KOBY: The Protagonist Of The Marines!

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okay now is everybody ready for this all right here we go Tada glasses teching is back again oh yeah you know I was gonna go the extra mile and dye my hair pink for this Kobe video uh but the only hair dye I had on standby was this orange stuff so uh great if I wanted to be Ichigo or the kid from the volleyball manga yeah I I know it's called haikyuu I don't know the name of the main character off the cuff but I know it's high Q so there we go haikyuu the main character of IQ s uh honestly I gotta be I gotta be straight up with you all I kind of wish I wore glasses every now and then like I actually needed glasses most of the time I don't but every time when I have to wear glasses for a video I'm like you know what I look kind of cool with glasses let me know if you have to wear glasses do you like it do you like wearing glasses do you ever like I'm sure it would be annoying every once in a while and I'm sure you get used to it but like on a scale of one to ten like man I wish I never had glasses or you're like you know what yeah yeah I really like glasses makes it look cool yeah that's awesome all right my mom has horrible eyesight so I I could have very easily if it went a different way I could have had really really bad eyesight but I ended up with my dads and it's his is pretty good okay so anyway today we're going to be talking about Kobe Kobe the hero of the Marines the fist of a new generation actually we have to you know throw out new titles for Kobe because yes he is a hero uh but he's a little bit of a different hero from GARP you know what I mean so I'm thinking of calling Kobe the noble hero of the Marines whereas GARP was just an ordinary hero Kobe is a noble hero he stands for truth and Justice and all that stuff right and as for the fist let's go with the honest fist he fists but for honesty ladies and gentlemen yes all right so last chapter my God it's it's really epic and you know I've thrown this out there before I've said this but like Kobe really is like the protagonist of One Piece if it was focused in the Marines instead like if Oda ever wanted to do a spin-off manga where it focused on Marines you could easily do that with Kobe and that's the that's the cool way that Oda writes his characters it's like all of the adventures that Luffy has had with the straw hats over the last two plus years Kobe has had similar adventures in the Marines you know to the point where if you were gonna do like if okay if they were gonna do a one-piece movie all focused on Kobe I would watch that if they were gonna do like a Gaiden like a side story like a six episode miniseries based off of Kobe I would love that I mean I think that would be a really fascinating angle to take it and it also just opens up the pathways for like when one piece like the manga finally concludes there are so many different avenues that you could take to expand this universe okay you could do a prequel series with Roger you could do a side by side series like a similar it wouldn't be as long as like the actual one-piece manga but you could showcase like while Luffy and the straw hats were doing all their crazy Adventures this is what Kobe was up to in the Marines with helmeppo and GARP and Prince gruce and kujaku and habari and how they met and everything like that there's some really good applications for this okay but in the last chapter it was GARP uh metaphorically but also very literally passing the torch I guess not literally GARP did not GARP literally takes a piece of wood off a Hachi nosu you know Vasco shot shoots a fireball at him GARP lights it on fire and he's like all right Kobe here hold this torch I'm gonna stay behind you know I was like it's not literally but GARP stays behind and as he's laughing and as how kiji is freezing him solid as all the other 10 Titanic captains are looking on um Kobe and Prince Cruz kujaku hibari they all managed to escape the island as well as all the prisoners that were on Hachi nosu they all managed to get away so GARP is happy because mission accomplished in terms of his perspective also it goes back to the lesson that GARP was teaching the Young Marines back at Marine Ford when Kobe was still a chore boy Kobe and helmeppo were both there and he's like listen all right if you got but if you have to choose as a marine if you have to choose between an old man and a baby and they're on an island filled with wild beasts about to devour them then you need to leave the old man behind kick him in the ground like slam them into a tree and then get out of there right um yeah so right and you know you could bring up a lot of different like caveats in particulars with that scenario because it's like I've seen a bunch of them like the first one I came up with was pretty obvious it's like wait a second if you had to pick between an old man and a baby and the boat is only big enough to hold two people well babies don't take up like put the baby on top of your head or something like that and just sail away that way it's easy right um somebody else brought up pretty it made sense was just like well you need the Marine there because Kobe's idea was like I would just stay behind on the island with wild beasts and then The Old Man and the baby could Escape but without the Marine there to properly