WHERE’S WALLO: Deion "Primetime" Sanders (Season 1)

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[Music] I went to runnin orally man this primetime show Thomas you see I'm drinking water out of champagne glasses so you know some spectacular stuff going over here right now now I'm gonna say something cuz I need y'all to know this man this is where's wild or what man don't watch me here my man back in the day I was supposed to go to Notre Dame where he was that Florida State gotta be out there was one of the first balls they had the Jerry kill with the change or I'll put that out there I had to hide it what that had to do it no today yeah you never heard this part of the story I don't call guilt or don't call you know [ __ ] is he's a he's a hater ballistic I was opposed to golden every day when I see you at the one camera throw my age I've got seen at the one can't lose in Middle America I had I had the I had to activate all of my change I'll do it play like oh man okay see when I'm doing I admit I'm drinking but what I'm saying is I come through mm-hmm I was a fool I messed my ACL up okay that's what stopped me before the Notre Dame right and being the real pumped I don't know why you think no today no I'm just saying that's that's one of you it wouldn't and then I was really college by month my easier without only visit no no no it went out was I was playing in the park down the way okay so this plans in that would bow who bald okay when I want so he wanna be a prime to all him I had the moves but you had it no but you had it I was a guy at the curb I was like this is this is Kirstie biker look you're right listen my job was wet my head wet well this month my jewels be so wet right that my back is dripping I had the real job so did you were a girl bag at night I had to so you messed up a lot of pillowcase you don't know but I had the plastic covering over my home - okay so we just be with his wife who wouldn't ow my girl cuz that was the game that's where I was at I guess but I knew I was gonna be that guy but whatever the story is this opposition huh I was a wide receiver man you act like you when you see me do that day no no no no moment I mean there was nothing to see you drop the smoothness listen you do know how many years ago that Wallace man I know you know it's not storage master had my feel when I'm thinking yeah but I'm a sadist now we gonna give to the mother stuff because obviously see people don't wear game I credit you see I still got to change all I got here the Flex oh no my baby which I big Gilly got me doing I shouldn't come at you like that but man I be watching Gilly better he got me doing this to use a hook but we donate this was going on we got listen what I love about these this this do never stop being relevant even at the sports this dude listen to do his binoculars spectacular he always came to you always really always aggro now you got the 30 for 30 just came out and he is giving up the game of life on a 30 or 32 man I was in prison I see now well I had a 30 for 30 ain't even get to see your gym and I seen the previews in the previews they grabbed me they were so they were so I'm somebody was just like yeah I'm trouble just like get over here so now it's like when I see down okay but I'm gonna be a little hurt because I just see my whole my whole game I see you right you right here on my wall you know people weren't living the glory days true I'm still only yesterday all right I'm not even watching it here so if I can help you with it but I need that joy to get like I could help you with I'm trying to get like this to us keep Washington like that kind of thing the Curl Curl but this is the whole game but I'm alive is dead she always give it real you always keep it real but you and I know but she keeping the realist it's informative in its educational to the cat's it's a game right now because you know there's so much stuff coming today the game that stuff but I'm saying you know as always we do politics and all that but I'm saying this back in the day y'all had all the women trying to trying to get a business yeah all the women trying to trying to get there but it's on another level it's theirs on a whole nother level in the last Vista Kate macer 50 to get technology there but you ain't go to sleep and a lot of these cats is super green law was more HIPAA back in Jerry knocking nobody y'all was no Hitler the steps of life and but a lot to do even handle because the paper is blended in the paper in a understanding because they got to a paper coming in front here details linking attempt rich don't make you okay baby day the game true so so when you do see a young kid and frankly that game every checked over like if I see somebody man but do you think like a lot of a lot of these do you think is because a lot of artists a lot of every sort of fashion itself at the wrapping the notices every okay okay okay let's dive into the testimony you hear me koala levels of testing okay you know I was like I want even saved at the time but I was having Church Obama's testifying in there thank you baby Emma's eigenvalues will get up in the pulpit around the flag you wanted them to grab that man can say diamond Rolex is on my feet because I got to do with this money I'm change your perception of just means design you catch did that miss well I don't think a lot of people know anything like as I make my intro deflation spanked or where to find a seat but primal must be the money oh my god one day a man money goes to get make sure the beautiful people get rich okay accelerates all to do is have the fire and that's the game football and basketball I'm Houston I have over two weeks a year because the consistency of the to school that was that was