What Happened At Egghead Last Night??

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okay before we get into this video about what the heck happened at Egghead Island last night uh I just want to document something really quick here see there's this sort of phenomenon that happens in my life every once in a while um has anybody ever had a dream about being at work so you have your job which you're working like all week and then sometimes you'll have a dream about being at work okay well that happens to me too except this is my job I talk about one piece for a living so every once in a while I will have a dream where I'm making a video about stuff in the story that's not actually happening or I'll have a dream about reading the one piece spoilers for the next chapter and it'll be a bunch of nonsense you're just like in the next chapter Luffy becomes a giraffe it's like wait what so Kaku dies and Luffy gets the giraffe fruit like okay like I guess so so um I had a dream last night about that and it was uh actually something similar to that Magellan died like it was off camera it was like off screen like somebody just mentioned like I think it was like sengoku or one of the Marines like oh yeah Magellan is dead now and the dokudoku no me the poison poison fruit was given to doll so doll now has the power of the poison fruit of the Venom fruit which honestly I think my subconscious for that because that fits her very well you could see doll with like the Venom fruit I like you Magellan I don't want Magellan to die but if Magellan has to die so dull you know the BDSM dummy Mommy can get the power of like poison goo just oozing off of her I'm I'm all right with that I'm okay I'll make that trade I was like all right so anyway that was that was that just wanted to document that maybe it'll come up okay so yes today's video we're gonna be talking about uh what happened on Egghead because we had a little bit of a Time skip there while we cut away to see what Shanks was doing and um you know uh Sabo reuniting with dragon and ivankov and explain winning the events of the reverie and then everything happening on Hachi nosu we cut back to Egghead and it's the following day so I don't really know the exact timeline like the time of day all this stuff was happening um so the last time we saw the straw hats before we cut away when York was you know making herself known as like I'm the traitor you know I was the one behind it all the entire time I'm not really sure what time of day that was occurring was that at like Sunset I mean it'll become a lot more apparent in the anime and I'm sure the anime notes will be like okay make sure to show this scene at sunset or this scene in the evening um because effectively we are cutting to the next day at like lunch time you know last chapter when all of the straw hats except for Robin we didn't see Robin that's why she's all the way off over there except for her we saw all the straw hats gathered in the room in the labosphere and Zorro was holding enma to York's throat and then Usopp was holding the den den mushy so you can understand that the call was like hey you're going to call the Goro say and you're gonna you know just not say anything about us and let them talk and like explain everything and then we can make ourselves known to figure out what's all going on here okay so the straw hats won which everybody could assume that given the fact that they're the straw hats I mean did anybody seriously think like this point in the story was where the straw hats were gonna get defeated so I like how Oda played with that a little bit he was like look we all know the straw hats are eventually going to win the day but I'm just gonna skip to the end to make you kind of be like whoa what happened and then I'll go back and reveal it later honestly okay I am like 99 sure that you know Oda will reveal this in a flashback like what happened at Egghead um the previous night but if he never does I'd be like okay I mean like that makes sense too we know that the straw hats are a yonko crew now they're not gonna be bested by York okay even with York and all this prep time that she had and organizing the seraphim and everything like that and this massive like subterfuge that York was utilizing here um you know pretending to be just like oh I'm just one of the vegapunks back here yeah don't look at me I'm not I'm not suspicious in the slightest you know even with all that going to her Advantage she can still not just best a yonko crew that easily and dude I love the way the straw hats were shown in that last panel in chapter 1089 you know they look so chill like they just not okay they've defeated you know York and they've bested you know the seraphim and everything like that they clearly had to have but it's not just that it's just like yeah we're a yonko crew now you've sort of got that impression like usop had his glasses on and he's holding up the den den mush and he's just like yeah we're doing this even Nami is like super confident she's got her little bubble pistol and she's like so that's the way things are going on here like this is a call that they are getting direct from the Goro say the leaders of the world they don't know eem exists yet okay okay so for the straw hats having like this conversation like this is probably the first time any of them are hearing the voices of agoro say all of the goros say together I guess Saint Jay Garcia is listening in but he's not talking so it's the other four agoro say but still like they're listening to the like literally the rulers of the world government the rulers of the world and they're so chill with it they're so just like in charge with it like ah okay we see where this is going the garos say huh now like obviously Luffy gives no shits you know