navigate you better hope that old man used to be a navigator back in the day and his eyesight's still pretty good because they're gonna get lost okay but the scenario you're not supposed to overthink the scenario the scenario is not even like that's not the whole point of GARP saying it the whole idea was more metaphorical it was you are the younger generation of the Marines you are going to be the ones that are going to carry on and and you know fight the Pirates okay I'm part of the older generation so therefore I am more Expendable all right and you know what that is GARP to a t um Garb his entire life he's been brawling with pirates beating them down and he fought with the best of them okay but I would imagine at a certain point in garp's life uh might have been a little bit after Roger was executed maybe Garb really had some uh he had an epiphany he had a moment maybe after GARP was executed after GARP was executed after Roger was executed GARP maybe traveled the world a little bit and he thought about some things and maybe he fell into a little bit of malaise at this you know he was getting on in years and everything and now Roger is gone and the older generation is is getting more and more older and so maybe he realized you know what but my goal should be to motivate and train the younger generation that's the whole point that is why I am still a marine okay and you really get the impression that was garb's driving force for the last couple of decades Okay and like I said I don't think it was just Kobe and helmeppo that he found and was just like oh you two are gonna be great Marines now I think Garb kind of traveled all over the world and anytime he saw anybody that showed a little bit of promise and it didn't have to be physical it didn't have to be like you know oh man this guy's punching out giant mountains he'll make a great Marine someday might have been something like that but Kobe and helmeppo they showed heart uh Kobe risked his life to save Hal mepo even going against the Marines that could easily kill him you know like Bogart and everything like you know Kobe grabs the pistols and he's just like you can't sink that ship with Morgan and helmeppo helmeppo's my friend get away and then Bogart shows up and he's like okay kid just slices up the pistols like not a big deal like you you're not you're not we're not playing around here okay something like that so Kobe showed heart there and even helmeppo stood up to his dad at the end of the day and so GARP saw that and he's just like all right you two are gonna make good Marines someday it's gonna be a lot of hard work because you are really you know helmeppo's really scrawny and Kobe's kind of out of shape but you know what you're gonna be great Marines someday all right and so then the adventure begins now we got a little bit of this in the Diary of Kobe mepo uh on how they you know initially joined the Marines we also got I think it was um it might have been in uh Django's story or something else later but there was a later story that showcased uh uh helmeppo and Kobe in the background and they were like training and they were getting stronger but they didn't really pop back up into the story again until post uh and he's Lobby when they showed up at Water Seven and then Kobe was a lot more fit at this point he knew some basic Roku Shiki techniques and everything like that so for right now I honestly I wrote down some stuff here on Kobe's Journey that I would love to learn more about okay whether it be in the mainstream manga or in like maybe a you know a sequel series or like a side cool series or whatever you want to call it right so first and foremost uh we know the basics of GARP and Bogart like training helmeppo and Kobe but I want to learn about their first mission their first proper Mission I like to think they were probably supervised with this um you know it might have been a situation where maybe GARP was hanging out at HQ or maybe they were traveling somewhere in the grand line and they were like ah there's some low rank Pirates over on that island causing a ruckus and maybe he ordered Bogart to take helmeppo and Kobe and like Go and show them how it's done Bogard you know and garp's eating his Donuts or whatever and Bogart's just like all right okay Kobe helmeppo come on we're going this is back when they maybe they're still like chore boys at this point maybe after a couple of months of training and being Shore boys zatsuyos and like you know they're they're lifting some weights they're just a little bit like they haven't had any real battle experience but best way to learn is to do it you know what I mean so Bogart takes Kobe now mepo to this maybe it's a small little town in the middle of this island it's no real consequence maybe some small time not even Pirates maybe maybe just some small Time Bandits or something are causing some problems here like a higuma type of group okay so Beauregard walks in and uh he sees he kind of sizes up all of the bandits and they're in the bar and they're getting drunk and they're like what the hell do you want you Casablanca looking and then Bogart's looking around and he's like all right tell you what Kobe helmeppo I'm gonna take care of their boss I'll take care of the boss don't worry these other sad looking drunks that are around here that are just Bandits you know that are armed