One Piece Chapter 1089 Review "The Hole Story"

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[Music] oh man everybody are you excited I know I'm excited you know why because it's finally happening you know like years ago when Oda said the lurking Legend was going to do stuff and it was always kind of left ambiguous who he meant by lurking Legend well in this chapter there is no debate the lurking legend himself appears all right this will be one piece chapter 1089 getting close to 1100 it's not as bombastic as one thousand but Eleven Hundred still a pretty good number uh but this is chapter 1089 Under Siege yes a good old-fashioned Siege you know most wars throughout history you know sieges were a big part of them you think of these big crazy battles people charging with swords and shields and Spears you know everybody overlooks a good old-fashioned Siege in my opinion um actually you know what before we even get into the cover page I'm gonna read something that I usually don't oda's author notes for the chapter he does this with like every issue of Shonen Jump there's a little blurb that Oda will release and I don't usually read them uh sometimes they're not even translated but this one in particular is uh interesting because Oda basically is apologizing for the spotty schedule of releases um we had that five-week break when he had to go get his eye surgery and then we had two chapters and then we had a break and now we have this chapter and there's another break after this for the obon festival so Oda specifies he's like hey guys sorry about the spotty release schedule but you know the Netflix show is right around the corner so there's a lot of stuff going on with that there's also a one-piece Universal ice show that's coming out too I don't even know about that one but apparently if you go see it I would say go see it uh cover page is pretty good it's just Nami and a cow uh Nami is working at her desk working on her Maps um something interesting that Oda put in there because you know nami's whole dream is to draw a map of the world then I remember in an SBS a while back someone was like is Nami still drawing Maps because we like never see her draw maps and it's like yeah I mean yes she is I mean like you know oda's not gonna show you every single thing the straw hats do every day um but yeah every night Nami gets herself a nice warm cup of milk as shown here and she sits down and she works on her cartography you know she draws out some maps and whatever and that's that's what she does right so we see a cow uh a cow Butler I would assume uh delivering some nice warm milk to Nami I'm assuming it's fresh I'm just gonna let you you know arrive at your own conclusions on that although I guess it's also implied that Sanji was the one that prepared the milk for Nami and just gave it to the cow to deliver to her so maybe the cow didn't actually produce the milk also it seems like the cow is a bowl so a male cow that would not be a dairy cow so yeah this this the the fact it's milk and the fact it's a cow might be completely irrelevant here anyway the cow has a letter that's like nami-san the stars outside twinkle as brightly as your beauty why not come out and watch them with me and that's a letter that Sanji gave to the cow and and sanji's out the window just like oh come on you know and Nami just like writes a reply back like thank you but I saw them earlier I'm working and so it's like ah poor Sanji you know it Harkens back this is like Sanji going with like the middle school strategy of like do you like me yes no maybe and then like slip it over and then like the girl was like no there you go that's that thank you but no all right so that that's the cover page it was pretty funny okay so um we start off the chapter with the lurking Legend I know oda's just diving headlong right into this okay we cut over to fuchsia Village Luffy's Hometown watch that cow right there that cow will mess you up okay never trusted that cow but anyway fuchsia Village Windmill Village it's where Luffy's from okay and so we see the man the myth the legend right here whoop slap the mayor of fuchsia Village oh my goodness whoop slap also known as the 37th most popular one-piece character in the entire world that is Canon that is Canon all right 37th most popular character in the world he's whoop slap he's got his Cane and he's looking at the newspapers and everybody in parties bar is flipping out right because of the news of GARP um you know missing in action it doesn't say dead and that's really important Makino is also there in the bar and she's looking at the paper and she's like uh Missing in Action what does that mean it's it's not dead right and whoop slap is like ah Makino you don't know GARP I know GARP I'm whoop slap darn it and I'll tell you right now garp's not gonna die from merely attacking a yonko island filled to the brim with pirates yeah so many youngins these days don't know GARP but whoop slap knows GARP damn it okay so um whoop slop it whoop slap whoop slop he's like hello there Makino I would like the whoop slop special please it's just like okay so uh by the way for the longest time I thought his name was wood slap not whoop slap wood slap because he always carries a cane with him and he's always like threatening people with it so I always thought like I'm gonna slap you with my wood it was okay so uh he seems pretty confident that GARP is is not dead and he's gonna be fine because he is um however someone some person in the bar begins to laugh about this and then whoop slap turns and it's just like who's laughing at a time like this who would dare laugh in the presence of the wisdom of whoop slap um and it turns out just to be uh makino's uh child so yeah uh Makino had a baby by the way congratulations right we still don't know who the father is so um I don't know we might have to have like a one-piece version of Mori or something like that you are not the father a lot of people seem to be pointing to Shanks just because Shanks is you know um but no I don't know I don't know uh so Makino interesting in the anime her hair is always colored green and uh her son's hair is also green uh I think her official hair color in the manga is black hair so just I don't know a little note with that I don't know if that's like relevant to anything there kind of like honestly removes less options for who the father would be I suppose um but yeah um she has a son and uh the baby is crying because whoop slap just yelled at him you know the whoop slaps conquerors hockey it was pretty intense um however makino's like you know cradling her son and it's just like oh it's okay and she mentions that her son is even starting to recognize Luffy's face in the paper so there's an image of Luffy not in gear fifth or anything like that but there's just an image of Luffy there there and you know the the baby is looking at like oh Google you know just like really happy about seeing Luffy's face and bringing joy to his his smile and everything which is fair considering Luffy is you know The Reincarnation I shouldn't say reincarnation but Luffy carries on the will of Joy boy and is the sun god bringing Smiles wherever he is or whoever he smiles ever people smile so it makes sense that you know Maki knows uh son also smiles when seeing Luffy's face it's like oh you really love big bro Luffy don't you no family relation it's just Oni San as in just you know a big bro or something like that it's not like an actual family relation here or anything