heavy though man like what is it nobody wanted to me it won't ever to me because this one oh and one thing I wanted to do I never [Music] never leave the game oh you did you say dinner you never came to game a need you yeah you still gotta definitely about better so it was like I had to switch up now what you talking about love what wasn't in your life right you playing sports you got every woman in the world screaming your name now when you get into some not that no real know who was the first introduction to learn because as as youngsters man you know positions mommy's working in and a muggle so oftentimes she never gave what you know [Music] okay never heard of a man no okay let's get this straight most of us they never heard it from the main I love you I love you too look even validate things things yeah so I give you this man labels you give me some attention so we quit this look okay okay that's deep so if we go halfway through life and that's all you got to figure that bigger because we attracted so much stuff there's so much it's coming out now we got to put them into different we don't want we'll talk to each other so as me we got on so many masks and so much stuff to come that's what we make mistakes I believe it's something that you just said it's very important and I got to bring it around and this you said we've never had a man said I love you never have you see listen we were so important to co-found about what you say it is there I see you do that with your boys you always like this you always kiss from you must get top and enough I figure - I've never seen the display of love you see mothers everywhere everywhere you barely see bodies okay so we get the numbers I know y'all go on in it but you don't understand that means is we try to reach out to the dads to come see your mama go scream that's all I did into ego frenzy all it dad have to do is give you a kick to it mama could take you shopping like a wonderful meal daddy this comfortable gaming that's all yours [Music] to the point we never see that on so should we never see that in life then I love that [ __ ] on the spring that y'all don't loving each other not into Santa in this room you know what we saw movie shows the kind of show we blew up all those different shows good times good times ready okay jay-z knows what real dad real dad never really said but he was dead working is never met but he kept up he was willing to do everything he ever did he number four let it go samples over half the early episodes is what just bred in the mind that's what you've never wanted to give every merit in them or Lamanna handle on either because they knew each other Fred always showed that most of the solid it was it was like there was a lawless thing that we had he always with you he never he never even something demoted who fight the filling and it's like damn well you can see that in a world that's like cuz I grew up under my dad I had my step hop but he was even in the street he wasn't asleep so it was never that he was always so pale you know even the street view Joe was like I never had the body to say yo man tell me I love you and I knew I was chasing it you know me but it was like I grew up and I wanna find a catch independent street od'd in the penitentiary walk y'all gonna read this book they read Lovins I'm like yo man this dude was like I had a dude that was like a popularity potentially and he's always beating out there's no man you know these boys read that book why didn't his office he would check me out it felt so shoes like poverty you know me and I was chasing it and I didn't know if I didn't hold it when I was young George legend get blown man what they had these are the show nobody nobody show that is not gonna show it like now you know a Viking paper they think door like this no it's true the tree weight and going that man that trigger treatment fight night at the end of the day is like man I see rights man there's no resolution it is deep and it's like definitely I'm really respect you for that because anybody's watching that this major but what you say it about these football teams is football teams all across the country in the hood doesn't know that's Tony Scott we got that basketball and if you like I could under better plenty games I'm like and I didn't roll past some homies did I knew you liked it that my game is kidding no good buckets keep you down the way I just hope I can get buckets you got to be in the world because if you don't be there somebody gonna get somebody gonna a game with a son in the game is not beneficial to the delivery of the game irreverence the package rather the gun and they got haven't won a dummy mission because that's not their baby visitor it's not their responsibility to be out there for a baby so you gotta be real work and it's like us in the hood we gotta we gotta keep looking out for each other we got to remember man I don't care how much money you get don't have you don't have your kids like no social media trying to understand like do something because could and be like damn you know a better bridge a better if I got it together here but and don't nobody nobody you kind of bring it together that's the common just because you have some friends the greatest people yourself yeah she's ready yes no no no but I love what you do watch are you what I do you got to understand both of whom that thing like I said man I got to see you you captured me man you grabbed me pulled me in and now you got me I had you met me because yeah you know you love your yeah that's what happens when I was in that cell and my brother got killed I already want see everything is all done my brother I said listen I gotta go back over these babies oh wow Jimmy's gotta be a man