One Piece Chapter 1088 Review "Professor Garp"

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all right all right all right are you guys pumped up and ready for this chapter cause I'm ready for this chapter good news oh yeah I've been excited for this all week I've been having dreams about it you know end of the last chapter GARP is on his back you think he's down and out but you don't know Garf and I know GARP and GARP is saying to Kobe don't freak out justice will prevail now GARP I don't know if anybody knows this about him but he has kind of his own language that you really have to know GARP to really understand so when GARP says justice will prevail that's basically code for I'm gonna get back up go 100 and just boosh punch the damn ground so hard it's gonna split the entire planet in two so I've been waiting for this all right chapter 1088 the final lesson oh yeah yeah I think it's gonna be kuzan's final lesson it's gonna be everybody on Hachi no Sue's final lesson all right here we go but before we get to that I actually do want to cover uh the Shonen Jump cover as well as the double page spread this week because it is very unique uh it is regarding the one piece live action adaptation on Netflix that is going to be airing at the end of August so it's already almost the end of July so we got a little bit over a month until that airs and the cover of Shonen Jump is pretty unique this week because it's actually of a real life person I was gonna say character well it's a real life person playing a character it is uh inyaki Godoy who is going to be playing Luffy in the Netflix series and he's there on the cover with Luffy actually drawn by Oda so there's like a photo of inyaki that uh Oda Drew Luffy like around and they're like hanging out and just be like hey check it out it's me in live action cool right neat so he's there in full uh costume he's got the scar he's got the straw hat he's got the best we already saw inyaki as Luffy in the trailers and all the promotional images and everything like that um and so seems like a pretty cool dude for the rules so I'm really excited to see where that's gonna go and on top of that the cover spread of the chapter is the original five straw hats so the five from the East blue that will be appearing in the live action because the first uh first season of live action is going to be the East blue arc so we have the original five straw hats John drawn by Oda but he's trying to draw them like as he would have back then so that's actually cool in its own right that like Oda is going back and trying to draw like East Blue Nami East blue Usopp and it really does if you go ever go back and look at the original introductions for these characters like uh for example this is Usopp when he first appeared in chapter 23. so you can see his face like his forehead is a little bigger than it is here and like the bandana and everything like Oda hadn't really nailed down the style yet so it's interesting to see him go back and draw them as he would have drawn them over 20 years ago at this point um I'd say Luffy and Sanji and Zorro pretty much look the same The Outfits Oda drew them with seemed to be with the arlong park outfit with nami wearing like her green tank top zoro's got his stylish Hawaiian shirt wow he even Drew Zorro with the bandages after he got slashed by mihawk so yeah these are this is the AR Long Park uh straw hats right here uh Nami I think pretty much looks exactly the same as well except I think Oda gave her like a little bit of a different more detailed hairstyle than he did in the East um but yeah other than that uh in behind them we have like um we have like overlays in the background of all of the major characters in the East blue so we have Shanks we have Kobe we have buggy we have Kuro we have mihawk we have GARP we have arlong and we have I think that's Morgan's behind Sanji that one's kind of hard to see but it looks like he has like the steel jaw so I'm thinking it's sort of the Iron Jaw so yeah I think that's Morgan's back there all of these uh characters have been cast for the live action already you can go and check out the full cast list like we know who's playing GARP we know who's playing our long and buggy and everything like that um you know so the Jeff Ward is playing buggy and it's if you ever saw the trailer he's looking pretty intimidating his buggy so I'm excited tomorrow's Studio X Netflix and so that's uh the studio it's gonna be working with it to you know create this uh to create the show and uh yeah we'll see where that goes but this is the big uh cover for that all right so with that all being said let's Dive Right into this chapter 1088 and we start with a flashback but that's okay that's okay because if anything has if manga has taught me anything especially shown in manga reading it over the years usually a chapter that starts off with a flashback is usually going to have something really badass in it or it's going to be something really tragic um I guess in theory you could have both but what are the odds of that happening really okay so we actually cut back to the former Marine HQ which was Marine Ford okay now this is two years ago this was before the time skip but more specifically this is taking place after Kobe have been recruited by GARP taken to Marine HQ to train personally under him okay so the story with that really quickly is one of the very first cover series of one piece I don't think it was the first one I think it was the second one because the first one was the buggy one second one was the Diary of Kobe mepo which chronicled what happened to Kobe and helmeppo after the events of the shell Town Arc okay so Morgan basically is turned over to vice admiral GARP he escapes kidnaps helmeppo uses him as a hostage Kobe risks it all to save his friend even facing you know