Luffy's over there eating a piece of mutton or turkey or whatever and he's just like what huh okay we doing this all right so Luffy doesn't really care but the fact you know usop understands Nami understands they are talking to the rulers of the world and they're kind of at a level now where they're just like you know what sure we can challenge these people we're we're the straw hat Pirates we are Emperors of the Sea damn it okay let's break this down what happened okay okay well um I think honestly like and I threw this out in the review but this is the easiest explanation York herself stated she is not very powerful okay she's not like you know out of all of the Vega punks I don't even think she's the strongest in terms of like all the Vega punks like physical power probably Atlas is the strongest right like York is not some kind of like special like oh I was actually the strongest Vega Punk the entire time no she's not and she even admits this okay and so if the idea is like if it's a one-on-one fight between York and Zoro or even like York and Nami you know York is like yeah I'm probably going to lose that okay so with that being said last time we saw everybody York and Stella were down in the basement lab in the in the old devil fruit research laboratory and York was there explaining the whole idea you know she shot Shaka and then she's there talking to Stella about like you know her master plan and all that and then meanwhile Robin Atlas and Chopper were heading towards that lab so honestly like they could have just shown up in the lab and York could be like oh you weren't supposed to be here yet and then you know Robin could just like not not even demonio like she doesn't even need to go that far Robin could just make two giant arms to grab York and just like reverse suplex and bash your head against the ground and then boom she's taken care of Shopper could have went monster Point Chopper monster Point could have easily dealt with York I don't really see any reason why it couldn't Atlas was there even Atlas Atlas against York in a straight up brawl I'm putting money on Atlas on that one they're like comparable size you know they're the two largest out of the Vega punks okay so you know in any regard there the whole reason York was so successful in her plot was because she had the seraphim right well if the seraphim aren't there in the old devil fruit lab to help her and if she's defeated and if she commands them there's really not much they can do here okay okay so we had uh s shark was fighting against Sanji S Bear was currently in battle with Luffy and Luchi in the lab in the control room s um uh s Hawk decided to leave the lab and was being chased after by Zorro and Kaku and then s snake had just finished petrifying everybody and uh stomping on um on Pythagoras's head and he blew up and Frankie was there like 90 petrified right so there was a situation with that sure I guess s snake could have been headed towards the underground devil fruit lab I guess that could have happened but um honestly speaking like if they were quick enough if Robin and Chopper and Atlas were quick enough at just dispatching York and just like you know Robin could just have her in like a headlock or whatever and just be like tell us everything you are going to tell us everything York doesn't seem like somebody that would be very like well-versed in like interrogation or or like being able like I'm not telling you anything you'll have to pry for my cold dead you know nothing like that York would probably sing like a canary York would probably immediately say everything and she kind of already did she kind of already explained everything to vegapunk over there right so vegapunk would know he's like she's the one behind everything Quasar stopper please straw hats you know it would be something like that oh also there's all the uh Cipher pull agents that are in the prison too starving to death um it's actually a good thing Shopper is heading down with them so Chopper could like help them out too because you know they're government agents sure they don't deserve that like fate to like starve to death you know so Chopper can help them out he could help the Stella out after they release uh him but uh honestly it could have been a situation so simple of just defeating York she explains everything and then it's just like okay you're gonna even if s snake showed up because here's the thing there's another angle with this where the straw hats did just eventually overcome the seraphim which is very very plausible okay like in a straight up long prolonged fight between uh S Bear the kuma seraphim Luffy and Lucci okay eventually Luffy and Luchi are going to win eventually Luffy's just gonna have enough go gear fifth Lucci could like fight against S Bear get to the point where the Flames go out and then Luffy just boom honestly I don't even think Luffy would have to go gear fifth you know if it's a thing like that or even if Luffy distracts esper long enough for the Flames to go out luch he'll take advantage of that he'll go to his Awakening and just slice him down so that could happen Zoro Kaku against s Hawk once again it would be a long fight it would be a little bit of a struggle but I think eventually Zoro would overcome okay and remember the seraphim are not at their strongest level yet they're still kids okay so they're gonna eventually get to a level where they might be like okay this is going to be a serious threat here I mean s Hawk might get to the level where he's comparable if not greater than miok he's just not at that level yet right um sanji's dealing with a shark I think that's gonna be fine like eventually Sanji will just Pummel Gene based seraphim into the ground into the point he won't be able to really move anymore