WHERE’S WALLO: Freeway Rick Ross (Season 1)

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[Music] you get down food into where's wild oh I'm right here with the one and only freeway listen man Rick we will get straight to the point we're gonna play no more [ __ ] games cuz the people need to know the lingo play no games right now in his interview we won't be straight to the real stuff that our people need to know so they can know what's going on and the height I've been trying to give him that now we won't give it to him at the height when you was in the game what's the most money you are bad at once three points over year was this 84 you've had 3.2 you wasn't scared he wasn't doing that get all that paper in the crib members that scared you know you you knew this what it was yeah all right now I knew I was there and you knew what was going on did you have any fears that the homies or somebody was gonna come and take you out for that Brandon knew you was doing it but didn't understand the level of dope dealing you you know for me right now this is crazy time cuz you see a dude it's reputable he get out of jail and you're on run to him with a care package you don't know Sam these dudes I dan you watch out I'm saying I mean you know Floyd wretch out and picked me up at the halfway house and gave me a few coins you know no saying nothing that I could take and start a business with you know cent more than pay my rent for like two or three months you know maybe I'm saying is that when I was coming up under him he got game okay you know I'm saying well you know a lot of cats these days they say you know even though you come up from jail you know it's two things people say don't know by oh you know I hope nobody minun and they call that bag I'm just talking but this is the mindset of some people man y'all be affected he just came on he thinks my own son oh oh ain't nobody sitting to jail I'm going to a story when I was in jail young cat they come back from quote me in a hole young can't telling ice cream down the Gehrke's under was over he owed an you from such and such such and such it oh man you out of pocket what's going on yummy he said no what's going on is dead oh here you plant by some rules in a book that nobody read no more ain't no rewards for real [ __ ] he's I'm saying this is what you told me you plan about some rules an idiot listen he said y'all play about the rules in the book that they know by read no more ain't no reward real [ __ ] they see what you tell me will be like me getting our deal right now you're trying to sell cocaine when I know that [ __ ] don't work I ain't gonna say that but I will say I will say this someone's the same though it is like rules that are no longer active oh if that's the correct word United graduate sound just sound that sound you are playing by rules then are no longer in the neck yeah you playing by some rules in the book that nobody's even in tune to know more then I go we got a track so so you gotta stand a lot of people mindset at the shift because a lot of the referees and they'll fish use of the street quote-unquote supposed to be street culture water in the desert if they would say to miraj they'd no longer there but someone ever can't even come in question what do you got to say about that some of the quote-unquote officials that was supposed to be salad because now so many things is coming out seem like I'm telling him oh I saw people on the street in jail but he told each part and your time it's your time in the federal system you've seen dudes all across the country coming in was it a lot of something going on a lot of dudes well if you came in with six people everybody in the Marvel would bet you there's somebody more - what's the numbers usually be two to three going to tell the rest won't stand up get a thousand years no they're gonna tell later most up but they won't tell yeah yeah yeah they don't bet on break right off the bat sometimes some the average dude back back when he was coming in the penitentiary he was going in the average dude how much how much all right I want to say like it was the average dude that was coming to the feds gonna type of money he was getting back there no surprising I thought then I was wrong okay I was like everybody else I mean cuz I mean all my dues you know who I like put my hands on who's doing like me now some of them didn't want to do like me get all the perks really when the game got nice we caught me and so they could do all the ones that I thought who wanted to be bald bald it wasn't it was the moving and grooving like that no no they were playing with partial rules there guys to tell you how to oh such a jewel here seven gonna get it from him you cook it up like this here human why it's already talking so what they would do is they would go out doing all the steps and then run down a brown pair Nike Adidas fool True Religion that's an open everybody else okay you know find a way to get rid of that fast cash my whole thing is knowing your time in prison when did you hit you say you ain't coming I'll get in the game or was the game over for you like me me me well you know the second bit I wasn't myself I was illiterate - so that's that the truth we met it was one day Malcolm was here a criminal then he met Elijah Muhammad when he met her live his life started to change yeah at that point so I said before he penalize you I had more going on for myself - idiot I've been on the front page of several major newspapers I've been on national TV so it's my they already gave you what Elijah Muhammad had to give Malcolm so