Gear Fifth Breaks All The Rules!!

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welcome back everybody teching 101 here today to present to you the strongest generation of the yonko that have ever sailed the seven seas first we have kaido the strongest being if you fight him on land sea or air then we have big mom the strongest being if you ever fight her inside of a bakery or perhaps a pie Factory then we have Luffy the strongest being if you fought him inside of a Meadery or a steakhouse yeah Steakhouse is better yeah God help you if you ever run into Luffy inside of a steakhouse like you're gonna lose already but now it's just like it's personal and then finally the last member of this hypothetical yonko group uh he just Towers over the other three we have Barry and Barry's he's strong no matter where you fight him look around you odds are there's probably some type of brick work around you right now unless you're just living in a tree uh in which case that might be your safe but other than that no he's eventually you're going to run afoul of some kind of brick or clay and then Barry's gotcha all right okay well uh there's some crazy stuff going right now in the one piece anime I don't know if you've noticed but uh We've finally reached gear fifth like it's happening Luffy got ko'd Grand slammed by kaido he's on the ground he's dead Luffy's dead no the series just ends right there dude the anime could have really played up that angle they could have had Luffy on the ground kaido comes down from the roof and he's just like Luffy is dead and then like the anime could have had like a five episode clip show of like remembering Monkey D Luffy the protagonist tune in next time everybody because the new protagonist of one piece is kaido we're gonna watch kaido take over the world and go on a bunch of dragon Adventures okay you know what like the Great the great thing about one piece is I would watch that I would watch how Luffy's dead now all right so I guess we just follow kaido now dropping onigashima right there on the flower capital and and ruling the world with an iron fist I'm actually fascinated on seeing like kaido facing off against the world government how he would structure everything yeah let's see that let's follow that but now gear fifth is happening and um it's it's been well over a year now since we got gear fifth in the manga that was a crazy time when that was happening um obviously since you know if you're an anime only Watcher you don't read the Manga at all I feel like it's still been very difficult to avoid spoilers on this one in fact I saw a thing that uh in Japan they actually like made a crop circle of Luffy's gear fifth like out in the open and so that was like an advertising thing so like just imagine if you're an anime only Watcher in Japan and you're just walking by like a cornfield or something it's like oh come on I can't even go out for a walk in nature without getting spoiled it's a big moment it's a big moment in the manga so if you somehow manage to go through like a year or so over a year at this point without getting spoiled for gear fifth I mean I guess good on you I mean you wouldn't be watching this right now though like that would be the point like nope I'm waiting for the episode to come out and that's that all right so um what do we think of gear fifth at this point just I I think enough time has passed now where we can kind of look back and assess like was this a good move on oda's part here going with gear fifth you know because I remember when it first happened it's like a lot of other things like when Luffy first went into gear fourth a lot of people were like ah it doesn't look right and that's not what I pictured for gear fourth I remember when Frankie's Post Time skip design was revealed a lot of people were iffy about that um but you know those are First Impressions kind of thing but now it's it's been some time so honestly the more I think about gear fifth not just the design of it but what it does and kind of like it not I I should not say Alters Luffy's personality because that seems to indicate that like Luffy is not really Luffy anymore he is he's a hundred percent Luffy in fact that's the best way I can describe it gear fifth does not change who Luffy is it dials Luffy up to 11. that's what it does you think you got Luffy up until now no when Luffy goes gear fifth that's true 110 Luffy you're getting pure undistilled Luffy right there okay so um let's go and talk about the form itself a little bit here okay so you know honestly not really much changes in Luffy's form when he initially goes into gear fifth I remember all the theories out there like you know because Luffy's hair began to change we saw that in the last episode and uh there was a big discussion about resin I don't think I've heard the word resin be used as as much as it did during when all those Theory videos were coming out like Luffy's gonna become like liquify wide Rubber and he's going to be able to like make all these crazy shapes and the form he's going to go into it's going to be nuts so the actual form he goes into is pretty much just like if Luffy were to jump into a bucket of white paint that's basically all you get now oda's style does change up whenever he depicts Luffy in gear fifth uh the line work looks a little differently a little bit more cartoony as it were in fact I'm fairly certain because Luffy's uh gear fifth design is based off of Old School rubber hose animation from like the very very early days of of Animation like when animation first started becoming a prominent thing like you know a Steamboat Willie which was like the first Mickey Mouse cartoon we're talking late 1910s into the 1920s so um I wouldn't be surprised if Oda went back and watched a lot of old school like Hanna-Barbera Disney type stuff as an inspiration for this so the uh the detail like the line work is is much more bold it's much more like prominent when Luffy goes into this form okay but in terms of the design I I like the fact that his clothing changes as well like his whole