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young cats annuity baby out and they take the corner going last forever but know this how it's gonna look this how your corner gonna look when it's all said and done that's how your core to go look because everybody gonna be dead in jail I didn't do today so this is exactly how your corners going to look hey my man bro you bought this you bored that okay you gonna turn it to the store oh okay yeah it's good to see a brother guy that used to be the Chinese store back in the day man yeah this was the Chinese joint man that's a blessing man you could grip this thing up but when you gonna start renovating it's a good thing right here man listen yeah but no as I was saying I mean brother blood the Chinese stole from back in the day as I was saying is we used to all be out here so let me give you the gang and I'm gonna run I'm gonna run it down to you young boy I'm talking to you right now young boy you're sending the crib you just woke up you're smoking your thing you got that piece right there your gun right there name for plate looking to Instagram so keep your ass right here I got some game for you all this this [ __ ] is dead now you understand I'm one of the only dudes that made it and the only reason I made it because I'm going to the penitentiary forever but I probably have been getting out here but you know I can aim it I can run the names down the a by the dollar it's smoke low you know boogie down Grundy Lewis Steve Todd George Cadell a jolly man you know I can just keep going on debt you do I'm saying I can keep going all day to give you the game about and then I can give you a list of cats 20 30 40 cats in the penitentiary a lot I'm never coming back what's up baby a lot of them never coming back getting a stand me but this out your corner go look wherever your block is you know 10 15 20 years from now it's gonna be like this yummy I'm just like 30 years out so you know I always feel like nobody's here no more nobody's here nobody's here I'm trying to figure it out like nobody's here so young boy let me splaine's immature when you go and put that life changer on your waist where you go to play God stop trying to play God when you go to put that piece on your waist your whole mind and mentality change your energy change now when a problem that's really not a problem come to you you're reacting different cuz you got that peace on you because just somebody else now you're different than what you don't got that piece so you said when you got that piece on you you saying to yourself oh but what you sow your whole thing change but you got to understand that when you got your piece or you now you become a life changer you become a life change and a life changer that you become is a life changer that's going to devastate that's gonna devastate your communities gonna devastate your family that's gonna devastate the person family that you operate that piece on you're gonna destroy that whole thing it allowed to do what I want to tell you this [ __ ] cuz it ain't cool you understand see I realize that cool was being me cool ain't trying to impress you to make you think that I'm cool cuz you're a young boy ain't got time for that [ __ ] I ain't got to be cool with you you understand but I'm always be relatable so you can understand the message and you gotta stand when I'm getting to you cuz listen I think it's a lot of cats I know out here man and I've been ten toes down a real live street boys but they ain't got time and energy on the patient to deal with y'all so there ain't gonna come out wrong I might see any black man while I appreciate what you're doing man keep going but they not gonna do this [ __ ] cuz they got other stuff going on so I'm gonna give it to you now peep game when you got that life change on you soonish think about this the life change the call it's about 300 four or five hundred whatever that's how much you get the can at peace or you only a few hundred but think about this the Lord gonna cause like it depends if you kill him I'll [ __ ] you talk about about ah they go anywhere from 25 to 60 it obviously you don't got that my man you don't got that so now mom got to try to figure out a way to get that to bill gonna be so high you're not getting bailed out mom got to try to figure out a way to you know get the bill money and all that stuff huh so you won't do all that at the same time he won't devastate somebody else mom somebody else cousin somebody else brother dude a whole family gonna be dissing they're going gay not even gonna be able to get out of the bed they're gonna be soaked it's gonna be so much pain it's gonna be a pain that you don't even understand you don't even understand the pain that you afflict them when you had a gun too you understand just the environment as you create you got kids you got women that's our way telling kids they can't play here they can't go Danny we got the whole community wrapped in fear and you talking about you sir yes sir brother you tell my truth air that's that you're not there who told you that was who I'm trying to I'm trying to track this ball down that told you young balls that having a gun and shooting in my [ __ ] stir I'm doing quit yet cuz I'm telling you if I could find this ball me and I owe me a no cheese you understand and I ain't telling them dudes is out there pimping you putting you in a dummy mission you know I mean you dummy running game when you're not giving you a game I'm not talking about them [ __ ] dang wings and we can find that we could identify this