WHERE’S WALLO: Damon Dash (Season 1)

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[Music] that kind of thing is cuz you have to respect the people that that hurts when you disrespect somebody so it's almost like if a kid it's always about the kids so if you get kids down the rack you seen be punished maybe have it this way so so we'll get asked me to throw down you know so my other man move cool if you seen the movie on rut is played by Styles Pete and I knew him to Daniel who in the movie that's promote but that's really Daniel playing Daniel you got a lot of [ __ ] can't say Swedish it stashed it on the taste I know Ronald since you there's no murder anyway so he uh was hitting on this [ __ ] he was his lieutenant and he used to hit me with the work blue and so he knew the black from coming around and see me in my and I guess beyond my house like this is my name is you know time lease ticket but then all of a sudden they start killing like me got with him they just start shelling and everything they got convicted for you know it's crazy but I still had that kind of relationship with him from before that you know I mean he had the part you know it's almost like it was almost like if y'all hungry that that truck is here this is good I did another camera good somebody the tape was eating this [ __ ] oh there's another camera but you don't have to do it right this was another minion here huh I've been playing and supposedly his heart is hard when your woman is used to taking care of you even when she has people that can help she still wants to do everything when I'm wrong but what ends up happening is stressful for you and she doesn't she's put in so much work she doesn't need to know that she could chill I got a really convince her she's the queen so uh I'll get back to one let me finish the other thing so I've had to convince her I shouldn't have to do this but the reflexes to do it no yeah but then the stresses us out because she can't get me hey my baby I make not just I pay people to do this let me ask you a question what is the point of having you say some before communities the points I had women when your team it's all I tell her why I've come to understand that our sole purpose on this planet is to be slaves for women and the reason why is because when they give life and God gives life so the closest thing to God on this plane so how the [ __ ] could a man be applause all men here to do is be slaves for women and the reason why you know that is because men run the world and the world's [ __ ] up they don't let women won the world and they suppress the women the very thing that creates you you abuse God and they call yourself and go pray to the [ __ ] Lord what men do because they have testosterone there's [ __ ] go win so they're always going to be jealous of another man again what what another man has it's an instinct just when I keep myself around another man Herman because I might as a human even though respectful they might just have but I can't get so far a month so you don't even give a [ __ ] away give a man a chance to unconscious so they could be fall in love with other naked girls not on purpose app is by accident why would a girl want your husband to be around a bunch of [ __ ] so she could feel unsafe she could be the only girl so every [ __ ] no because there's no other girl when they think about gypsies won't be thinking about huh what's dumb so you'll want me sure want you to be around women instead of men just make sure she's the queen and that they're around her - yeah so you ain't got that and then you have her jealousy is nothing but love women create life life is love right so how the [ __ ] could they not be superior and we're so dumb look at the whole government shutdown over a wall because of a dude that's stupid this whatever no emotion that is just another planet every anything anyone outside looking and looking at that is like it's a powerful planet it is really a whole [ __ ] whole state country not even a city like people aren't getting paid they worked about free over [ __ ] wall so one thing causes so much more collateral damage that you still gonna do it anyway to prove a point it's not even business census it's costing too much to shut down the government it's hurting too many people how you aren't the people that are [ __ ] building the [ __ ] country guarding the country there's less police wanna shoot but that [ __ ] is this this is my counter this is exactly what if I was another country this is exactly what I want the country to do this is the best time if I'm gonna if I may have a country I'm in when they run a night staff like when they're hungry when they're angry when they can't fight how you going on your soldiers [ __ ] week that's to you as a man and other men support you with the prior me actually not a clue that's a man now you think a woman with that you think a woman would ever shut down the [ __ ] country over wall mama you take a woman but I think we should have women when the country and run everything for the wall you see how it works instead of a pressing F like whoever was oppressed for the last hundred years needs to have a turn the running because they've been [ __ ] it up so let's let's do it difference so we have a different outcome because the change in outcome must have a different pattern everything has to change and also gangsters shitty famous gangster [ __ ] who I was about to oh [ __ ] without thinking way but it's not about no gangster [ __ ] they just gotta step to the side and observe we got to change the pattern it's up to us tonight but just cuz somebody tells you your whole life that something is right and when you realize that is wrong you don't go back to doing it cuz you lose to it you change it's like when you find out somebody's a snitch I mean I love my to love them and with you used to done that's what that's how I would have committed to a big daughter can't judges this is my life it's the same thing what subconscious is someone stop it okay so we got to stop something that we know is stupid by changing and whack and everybody is still carrying that dumb flag so you gotta take medicine let me ask you this so anyway no offense I was born oh you don't finish it switch lanes right if I'm are waiting on watching this there's two different questions I'm action number one I'm an artist I want you to find a manager wouldn't manage of me and number two if I'm an artist and I'll put my [ __ ] how independently I'm doing my thing what approach should I take