WHERE’S WALLO: Lil Durk (Season 2)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Max_Distance 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

One of his best and honest interviews by far.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DKuminoty 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] yamato-kun six seven they're hoping the season 2 of Where's Waldo right here my little brother Dirk man Chicago's in them listen we get it straight to the point right I see you I'm in a penitentiary cell doing dub I'm on a cell for him on illegal cell phone 2013 this one you shot to feel I'm looking at the field came out January 14 when world star to fill Chicago you young cat young me grandma grandma created Trouble Man grandma I'm not to lie was going to school she look up man I kept telling me he's get out early she ain't going for this [ __ ] award I'll see you the field come out once again January 14th right 2014 how many of them people that was in India at least do you think he was gonna make me think you can see and it's just like this so you you know you're out there you doing your thing and when you look at that it's like yesterday can I remember because that was my introduction to Chicago I'm in a penitentiary I'm hearing about it I'm hearing about y'all doing the 7/3 I'm a who Chicago all night then young K and you know is I'm used to a different type of channel coming out of Chicago you're not used to that [ __ ] so when I I'm looking I'm just looking at so I don't pay no attention but I program a lot of [ __ ] cuz in jail I remember anything so I come home I'm in the streets of Philadelphia and I go all around the country and I'm hearing lacking I mean in ops I'm hearing your whole thing and I'm trying to figure out see god damn cuz I had to go study Chicago myself to understand how Chicago infiltrated the slings of communities all across the country you could listen to every album you every every song it come on you hear out oh yeah and I remember only this was only just when I first seen it lacking if they put the joins up there in the field shout-out to uh my man you know they shot the film Ann listen tell up did it feel man but it's like at the end of the day it's like seeing you now just hear you just grow you said first of all how do you father doing I understand this because I did twice I understand what he just that time and you growing up how did Holly do you think that that was a major impact or you were you know taking it to the streets cuz you're probably wasn't they could give to me living like I got one would think he because I was saying muscle I'm really good relation will give you and how was it how often did you go see the time like what every today every month nothing as I started getting older I started in a city anyway and when he came out of jail how did you crazy it was like because like 80 to 80 people like from the trees all over so I'm speaker for everybody definitely me to be like mayonnaise like saying we're like nothing it's like it's like it's like this is real crazy but like to see you now now you were father how do you balance being a father and being a little dirt how do you daddy little dirt how do you balance it I right I took with a little difficult one I know cuz I miss a lot of family life trying to be the streets just like music Rob's most like the single thing I like to do the fame in the streets too close though I'm saying so what I'm not talking monkeys week what I want really like I have like I mean I agree just just sit back buckle down and really just know what I look like ain't I can't the way the streets did right not gonna lead them out of the house and could it be baby done yeah so I just got the behind London 10% my positive home you're not making for me and he had me to Temple let's do to that steps we come right home granddad yeah this is like Williams on phone I'm coming home and get all the key I won't tell me yeah but I see you light up man to see you just light up coming from that that Dorothy but who you talk about your kids you just light up and that's a beautiful thing now the whole Chicago is like it is like it was it was a small fire for a long time and when it first court you was right there now do you like one of the founders of this that death sound and drilled like you're just one of the founders you baby you know make other ones you know a Reese a by herb so it's like how do you feel like you like you over here now always knew I'll be different like always new hobbies home turn my ego maybe people kept saying I kept seeing it and I wanted to change I'm like damn I could really do so different because when we first started a street [ __ ] you saying now hmm why did you stop the way why just put the pain and the music side Herman have some people started even today computer started doing that Herman Allen with the I tried to take my arm that's on that little take my melody on myself to little little cuz you get out of people yes you got separate just that we might a see anybody G got separated separate source LPS good now were you going in that boot right what is what is the mind and how do you how you design these consistent you make x times back on you just on the allah book the people so i just my position with my my tail I just lock myself in the studio and I'm saying my goal was to show everybody played the [ __ ] everybody for whose radio - friends family members all dead in my hair like ain't no stopping chili off in that time won't eat the same people tickets let me get to you but I do it but you just remember yeah by just remember like you was like who was it who was it who is that person got any beginning they just was right like not