with like nothing but knives you guys could take care of those oh and Kobe and hum up are like wait what huh you know just like just it's okay just do what GARP and I taught you and then you'll be fine all right and I'll be here in case they're about to like you know slit your throat I'll be able to stop it slit my throat what it's like yeah you got this don't worry so Bogart goes and takes on the head Bandit and Kobe and helmet are like ah you know they're like fighting but I'm Advantage They Carried the day They Carried the day maybe Kobe had like a rage moment Kobe after a couple of months of training he hasn't really gotten to the point where he's at like you know post Denny's Lobby yet he's not at that level yet but maybe he's just like oh okay hello Mr Bandit uh would you like to come quietly uh I'm here to arrest you and the bandage is like what are you doing he's like hey Kobe just starts like like shutting his eyes and just punching and he's able to actually hit him pretty decently hard like he gets lucky hits him in the jaw in the first punch and he gets rattled and goes down and Kobe just keeps punching him and I did it I did it meanwhile helmeppo's over there with just a broom just like like hitting people in the dick it's just like ah but it's like the best he's got right okay and so the battle's over and helmeppo and Kobe are there and and Bogart takes down the head Bandit and he's like okay that was cool when he turns around and just okay you guys did it you did it you did it congratulations like not everyone's great the first time out being Marine you did okay and Kobe and omapo are like we did it you know and like the confidence boost from that I imagine would have been immense like guy we did it yeah you know like Okay cool so then I want to learn about that I also would love to know about their first uh solo Mission or rather the first mission that Kobe and helmeppo did together that didn't involve anybody else like Bogart was not there to help them you know GARP was not there to help them what was their first proper Mission and you know I'm sure GARP was like curating all this like let's say oh here's another one okay let's say Pirates are attacking a town and GARP and Bogart and everybody's there and Prince Crews back when they were training and everything like that they're all there and they bust up the main pirate Force okay so like the captain first mate they're all taken care of but let's say there were some stragglers let's say like three or four Pirates snuck out of town and ran off and it's like hey there's another town about you know eight miles down that road and if they get there you know they're just gonna like rage and pillage and murder and that's not cool okay so Kobe and helmeppo your job is to go and bring those pirates in no one else is going to help you okay GARP and Bogart and everybody has to stay behind Kobe and helmepo this is your first mission just by yourselves you got this okay and then maybe at this point maybe they've like uh they've went up the ranks a little bit they're no longer zotsuyos maybe they're like Siemens or something and they're like okay sure we could do this and then they chase down the Pirates and then they win you know like little stuff and all the while while this is going on you know Luffy's having his adventures with the straw hats in the East and then eventually into the grand line and slowly but surely they get stronger and tougher and they get promoted um I would also like to learn about you know Kobe learning the Roku Shiki techniques hockey comes a little bit later for Kobe like Kobe knew about hockey but he didn't really unlock that power until Marine Ford helmepo didn't unlock it until a little bit later as well but he does have it um so and then Marine Ford itself like the build up to Marine for because remember like from the time that Kobe went to go and join the Marines at shellstown all the way up to Marine Ford that that was like less than a year okay that wasn't a whole year from that point on okay so maybe like 10 months at maximum I'm thinking so if there's something like that going on you know he had to really get tough in like that 10 month time period and so the build up to that would also be a really key important uh story point you know um and then after the time skip of course we have rocky Port which we haven't really explored so much but Kobe apparently went right up against Wang XI there I mean maybe it wasn't Kobe directly versus Wang but still it would have been a cool fight but now Kobe was declared a hero during the rocky port for saving civilians okay that's the whole point there you know and then over the time skip Kobe just kind of improved working the battleship bags to the point where in the last chapter he was able to destroy Avala Pizarro's giant fist okay so that's the one good thing you gotta think about when it comes to the one-piece world's like logic all right it's even if you're like a chubby out of shape kid in the one piece Universe okay if you just have enough uh will and if you just don't give up and you just keep punching a battleship over and over and over again what happens makes you tough makes you strong makes you built like a damn truck and it gives you superpowers that's that's the lesson you gotta learn and you know what in the one piece world it's silly because like you