gonna pop out of the water next chapter and start like bombarding the Marine battleships some are probably gonna get taken down by that but then you can have the vice Admirals just show up I would love to see oh man I would love to see doll just show what she's capable of like all the vice Admirals at once like Hebrew doesn't even need to do anything yet all the vice admirals mobilize it once jump off the ship and they each take out one of the mechanized Seabees so we see doll just I don't know take off her cool like BDSM choker and she's like Armament hockey's that up around her fist and just boom punches out one of the mechanized Seabees that would be hot that would be cool I mean hot I mean cool I mean hot all right and maybe momonga's gonna be there I want mamunga to be there he cut down one of the sea Kings at Amazon Lily I want to see him do it again uh you know so we're gonna see that before Keyser even does anything he's not even gonna lift a finger against those things then they get on the island and then they have to start fighting an army of passy feast and that's gonna be fun okay so that's what's up with the Marines uh civilians sentimaru was in the factory he's staying behind all the civilians are leaving but he chose to stay behind sent tomorrow could die here I mean like I don't think he's that popular of a character and people are seemingly dying a lot more in the final Saga so we'll see what that rolls on um let's not forget about Caribou ladies and Gentlemen let's not forget about Caribou because caribou I feel like he has a part to play in all this all right um now the kicker with this is that you saw the blob thing that disengaged all of the den den mushies that was like knocking out the den den mushies like Shaka was looking at that we'll get to the satellites too in a moment that was a whole Vega Punk thing I'm gonna round it out with but um Caribou that could have very well have been him now a lot of people were saying well wait a second we saw the Goro say transform into those silhouetted blobs and we saw a similar silhouette on Egghead so maybe it was Saint J Garcia Saturn now I find that a little bit hard to believe because just now we're seeing the Marine battleships arriving at Aiken the idea is they are just now getting there now I'm not going to completely discount the possibility because the Goro say are such an unknown factor maybe Saint Jay Garcia Saturn has some ability to travel very fast or to teleport or remember Sanjay Garcia Saturn is the um the warrior God of scientific defense so that's like Vega Punk and Egghead is kind of his jurisdiction and vegapunk does have access to at least we know some type of teleportation technology like he had that to like warp around the island so I'm not completely discounting the idea that the you know Marines are about to approach and Saint J Garcia Saturn is there and kizuru is kind of there like watching him and being his bodyguard and everything like that and oh by the way there was a little bit of a um a change in kizuru's like speech so when we when we saw the chapter with Saint Jay Garcia like when we got his name and it was like such a big deal kizuru seemed like a little bit on edge like he was a lot more Curt with the way that he treated his men around Saint Jay Garcia and I think that was because kizu normally you know it's like unpredictable Justice you know he doesn't really know what he's up to he's usually a very chill kind of guy unclear justice but um this time he seemed a lot more on edge because it's like oh okay I am like not just an admiral on a mission I'm an admiral on a mission but I'm also like the personal bodyguard of agoro say this like no matter what saint Jay Garcia Saturn cannot die no matter what and they're about to head into a damn war zone so you can understand why Keys rules even he is a little bit nervous here because the gurus say almost like never leave marijuana like ever and the fact he's leaving is like oh man if he if Saint J Garcia Saturn dies kizuru might get legitimately executed for that if he if agoro say died on his watch while he was like his bodyguard they might just execute him alright so Keizer is a little bit like hey hey bring a chair over here for Saint J Garcia said hey hey bring him some snacks make sure they're tested for poison first all right oh man I'm not cut out for this kind of crap man this is too much pressure dude I need a little bit of something to take the edge off you know something with keys and Keyser just takes a bunch of Edibles or something all right all right all right so I'm just throwing that out there okay now maybe Saint John Garcia now maybe Saint J Garcia Saturn is like I'm going to warp to the island and and do some initial reconnaissance or whatever maybe maybe but I'm thinking it's not him I think he's still on the ship with kizuru and they haven't reached the island yet or rather they are just approaching the island in the last one also the frontier Dome is back up again so this is assuming not only Saint J Garcia Saturn could somehow warp to the island ahead of kizuru and the rest also assuming that he would want to do that like go in alone but also he'd be able to breach the frontier Dome all of this stuff is feasible you could factor in York being the trader and everything I just think that that blob that took out all of the cameras that was Caribou uh York might have run into caribou and then been like hey you're gonna listen to me now and Caribou I mean like he already hates the straw hats he'll kind of listen to whatever but also the fact York is a giant sexy woman you know Caribou might be like all right like you don't even need to like it's like I'm the traitor I'm actually going to be like oh no you don't need to explain yourself you're a giant woman wearing like a bikini bottom I'm I'm okay with I'll you want me to take out the cameras all right I'll do that whatever sure okay so caribou's definitely doing stuff all right now going back to the uh the Vega punks here end us out here okay Shaka Vega Punk number one got his head blown out by York so he might be dead uh we also have number two that was Lilith she got turned into stone by S snake she's still in third level with Usopp Frozen or petrified as it were Edison was attacked by S shark he's not looking too good Nami was kind of cradling him uh Brooke I believe is heading down to the basement as well in Soul form yeah he's also heading down there right I think I missed that yeah he was also doing that um so then we have uh Pythagoras who was attacked by um uh uh s snake so he's not probably around anymore Atlas was repaired and is heading toward the basement and then your Fork is the trader and the Stella body as well as Cipher pull five and Cipher pull eight uh no no Cypher pool yeah five seven and eight the remnants of them are still down below