Landing in the Mountains of Colorado- Dallas, Texas to Eagle, Colorado in a Private Jet

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dallas texas just uh flew over from naples florida on our way to eagle colorado one thing that happened here we're down to one runway ops here at dallas love and uh came in on 3-1 right which uh is very uncommon and i've never filmed it before so actually filmed the landing so why don't you guys watch the landing while you're doing that i'll get the airplane ready and after that i'm gonna go grab premiere one rider put her in the back you know what that means front seat's open for you let's head on over to eagle colorado so [Music] so bravo for zero alcohol love clearance premiere 390 golf mike yep no problem i'm ready to copy and i pretty much got it so you don't have to spell everything for me but uh ready to copy three main golf mic i'm gonna be using this thing over here you usually get so there golf mike clear eagle sunset departure holy okay 390 golf mike sunset for halsey transition texaco albuquerque kilo alpha 360 sierra delta victor charlie junction jesse crumbling and then direct uh columbia said zero five two zero it's funny i was thinking i need to look that up and figure out what that is i got everything other than that you and i both thank you ground premiere three nine zero golf mike taxi from tech start with charlie so with 1852 was that gate six sir that was eighteen feet low left ground premier 390 golf mike taxi from techstar with charlie premiere three nine of zero golf mike love brown runway three one right taxi via whiskey [Applause] delta three papa bravo okay three one right via whiskey delta three pop-up bravo three nine zero golfing alrighty welcome aboard taxiing out whiskey delta three papa bravo all the way down to the ground okay off the right hand side side is the uh test stand where they can run up engines got all the blast detectors there okay we are on delta three branch off to papa here got a southwest flight holding in front of us here as you heard we got a kind of a pretty significant reroute going into eagle which is pretty typical this time of year the disadvantage is that it adds quite a bit of flight time for me the advantage is that it's extremely scenic we are on bravo at the moment we will follow this all the way to the end we are actually running slightly ahead of schedule here thanks myself all right i'm on tower i got my departure frequency set up foreign 31 right what's extreme 9402 are nasty mirrors runway three and right click take us running through the right uh our nasty air is clear for takeoff big stride 942. four whiskey golf runway through and right clearly all right i got one guy landing we should be good to go after him three one right line up and away three nine zero five tower stop plus 1458 visual three one right so the 1458 left continue runway three and right traffic hold it in position continue three one right southwest 1458. jet will hustle down to alpha 5. yeah that's fine you take it right there straight in with you 3-1 right clear landscape plus 14-58 day adventure premiere 390 golf mic 2000 climbing via the departure premiere 390 golf mike regional departure radar contact fly heading 310 climb and maintain 7 000. 310 on the heading and up to seven thousand jerk up mic xdrive9402 contact forward center 133.3 [Applause] big strap 9402 thank you thousand mike well there's a nice view of dfw climbing right out over it i have not done that before either well this is interesting well i wonder what my next turn is going to be they're completely off the route we were assigned [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so perfect okay that works out all right premier zero golf my contact forward center one two seven point zero twenty seven zero zero good day fort worth premiere three nine zero golf mic one five thousand zero zero so so number two zero one nine zero concept four we said one two seven point one five good day two 32.92 mica day fort worth premiere three nine zero golf mike 19.6 climbing flight level two three zero three nine zero golf my foot with 200 climb and make it a little three four zero five level three four zero zero all right so this part of the flight gets a little bit uh i don't want to say boring but uh less interesting than the uh the last uh 30 minutes of the flight so we'll uh turn the cameras off right now for the moment and uh i'll leave the time lapse rolling up front there and uh then i will see you on the uh arrival into eagle so we have begun our descent into eagle that was just a grand junction we turned over the top of had a nice view of uh telluride coming in and moab utah and it is severe clear today i've been told there's no congestion going into eagle so that's good during ski season it can get pretty busy we don't come out here much during ski season we uh like it out here in the summer and fall and over 300 cinemas flight level two seven zero zero five contact denver center one three four point five thirty four five circle mike see you guys forty six thirty climb maintain follow through susan thank you denver premiere 390 off mike flight level two eight zero descending fight level two seven zero zero golf camera center uh roger defending level one nine to zero level one nine zero zero five picking up a little turbulence here [Applause] okay i can see rifle airport off the nose further to the east is eagle number five four six seven charlie contact denver center one two six point five two six five six seven as i've said this is a long way in but it's uh certainly a scenic way in [Applause] okay so i can see the eagle airport by one o'clock and then come on in on the lda25 premiere 390 golf by contact denver center one two eight point six five see ya 2865 circular three zero two four eight whiskey lemon denver premiere three nine zero golf mic twenty two three down to flight level one nine zero three nine or zero golf mike never center roger hi greg how's it going it's good 300 hotel quebec san diego center 132.85 132.85 for zero hotels go back to all right i'll get the tower entered in here [Applause] there's three niner zero golf mic clear direct kremling of vor to maintain a one five thousand legal altitude three zero five five strikes a down to one five thousand three zero five five three ninety golf mike elbow twenty fifty five contact denver center one three two point eight five thirty two eighty five okay kremlings the uh first point on the lda runway two five 7-1 bravo sierra