family member that person that just was dollar damn from day one he was would it make still around this or don't they wanted to push push push but I was so deep in the streets David sometimes like job but then they'll Tim it was telling able to do drops and all I should get the money and they change it like drinking you when tell you to drop me off down the street sunlight plow on the walkway it was everything I get the big one dude but as I grew on my man what was your whole purpose again lot of just trust it going apply get some chicks no bring it back to the first time you see it I make it out I never thought I'd really like make it oh I thought everybody's done something I know I hate coming like this yeah we get our trenches where'd you get money don't we use on a block or what you gettin crumbs we hate my goal my goal okay I do but this back then you really make my freaky dolls are you okay yeah but my $50 bonus is a $3 on t-shirt Gotham stock boxes - those tank tops car Steve marker you and I just go change and I go to some stores just don't think it's like city boy hmm there's leave gonna block that was never seen there was your hustle yeah but deep down inside was [ __ ] me up to some knife is it was like it was running a time with no money I'm chasing the wrong [ __ ] down really like take my whole life around from people around actually kill people say I know a [ __ ] treasonable are you know weight loss treatment I looked at it like I can't beat written to that [ __ ] you didn't even got a story like that all because you ain't no street name why do you think when you start doing good it's like they they snatched your whole everything you ever did in the street by you just a square now what is that whole mentality everybody bro I had to accept it hmm I'm gonna keep pulling the plan to send that one owner to be like I told y'all my mother a little who's gonna putting on bottom sat down with it was a million over three four months never [ __ ] with you when he was in the zero at the time I studied real that is like right down the street she Lou there's an end up to I'm fine I was only trying to back in some way you got more folks in the hurt bad [ __ ] damn keys damn I ain't doing angel wrap them with month I'm treating hug not disrespect I'm trying to fit in like I'm gonna be that Street [ __ ] everything I just say first thing I tell you know that's a good thing cuz uh just being you know be able to have that brother you know deep thing your brother he was out I was slinging he was all days him and I come back he's a Maui he pumping he want you to he said he seen you in I see you on YouTube and say oh I'm going back home we good I gotta put this finance into him you didn't I'm saying and cuz y'all remember that and it was like just to be able to head it brother that got there because a lot of cats is hot on the street but they don't have that back somebody that but high point is everybody that's important bro cuz I know it five more cousin he went on him I said he got my back I can get to his cousin now we have to get to where his gun went to his brother that we had to but if I get to my brother's many words same else yeah no I just looked at everything difficult like I feel like it was all say it's like a baby for like you can't convince me like I've been in she says only time I ever got the next on my life is you can owe you a mojito mouth please no lawyer I'm not because I was so thirsty to be fresh I was a thirty just be like they're gonna deep in Chicago do you you only got to deal because in the field you was coming through the beam to drop top beer every day yeah that was 2013 yeah you're coming through the hood I think too many people go to jail and I always be like that I couldn't me so you stand up Silas do ya afterwards add the word it seemed like that's when everybody started walk-in like I can't okay I can't be an explorer but would would think he you gonna do a fast runs about as if it was the banks so you got that was like his home it's real yeah like then tabular I bet that's hard like my movie so strong well you do ice also handle paper angle contract like but I had to learn and they told me like what Connor I know st. I just believing them so much anyway I said to fans like I'm early stages it's not I probably we see it as I look at him down in the game I try to tell a by I want to see him and a lot of people don't see that successful they got a strong team did you orchestrate your team did you management Swatow who who is rated your team and how important - if I'm a young artist high importance having a good team very important I'm gonna push you to do your buck that should be the best you can be I'm saying but in the daylight you know the best team in really you ain't focus he can be tiny or I'm racing he could be tied in without me he could be tough but if you ain't got a little problem getting out of music you ain't got no relationship with these peoples like some relation supersede anything relationships get you probably gotta had a good product to me there's gonna be good you got yeah good get it with bad news yeah and it seemed like a lot it seemed like to see my gimmick and a lifestyle is beating out the music sometimes like their lifestyle their gimmick sometime it's like some people might hit did you you'd be seeing people like damn priority is popular I never look at her like thickness you get more you got Jay Cole with all the talent you know give me but then you got the neck artist but the biggest give me good a room but on top but he'll Tommy any on top so choose one feed you yeah if it's a game you go you can make is like did you Father funny with the jail right here's their money one