so just leader manager job traditionally the old way it's a label so he gets the deal so you act as a label until you create enough of a buzz for Elena and then you get a piece of the first to get your money back and then a good 20 percent or whatever it is is not a construct of anything else you want folk now for me so that's why I promised a different approach for the partnership so you don't really need a manager you can equity that you're doing you make that be a job and you can get paid based on the foodie kills but it will and the managers supposed to support what you're doing like a mega campaign be a manager and be broke to be like oh man unless you've got you a business opportunity that's gonna make you so much money and then manage it but like you can't come back we gonna be both home be broke you can't do that before when I used to sign artists as man give me some money sit comfortable that's what happened I was like now if I'm doing why am I giving today I got my start out as a soldier until I learned how to be a general but what's that know how to be a gentleman why would I be a so that makes motion right definitely no but you know [Music] I'm smart enough to be a general assumption this clown she doesn't [ __ ] I always [ __ ] happy and I don't argue only with people only with other men disrespect in my house so anyway so I ain't gotta watch him don't let that I'm saying that you don't listen to her mind your business if you choose to say something positive is like a logical place to leave so you have a difference of opinion but now you then get your opinion see in the future for them so being that I'm not in the street I just know how to be like your lucas-kanade easier for me and I respect your no warning air I know my ownership is I want to strip gives your controlling power and that's the only way to be happy because you want to do if you want to do and then you hire people to do things a weekend but you got to put in the work for us to some pain and Punishment cause that comes with it but if you like the choice the ship is fun it's like a port yes maybe set off chill yeah that's our happiness we keep the environment the idea how you like touch I'm saying I can't do that for me as a man I like that but my have my accent is that much could be an accident but but you know should you give me the advice of what a woman would say almost from a mega perspective but she might be like your destiny my perspective from a girl she can she say it's a bubblegum [ __ ] I'll be like she ready no she's a girl you can whip together realized [ __ ] don't know it's girls don't laugh at you in your face room cuz they cans like a blade give Maggie a punch in the face but they get around me friends and when you think you cooler than you are then you're doing some corny [ __ ] baby going on oh my god she's the funniest cuz she could eat a [ __ ] she's putting she even punches like a magnet like don't god damn I got bruises back for the jokes so [ __ ] don't know that when they clowning and they think they cool girls like this the pretty one chillin is it cool [Music] excuse you put it out you put it out in the soup now really what about now no you gave the managing all that you got is that if I'm artist I'm doing my thing spitting whatever I'm mellow singer I got my publishing mr. Benchley drought for me to go to maximize get all my brave what's the best way to go [Music] No stay healthy don't kill for no reason same thing that principals or your students wanna kill when I have to reason why I survived because I'm never killed for no reason I've never talked at all people when things were happening I've never got to say no right so right now we have options we do not have to kill rather we don't have to kill to survive - Emily dr. Donald one for you to eat you only had to kill the animal when it was calling you had to hide in the [ __ ] cave that you couldn't grow nothing you starving so you here [ __ ] animal to go kill something hate it that's the only justifying just like in the streets you know it turns into a whole nother situation only for defense so what you have love you've always got to be prepared for defense but you all be using it hasn't raised back to business that karmically you know you effect it's a domino effect it's a bad example so we don't have to kill animals be other sheep but we still do it we will have to kill we don't have to kill animal [ __ ] but the show that you rich you won't [ __ ] kill a little rabbit and put it on your [ __ ] car didn't [ __ ] Bible it says thou shalt not kill doesn't say that shot foul shot homie children's what about pigs now this smarter than those and you just got [ __ ] up because they told me I got all the G Rosen where people are we leaving before one so that's the reason what the cans are like that before yeah but now it is but sudden attic it will soon a minute to take a drug you get out put a menu eat their [ __ ] together but now you know they're not going to years of bad shape [ __ ] ain't even going to 85 I'm starting to lose [ __ ] at 45 and 50 like bacon shine are you yeah I think it's exactly like house phases yeah that's the food they usually back or used to be fed everything I know the doctor fell [ __ ] was smack some punch my man pump was uh you know but anyway you know who's on my block that died that was cool thumb where everything finally got their mind again we even got the L fight basketball court can't calm like your aunt it wasn't they just came home next day you leave on the court right now no cuz I remember even though I'm not industry I have a connection everybody I still love and anything that are still nursing I still feel reach deep and that's why I fight them but this realities were you sick of feeling I'm happy you know the more people you know the more time there's more exposure you love somebody that means you care about it but when they die the earth you hurt I love a lot of healing I love my coaching so when they hurt I'm I'm fixing that [ __ ] if I'm so good I don't feel it I turned on the way but even though I'm past it even though I do business and soak up small [ __ ] they're all that I still make time to make examples and [ __ ] that still are my people love comes with pain so whatever you love glass detective protector education so you ain't got the [ __ ] fight nobody forth or feel the pain when they hurt the Buckshot and the collateral damage of someone that you love gets hurt everyone that loves that person is all I do is fight for honor like the