um but since we are at Goa Kingdom might as well you know swing by and see what's up with the dadan family uh we got uh done and uh magra and dogra they're the mountain Bandits that live up on Mount colbo uh keep in mind by the way they are still Mountain Bandits like they don't attack fuchsia Village because that's where like whoop slap lives and he keeps them at Bay but the Don's family are still Mountain Bandits that probably make a living does going down raiding Villages and stealing stuff I would okay I guess you could argue they maybe attack more of like um you know the uh the Goa Kingdom itself like the big Kingdom maybe they steal money from there there's a there's a fly buzzing around in here right now and I'm just gonna let him be so if you see him you know there you go send a message congratulations High Fly you made it in a YouTube video all right but anyway yeah um they're reading the paper as well and dadan is just like GARP what are you doing at a time like this yo come on now you're gonna be okay right because to Don you know she cares about GARP just as much as like Makino and whoop slap too it's just maybe she might not show it as directly anyway well to Don is reading the newspaper uh magra and dogra behind her begin to like uh what's going on here oh no is whoop slap Awakening his long long dormant conquerors hockey and causing the entire Kingdom to shake so their little you know fort out in the middle of the mountains on on top of Mount colbo in the middle of the Goa Kingdom which is tucked way in the East blue is beginning to shake so it's now an earthquake right but it's not just Don Island it's not just the East blue we now cut to all four blues as well as the grand line both sides of it and the red line Oda actually understands here geography is everything see I told you wait where's my cane I told you I told you geography it was everything y'all laughed at me you laughed at me look at it now you know okay so we uh we cut over to the east blue at log town so that's a completely it's on the opposite side of the East blue okay Goa kingdom is like all the way up over here and then there's the syrup Village you know brought to you they're like log towns all the way over here right there experiencing the exact same earthquake okay I was looking around the crowd of log town to see if anybody I recognized there's actually a woman off to the left of the panel that wears an outfit that's very similar to the outfit that the fake Nami wore chocolate that wore the outfit during uh the return to Saba odiarc um I don't know if I don't think that's chocolate I don't think that's her or anything like that I think some of the fake straw hats survived I think drip died but um some of them are still around I don't know if that's her or not probably not it's just a similar outfit so that's the East blue massive earthquake in the East blue but we're not stopping there we go to the South Blue where a massive tsunami is about to crash into an island um don't think we know what this island is although it would have been funny if we got to see the Torino Kingdom uh that was in the South Blue where Chopper you know studied the medicine with like the uh we originally assumed it was like a primitive tribe of like cavemen and they were actually like super Advanced so it'd be like oh Giant Wave about to crash oh no Ugg we must study the tectonic activity that has been currently causing the tsunami to occur uh yes indeed but first we must reach Higher Ground before we die oh yes indeed Ugg you know like there you go actually the Torino Kingdom would probably be fine because they have the giant burbs and they are actually gotten on good terms with the birds ever since Chopra was there so you know the Islanders might just hop up on top of the bird and fly to the top of that tree they should be good right don't worry about the Islanders from the Torino Kingdom I know everybody was worried about them I know you were fly okay but now we cut over to the West Blue where we see the Kano Kingdom not the wano kingdom we'll see that later the Kano Kingdom right this is where Don Sai and Don chin Zhao in the HAPO Navy are from however we do not see them in the panel we actually see um I think her name was uho lisia and her father Chichi lisia uh Chichi in Japanese just meaning Father which is ironic considering Chichi from Dragon Ball was you know Goku's wife and uh Gohan's mother but her name was Chichi as in Father actually I don't know if there was a pun with that there might have been I'm not really particularly sure because Toriyama was a huge fan of puns but anyway um uholecia and her father are part of like another Navy that's not the HAPO Navy and there was supposed to be like a marriage Arrangement between uholicia and PSY so this is actually like size like fiance however when Psy came back from dressroso with baby five and was like yeah sorry I'm gonna marry baby five now and then Alicia got really pissed off and like beat the crap out of Psy and like the marriage was off and that really pissed off the whole family and Don chinchao was like oh I'm sorry and uh yeah don't feel bad for uholecia though because she has like 25 other husbands she she literally is very polyamorous okay but she was pissed that she had to call off the marriage to Psy because it's PSY right anyway we see them there freaking out and the whole kingdom is shaking then finally we cut to the North Blue once again it's not a place I don't think I immediately recognized um there's a couple of places in the North Blue we know about like flavons and stuff but that's gone because because of the whole event that happened there with the disease I guess we could have seen like swallow island or rubeck or something like that uh we could have seen wolf if he's still alive wolf is a character from The Long light novel that would have been cool uh the germa are from the north but I don't think they went back there no they didn't they're back they're working with Caesar right now they've made Neo mad so the German did not go back to the north so I guess we couldn't check in on them oh you know who we actually might have been able to see this would have been wild okay remember the Kraken remember sarume sarume lives in the North Pole and I think after the events of Fishman Island because hordie was like keeping him uh captive at Fishman Island to serve him while they held his brother hostage right so what if like sarume Rendezvous met up with his little brother and then went back home to the North Pole that would have actually been wild to see sarume in the North Pole experiencing the earthquake to really give a level of scale like like this is happening globally this is happening it happening in the grand line Red Line all four blues North Pole South Pole this earthquake is massive it is being felt the entire world is ringing like a bell right now okay this is on the level of I think um I think like 65 million years ago during the like the KT Extinction event when the asteroid hit and uh well meteor hit and wiped out all the dinosaurs um I think that also caused like a massive shock wave throughout the Earth so the crust of the earth like you know the whole earth like shook even like on the other side of the planet those shock waves like reverberated a couple of times so this is like the level of that happening okay so we see the four blues then we cut to the Grand line we see the twin caves we see laboon and Lagoon is letting out a mighty Bellow uh we don't