board and told y'all that shoot somebody that looked like you and still we're gonna do something he's done he's gone that's the reality of it because I'm trying to figure this [ __ ] out I'm lost you understand and I'm not trying to measure what we've done in with child I'm just trying to figure out yo you got a gun on you just like everything is about to go down you just you're going further down you ain't trying to get no money that's number one and I'm not glorifying that and none of that but we was operating outside the law he was least trying to get some money you don't want no money you just have a gun on you what I can't believe that somebody told you that having a gun with you and being a tough guy was the [ __ ] do you understand that in his history of life the tough guys was always the crash dummies the crash dummy it's always the crash stuff you gonna let somebody throw you in the [ __ ] dummy mission to go kill somebody or go do some dumb [ __ ] or yeah I'm a shooter use a crash dummy man you to do that they put in the car when he testing the car I mean are you just banging you you're just crashing himself cuz you're gonna be sitting in jail like a goofball you're gonna be crawling down the way ain't nobody won't see you know cuz you terrorized your neighborhood man you do is I were terrorizing the neighborhood I seen these balls I'm the same boat I seen these boys ready for a doubt all in penitentiary oh they up and down a hole it was tough don't worry about that thirty to sixty you you signed up for this that was a part of the fine print you ain't read the fine print you signed up for this little homie that's what you signed up for but anybody trying to be feral did do is when I play both sides I ain't playing both sides I'm on one side that [ __ ] is nut [ __ ] period I'm not co-signing anyway that's all nut [ __ ] young both telling you is Ness you ain't nobody gonna tell you and I gotta speak in this one in this vernacular cuz that's the only thing that you understand that's how I gotta speak to you because that's the only that's the only way you want it but I'm gonna tell you some [ __ ] I'm gonna tell you some real stuff ain't nobody on this corner but me man anybody did and what's gonna happen is somebody gonna put you down and you gonna put somebody else down and you're gonna be walking the track for the rest of your life little bro you stronger than that man you all here change the locks with that pistol put the pistol down and change lives you could do it another way you can take that time their energy and their fearlessness that you got turn it turn that corner and you can do anything you want to do it like your generation is the most fearless generation we ever saw in the history of mankind y'all don't fear nothing you're not afraid of nothing now imagine if you take that same fearlessness and tackle a different Department of life and go about it different you know I mean instead of just nothing you know annihilating each other about nothing I read listen everybody every little disagreement every argument about a girl or about a little punk ass package about it old calls for the ultimate the ultimate revenge you don't calls for that it all calls for you to put somebody down come on man and then I don't understand somebody like we tell me a lot of this beef like people don't talk about it be about these women man it'll be about these women as you kidding me if she was for you she before you but you ain't realized that she was never really want you anyway there was a momentarily situation you took a person who you created a fake beef about this do that it is really about a woman I know the game I've been in game samples Neha tell better fly know the game I know what's going on instead because cats in my generation doesn't they still on it they still be acting goofy about these women having beef with cats oh yeah I don't like him he just sat in a thirty no no you ain't got no paperwork on that do don't be tryin throw no muscle in his jacket oh because you know he messes with Keyshia or Kiki or whatever her name is it's not of yourself there's a lot of stews out there doing sucker time man you want to take somebody late because a woman choose to be with somebody else in all this are you trying to describe it or something else come on me lamed out man up man you laying down well some real stuff man we really got it we really got to get it to government it straight up your young boys man I respect your old man and I'll be out here in these corners and I'll be listening y'all and I'll be here y'all struggle but I need you to do I need a lot of y'all to go talk to somebody cuz what's going on right now y'all going through a lot of trauma that's always exposed to during your upbringing them houses you grew up in your mom when she was trying to figure it out herself she expose you to a lot of stuff but it's understandable some of y'all y'all upset I tell mom you're just upset which our upbringing but what you need to do that trauma you carrying around you need to find somebody you can talk to cuz if you find somebody you could talk to and get help you grow in so many ways instead of just harboring that trauma because it's gonna make that's why y'all explode now here I understand the first of all I apologize you understand I was talking to one of my young boys yesterday I used to change his pants right here I haven't taken him to the store change his papers it was going through some trauma man he was going through some real [ __ ] you know I mean from you know family to upbringing