*SPOILERS* One Piece Chapter 1087 Discussion

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foreign okay all right there's a new button in the chat it's a heart I don't know what to I don't know what happens when I push the heart does something explode when I push the heart oh little emojis come up when I push the heart oh look at that guys look at that we got hearts smiley face uh uh confetti Cornucopia uh shocked face n100 okay so if you want to rate my live stream on a scale of zero to a hundred but you can only rate it as a hundred go ahead and rate it a hundred they should really provide other numbers you know maybe this stream's not going to be 100 100 is a really hard thing to get a hundred percent I mean that's not easy to get you know what I mean this this stream might only be like 82 percent this stream might be like a b like a B minus that might be all we get you know what I mean uh yeah don't press 100 it crashes the stream this is like okay that does actually sound that does actually sound something like YouTube would install Cornucopia confetti stuffing in a cornucopia yes all right hello everybody Welcome Back to the post chapter live streams that is actually officially released so spoilers but today we're going to be talking about uh chapter 1087. also known as the chapter where GARP got his groove back uh you just wait for it wait for it everybody GARP is gonna kick ass GARP is GARP is not going down from what happened in the last chapter GARP is 100 dead no he is not a hundred percent dead how would you know he's 100 dead that would mean that you would be able to know the future of this story the only way you could say GARP is 100 dead is if you literally sat down with Oda over T in Japan and he directly told you to your face I'm killing GARP in chapter 1088 guys it's happening here's the sketches here's the artwork it's already gone it's a foregone conclusion and be like okay all right but other than that I think your deductions are a little bit off sir I would say hey uh watch GARP have a white beard moment look um there's a reason why there was a running gag that I did in the last review that I said about six times that was like you think this is the first time GARP did the blippity blue with the shmekala what's it you know you don't know Garb ladies and gentlemen no okay so garp's damage from the last chapter let's let's try to actually accrue this together all right he got stabbed in like the stomach kidney region by shiruyu and uh he got ran through by shiruyu with hockey and then uh he also got punched in the face by aokiji all right all right I mean that that's damage I'm not gonna say that's not damage is this the end of the hero GARP no it is not sir it is not so he gets knocked on the ground by the way I just want to throw this out there if you go back and look so aokiji punched GARP like square like right here in the center of the forehead okay and then if you look at garp's head at the end of the chapter when he's like lying on the ground and he's like you know don't worry Kobe Don't Panic justice will prevail there's really no mark on his forehead there's really no like massive like gash or blood coming out of his uh of his forehead or anything like that so uh yeah also like yeah GARP might be old now he's 78 years old he's definitely over the hill but there is no way in hell that a sword stabbed from shiryu and one punch from aokiji that's gonna be the way GARP the hero GARP the fist is gonna die he's fought against literally thousands upon thousands of pirates some of the strongest sobs you've ever encountered up and down the grand line but the way he dies is he gets stabbed by shiryu and punched One Time by aokiji that's the way he goes out all right and if you think the Giants like the giant Island fruit's gonna do anything dude uppercut it's San Juan wolf into the ocean you don't know GARP yeah garp's not gonna die here there is no way this is the first time garb's been stabbed I don't care how old GARP is alright let's take a okay let's look about this in rayleigh's perspective Rayleigh is the same age as GARP they're both 78 years old let's say Rayleigh gets stabbed by shiryu Israeli just gonna be like all right Shockey I guess this is it Roger I'm coming home you know just like no way in hell is that the way that rayleigh's gonna go out or the way Rogers I mean or the way uh garp's gonna go out it's just also the fact that like think about that like Otis sitting there and it's like he's drawing his manga and he's like this is the end of the hero I'm gonna have him get stabbed punched and then crushed by a giant hand that's that's how GARP dies that's just how he goes out now I brought this up in the review but like if garp's gonna die in this series I'm not even completely against GARP dying in the series all types of like Hyperbole and Kafe aside if garp's gonna die in the series fine but like It's gotta be done in some big bombastic way like garp's gotta have a death match with Blackbeard or something rocks has to come back from the grave and kick his ass like if that's the way he's gonna go out that's the way he should go out or you know what even wind that back a bit if you're really even gonna go the whole angle without kiji now fighting against his former you know Mentor then go ahead with that a hundred percent aokijian GARP fight on a deserted island for like 30 days straight and then GARP dies at the end of that it kind of like a whole thing with Punk Hazard all over again you know if you're gonna do it do it that way you know um yeah oh yeah a lot of people brought that up too I I am I should have brought that up as well uh GARP was not smiling at the end of the last chapter it was just like don't worry Kobe justice will prevail hmm he's not smiling and there's no way GARP can die if he's not smiling he embodies the will of deed just as much as Luffy does all right you think this is the first time GARP died you don't know carp you know what honestly I'll bring that up like GARP is essentially the Chuck Norris of the one piece Universe I mean he kind of is uh what do you think perona will do I'm not sure if Corona is still on the island because that was kind of weird how like Kobe was reminiscing how he escaped and the idea was perona helped Kobe get out of his cell and then she's like okay now you have to come and help me find Moria who's deeper in the cell and then that was a flashback and then we just cut to Kobe on the surface running around with all the with all the uh captured slaves um so it seems to imply Kobe might have already helped morya escape and Mori and prona are already getting the [ __ ] out of Dodge like while everybody else was busy chasing after Kobe and then GARP shows up Corona and Moria like escape the island um yeah they don't know Bogart either oh yeah when Bogart shows up to town he's gonna he's gonna wreck some he's gonna wreck some skulls you know what if Moria shows up and he lends his help and he he comes on in maybe uh maybe it's a thing where perona and Moria are like okay so Moria gets freed and he's like he she have their little reunion moment because perona was raised by Moria they're they're kind of like Maria is essentially like perona's like stepfather basically so they're gonna have like a little reunion moment and then they're like let's get the hell out of here okay and then they they move out you know a pirona came there in a boat so they have a boat so they're gonna escape and then what if it's a situation where they look back at the island and they see avalo Pizarro raising up all of his hands and he and they're like oh man some crazy shit's going on over there and then he sees the hands and then perona is just like feels bad because perona is like you know she has a conscience and she's like Kobe was so nice he's a Marine and yet he helped me find you and he helped me get you out of here Moria we should go back and help him I don't want him to die and Moria is like I'm not going back there and then piranhas just kind of looks at him just like come on and then like okay fine you know it could do something like that I mean if nothing else morya's abilities could definitely help them Escape if nothing else you know uh if you think it's going to take anything less than Blackbeard and aokiji working in perfect tandem to kill GARP you don't know GARP I know GARP yes [ __ ] it let's make this a meme chop slap Slap Chop let's make this a meme Slap Chop you don't know GARP I know GARP I wanna see Memes I wanna see flyers I want to see Tick-Tock videos ladies and gentlemen I want to see Memes good morning Morgan um Kobe arising up perona yeah I guess so I suppose as long as he borrows okay because I want that to I want that to follow through I want the whole hibari to be a kainu's daughter thing to be proven and then I want Kobe and hibari to get married and I want to see Akainu at the wedding walking his daughter down the aisle and I want to see the the expression of sheer unabashed rage like I kind of is like I wanna melt you so bad in a vat of magma right now Kobe but I can't you know I want to see that so bad all right yep what if GARP dies if GARP all right I'll I'll be straight up like if GARP dies right here and now like if the next chapter is like GARP stands back up like Kobe helmeppo You Gotta Get Away Prince crew say you're all right you could be okay and then he immediately just gets crushed by a giant hand and that's how GARP dies I am gonna feel very disappointed in oda's writing I'm like man I don't know Oda you might want to take a break again because that that's not cool that's not how that's not how garp's supposed to go out right yeah if GARP dies he'll be annoyed and come back to life it's just like yeah I can see that I could see that dude ah I hate you son-in-law Kobe shouldn't Kobe have noticed studio with his observation hockey well he was distracted at the moment observation hockey people have to remember observation hockey is not like constant like radar around you like that it was that way with eneru because eneru combined it with his gorogoro Nami but hockey observation and we even learned this from the katakuri fight you gotta maintain your composure with that [ __ ] okay you don't just get like you know what I mean it's not just always turned on maybe if you like train with it for decades and decades and decades it gets to the point where it's like that but even katakuri was a master of that and if he becomes distracted it doesn't work you gotta stay focused so Kobe sees a what he thinks is a helpless woman over getting tormented by Pirates and he's like I will save you madam and he's paying attention to that and then the woman reveals I'm a pirate too yard and then Kobe's like oh [ __ ] and then he doesn't even really have time to react also sure you I would imagine I I really think shiryu has the skill because of his uh clear clear fruit and his abilities already that he can essentially mask his presence when he goes invisible it's not just being invisible it might not be on the level of like uh um a meliorone's ability from Hunter Hunter where it's like like the gods accomplice and the perfect plan [ __ ] where he goes completely intangible like well not intangible but everybody just can't see him it's not like that on that level exactly but it's still like really stealthy like like shiryu's whole thing is he like goes stealth and stabs people in the back like even before he had the clear clear fruit he could do that really well so you know uh why didn't GARP use conquerors to take everyone down so here's the thing about conquerors uh hockey is a very fun little thing to discuss so Conker's works but you really have to have a a pretty weak will to knock it down um and I imagine quite a few of the Pirates got knocked out at Hachi nosu the fact is there's just so many of them okay remember when Rayleigh did that burst of conquerors hockey back at the auction house um the straw hats manage well the straw hats were not really specifically avoided directing his hockey at the straw hats because he wanted to talk to them but he hit kids crew with the hockey and he hit laws crew with the hockey Sachi and penguin were able to resist that all right and so if Sachi and penguin can resist a burst of conquerors hockey from Rayleigh I think a decent number of pirates on Hachi nosu that work directly under Blackbeard could probably resist conquerors from GARP it it really only works if you are extraordinarily weak of will okay and I think when GARP came careening in with the Galaxy impact I think a good number of them probably lost Consciousness um but the thing is there's just so many they're coming out of like every crack every hole in Hachi nosu there's just swarming Pirates