eight million how did like you did you I know you felt like I got it I gotta turn it okay my dad you know you want to you the dang I like that with a million dollars back in the day he was like oh I get that time I was gonna stay home and tell my man nah it was how father's bury money whiz I believe you got some money over here over here over with the money left recipes he's stolen no [ __ ] you like [ __ ] you left me out here yeah well yellow steel used to be my dad I need some money I come on the business gonna start Monday wait a minute now now for Chicago you know I always ex artists athletes how do you spin your influence meaning how do you use your influence to use your influence in any way to do things for kids you can't go up in the ghetto yeah we did but bad drives all that type [ __ ] it was it was really nothing but I think just like when I just go to the mall when I was born like Opie Jean was playing basketball with the key like grown to like the whole lifestyle LA Fitness all like she'd be like hey my life and I had a conversation then he'd take the information just change his life so it's about not saying gift to break there's no kid yeah you know it's like you know you go through your life you just be like me like you know me and I mean spending the time in jail I understand that you had a moment but you ain't had that moment you had to you know that moment weird so you just dear but ever you like the world and left you even do you still got some people do and it just be like man like you you know that wound was dead dead that roughest movie cuz there was mine you know just being movies your roughest moment life well you was like wasn't when you was successful doing your thing you just went to that dark place when did you go to that dark place when was like you know we have my damn trees you'd be like damn I'll talk to him I've been feeling just always miss support but I know damn real when you really go in the house to see yo girl my friend yo mom crying don't let these girls crying yo cuz you look like like I'm so used to going to everybody else I was crying I was crying like okay yeah this she hit home I really got lucky I need that every time I sell when we focus do I do I do but it would but it's like like what do you do that nobody knew that you did I kill what is something that you that people be like what they're always got dad you did he was scared no I just woke up so I wouldn't look sad I don't know bro he's like I'm gonna play with like I'm living in your life people daddy empty like if I got some guys that be like I'll be like what's so much like you know you go to catch don't think the world is great now you gotta go see you gotta go now I'm saying different place you got your thing but a lot of people you'll see in a lot of people in do you do you read I read without love not like they usually you know how do you get your information what is your what is your stronger your stroke is outlet outlet did you use the most to get information and receive information and just to get you those together know what I mean about Excel is bad conversation listen yeah might give you pops everybody who got a voice and no bit do something like I listen like I see them be like I know about credit are there somebody know huh how far did you get into the rap game when did you finally learn about credit I know what early age why didn't know how to go about fixing it I'm doing telling them no Caulkins my name like okay we're came nothing but anybody you know that your your kid you gotta get something name in the cream not yeah of course but that when I realize on my okay he talking about me about locking in the studio yeah more fun way that's honest he's a pal like you might alone which is balance anything out there what you want to do it's like now it's like because I artists gotta mean it's like you know the sneaker deals all that all these activations that these brands be having it's like see back then with money yeah but like you beat a million dollars you look at everybody in the house so now you spend a million dollars yeah it so better to the the price every day going up lifestyle change you want to be your favorite best ball today so when you get that money you spending it it's like you're gonna back broke down you know it was like the same like record deal Studios really even out to it like what is what is SD beauties be throwing away this sweet is he doing he be told some people but help so my fastest right now now do you have any businesses going around the country are you playing a good thing good team to buy it a bad thing you $40 for you guys for you [ __ ] yeah you gotta hate me you want I got my money from your team they would tell you like no take that for me you didn't keep it believe good Tony back into the trucks war let's go half on a billion well I guess the tank team again mmm-hmm that's important like now in this game this dude is this video game like all these videos when I say video game up tell my life everything is doing how important is to visually like if I'm already something how important is that visual test sounds important cuz the keys the keys want to see me want to be doing a video that's how you dance after dance like this and at the same time that's how you gonna see Yoshi if I got this type of t-shirt I know you're gonna go like well when our way back now now has any brands that you like to wear the most ready you come to you with a check you I get to live although music would be like could you get the money you know it's not that they offer those and you like this what I want from 1 to 10 where are you one 200 where are you now the way you want to be it no yeah where do you pull