body like his vest turns white his shorts turn white um his hair of course turns white as well this might also go along with the um do you remember the reason that was given for why Goku when he went into Super Saiyan why his hair turns blonde it's basically just to make the inking easier in the manga as in you don't really need to do inking or not as much obviously the outline of the hair because that way you know he just has blonde hair which translates to just white in the manga format so that's another thing like it's a trick maybe Oda did that maybe just to make everything a little easier um and you know what that's actually if we're going along with that logic that might indicate that we're going to be seeing gear fifth a lot more in the story so maybe Oda wanted to make it easier on everybody like like Oda could have easily come up with a very complicated looking gear fifth okay he could have come up with something a little bit more esoteric a little bit more like bombastic with the way he depicts Luffy's because this is gonna be like his final form all right but it's a final forum that just lends itself into other forms right so he could have done something like that but maybe oda's like ah I'm gonna go with something simplistic because it fits Luffy's personality but also it'll just be easier to draw in the future we're gonna have enough to go on with just all the wacky Shenanigans Luffy gets up to while in gear fifth so maybe drawing the initial form should be easy okay so it really is Luffy being the most free being in the world okay that to me is way more meaningful has way more uh importance than just Luffy being into like this some badass like you know Ultra Instinct Luffy or nine-tailed fox Luffy or devil form Luffy or something like that look I've talked about this before so I'm not gonna go way into it but yeah when you look at other Shonen protagonists there's a couple of underlying themes with not all of them but you know a good chunk of them have this where their abilities usually hinge on some other being or entity inside of them them in their soul or whatever that they have to like communicate with that they might not have complete control over you know in this case think Naruto with Karama in like early story not even early story even into ship it and when Naruto goes into like his fourtails former six-tail form against pain he's like a raging Berserker right you got Ichigo going into his vast oh Lord a form against uh ukiora you even got like like guts from berserk you know having the berserk armor when that takes over he's just a rampager okay it's a common Trope in manga and it works in a lot of cases okay when you have that other entity inside of you and the key to understanding and perfecting your power is to communicate with that other entity sometimes it's the idea of like when Naruto and Karama you know they're like separate beings that had to just learn how to cooperate like as friends um in the case with Ichigo and it was his hollow and his sampocto Spirit it was learning more about himself in the case with Asta it was like Lieb is essential actually his brothers so like they all have different Dynamics in the way that they communicate with these other beings but the thing is Luffy doesn't have any of that Luffy is just Luffy Luffy doesn't have like an angel or a devil inside of him Luffy doesn't have like the soul of Joy boy inside of him like what do you think Joy boy well Luffy I think you should use bazooka okay that's a good idea you know like nothing like that Luffy by the way doesn't even talk he doesn't even have like Eternal dialogue to himself most times Oda even made a point to not include that in the story like Luffy's not like fighting Magellan and it's like okay this guy can use poison so I better make sure to go gear second and avoid his poison and attack from a long-range you know uh uh vantage point or something like no Luffy doesn't Luffy's a man of action man he just goes for it and a lot of times that'll bite him in the ass but uh sometimes literally sometimes metaphorically bite him in the ass but um that's Luffy that's his personality so I was so happy one thing I was so relieved by when Luffy went into gear fifth that it wasn't like I'm Joy boy now get ready kaido you know nothing like that it's not like some other personality taking him over it's not even like there's another personality in there yes it was it was Joy boy's devil fruit it was Joy Boys fruit that was the point of the power that had it before him he was the last person to awaken it during the void century and all that but I I think that yeah you know zones have Wills they have like uh like an animal spirit inside of them Luffy might have the the spirit of Nika inside of the fruit but that doesn't really affect his overall personality or anything like that he doesn't need to like communicate with the voice of Joy boy or whatever in order to fully understand gear fifth it's his power that he refined way and that's just the way it goes if we get a flashback to see gear though I mean the way that um Joy boy utilized it because Joy boy probably didn't call it like gear fourth gear fifth um the form would have been the same form probably but the way that Joy boy might have arrived at it maybe it might have been a little different than the way Luffy arrived at it you know I would have really liked that like there's multiple ways to awaken the same fruit it really just depends on the person that consumes it okay also let's talk about that for a moment where Luffy had to literally die in order to awaken this power because I believe that I believe yeah when kaido hit him and he went down Luffy was straight up dead okay now you could look at this because when you're talking about how you awaken a devil fruit it's still kind of up in the air Oda really hasn't given us like a clear answer for that um you know it's kind of like like the closest we got is the way kaido explained it which was like you know you awaken a devil fruit once your mind and your body catch up to your power it's like