okay so you know uh these are all not going to be weak-willed individuals um you know and also many people might say you know you look at uh Fishman Island right where Luffy was able to knock out like 50 000 fish man in one swing which was like an insane number I think a good chunk of those those fish men were like civilians that decided to like that were like just they they like just bought into the propaganda of hodi and they were living in the fish man district and so they weren't really Fighters they were like most of them were just like citizens living around and they're like yeah screw the humans let's fight and they were just kind of like or they were just bullied into fighting by hodi and his crew like hey you're gonna fight right and he's like yeah I guess you know and then Luffy shows up and knocks out 50 000 of them I don't think all 50 000 of those fishmen were like you know I was like we're trained mercenaries for the last 30 years you know it's like nothing like that no uh if you think about it the Marines can't really afford to lose GARP and Kobe so it's possibly sent back up after they heard GARP went um that's also feasible too I mean what kind of backup do you need you have Bogart there right also smoker we don't know what's up with smoker but it would actually be really funny if smokers showed up because smoker like aokiji saves smoker from doflamingo at Punk Hazard now smoker shows up to save GARP from aokiji and once again I'm not saying like are you saying smoker could beat aokiji no but uh like another third party arriving to like distract everybody and then help GARP get away I think that's pretty fair smoker shows up covers the whole island in Smoke because it's kind of his thing and then he leaves you know yeah when the Marines be able to send back up because they are about to go to war uh I mean it depends on if they're sending literally everybody to Egghead which by the way the implication is kind of like yes they are doing that which is not very smart by the way to send like all your Marines to Egghead there's there's no other Marine around that's like it's like let's send um comio comio's not around Dalmatians not doing anything good evening from Romania good evening Romania GARP ain't running well he wanted to run in the last chapter that's why they went there they went there to rescue Kobe and the prisoners they did that and then GARP himself said let's get out of here time to move out you know this was not listen this was not like a Kamikaze kind of thing and this was also not like let's let's kill every single pirate on pirate island let's wipe out all the Titanic captains that was not the plan from day one that was not the plan uh GARP will die in chapter 1092 a thousand chapters later as he was introduced I okay a lot of people look at that and they see that in a lot of ways like they'll be like Vivi will join a thousand chapters or 800 chapters after she left this character will do this a thousand chapters after this happens you know it's like I don't buy into that too much because first of all if Oda does that too often it just makes it predictable as all hell you know that would be like me saying hold on a moment let me let me pull a thing up here let me let me check something really quick on the wiki let me like I'll I'll throw some Theory crafting at you right here give me a moment all right um uh okay all right so Dragon was introduced at chapter 100 of one piece so I'm predicting Monkey D dragon's gonna die at chapter 1100 of One Piece because it was a thousand chapters after he was introduced right so there we go uh let's see what else what are the big Mysteries are going on in the one piece World here uh you know um hold on a moment uh yeah yeah I mean you could just do that you know what I mean you could just say like 700 600 800 whatever he didn't know how kiji was there at first uh GARP did not that is true GARP didn't comio doesn't need to be relevant you know what's weird with comio they they paint coal meal as kind of a badass honestly like they use comio in a lot more ways than you would expect like he showed up in Film Z in the background like comio was personally trained by Zephyr it's like whoa really like that okay you're going cold meal on this huh comial might show up yeah cause Okay suru is a vice admiral but she could kind of do whatever she wants because she's so like high degree and also uh sengoku is just the general inspector he can kind of go wherever he wants sengoku could kind of be like I think it's time we give an inspection to Hachi no soup dude if sengoku showed up garb's getting away there's no way sengoku and garper both dying at the hands of shiryu avalo Pizarro and and [ __ ] Vasco or or maybe aokiji like there's no way how far is Pirate Island um it's not very far from wano it's about halfway through the new world but the thing is like Oda plays with that a lot like where it's like going from one end of the new world to another location in the New World um you know what I mean it's kind of a thing where it's like there's no way sengoku and suru could get there in time because the travel and it's just like I thought that too but it's like Oda could fudge that Oda could fudge that so bad they get into an experimental Vega Punk rocket ship and they just like they they crashed out at Hachi dosu like they sure you know like fine is that really going to be the thing that's going to break your immersion you know if perona dies or gets hurt um because she should still because uh she should still be there the Blackbeard commander who does that is dead because mihawk doesn't take prisoners oh yeah yeah I don't think prone is gonna die though either I I just don't think they are you know attacking dies after he makes a 4K plus videos because they were 4K since his first yeah see there you go and I'm already at 3K something so I don't have many videos left how many wash Cycles to make aukiji and Marine again so I have an idea I have another theory here by the way thank you for bringing up wash Cycles because I'm doing my laundry at the moment uh actually let me check on that really quick check it on my laundry now we're still good all right um by the way I'm gonna be on another stream after this one today uh it's on hidden's channel go check out my Twitter I retweeted his thing it's gonna be like a charity game show it's gonna be really fun I'm gonna be over there for a couple hours it starts at two so it's ten I'm gonna probably go down like noon today with this and then like two hours later after that I'm gonna go to hidden's channel keep in mind all right um so I was thinking about aokiji and so at the end of the chapter you had a scene where uh GARP was like you know justice will prevail I'm wondering I'm wondering if GARP is talking about aokiji if GARP is like because GARP just took a punch from aokiji and if if you know anything about GARP you know that GARP is able to communicate with oh everyone's like oh I got biceps okay cool great awesome um GARP knows how to communicate with people through punches all right like when this was the first time aokiji really punched him this time so it's like I know the I know the hesitation in your blows I know you're wavering nature because you punched me in the forehead you know like garp's able to read people that way okay so maybe GARP is like aokichi's Gonna See the Light he's not gonna kill me I know where aokiji may be wavering right now you know what I mean yeah yeah so maybe maybe Garf was referring to aokiji maybe it was like you know what don't worry Kobe I punched out kiji he punched me I got a feel for how he is he's gonna come and see the light don't worry about it getting to do his own laundry laughing my ass off what like that I do my own laundry what what did you think I had a laundry Goblin living in my house I have an internet Goblin I have a laundry Goblin I have a dishes Goblin I have a a grass Goblin that number one mows my grass but also sells wheat on the side I have a I have a soap Goblin that cleans my house they just like like he lives in the washing machine and they just like grabs all my clothes and he just likes like it's like hot water or a cold water cycle it's like cold water cycle okay this goes back in and just [ __ ] with that I wish I had a goblin friend 101 31 year old grown ass man 30. I am 30. I'm I am getting to the point where like no no we're not going any further than that I am 30. um what did alkiji mean by he's still him to Smoker at Punk Hazard he isn't he contradicting himself now going against GARP um he might know he might actually be the reverse it might be like well okay look at it this way I don't think aokichi like the person he is hasn't changed it's just it's like he spent most of his life kind of just obeying the Marines and then he got to a point where he's like you know what I'm gonna go out and find out who I really am I'm gonna go seek out what I really want for myself okay maybe I never even really wanted to be part of the Marines that was kind of like aokiji's kind of like Revelation he had all right and so I think he saw that in smoker too I think smoker after the events of punk Hazard is really starting to question everything like smoker witnessed Alabaster he also witnessed Punk Hazard smokers starting to like second-guess the Marines now he's like this is uh this is kind of a messed up kind of system we have here and I think aokiji just wanted to say to him like you know when he said like hey you're still you is like he's still the person he was but he's beginning to see the truth of everything the same way I did kinda you know that's that's the way when I was in sixth grade and now I'm 20. yeah I know I'm old dude I was thinking about this the other day oh what was it I think somebody commented on my earliest YouTube video I think it was that and it was like yeah yeah I remember that yeah somebody commented on my earliest YouTube video that I released in May of 2009 and somebody commented like this was the day I was born so that kid that he was born the day I started doing YouTube is now like 14 and is watching my YouTube videos and I'm like oh God like literally the day I started doing YouTube a baby was born and now he's commenting on my channel I'm like oh God that makes me feel old oh that hit different that really hit different you know oh my God uh High par hi par Vision how you doing is techy oh emu teching narona yeah Idina still do a video about that I need to do research on um uh emperor Nero because Nero set the fire to Rome and that's like Nero's name narona so I still need to sit down and read about Nero I just haven't in a while I know a little bit but not enough to actually like I want to like dive into it to do a video you have a habit hmm all right okay I think we leveled out here we level out okay I think we level yeah we're good okay there we go we're back we leveled out all right um right well I'll be at anime NYC now I'm not going to anime NYC but yeah I have a lot of streams I gotta do oh man we're still dropping okay leveled out again all right sure error error error error we are back we are in we are back we are gone we are back we are gone do you think Luffy and the grand Fleet will go after Blackbeard maybe even Shanks will pop up um I feel like yeah eventually but that'll be like later on that's not gonna be like right now par crash the stream yeah let's all blame that's not blame par he's a nice guy let's blame uh who are we gonna blame on this let's just blame uh Blackbeard let's just do that damn you teach [Laughter] um we all back it's good ripoff fix the stream yeah if aokiji does return to the Marines the Pirate Island is screwed exactly right I mean like look just look at it this way too like aokiji is still the kind of guy he always was does that mean he doesn't want to kill his mentor all right like so I really don't even see like that would be a cool fight if they went balls out especially from the last chapter we saw that they were punching the battleships together right but like I don't really think that like aokiji wants to like brutally murder GARP you know like I don't think that's gonna go down he even said like I can't let you get away from here because teach helped me with some stuff and I'm basically repaying a debt to teach right now you know but I don't think that debt's gonna carry to like aokiji murdering his mentor you know teching is so freaking hot oh thank you oh it is hot oh guys guess what so dude uh have you ever taken a freezing cold shower before my uh my hot water heater broke uh this past week I got a new one installed so it's it's good now but for about two days there I had to take freezing cold showers and I have to tell you if you're ever in a