like Justice by the Marines like hey sure boy Kobe you know you were interfering with this operation to deal with Morgan you know and everything like that so um basically GARP intercedes there and he's like you know I like your Moxie kids you know come train with me at Marine HQ and uh we kind of gloss over a lot of the training it's mostly done by Bogarts you know bless Bogart uh Bogart basically trains them in the in the basics of like you know Sword Play giving them like you know like bowkens like wooden swords like smack the crap out of each other with they do a lot of sit-ups they do a lot of push-ups they do a lot of runs they drink plenty of juice all the things a young Marine needs to grow big and strong right so we're just diving a little bit more into that training so we actually see Kobe back in his like little dorky self back like he was when Luffy first met him just like oh boy everybody oh geez I'm in the Marines like I guess I guess uh East blue Kobe is kind of like Morty like a little bit there anyway they're at Marine HQ they're in kind of like a college classroom or whatever which I guess that would make sense Marine HQ would have classrooms to train the Next Generation and all that and uh just specifically here we have like a guest instructor like there's like a normal instructor for the Marines like like I imagine this is pretty basic stuff like in um like boot camp I'm assuming not all of boot camp is just like what is that is that football or is that the Marine I don't know I don't know anything about either football or the military I don't know but I'm sure when you go to boot camp somebody could probably clarify I'm assuming there's classes at boot camp where you actually learn stuff not just like how to twirl a gun or run around a lot I'm sure there's actual education involved here so there's like normal instructors that will teach you know the Marines but GARP is like a special instructor for the day so he just walks it this would be great imagine imagine if you've ever been in the military imagine being in the military and then okay we have a special guest instructor here and then GARP walks in he just like Barrel chests his way into the classroom all right students my name is GARP you might know me he just he just writes the fist on the chalkboard you might know me as the Fist and everybody in the classroom is like oh my God trouble and he's like all right I got a lesson for all of you today now let's say you got a baby and you got an old man on an island filled with filled with very fierced wild beasts and your boat only can uh have two people in it at any given time so it's you the Marine an old man and a baby about to be devoured by wild beasts what do you do in this scenario okay now if it was me in the classroom I would probably give some really sarcastic answer that was like well I you know I would try to tame the wild beast so we could work together as a wrong answer it's like okay I would uh I guess abandon the old man I mean this was William from One Piece D you know that would be what he would do I don't think that's the right answer but this would be an easy solution to William he would just take out his gun and just be like oh okay so what happened oh the old man's Dead all right kid let's go you know that that would be what William would do but let's not base our lives off of that character all right uh maybe we could build a small town on the island and and the animals could help us or something right but uh of course no Kobe stands up and and he gives the correct uh moral answer to this question and that is of course well as as a lawful good Marine what I would do is I would take my boat that can only hold two people by the way one of them's a baby babies don't take up that much space I'm sure you could easily like this this is kind of a flawed question thinking about it because couldn't Kobe or the old man just hold the baby and I was like what is like but anyway yeah so Kobe says well because my bow can only hold two people I would stay behind on the island with the wild beasts and The Old Man and the baby would Escape they would be the ones to escape it it matters more that they got away rather than myself and to which GARP just takes a bottle and just Chucks it right at Kobe he said wrong answer by the way the the instructor the instructors like the main instructors in the background just kind of like all right uh he's chucking bottles at the students that's that's not really great also in the background we see helmeppo sitting next to Kobe Kobe is still wearing his chore boy outfit that says zatsuyo on the back which means chore boy in Japanese it's like the lowest rank of the Marines it's not even an official rank honestly the first official rank is Seaman uh recruit um you're not even that good you're not even high enough to be a seaman you're just azatsuyo you're just a chore boy right so how mepo's next to him uh the person next to helmeppo we don't see their face but they're wearing a hat very similar to kujaku so it might be her also behind Kobe we see Prince Cruz also in like a recruit attire okay now this is fascinating to me because This lends a whole new perspective on Kobe and Prince cruises like attitude towards one another um I always assumed Prince Cruz was like in the Marines longer than Kobe was but from what it looks like in this chapter they joined at about the same time they were both like recruits during when this is happening granted Kobe's there under special circumstances helmeppo is as well they're chore boys attending this class meanwhile Prince Cruz back there is probably like a a recruit or an apprentice or like maybe a slightly higher Like official rank okay but this is cool because if they joined at roughly the same time in the just the two years I guess a little bit over two years because