this dough you down in the game and we're with no but you want to be able to it's a lot more we get a lot more there's a lot more we gotta grip no honey flats no you are you better seem off of a deal you don't look at that's good you own look at the team like that now before we go like who do you listening to who put the who is the mainstream news from the city and who what to do is you listen to in the streets of course America you know dark let's do to get melodies down soon oh listen man you got this first here where's wallow I mean like melodies food on it you sound the conversation talk to somebody go talk to muffle for being a maid like that that James my video my yeah okay is like come say you can go a long way yeah so you got your game again you know use a lot of people of like there's a lot it's a lot of artisanal rolling that's why I would honestly interviews are never namely my baby so many so many as you listen to him so many but everybody have to do anything right let them if you ever get the chance listen till artist named Saba alright who Chicago You familias opposite he is the [ __ ] man shot on the sava man I see him perform I see me perform here in a small room last 2018 like a round Cole Bennett I not seen cold when he was turning the corner I was telling people you want to get all you got to get a cold in the video because there's been like cold Bennett let's not tell people this no disrespect to any other music platform Cole Bennett platform is organic is real and if you can if he shoot a video he put you on his YouTube it's out of here it's out of here baby piglets labels oh yeah he's he's blame this credit down reviews we can can something back to you mostly trees dance no types maybe shouldn't want to share you can shoot you the walk across this chair you out of here or again nothing yeah but it's like the youth like he know do you like mr. Sam you got Yoshi it's right here now watch house casting see I'm gonna Instagram all right you got all these ways to go independent these Asians just do your thing but if you're young boy you and you get him you're dying to get out and this day and time is different from what you was trying to get up won't recommend would do you what would you tell a young artist they could get a deal they could be you know because they don't talking is independent [ __ ] Empire I'm going to mean what would you tell killing yeah you can go in bed at the end a steel high you meet yourself today break it down for me now I'm gonna let you go but I'm gonna seize him to you and there's some real [ __ ] from the heart I didn't know the importance of who I [ __ ] with until I went to prison and I was sitting and I understand why I was in certain situations in my in my journey and once I start understanding that it was too late I was in sales when I come on like me I wanted them boys is like I ain't I ain't gonna sound paranoid by month but first I'm always driving with a car where he's invisible like a ghillie they dip up [ __ ] invisible cuz I just don't I don't deal with people why you traveling through this journey be mine for the people you deal with be mine for the people you know hey intentions be mine pull up their temperament and how they deal with [ __ ] because you're not just out here making music you out here Tinky a lot of families a lot of people is always depending on you bro in a ain't nobody will look out for you like you're gonna look out for you so sometimes our surroundings you know I've seen a lot of people with these around this put them in fastest ways to always be wary about that always know that you know is people discount know you do some saying and keep doing your [ __ ] thing no matter what and in fillers doe every day when you you know where you going that booth ain't nobody [ __ ] with me cuz listen i'ma tell you right now if I going to poof so you you wanna go say that already but would you think the next day we say what you mean saying what booth in there and that no you tell my anybody [ __ ] with me just talk about down the way I ain't talked about anybody else give me something you got me all that mortality you know I'm tell metell I'm just telling on you know you just that you know I'm just talking [ __ ] but I'm saying like if I going to poop right now you ain't [ __ ] with me you ain't hold my hold my hold it so I'm gonna and I'm gonna come up with like that's the head at - I just wanna think kill [ __ ] you know I mean everything is possible in the culture that we're now having weight you know because you're keeping up with the speed of coach yeah that's important I know he's doing his thing is probably just you tell me get your baby out there doing this thing I'll say like you got influence and didn't know I mean a lot of people would you do what I do you can change the game but I appreciate you you're not mean for being on this platform with me I appreciate you man but doing what you're doing out there cuz you know a lot of people company like I say you think you have families man this is real man I respect people who you are crews you know because what you rap about man is it because you know you're a human fruits not respected this where's Bato man Dirk addiction man Turkey oh man and it just like dad
Channel: WALLO267
Views: 538,398
Rating: 4.9247723 out of 5
Keywords: wallo, wallo267, where's wallo, where wallo, where's wallo267, Wallo Lil Durk, Wallo267 Lil durk, Where's Wallo Lil durk, lil durk interview, wallo season 2, wallo season 1, wallo 267, wallo267 interview, wallo interview, lil durk rap interview, lil durk, million dollaz worth of game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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