position where you have to take a cold shower if you're if you're ever in a situation where your hot water heater is not working and you just have to take a shower okay here's what you do you cue up some heavy metal music in the bathroom and then you kind of just like okay and then you just get in the shower and my God it's like it's like a battle it's just like all right let's do this shampoo body wash shave you know let's do this uh with gruse having the clay fruit our pottery wheels his natural weakness I would say fire and heat are his natural weakness I would say oven if you want me to just like legitimately tell you the devil fruit that is the natural weakness to Clay it would be the heat fruit even more so than the fire fruit or like the marinomi or the magma fruit I would say ovens netsu netsunomi is the natural weakness of the clay fruit because literally oven is an oven he is a kiln okay he could just snap his fingers and all of his Golems would just crumble apart you know hope you have a good day GARP Will Survive oh he will rob don't worry he will 100 survive you told about the prison knife thing yeah there was a comedian that I I watched once that told that story where if you get in the shower and you like just turn on cold water in the shower the way that your body reacts to getting hit with that cold water is the same way it would react if you get stabbed so if you train your body when you get hit by cold water to like shadow box then you'll be able to fight if you get stabbed kind of a kind of like a prison piece of of hat it's like a prison hack you know what I mean prison hack take a cold shower so when you get shived you'll be able to fight for a while you know like yeah not not super applicable to day-to-day life but maybe if you live in an environment where getting stabbed is more likely Hey listen you gotta do you if you live in a town or if you live in a particular part of a city that's like the stabby part of the city and you're like this information might be relevant to me you know then then take cold showers I guess yeah what are you training for I don't know uh but dude the uh the guy that installed my hot water heater this is this is awesome okay so first of all he used to live in this house like he's a previous like occupant a previous owner of this house okay and so he runs like a heating and and cooling company like an HVAC company and so he installed everything in this house he installed the heater the furnace he installed the hot water heater like 20 years ago this this hot water heater lasted for like 20 years it was like good quality he knew what he was doing he maintained it constantly so he he knew where everything was because he's the one that installed it so it was great because he showed up and he was like looking at my hot water heater and he was like messing with it for like five minutes and he's like yeah it looks like it went um you're probably gonna need a new hot water heater and he's quoting me on a price and everything like that he's just like oh it'll cost this much for a new hot water heater and I tell him I'm like okay well yeah I'm gonna need it so yeah but I'm also like kind of annoyed because I'm like great now I'm gonna have to wait for it to get ordered and then it's going to have to be delivered and you're going to have to install it like I'm sitting there thinking great I'm going to have to take cold showers for like the next week until this hot water heater gets delivered or whatever and then he's like oh no I actually figured that it was going to be broken so I have one in my truck I I predicted you were going to need a new one anyway so I just wanted to make sure it was good for you and I'm like oh my God I love you and so he came in and installed it cleaned out my furnace and the filters and everything ah dude was so nice love that man all right uh the Monopoly man you live in a U.S typical cardboard house or is a real Brick House modern solid house so my house is built pretty solid I mean it's drywall on the inside um it's um brick on the outside yeah there's there's vinyl but there's brick under the vinyl like my house part of my house does have brick kind of like there it's it's it's yeah um GARP needs a nethero moment so I talked about this in the in the review if how GARP would die if GARP wants to die like fighting zombie rocks that would be great if GARP dies fighting Blackbeard fine but if if GARP were to have a nuclear bomb in his chest and he just goes all netero with it like hey aokiji you'll never know the bottomless malice of the human spirit and then boom just sets off a nuke but GARP wouldn't do that that would kill Kobe and helmeppo and everybody too hot water is redundant dude it's one of those things where literally I'm sitting around like taking a hot one I'm taking a cold shower right and I get out thank God it wasn't the winner but I get out and I'm just like who's you know cold and I warm myself up and you know get ready for bed and everything and I'm sitting there thinking like wow you know how much as much as that sucked taking a cold water as much as that sucked not having hot water I can only imagine what it must have been like like 200 years ago on the frontier you know what I mean like if the year was like 1823 and you're living in Kansas in a in a mud and log cabin basically and it's winter and it's cold as [ __ ] and you literally cannot take a shower because they haven't been invented yet and you literally cannot take a bath because everything is freezing cold outside and all the water is frozen solid you know and you're just huddling around the fire freezing you know I'm like yeah yeah that I'm glad I I'm glad I live in modern times no one could say modern times are perfect but and you know maybe maybe there's a moment in the future like a far-off future that's like maybe teleportation exists you know like nowadays it's like man it sucks that you have to go through TSA and everything to get through the airport and you know you have to get on the plane and you have to fly maybe in two 200 years they'll be like have teleportation technology and you could just warp wherever you want right and it's super easy and like man I'm glad I didn't live in the year 2023 when they still had to take airplanes places you know maybe but I'm like I'm content with where I'm at right now I could talk to a bunch of people from all over the world like where like hold on where where are you guys from is somebody from Chile in here is someone from France in here right now like probably I live in Kansas and confirm hot water doesn't exist see there you go yeah yeah being clean was for rich people 200 years ago honestly it was people would get in their [ __ ] clothing and they wouldn't get out until the spring because it's too cold Sweden Australia Hawaii oh Hawaii Nice France Maryland Germany Israel Saudi Arabia Serbia Sweden gang here nice California I love California sadly hey look I've been to California okay Sequoia National Park was very lovely uh that's the only thing I say about California Sequoia National Park was very nice it was a very lovely I saw a brown bear it was really cool all right Greece North Carolina Buffalo Italy Hungary like seriously think about this I'm not some I'm not some Hollywood actor I'm not a billionaire I'm not some some high-powered politician that can have a conference with people all over the world I'm a guy in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania that talks to a brick for a living you know and with modern technology I cannot talk to people from Belgium Belgium Kuwait Brazil India I have all the opportunities here to ask so many questions about the world none are coming to mind at the moment there was actually a question the other day I wanted to ask somebody I can't remember what country I there was something about a country somewhere that I'm like if I ever have a chance to talk to somebody about this country I want to ask them a question but I completely forgot what it was uh say Jamaica now I'm just reading off countries tekking's the movie star I don't want to be a movie star you know there's like a lot of okay so the other day I was watching a um uh uh not a review but like a breakdown kind of mini documentary of um do you remember the Angry Video Game Nerd movie has anybody seen the Angry Video Game Nerd movie when that came out uh yeah it it wasn't very good and uh it was unfortunate that it wasn't very good not a lot of people really liked it and I'm included in that um but I was watching a little mini documentary about that and I'm sitting there and I'm like wow you know so many YouTubers like like earlier YouTubers had the idea of like we're gonna be a movie star like I remember like Doug Walker he made those movies for that guy with the glasses and then um AVGN like James made his movie and then I remember the whole thing was spoony was like he was gonna make a movie he always wanted to make a movie and it never happened and that was like a whole debacle with spoony series and I remember Lincoln Cara made a movie I think he made two and I'm just sitting there thinking like wow yeah I have no desire to make a teching 101 motion picture I just for one thing I don't know how to make a movie so that would be a stupid thing for me to try to make a movie but like it's like I don't I'm not doing that you know like I don't Smosh made a movie oh Smosh is back did you see that Smosh is back that's cool yeah yeah yeah I I have I made Fred made like three yeah Fred's movies were on like Nickelodeon that was a little after I stopped watching Nickelodeon but like I remember though yeah John Cena was in those he lived in the refrigerator I remember that yeah yeah I love Nepal's flag Nepal's flag is so dope play geoguesser I might not play geoguesser but I might play cetera cetera being um the uh it's like a it's like a fill out the countries of the world game like a like a memory game I used to be really good at it I used to be able to get 100 and I tried it last night it's it's been like several months since I've tried it and uh I used to be able to get 100 and I only got 89 last night so I messed up a few times uh how do you feel about nightmare GARP happening is moria's support oh dude is that a theory I didn't even consider that nightmare GARP uh yes let's do that holy [ __ ] Moria takes all the all the shadows of all the pirates that GARP slayed and he just like throws them into GARP and GARP is just like don't worry Kobe justice will prevail and then he just like hulks out GARP smash he literally goes up grabs avalo Pizarro's arm and then he like suplexes backflips whatever you want to call it like lifts up the entire skull mountain and then just throws that into the ocean gorp smash nightmare GARP we're going nightmare GARP on this also before I forget uh we're gonna be doing another art we're going to be doing another drawing uh in this one so um keep that in mind here where are we at 10 42 uh I don't want to go much Beyond um noon because I have another stream I have to be on later today and I would like to eat lunch in between and kind of have a break and then after that stream I'm going uh my friends are coming down here tonight so bit busy today but we're gonna do we're gonna do some drawings today so we got eneru that we drew and then we have uh perona here so um I'm gonna be at uh Techo in uh next week actually next Friday and Saturday I'm gonna be a Techo uh which is an anime convention in Pittsburgh I'm gonna make a video actually announcing this like I'll be I'll I'll mention this in an actual video but um yeah I'm gonna be there I'm gonna be doing a panel and um I'm gonna be also handing out these sketches at the panel uh for anybody I'll probably just do a um what I want to do and I'm not gonna be doing it this episode um I mean not this episode this panel this this convention but I really want to do a one-piece trivia contest because when I was at Techo last year they did like a my hero Academia trivia they have like anime Family Feud and I love the trivia games I love like all the trivia games at conventions they're so fun and um I want to run one for one piece okay now I don't have enough time to plan it this year so it's not going to be this year I'm gonna try to make it next year um but yeah I gotta figure out like the logistics of how that would all work um and how everything would be structured kind of um but uh yeah I really wanted truth I really want to do that I really want to try that out yeah back be hitting different while listening to teching yeah what if Blackbeard takes Morey's fruit then he takes white beard how bad would that thing I made a video about that years ago actually I made a video about zombie Whitebeard uh as soon