this was like this was like right around the time the straw hats were entering the grand line okay so from like the time the straw hats entered the grand line to the time the two-year time skip begins I think that's about maybe at least six months or so so this is probably like two and a half years ago or some such that this class is occurring so you know Prince Cruz and Kobe are around the same rank that means Kobe went from a chore boy to a captain in two and a half years and Prince Cruz went from like a semen Apprentice or recruit all the way up to a rear Admiral in about the same time that is impressive and kujaku did as well if she's also the one in this class um I also like to think that if we're going along with like a school life kind of situation with the Marines Kobe is kind of like the Naruto of this universe where he's kind of looked down upon by everybody and he doesn't seem like he's that good but he's got a lot of inherent potential and Prince cruce is back there as like Sasuke and he's like the cool guy in class that's like really good at everything he has like high aptitude he scores hundreds on like all of his tests the physical he does amazing job he can just run you know circles around everyone else he could climb that rope in two seconds meanwhile Kobe's like struggling to even get on it like I fell I got rope burn ow you know and so that's kind of the dynamic here and that would also lead to Prince Cruz having a higher rank than Kobe which he does wrong answer Kobe what you really gotta do is leave the half dead old geezer behind oh my God is that really the lesson here okay all right so GARP and William would have been amazing Drinking Buddies that's fantastic you know what that's Canon now I'm not sure how that would have fit in there but somewhere along the lines William and GARP met at a bar maybe William is dressed up in a disguise or whatever and they're having a conversation it's like you know who I really hate old people damn straight so yeah GARP doesn't uh really care too much about the lesson he's imparting here he's just like look the old man's gonna die the Marines are about defending the future of the world okay so yourself who you know you're a young Marine just getting started and then that baby who has their entire life in front of them okay leave the old man to die kick him in the dirt and then get on that ship and then watch him be devoured by Angry Lions as you leave it's obviously the instructor the main instructor is like okay well everybody that was guest instructor Garb let's just forget everything he just said can I see you in my office so the the instructor kind of takes GARP away and kind of bashes him on the head he's just sitting there eating a donut and uh he's like you can't be teaching that to the class you know all lives are equal I mean except if you're a tenry Obito but other than that all lives are ostensibly equal we live in this world we're Marines damn it and GARP is just there saying ah but you know the potential of the Youth of the world is Limitless all right so this is really a cool way to look at garp's perspective here okay garp's kind of like he he knows that he's passed his prime okay instead of becoming like depressed over that or trying to hang on to like what power he has or anything like that he begins to like look to the future he looks out at all the Young Marines that are joining up like Kobe and helmeppo in fact you know I wouldn't be surprised if Kobe and helmeppo were the only uh weren't the only uh people that GARP recruited that way um you know when GARP was in the East blue and he saw Kobe and helmeppo and he pretty much just immediately decided you know like I like you guys you're gonna join the Marines maybe he did that with Prince Cruz maybe he did that with some other members he was like traveling around the world and whenever he saw like a promising strong young civilian he was like you know you're gonna join the Marines and work under me and they're all like we don't want to well you're going to let's go you know and so because of that he's like man the future generation of the Marines is going to be badass they're going to be strong they Gotta Be You know to face all the threats that are coming down the pipeline now with the great pirate era okay so that's kind of like what motivates GARP now it's it's not about himself he's literally the reason GARP gets out of bed every morning is to like before I kick the bucket before this old heart stops beating I'm gonna make sure to train up all these marines so they're they're just as strong as I could be you know like that kind of just as strong as I was in my Heyday you know that's what's gonna motivate me every single day you know and uh it also sets up some stuff that's gonna happen later in this chapter but yeah it was a very interesting look into uh garp's uh garp's uh tutelage garp's training our teaching methods as it were right yes yes yes so now we're gonna Flash Forward a little bit into the future but not all all the way back to where we are right now at Hachi nosu this is a few weeks ago at Amazon Lily so this was right after the attack of Blackbeard uh you know trying to grab and kidnap a Boa Hancock trying to take away her love love fruit power and then Rayleigh showed up and he just kind of stomped all that out because everybody stops playing when you know Daddy Rayleigh comes home and just like all right kids I got a hell of a migraine stop whatever you're doing and they're like okay Raley's home so Blackbeard decided to stand down but he's not just gonna walk away from this okay he drove he he sailed all the way out into the middle of the compound they had to deal with sea Kings and all that crap he's not going home empty-handed so he's like all right I can't kill any of the Kuja I can't get the love love fruit I can't