okay so it's very possible that yeah that could happen however the only thing with that is they they clearly they might have overcome some of the seraphim with physical Force but s snake would have had to actively chosen or been commanded to de-petrify everybody because in the last chapter we saw Usopp and Frankie depetrified okay I'm assuming Lilith is as well even though we didn't see her in the last chapter in that scenario like I don't think the seraphim because of the way they're programmed I don't think that they would respond to threats very well like they have to be given an order so like for example like let's say Zorro was fighting against s snake and like was clearly like uh like zoro's gonna win the fight and then Zorro holds a sword to S snake and it's just like hey you're gonna use your uh your powers to depetrify all my friends or I'm just gonna like cut your head off essentially Would S snake respond to that with like oh no please I'll okay yeah I'll I'll release your friends I don't want to die or Would S snake be like no I'm not programmed for that and just like okay so I I would feel like that would be the more likely um outcome because they are programmed that way to only listen to orders they do have their own personalities they're capable of speech and whatnot but I think there is maybe some kind of like lockout in their brains where they're not allowed to just do things you know by if someone gives them an order even if it's a threat of like termination you know like like this unit will terminate then I cannot you know I cannot obey your orders because you do not have a command ship I choose termination you know it's like something like that so yeah in that scenario it makes the most sense that yeah maybe s shark s uh bear and S Hawk would have been taken care of maybe defeated by the straw hats and the cipher pull and everything but when it came to S snake you know York had to literally give her an order now York does care about her own well-being York is concerned with her own mortality and everything like that like she doesn't want to die in the last chapter we saw that pretty clearly like she was bawling her eyes out like please save me from the straw hats there insane I don't want to die here God you know so York is like that and if she's the one commanding a snake then you we could easily have a situation where it's like hey tell her to de-petrify all of our friends and like York's like yep sure cool I'll do that a snake de petrified everybody please you know I was like there that that's how that goes right um also in the last chapter interestingly enough I was looking at each of the characters in that final panel and a lot of them were like scuffed up you know showed signs of like battle damage not really maybe necessarily battle damage like severe injuries but like they were scuffed and like covered in dirt and dust and maybe bruised up a little bit like they had been in a fight okay um the people that showed this sort of battle damage were Luffy Zoro Nami usop Sanji Luchi York herself obviously the Stella although that's not really so much from like being in a battle like he's like oh it's time for old man Vega Punk to fight Quasar I'll I'll use my fisticuffs against you you know no it's just that he was beaten up and thrown into a jail cell so he was a little banged up too and then Brooke Brooke was a little bit hard to tell because he's broke but um his clothing was kind of scuffed okay there were three characters from what I could tell that were not scuffed at all like they didn't really show any indication that they were in a battle overnight okay jinbei I don't think so I mean go look at jibe he's in the background a little bit munching on a burger but I really didn't see any sign that like jinbei had been in a fight and sure enough last time we saw jinbei he was with stucy and they were heading to an unknown location so they might have been going to a location that was completely separate they might have been going somewhere else okay and then we had uh Bonnie herself jewelry Bonnie was there and she had no signs of damage at all so it could have been the situation where Bonnie spent the whole night in the Paw room you know a wash in Kuma's memories and then after everything was said and done after York had been captured by the straw hats and detained after all the seraphim were like in safe mode or whatever like they're not attacking anybody anymore then they're like okay now that everything is is taken care of now we need to find Bonnie and then they find her and be like hey Bonnie we're having brunch upstairs you want to come and Bonnie's like okay and then they go upstairs and give her Pizza okay look we're having a pizza party upstairs you want to come and just like I do you know it's just like okay so I'm gonna need some pizza after this okay so Bonnie might have not have been involved in like a serious long dragged out fight but she still could have like saved somebody you know like we could have had a situation maybe like Zorro and Kaku were fighting against s hock and they're like oh we got to go to other places we gotta help out that other straw hats there's there's problems and then he's out but s hock is really strong and then Bonnie shows up out of nowhere it doesn't really fight but then you know gets a surprise attack and uses that timely thrust on S hock and turns him into a baby so it's like a mihawk baby uh would that work though would Bonnie's a billy work on the seraphim because they're like you know artificial beings they're like clones kinda maybe I don't know if it would work that way but like anyway yeah like s hock's about to like slice up everybody or slice up the lab and he's like timely thrust and just baby mihawk and he's like and he's like you