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all right so we're checking out the only game that lets us see exactly what happens when the earth felloniously assaults jupiter it's solar smash solar smash just got way more solar smashy because now there's an entire solar system that you can destroy and a bunch of other crap today's torture session is gonna be way worse than all the other ones because not only can you abuse every single planet now but there's a bunch of different ways the creator has enhanced the abuse process this is the new system smash it's for when ruining one planet isn't good enough at a time i don't actually know what the limitations are here like what happens since you can pause time if you start a planet inside of another planet it makes that planet very unhappy just screwing with saturn's rings because i can i'm not really sure how the earth doesn't have any negative impact from going through all the rings earth is like thick skinned 20 20 [ __ ] ah crap eyes obviously our job with solar smash is to see just how much we are able to torture everyone involved i've apparently ended the solar system without really trying and then of course attempt to break the game now i think you all knew that this was coming when they made this mode but i need to see what happens when i put every single planet inside of every single other planet we're going to go by size here mercury's over here it's like but what about me i'm very small yeah that's genetics get over there all right just line all you up you poor bastards alrighty and now like a bunch of russian nesting dolls what you do is we uh we start from uh largest to smallest so we'll go ahead and insert i can only hope that the game doesn't crash while i do this earth you get to be right in the middle of all this it's gonna be like quadruple penetrated there we go and there i cannot foresee anything going wrong here oh mars how did i forget about you mars is like son of a [ __ ] it's gonna be kind of interesting because it's a lot like some sort of planetary royal rumble just to find out who gets to survive in the end here we go [Music] okay hey look oh hold on something's still left alive i can't really tell who this is right we have like half an earth possibly it looks more like a red hot or a jawbreaker you know what we're missing though a death count now over in the original solar smash here we still have our death count but things have changed dramatically while you can use your ultimate weiner beam here you can now make it much weaker or much much stronger you can also change the color and i feel like destroying everyone's lives with pastel pink i guess the big question here is how powerful is the five times power okay it's pretty freaking powerful apparently you can change the settings for a lot of these other things too is it just me or can you destroy a lot more of the earth now before it melts into nothingness man we haven't even started and there's only 175 million people left alive hell yes i feel like it's always my duty just to see how flat i can get earth before i had to glitch people to keep them to stay alive but now it looks like i can do it legitimately okay so when you give earth the toupee that's when it dies man you can daily slice earth and it stays alive somehow look at this there's still 929 million people left that's all like panama and south america they added a uh they added a couple new items here one of them is a never-ending reign of pain this is this is how i thought this month would end infinite meteorites i know maxing out all the asteroids is probably the obvious thing to do but i'm kind of curious what happens when you slow everything down like how pathetic do they get okay just me screwing around killed 340 million people that's still pretty damn powerful i like how this game's idea of a weak meteorite is throwing something the size of texas at it i'm serious i'm pretty sure that meteorite was the size of texas look i don't know it's roughly the size of texas it's just more shaped like a cancerous testicle oh and also just because uh why not the moons are now not invulnerable they they actually do take legitimate damage knowing that each moon is now destructible means that uh it's time to break the game you may be asking yourself grey how many moons the answer is all of the moons if the game doesn't crash we didn't do our job also i'd like to mention how good i am at this i threw a moon at the earth and i only killed one million people i mean i know only but still alrighty let's take a little look here and see how things do can the moons run into each other i have no idea because they're too busy bulldozing the earth so sweet oh there's actually like a impact force now okay that looks pretty awesome hold on let me uh let me get right in the middle of this get a face full of molten lava amazingly enough the game didn't crash so now i have to wonder can you blow up a moon with the planet destroyer all right wait for it wait for it wait for it i i may have been a little slow i'm not sure oh hell no i'm right on the money did i did i just save the planet i did when you send in a planet destroyer and you only end up killing 589 million people that's a victory but you can also do infinite worms now but i'm going to leave that for a little bit later so apparently the nuclear strikes can be changed uh all of them and uh yeah let's go max power because why would you do anything different go ahead and slow things down here and uh click my buttons a lot you can actually see the clusters of missiles they just