see crocus but I'm assuming crocus is is either on the shore reading the paper like oh what's going on or he's in Lagoon and as Layla Boone calm down oh no do you have a little bit of indigestion calm down you know uh we see Iceberg at Water Seven now look I don't know if anybody follows me with this I really like Iceberg I really like him as a character I thought he was really interesting I like his little quirky Natures of just like well yeah I'm the mayor but I really don't care I have a little mouse companion I like Iceberg he was cool um so it's nice to see him again you know he's still there he's just reading the paper and water sevens earthquakes happening like oh what's going on oh is the island finally sinking this one might cause problems for water seven amongst all the other Islands considering the precarious state it was in last time we saw it right um we also see Moraine HQ where all the Marines are like falling over themselves uh Hina is there and Hina just kind of walks by like you know you know whatever I'm a rear Admiral I can I'm just an earthquake's not a big deal for me uh we do cut to one oh very briefly we see the flower Capital we see momonosuke walking out you know in the palace looking down at the streets of the flower capital and everybody's shaking and he's just looking up he's like oh what's going on is kaido back one huh you you know okay here's the thing you you stand at one wano they knock kaido into a volcano but they don't really they never found a body okay you gotta understand that momentosuke and the rest of the scabbards are probably making a worst case contingency what if kaido comes back we need to have some plan ready for this like is it operation Dragon are we doing this it's just like no yeah we're not ready okay but then you know they have to think of something for that okay uh we see impel down we see it's just random prisoners in impel town we don't see uh dopamingo or anybody like any a member of the Dopey family like Pika or treble in there uh we just see some random prisoners and impel down being shook um impel down is you know built on the ocean floor of the compound so that's even more of like shaking there so yeah Oda Oda really goes out of his way to show us every aspect of this world that he has created this chapter is a call out to geography is everything you know like this is the world I have crafted Oda says and he makes this okay so we see all four blues the red line the combat Paradise the new world we see all of it love it okay so uh we even see the top of the mariswa it's even shaking there we see the Celestial Dragon City and the celestial dragons are experiencing it on top of the red line and we see eem there and eem is even you know vibrating undulating as it were a little bit uh em does not say anything or do anything but just like vibrates for a moment just like yes um so yeah giant tsunamis crashing down covering everybody we get a radio transmission as well as like the narrator coming on at the same time so the narrator says you know no earthquake in recorded history has ever caused you know this much like resonation and damage throughout the entire world where everybody on the entire planet is experiencing this at the same time however nobody was able to determine the epicenter of this Quake so it just kind of like not going unnoticed like everybody was just like not a big deal but like maybe because of the way the world is kind of split apart maybe most people just assumed it was like oh something happening with their isolated island you know like the Kano Kingdom might have just thought it was something just in their island or in the west and not the rest of the world um you know because there's like Global Communications are kind of difficult really Morgans controls all of that so maybe if Morgan's publishes a report about it in the paper otherwise the rest of the world might not be able to coordinate like oh you felt an earthquake in the North Blue we felt it in the West Blue oh you felt it in the South we felt it all the way over here in the East it's like whoa this is all over the world it's nuts right so while the narrator's coming on we also have the uh Denton mushy report of a ship arriving where lelucia used to be okay now I'm not sure if this ship is supposed to be a government vessel or like a marine ship or just a random like passenger ship or something um the radio communication pops up when eem is on screen like one on his panel but we don't really know if it's like you know eem is like listening to the transmission or making the transmission or something like that I'm assuming it is a government ship or or something and they're like we're approaching the area where the kingdom used to be and oh dear lord there's a giant hole in the ocean and we pay it out and yeah there's a giant hole in the ocean and the narrator specifies that lelucio was nuked six days ago so six days ago mother flame fires this giant laser nukes the island leaves a giant hole and in six days the hole has not closed and now the rest of the world is feeling the shock waves from that as it resonates outward okay and so yeah giant hole in the ocean um it seems to be causing the entire Global sea levels to rise that's not good and on top of that um the hole doesn't seem to be closing up the hole's not like you know it's just a hole now wait a second where have I heard of this where have I seen this before giant hole in the ocean hold on oh dear Lord no no wait no that wasn't no that's something else no it's not fine that's the first time we've seen this no Annie's Lobby of course Okay so answers that question uh I mean it kinda does and also opens up a lot more questions all right so I'm going to assume the basic deal with any sloppy now is that the okay so with LA Lucia it was a device that was created by vegapunk I feel and in fact we're going to get that at the end of the chapter like mother flame and we're gonna learn a little bit more about that it's basically nuclear fusion or fission whichever one is the most you know relevant here anyway um it was something created by vegapunk okay or York I guess specifically and the hole that was created during Annie's Lobby or the hole that exists around Annie's law because the hole was probably there first and then they built Andy's Lobby over it that hole was caused by an actual ancient weapon I'm assuming oranos although I guess it could also be pluton because pluton was mentioned to obliterate Islands in one shot as well but uranos is the god of the sky and we saw the sky laser and that's the only one we really haven't really addressed yet in a major way so I'm assuming it was aronis um the actual ancient weapon back in the day the ancient kingdom was probably where Annie's Lobby is and so you know ancient kingdom was there boom gets nuked by the sky Cannon by the ancient weapon hole opens up never closes the whole island the whole Global sea levels rise this was like 800 900 years ago and then the government builds their Island and his Lobby over it as kind of a sign of like we control this now and this is the judicial Island that we will decide the laws and Justice of this new age not the ancient Kingdom not anybody but the government more specifically the Garo say more specifically imsama okay so that kind of connects all the dots still leaves the question of how the hell is there a hole in the ocean doesn't really answer that giant Laser cannon pelts down and just like this endless stream of water just goes