mess with the Kuja because you know uh Rayleigh and Shockey and everybody are here all right but you know who else is on the island the Marines so Blackbeard effectively was like all right I'm taking 800 Marines and a battleship back to Hachi no so with me you're gonna stop me Marines and uh remember the commanding officer for this operation was vice admiral yamakaji okay he was actually he was a captain in pre-time skip he was one of the dudes that uh was uh attending the Buster call at Annie's Lobby right and yamakaji's there and since he I mean he radioed into HQ we're like um I'm an Amazon Lily right now and Blackbeard's here one of the Emperors and um yeah he's gonna take 800 Marines in a battleship back uh do we have permission to engage just give him a second they might take a while to get back to me just give it a minute Blackbeard just give me a minute meanwhile Blackbeard's over there tapping his foot like wait wait what am I waiting around for I'm a pirate matey say haha he's like no way they'll call right back they'll call right back hey uh can we get a can we get a permission to engage my men are currently pissing themselves in fear of being taken away to a Pirate Island can I please engage all right well I guess that's all it is to it okay so I mean dude yamakaji I mean I think he's gonna get a lot of flack from this chapter he's literally just allowing his men to be kidnapped to be taken away by an emperor but you know what that's the status quo in the world if the people of if like the Marines all obeyed the status quo that is what yamakaji is doing right now right he's like listen the Emperors are one of the three great powers that maintain order in the world okay you cannot engage one just willy-nilly you need to have the permission from the higher ups now GARP doesn't care about that uh Rob Luchi didn't care about that when he engaged Luffy at um at Egghead he was like oh he's not my Emperor I didn't vote for him you know and then Lucci just fights Luffy right um but under normal circumstances a normal high-ranking Marine that is doing his job correctly as according to the Marine handbook would allow this I guess because it's just like if it was any other pie and I guess sure but it's an emperor they can kind of get away with it because if you wage war with an emperor it's like a whole thing right so yamakanji is not happy about it but he's just letting it happen right but then Kobe steps up Kobe who's a captain steps up and yamakachi's about to be like wait a second captain Kobe you don't have permission and then somebody just kind of Whispers and yamakaji's ear like you know Kobe's a member of sword and yamakanti's like oh he's one of those okay well I guess it's whatever he wants to do then because the sword is not they've technically already resigned so Kobe really doesn't have any official rent rank so anything that happens to him is like on his own time basically kind of thing right so Kobe walks up to Blackbeard being lawfully good by the way Kobe is extremely lawful good he is one of the most lawful good characters he might give T-Bone a run for his money eventually I think T-Bone still kind of edges out Kobe a little bit but the lawful goodness it's it's very syrupy sweet in this chapter okay so Kobe walks up and he's just like um you know how about instead of taking 800 Marines in the battleship how about you just take me Blackbeard and Blackbeard looks at him he's like ah hero of the Marine means you want to start something nope I'm just handing myself over take me and not my men and then all of the Marines are obviously like oh my God Captain Kobe you would do that for us oh my God you're so amazing thank you so much I don't want to die you know imagine that imagine just being Marine recruits being sent to Amazon Lily first of all to bring in a warlord then you find air and then seraphim are blowing up and you're like okay I'm not getting involved with this and then the fight comes like Rayleigh shows up and the fight's over and you'd kind of take a breath of air like oh thank God we don't have to do that today and then Blackbeard just rounds y'all up and it's like oh no now this by the way in case you're wondering why Rayleigh is not doing anything here like well rayleigh's a pirate why would he be helping out the Marines and Rayleigh has to stay behind with boa because that's the whole reason he showed up to help out boa in the Kuja tribe not to help out the Marines okay Rayleigh is pretty damn powerful but he can't be in two places at once and remember Rayleigh himself said I don't know if I could take Blackbeard in my old age I'm kind of up in years and he's sort of in his prime right now and he's got all these abilities that we don't know about right so rayleigh's back at the Village he's back hanging out with boa and her sisters and gloriosa and Shockey's there and everything they're not getting involved with this this is all happening at the shore Rayleigh probably doesn't even know this is going on right now okay but he's not leaving the village so he's not going to intercede here okay so black beard realizes that and he's like all right I can't do anything with the village I can't do anything with Amazon Lily but I can mess with the Marines still all right he's going to get something out of this so uh Blackbeard kind of looks at him and he's just like ah you think of yourself pretty highly you think one of you is worth 800 Marines in a battleship and I guess he does agree with that because well you saw what happened Kobe eventually did end up going with uh Blackbeard he's with them they were on the island that's how we ended up there right so I guess Blackbeard crunched the numbers a little bitty he took out his little calculator and he's like hold on a minute say huh yeah all right I guess you're worth at least a thousand