can't do anything and it's just like oh okay well that works and then Zorro and you know Kaku could go off and like save somebody else or something like that like like Bonnie could have done that uh maybe if York was about to give an order or something York is like gets freed and is like oh seraphim I want you to all and then like at that moment Bonnie like uses her powers and turns York into a baby um although I guess vegapunk was able to speak when he was a baby because he had the brain brain fruit which I guess all the other Vega punks do as well because they're connected so I guess that probably wouldn't work too well but you know what I mean like Bonnie might have like showed up at the last minute and been like bunk you know use her powers and that could have saved the day or she could have just been in the Paw room all night and then they just got her out later okay but she clearly wasn't involved in a long dragged out fight also Chopper Choppers way in the distance so we didn't really get a good look at him I actually thought it was Edison for a little bit there but Chopper didn't really have any signs of like battle damage either from what I could tell okay and so Chopper was involved in that same group but keep in mind we did not see Robin at the end of the last chapter we also did not see Atlas so that group the only person from that group that went down into the lab or were heading to the lab was Chopper and Chopper didn't seem to be injured at all so maybe they were able to solve the problem without even getting into a fight right so uh on that note the people that are missing from this room Lucci was there as well with Hattori right so we don't know where stucy Kaku or Robin are as like the main cast here of Egghead we also don't see any of the seraphim in the last chapter and we also don't see any of the other Vega punks other than the Stella the main body and York herself who's being detained in making the call to Goro say okay so they're off somewhere else now out of let's tackle the Vega punks first because a lot of them were out of commission so Shaka was shot in the head and Pythagoras was stepped on those are the ones that had the most heavy damage okay where Shaka was really like obliterated and Pythagoras I mean there might not be a lot of pieces of him left okay so that's heavy damage if they could be repaired they might be in an operating table right now or maybe they have to get like whole new bodies I would imagine like you know Pythagoras especially is a robot I guess maybe the way that Atlas was speaking about even the ones that looked human uh perhaps they could come off an assembly line it might be a situation where like yeah shaka's body was completely destroyed his like computer that like housed his like brain and everything was completely obliterated it's okay there's a backup copy of it in Punk records we just have to wait for it to download into a new body and I'm actually really excited for that because I want to see shaka's new body have the other helmet from Daft Punk so there's the two dudes that do Daft Punk uh well actually I think only one does it now I think they basically split up and one of them blew up in that one video remember but but the point is like we have the other dude show up like another body of of uh Shaka and he's wearing the other helmet that that would be cool so it's like not even just changing out the helmet it's just another body with shaka's information like downloaded into him okay and then maybe the same thing with Pythagoras as well like a new body for Pythagoras then we have the Vega Punk that was like kind of injured but not like as severe and that's Edison Edison was damaged a little bit by a shark I think but like nothing to the point where his body was like destroyed so they might be able just to repair him and then we have the other ones that didn't seem to have any real serious damage Lilith was petrified but if you just de-petrify her she would be fine Atlas you know she had her head damaged by Luchi but they fixed that and we didn't see her ever since then so I'm assuming she's still okay and then York herself she seemed a little scuffed up from the fight but she didn't seem like severely damaged okay so that's the situation with the vegapunks um there might even be an automatic system for that there might even be like an automatic repair system by the way also yeah vegapunk the main Stella Vega Punk was in the room with them and he didn't seem very concerned about like oh Quasar I gotta repair my other bodies you know so there might be an automatic thing like oh yeah don't worry about it we got a new every once in a while one of the Vega punks gets crushed by a giant boulder it's something that happens we have an automatic repair system over there Shaka will come off the assembly line Pythagoras will come off their assembly line Edison was repaired already it didn't take really hard to repair him and then Lilith and Atlas are fine so there's no reason for vegapunk to be worried okay so then we have the seraphim which if they got them on their side or commanded them you know got them transferred back over to the correct maybe maybe vegapunk tweaked the um command structure a little bit so maybe only he could give orders like his main body could give orders or he locked York out or something like that for right now I'm assuming he could have done that but yeah they had to have s snake on their side in order to depetrify everybody even if they were to like I don't think they would have done this but even if they were to straight up just destroy a snake you know like just like you know Frankie fires a laser and just like incinerates that snake I still don't think the effects of the love love fruit would dissipate from the situation that we