in and it just never closes up that's still a question even 800 900 years later the whole of Andy's Lobby is still there um so that's a little unusual not only that but there's like part of the island is like they built over it is like hovering over Annie's Lobby it's very weird when you look at it like structurally it does not seem sound it seems to defy physics in some way okay so that was a real ancient weapon this was an artificial one but it seemed to get the job done every bit is the same okay so apparently because of this massive just nuke going off the sky laser wiping out La Lucia the entire planet's sea level has now increased by one meter one whole meter for people that don't live well I guess for people that do live in the United States the like one of the few places on the planet that doesn't use meters and stuff hold on a second all right actually this isn't even accurate but like okay this is a yardstick this is uh three feet long apparently also promoting Farm safety I live in Pennsylvania anyway um this is a yardstick a meter is like four inches more than this so it's like a little bit more than this all right and that comes up to like my waist that's a lot I okay that's a big significant difference for the entire world especially places like water 7 that were already kind of sinking because of Aqua Laguna so I'm just really hoping that in the last two years Iceberg has made Headway in making that floaty device that he was going to do to like make the whole island float they're gonna need that more than ever right now because water 7 is going to be really under after this okay um so we cut over now to the kamabaka kingdom also in Paradise where uh ivankov and the rest of the okama are there and they're like oh the beach is gone high tide is happening it's it's gonna it's gonna recede though right we won't be able to run on the beaches anymore and ivankov is like this is ridiculous you know and so the tides are rising all over the world now in most cases you know if you're living on like a coastal town or like a Seaside like fishing Village or something this is bad like this is really really bad your entire town might get just annihilated okay um you know it's it's like you know look at um look at the situation in the United States during Hurricane Katrina with New Orleans New Orleans was like you know I think a slightly below sea level so look at the devastation that caused with that so if there's any situation like that where you're near the water it's just gonna like take over okay and in this case it's not gonna recede okay anyway we now cut to various like areas like that like fishing villages all over the world that were submerged entirely and they're like you know there's a shark in my house I can't live here anymore we gotta leave it's like oh my God shark in your house come on now man you think Doug feels about that huh Doug I think that's very very inconsiderate honestly us sharks are very very nice house guests indeed okay so anyway that was Doug he's megala Doug he's he's a cool dude all right um so we now cut back to fuchsia very briefly where whoop slap is there and he's just kind of looking out and he's just like hmm it seems the end of the world is occurring also I'll see the random fishermen that are like wow well boy howdy look at all the tides coming in man there's gonna be mad fish to catch today let's go and they're like no you will die what are you doing the freaking sea level is increasing more than we've ever seen before and we had a massive earthquake this isn't good we should get to High Ground immediately actually the members of the citizens of fuchsia might actually head to mount Cobo and to Don might have to like you know like like make sure to shut up like like set up a shelter or something for them to all stay the night or something because there's going to be massive tsunamis happening here now okay that's a big thing right now we cut back to Egghead Island where we see the Marine Fleet finally gathering together we have over a hundred Marine battleships of varying size and class out of these there are 20 great warships like the 20 top of the line biggest warships that they could muster on top of that they have a total of 30 000 Marines these are enough Marines to put a buster call to shame okay so you got to remember with the Buster call you have five Vice Admirals heading up 10 warships that are about a thousand each a thousand Marines each okay so that's about ten thousand Marines for a buster call it's a very very big deal that can wipe out an entire Island but this is like three times even that in terms of just the sheer number in terms of the Firepower it's even more it might be a hundred times the Firepower right it's just insane okay um so we also have nine Vice Admirals and one Admiral heading this whole operation up so that's like yeah it's like stacking several Buster calls on top of each other uh one of vegapunk sea beasts the mechanized C giraffe uh attacks one of the Marine ships and it just gets shot with a laser by Kizer and just gets knocked off the hull um so Keyser is there and uh we see the vice Admirals as well some of the vice Admirals we recognize but really it's only doll and uh Doberman uh not to be confused with Dalmatian so Doberman is a vice Admiral who's not a dog but he's named after a dog dalmatian is the Marine vice admiral who is a dog because he has the dalmatian Zone just make sure you get that but all the other ones other than Doberman and doll I don't think we've seen before there there is somebody that resembles Kadar a little bit cator was the rear Admiral that had dealt with the sun Pirates back in the day that fought against Fisher tiger and uh kators ship was was stated to have been sunk but we never really found out about what happened to him and he was a rear Admiral so the idea that he might have survived that is not ridiculous there's somebody that looks kind of similar to him with the glasses but that's really it uh other than that we have this big beefy dude with a giant beard I'm gonna call him vice admiral Beardsley uh then we have dull awesome BDSM dummy mommy let's go with that then we have Doberman uh actually this is Doberman as uh seems to be on call for a lot of these Buster call uh Siege operations because he was also one of the vice Admirals that was at the Buster call at any Lobby so now he's at this one then we have an other unnamed vice admiral he looks kind of like Frankie a little bit he's got Frankie Shades and a even more impressive butt chin than uh Frankie does so I'm gonna call him vice admiral butchin yeah there we go uh then we have a dude long beard with like a streak of white and he's holding like a weapon that kind of looks like a pair of tongs like those giant Grabber things except it's like a blade so I don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna call him a vice admiral tongs I guess there we go uh then we have a dude with just like eight chins just like a big giant dude that's bald and just has like Lair after Lair after a layer of chins I'm gonna call them vice admiral jowls I know those are probably not actually jowls I think jowls are up here but whatever it sounds good like a Jabba the Hut kind of thing vice admiral jowls you know uh he ate the jowl fruit he ate the chin fruit I don't know then we have somebody that may or may not be catar not sure on that uh then we have an old wrinkly Grandma I'm gonna call her vice admiral raisin uh although I guess not because they're