Marines all right fine I'll take you come on less space less food to be eaten on the way there let's go and it was oh that's that's how Kobe turned himself over to Blackbeard right um so now we're cutting back to Hachi nosu okay uh where did we leave off last time oh yeah here comes the giant fist so Apollo Pizarro is in control of the island with his island island fruit he's bringing down his giant Island Palm about to crush GARP ship full of Marines and the evacuees from Hachi nosu that were the slaves that were captured there so everybody's losing their they're firing cannons they're trying to blow it up but this thing is massive it's literally like a Giant Mountain falling out of the sky right on them so you know cannon fire is not going to do anything right so so shiggy is kind of taking command here because well tashiki is interesting because the highest ranking officer on the ship would actually be right now kujaku or maybe Bogart because Bogart is on the ship we saw him in the last chapter he was just cut off on one of the pages but he was there we don't know Bogart's ranked but he's kind of like garp's second in command but he's not making the orders uh kujaku is kind of freaking out and uh cheshigi is actually the one kind of taking command here like prepare to abandon ship because if this thing's coming down and no one's stopping it we got to get off the ship so she's kind of taking charge good for you tashiki right she's the same rank as Kobe by the way she's still a captain okay and she's not a member of Swords so there you go so cutting back to the island here we have print screws and uh helmeppo and Kobe kind of fighting off the Pirates as garp's lying on the ground here and uh he's just and everyone's freaking out like oh my God all the people will die we got to get over there we gotta save him but darp is one of them are going on everyone's freaking out and then GARP just kind of is just like everybody calm down I'm gonna go give you guys an opening and you make it to the ship and you save it here's what's gonna happen Kobe you're gonna jump in the air and you're gonna destroy that giant Fist and Kobe's like uh okay print screws you're gonna make sure all of the debris doesn't crush the ship he's like okay I'm the future of the Marines right whatever hell mepo uh you're gonna make sure that they can do that that nobody stops them hell map is like I'm not really sure about that you know oh you have your orders Marines move out it's like oh okay zip and then they all move out all right that was actually a really cool scene because you know garb's on the ground he's giving out orders and even though helmeppo is helmeppo and he's like I'm not really sure I could deal with this when GARP says you have your orders Marines move out they all sorrow away they all Zip Zip including helmeppo they're on the task because they don't know if they're gonna be able to do it but Garth gave him an order and this is the Marines you follow the structure even when things get intense I imagine okay once again don't know anything about military don't know anything about boot camp but I am assuming there's probably a lesson at some point like maybe some kind of psychological class maybe uh where they teach you how to deal with things under insane pressure under situations that you would encounter on the battlefield that you would never possibly have seen yourself in in your entire life and obviously you can't be prepared for every single permeation of every single situation that's just impossible but I'm sure there's some kind of lesson that's like you obey your commanding officer when you're in situation like that when bombs and are blown up around you and you're getting fired upon and you know what's going on when your commanding officer gives you an order you can do it all right so I'm assuming it's something like that and GARP gave the order so they're on it right they're going so now GARP is unguarded so they begin to advance on Garb and at the same time uh the Marines start to kind of chase after Kobe and everybody because they're like oh you think you can do without GARP GARP was the only reason that you were able to get this far now we're going to be able to skewer all of you you're not gonna be able to do anything Kobe the hero I think it's going to your head here right so Kobe is running off with print screws are way ahead because their sore it was like really good right so they're like you know they're flash stepping in tandem right now and Prince Cruz looks over at Kobe and it's like how are you gonna destroy that giant fist do you are you packing like a bomb or like dynamite or something and Kobe's just like I don't know and then that at that moment that's when Kobe flashes back to when GARP told him it's like Kobe after the Marine four battle I decided to install a nuclear reactor inside of your heart use it when you have to Kobe I'll give you the order no that didn't actually happen I just really want there to be a nuclear bomb in somebody's chest here anyway Nami does have to so does Robin so does boa so does Califa a lot of characters that have bombs in their chest now I'm actually thinking about it in this series huh anyway uh Kobe's like I'm not really sure I don't have a bomb or anything I don't have like some anti-matter on me to destroy that giant fist but I do have something that might work not really sure because Kobe's very humble he's like oh gee I don't know if I have something I could try I don't know if it's gonna work but GARP ordered me to do it I'm gonna do it and they're like all right I I guess we're gonna go ahead with this okay um at the same time cannons are firing at Kobe and um and Prince Cruz helmeppo sees the Cannonball coming and he's a little bit further behind and he has his kukiri knives out and he sees the Cannonball it's like