okay there's a couple of different ways you can interpret that and it's not really a solid answer so you could look at like paying the ultimate sacrifice as in when your powers reach a certain Apex and you die and then you you can maybe come back from death and then that's when you truly have awakened your power everybody else that's awakened devil fruits like katakuri doflamingo law kid you could see them being kaido as well you could see them being at a moment where they've like died or been on the cusp of death and then they awaken their powers you could look at it like that or you could look at like this is something very specific to Luffy's hitohito Nomi where he needs to die to sort of begin the drums of Liberation the drums of Freedom as it were like his death is symbolic and like casting aside the chains and then boom he comes back as the most free person to ever exist you know and this is represented by the sheer joyousness the exuberance that Luffy embodies the uh he's just completely ecstatic and elastic he's ecstatic and elastic yes absolutely that is Luffy it's like it's like childlike Wonder with him and that's the reason why I'm glad Oda did not do like the badass angle you know like when gon um does the nen contract and you know he gets like this he's like super tall and buff and he's just like Pito you know look here's the thing if Oda wanted to do that if Oda wanted to go like the badass Ichigo vasto Lorde route with Luffy's final form like Luffy gets defeated by kaido and and oda's like okay I'm gonna draw Luffy coming back and his whole body is like covered in really cool hockey tattoos and his hair's standing up and he's just like kaido I will defeat you now and then could have Oda done that absolutely could he have made it look awesome absolutely like the artwork would have been incredible like seeing Luffy going into this really like Gamu Gamu no Dreadnought Cannon boo you know like that would have been cool but would have would have fit the character would it have it lined up with Luffy's personality and Luffy's character not really no in fact it would have been it would have been very jarring very jarring in fact if Luffy's final form his gear fifth was something like that if it was like when I go into gear fifth I become all edgy and just I fight like a Berserker and if I'm not careful I'll lose myself you know it's actually weird because Oda is kind of doing that maybe a little bit where Luffy is like such on like ecstasy when he's in gear fift he's in that that state where he's dialed all the way up to 11. like it is possible you could see Luffy losing himself in that because he might not be thinking very clearly you know it's just he's so excited to just have fun like everything is fun to him when he's in gear fifth he's in a state where it's like I can do anything and I'm going to maybe not necessarily thinking about the ramifications of that like remember when he was fighting kaido and he went into giant form because Luffy's like wait a second I feel like I can make myself a giant and he turns into a giant he's like I'm gonna step on kaido and kaido just kind of bit him and just like oh you just made yourself a bigger Target you know Chomp and Luffy's like ow that hurts so that's an example of Luffy like he's able to do anything but not everything's gonna work okay that's another really Salient point I want to drive home here where Luffy going into gear fifth was not like him pushing the win button it was the ability it was the form that was ultimately able to defeat kaido sure but it took several chapters to do that and it even faltered at one point where Luffy's in gear fifth jumping around and he's just like yeah I could fight like this all night and it's like oh boy there's uh hold on a second let me just I think my heart just stopped ah there it goes and then he kicks back into gear fifth okay so in those few chapters where Luffy was in gear fifth fighting kaido we got to really see the positives and the negatives of this positives we get to see Luffy being Luffy in this form where he can literally do anything he wants bad news is that's also a double-edged sword where sometimes he can get ahead of himself really just going crazy and you're like I'm gonna make myself huge because it looks cool and then he ends up getting bitten all right um also it indicates that there is a hard time limit on gear fifth this is not some kind of thing that just goes on interminably you know what I mean it just it it eventually will run out of gas Luffy can restart it we've seen him do that but it's kind of a situation the same thing with one thing we do know about Awakenings like we saw this with law and kid you can keep pushing yourself to use your Awakenings but it is going to drain your stamina and also your life expectancy is going to shorten okay so Luffy's already kind of done this with gear second and gear third before and then that one time he went gear second and third at the same time against Moria and then the healing hormones and ivankov I made a whole video talking about Luffy's life expectancy and how it's keep getting shorter and shorter I'm telling you what man when Luffy you know got knocked out of gear fifth against kaido and he was all drained and like shriveled up when he chose to go back into that form because Luffy knew that was the only way he was going to be able to beat kaido when he chose to do that that might have shaved a couple years off his life just doing that okay I also really appreciate that yeah even though Luffy does have this form now and he he definitely prefers to go into it like when he fought Lucci um he doesn't it's not just gonna be default it's not just going to be Luffy going into gear fifth default I think after going into this form a couple times like twice against kaido once against Luchi I think Luffy's becoming a little bit more aware and he might not be telling the other straw hats this because like I said Luffy might not really think about it this way but like every time he goes into gear fifth have you noticed whenever we see