take a long time to be to get incoming all right here we go it's like fireworks oh oh it's gonna be so good holy [ __ ] okay times five power is way more powerful than i thought it would be on the plus side everyone died immediately so no one has to feel what it's like to you know throw a wiener out of their eyelid or something i'm curious what the earth is gonna look like after all this is done what the hell what the hell happened would i nuke the core damn minute here i'm just doing this in normal motion because i feel like the earth suddenly quit i'm not really sure what the hell happened yeah all of them hit and then the earth just decided like it wasn't worth living anymore you got 5.2 billion people left i made it again no still okay uh looks like a delicious mandarin orange yeah there was like a little nuclear strike in the middle i don't know if that was the core i like how there's this one little appendage right here it's like earth giving me the middle finger okay we're gonna go from 100 just to one i want to know if i can get the weird explosion of nuclear proportions to happen with just one rocket for science sorry florida that's okay it's just like a dry skin don't mind me i'm just burrowing my way slowly into the planet to see if it changes anything when you're only dealing with one missile strike at a time it makes things much more easy to observe okay we're starting to thrust pretty deep here okay nothing's happened yet i'm starting to run out of earth i'm like past the halfway mark at this point where am i gonna come out at i'm pretty sure australia would be safe how the hell did i miss i feel like something's happening on the other side of the planet oh yeah the caesar projectile vomiting fire damn and i did end up killing australia okay i've almost given earth its pierced ear here it's a little bit longer than i had previously anticipated oh the fps i don't know why it's like the game suddenly decided to get pissed off at me it's like two billion people dead you can't stop me you bastard the world has to know oh i um i legitimately froze the game like i i completely i completely froze the game i do appreciate that you can apparently edit the media right oh is this the speed hold on i gotta slow things down just in case the speed is too much to bear okay i mean it's a meteor right it doesn't look that okay now it's starting to look a lot worse i was gonna say it didn't look that bad but then you know the third layer of hell decided to descend all over north america well and over south america now and over canada and over the north pole people are dying at a very alarming rate wow one meteorite takes out half the earth now damn so if i throw another meteorite at exactly the opposite side of the earth which which happens to be right next to australia sorry guys does that pretty much make it so that there's no one left who gets to be the chosen few how many will be left remaining we're down to 1.3 billion oh here we go do you want to build a snowman because it's all you get to do for the rest of your life i was raw africa still stands i mean i guess i'll hit the south pole down here the earth itself is still alive despite all of the damage i've done to it all right north pole all right we're down to one million ah crap like it looks like a uh like a rear view mirror it's all that's left of earth i'm mostly just curious to see how the black holes have changed if at all especially when i put one inside of the earth that's what i always love to do not pretty typical actually the laser blaster is apparently changeable now we already ruined lives with pinks we might as well urinate on the earth at this point oh [ __ ] i think i i think i shot without looking oh the game has become very very upset [Music] okay i'm not stopping until i get to piss on the earth here's your tip of the day donate yellow snow from everyone that lives in maine it's actually a lot less bad than the meteorite just checking to see how the exploding testicles do nowadays go and urinate on them it's like magic only my magic shows end with death and the game didn't break although it's moving at like 0.1 fps so it definitely has to go to therapy i wanted to see how much of the middle of the earth i'm allowed to remove now and keep it alive the answer is a lot look at this i love that there's still 103 million people left that get to appreciate my bob ross levels of armageddon all right we're gonna go ahead and wipe off another million people here there's not much left of the earth i really don't understand how it's still alive but i'm not gonna ask any questions i love it there we go that last little that last little thrust right there finally finished it off just trying to see if i can get the earth to be moon size make it look more like an apple before i stick all the worms on it it doesn't look like an apple so much as it looks like a screw everyone on earth is like seems appropriate i'm actually kind of curious because i remember this planet what the hell i was gonna say i remember that this particular planet allows you to basically have like a one by one square inch and there's still a million people on it but what the hell was that they're like ah great i'm wearing my planet condom screw you get this crap out of here actually can this rebuke something like uh you know cthulhu like does he just bounce off of it is he like oh it's the trojan man he does he can't get through it okay color me curious real quick can this stop a freaking black hole yep sure can taste pink death oh there we go i got it the hell is like one