I'm like then and just hearing him you know it gave me a better understanding but I really do as a lot of you young boys is turn into adults a lot of your young sisters has turned into adults but I need for you to do if you can please I need you to also be understanding that adults that lets you down because David said a lot of these a lot of your parents was children when they had y'all so a lot of things that they was going through you got to be understanding that that they didn't know how to be a parents they didn't know what was going on they did they didn't understand a lot of it so I need you to that's your dump now that you've grown to be understanding with them and be patient with them and give them and give them and give them the outlook that you want them to give you a few words apparently you was going through it because a lot of parents man I'm telling you man I grew up with a lot of girls had a lot of cats out here man and we was running the street game and you know me day was fathers I'm the one the only ones they handled kid they was fathers and I understand it because I understand the mindset that they was in at the time they had to drop the baby off a nanny house or you know me and because of how they said because they didn't know how to take care baby that's why the moms yeah I mean the grand moms in a great gram they always came and took it because they know you still the baby oh not to take his baby give me this just an you only know how to change the diaper you don't know how to do this you don't know that the baby you need this formula book whatever it might goes on so I need a lot of y'all that's 20 little older that's growing up that's upset with your mind that's upset with your dad maybe your mama's on drugs maybe your dad was on drugs maybe your mama's in the your dad was in the penitent for your mind was just chasing men trying to find herself because you kind of stand young ladies and young brothers women believe what a man tell them if a man semi like you can beat him so sometimes they be going through it man paused to be there for him they don't go right now I gotta go find they don't go right down and at the same time you getting dragged through the process but you don't even know you know your parents your mom was going through some stuff myself so she didn't understand what was going on so we got a whole big we really need to add a conversation with the family the family during the conversation of you know what happened and it just need to have that sit down that real live roundtable sit down and talk about the issue so you get out because a lot of people is carrying stuff around and they just afraid to say certain things today today mom or today uncle whatever you may be the father you know I mean I understand there's a lot of fathers that left y'all out there there's a lot of fathers that went to the penitentiary is a lot of fathers that chose the game over you but at the same time I'm not gonna say chose the game over you if we just didn't know they thought the only way to get money was to get out of here and try to get something to do whatever they could do you didn't saying but you know it was like you know I'm not giving him a pastor than that but they didn't even know there wasn't even a dumpster full II had that mind to be able to process that because the man the black man is a different mind the african-american mind is different and I'm saying that because the trauma that take place growing up and again up there's so much that's put on you so now you got to carry all the stuff you've been exposed to you carrying that stuff around all day like this you can't and then life is just happening so your reaction to life is a little bit different than anybody else that didn't have it wasn't exposed to this trauma you some sense oh you you're walking around and when things come to you this regular life that people might deal with in a different manner you don't know how to deal with that in that manner because you've been exposed some things you were supposed to be exposed to at a young age and you're just carrying it around in your brain in your mind and your mind trying to steal the scramble kid is trying to process that and process this and process that just and one of the things that helped me is that when I was in the penitentiary I said back and said whoa I'm messed up that's what helped me when I was able to break the reality that I was messed up and when I'm sayin messed up as the things that was for society really go through conversations with brothers I knew well oh jeez I knew ask them questions you see I'm Sam because I was a dude that was ever to tap into the OGS that was in the penitentiary and I was able to take the time that I had with Jimmy utilize them as father figures you don't mean I got a lot of fathers from the penitentiary you didn't mean it was a lot to do with that we walk you know I mean just educate me about life and give me a never give me the guys that a father would give me your dad I'm saying so that's how I was able to move and navigate and that's what made me stronger and that's what got me back on shore because I was willing to ask them dues for help I was willing to talk to him and say damn og what you think about this this happened to me or that happened to me and they was able to say no young and this was going on this was going on because some of the sharpest do I ever ran into of my life was in the joint you understand because they was removed from this time and they had time to think relax get the body you know