as Mario was like at the Hachi no zoo and Blackbeard kind of had that interaction with him I'm like okay we might have zombie Whitebeard on our hands here techo's in PA uh uh I might be out there with you I'm in Jersey can you DM me some info you just Google it just Google Techo Techo con you'd find out everything you need about it yeah it's good tea good tea zombie white beard what's for lunch I don't know um actually I have some leftover Panda Express in the in the fridge I'm probably just gonna have Panda Express for lunch my lunches are never very epic my lunches are always I'm working on a video I'm gonna go break for lunch really quick eat like a sandwich or like a like a frozen Burger I got these little Frozen Burger meals I eat I'll just eat that really quick and then go back down to finish editing those are usually my lunches my my dinners I will usually like okay I'll actually cook for dinner but um lunches and breakfast are just like okay let's just let's just get this done I have [ __ ] to do I know um I haven't been re-watching our Outlast stream and you said something about visiting the Silent Hill town I've never been yet so Centralia PA is the town that the Silent Hill games are based on it's a town that has a mine fire raging under it for like 60 years and it hasn't been quelled so there's still like Steam and [ __ ] coming up from underneath the ground so um there used to be this abandoned highway that was like covered in graffiti but the people that uh own that property or the people that live adjacent to it like like set up a bunch of like barriers because they were tired of people showing up and like I'm tired of people showing up to this landmark and doing stuff you know so they were like you know because there's still people that live there there's like seven people that live in Centralia um and I guess there was people that were annoyed that like tourists were showing up to this ghost town I mean honestly I would like if you live in it like listen literally been does deserted because of a massive fire raging under the town and it's now effectively a ghost town and there's poisonous CO2 Vapors coming out of the ground and tourists are coming from all over the place to look at this place because it's based on a very popular video game um why would you still live in the town I'm just going I'm not leaving it's just like okay but you don't really get to complain if tourists come and look at the creepy ghost town that's the [ __ ] basis for the Silent Hill franchise it's a very popular video game franchise I don't care about no video games I don't care about no pyramid heads okay listen old dudes old dudes that live in Centralia if you want to scare people away you could do a Scooby-Doo with this you could totally do a Scooby-Doo with this old dudes that don't have never played Silent Hill that live in Centralia okay what you're gonna need to do is you're gonna need to dress up like Pinhead not Pinhead Pyramid Head dress up I mean you could dress up like pin head too dress up like Pyramid Head and just hang out around Centralia as Pyramid Head and scare away scare away all of the kids that show up at the town all right that's what you need to do you need to just Scooby-Doo with this you need to be an old crotchety old man that's like I'm tired of kids annoying me it's like all right then you need to go Scooby-Doo route with it you need to dress up like a monster and you need to scare people away from the town that's what you need to do this is on the books ladies and gentlemen this is how you do it all right no you won't die if you go there and like just you know now there's certain areas that it's like vented so if you go up to one of the areas where there's just like smoke coming out of the mine and you just like put your face over it and just inhale that that's probably not going to be good but you're not just gonna die if you just go there no ah I think the Taurus would enjoy it well not if the old people actually murder if they actually murder the Taurus then that's a different see in in Scooby-Doo they just kind of like scared people away that was something I always wondered in Scooby-Doo like what happens if the monster actually kidnaps like somebody like what happens if they actually catch you are they gonna kill you there was one episode or I think it was the one with the werewolf where it was like at a sawmill and so like the werewolf like which is obviously just a dude in a rubber mask but the werewolf like kidnapped Velma or Daphne and I think it was Daphne and like strapped her to a to a log and was like sending her down this conveyor belt to be sliced in half by a buzz saw like this was like he was actually trying to murder Daphne and then of course like Scooby and Shaggy show up and they they save the day and everything like that with comedic hijinks but like there was like a couple of episodes where it's just like oh no we're actually gonna kill you for trespassing you know we're we're going 100 with this you know what I mean we're not we're not we're not ending this halfway we're no half measures we're really gonna kill you you know we're dedicated to this real estate scheme or whatever we're trying to pull here you know all right uh what's next um uh it would be hotter if it was Velma everything would be hotter if it was Velma uh thoughts on the Blackbeard crew not being the significant after all they keep getting taken out easily okay how is getting one shot by GARP being taken out easily it's GARP it's GARP it's like if Shanks showed up and beat vasco's shot with one attack yeah no [ __ ] it shanks that's not a very good measure for your your crew like are you strong enough to take on GARP no well then you're weak sauce all right if facts it's [ __ ] GARP you know uh how much is your room how much is my room like how much space does the room take I don't know one shotted by GARP is a right yeah dude everybody needs to get one shot by Garb if you're not getting one sharp by GARP you know you're not even relevant in this story if you haven't been one shot by GARP yet GARP is just that guy remember when Morgan attacked GARP yeah so Morgan slashed GARP and he was bleeding he just didn't care all right now I would say this is a little different kashiri you did use hockey after all so it was a little different uh but that that just shows that GARP like even if he's not using Armament hockey even if you cut him he doesn't care it's just a non-thing it's not it's a non-issue for him this is like oh I took a gash a giant ax wound in the chest and I'm bleeding yeah whatever get some powdered donuts oh yeah I'll read the Minato manga absolutely is it a one shot or is it a new manga is that just like his Kishimoto because I know Kishimoto tried the samurai thing the Hachi whatever hachimaru eight Samurai thing and it didn't work out too well is he just like doubling down and just like you know what I'm just gonna expand the Naruto universe it's just a one shot all right I mean you could have just done a Minato manga that would be good I would read that yeah I'll read it what if GARP doesn't die but having a shadow stolen I'd be fine with that too if GARP gets away but his Shadow's taken that would encumber him I'd be all right with that sure absolutely that was forgot Captain Morgan existed and yeah I thought that too I thought they meant Morgans at first and I had to remember oh wait no Morgan slash there's Morgan and then there's Morgans and I mess up their names all the time so don't feel bad the super giant here comes the super giant fist oh man uh let me look at some super chats I might have missed some super chats here let's see what we got here wait didn't GARP know someone was turning invisible uh he did that's why he jumped in front of Kobe to block the attack my drive my washer just got done I have to go put it in the dryer in a second um next time we see Blackbeard a major character we'll die Shanks and GARP betting favorites oh my God that's that's pretty I don't know man that's that's a bold statement have you ever watched Beyblade Metal Fusion I've never watched any Beyblade property ever does the ocean floor full with devil fruit objects users uh does the ocean floor filled with devil fruit objects users so devil fruit objects didn't really start being a thing until vegapunk started messing with it so I don't think they've been around for very long I think it's more of like a recent thing like within the last couple of decades even then it's kind of a little bit too long back maybe like last 10 years or so there's been stuff like that but no I don't think there's like the bottom of the ocean and they would just be like regular objects too they would just be like a sword that ate the lightning fruit okay well if the sword fell in the water then I guess the sword would I guess that it would eventually have corroded and then the devil fruit would have reincarnated but yeah I don't think the object thing is is very it's it's very old um hey teching a big fan from Malaysia do you think Hachi and arlong oh my God that's that's a very direct you're asking if um yeah that's that's a dark question uh I don't think oda's ever gonna go there uh but I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say no that's Jesus um okay uh is it true that Oda had this chapter and the one after this finished already so I heard that up until chapter 89 1089 has already been written and that does track because the chapters when they come out like Oda is not drawing these chapters like the same week you know like he did not draw chapter 1087 this week or last week right like he draws them weeks in advance obviously in case something happens you know you're on break and everything like that so I think the next chapter that ode is gonna draw that um after his surgery I think that's chapter 1090 after the surgery yeah hope you have a good day thank you uh let's see perona dies I answered that one what do you think of Chris Evans as the Don Quixote Brothers I think he could pull it off oh like uh casting for the show I mean that's so far flung in the future I mean Chris Evans as he is now sure but by the time we get to The dressrosa Arc in the live action if we ever get to that point that's gonna be like 10 plus years from now probably ah man do you like Warhammer 40K no I haven't even uh looked into it um I I don't know I don't know I'm not really way into like the miniature aspect of Gaming uh so I don't know if I'd like it too much but maybe how did I get the chapter review so early yeah a lot of people were like where did you read the chapter it was uh op scans opscans.com there was a lot of those there was like they came out early I I saw it in the morning and honestly it's glad that I did because the day I reviewed the chapter was the day the guy showed up to fix my hot water heater so um I literally recorded the chapter review and then 10 minutes after I was done with the review like I was just sitting down to edit it uh the guy and his his uh his crew showed up to install a hot water heater so they were they were in that back room over there for like three hours like you know like there was like a blow torch at one point I heard and I'm over here editing with my headphones on and [ __ ] so it was a good thing I got that done uh right before they showed up it was very good timing op scans is not working anymore oh well maybe we did the last maybe we did the last review then blow torch well yeah they were doing some welding in there to install the hot water heater yeah they knew what they were doing I'm I'm in here like editing with my headphones on and I like just hear like a and I like take my headphones off and I'm like oh that's a blowtorch all right well they know what they're doing you know I think I know what they're doing and then I just boob shine explosion in the background now they were good guys they were good dudes arrive American yeah American only Americans use blowtorch when installing items no other no other country uses a blowtorch blowtorches are strictly American do you watch Tennis no but I like to play tennis it's been a while since I've played it but I really do like to play tennis not very good but I like to play uh what is Zorro's next power up uh he'll probably just open the eye Dragon didn't seem so surprised about eem um I think it's more about Dragon just being extraordinarily um he he analyzes the system as he sees it with the new information that is presented he's like so Sabo is giving him a report like a debrief it's like a like a little fluffy thing floating in front of the camera there um but dragon is like somebody that's just like he's not gonna be like what someone that lives on top like that was Yvonne Cobb's reaction you