Matrix time it's just like it's like oh man I gotta protect Kobe orders from GARP and so he like hits the Cannonball and explodes he's fine he doesn't die or anything like that but he's effectively you know it's just prince cruising Kobe now well how mepo's holding him off he's he's got his knives he's like stay back stay back you Pirates sons of I'm hell mepo damn you you know how my pose going ham he's going commando on this all right so uh yeah yeah yeah meanwhile GARP he's there surrounded he's still got the wound from shiryu he's bleeding out and now aokiji has walked back after getting punched in the jaw and uh well you knocked off alkiji's glasses so uh maybe he's down to like half HP right now but but garpa actually banged up aokichi pretty pretty Fierce with this one he looks like he's bleeding a lot more he's missing his glasses and he's just like oh man yeah okay GARP well uh you could still stand even with that wound and he's just like ah tis but a flesh wound give me a couple of donuts and I'll be right as rain and now kiji's just like all right well that's good to hear I wouldn't uh wouldn't think that alone would be enough to bring you down now this is where GARP busts out his favorite move GARP tackle and he just literally like just shoulder checks just boom you know just like rushes through the entire crowd he just like hot hot hike and then just charges like a tank top master and one punch man or something right and he just barrels through he's bowling balls his way through all the Pirates and Coos on he just like knocks them all aside and he starts like bouncing off the different like roofs of the buildings Hachi nosu is kind of structured where the um Island the town kind of like tears upwards up toward the giant skull mountain so GARP is just like just bouncing his way bowling balling his way up the side of this mountain and then he reaches it and evala Pizarro's looking down and he's the Giant mountain head and he's just like wait a second garb's coming towards me wait what what's he doing what's he doing Galaxy divide that's what he's doing boom is the pirate's skull and it cracks right down the middle and so does Avala Pizarro's skull because he is the island so when he merges with the island he becomes it so if it gets cracked in half he gets cracked in half too so his his head begins to split open it begins to like blood spray out he's like I know but even with that even with that insane damage that GARP just leveled him just like punched a mountain in half so he can destroy a mountain we were all we were all kind of on the fence about that he said he could but we're actually seeing it now okay so he punches the mountain of all pizarre was injured but he's not out yet he still has the hand over the island over the over the um the boat and he's like meow I can still crush this ship right so at the exact same time this is happening Prince Cruz is there he's looking over and he's just like okay that I guess that's garp's you know uh move he said he was gonna do something to distract him I guess that's the signal can you do this Kobe and Kobe's like I have to live up to his expectations so I'm gonna do this or I'm gonna die trying so Kobe Rockets he uses soru and gecko to fly through the air at Breakneck speeds he's flying up there and then at the same time we have a flashback as GARP is busting the island in half we have a flashback when GARP was training helmeppo and Kobe so Garb has his special training regiment that they were they were undergoing right well even though Kobe was improving you know he was getting stronger getting some muscle definition and all that uh every time Kobe showed up to train every day his uh Knuckles his fists they're all bloodied and bandaged up and everything and bruised and uh GARP eventually asked helnepo about it and helmeppo's like ah man Kobe told me not to tell you GARP but uh he's been sneaking out every night to train on the battleship bags so even after GARP has his like special training regiment uh Kobe's training even harder and the reason for that is because Kobe realizes that like when he was like when he was East blue Kobe like when he was like after he first met Luffy he realizes I'm weaker than the average person you know so I gotta train a hundred times as hard no 200 times as hard as the average person okay now here's the interesting thing with this and it kind of goes into like like one piece logic a little bit here so and there's actually some parallels to my hero Academia here that I want to bring up okay so there's a realistic way you could do this which you know if you're over training your body like if you're trying to train but you're pushing yourself way too much that's gonna hurt you more than it helps you okay that's gonna eventually cause your body to just like shut down all right if you're just doing nothing but working out 24 7 as soon as you wake up to as soon as you like pass out and go to sleep okay and that's kind of the way they do it in my hero Academia where at the very beginning of uh that series you have all might training izuku and he has this very specific kind of the All-American dream plan you know to train azuku to handle all for one uh one for all all for one I always confuse them the one that's the better one anyway so they're training right and so izuku's like I'm gonna train even harder and then all might tells them like hey you can't do that that's gonna ruin that's gonna have the opposite effect of what we want here okay so they had to like adjust the whole plan and everything like that now that was a series that took a more realistic approach about it over you know over working your body is is not good that's not how this works in the one piece world in the one-piece world it's kind of like breaking your limiter from one punch man where literally just keep pushing