in the um in the underground uh devil fruit research lab that was sealed off okay so vegapunk is detained in the jail cell he has a c prism cuff on him uh he's not cuffed like both of his arms just one of his arms is cuffed so he can't use his ability and he's also very just well he's just very drained right now okay and so he can't really move around too well and then York shows up and kind of tells vegapunk her master plan of like there doesn't need to be six or seven of us you know Stella there only needs to be one Vega Punk and I'm gonna become a Celestial Dragon because when we visited marijua I got to see the celestial dragons and all of their opulence and York is the Vega Punk that embodies greed or desire and so that's like the reason I want that I want that level of decadence the highest level of decadence in the world um is my ultimate desire okay and that's what I do right so it kind of makes sense in terms of motivation the way that she's going about it is like the celestial dragons are never going to accept her like ever like that's not gonna happen in a million years and I think she might just starting to be realizing that like they're sending the Marines in Keys ruin everybody to just wipe everybody out they're not going to let York live you know and so we got the flashback with York and everything calling all the seraphim together giving them the orders the order for S snake to petrify her and everything like that so York is still in the basement discussing this with Stella and shock is dead on the floor or like out on the floor so I think this is going to come to a head with Robin and Atlas and Chopper arriving also maybe Brooke in Seoul form will appear and be like Oh No and then he goes back up and then just like tries to tell everybody what's going on right so they have to get down into this laboratory but yeah Robin is going to be there and she's really powerful she can deal with a giant woman she dealt with a giant woman at wano with black Maria Robin can deal with York I'm assuming uh because I think York even mentions that like my attack power is not even on the level of the seraphim so I think Robin and Shopper like Robin going to monio Chopper going in Monster point I think should be able to tackle and take care of York unless I guess one of the seraphim shows up but they're all kind of dealing with one no no s snake could show up yeah s shark is fighting Sanji Hawk is currently running through the lab on you know Zorro and Kaku were on his heels and then S Bear is taken care of right now but one of the seraphim that is what I guess would be available would be S snake so s snake may be heading toward the basement right now to Rendezvous with York so even if Robin and Chopper show up they might be able to deal with York but then boom s snake shows up and then okay now we have an actual fight on our hands okay um so yeah now with the case with Shaka I mean he was shot and like there's oil and blood everywhere and it's like oh god um would it be able to like resurrect him somehow is like they're a backup unit in like the frontier Dome or something like that maybe um you know vegapunk is just like I I have a Shaka saved on this uh in this flash drive will be good we could just re-download his brain into a new body we'll be all right right maybe I don't know okay and I actually forgot about one person and I can't believe I forgot her but uh jewelry Bonnie who is also currently on Egghead right now but you have to understand Bonnie's story is kind of separate from the straw hats and like the satellites and seraphim battles and everything like that like even the very reason why she is there so she was originally there to kill vegapunk uh but also she wanted to learn about her father and like what the situation with Kuma and why did Vega Punk like remove his humanity and his memories and everything like that and she confronted him for a little while and he basically told her hey look I can't tell you I made a promise to Kuma she found the Paw room which contains the memory bubble so all of Kuma's memories you know uh compressed down into a bubble using his uh Papa fruit ability and Bonnie went in there initially and she saw Kuma's childhood she saw her father living as a slave trying to escape his master and then the other slaves beat the crap out of him because it was like Hey if you guys if you leave Kuma we're going to get killed too we're all going to be punished so you have to come back with us and he's just crying and he's like I don't want to be a slave I don't want to be there right and so that actually knocked just the trauma of that alone was enough to knock Bonnie out of the bubble and so now she had to kind of like you know take a deep breath kind of reassess everything and go back in the bubble and the last time we saw her she was still in the Paw room and I couldn't tell from the perspective of the chapter she was either still in the memory bubble like crying or she was outside of the bubble crying she was one of the two and it makes it's kind of the same uh you know end result either way um but uh I guess in one version she's still viewing the memories of her father and in another one she's already viewed all the memories and now she knows everything uh but yeah that's where Bonnie's currently at right now in the Paw room um I would say the room is a little bit more reinforced I don't think we know exactly where that room is located in the lab there was a pretty heavy lock on it but she corroded that using her time time ability or not her time time for her her time aging ability which the name of the fruit we still do not know um but yeah she's still in that room so I don't know maybe Robin Chopper and Atlas will pass by the room and then Bonnie will come out and be like where are you guys going you know something like that but uh you know Bonnie is still in the building and and she will be probably involved in this whether she likes it or not uh but just right now at the moment she's kind of separate from everybody but anyway I think that's all the major locations and people on the players of the Egghead Arc as it were um a lot of moving Parts with just this this section of the story you know what I mean so I felt it pertinent to make this video to kind of recap everything uh thanks you thanks to you all for watching and uh we're on break next week coming up but after that we're gonna resume with chapter 1089 and we're gonna get right back in to Egghead Island so thank you all for watching this will be teching Barry and all of the straw hats signing out later everyone
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 95,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, vegapunk, egghead, satellites, bonney
Id: jKm9HPjDaTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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