know what I mean but like dragon is going to be more down to earth with this he's gonna be like more rational and he's gonna be like okay there's a supreme ruler that's above the Goro say that's probably 800 years old okay uh thank you for that information Sabo I will adjust my plan accordingly now you know like that's how dragon is that's why he's a good leader he he's stoic he doesn't lose he's not he's not sitting there like what an immortal being at the head of the government what are we gonna do now oh God the revolution has failed he was like no he's gonna be like all right let's let's let's sit back and analyze this rationally and let's think about what we could do here you know what I mean like yeah that's that's how Dragon that's how dragon has led the Revolutionary Army for 20 years he's not going to lose his [ __ ] over this he's probably surprised but he's not gonna be like you know like that's not how he does things car he has already considered all possibilities yeah oh yeah what's your opinion on the cheeseburger that's only just cheese yeah I thought that was a thing I thought that was fake well not fake but I thought that was just somebody somebody did you know like somebody went to a restaurant and was like Hey can you just give me a burger with 20 slices of cheese on it I want to make a stupid meme or Tick Tock or something and I'll pay you whatever and he's like okay sure and they just did that no it's it's an actual thing it's it's a real thing yeah it's cheeseburger cheeseburger Burger Thailand it's it's from Thailand yeah it's it's a Burger King thing yeah ah it's doing that it's doing that distorted thing again hold on yeah it's the file format sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't everything's w-e-b-p now hey Peg go back to jpegs all right there we go um I got a Super Chat there just now too so let me read that I just wanted to tell you that I've been watching you for years and watched you religiously you make amazing content wish you nothing but positivity what did you think of Marshall's manga ending um I I mean it's the ending I expected for Marshall I liked it I I thought it was the ending that's like where Mash doesn't even show up at the end at the end of the ceremony he's just like nah I'm just gonna go do my own thing so it's just like yeah okay that that tracks that tracks it was a fun little manga it told its story and then it ended you know that that was fine with me yeah um that is disgusting uh yeah I can't even imagine this would taste good like like let me tell you like like okay sometimes when I'm like hungry but I don't feel like like making a whole meal like in late at night when I'm hungry and I'm like I just want a snack uh I will go into my fridge and I don't have like like craft singles like this I I actually have really good deli cheese like I'll get like swiss cheese like actually you know sliced at the deli and I'll take that and I'll use that on my burgers and stuff like that like good quality swiss cheese and [ __ ] so I'll like you know I'll go to my fridge I'll have maybe some salami um maybe maybe a slice of Swiss cheese or provolone that I have in my fridge like good quality cheese and just like eat that and like as a little snack and be like oh that was good you know um swiss cheese is the worst cheese though you know what you know what I used to think that too when I was a little kid my dad loves swiss cheese and I hated it and uh it's one of those things that I got older and I just love it you know I think it's just one of those things that you know when you become an old person you just like it anyway um but no this this doesn't even look appealing from a cheese perspective like this just looks like 20 shitty American craft singles stacked on top of each other like that's like the worst [ __ ] like that I like I hate American cheese like I will not eat American cheese people will always say like you gotta put American cheese on a hamburger right off the grill that's what it's best for I'm like nope I don't care it's not going on my burger I'm not letting that American cheese crap touch my burger no way put some provolone put a mozzarella put pepper jack put colby jack I don't care you put up monster cheese there's so many other kinds of [ __ ] I don't care you're not putting American cheese on that [ __ ] all right I am not eating plastic American cheese all right um next chapter is going to be Bogard The Sword of Justice mark my words I would love that uh does Amazon Lilly have a constant flow of women yet all but two of three of them actually know what a man is do you have a theory oh yeah um the Pirates uh the Kuja Pirates uh while they're out there in the world they will take husbands or they will you know they will have sex uh with men and then they will return to the island and then just coincidentally the way that Oda gets around it is just all the all the children born to members of the Kuja tribe are women they're just are female that's just how he does it you know what I mean like it's not even like oh I was giving birth to a boy then they sent him flying over the freaking bow or something or it's like a thing in uh breath of the wild or something where like a man is born amongst the Garuda every thousand years or maybe it is maybe I but I don't think that's the way Otis going with it here um the Kuja Pirates will go out and uh they will find a man and then they will do the deed and then they will get pregnant and they will return to Amazon Lily and they will give birth and they will always be female that's just the way Oda specified it yeah yeah they're basically the Gerudo from Zelda yeah and uh most of them don't know what men are because those are the ones that live on the island their whole life like Margaret Margaret was only like 16 when Luffy met her like she had not gone out to sea yet she was not like a pirate yet she was just living on the island you know um and so that's like like sweet pea and everything they like kind of just lived on the island as like citizens uh but the Pirates like you know boa and her siblings and then Ron and everybody though they've they've gone off and they've traveled the world you know so they they know what men are obviously yeah yeah uh what's my favorite burger uh I like anything that has um caramelized onions on it a good burger for me would be nice nice juicy meat Patty here uh probably medium uh yeah medium's good um Swiss cheese caramelized onions mushrooms uh really good sweet and spicy kind of mustard lettuce tomato a really good buttery bun uh yeah that sounds really good ooh toasted buttery bun yeah that sounds really good oh yeah maybe some garlic aioli on that on the underside of the bun oh that would be good that'd be really good how do you like my I like steak I usually go medium medium for most steaks and burgers if I'm feeling particularly daring or if I'm at like a really fancy restaurant like if I go to like a really fancy steak restaurant that's like you know good quality really good quality [ __ ] I'd be like all right I'll take medium rare on that but uh usually I just go medium if I'm feeling maybe a little sick that day I'm just not in the mood I'll just go medium well my mom will not eat a steak unless it is completely like devoid of pink like if there is I have seen my mom put back a steak that is like it was like maybe a speck of pink and she's like I'm not eating this this is raw I'm not eating this meanwhile I'm over here like cutting into a medium steak there's like blood all over my plate and I'm just like oh my God that's so good and she's just like I don't know how you can eat that so my mom like literally when we order food at a restaurant because sometimes just saying well done is not good enough we'll say Well done and then she'll they'll bring it over her and it will it will still be pink so we like my mom literally has to specify like like one step shy of like burned like like literally not a speck of pink you know yeah pink meat is not that good I love it I think it's good Tomahawk Steak yeah like if I was getting a Tomahawk Steak I'd go like medium rare on that son of a [ __ ] yeah same good Steakhouse is medium rare everywhere else is medium medium well yeah that's that's the rule for me uh I even had when we were at when we were at that fancy Steakhouse a while ago my one friend went rare with his and I was like okay I'm not that daring I'll go medium rare but he went rare with his steak I know but it was like a really good quality see here's the thing you're not going to get sick all right if it's properly prepared and and it's like you know if you were buying a steak out of the back of somebody's like Honda Civic in an Alleyway like here's the steaks bro you know like you know if that's if that's where you're getting your steaks uh yeah don't eat that but like if the steak is properly um you know uh properly prepared and like you know it's not it's kept away from like diseases and stuff like a proper like a like a high class Steakhouse would have it properly um a refrigerated and stuff like that like like you're not gonna get sick you're not gonna get sick um of course the odds of it getting sick are greater than if it was cooked all the way through but you're still fine you're so fine you know um y'all trust fast food places I think you'll be fighting any rare steak from the steakhouse exactly yeah um you know what I never actually had I wait I think I might have had a candy that was flavored dragon fruit one time and I didn't care for it too much I don't think I've ever actually had the dragon fruit I think I had like a piece of haichu or something that was flavored dragon fruit and I wasn't a huge fan yeah you're fine I literally ate a slab of uncooked pork once by accident but I was fine dude I remember when I did that my mom was freaking out my mom was like I'm gonna die I'm gonna get some horrible bacterial disease and have to be rushed to the ER and uh I was fine I was fun maybe that's the case I don't know how they would do that the gene change I'm not sure but uh maybe it had something to do with Lily who knows how do you eat that by accident um so I'll tell I've told this story before I'll just tell it again really quick and get back to it so I was in high school my mom uh before I went to school that morning my mom was like hey I'm making ribs tonight or I'm making pork tonight and I'm like oh okay and I don't pay attention to it it's just in the back of my mind so I go to high school I go to I go to class I come home my mom's at work she worked until like seven so I get home and open the fridge up and I see in a bowl I see a big slab of pork that's marinating in like various like sauces and herbs and spices and everything like that and there's like cellophane over the bowl she's marinating her pork and I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] because I just remembered in the back of my head like oh yeah Mom said something about making pork tonight that must be it so I just open it up cut a slab off of it throw it on a plate microwave it for like 30 seconds not long and I just sit there and just eat raw pork that's and it didn't taste bad because it was covered in sauces and herbs it actually tasted really good um a little chewy but it was fine so I just ate like a slab of that and then uh my mom called me a little later and I was like hey thanks for the pork it was really good and she's like she thought I was [ __ ] with her she thought I was joking she was just like that's really funny Matthew it's not cooked yet and I'm like no it was really good I had some I cut a piece off and microwaved it and she's like Matthew that was raw pork I haven't cooked it yet I'm like oh and I start freaking out because I'm like my mom's freaking out so I start freaking out I'm like um am I gonna be okay she's like you just ate raw pork you're gonna you might get sick you're gonna get like salmonella or something and I'm like what huh and then my mom comes home and she's like are you fine I'm like at this point because I was so nervous I started to feel a little sick but not really sick but now I went to bed woke up the next day I was fine you know no no issues whatsoever so um just letting you know if if you're afraid of eating raw meats yeah nowadays the pork is so much better yeah you're fine you're fine now you know like the idea of eating because that's the thing my mom my mom like instilled it in my head that was like my mom like instilled it in my head as a kid like if you eat anything raw you're gonna die you're gonna get some horrible infection you're gonna die I wasn't allowed to eat eggs runny when I was a kid like my mom would not make my eggs runny I liked my eggs running I was like can I make