process all the drugs out of them you know I mean process anything that was going and they spent and so they was able to have a clear mind and give me the information you understand that's why it's my duty at the end of the day I was told I gave him I was given a direct orders from my old jito when I coming over here put that same energy that I was putting it to these young cats in the prison just this was a direct order he's I'm saying that I had to follow so I said you know I have homies just say listen man I ain't never coming back I got babies out there man you just and put that energy out there didn't know what was gonna go about this through social me but they just like man you know I mean you good for our people I mean that's why I go hard eight then I try to empower our people the best way I can and especially young people you mean we got a we got it we got to give them new alternatives and a new alternative sometimes come through for communication to whereas don't we've really got to educate them I don't know everything I don't know anything that's one thing I don't know that's why I'm glad that is different people out here in the community and I mean I'm speaking basically on Philadelphia there's so many different resources out here there's so many different black minutes out where they're doing great things but they never get highlighted you understand because you got to be cool in order to get highlight you got to have a bunch of jury you got to have money from people to really listen to you out here because we think we only can listen to people that we feel as though they got money is I'm saying we got to listen to people they got life that got lived experience there really went through what you going through right now young brah straight up y'all me but today I need you to do me a man I need you to think I understand you might gonna keep the gun on you today anyway okay cool but I need you to be more mindful your reactions why you got that gun on you you're standing coz I can't tell you what you're going through and why not to have you do if you ask me I'll tell you put that pistol down man go grab a gig cuz these dudes is working a dandy kicking your ass they kicking the street do dance yeah yeah yeah they gotta dig out all they think that you have the credit that boom boom do that do this they got all that together you mean they got all that together so you gotta understand that at the end of the day you got to tighten up man put that piece down you got to put that piece down and try to figure out what you gonna do out here cuz I'm gonna tell you something man it's a bunch of money out here it's a bunch of opportunities out here I mean once you get your stuff right your paperwork once you get your identification once you get out of here once you network and ask for help listen you're not gonna sit here and tell me that you can't connect with somebody in your family take a plug you in with a bunch of employment I could plug you in with a bunch of opportunities you're not going to tell me that young you know you got to add somewhere they've been working at a job for 30 years or 20 years you got to open somewhere I've been working at the job for 30 20 you got said a cousin ascending Union you got what's named to work for Comcast what's the name work for you you could get a job you'll get a gig so don't tell me that knows no no ain't one of these dudes we ain't gonna spend me I've been up in March the streets that was nice all right I'm gonna game you ain't gonna run home count over me you ain't gonna tell me you can't get no gig you ain't gonna tell me the things thing right you ain't gonna tell me that you can't make it happen don't tell me that go out there man go out there and believe in yourself man go out there and better yourself and you know it show your peoples that you could be on somebody outside of who they looking at right now because any day you got your mother wrapped in fear man every day that you walk out of their house you got your mom wrapped in fear you know why because her girlfriend at work her son just got killed yeah yeah me and your cousin just got killed so she's saying I don't want to get that call I don't want to get that call me I don't want to get that call man stop now then come over here I'm not you know me so my whole thing is stop encouraging that call you don't mean stop acting for that call with your actions and the people places things that you dealing with come on man you gotta kill that you got to figure it out me and you got the resources out here but do something man do something tap into it ain't going analyst ain't gonna let you touch so y'all tell me that's one thing about you tell me no BS when I slaughter point cuz you know I ain't going for that I know you got a shot I know you can make it happen I know you're extraordinary you're me I know the opportunities is unlimited for you but you got to be willing to apply yourself you got to be willing to put that energy in it stop playing games all the time man but back again look at the corner I'm 39 years old you ain't too many the homies around no more yeah I mean and the ones it is around they squared up they got this [ __ ] together got a gig got a woman they married they got kids get on another level you did what I'm saying you're on a whole nother level man because that's what it's about man that's what it's really about but all this gonna place [ __ ] y'all gotta kill that man straight up man we gotta kill that man all this freaking all these fools jumpin off all these all these Western