no matter what happens no matter who's going on no matter no matter all that [ __ ] gotta go out the window I gotta be a man I was [ __ ] being the street than their puppy the real [ __ ] you got these babies out here I really got to step up and if she's gonna happen I gotta let that [ __ ] go because it was like this so when you see me in a peaceful I got the music in my ear I'm thinking about him because I can't even be they still go so it's like I'm going wrong can you every damn it is like people are people that get it because they like Rises do so everybody because his dad is a fire does it mean that [ __ ] ain't never go out it ain't it ain't it ain't powered by gasoline and they fouled by paper or wood it's just a fire and I'm like listen man I gotta get this because that fire that I gotta meet and connect with a lot of people are good there's a lot of people that there's a lot of people that need that [ __ ] I mean I was in the sand I didn't miss I'm free and I need there were some days we as though I'm sitting there and peanut butter jelly sandwiches all paper he's I'm saying or just taking a spoon and just cuz it was like I ain't calling my people a texting for nothing I'm still waiting for these people to give me a job in the kitchen so it was just like me and it was like but you know what I say what do I need in order to get where I'm trying to go in life I said all I mean is anything is this out everything I've already done it was on peeped out on my horse we always say that did you give me this guy Bob you look at there's like I gave you everything so God as well and we're right yes you what series because everything you if you this life stuff Desilu this car get there so you know you gotta you gotta be willing to work I got toes mice mice today a while but that takes it again my super games about a student board I said listen man Todd Gurley I'm gonna miss my man I'm saying I'm banking on them to win you something I ain't a cameraman but about well as I put the household because you know I believe ever need a donor to the future but I must say this I said dog you got me messed up I'm not in a position in life to be watching them okay I don't want to hear you did saying I don't watch games I said you know what because I would know when I learn to work why you by going on the plane you own chance set your own stuff look I don't know and there were people in the restaurant but this man came here prepared as a family let's do this it's a good I was he get that jump saying I mean I was supposed to go to Brussels my baby she's like baby I said listen baby she's no man and there's something my daughter car no you not give me kiss go in I was one morning breakfast which I said listen baby I'll be right back try you know no thing she understood but it's like when you show what you gonna blow up but you gotta be willing to show up and I'm told my showing up is your presentation and you tell this I'm not this I was here early I wasn't here we got to maximize your moment indeed we remember when with magic stepped away from the brothers and they gave and it was it was that moment right with everything with everything and I think a lot of times a lot of people be able to multiple modes I never see listen people have multiple moments me I live like listen every day this might be my last day on earth god I wake up I said what soon as I wake up I really because there's a lot of people ain't wake up this morning and I'll say this you wake up listen I ain't saying that even water that going to do anybody else right I don't just I need you I don't need you for this stuff I'm gonna for me number this morning it pains me to perform asleep if you wasn't going out there before me you when it got paid some other things every day I may get taken for my balloons cuz I'm saying if you don't kill you why No you got you got on a dead folk that's the only reason I'm crying because what I did and you know what I left about it was there's a lot of people right one day I remember me and my nephew together so somebody said oh man football players this is our third me and my nephew look we kept walking so they don't stir damn huh mi wonder with team they play home with them oh wait the movers day just a third I said listen that you never going on babies you know why cuz I said don't be in a helmet all day and a lot of cats ain't got no fish now today we gotta sell the brain that's still way down I said listen at the end of the day I said I said every day they don't know how well that might cut off they don't know how to give it to him I said listen they gotta understand you're not averey your entertainer if we do believe that they would entertain that's where the response is gonna come that's where the where's won't come there they go suck it to your pocket like a rocket well you got the room with all day you gotta listen well you got that helmet on a day you hit that intro know you make that door you better head advanced you bet listen you were you hit me when you hit the side of that hill you better take that helmet off you baby you got to live you got to live outside of that hell that's right listen if you don't do that you ain't gonna win and that's why I make Stevie certain people they get my game I do that why I do that let's leave that you know you want to thing out right at look at his vein he's able to decorate the interior because let me tell you stuff anything you'd go down and get hurt so do you get on that field you better a lot feel you better secure the teachers of the family members you'll be living to meet and you got to do that I set it on at the end of the day I don't listen man I didn't yeah the fourth-quarter baby and you know we don't know about his time so he