was already Charlotte raisin I'll call her vice admiral prune you know vice admiral prune and you better watch out for her because she's like she looks looks like about 120 years old and she's like you know she'll wreck you okay and then finally we just have a dude wearing a marine top hat that has a sword and a very prominent underbite um so vice admiral uh uh honestly he kind of looks like an ancient giant a little bit he's kind of got the oars thing going on there like the underbite screw it vice admiral ORS the fourth I don't know but um yeah we have those Vice Admirals there and then we have kizu the Admiral heading up the entire operation okay so like the chapter has said uh under siege meaning the Marines are just parked surrounding the island they're not really attacking the place yet we're on Red Alert though ladies and gentlemen Red Alert do we have a red alert do these lights have a red alert setting we have we have pink we have pink okay cool we can work with pink all right hold on yeah there we go yeah there we go Okay pink we're on pink alert everybody the Barbie movie is out which I do actually want to see I'm actually really I want to go check out the Barbie movie at some point I hear it's really good okay so uh uh sent tomorrow is there and they're communicating uh him and uh kizuru and you know it's like oh you know Uncle kizu I thought I told you to stop shooting our sea beasts and then Keyser is like hey it attacked me come on I'm not gonna let the thing chew on my ship if it attacks me I'm shooting it with a laser all right you hold them back and just so you gotta remember kizuru and centimaru first of all they were on the same side up until like an hour ago okay like they're working on the same they're both Marines right so there's not like a level of animosity here or anything like that right and kizu is like this is a military operation but they're not going to just start bombarding the island that would be stupid because as kizuru even says they need the stuff on the island all right this is vegapunk's Tech if they wipe it all out then that kind of defeats the purpose of even having it right so they're not just going to attack willy-nilly so they're just standing their ground right now they're setting up like a cordon around the island they're pointing all the Cannons directly at it all the vice Admirals are set on standby the sea beasts like I like the giraffe as um Lilith said earlier they can't exactly control the Primal urges of the sea monsters even though they've been mechanized and converted right so like the sea sharks still attacked the sunny even though they gave it orders not to so you're gonna have it situations like that um and it was the giraffe of all of them the giraffe was the one that like gave into its Primal desire to like attack you know don't piss off giraffes they will wreck your up though okay so um yeah that's the kind of situation we're at right now the sea beasts are surrounding the the island the pacifisto mark III's are like on the the shore just kind of like at various locations there's 50 of those so they're just kind of lining the island just kind of observing and sent tomorrow in Keyser you are communicating and so uh sun tomorrow is just kind of like hey you know I can't believe you came here to kill old man vegapunk like really like do we do you have to do this right now kizuru can you just please leave like come on you know me it's it's me it's sent tomorrow it's vagapunk like come on and so kizuru is just like oh send tomorrow you you know you can't protect somebody that is researching the void Century like that is like the one big taboo of the world government I'm just a cog in the machine sentimaru I my hands are tied I can't do anything about it a lot of characters are eating in this uh chapter it's almost like yeah they're they're basically you know digging in and just waiting for their Siege to begin essentially that's just all they can really do is sit around and eat so since tomorrow is eating and Keyser was eating Ramen everybody on the ship is like passing out Ramen the straw hats we see later are eating Bonnie has a piece of pizza everybody's eating so you know what do yourself a favor and today go out and eat your favorite food whatever your favorite food is go and treat yourself today right okay just watching this chapter is even making me hungry kisuru even remembers the time I'm not sent tomorrow even recalls the time when kizuru was displaying his pika pika know me to vegapunk and uh sent tomorrow right so we see this little flashback it's really cool of kizuru firing the laser in the air and Vega Punk looks a lot younger here he has black hair and Santa Mario looks like a child so this might have been well over like 20 something years ago or something and so probably like right after vegapunk started working for the government I would assume and that's the adaptation taking the Pika pikanomi and not taking it directly like adapting it from uh the logia that Kizer who has but just seeing the effects of the laser vegapunk like reverse engineered that like that inspired him to make the lasers for the passive feastes and that took him like a while like if this flashback is like 20 something years ago passive Beast is even the Prototype didn't start popping up until two years ago so it took key I did took P um took Vega Punk that long to develop the Pika piconomi lasers properly in the robots up to his liking okay which as we know with vegapunk very high standards here okay so you know said tomorrow I think kind of understands that like there's no way the Marines can just leave but I might as well try right I might as well try to beseech you know Uncle Key's ruse like hey come on we go way back can't you just like can't you acknowledge the fact this is all and the government is really corrupt and and kind of thing like come on now this is ridiculous and so Keyser is just like oh sorry I'm just a Coggin machine hands are tired I can't do anything about it so kids are of course subscribes to unclear Justice which essentially means you have no idea what this guy will do um you know sometimes like I could see kizuru turning on vegapunk and I could also see him working with vegapunk it seems like both sides are very um uh very um uh possible when you're working with keysru here just because of how random he is honestly I'll tell you what though if whoop slap was here right now oh man and tell you what in a straight up fight no devil fruits no hockey oh whoop slap would have kicked the out of keys room he would have whooped his ass big I'm telling you what you know it's just like ah come over here you stupid Admiral with your fancy pants and you think you're so cool with your life Powers oh whoop slap you are lucky Keyser you are lucky here all right so um a little bit of a backstory there for that uh Keyser just says yeah we can't just bust in and break everything that'll be a massive net loss for us um you know at this point I think it's a it's fair to assume that the cipher pull zero operation failed they don't know anything by the way about stucy being a clone and turning on everybody and then Lucci and Kaku working together with the strats they have no idea they just assume like all telecommunications equipment has went dead on the island with the labosphere when it got cut off so they have no idea what's going on with that right now I guess neither do we technically until the end of this chapter okay so now we cut back inside of one of