peace but some name listen listen man good woman is you kidding me come on man you gotta stop that man straight up we got to figure out a new way man too many of these babies out here dying man didn't even come listen you got young cats out here this dying ain't him I leave a block day maybe leave leave a section of the Philly man they losing a life they never even left their section of Philly they're losing a life about what I'm like this [ __ ] is crazy I can't believe it cuz I've never seen I've never seen I've never seen it like this you know I mean so it's like it's just there's a sad man is painful mom's just going through it man yeah they're going through it he's scared to death they scared to death hey how he is scared to death which I'm saying and it's crazy man you got deep out here man I swear man I used to be out here goof I used to be out here super goofy you know I mean but I wasn't as goofy as you know what's going on now you know me but I was goofy I definitely was goofy for me sir Phoenicia yeah me it's mo I mean it's my OG you know mean so but it's like that's the reality of it and I mean you got to figure out another way but y'all got another way man y'all got a shot young it little brother when you leave the crib today man think about think about what I told you man and I'm gonna come back I'm gonna remind you soon but just think about what I told you little bro straight up man you got a shot man I wanna see you in the penitentiary man crying calling my own for some calling my own for some commissary man straight up don't be doing nothing tell me telling you how the game go once all the homies leave once you punch Kisha I'll kick he stop dancing your phone call Kiki do you love me no she don't she love Raheem now I'm just telling you what's gonna happen when you go to jail no she don't love you no more you want to join you're in a joint no no Kiki don't love you no more you and Jail she love boo boo or she love black now you're gone it's over your home is not they gonna play games you get that yet our sunny you don't go through all that man and the reality is somebody you know gonna tell on you somebody you know want telling you dog somebody you know as soon as you do what you do what's gonna happen is might go by a couple months a year might go by somebody's gonna get locked up in a neighborhood for something good ain't got nothing to do with you and you know what they're gonna do they're gonna tell the officer I mean oh yeah unless I know about the yeah I mean once they get faced ain't that damn down the Roundhouse ain't nobody but listen you remember that uh that shooting that happened last year when the ball got killed you know the shot came to yeah I know who done that man I mean y'all could hook me up cuz y'all hook me up so I get up out of this situation yeah sure what you need were you going on right now which you only got a good card listen you know about that home aside oh let me call investigated him you coming there you gonna be sitting how you doing sister you thought I was crazy then now I'm talking to the screen I ain't talking to myself sister I'm giving up this game so you know me you have a good day too where you work at the hospital will you park your car you know you're not a B what what's up oh yeah you cool hold you you're on the right side cuz you know they're come Butchie hey you out here all on you know on parking warrants and all that you looking crazy I mean you have a great day sister I'm filling in here too I like I like the hair yeah that's that's you so the whole thing is like at the end of the days like you did what I'm sayin do go nice - he gonna anxious um I think I need to do what your case they gonna tell you yeah I was out there they bought black shotty yeah yeah I know he shot it what I need to sign some paper they're gonna sign the paper they're gonna go platinum or you and you're gonna be up the rosary madder than ever there's no secrets and together I'm gonna let you know that there's no secrets in the ghetto everybody is always recycling information everybody know you've been is everybody just gotta get and once they get to the wrong hands you're done you know that all this my man that's my bro bro bro my Brody Utley okay okay Brody gonna be understand lighting you up watching your mom cry your mom gonna be crying cuz they can play how do you know this man he'll be like oh we are you sleeping this house are you stays your mom gonna be stayed sitting right behind you and the defender cheap crap you were wanting to getting that life bit you'll be sick but I brought in big numbers then you gonna be sick man you man it the world's a buyer who's told him you know you told her yourself well you shot somebody broad daylight and everybody was out there dog you got a million cameras out here then you got a bunch of human cameras you told her yourself dog you listen you straight Tolu I mean I mean you told her yourself I got a million cameras think about you ain't well listen man yeah well listen now now you're done now you sick now you better listen I'm telling you you better listen you better listen cuz I'm gonna tell you one thing I did my time there's you gonna be able to do yours you're gonna be able to do that 48 is you gonna be able to do that light bit you'll be able to do it I mean cuz I'm telling you all these cameras out here cameras alien-human cameras is dangerous let me human can I came listen man they got cameras anywhere man you going Ali to go take a piss you know it wasn't back in the day stuff somebody watch you out the