had with uh boa and Blackbeard her explaining her powers like dude even if you kill me they're gonna stay petrified even if you take my Powers you can't unpatrify them the only way and that's the reason why the love love fruit is so dangerous the only way to unpetrify someone is for the person that petrified them to depetrify them that is the only way from what we understand so far okay so the seraphim if if Frankie's there unpetrified and usop's unpetrified S snake is on their side which if s snake is on their side it wouldn't make any sense for the other seraphim not to be so they're all often at various parts of the lab and there seem to be okay or maybe they just turn them off maybe they were like you know what we don't even want to deal with this again we're just gonna I'm just gonna turn off the seraphim Quasar just just put them in lockout mode for right now and just worry about that later um and then the other seraphim like s uh Flamingo and S bat an S crocodile they're off in other parts of the world uh dealing with the situations of the Rebellion so they're not going to be involved here right um then we get to stucy and Kaku the members of Cipher pole and then Robin uh I would assume they are together either that or okay if there's any member of this group that would just be off on their own exploring the lab or doing something on their own I would think it would be Robin because vegapunk mentioned like all that information at O'Hara I was able to like you know I went to elbaf and I met the giant I met Saul and you know I was able to copy the books into my brain which means all of the information and documentation from O'Hara was in vegapunk's brain which was then uploaded to punk records so Robin after everything was said and done and after she had a quick bite to eat robin might be like hey vegapunk I want to look through some of that information that was at O'Hara I want to look through some of that stuff and vegapunk's like oh sure Quasar just head over to the terminal and you can access Punk records and here's the password and whatever you know the password is Quasar and just like course it is of course it is the password is vegapunk it's just like oh wow it's like okay this is the greatest scientist in the world what's his password to protect everything Vega Punk but there's a capital V that's that's where they get you okay anyway so um yeah Robin might be there right now like just researching everything going through all the documentation at O'Hara because there might have been stuff in there she might have not have read you know what I mean or not have like been able to read when she was there she was a kid when she was on O'Hara and you get the impression that Clover Clover did not tell her everything you know did not like let her just you know read every piece of information in the lab and all that kind of stuff so uh or in the in the tree of knowledge so there might have been information there that Robin was never privy to okay now with stucy and Kaku if they're not with Robin they're just together they're hanging out um and so I I don't know about that one I mean stucy is a clone so I don't know she might be doing some stuff that's related to her being a clone like I don't know like here where stucy and Kaku are off on their own just having a cup of tea and kaku's just there like how do you start that conversation like so you were a clone this whole time yes I was and you were also like a vampire oh yeah that needs to still be explained stussy's a vampire now like she has the wings and she was able to like bite people like that's that needs to be explained so you're also a vampire like yes I am just so that's that's what they're doing that's what they're off to right now there no no although I would say Stussy might have actually been the one that would be repairing the vegapunks like if stucy might she might have been the one that fixed up Edison uh because she would have the knowledge of this kind of stuff and then she'll show up and I'm sure she'll explain some more stuff about her past and mads and everything like that at some point uh but yeah she might just be chilling out with Kaku right now like that that might be that I mean at least we didn't see her in the room so I mean she might just walk in next time just like oh hey guys I had to step out for a second hi everyone how's everything go going with York he's like oh yeah she sung like a canary she told us everything like oh lovely okay good you know just like that's how it goes with stucy right but uh other than that I think everybody else is accounted for and then obviously we have the big Marine cord and going on downstairs you know with Cento Maro and kizuru and then all the vice Admirals are there and so that's gonna be the major you know encounter here but I like the fact that like yeah it wasn't the traitor thing was a nice little mystery plot line but Oda didn't overkeep its welcome you know he didn't keep it around for like the entire Arc of just like who's the traitor and we don't find out until the very very end it was like nah it's a nice little mystery story but we found out pretty quickly and now here's the serious major threat oh and also I keep forgetting Blackbeard or at least Blackbeard ship arrived too so it's very possible that while everything else is going on here you know Katarina Davon she might have transformed into somebody and she might be walking around like Katarina Davon might have been somebody in that last panel Katarina Davon might have transformed into Kaku or something right and so keep that in mind Lafitte might be about using his hypnotism and whatnot um so keep that in mind too I always forget about them but yeah Blackbeard's crew is on the island there's somewhere there okay and then Caribou is