push that you got to take that down and do what Malcolm X D so then I start to think we'll make a move you've never failed in life everything that you ever wanted to do you accomplish great from the top of going to prison you knew you was going to prison not against not it is not a baby you knew you was going to prison and you accepted it it's pork for those I don't know how you got lined up my first so come on young Conrad's not already paid to rinse up here I bought houses down here it was my house on Marvin cash pick them off ahead course maybe like seven eight cars just parked and dry with nobody was touching you know everything like frozen time you know then we packed up and left that's the way that one I'm staying next woman back to those from baby he go back my doors that was the first time the second time the second time I just got out of his you know for doing person started calling me back what a key went for back then these are artificial prices you know whenever you did one with the DNA in the artificial prices but they they were quoting prices from 1907 for okay alright but the deal was for my crime okay Tiko but I'm coming before then but they was gone for like you wasn't put that much juice woman wait it took on the juice out when the price went down I want to do some went down with some with you when I come back from Cincinnati so the second time bulgor Neil what's up yeah it was a setup let's get busy it was in his paperwork early because he said they call it entrapment like it's a form of entrapment incredible targeting is a little work in this first time ever heard of target I know that's definitely into my magic you know targeting is they can target a criminal yeah they can target Akuma but they not supposed to target somebody that's not committing the crime oh you got to be active you got in yelling at you getting busy were you getting busy didn't even say oh yeah we hit stop but if you just you and enjoy he don't get him okay that's target this time so your time in prison right when you was in prison she number she was told number was name that's you are we had in your mind already set me up did you ever feel like damn I'm gonna get back out one day and if I get back out on month like how did you feel mad he was mad as [ __ ] I had been I've been taken out of my energy you know it's almost like this one for six months him proper me prices then it's almost like a dope thing putting a rock in front of the dope things 700 yeah that was deep to make you quit that you've said together for your community put all that money in it before you went to jail you held it why he's in jail and nobody come to help you - any coming to help you you always did it on your own nobody to come and help you he was all right now nobody come down Figaro you know anything good about nothing like to me to help somebody it's like the ultimate that I didn't going down today I got a lovely like I can go pregnant I hope that [ __ ] and we used to be like man he helped me you know like we should be glad to help each other we should be you know I'm gonna say news flash you know there's some old [ __ ] I'm sorry no more ring but let's just bang would you like somebody bring you back yeah see because a lot of the people that they follow [ __ ] that we used to do Houston jail but we're no no anyway when you don't want to be there but even though your purpose was different would you bring it well but it was the real stuff people trying to flex our man they trying to get deep trying to put the dribble and get some jury and if they got a roll of time project why should I stop why should I stop nobody know what's going on we're gonna see if you do it right I just have people gave me for right what's the right way which mean right is it like which means right what's awesome oh-ho what's the right way to house it's principles his laws you know it was like right gravity he throw a ball up in the air where they get to his house points got to come down its principles and hustling this not love is not luck that I continuously do the same thing that I've done all my life anything that I get into arrives at it that's not enough it's not luck sickness in today's you want to today you want to go put your teeth in it you know you can knock on gate I mean they gonna look at me crazy would you tell me let me in for you don't get out of if you don't get off this property you gotta earn your way boy mmm first you got to get a prosecutor that's interested in your [ __ ] ass cuz if he ain't interested in you you ain't goin no weird you don't care how many times the cops on you you keep playing this don't see if they're taking they're taking you have to get first rap you get the pro mises attention and won't you then once you get their attention you might have to prosecute then the prosecutor got to get the judge in the judge he'll get you a jury this era is a magical indicated many so you got to be interested huh what I'm gonna take you to the state and let you inside that you get that sale and I'm three high you say guys go get deep blue day you got to get interesting but they existed twist though at the end that you said it's a right way to hustling you come up globo hustling as it uh uh you know because you got people as watching instead day they like oh they like know what's going on so you tell my blow while you taught my street custom what type of hustling you toma you said it's the right way so I know that but I'm saying what I just flipped it I'm just trying to say well you said is the right way to us you ain't talking about the streets right