window I look up I got my jaw I went I'm taking a piss it was three cameras and Ali went like what people got cameras in back of the houses Jimmy and did somebody was in the bathroom I seem to scream that uh whatever the blinds move us at all man I'm saying so like listen man you've really really got to tighten up and wake up man and focus on the next level but listen man we got to stop we really got to stop killing each other man straight up put that energy somewhere else man I'm telling you man we can make it happen man I'm ready signing off but look at the corner man look at this corner look dick go to the corner look look at the corner look you see the corner hit good old Chinese store right here right he's had the crates right here be sitting my head I mean you know this you notice an old John we should be sitting right there chilling all right here we should be all up against this wall man chillin right here he go to a corner man $13 game let me show you the sign you see the sign up here young and how you be man yeah are you going to school man yeah you're a little late man what's going on simple when she was doing you sure what I pay for it let me see that paper man you ain't got no doctors well let me see if you gotta check this paper cuz you can't be going late to school man let me see education is anything oh you got me baby you did have that appointment I gotta make sure I keep you keep doing your thing man keep staying positive don't never stop man you could do anything you could do anything you want to do alright keep doing your thing young are you doing sister come on come and get a shout-out tell them whatever you want to tell him man Oh what grade you in I'm gonna level you going to college yeah what you gonna be your major what you want to meet biology that's good stuff go tell them follow me oh it's the grand man Mayer associate minister would you do you rap - you got a little spit up money a bit what what's the salsa for okay this is your handle man you doing your thing they keep your bro rack keep doing your thing though man I mean stay focused man all right I'm gonna catch up what she yeah see you around that's what it's about man young Borges he know what he made here I'm majoring this he on point you know what he doing he got his thing I mean I had to catch you make sure he wasn't trying to spin me see I just came from no but she'd why you late man why are you late no I'm just I'm just doing with the overhead oh geez done for me back in the day that's how they're checked you ho ho David I hold what you doing man if you don't get your low ass off this corner all that you know means you got to be you got to put you got to put that game when these young boys and let them know what time it is you know I mean that's what this thing is about that's what this game the game called life is man that's reaching out and touching a man you got to touch these young walls you can't be afraid you know me allowed two dudes out here they're afraid they trying to be too cool and all that I ain't got time for them I'm gonna get at you in the major way I'm gonna get at you you think I'm saying especially on my little look but let's look at the block look look look you see it look that's the way all the homies man I see ghosts out here man I get his name all a buddy right here bunch of people used to be right here man right here he used to be a phone and move it there was a phone booth right here yeah it was it was falling through somewhere but look at the block man just a block baby you see that 13th nyla Gainey look ya'll can't see him but I can listen you can't see him what's up brother how you doing man that's four so yeah yeah that's that's good come here let me holler at you for a minute brother you cool all right this is a good property man did you to be the Chinese store man right here down there we should be out there's to be like 20 of us out here back in this yeah this hall corner right here back in the day all them by the homies dead lot of homies in the penitentiary I'm glad I'm glad to see I'm glad I'm glad to see that y'all got that that's beautiful brother that's I'm glad y'all got that man that sub brother show so you know I mean they by anybody getting the black back but what I'm saying is like y'all look at this you see all them people out here look look look all the homies you can't see them you can't see that you saying to yourself he got to be crazy no no I ain't crazy I'm never gonna forget my homeless nothing [Music] this is gonna be out there it's gonna be one of y'all from y'all corner it's gonna be one of y'all from y'all corner that's gonna be at the corner 20 30 years from now whatever and look looking on my homies that's in I see listen I see all my homies right there it's real alia man that's why I keep pushing man I got to keep pushing I gotta keep pushing I just set up dealing them steps to man me and smoke smoke low smoke used to be out here every day on the quake man every day you come i early I come right off and then he block he all here the first either one of the first one right out here in the crepe man smoke low man rest in peace man damn [ __ ] and we used to be out here man I'm telling my was it was a different life man it was a different life Hey leave us out here man I'm just trying I'm just trying I'm just trying to get y'all to game cuz do they listen man I'm telling you hey buddy gonna make it look at your corner right now it's ten fifteen of y'all in the corner probably wanted wanted tool you all might make it man unless you say to decide