the big warships where we see Saint J Garcia Saturn munching on some sausage so I guess that might be his favorite food just some nice smoked sausage so he's there and he's just like hmm make sure nobody knows I'm here and so we have vice admiral Doberman and he shows up he's just like yes of course sir do not worry you want some honey mustard with that sausage no I'm good so anyway what's going on here what's the situation and he's just like okay well first and foremost we have Morgan's publishing a story that said the straw hats have effectively busted into uh Egghead to like kidnap vegapunk um you know so that that's a good that's a good story and so you know Saint Jay Garcia is like oh yes that's great you know we don't have to worry about that now they'll take the heat for most of this okay fantastic great um so we have Doberman basically taking the role of the narrator here and giving us like a recap on Egghead a little bit so he's like now now keep in mind this is from the Marines perspective like they don't actually know what's going on right now so their assumption is that all of the Vega punks are still active so the Stella body and all the other Vega punks are you know locked up at the command Tower in the labosphere okay behind the frontier Dome okay so they don't know that you know Shaco was shot Lilith was Stone Edison and Pythagoras were in a pretty sorry State and you know they don't know Atlas they don't know any of the situation with that they just assume all the Vega punks are together in the labosphere also they assume because they I guess don't know that the seraphim were having their individual fights they just assumed that the seraphim are with the Vega punks guarding them okay we also know that the straw hats are there and Cipher pull ages zero are there but we don't know their exact locations um and we also know that the Mark III pacifistas are lining the perimeter of the island and they've taken out the remainder of the cipher pull government agents that went there with zero okay so like it was obviously Luchi Kaku and stucy were the strongest operatives they had some other random members of CP eight and seven I think that came with them they were all taken out by passy feastes um let's see here uh Saint J Garcia of course he is the warrior God of scientific defense so he would know about the defenses of this island better than most and so he's like okay well the frontier Dome is at 100 that basically means nobody can come in and nobody can come out all right they're kind of locked in there for right now which is great for a Siege which we are in um and so unfortunately we have no way of knowing what has transpired after the last day so this is the following day just to keep in mind for like like time here what's going on okay so everything that happened last chapter that we saw the straw hats right so when they you know like um s Hawk ran off and Zorro and Kaku went after him and then Atlas and Robin and Chopper were heading down into the basement and then York showed up and Vega pumpkin was imprisoned and everything like that that was that was a day ago this is like so night has happened morning and I guess this is like the afternoon of the following day so it's a decent amount of time has passed since then okay so they have no idea what's going on um and they bring up oh what about all the scientists that were on the island and Doberman reports it's like oh yes they evacuated yesterday sir uh they all got away however we do know the location of their ships and Saint Jay Garcia is like it'd be a shame if one of them got away and told the story yeah I better sink them so they just like wave of a hand wave of a hand and the Gordo say just orders a bunch of innocent civilians to be sunk and then Doberman is just like yes sir you know and like that is the power of agoro say now do you understand the fear here if uh let's say for example uh member of the Blackbeard crew all I don't know maybe Katarina Devon or something were to show up and use her power to transform into the garden say this might be Katarina Devon not even the shark okay so um yeah yeah uh they're just I I guess they're wiping out the civilians and there's really nothing that they can do to prevent them unless one of the straw hats or the satellites got out and went with the civilians those civilians might just be dead for all we know now uh Doberman also brings up Bonnie he's like oh by the way one more thing uh the Glutton jewelry Bonnie has also been reported to be on the island and Sanjay Garcia Saturn is just like oh Kuma's daughter all right well uh we no longer have any use for her and she's just a little girl so just you know I guess you don't have to kill her I suppose but you know you can leave her be if you want to right so remember when after the events of marine Ford when uh Bonnie was defeated by Blackbeard and then a kind who showed up I kind of had a line that was like you know it sent shivers down my spine to know that you got away meaning that they knew like a kind of knew Bonnie was Kuma's daughter and then Kuma used to be you know the former well he was a former King of the sorbet Kingdom but then also a revolutionary but then also um you know passy feast and everything like that you know he was a warlord and all that so you know it kind of was like oh you know Bonnie you got away from us and she managed to escape a kind of as well leaving her crew behind right so it seems though now we're kind of in the final stages of this Saint J Garcia really doesn't give a anymore about Bonnie like any leverage that she might have had beforehand it's just like nah it's not really a big deal now also the stuff with Kuma has kind of resolved so it's like you know it's fine you know if you if she he's there I guess killer I suppose but really you could just leave her be it doesn't really matter either way to us if she gets away or not okay it's like very indifferent towards Bonnie right all right so now we have a uh transmission from Egghead itself okay so a long distance call is now being sent out from Egghead to a location it is being intercepted by the Marines that are there also it's funny it's a little bit of a running gag tying back to kizuru where uh one of the Marines has to go up to kizuru and be like kizuru sir you have a black den den mushy on your wrist right and Keyser is like huh oh yeah I guess I got one of these things it's like oh good then you'll be able to listen in on this conversation and Keyser is like huh how about that beep so this is kind of going back to Saba ODI when he was like talking into a black den den mushy which are used for wiretapping not direct communication keyseru kind of reminds me of like a grandpa that like like you buy your like 80 year old grandpa like an Apple Watch for his birthday and he just doesn't understand how it works it's like so what can I do with this watch it tells time right it's like yes grandpa is like oh you know you can make a phone call with it really a phone call on my watch well how about that hello there anybody there you know you know it's like that's kind of like kizuru with denzen mushy technology like uh they're always coming out with these new Den mushies the new model of snails are always coming out whatever so anyway this is a call that is being made from inside of the lab to marijua to the Goro say the goros say that are still at marijua however the Marines that are stationed around Egghead are intercepting it so they're listening in too as well