my eggs running and she's like no it'll make you sick and I'm like okay you know what I mean like so now chicken is the difference chicken is the exception to that do not eat raw chicken do not eat raw chicken that's the exception to that but pork um beef uh you know you can have raw eggs you're fine you know as long as like they're properly like like they're sold in a store and there's not like some crazy salmonella outbreak you'll be fine all right you didn't poop your guts out no it was fine it was normal you know raw pork death yeah don't eat raw chicken chicken is chicken's different because the salmonella is a thing even though you know you might not get salmonella you don't want to risk that though yeah no tacking you Dean to poke you need to cook pork thoroughly um I've eaten lots of pork not even just raw pork like from that one incident that was that was a freak incident but when I make my sausage um it's it's still a little pink inside of my sausage when I cook that now and I'm it's fine you know so you know there it is fresh eggs are the best I like fresh eggs yeah but you know cook it to whatever your cook it to whatever your preference is is the points if you don't feel comfortable having a little bit of pink in your beef or your pork then cook it so there's no pink in there if you don't feel comfortable eating a runny egg make a hard-boiled I mean I guess you could make a hard-boiled egg but also make like you know uh over over uh like uh wait like I'm not great it's I'm not great at egg terminology over hard there we go yeah do it over hard now I overcook just in case whenever now the one way I'm really nervous about it is whenever I'm cooking for a group of people and I'm making chicken because I love making chicken parmesan this deep fried chicken parmesan recipe it's a Josh Weissman recipe which by the way he's coming out with a new cookbook and I've pre-ordered it already so it's really good but um this uh this chicken parm recipe is really good the sauce is amazing but when I deep fry the chicken and take it out it's usually not cooked all the way through on the inside so I'll deep fry the chicken and then I'll put it on a tray and then I'll stick it in the oven 400 degrees for maybe like 10-15 minutes then and I'll just make sure make damn sure the chicken is cooked all the way through because I'm making a meal for like a lot of people I don't want someone to get like some chicken disease at my house you know what I mean so I'm I'm very careful with chicken but if I'm cooking sausage which I do often and I'm making the sausage I'm doing like a stir fry kind of deal with like some peppers and onions and [ __ ] and I look at the kebabs or whatever and it's like a little bit of pink inside I'm like I'll eat it it's fine you know hold on let's see here yeah what's the temperature for pork uh safe temp for pork that was 145 for pork yeah measured with a food scale yeah so there we go yeah that sounds tasty yeah it does I like it attacking you're making me hungry I wish I had some sausage right now I don't have any sausage at the moment yeah yeah I'm not I'm not cooking my pork like I'm not throwing pork in the [ __ ] thing and it's like coming out like goosing blood but uh it's like oh there's a little bit of pink left in the sausage I don't care I'll eat it it's fine I'm pretty sure that's fine I love grilling I love cooking yeah I love cooking I need to get a grill I haven't gotten a grill yet they got the chicken disease it's techy101's fault the next pandemic is upon us yeah I start I'm I start patience zero for the new chicken virus yeah teching advising his fans would eat raw meat would make Luffy proud cook your meat to the desired temperature that is recommended on meat thermometers or to whatever degree that you feel the most safe I've said this uh can we please get back to one piece chapter review yeah sure we have to take breaks I can't talk about one piece consistently for two hours oh man I like all my meat raw then fine just understand the risks involved with that you're your own person what do you want from me uh cured meats the curing process some pink sausages are fine yeah yeah these are like sausages that have already been prepared at the like in the grocery store that already have like stuff like I'm not just going out and slaughtering a pig and like all right time to eat some raw pork all right okay uh do you think the Admirals have conquerors hockey um you know oddly enough you'd think we would have seen that at Marine Ford if they did and we didn't see them use that so I don't think they do no maybe fujitora or aramaki but even then I doubt it I don't think so now um meat booze do you play chess teching I do but I'm not great at it um do you like fruit with meat I will have actually no fruit with meat I haven't really haven't tried that much honestly uh y'all have some asparagus with steak uh that's usually my go-to when I'm making steak aokiji has conquerors uh I don't know if you said that as a theory or if that's a thing like a fact but I'm pretty sure he doesn't uh I can check out I don't think any of the Admirals are confirmed no none of the Admirals are confirmed to have it in fact the only person in the marines that is confirmed to have conquerors I think is sengoku uh I think GARP has it too I think there was another person for a long for the longest time sengoku was the only one that black lightning at the end of okay let's talk about the Black Lightning thing because that black lightning [ __ ] all right so Black Lightning by the way I think is also the name of a superhero from DC I think anyway but we see the Black Lightning when people with Armament hockey clash and we also see the Black Lightning when we see the conquerors Clash so I think Oda is just showing off like Black Lightning because we've definitely seen Armament black lightning and conquerors Black Lightning all right so I think it's just to display two characters using hockey clashing with one another all right I think that's where it really comes from honestly uh um but there's not that many characters that have conquers let me just look up the list um yeah users okay send Goku has it and GARP has it yeah garp's confirmed to have it now yeah those are the only two marines that are confirmed to have conquer saki or sengoku and GARP um outside of the big three torika was a pretty good one I don't know if torrico would be in my top three World building mangas I gotta think about that World building mangas one piece is definitely on there I know a lot of really good World Building stories but they're like fantasy novels they're like not um so I would say hunter hunter oddly enough the World building in that is good but not in the way he does like tagashi does a really good job with World building and hunter hunter from like a like a geopolitical perspective like the governments in that world are very fleshed out and we know how like they interact with one another in a way that's very similar to our world so that's like an interesting way of going about it but does um tagashi really break down like he's named the continents but like we don't know much about each one um but hunter hunter is really good with that uh Torico is pretty good they kind of rushed through the end of the uh The Gourmet World near the end which I didn't like um haven't read Magi that much uh yeah Zatch Bell has a sequel manga uh I I liked a little bit of Zatch Bell when I was growing up but I wasn't way into it Hunter Hunter's lame gone sucks well good because there's a lot more than just going in the series especially right now um yeah Hunter Hunter I think it's a weird thing where Hunter Hunter is like the World building is not the same as a lot of other series I like the World building from but it works in a different way uh torko World building was really good it was I just it just sucks near the end they just rush through the rest of they were like halfway through Gourmet world and they're just like all right we need to hurry up and get this manga done now it's like area four three two one all right we're at zero to zero let's do it you know laughs that was unfortunate but all the World building up until then was amazing gone is so boring I wouldn't find going boring he's just like you know a kid he's just a happy-go-lucky kind of kid and then later on in the story he goes through a lot of [ __ ] dude I'll tell you what like the um ending there's a little bit of a spoiler for Hunter Hunter so if you don't want to know anything about the hunter hunter anime this is like the end of the anime um so at the end of the monk at the end of the anime it has a scene where it's in the manga too I don't want to I don't want you to think it's like just filler or anime only it happens in the manga as well um going in kilua who are like best friends throughout the entire story the entire story at the end of the anime they decide to just go their separate ways and it's weird because they don't really say why to each other they're just like I'm gonna go this way all right later and it's like this moment where it's like why are you leaving and then it's like you realize though if you go back and look through the whole Chimera Antarctic and even before that I was gonna make a whole I think I might have made a video about this I don't know but the way that golden Kila was like friendship like their relationship is actually extraordinarily like toxic like it's not a good and they kind of realize that and they're like we need to yeah we need to work on each other here and they left because like there was a lot of moments there where like gon did not really give a [ __ ] about kiloa's well-being and was just kind of like hey we need to get this done so even if you get extraordinarily injured it's okay you know is a horrible friend oh yeah he is he is now granted they're kids you know they're like 12. so you know like they don't really know what they're doing in terms of like you know going is like very selfish but it's just like hey all right maybe you go away for a little while and then you're like okay hey I'm really sorry for the way I treated you that wasn't cool that's not how friends act you know and then it's just like yeah going kinda messed up kilo was life yeah yeah yeah facts horrible friend no literally okay here's a great example of going being a horrible friend tequila okay so this was actually before the Chimera Antarctic this was in Greed Island okay so we're in Greed Island we're in the DodgeBall match with Razer which is one of my favorite scenes in all of hunter hunter that battle was incredible what else and what and what other manga is there a dodgeball Arc [ __ ] yeah right okay anyway so they're in they're doing dodgeball right and razer's really tough So Gone figures out a way to uh you know basically charge up his Aura and then he punches the ball so damn hard it fires off like a damn rocket and it hits Razer right and so it can actually Force razor back so uh the only way for this to work though is somebody has to hold the DodgeBall while gon punches it and the person who holds the ball is gonna get their hands wrecked because they can't use any Aura to hold the ball or it'll mess up the attack So Gone is just like I'm charging up my aura boom boom and he like fires off like three shots and kilowatt the entire time this is going on his hands are getting [ __ ] up they're getting like broken and bruised and cracked and broken like every bone in his hand is just atomized okay and kilowatt doesn't say a thing he doesn't say a word he just puts his hands in his pockets and he just plays it off and he's just like oh I could go again let's do it again now now in the background you have a guy uh that's like an experienced Hunter his name's tasgara okay and he's witnessing all this going on and he he figures this out like right away that like um kilo's hands are completely wrecked from this so tez Guerra literally calls a timeout and he asks going and kilo to come over and he tells going to his face he's like listen gone this attack is really messing up kilo's hands okay if you let me hold the ball for you I'm more experienced I I know the technique I could allow this to go through and it'll work fine and I won't mess up my hands okay and this is the moment we're going as a horrible friend because kilowatt is like arguing and he's just like no old man I can do it my hands are fine don't worry about it this is where going is a horrible friend gon literally tells says number one I knew I was I knew I was damaging kilo was hands so it it wasn't even like an ignorance thing it wasn't even like gone was so focused on the attack he wasn't even paying attention to going to kill his hands he knew he was [ __ ] them up he knew he was breaking his his friends hands every single time he was launching attack did not care just kept doing it and he's like but I can't do this without kilua so tasgara is literally giving him an option like hey I can hold the ball you won't mess up my hands and it'll be the same [ __ ] effect and gon is like no I can only do this with kiloa I know I'm breaking his hands with every single punch but this is the way I can do it and Kilauea of course because he's never had a friend before is just very very codependent on going right now and is just like yeah see that old man that's the way it works and then they just go away and tesgara is like all right [ __ ] okay so yeah that that's a good example of going just being like I don't care about my friend getting hurt don't really care it's just like even if I was given an option out to do something else nope not doing it not doing it and then and then Kilauea is just so like he's like oh yeah see go needs me he needs me so I'm gonna be there for him no matter what yeah uh Leorio was the only good friend in the group yeah Leorio is a really he was he was a bro Leorio was a bro oh man wouldn't the ball be weakened with Taz no no he had the ability to the whole point of it was holding the ball without Aura because you can't use your aura because then that'll mess up the shot but tez Guerra knew Aura control better than kilo and gondia because he's like he's been training in nen for like 30 years so he's like he knows exactly how to hold that thing and like he even said like I know the exact way to do it where I would protect my hands and not mitigate the damage from the attack so he knew how to do it yeah that's what I said gon is 12. that's true but he's still a bad friend he needs to learn how to be a better friend yeah and Gene by the way yeah Gene acts the same way Gene is just as a shitty character he's just older yeah all right anyway um where are we at right now 11 30. tell you what uh give me we're gonna do the character art now we're gonna do that we're gonna draw some stuff we're gonna do some character art I'm gonna draw a one piece character that I will be handing out at Techo next week uh we're gonna be doing so oh yeah what I said is we're not going to do the one piece trivia the whole trivia show this time but I'm probably gonna ask a few one-piece questions at Techo like I'll have a trivia contest and anybody that can guess it correctly I'll have like how many questions I'll have for how many pictures I have like three or four maybe and then we'll ask the questions to the audience and whoever gets the right answer we'll get one of these all right we'll probably just do that techo's next week yes it is a blank sheet of paper all right uh give me a scene from One Piece uh don't just yeah don't just give me a character give me like a particular scene in one piece you want me to draw that's um like one character not like don't just like draw the scene where the straw hats all say goodbye to Vivi like don't do that um give me like a scene with like one character uh that's pretty good oh gear five Awakening that's a good one gear five maybe Luffy gear five that might go on the list I'll go Robin I want to live I remember the I want to live scene that was on the one from before uh let's see okay we got gear five Luffy I want to live Vega punk I you know what I I want to try drawing vegapunk I'm gonna try to draw vegapunk sure and uh the god usop scene uh what do you mean by god usop scene uh the scene where uh Usopp is just reacting to sugar uh or or he scares sugar with the uh the tante Basco sauce thing hold on let's see if I can find that I could draw that one that one would be fun I could draw this one hold up for usop I think that one's easier for me to draw all right so we'll put that on the board here all right let me open up a poll ing place all right what should I draw okay gear five Luffy uh I want to live that's Robin of course uh what was the other one vegapunk you know I actually don't know about vegapunk because yeah it's fine I'll draw vegapunk and um what was the other one usop God usop all right go for it I'll give it like you know five minutes or so this will be good this will probably give me like enough time to draw it and then uh take a break go to lunch and then uh I'll be at hidden's uh stream later today see where this is going uh right now gear fifth Luffy is in the lead I gotta look to see what kind of Gear Fit Luffy to draw here all right let me try that I'll just see uh the new episodes of record of Ragnarok that came out the other day those are pretty good Buddha those are Epic I can't wait until season three it's gonna be so good gear five Luffy trying to pick the one where he yeah this one there's a couple actually I might just draw his head oh you know what there's one scene from the manga that I'm thinking of right now that's really good um I think I might draw that one if it's gear five Luffy I think I'm gonna pick that scene from the manga because his whole body might be a little bit too much for me to do I'm really good at I'm really good at drawing faces as we could tell yeah when he's laughing with his hand on his head yeah but that's like a lot to draw that's like a whole body to draw that thing let me let me look at some close-up views of Luffy and gear fifth here let's see there's one in particular that I really liked the one where his eyes are popping out of his head that's funny God that gear fifth fight well Luffy gets hit with the Kana bow and his face gets turned into the kind of bone he's running around like crazy that was wacky I think it's going to be gear five Luffy all right I'm just gonna find a good one ah it's so wacky drachaido is a fish duck can't wait for gear fifth in the anime it's gonna be great it is Gonna Be Epic Man huh you're Epic giving back shots to kaido uh maybe I might just draw Luffy when he first goes into it I don't really know I don't know when he goes into the giant form that's really cool all right you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna try drawing Luffy with the I'm going with the original idea I'll draw a Luffy when he's doing like that hahaha I'll try to do it I'll try to do it I'll try to go for it we gotta gotta improve my drawing skills try to find a good was that chapter 1044 I think I think it's at the end of 44. yeah it's at the end of 44. okay all right I'm gonna try to draw it okay maybe draw Berry next time full body I guess I'll try I'll try my damndest I'll try my damn just to draw a full body Luffy and gear fifth uh when is gear fifth in the anime uh it's it's coming up like it's pretty soon like in the next few episodes it should be going on all right I got gear fifth Luffy that's the winner end poll gear fifth Luffy one all right I'm gonna try gear fifth Luffy um this is a little different than I normally draw because I normally don't draw like you know uh full panels like full bodies but I'll give it a go let me just uh get this up on my screen in front of me and then I'll try to go for it I'll try to go for it ladies and gentlemen don't expect much all right here we go next month August 9th there you go can you draw s brick you missed my previous Super Chat well I'll get to those at the end but right now I gotta draw art is calling me I need to draw oh fine art all right I have low expectations for the live action well I mean I guess wait until it comes out and uh see where it goes all right okay how do I even start this um well all right I guess uh I guess I just kind of start you know all right that's yep okay here we go I'm starting I am beginning the drawing of Luffy in gear fifth how will I do place your bets Now ladies and gentlemen will it be a one-to-one kind of thing I do not know but we could try to try now normally when I draw things it is based off of the anime which is a little bit more detailed than the manga and I'm I'm basing this obviously off the manga right now because there is no anime of gear 50 yet well technically there is it showed up for like a flash of a second in film red but uh we're not doing that at the moment okay uh huh okay wait a minute wait a minute I got this i got this yeah I got this don't worry about it guys yeah I got this oh yeah I so totally got aha there it is yeah it will be another Masterpiece I'm sure I'm glad I'm glad you guys give me so much support with this I really am watch it ends up turning out to be like fairly close to it I said drawing something from the manga actually makes it easier for like shading and stuff I will say that much because it's like you know okay okay oh I'm already I'm gonna okay I'm already gonna go way off the page with this way off the page already so I'm not even going to bother okay well one of Luffy's feet are just not going to be on the page Luffy's one of Luffy's foot I'm just gonna cut off Luffy's foot because there's no way that's fitting on the page now uh um I mean your NRL drawing was super I mean what was it though what days we have a panel for Techo okay so here's the thing uh I had one date and time for Techo and yesterday they sent out like a finalized schedule and the date and time had changed completely like the day had changed it was supposed to be like Saturday night at 6 30 P.M and they changed it to 2 30 on Friday afternoon and that's not gonna work because I'm probably not even gonna be there on Friday afternoon at 2 30. so I need to message them either that or the uh the schedule might have just been glitched or something because the schedule wasn't the best on their site so I gotta check that I gotta I gotta send an email about that because otherwise uh that's going to be a problem Luffy what's going on with your arm yo uh okay all right I guess I guess so yeah sure okay all right how many fingers does Luffy have again five right okay cool good good enough good to know how many fingers we were working with here also I'm doing this with a pen I wonder what happens when oda's drawing something I guess he draws with a pencil first and I guess he can erase as necessary I suppose I guess that's how that would work yeah and then when they do the inking later the inking is uh obviously permanent yeah Luffy's a Luffy's one feet his feet are probably gonna be off the panel here I swear you're old enough to be uncle teching so a lot of my friends now have like are having kids like my one friend from elementary school probably like one of my oldest friends just had his uh first son like the other day and uh they're gonna be good parents but uh yeah my role is uh I buy um I buy strollers for everybody for their uh for their kids I was like all right we've known each other a while I'll buy you a stroller I've done that for like three of my friends so far now so it's like that's that's the rule when you have your firstborn child I'll buy them a stroller for the for the baby that's what I'll do and anything after that though it's yeah that that's where it ends with me okay sure oh man this is yeah this is this is the thing with drawing a freaking okay I'll start over here now like this is the thing with drawing a person it's a little bit of a different ball game than just a face there's a lot going on here this might take me a while sorry guys if I'm not super there's there's some streamers that can like draw and like talk at the same time I'm not really good at that yet but if I see a comment I'll try to talk uh I've been an aunt since I was 12. yeah Jackie can you buy me a stroller now everyone's just gonna be like he's like Batman straw dude some of these strollers are really [ __ ] expensive too like it's crazy it's like why are they so expensive just strollers it's honestly a smart idea not to have a kid just because you know everything's expensive dude thing to consider all right it goes down here I'm gonna try not to make this all scrunched up as I can no promises though okay all right where am I going from here where am I going from here okay scuffs and whatnot okay I'm currently drawing the part where he has his like hand over his face do you have a favorite child amongst your friends like well my friend Chris I was the best man at his wedding I've known him since I was like 14. he just had his son last year um so probably that's my favorite I was actually hanging out there down there the other night we went for a walk together so yeah and uh his wife is like yeah we're only gonna call you Uncle Matt I'm like oh lovely so there you go uh wait I just realized so Luffy's arm's gonna be longer than normal here but that actually works great for Luffy that actually Luffy's the one person you can kind of [ __ ] up drawing with the limb ratio and it doesn't matter because it's like oh he's made of rubber so you