when you say the streets what you mean by I'm telling ya that's why I had to make sure because you got people that this one watches they don't want to confusion to have them thinking like cocaine is in that same playbook but you just say it there's nobody reading no more no no no no I'm some of that I'm some of the rules I'm some of the fouls and [ __ ] the technical fouls in the type of that's what I'm talking about that play never cocaine should be in that it is what they say when they say look these dudes ain't followin no rules no no but that's what the dude is really operating there's a lot of dudes out ring and like you said if you could you say something I got to straighten you out on that part you said if you're on a boogie strand up you got moves you've got to lose that [ __ ] that ain't gonna work cuz them to do is the one gettin a bull in the back of the head oh I'll be a lot of pocket for 30 years vacation away if you in the streets yeah the streets that's why you know I do but just like when you flip it with that same mentality will begin you definitely won't go pay you gonna go to the moment you pay it because they ain't used to that even in the streets though you ain't used to getting dudes like that mr. kingpins doing some ones and I'm working on someone my honor autumn doing this because I learned from so many different people now the reason I want to give out as information from you because the total amount of years at you how long did you spend all the gap 20 20 years I did 20 years it's 40 years right now the reason I need to get that information from you because you got to do is they got aspiration to be dope dealers they want to get that money that's why I'm saying they got strong dudes out head like man I'm going to sell me some dope I don't care what Ronald Ricky talk about that [ __ ] [ __ ] they tell my some old [ __ ] they don't exist no more I'm going to get me some paper right now so I'm gonna just you know you'd be here with no you really touch some real paper that you can do it again what would you do well knowing what I know now was it worth any other but it was definitely not definitely not I could have done so many other things no my thing is that I soaked okay because I was in there I didn't know no I really did you know how some people go to court and maybe my case and the big homies looked out for you but that was your mom said though you did you believe it the big homie looked out for absolutely cuz he said you [ __ ] up here you go give us some paper get you some paper take care your family take you to people so you see the big home he was looking out for you and it was by any means necessary and you went to being God but we didn't have a lot of opportunities that the youngsters got today there was more opportunities for all kind of crazy stuff but now technology it kind of like leveled the playing field so having connected to around the world ready like I got people buy my book in Canada Australia I mean maybe from all over the all over the world my my my stuff so and this pimping to a whole nother level you know Kent was just neighborhood yeah look we didn't burn the Dhokla in the country which was where the real money was made you know we wasn't taking it out the country which was really been making in you know around here you know second or third hand money you know we was able to about you boys go to school for a couple years they had to go back to public school once they said that [ __ ] down I play were hoping to get my paper [Music] this vegan Lisa the other thing you'll see today but this is happening live in your mind when I was in prison and it's crazy when I got on parole I need to see those [ __ ] I didn't even see the spirit I'm going to have you know what was going on now what you was in you know did you ever throw that your story would get put out there like that do you think people be no one about this story you did you know you're like I'm just drugged I'm going to jail I think so I mean at one time I didn't inning next time I did you know I saw I started I started to see to see what I could do anyway I told you out that we about this book I started saying it I could be mountain not Malcolm would you know not his DNA but the mindset which was really see yes some people don't get mad at you about this [ __ ] but it's cool you see you know you met you get you got you gotta feel the way you feel yeah it's just a feeling that's person that's how you feel no and no disrespect to them no way make it work see how make money work I don't spin it I make it work this is the difference in which I want to get I'm in 24 hours seven minutes only giving nobody knows oh man Danny dead this ain't back anything when you're shaving coke and all that this ain't gonna work being stretching in the shade I started my new business with $200 how much you do tell would you travel the country I spoke at Brown University beside me I had to pay to go to college they paid you know you never thought storage we put out there you never thought rappers we use your name never thought that no matter what time I mean I started to see it right because say that said we get away break the story see before I get about the story I was like me do knit know I've been on CBS you know you know what's them freeway you know when I see the name oh my god I know they called me on the stage tone it's my G then you know first class oh so Ted he got some of the always like look use your name represent you so Thank You over gross right anything about the court case what's all that stuff do you think it was a