your body more and more and more and just keep punching a giant steel Battleship and eventually you get super powers that's you just have to stay dedicated to it you just gotta be punching a brick wall every night for a month and you get super powers after that you like unlock Armament hockey if you just do it hard enough keep pushing your body so uh that's that's kind of the rule here I guess is is what we're going with here right so now we cut back to the present where Kobe jumps up in the air using soru and geppo and he punches a volofus avalo Pizarro's Giant Fist and he uses his secret technique honesty impact boom and it shatters the entire fist like it just the entire arm just crumbles in half uh Prince Cruz uses his clay powers to block it he makes like a giant spider net to catch all the debris so it doesn't crush the ship so don't worry about that so Kobe punches out the giant fist of all of Pizarro's arm just splits and Blood starts you know spewing out of it oh get on my head my arm ow you know you know normally the island island fruit would be a very good fruit where not a lot of people could really injure an island on that level it doesn't work so well against GARP and Kobe from what it seems you know this would be way more impressive by the way if we didn't already see Kobe shatter like a giant iron ball in an OVA in fact it was the episode of Luffy OVA which was I think the first time Kobe was ever shown Post Time skip um it was in an OVA not even in the manga not in a movie or in the anime it was in an OVA and he shows up and one thing that he does is he punches a giant ball of like iron and it like shatters okay it was pretty big it wasn't as big as the Vala Pizarro's fist but we've kind of already seen him doing something like this before so it's not as impressive because like in this chapter Prince Cruz and everybody is like Kobe can you even do something like that like there's an underlying theme in the episode in the chapter here that's like Kobe is not strong enough to like punch out a giant fist when he's trained with GARP and he's a captain and we've already kind of seen him do this before so most of the fans watching this right now like know Kobe is pretty strong how strong he was like the upper limit we weren't sure but this is kind of in his wheelhouse this is in the ballpark of expectations for Kobe to be able to break an entire you know giant fist apart um was he using Armin hockey for this yes yes he was charging up Armament he was going for it uh well everybody is cheering him on okay you got kuchaku and tashigi and all the Marines on the ship are looking up like Kobe he Bari is there and he bar he's like Kobe you know and her her speech just devolves to Senpai senpai shatters the fist all the Pirates freak out like what Kobe was able to do that um and so it's the idea it's like future of the Marines the torch of the Fist lives on ladies and gentlemen I think I know what uh ode is going for here so GARP has two titles that he uses in the Marines uh not not counting His official rank which is vice admiral GARP but he has GARP the Fist and GARP the hero he got the hero from defeating rocks at God Valley he got the fist for punching out Don chinjau Kobe has the title of Hero from the rocky Port incident and I'm thinking he's also going to get the title of the Fist so Kobe's going to inherit both of garp's titles I think that's where this is going here okay so toshigi's looking on and on hibari is looking on in awe but maybe something else too she's like oh my god Kobe Senpai she's like okay so the whole thing shatters apart meanwhile GARP is on the island seeing the uh fist crumble apart and he's laughing his ass off he's just like oh that's my boy Toby That's My Boy uh don't worry about Kobe he he punches out the fist how mepo catches him because Kobe got a little bit of Kickback on that thing he got a little bit of recoil from that helmeppo is also capable of using sorrow sorrow and gecko so he's able to Skywalk up there and grab him and she's like you okay man he's like I'm good he's like okay awesome so that's all good uh Prince Cruz blocks the debris as I said Home Depot catches Kobe they all land safely on garp's marine Vessel and immediately hibari runs over and just like tackle hug Kobe she's like oh my god Kobe oh I mean you know it's just like oh so hibari son I'm glad you're okay oh man okay all right all right um I'm not writing a fan I'm not writing a Kobe hibari fan fiction here per se ladies and gentlemen but I am gonna set the stage for you here okay so later that night as the ship is sailing away trying to get to the nearest Marine base Kobe is below decks in the Sick Bay right he's in the infirmary it's kind of late at night here it's like 2 A.M and he's there in bed and he wakes up and you see habari next to him tending to his injuries like changing his bandages this is the scene from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure after Jonathan defeats Dio in like the first Arc you know the same thing same thing with Jonathan and Arena except Kobe and habari are you with me so far okay and so they're there and they're just like oh my god Kobe watching you destroy watching you punch out that giant Island fist right over me it's something I will never forget as long as I live and Kobe's like oh that's fine but you need to get some sleep sorry and she's just like no I don't and so uh I'm Shonen manga Shonen manga but let's just say that leads one thing to another and a kainu is just wakes up in a cold sweat like what huh it feels like somebody just walked over my grave what was that you know so uh there you go there you go there's your there's your scene for you there okay all right so um everybody's happy right you know we saved the day now all we gotta do GARP just has to get back to the ship we sail away