started play you start to take things for granted in life whenever watch yeah that clock is in your way and I'm down let's see I get better that's cool see you're going at didn't I see you you know this right him this week was the first week I ever got but every time I see [Music] [Music] mathematics like mathematics either you help me multiply do you have a me a if you're not you subtracted the dividing when you get to go you got a roll out position let me tell you something I did other the folks one time when I said everybody can't go I'm just being undefeated in life there's not enough women to Jack baby if anything out there make me a check it is not enough personal but listening if you don't bring value to bother you devalue value you're not going to value my value baby I'm not a baby today I know what I got damaged when I showed you so listen when I showed up I jumped out of an easily because I would said no whole another indigo hotel oh we know the side I know you put the room ahead baby so listen I go to the other jordu said no this is wrong once Nick so I jump in another uber slide up right only thing I had was my mama gorilla grip in me listen to my music right here the lobby chilling waiting he's I'm saying because I still was okay because I'm listen listen I'm here to work see nothing work but work you complaining ain't gonna work you know maybe else am I gonna blame it ain't gonna work entitlement gonna work work gonna work so imma work so so my whole thing is like I'm trying to lead by example when I'm low boys that look like me that grew up like me there's you know where people try to get them and put a name on oh you can't do this your daddy in here you black you can't do this but of that I'm the one that's gonna say they lying they glad don't let people put the insecurities and they feel you because we're big this big journey to light they even beat down in the ski and they lost the imagination because we do want to feel with a little kids they imagination unbelievable it's a might come a killer mike rigs a quitter so why would I believe that's crazy now this is what it is in the game right now who is you feeling in the game right now where'd they go I'd like the team I think already doing it ain't nobody ready here we know we're tuning i'ma tell you together each achieve more together each achieve more and when you willing to understand listen to me I only got the opposite but I know you know what let me stop my 5% overhead would be 50% we will go give a whoops man you got three see when you want me to understand here because a lot of people say oh I just got a honey Mike and when went by self the brand name with myself Kobe anywhere by itself is right and you ain't gonna buy something I try to tell people sometimes you just got to understand once you need me to do that's the whole excuse me yeah you told me there's a while before we do this interview man I need you to go grab him oh wait weird no no I beat it and I'm reading earlier but guess the whole thing nobody everybody's about we live in a world where nobody is worth it everybody's here that ain't a lot of soldiers you got you gotta sit back and wait you do learn to reach the tournament but but it's like it's like it's just crazy but you know what those that know they were diggin beetle they're gonna be some next levels of life we gonna keep giving them how we given these I mean we won't keep doing our thing and that's the point because you know what we adds so much more value did you know where you see brothers like us that's how we're pushing it out for their positive energy out there showing about example just important because the babies are watching no matter who you think we didn't talk about now he just said the camera on the table so this is this is what it's about man and it's like it's always a pleasant but you got different generations is able to talk and have a conversation young brothers out there that's what I need you to do I need you to start taking advantage and start draining the OGIS love that oh geez meanness this will OG mean Oh G me offering game started raining live and when I'm talking my game of trauma God's intention motivation education you better start draining they work you need it work to do but they can't work for you and you're not trying to connect with them and say you know what you was here you are in the experience you won't give me that better you better they owe you go get all that information like I needed to show an army they get to isolate yeah how can I get a picture get the game photo as proof that we met that's it in an airport going through my plane talk to you the game with you instead of just sit back and you won't be to write my name on a piece of paper that we had this moment because I want to see your people and what you take we don't believe you so you had to capture this moment I'm trying to get the game an indie game everybody when I first met a girl then I want to answer things I know you wish you went bad what dr. J it was I mean you know you know and I just hate when you go something into that see see see see that's what it is because I was to do listen this what I used to do in prison this is deep when I was in prison I used indigent people like a cat did this peking i was interviewing when I was in prison a young cat had come to prison I cannot be subdued I might even run a while you know my burn me I'm not gonna bore yourself give him a loose dog hey listen be in the yard in the morning or even come to New York and no allow you to do I just think on the book of life we walked in York and each other so so what's going on out there not dismissive you got a thing called Google did that turtle Google you to do this because you know