as Saint Jay Garcia Saturn so all of the garosea are effectively listening to this call it's just four of them are still at marijua St J Garcia Saturn is here at Aiken okay that'll make sense to everybody okay so the call is coming from York and we see York's face up close and York is just like hey Goro say what the hell you're trying to kill me or something what's going on you know I thought we were supposed to be like I thought we were working together here okay so uh you guys are so rude you're trying to kill me here um you know I was the one that was like I was helping you you know so the garose say effectively are like telling you know York in no uncertain terms that like hey you're a Vega Punk just like the others uh there's really no reason for us to like you know spare you compared to like you're just as much as vegapunk as the actual Vega punk in our eyes right and so you know um York does specify though it's like Hey listen I I wasn't doing research on the void Century that was the Stella and Shaka that was them doing their crap why would I go out of my way to blab to you guys the Goro say if I was reaching the if I was researching the void Century as well and and Saint Jay is there and he's listening and then the other goros say are like hmm yes I suppose that is true I guess she does have a point oh okay sorry I had to turn off the Barbie mode that was getting a little bit that was getting a little bit disorienting wow everything is a different color now okay so continuing the phone call uh Samurai Gandhi Ethan is now like oh hey by the way uh did The Cypher pull zero pay you a little visit York and York's like well what do you think happened I'm the one calling you right now so yeah it's the straw hats they happened also you do know I have all the seraphim under my control right the fact I survived a night shouldn't really surprise you and like oh yeah good point good point um so then we have um uh Jew Peter uh sanji's Uncle he says you know we've changed our hearts on the matter of you becoming a uh you know tenure veto actually now so they're saying that because York was the one that provided them with the mother flame to begin with so it was obviously York that like smuggled that technology out of Egghead and gave it to the Goro say not vegapunk specifically so now that answers that question you know when a dragon and ivankov were trying to figure out like wait a second the only person in the world that could have made something like this was vegapunk but he wouldn't have right and then dragon's leg so that was York this whole time right so the way that they refer to the mother flame here they well York mentions that she requires a specific power station on Egghead in order to manufacture the mother flame so it was a little bit a little bit debatable for a while of whether or not the mother flame was the name of the power source for the giant laser or it was the name of the laser itself in any case she needs to use a certain power station which can be read as Fusion reactor on the island in order to generate that thing okay so I don't think I mean oda's really been foreshadowing and like setting this stuff up for a while now like vegapunk gaining access to like nuclear power uh something that's like a form of power in our world that vagapon just couldn't quite understand but you know they're always researching new forms of power and Lilith said if we could just you know harness the infinite power of the Sun or you know like something like that then we can you know have a crazy amount of power for all these machines and so nuclear power is kind of where the end result is so um you know the gornos they realized was like well okay if we wipe out all the other Vega punks including the Stella except York if she's willing will then be able to manufacture more of the mother flame okay so we'll have a bunch of Sky lasers and they say that they change their mind because of a special request from somebody now York of course is like yeah a request from who they don't answer of course it's em so eem was the one that's like I really liked firing that Laser cannon thingamabob get me more Laser cannon thingamabobs for which I couldn't fire you know really even would just love to do that all day every day so it's a request for me so they gotta obey it so now things kind of changed a little bit here where they're actually willing to give York a position as a Celestial Dragon if she'll manufacture more of the mother Flames this time I believe them because it's an order from eem himself okay so this one is a little bit more believable here okay even though York doesn't even know the existence of em or anything like that and she also mentions you know also do not lay a finger on my laboratory and they're like fine we won't you know and it's like and be a Celestial Dragon that can be arranged oh by the way there's one more thing and it's like what's that York it's like save me from the straw hats oh my God please they have a sword in my throat there's a guy over here with one eye and there's a robot and there's a guy with a slingshot please so we have the reaction of the Goro say freaking out like what huh and Keizer is listening in on the call so he's like what the hell the straw hats huh and so then we see the final double page spread in fact I think it might be the only double page spread no the other double page was the other hole in the ocean uh but the last double page spread of York on the ground uh secured with the c prism cuff so she's not going anywhere Zorro is holding enma at her throat where's Emma oh my God where's Emma oh there it is you know Zorro has enma out holding it right to her throat usop has the den den mushy receiver he's holding up right to York so that's the usop's been holding the phone like we'll let you call the Goro say but tell him what we need to don't say anything about us until we hear what's going on all right Nami is there with I can assume is a bubble gun so like Lilith had like the bubble bazooka Nami has like a pistol version of that so he's like a bubble pistol and so Zoro and everybody's there and they're like really cool the rest of the straw hats are there except for Robin she is the only one that is absent from this scene we'll get to that in a moment so we see the rest of the straw hats just chilling out and having a light lunch in a light lunch for the straw hats Luffy's there chowing down on a giant piece of beef or mutton or whatever and he's just like and so Nami and Zoro are kind of paying attention to York usop's holding the receiver Bonnie is there she's eating a slice of pizza that's her favorite food she's just there like huh so we under siege then huh and then like she's just realizing this Brooke is in the background Vega Punk's there the Stella the main body vegapunk is just there with his backpack just like oh boy Quasar are we guys ready to go yet you know uh we have Frankie talking to Chopper in the background on like a mountain of hamburgers sanji's there making a bunch of food like Nami I made more sandwiches Jean Bay's in the background munching down his arms pretty good you know um and we have Lucci we have Lucy and hatsuri there and Luchi is just in the background just like wait actually hold on I actually do have a top hat over here hold on so yeah Lucci and Hunter are back there they're just like yeah you ever um have you ever been like invited to a party and or like a picnic or something and you show up and there's just like nobody around that you