today like you know and ain't got to be the dad could be tomorrow could be next week but hopefully you make it to next week hopefully you make it to tomorrow cuz it's gonna be somebody's watching this that next week autumn or one of the homies are gonna be affected by this remedy wherever they homie is the victim or the victimizer it's going it's gonna go down like that got some y'all here to get on man that's reality this environment till we change our way of thinking to be changed on mentality till we change our approach but look ya'll don't see I see it but I see my homies right now all along this is right here man or some real [ __ ] it's deep on my homies right listen man look at this man all the homies right there man 13 for nala Gainey man this is where it all started for me $13 Guinea man I mean 13 allegheny man just a my brother got shot right now here man he got shot right down there you understand done you know I mean on some real [ __ ] real man is real we really got it we really got to check ourselves man but I ain't gonna hold you up I just want to you know play some game with you this morning cuz I felt it in me but you know I felt the universe pushing me it was my duty to push this energy out this information out do y'all man I love y'all man little bro I'm talking to you right now I'm gonna say some personal [ __ ] to you I don't know your name man I don't know the situation you're going through yeah I mean I don't know how old you is but I know you got that gun I know you got that peace and I know you said to yourself I've been victimized my whole life you know me I've been hurt and hurt people hurt people and I ain't gonna let nobody take advantage of me out here in these streets cuz I know other cat's got a gun but I'm gonna say something to you little bro you got to change your mind you got to change your thinking because a lot of times we think things to us the energy that we put out to the universe is gonna come back towards we think things to us so a lot of times we just think I'm waiting for somebody to do some weight and you recreate that we create them Bob's we put that out there it's now somebody might come and they might not be coming to do nutsy they might be coming in a different way but you thinking you go right in the defense mode and now somebody laying on the ground bleeding out gonna snatch somebody life cuz you foolish though listen man I am ain't going out like that and your attitude change my whole thing is I give yourself some time it ain't got to be today but I hope that you live to see tomorrow but whenever you feel as though it's necessary and look at different routes look at different routes there's a million ways to get to California man you don't just got to take one route but just look at different routes at life there's a million different ways to get you to go and that's that's how you doing sister I'm doing outstanding i'm doing outstanding i mean it's a lot of different ways to take the routes that you need to get to so which i'm never gonna stop so you got to understand that the gunning the gun ain't gonna get you there the gun gonna put you somewhere that you wanna be so i'ma leave you with that I ain't gonna keep holding it up man but listen I let y'all go bro I Love You Man you can make it I don't care what nobody say you can make it and you can change your life today tomorrow whenever you can change your life you ain't got to be living that life you remember you can square up ain't nothing listen it's hip to be square like Huey Newton in the news because I'm gonna tell you something I'm gonna talk to you Street cats again let me tell you something Mero real real quick these these dudes is living it every day the real life does limit legit they kicking your ass they beaten y'all they kicking your ass I'm telling you the dude is living the right life every day he's went in ain't got to worry about going to jail I mean you got to created he got the good credit he's going on vacation you know I mean he gonna have your girl once you go to jail what's up player you're gonna have your girl once you go to jail you're done yeah key King do you love me no I don't love you and please stop calling here yeah I'm s yeah I mess with Brian now yeah Brian what who what Brian Brian to the board I work for the cable Cup yeah I mess with Brian that's my man now he didn't know he's where he's a man he's real that's nice he gonna talk to you on the phone that's actually gonna be talking to you the phone with you will you call him from the joints key please don't call you no more what I'm and my man come now you call him down the way trying to get you man to go step the Brian man you got to go see this ball man no I ain't nobody tell you to go to jail hmm you want to go to jail bait ain't nobody tell you to go to jail so so you know that's what you wanted to do you wanted to live that lifestyle now you in jail and you calling Kiki do you allow me no I don't know you know my love Brian cuz Brian know how to keep his ass out of jail and take care woman and take care these responsibilities that come with being with a woman understand well right now I'm gonna sign off young buck boy ed do your thing man have a good day man I be mindful man I between these this endless hour I keep doing your thing man I Love You Man and it's just like
Channel: WALLO267
Views: 84,123
Rating: 4.9473896 out of 5
Keywords: Wallo, Wallo267, Million Dollaz Worth of Game
Id: LS-UUbltm4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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