jail you build time so just really so I'm like here you tell your buddy yeah you gonna do that social media I write stuff down so every time I came to town I wouldn't do to go talk to the people that this pain to jail not even intended to the real world of the before at all I wanted to know everything I used to access thousand questions and do everything else whatever I said now the problem is - you don't wrestle anybody that's why you'll know that you talk to the home of the training train war story that stuff oh we know that already see listen I already knew how to be hit the key but that's not going to take me bro I can't go go away because I ain't so I knew I had to advance and I had to go to the next level if it makes you take you to the next level information take a private jet I like to do some saying information is the BJ because what take you around this world and people understand that you sit back thinking oh I need just know you need information because if I got information I could connect I know where to be at you leave and that's what it's about and that's why I'd do my thing but listen I hold you up I need a date to information to me I need you to go myself two things two things okay I crank the real dough no no no I mean just even in the car dog listen that changed my life I told seat change listen this what happened you know was you still hate he made about it can I said listen man I got things for my buffing this I moved when I was jealous he was gonna miss maybe you know who he was listen it was a neighborhood named karate gyro right walk names in Vietnam name doesn't anybody been able to do the dangerous because he is karate yeah he was a vicious black duck right so listen tried to see her get a move like I don't know maybe I did we know he's a blanket so we don't know he just couldn't listen you know how we knew I'd be my neighborhood wrapped in fear nobody nobody nobody nobody never seen him out there now but nobody that was healing everything tied around his wake up was like a long squab he would be trotty's for yellow and nobody never seen him fight no no no you never have to use me I know it scares that I see any disability took me around but you never seen it like we saw goofy be breezy yeah it was obviously boy do we do so but this one happened so every neighborhood got a black karate man every neighborhood I'm not gonna really have one you probably just delayed in filling no no every listen Compton Southside Chicago Brooklyn everybody got a black body man thank you I understand everybody got a black karate man so what happened is this and everyone got everybody [ __ ] retinol in tough ecology skater so I see not took too many arrows you see I'm saying mark at that time at that time yeah oh yeah that was crazy at that time I was about mom break my record probably was about like seven and three seven I got knocked up about seven times and I had three drawings wish though I didn't win but I stayed in it they would even nugget bugs out like that back there like they are now up list I was little I was skinny like the threaded do to threaten me and throw a joint up with this crazy if it's you know can I wasn't I wasn't trying to flip my track game went in order our good corner I already knew how to get about understand so this what happened give me now that's what happened I said I got a big right here because one thing I know people fear what they don't understand so something happen I didn't stand stay inside oh he knows something and they owe me like they were you thinking that was the old plan so now when I've seen the last dragon and when I can was place rest of you dressed a piece of my brother because I'm there I don't talk to me if you would ever I couldn't be you see you in the house TVs Bruce Lee he was older so I couldn't just be him but I always fight put the whole journey to go see it then I had known as mad as you kidding me listen listen tell y'all got no berries though was I posed to do you thought it listen just is just um listen before we had listened before this even happened I had this type of stuff for my brothers I told get guilty oh I want to take huh you know how killing it down I had yeah okay I need y'all to put y'all look good in it yeah okay Lexi this is a whole different odor yes well you didn't you just kind of crowd with the diversity of people gave me like culture yeah you gotta take your prices up so you get so foot so it's for 420 right okay miss for 420 you just say fo you know 22 then you get to two all the time because you know what they won't be eating a wine of maybe 25 or 30 there you go the hills it ain't no no matter like change dinner you never change that's why you say that okay he got emails New York he gonna take you to him okay don't get them a bunch of it yes that's yours go get them okay get him some look em up so so the whole thing is the whole thing so it's like I went up there or the gym a tray tray raise your hand hey baby baby baby girl baby girl you see ya know that's it that's it baby baby you see ya you see how there you go all the way over there you go all the way over there yeah so so what happened is this I'm sorry yeah we got away from this is important but the kids we gotta look our behavior what happened with this this is the one t-mobile I found when I got that call I said yeah we do it yeah I got a call so my somebody that dead their new the garden created and all the divider he said though were you and I see you gotta be a whistling about certain time I said here I don't care what you doin I'm coming to get you just come on so he like will be going out today don't even worry about that it's come on you think I'm gonna do any good gotta call a fool of me you listen I get there