always lurking but Caribou I'm not really sure if Oda has a plan for him or it's just literally gonna be like I was hiding in a barrel the entire time because I was scared you know it might have been that as well okay anyway yeah that's the video hope you guys enjoyed and let me know where you think everybody's at right now and now moving on to whale facts I think this is going to be the last episode we're going to be talking about whale Falls take it away oh foreign so whale Falls are actually very very fascinating because whales are these massive animals right okay and the blue whale in particular is the largest animal to have ever existed that we know of um when they die certain things like happen Okay so sometimes whales will be beached sometimes they'll if they're close to Shore and the tides come in and they die they'll get washed ashore or they'll get washed ashore and then die on the beach which various methods of getting rid of beached whales have happened before I think one time they blew it up they took a bunch of dynamite and just blew the crap out of the thing and got blubber and organs and goo and like Rotting Flesh everywhere so that's oh that's disgusting um a lot of times though most of the times uh the whales will die in the sea in the ocean now if the whale is close to shallow Waters like not beached but in the shallow Waters typically will just be devoured relatively quickly because that's where a good chunk of marine life lives like near the surface where there's like a lot of sunlight and stuff so if a whale were to die there just get devoured pretty quickly it doesn't really have time till I create this ecosystem however if a whale dies and then Falls below a thousand meters you know greater than a thousand meters down into like the Abyssal pelagic zone or whatever gets all the way down then some interesting stuff will happen Okay it'll hit the sea floor and because of the cold temperatures down there the decomposition rate will actually be very slowed um and this creates essentially a stepping stone of evolution because if it lands in an area on the ocean floor where there's not a lot of sunlight so there's not going to be like I mean there's life down there but not as much but then all of a sudden boom this massive source of nutrients and various minerals and various elements just shows up out of nowhere particularly carbon so the amount of carbon inside of a standard whale on average is like two tons two tons of carbon now on the ocean floor in like a certain area like a particular hectare there might only be like like the amount of carbon introduced would be like a hundred or two 200 years worth of carbon in this area naturally so that's going to change some things that's going to cause like evolutionary Stepping Stones on certain plants things are going to be able to happen there that wouldn't have normally happened without that whale falling there okay so there's four stages of whale Falls the first stage is as it's falling down it's going to be devoured by scavengers even in the deep sea there are still scavengers like hagfish and sleeper sharks okay and there's other animals as well like various octopi prawns shrimp lobsters squat lobsters squat lobsters lobsters dude this is what they look like they are squat lobsters and so there's that uh also sea cucumbers you know so they'll be like devouring the thing a little bit as it goes down and this this period could last anywhere from a couple of months to 1.5 years it lands and it's like it's its initial flesh is kind of devoured uh the second stage is when various Colonial like bacteria and things they kind of like take residence in the bones or in the surrounding carcass of this thing they're not just feeding off of it they begin to live there and like propagate Um this can last upwards of I think a couple years then we have uh the phase three which is where bacteria begins to just like spread over its bones and that because there's these big blankets of bacteria that also provides a lot of food for muscles and clams okay so just big bacterial mats where they're feeding off the bones and all the different nutrients from the bones and this could last upwards of 50 to 100 years from the process of how much material there is to break down okay and so that can happen and that provides food for muscles and clams there's just like this little ecosystem is created down there and then finally we have the fourth stage where after pretty much most of the nutrients have been stripped clean you still have the bones you still have the raw minerals that these things are made out of which provide a firm area for various filter feeders like sea sponges so like a sea sponge or a sea star or something will like latch onto the bones as like a firm surface and we'll just filter feed there so even once all of the nutrients are effectively removed from this thing and you just have the raw minerals of the bones and nothing else you still have an area that is a hotbed for various filter feeders okay um and like suspension feeders and stuff like that it's actually a pretty cool thing so yeah that's uh that's whale facts for you I hope you guys enjoyed fascinating animals and now we're going to be moving on to the final stretch the last three animal facts moving on to the letter x oh boy this is going to be a tricky one letter x let me know on any recommendations you have on an animal starting with the letter X uh but yeah we'll move on to that next time thanks for watching Tech egg signing out later everyone
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 88,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, vegapunk, seraphim
Id: gUjyT9VSSrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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