know it okay in our world right like if you're lifting weight that's a little bit too heavy for you that can actually hurt you that could severely wound you if you like you're lifting like if I go out and try to like bench press 400 pounds that's not gonna work well for me but no no no no no in the one piece World it does in the one piece world I go out and lift up 400 pounds like all right this really hurts yeah it hurts even if you hurt yourself though you get stronger get stronger and stronger and stronger every single day keep lifting it until eventually you get to the point where you unlock hockey that's that's how it goes okay and thank God it is because Kobe could basically just keep getting stronger and stronger sneaking out every night overworking himself punching a battleship eventually you get Armament hockey and you know what it does make sense in the one piece world because hockey's literal translation is will or ambition you know so and that's an overall theme of the entire story like Oda really Goes Ham when it comes to that okay like will and the inherited wills and your own personal will power like Luffy has willpower like Luffy's willpower is literally saved him on so many occasions it's also a very common anime Trope in general you know you have enough willpower you can get back up even after you've gotten beaten down you got your kidney gouged out of you or something doesn't matter if you have enough willpower you could back up and fight and you know what some of it can be cheesy some of it could be cheesy for sure you know just like this is so Iran you know like oh this is so unrealistic this is not how this would go down in real life but I don't know it's like if you if you read enough manga if you watch enough anime and the writing has to be good as well but there's certain times in certain fiction where that willpower stick happens and it kind of gets you pumped up it kind of gets you like oh okay you do it Kobe you work hard you keep punching that Battleship yeah all right you know and then he gets strong enough to punch out an entire Mountain so there we go right um was anybody by the way like seriously surprised that Kobe had that level of power I think I mentioned it in the review that we saw in the episode of Luffy OVA Kobe was already capable of punching apart like a giant metal disc like it wasn't really all that crazy that Kobe would also be capable of leveling a mountain especially after he's been trained by GARP for the last two plus years okay now if helmeppo did that I'd be a little more like oh wow hell mepo was capable of that but dude Kobe has been working every single hour of like every single day for like the last two and a half years at this and he even said as much he said look back when he was uh you know scrawny not scrawny he was a little bit of an overweight kid he was like you know I was like I I'm not as strong as other people are I'm actually weaker than the average person I need to work even 100 times as hard 200 times as hard in order to get there okay you know what I also like to think about spondem spandom who's like weaker than an average Marine Soldier if spondem had enough willpower and ambition if he trained as hard he could get to that level too it's kind of like everything on the book in one piece you know even if you have a scrawny kind of person that's not really good for anything like spandom if he really really really worked at it he could be really powerful same thing with buggy buggy I mean he's God but if buggy worked really hard at his chop chop fruit he could awaken it he could go to the next level he might be able to be a level of a yonko if he really really really worked at it okay um and they just don't you know and so that's kind of like an overall message here that we're talking about with uh with one piece okay um but yeah who is like genuinely surprised by that because I I was not right um dude I don't know where we're going with this now if it's like at some point Kobe's gonna meet up with the straw hats and like the two stories are gonna coalesce and it makes sense if that did happen because GARP is Luffy's grandpa so it's like maybe Kobe and Luffy team up and it's like let's go save GARP and Luffy's like okay and then they go it could be something like that or we might have well you know we go back to Egghead right now we focus on the straw hats for a little while but then we do another 10 chapters or so without the striats and those 10 chapters might be focused on Kobe as the protagonist going and saving his master because GARP is not dead and if you think ARP is dead you don't know GARP all right so I'm not really sure which direction we're gonna go with it um honestly I think it would make the most sense for Oda to keep the stories like yeah I mean okay in this instance GARP is related to Luffy so it would make sense if Luffy found out about this if they saw the paper after the events of Egghead Robin reads the newspaper and tells Luffy like hey your Grandpa got captured Luffy might have the reaction of like yeah he's Grandpa he'll be fine or he might be because he lost Ace he might be like all right we gotta go save him we gotta go see what's up and then maybe Kobe will come and help him so in that case it makes sense but not everything has to come back to the straw hats you know not every plot thread has to intersect