love about the women I fight for culture I just what identify the people that are earning it just so they don't want the people that I'm not here to protect it's like when I get is somebody's together than all the people that never care so you know what if I get it somebody like the Harvey like the Steve Stoute like yeah I wish I could smack them but I did some real estate so my disrespect someone if everyone's got a disrespect one and the consequence of that is that robbery you get beat up you know how it is you know what it is you would you did a bit you can show not one second a weakness not a second the consequence is crazy see a business the consequences is it crazy but I still feel like it is so I look at everything is my real estate and I'm protecting a ferocious because my real estate love not protecting love like it's my block I'm going all that for love love ain't got the worry because I'm here to protect love love ain't got to conquer more see girls can't fight for they so because there's no mustard they can't be physical so they gotta worry oil John 21 I love that's a woman like my totem they I at least if I love you could be a power so will be Beth my best interest to protect that and just let you concentrate on what you want to create life and just give in love see you put a man in power are you going through his love his self and put a woman in power and she called love up because she's used to it it's an instinct to love a child so anything she loved she goes love it right it's like a child because she knows how is practice what do [ __ ] do when they get it they don't help the [ __ ] they love supposed to me they make him work for they make him hang out with they make him only move when a move they make him work for them for the rest of the [ __ ] life it makes no sense them what's your homeboy to work for you for the rest of your [ __ ] life you want your home way to be an employee do that to me that's cool let me actually question I'm into this what is your most memorable one of your moves greatest times every charm is great well we enjoyed every second but legally now think about what you hustling with your business you asking no I just like to clean I know if I only one thing that would make me logically as a boss I say no much it ain't grossie so that little girl has to work let me know she just talk a different language so you know if I'm not thinking about how a woman talks I wouldn't understand the message the message let's get my she's a mom yeah but she made me do exactly where she wanted without me feeling like she's telling it that's the power of the one I date short after the maxi-single chemo ain't no [ __ ] ahead flip side their freshmen had the air to beat I know you like for my children if after that there was the more than unity for his own we win again oh come out the sweet stuff dissipating well Alyssa - give it to me on this tape I'm gonna take it to you but check talking in the challenge when you any doubt that you consume to me I got you this matter time going so you know I just want to go through the process and I was going quicker than expected soundtrack pain whatever it was I just did a young the guy was able to have Mane's with his kid like I want from the block to this I got to be a man all the way she would have his [ __ ] started in the black isn't by the time they get there they've given so much of themselves away ticket did they could get the book I'm still in the I'm still with Johnny do you got there but you don't still even though I'm not in the street I'm in the street you see no talking to people I see it really a little more real and emotion people don't know that like my circle is consistent just because I moved away from things didn't mean I moved away from mentality and I stuck with the people that have that mentality those are my best friend I love them I trust them because they have respect though the men that I bring around the minute I know that would never disrespect my women on my woman my queen you can't bring a man around unless he knows what respect is because he will disrespect your queen and you're only here to protect your queen so that's a lot no neg unless you completely double unless you have a kingdom of your only nurse if you don't you talk with mine and I'm just beating on you but I don't respect I don't even look in your kingdom because I got why did your kingdom if I got the kingdom Nick is that one another [ __ ] killing these [ __ ] that don't have a king so I can only hang out with [ __ ] that the kingdom they were only relate to me they will only understand my concern I think it's a different mentality you don't live like me a king can only really relate to another kid I can another cake they really only have a real conversation with another king you talk to other people don't got the same problems too that the same mission so that's why don't you talk to a boss I can only talk to a man with the same principle but then I got to worry about the other shoe where I got to worry about I want to be relaxed in my own house won't you come in my loudly outside I got a look by rules in the air huncles bucket need a present maybe but they take off your shoes you doing it oh you're not coming in that's death and when I say leave is that time I shouldn't have to say it twice I don't respect next time I'm not saying it so much but I started out nice long because I don't want nobody else to have to see - well was it a violation it's my way of going slippery I'll and he he came in he got his feet out management as I see you at this time I have the yellow just like honestly was like a social experiment I know actually I'd like oh wow how did you feel like it was phoned like but I would feel so funny like I do like I think everyone's laughing everyone is laugh I can tell me I'm maybe don't care yeah that's cool you don't care I just I only reason why I feel that is Compton cuz I like feet girls team so I'm gonna see another name I mean even like I would never want to see a [ __ ] be like poles he got nice just like that
Channel: WALLO267
Views: 173,556
Rating: 4.8496146 out of 5
Keywords: wallo, wallo267, where's wallo, where wallo, where's wallo267, Wallo Damon Dash, Wallo267 Damon Dash, Where's Wallo Damon Dash, Damon Dash interview, wallo season 2, wallo season 1, wallo 267, wallo267 interview, wallo interview, million dollaz worth of game, Damon Dash
Id: x6tBq57z9mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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