different way you could have win about that as oh gee do you think you could our South listen let me how about your family there's a lot of ways I could but but also how about this do you think you can say you got my name properly probably I go around do some things with that okay what made you say no I'm gonna do that did you think about what you just like oh okay sounds awesome lawsuit without one with the battle but did you win the battle and what was the battle to you I was playing for the money okay so that was the whole game I'm trying I want y'all to know who this guy is and y'all gonna know about his lawsuit well not him I didn't care about you I want you I wanna know me I'll do anything to get my people this game and that was a way about giving you know just another way so you said I'm the okay when they did his Rolling Stone article the whole article he talked about me so you got some lost you got you a bunch of million dollars worth of mark I was on TMZ place but before this when Gary Webb did his article another million two hundred million shows you came back commercials on Oprah Winfrey Nightline Dateline 20/20 60 minutes every major newspaper in the country front page [Music] like quick and then I'm taking the rappers and I'm saying that the system this is to reveal now so rebellious little thing happening here with these rappers cuz you know [ __ ] the police and all that stuff was rebellion movement it went from that to gangbang in but before the gang banging it it was the rebellion like we were building against their system Authority you know we tiny keeping your foot on it you feel what I'm saying like the Mohammed I leave like I know why I felt like I do because I love Mohammed Ali and even though I was a kid I picked up something that [ __ ] he was saying back then I didn't even know so when I saw them but helps already prepared before that because I said to myself if I had to become so smart the jail couldn't hold me no more you're too big for the gates are you bigger than the other side big had already started that I was writing my did you biting people and it slam this imma give you these tubes I wish you would all come to you I got you you you you they let that coffee that cream now I ran a store coffee cream and sugar man who was a number one product and you're still coffee and cream coffee you know coffee don't always go Doritos for the screen it's seafood Mac wasn't being Stallone chicken I just have a nice variety phone you know so I kept some green mouth come pie with a reminder yeah why you spend on one I always invest at one point I'll give it my way I definitely like there now I always see the costume must be a criminal and a part of me coming here the energy was just letting dudes know to get all this money you could do all this stuff but somebody online you up when we smite them selling you a lot of dudes you know they didn't mean to prison somebody killed set them up and all that stuff my whole thing is to tell the people in the you know in the street coach you listen man that [ __ ] ain't worth some people with the same for them they might look at this all day trip and that's cool I'm cool with that you see I'm saying they understand the fine print is you going to jail somebody gonna put you down you know Stan you know Stan what you do but I just appreciate you giving the education to you because it's gonna help somebody somebody isn't gonna help somebody man you ain't gotta be a lot of people one person you did your job just by sharing your story man cuz your stories your glory and your story everybody within ya and everybody got a story they can change to my life I appreciate you you know me I appreciate you know what you're doing out here for the community you still come out and try to bring that beat back telling Dean I mean you out here you got cases and stuff all over your honor let's do it know you're doing I mean you're trying to try this feeling doing this to see you got all this stuff in here in cases of stuff you slingin like new slinger like babies you go you go movin that's what you're gonna do officer little you gonna move but listen no doubt a little job out that first ball man I appreciate you man let you paint listen I'm the one and only hey now freakin y'all go get the book till the song check them out get both of them don't go to Amazon and get them Jeff diesel got too much money already you go to my website food with Ricky Ross calm you know my autograph a foot and doing senators on my birthday I'm putting a happy birthday on there you know I'm saying that for you so they let him into prison no new States man you know I searched teeth onto you like [ __ ] you know they mention money on the prison many banning books you the abandoned Book of Lists and all that goofy stuff well you know my book is a sleeper you know it's one of those waters that I know it's called ripple spraying like a 40-mile spray with some wake him up I'm hollow to dissemble doing with one and only Freeway Ricky man and this is way as wild on when he's just like dad ah
Channel: WALLO267
Views: 94,657
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Keywords: Wallo, Where's Wallo, Freeway, Freeway Rick Ross, wallo, wallo267, where's wallo, where wallo, where's wallo267, Wallo freeway rick ross, Wallo267 freeway rick ross, Where's Wallo freeway rick ross, freeway rick ross interview, wallo season 2, wallo season 1, wallo 267, wallo267 interview, wallo interview, million dollaz worth of game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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