with the straw hats at some point like I still don't know the whole situation with like eem and dragon and the gorosei and marijua like I really don't see any way the straw hats are gonna directly get involved with like fighting eem or something um it might happen at just right now it makes more sense for that that's dragon and the Revolutionary story you know tangentially it might connect back to the straw hats but like they don't have to be involved in that and it seems like the one-piece world that Oda crafted is just so massive that like for the straw hats to be involved in every single major plot beat that alone is kind of like strains credulity you know what I mean you get to that level with it but yeah there's a lot of different ways Oda could go about this and maybe if it's like once a year we like all right after Egghead we're gonna take another 10 chapter break from the straw hats to focus on other stuff and we'll go back to them and then we go back to the rest of the world honestly if that was the way it went with the final Saga I'd be okay with it because Oda has been working on this world building schtick for like 25 26 years now at this point so I'm okay with that absolutely something else very critical that we learned during this little mini Arc at Hachi nosu was Kobe's sense of justice so now he didn't actually give it a name but I like to call it honest Justice and that's the best way to really describe it okay Kobe is like the second most lawful good Marine that I have ever seen in this story number one of course being Travis D boner T-Bone and you know what now with T-Bone gone Still Still The the loss is heavy on all of our hearts but now with T-Bone gone Kobe I think is the single most lawful good moral Marine out of the whole bunch all right now that's not to say all other Marines are like you know like a kainu level but you know on the morality scale if you're going the most lawful good with it I think Kobe's there Kobe is literally naming his attacks like honesty impacts you know good will kick you know uh you know altruism headbutt you know like he's he's like naming his attack humanitarian uh spinning attack yeah I don't know but he's like that's literally look that's one of those things with one piece that's kind of goofy cheesy but I love it because it makes sense for Kobe Kobe's looking at the state of the Marines and maybe he even realizes like the Marines are really corrupted especially when he sees somebody like a kainu right and he's like all right Akainu and now koozon defected and now oh my God and then he maybe I might see what's up with the world government even more so and Kobe's like I want to be a shining light for the Marines I want to be true to myself I want to be the kind of marine that I want to believe in kind of situation right and so Kobe is always true to himself he believes in who he is and he's not going to change depending no matter what the rank he has it doesn't matter if he's a chore boy or a captain or the fleet admiral of the whole damn shebang he is going to be Kobe through and through no matter what all right and that would be honestly the kind of person that the current Goro say would hate to be be a fleet Admiral right because it's just like oh no he's too seriously syrupy sweet lawful good he's like nah he's gonna try to like change the Marines and make it all better and like no no no no no we're not doing that right but by the end of the story The Tender robito are going to be removed the goros say are going to be removed um the world government and the Marines will still be organizations the infrastructure will still be there and I like to think that maybe by the end of like like by the time Kobe's like in his 40s and 50s he will be an admiral uh maybe eventually he will be promoted to Fleet Admiral in fact I could probably see that the most that makes the most sense eventually but uh he'll definitely hearken in a new age in the Marines and all that stuff but like I said you know it is it is kind of like cringy a little bit he's like honesty impact you know but like you know what he's being true to himself you know don't stop being who you are Kobe you know because there's a lot of other Marines out there like look at that group of Marines that were attacking the old lady at Sphinx Island Sphinx Island when um you yeah they stormed the place after Marco went to wano and they're like where's whitebeard's treasure we want to find it and there's that rattin dude you know the rat dude that's like the brother of nezumi or whatever he's like is it an old lady if you don't tell me where the money is that white beard left here I'm gonna you know put a freaking bullet in your face and the old lady's like we don't have anything here so you know those kind of Marines are out there doing that so Kobe being a genuinely good person I give him an applause applause to Captain Kobe yes uh now you would say he would get a promotion after this however he is an official part of Sword which means he's an unofficial Marine which means he's effectively turned in his resignation after after dragon's Revolution I think all of this is going to be cleared up okay the only reason sword needs to exist right now is because that's the Marines way of working outside of the government because of how corrupted the government can be in like that bureaucratic red