we're copacetic everything happened Awesome Everything is awesome everything is cool when you're part of a team uh and so they're about to sail away when they get the transmission from GARP over the den den mushy tashigi receives it and just like all right everybody time to pull out and there's like wait wait GARP we need you he's like no that's an order get out of here don't worry about me I'll take care of myself don't worry I'll be fine you guys gotta get out of there okay and so we see the last double page spread of the chapter where uh helmeppo and Kobe begin freaking out they're like wait a second we need to Kobe still has habari around him just like okay we we gotta go save we gotta go save GARP right and Kobe looks over at Prince Cruz and groose just looks over and he is crying he's crying he's got a little snot coming out of his nose and because he knows he knows he's like look we gotta listen just like we obeyed his order on the island we have to obey his order now he's giving himself up so we can escape we cannot go back to the island we cannot uh ignore that order we need to do what he tells us we need to do what he told us to do we need to get out of here right and so groups realizes that and he begins to cry because this could mean the end of GARP but this is kind of what he wanted so we could get away the future of the Marines and this is how it all ties back with the beginning lesson that he taught at Marine HQ at the start of the chapter in the flashback okay so they decide to keep moving he's like so keep moving and never forget you were all the future of the Marines and so we cut back to Hachi nosu GARP is on the ground Frozen or beginning to be frozen he is impaled with like an ice spear like uh not a kainu alkiji man an ice spear stabbed him he's on the ground and he's still laughing he's like [Laughter] and he's like being frozen like how aokichi froze Saul at O'Hara a little bit actually exactly the same way he froze Saul was Saul still laughing you know and uh yeah so that that's that's that's how that's his now and now now you might be freaking out here you might be freaking out like GARP is laughing he's smiling and then he's dead okay he's not dead yet I'm just I'm not gonna go on a whole rant about it like I did last time garp's not dead yet let's just leave it at that he's not dead yet if you want to think he's dead okay great you're wrong he's not dead yet though okay and so with that being said we end the chapter out with the narrator coming on and uh saying that in the next day's newspaper the story is that you know the young hero Kobe uh successfully rescued from Hachi nosu along with all of the captives there legendary hero GARP currently missing in action at Hachi nosu like they don't know what happened to GARP okay that's where the that's where the info that's where the Intel ends and and then meanwhile another story the Egghead incident is now occurring as the Marines arrive at vegapunks Island about to start up the uh the siege of Egghead okay break next week going now back to the strides the Egghead Arc is now beginning to go back to Egghead now all right this was crazy this was almost 10 chapters straight without any of the straw hats all right um I think it was chapter 1078 we saw some of the straw hats there at the beginning of the chapter no no 1079 1079 had half the chapter with the straw hats and York and everything with the plan and then the latter half of 1079 was Shanks and elbaf and kid and from that moment onward it's just been kid stuff lost stuff and then Hachi nosu with GARP and everything okay so it's been almost like nine and a half chapters since we've saw the straw hats that's the longest one um in one piece history really so it's very impressive but now we're getting back to it we see the Marines arriving at Egghead the frontier Dome is still up at 100 the Mark III passy feastes are you know patrolling the island um remember I'm gonna do a whole video on the recap of AK like where we left left off like where everybody is because there's like a lot of stuff to remember and that was like well over well you know it was a five-week break and then on top of that it was like another two months so it's been like three or four months since we've seen the straw hats it's been a while right so I'll do a whole recap video on that but um GARP was frozen and captured but I'm sure this is going to involve the cross Guild in some way because the cross skill now I guess have to pay out three billion parries to Blackbeard's crew uh I I hope crocodile and mihawk have that money because uh or buggy he's gonna be hearing a lot of it there is like why did you have to put garp's Bounty at 3 billion we have to pay these These are the this is a yonko buggy we can't just stiff them on the payment we can't be like all right sorry Blackbeard um well we can't give you the three billion right now but we have this installment plan it's just like no he's gonna want his damn money all right so we got a problem now so we'll see where that pans out break next week which is unfortunate but we got these two Banger chapters in a row I'm not complaining really solid chapter a lot of good stuff with Kobe and even Hal mepo and a little bit of Prince Cruz and also garp's character development in this a lot of flashbacks love to see that love to see a lot of uh more of a garb's personality and the way he views the world and the future generation and everything like that uh justice will prevail ladies and gentlemen justice will prevail also Kobe and habari are definitely going to ban
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 173,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, koby, garp, 1088, review, manga, chapter
Id: 63mjr3fa9bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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