so now when we give you know you gotta come here you gotta get on the ferry he'll complain the whole town when she listen he supposed to so let me explain something to you he man could be like yo you're getting entree to do got you just listen this dude is a boy she ordered black you know Jesus insane this is the best answer he dealing understand he was testing me to see and I really want to be the Last Dragon the final drag no that's that's when he crowned me demands red boots me boy do that out listen I had many crowns you yeah you see so uh yeah yeah but you know somebody crying no no you know you know he know did you see me they was showing up this dunno he's really the best I never do to kind of show no you know bad no but you Navy that app that the real stoner I just yeah but see to listen once once that happen I'm like that I knew that day you know you know you know what's happening you're a hate you right hand right you hate him right now be CC they'd see you and you know y'all got some new kind truth don't y'all you got some to town today y'all just I'm starting to believe please let me say this let me say this man when that happened when that more than happy we don't get back to that moment that the globe when am I got that girl I blue gills seen it and that that moment it was like I'm even saying that this boy because he might keep me in foster still I had that type of Paco when you got the deal was you was sitting there and he was like he was at all he's like things this is real you know in a minute who do you see I didn't say girls say that he did wanna you know Gil [Music] get on there go his boys dorm it is easy start all of you start mr. Pollock no no no that's your life this drawing is over no he will allow some I see you know a lot of time severe but I want to how can I just say given you know me but he's a neither man come on blacks in Haiti we can't do that man it's like dudes a hater like I see I need you now Oh you see you tell them to the girl man see this person because he hated on no but I want to know no I'm so so so knows right everybody know I'm final dragon it was right here sorry I got a lot of backlash but a lot of people out of here screaming off because they wanted that position so it's I'm cool what's up buddy what's up man I think I'm soon okay I said I need your bag all right I'm sorry I hit your back okay lighten in the film up in a minute all right so the other one is what the other one is the girl man you come on stop no what happened this is what happens yeah you got on state I was in a relationship like like you know meaning I had a lot of I had a lot of uh pitches I'm be treated I had a lot of she probably got me feeling he didn't note I came on but it was cool it was cool man I was in the joint but I was in the joint I don't know I had all my baby I had the books I had anything you gotta understand well was it yes hi everybody we are cool yeah I'm judging uh yeah I was your definition of okay all right okay when I'm here I'm here I see what you're not a player listen to this now understand and then he gonna come to me about the whole PC situation that was pursued I really don't touch into issues like that that was personal behavior on me about that like no no no you didn't I said she she was in a relationship he said no I say so it's not a relationship what is I just told you I just told you she made me feel good when I was a I'm not judging he was you know karate man use the word I cannot do that don't do that but I will say this I will say this Earl was imagine you taught me stuff okay Earl used to get understand I see the girl ever have about anybody ever seen her fight they were scared to death or hide you don't have girls like everybody chop and drop finish this thing up so this this is going on now we won't get into this real quick things you got good things you do I want you to what I want you to do is a one minute message that's important to all the dads out here all the dads out there shopping game how does that give understand I know dealt with it dealing with it right now is real but your disdain for the x-babies mama whatever happened that you guys made a bet you ain't got none who the chance now see the thing about as a child you don't have the audacity or the gift to get experience God does so you were chosen yeah knowing that you were chosen that means you have a responsibility your responsibility to provide protect you got to speak wisdom you got to speak light build them up you better do everything you can and see this is one of the problems your pain you gave them some just because they've not talking I'm talking about no birthday no Christmas last time you just did something [Music] he gave it to you man and is just like that I want to do seven right here this rare swallow the one and only the legendary Santa's man mr. 34 30 he's out there he's doing it up man but I'm gonna be straight up I was the first do down here with a jheri curl a super wet dirty curl my back you gonna put the chains on again I was gonna go to noise no today who they not gonna know I messed my ACL up that's another story see this is what I'm talking about you want to give me my credit I was gonna be one of the greatest wide receivers and waiting go to go cap you
Channel: WALLO267
Views: 80,919
Rating: 4.9664335 out of 5
Keywords: wallo, wallo267, where's wallo, where wallo, where's wallo267, Wallo Deion Sanders, Wallo267 Deion Sanders, Where's Wallo Deion Sanders, Deion Sanders interview, wallo season 2, wallo season 1, wallo 267, wallo267 interview, wallo interview, million dollaz worth of game, Deion Sanders
Id: qYTYbzpFVbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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