tape and everything and so there have to there has to be another segment of the Marines that can do their own thing that has to be done like fighting the yonko so that's the reason a sword exists but after dragon's Revolution occurs the tenerabito the Goro say remove the world government is restructured and everything like that after that point all of the Marines could effectively be sword they will fight the way that needs to be fought they will fight that fight without listening to the higher ups in that way okay um and I shouldn't say that like that setup is is completely pointless because there is a reason for it there's the balance of powers that currently exists but then again that balance of powers might have been artificially created by the world government and eem like 800 years ago like em might have wanted like the yonko to exist to like have this balance of power to like distract the rest of the world of what's really going on and at the end of the day eem still is living the high life you know what I mean so it's like oh you think even cares about yonko do you think eem cares about some Revolution you know whatever as long as eem gets to live in the ivory Castle who cares right so maybe maybe this was all planned from day one right well after all that's taken care of and all that's destroyed the balance of power collapses um there might not be yonko anymore you know there's no need for the SSG anymore uh there probably will always be Pirates but like I'm just saying like the whole way this world is going to be structured like literally you understand by the end of one piece the red line might collapse and the whole geography of the whole planet might shift which is going to change everything because geography is everything you know that right yeah absolutely um but yeah getting kind of off topic here kind of moving back to end game level stuff um Kobe and habari what do you think about that Kobe and habari where are the stocks on that I think it's rising pretty high right now I would definitely put some money on the Kobe habar you know what I think I would wager God usopp's entire bounty on Kobe and habari getting together all right I think it's gonna happen I think I would even wager Luffy's bounty that hibari is a kainu's daughter and then we can have that whole fun little moment of them getting married in a kind of in the background like you know so I that's something really goofy and funny that I would love to see realized in the story absolutely there um but yeah that's my really scattered shot in Kobe video just my Kobe appreciation post for the week hope you all enjoyed this and uh yeah now let's end it out with some of the most honest Noble creatures on this planet let's do whale facts ladies and gentlemen foreign we got some miscellaneous whale facts here and we're gonna end it out with um the lead-in to another big whale fact next time okay I'll do this I'll just like look up a bunch of random facts and one fact will lead to a bigger fact and it'll be like oh okay so uh let's talk about humpback whales a little bit here so humpback whales as you probably know they eat a lot of krill right uh you ever see Shark Tales you know that was a good movie anyway um so whales they have their teeth they're like bristles and they kind of like sift the water out and then the Krill and that's how they kind of eat and everything like that well humpback whales actually go about half the year or so about five to six months a year without eating anything they just literally live off of their fat their blubber reserves okay while they're hanging out in tropical waters uh well no I I don't know if they go to the tropical waters or they go to Antarctica they travel one of those locations to mates I think it's they spend most of their time probably in the Antarctic and then go to tropical waters to mate and then go back to the Antarctic it might be flipped um but yeah there's a little fact about how backs is they only have to eat Krill like you know five months out of the year or so in the rest of the year they just survive off their fat some whales utilize a thing called Bubble net feeding and this is something that's fascinating to me so whales when they see their prey you know like fish or Krill or whatever they're hunting they will spit like bubbles out of their mouths or blowholes I guess and then they'll create like a chain of bubbles right and the fish won't go past that bubble net so they're literally effectively using their own Nets to catch the fish and the fish will see the bubble net and I guess they would be able to swim right through it it's just bubbles but they choose not to and like oh they're thin and then the whales will eat them so there you go and then finally what we're going to lead into next time is killer whales or orcas they are actually not whales they are dolphins but they're usually you know grouped in with whales and you know what else so we did dinosaur facts for letter D so we're gonna be talking about orcas next time Free Willy thanks for watching everyone buddy teching signing out laters
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 91,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, marines, koby, honest, best, garp, helmeppo
Id: iqhLPozvRBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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