contact aspen approach one two three point eight twenty three eight seven eleven all right there is the airport [Applause] [Applause] eight leveling off two zero zero do you need to speed 280. that was 4808 that denver center maintained two eight thrown off or a greater 280 or greater square list 48 through 8. denver falcon 302 my climate 18.5 climbing 210 direct snow next three zero two mike clementine maintains level two six zero five two six zero mike see uh beaver creek and veil and arrowhead 302 [Applause] what a difference four hours of flight time makes it was supposed to be almost 90 staples today [Applause] that was 4808 roger 528 whiskey lima traffic 11 at 12 o'clock five miles to eastbound as a columbia 1 500 a whiskey lama search there's zero golf mike clear direct balance across from coaxial at or above one four thousand cleared to lda approach eagle director of alexa 14 000 clear dlda runway two five three landing off mine okay director two two seven mike fox drive contact at six miles southwest of sylvia or clear to the sierra tango recollection uh theater tango airport there's some mike flashlight writer douglas 1866 contact developer center 132.85 32.85 that was 1866. oh that was 46.85 is uh level one nine or zero five five two three zero that was 46 85 better center climbing for level two six zero ten four level two six here whatever seven to forty three right out of eighteen two four two three zero united 743 denver center cloud 18 for level two with six of zero and just verify your assignment speed correct yeah i'm trying to 260 or more signs of 280 knots together 743. oh denver 62 charlie kilo 10 6 climb one five thousand it was 46 to 85 just verify maintain two eight turnoffs are greater yeah we're maintaining 280 knots of greater scouts 46.85 temperature at one zero one flight level two two zero climb two three zero visit 527 every center club maintain a correction extension level 260. all right level 360 ejector one zero one they did five twenty seven every city check out as well [Applause] [Applause] 390 golf mike just outside balansa satan one charlie november rebecca what's correct next time down to 302 kilo ground number one runway two five text alpha come here 390 golf mike eagle target afternoon report washi we'll call you at washi 390 golf mike tucker 800 limit come back contact departure leaving one zero ten thousand departure uh leaving one zero thousand eight hurdles [Applause] sundays one two one charlie taxi via alpha you'll be following a challenger they're all the way down by outfit two exit 369 advisory cup what's that kelson five two four lemur romeo roger gotcha number three in the queue [Applause] alpha hold short tax rate off of two challenger two five zero off the golf buzzer go ahead down two five god love field beaver one departure ruby transition as foul on departure climbing the sid maintain one five thousand expect a flight level four one zero one zero after departure frequency one two eight point six and squawk two seven four zero zero golf clear to dallas left field beaver one departure rebate transition has filed climb via expect fifteen uh climb via the sid and uh maintain one five thousand expecting 41. departure twenty eight sixty five and falcon [Applause] oh challenger three zero two kilo wiggle tower runway two five one three four zero at three clever takeoff clear for takeoff two five three zero to kill seven eleven victory i didn't forget about today i'm working on your flat time centennials are really busy so they're trying to find a spot for you exactly 507 i saw it in here somewhere yeah i did have it uh standby you're gonna be number three zerg off my cat washy what's going on tower and terror only thinking zerogov might get washy actually we're inside washing now here's your golf microwave two five wins are completely five 369 yep challenge to 302 kilo contact departure leaving one zero ten thousand departures 369 i had to step offline uh still in the queue for clearance hacker foreign rebate was correct don't know i'm trying to get all the centennial but nobody's ends in the line for guys in front of us so it's going to be a minute if you can just remain this frequency and i'll reach out to you as soon as i can okay i'll remain your frequency exit 369. that was for somebody else but i got you in the queue as well i'll reach out as soon as i get a second okay 369. blue wings m42 ground runway 25 taxi via alpha quebec is current for just another minute sounds like numbers airspace for aircraft so it could be a delay for departure tower sky was 48 zero across the blacks lda25 guys 4808 eagle terror report washington port washington was 480. gone for taxi call for clearance stand by let me put up a new 8th and denver's out of airspace for departure so it's going to be a minute for everybody anyway 500 glide slope so the lda runway 25 glide slope and the visual glide slope are not the same thing glide slope glide slope glide slope glide slope glide slope glide slope glide slope glide slope you can original information from your current altimeter 3051. i'm trying to coordinate with center here and find some spots for you guys some reason you're going off mike turn left exactly to park alpha alpha 3 stay with me yeah but i'm going to the north hangar so i'll go up to alpha 3 and then wait there better hold on two five at alpha three all sort two five alpha three three ninety golf mike what is one two one generally remember my two five wins account take off three take off two five one two one remember mission 884 are you still with me 884 runway two five texas alpha follow the legacy pass and charlie one that should put you in right and run in line for your edict who else is calling for an iphone or excuse me uh calling for taxi taxi only down six four three off of november roger give me number two leaving the ramp following the gulf stream there at alpha three downside red white premiere zero golf my culture takes me alpha three i'm gonna have a bunch of aircraft moving out yep hold for the alpha three three nine [Music] seven three six stand by the right place premiere zeroed off my cross runway two five alpha three probably three traffic on a six mile bottom across two five at alpha three three nine [Music] ten thousand [Music] for my final pilot [Music] you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 119,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 68Enx6M7VbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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