know like let's say you get invited like I don't know like a wedding reception or something and it's for somebody that like you kind of know and you're honestly even surprised you got invited so it's like sure I got nothing else going on today and then you show up and it's like don't know them don't know them don't know them don't know them don't know them uh okay uh I guess I'm just gonna like walk around the party a little bit and just have some food you know that that's kind of Luchi right now he's just like I don't all right give me a sandwich sure after you want a sandwich okay here we go and I'll be honestly he's here he might as well make the most out of it right okay so um York begins to cry but it doesn't seem to be like against the straw Hat's wishes like she breaks character or anything the straw hats seem fine with it because they got what they needed and Nami even says it's just like everything's coming into Focus now I see hmm Luffy doesn't even care Luffy's just like I have no idea what's going on but whatever listen you gotta understand the scope of this here okay this is a direct call with the Goro say the people that as far as the straw hats are concerned are the effective rulers of the entire world this is the first time the straw hats have had like a direct interaction with the Goro say like they're on the phone right now Usopp could take the receiver and be like you hear that Goro say we took your captive to the leaders of the world as far as they know right like dude Luffy could pick up the receiver and be like yeah you guys are the people that run the government right well screw you like break next week break next week but oh my God the options here are insane okay so um as I said it's been a day since the last time we left the straw hats so this might seem rather jarring to a lot of people like what happened it's like don't worry we're gonna get a flashback dear God we're gonna get a flashback but if we're cutting a day later yeah it wouldn't be a surprise the straw hats won surprise surprise the straw hats beat the seraphim and the vegapunk and and you know you work I guess and I got her detained and they rescued Stella it makes sense to me right we're gonna find out the particulars of all this a couple of things to note so the Stella is there and York is there being detained Shaka Lilith Edison Pythagoras uh and Atlas are not there I thought Shopper was Edison for a moment but no just very similar heads and and he's kind of in a distance but no just Chompers there um so the rest of the um Vega punks might be getting worked on they might be getting repaired Frankie is there unpetrified so that means they got a snake at some point as snake was working for them again I would imagine look it would not have been hard to detain York not really like Robin and Chopper and Atlas were heading down to the lab so it could have been a thing where Robin and Shopper and Atlas bust in they see York and she's like what huh no you're not supposed to be here we're the seraphim and then Robin is just like you know demonio or whatever clutch and just boom and then you know they have her freaking like dead to rights and they have a gun right at her head and they're just like you're gonna call the seraphim off and you're gonna tell them to like unpetrify our friends and we're gonna have a plan here and they can let the Stella go and she's like okay fine I don't want to die you know I'm saying could have been something as simple as that like Chopper goes monster Point robin goes to monio and they just beat York like that they have her under control so she controls the rest of the seraphim un petrified Frankie Lila's is probably fine they're just in other parts of the lab Edison and Pythagoras uh they might be getting worse Shaka they might be being like in surgery right now they might be getting worked on uh Robin is not present I looked all over this double page spread she is not there okay so she might be in another part of the lab she might be learning stuff about the void Century maybe like vegapunks research or she might have went somewhere else with the rest of the Vega punks I assume she would be with the Vega punks or with the seraphim the seraphim maybe are with the Vega punch right now um you know that they're not with them in this in this area here also Kaku and stucy are not there so there's probably like a separate group in the lab somewhere else doing work right now maybe you know uh the repairing the rest of the Vega punks or something I'm not sure um but yeah there's the significance why robin is not there okay but I'm also kind of upset because Robin is the one of the is the one person in this whole group that I would want to hear talking to the Garo say more than Luffy more than vegapunk more than Bonnie or Jean bae or anybody I want to see Robin pick up that receiver and be like Oh see you're the Garo say huh you know like I want her to have some Choice words with them it's like ah devil child Nico Robin at last we speak you know that would have been awesome and she could still do that she might still walk in like I was I was hiding behind this giant pile of hamburgers the whole time yes so um it it it's great that Oda did this that's just like the last thing you would expect at the end of this chapter when we get back to Egghead the straw Hat's just won and everybody's defeated and they have the day and they're just like having a light brunch now and they're just like yeah we won everything's cool you know just like we just skipped to the end of an arc basically it's like it's like imagine at the end of act two wanna when everybody's heading to onigushima we then cut away for the Odin flashback and then we cut back from the Odin flashback you know Luffy's just they're all partying at the flower Capital kaido's defeated onigashima is just a wreck and she's like what happens I want to skip to the next day it was fine yeah we won it's cool it's just like okay there will be a flashback do not worry but um yeah let me know what you thought about this chapter about geography and whoop slap and the hole in the ocean and the mother flame and apparently nuclear reaction is a thing now um it actually might be specifying that vegapunk might have already had access to nuclear fusion so it might be referring to technology that's even greater than that possibly that is something that's even more that they're looking for right now that might be a different thing that the Iron Giant was powered by The Iron Giant might not be nuclear fusion it might be like some kind of ability it's like ultimate like like renewing like channeling the power of the sun directly or something who knows no not sure Bonnie's out of the Paw room so she saw Kuma's memories and she's just chilling out eating some pizza right now so I guess she's like she knows what she's doing um and then Kaku and then Stussy are also gone so they're somewhere else in the lab okay and then the seraphim are also missing so I guess we'll deconstruct this and see where we go from here but uh this is a great great chapter to come back and we got another break for the obon festival so we'll see when the next one comes out thanks for watching everybody this will be teching and Megalodon signing out yeah bye buddy
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 201,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, oda, 1089
Id: 9EKVhdHfZmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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