the aftermath of this when we do Luffy's completely drained like utterly like after he fought Lucci he was like the shriveled up husk like okay we gotta go to the lab all right let's go you know so Luffy might begin to realize like okay when I go into this form I am so excited like I'm I'm like a kid at Christmas I'm just like fight yeah but after it's over that Kickback it's it's it hits you okay and so Luffy might be aware of that and he's like I gotta be careful going into that form because that forms cool it's not indestructible or anything but it's really cool and I could fight at my Peak it might even become addicting to Luffy a little bit like that idea of like man I like feeling like that I like going into that kind of state of like you know exuberance you know but if if an enjoyestness that's like the whole point but after that you know it weakens you and so when Luffy was fighting against s bear like in the control room he's going gear fourth now so Luffy's kind of aware of this and being like I'm not going to go into gear fifth every single fight because if I can't finish off the enemy quick enough I'm not I'm not going to be able to fight anymore okay and I can restart it but that might weaken me even more after yeah Oda could have done something cool we could have had like super saiyan Ultra Instinct Luffy he could have drawn it there's no reason why he couldn't have but I love this a million times more I love it because it's also something you don't see much in Manga and Anime right um and I get it like the reason why the badass final form is a Trope because it's cool right it's cool when Goku went into Super Saiyan 3 or Super Saiyan 4 or Ultra Instinct it looks cool it's foreboding it's intimidating you know what I mean I would say Super Saiyan 4 is the most intimidating out of all of that um you know I love it when Asta goes into his devil form his devil Union that's cool Naruto going into like Sage of Six Paths or his nine tails form the cloak you know that all looks really cool it looks badass but Oda took a completely different approach to this it's like it's it's relying on the reader knowing Luffy's character like okay it's a hundred look at that 103 volumes of this story where you're following the Journey of this little rubber boy and after 103 volumes you should pretty well be acquainted with the kind of person Luffy is and how he fights and what he wants in the world okay and the idea that you give him this power which is wacky and silly if you've read one piece you get it you 100 get why that form is what it is okay and yeah I would I would like it no other way I don't think Luffy's gonna get anything else Beyond this uh Luffy will go into a lot of different forms while in gear Fifth and he'll maybe have to learn how to master it to even a greater extent but yeah we're never gonna get like you know like anything with like gone in Hunter Hunter where like going just goes into his like adult form and just like wrecks Pito or something like that um in an alternate universe in a parallel world maybe that's the direction Oda took it and I'm sure it looks it looks badass in that form as well but for now we can just like leave it up to the fan artist and everything like that um oh man any anything else going on here with uh gear fifth man um from what I saw in the preview for the episode you know for the next episode uh you know kaido just getting knocked around in the eyeballs popping out of his head it's this is gonna be so surreal this is gonna be so weird to see you know like this more Western kind of style animation in an anime but it it it it it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun I love that that's another thing too like Oda kind of does a thing with this form where he kind of breaks the medium he's in where he's like okay we're in not just a Japanese manga but also we're in a Japanese manga that's taking place in a location wano which is based off Edo Japan okay Edo era Japan and we have a lot of like artwork like the uke OE paintings and that kind of traditional Japanese art in here so we have traditional Japanese art in the Japanese manga and then Luffy goes into a form which is more akin to like early 20th century three Western animation it kind of makes you like like at a certain point like you're like reading something that's kind of like broken the fabric of reality you know what I mean like Luffy going into gear fifth change the very tone of what the manga was and the way it's presented to the reader I like that type of I really do like whenever um you know oh there was another oh what there was another manga that did this and I can't remember which one it was but there was like a manga at one point where the reality of everything was kind of breaking apart and like the panels of the manga themselves began to warp and change like you're reading that page by Page and the panels are like shattering and breaking apart okay and it's like to give the reader the impression that like what they are reading is even changing now because of this form I can't remember what it was but there was something like that right so I like that oh to go in the extra mile and all that stuff what do you think about gear fifth now that we've had a little bit over a year to realize that and now it's happening in the anime finally um we're gonna see a lot more wacky stuff in the future I am sure okay I think Oda has endless ideas for this moving into the final Saga and it's just gonna get more and more ridiculous all right well anyway I'm here for the journey just like everybody else thanks for watching everyone this will be teching signing out and who would be your strongest generation of the Emperors yeah just make sure to include Barry if you don't include Barry there's just no point all right later everyone
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 114,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, gear fifth, luffy, gomu, nika
Id: vy1kz5HFakM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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