can make his arm long you can make his fingers long it doesn't matter he's made of rubber that's that's that's how you get around it that's how you get around it yep okay draw like 11 fingers yeah uh all according to keikaku gotta be more like dragon All Creatures learn hockey well all creatures oh all creatures can learn hockey yeah yeah yeah not all creatures have hockey like at the moment but yeah it's it's feasible for every animal to learn hockey okay this is uh this is a thing drawing drawing okay all right and then uh huh okay oh wait whoa I know we're still good yeah ratios are who needs ratios right ears can be ears can be on the top of your head right it's fine it's fine who cares where an ear is located uh good morning teching just woke up so I missed some of the stream but what's for lunch uh also my end of philosophy I have a couple philosophy books that I like I was reading about uh legalism the other day not that I like I'm a big legalist I'm just reading about different forms of philosophy okay whoa oh wait oh [ __ ] all right all right okay hold on a minute I was doing good for a while there and then I'm like okay I'm gonna [ __ ] this up at some point and I think I just reached that threshold all right let's come to the let's come back to that later let's come back to that a little bit later okay what's he drawing I am drawing gear fifth Luffy tell me you're using a pencil nope pen go big or go home that's what I always say all right that's what I always say ladies and gentlemen okay all right wait okay we're just gonna do this then oh my God I really messed this up okay we're just gonna do we're just gonna do this then actually you know what it for Luffy it makes sense for Luffy that kind of works I'll be honest with you I'm just gonna have to hyper extend this over here I I don't think that's really going to affect the overall impression of it honestly time is it 11 51 yeah okay oh oh I did not do that I did not give Luffy a chin Luffy deserves to have a chin okay uh C invest in the pencil I have I just bought like a whole box of pencils but I'm doing the pen because I'm dedicated I'm dedicated to the craft okay now What's Happening Here oh his vest okay Luffy's vest I thought that was whole body Tran like his whole outfit changes too like his body turns his hair turns white his skin goes pale and his outfit turns white too I mean that's just a that's just a rule that Oda implemented like if you're gonna do that rule at least be consistent with it which is what I'm glad Oda does like okay look excuse me the hell like a piece of gunk in my throat or something um but um yeah like Oda has that rule at least where it's like um devil fruit of powers just change the clothing you're wearing they just do so just kind of like just kind of like roll with that you know what I mean because like under normal circumstances like every time buggy would transform there'd be so much Gore Chopra would rip his trunks every time he would go into monster point or heavy point you know what I mean I don't know if they have elastic in uh the one piece world my mom has sent me like 20 pictures of cakes in like the last two hours she's baking today it would seem okay all right all right all right how am I doing this here and I also messed that up a little bit too but that's okay oh the perspective on this is going to be really weird but okay mom quit blowing up my phone with cakes how many how many pictures have she sent me with K 15 Jesus Christ mom I'll look at your cakes later I'm drawing Luffy and gear fifth oh man she made these uh chocolate covered strawberries yesterday that were really really looking good okay okay okay all right I think we're moving along at a decent clip here just adding a lot of scuff marks on Luffy at the moment by the way in case you're curious the uh scene I'm drawing it from is from the end of chapter 1044 at the end of chapter 10 44 uh when Luffy goes gear fifth uh the very last scene where he has his like hand over his um face that that's what I'm drawing right now show the cake show the cakes Actually I don't even know if is she sending me cakes why would she send me 15 messages okay did her phone get hacked oh that is oh wow that is a really nice cake wow that is a really nice cake yeah okay I'll show you the cake hold on let me let me show you this cake that my mom made oh my god that actually looks really good I mean my mom makes cakes I mean that's what she does for like not for a living but kinda um cake oh let me send that to myself and then I'll show it to you okay cake no I'm serious like if big mom ever came into our world like ask my mom to make a cake for her because that's like that's a no-brainer for me be like oh okay I'm not gonna die big mom's not gonna kill me my mom is gonna make a cake you you guys are kind of screwed but like my mom's like Oh no it's okay guys I'm good I'm set all right let me send that to my email I'll show you the cake take a little break here um it's not actually I don't think it's as bad as the entero one was huh oh yeah that's almost noon okay ending soon okay here are the cakes that my mom's been blowing my phone up with there we go it's like a strawberry white chocolate cake thing looks really good that looks good look at that cake oh man I would eat the [ __ ] out of that looks so good I even like strawberries too much that cake is amazing good job Mom cake cake I just got diabetes from that pick well sorry sorry about that okay I think we're almost done here I'm just kind of finishing up Luffy's pants um yeah okay okay sure foreign okay now I don't know how Oda does this I mean through you know decades and Decades of practice but like I seriously don't know how Oda does this this is insane you know I was thinking the other day uh because people were calling the break this week uh they were calling it uh 7d4w a 4w because like like 3D 2y but you know it's a 7D 4w because you know time has gone by so people were calling it that and I was like wow okay that's crazy uh but I was remembering that tattoo that Luffy got it wasn't a tattoo that was the point but how um you know 3d2y if Oda would have kept that on how annoying that would have been for like every time he would have to uh draw that tattoo on him the 3d2y tattoo so probably a good thing that Oda omitted that you know probably a good thing bring me wedding cake cake wedding cake all right are we done I mean not really but I guess we're done we're done for all practical purposes I think uh I guess uh yeah well wait I think I can fix this up a little bit over here all right you guys ready for the big reveal okay uh hold on a second let me uh volume 103. show you where it was here okay okay so it was uh this panel right here this is what I was drawing gear five Luffy hand over his head laughing having a good time because he's having a good time having a good time gear five Luffy through the sky like a tiger so um his neck is kind of [ __ ] up but then it's it's okay because he's made of rubber guys he's made of rubber he's made of rubber I also could not fit both of his feet on the same thing because you know I messed that up so you know uh that's that's what we got there um not great at drawing fingers as we can already see I'm not great at fingers I'm not great at toes um I think I had to scrunch up his crotch a little bit uh it's stretch he's stretching his neck it's fine Luffy's the one character you could [ __ ] that up and it would be fine it's completely okay uh um yeah so that's what we got that's what we got gear five Luffy yeah his hands like little he has like a big hand and he has like a little tiny hand yeah but uh that's that's what we got that's what we got so if you would like this glorious accoutrement here from eneru's shocked face perona's shocked face or gear five Luffy uh come to Techo Pittsburgh Pennsylvania next week I'll make a video announcing the exact time of my panel because I think it might have changed or it might have been a glitch in the schedule but I will let you all know uh come on down and uh I think we're gonna do a little we're gonna do like a q a q a kind of segment and then I'll do uh questions about like one piece trivia and I'll hand these out like throughout the panel it's like an hour long panel so I have three of them I want to get one more so maybe next week when the chapter comes out we'll do a stream after that and then we'll um cover one more uh piece of art and uh hand all four of those out I think that'll be a good idea to do that all right cool so there we go well let me uh let me just read through some super chats here and then we'll get going it's about noon uh because I gotta go eat and then we're gonna do hidden stream later today a link to that is on my Twitter and uh his Twitter as well all right what am I what am I looking at here uh did I close the Super Chat window I think I did okay let me open that up then will you film the panel again I might I'm not really sure it depends on the whole setup and everything like that like how many people I have to help me rustage was going to come but I don't think he's gonna be there next week he told me yesterday he's probably not going to make it unfortunate but he's a busy man uh do you think there will be any one-piece cruise that would stand up to the gote 13. uh the thing is when you're always comparing [ __ ] to Bleach characters it's like Bleach characters are like already dead and they're like able to [ __ ] like move or like they can like straight up fly like every one piece like every Bleach character can [ __ ] fly I would imagine shanks's crew would give like some of them a run for their money I don't think it would be like an instant one shot uh depending on how like hockey deals with like Shinigami and [ __ ] but if you take like the absolute strong like white beard at his Peak Roger at his Peak I I don't know if they would like beat Yamamoto or something like that like like because yamo chicken like literally summon the power of the Sun but I don't know if you get somebody like komamora like sajin komamura makes a giant and then the Giant versus Rogers whole crew at their Peak and Whitebeard maybe like that would be cool to see that would be good Wang ji Bogart to the rescue yes uh can you draw s brick maybe next time uh let's see I answered that one about torrico are you the king of tech or a techer who is teching uh neither of those I'm I'm something else altogether hi from Amsterdam do you think GARP is gonna die here no I think Smoker's gonna come and rescue him I'd be all right with that also smash Mary kill boa Robin hyori uh smash Mary kill all right uh I got a Mary Robin I'll smash boa and I guess I'll kill hiori sorry hiori um you know here's the thing I never understood about that is that purportedly the idea is if you marry someone you will get to smash them so it's basically like these two you get to smash one you get to kill so the killing one is is sad but like that's really what it comes down to honestly um let's see I answered that one answered that one about the Amazon Willie Amazon Willie and I'm Amazon with going in the DND campaign I don't care that's going in the campaign Amazon Willie uh I'm gonna put him in there okay great Amazon Willie he's going in there all right um let's see Blackbeard Maury I think I answered a lot of these ones um yeah been watching you for years Dragon didn't seem surprised about eam I asked that one Beyblade I answered that one uh answered all of these yeah and then we're back from last week yeah I think that's it Amazon Willie yeah that's that's uh that's a new character in my campaign that's going in at some point I don't know where he's gonna fit in but he's going in somewhere all right well anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the stream thanks everybody for donating thanks everybody for showing up uh and uh the good artwork stream that was fun uh see you at Techo next week if you're coming to that how would Eisen and the aspada have done versus zero Squad uh I think I think zero Squad would have kicked the [ __ ] out of them Eisen maybe because he has the hogyoku but like in terms of the Espada like ichibe alone would have probably wrecked Stark Baragon and Hari Bell like I don't really think they had a prayer against ichibe when you see his power um but anyway thanks for watching I'm gonna go eat lunch see it hidden stream later today thanks for watching later everybody signing out
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 51,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101
Id: vtMGFyfn5so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 40sec (7660 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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