of the freaking power stones sitting at the middle of this thing i want to kill that last i'm just trying to see here how much planetary surface area this place can live with i mean there's 42 million people left and this is what this is this is the only part that's there oh this game has gotten so much better seven million people left six million people left it's like one block of planet property values are going up baby i killed the last person all right so what the hell does this do oh that must have been making the force field man this random other earth planet can take more punishment than earth there's still 15 million people left it's like i've lived a lifetime of abuse grey you can't kill me that easy why does earth give up so simply yeah there's so many different planets to torture nowadays now that i know there's like a tootsie roll in the center of the tootsie pop i'm really curious if any of these other planets have anything in the middle of them it don't mind me i'm just digging for buried treasure green means go though so it's okay anything inside here very dusty over here on uh terraformed mars i didn't find anything so i'm just turning mars into pac-man there we go 61 million people get to enjoy it oh hell i just missed okay 22 million people get to enjoy it actually you know what there alright so this is that new earth one where they drink blood or i don't know it could be fanta well you got anxiety at the planet like regret this is the this is the uh galactic version of turning your head and coughing well it wasn't lying there's nothing there jk get wrecked cthulhu is like happiness is not part of the new world order die oh that actually did it this planet's like i don't have anything in me i swear likely story get moon blasted there's a little faster here to use the uh the black hole i'm expecting every planet to be like a pinata now like i'm really annoyed when i look inside and there's no candy see this the only thing in here is disappointment moon doesn't seem to have anything either except for this one thing over here it's like when you do a colonoscopy it's got this one growth hold on i'll go ahead and there we go just shave that off real quick yep nothing the last one's the custom planet you didn't think you'd get out of this did you got any bazooka joe sitting inside here well i looked deep and all i found was student loans this plan is just like us so one of the things i mentioned that we had to do was infinite worms because that's a thing now so hold on let me pause i also want to make sure that florida gets plenty of love click like an extra 100 times over here all right boys go get it ah my eardrums oh my god oh they run into one another what will be the last place left alive oh they killed the earth immediately there was like [ __ ] this i'm out can like cthulhu grab one of the worms now since the stuff runs into one another i'm kind of curious here i'm going to give it the best shot i can you're coming with me damn it all it did was save people a very very short life of torment i may be able to get rid of all these worms before they leave just trying to see if i can wipe them out with the planet destroyer even though they're kind of already gone i don't know why i put an extra two plant destroyers there when you eat two children's vitamins instead of one yep killed all the worms knowing now that this stuff actually does interact with you know cthulhu and the worm i'm kind of curious what happens if you ejaculate meteorites all over them cthulhu is like oh what the hell is that it's like being sandblasted okay that did a great whole lot of nothing to cthulhu it makes me feel kind of bad that simply testing how this stuff works is killing millions of people and by bad i mean not really that bad yeah all this is really doing is giving the worm a hot stone massage something i love is there's an actual population count now so i've killed 150 billion people so far and i've just started screwing around might as well get stupid at this point throw down all the worms throw down as many cthulhu's as i'm allowed and uh what the hell oh my god jesus oh no oh hold on i think i think you can actually blow up these ships now too so let me uh i might as well get a whole slew of these in there i'm gonna keep this on super slow motion because i need to be able to see it well not like you can see very much this is like when uh when there's one graham cracker left and there's 25 kids in kindergarten and everyone's trying to get all the last squares could they lose in here trying to get the last pieces i have no idea if any of these the planetary destroyers have shot yet mainly i can't believe the game is still working as well as it is okay the plant destroyers have started i can hear the beams some of the beams are directly hitting the worms don't worry just doing some uh some laser hair removal on earth here cleaning it up it's like a uh an intergalactic brazilian going on over here look at all the death bees all right we done good everything okay the worms are still eating we're still eating now i've blown up a lot more ships anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of solar smash until the next time stay foxy and much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,836,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 update, ways the world could end, greystillplays, universe sandbox 2, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, black hole vs earth, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, smallest black hole possible, god games, black hole on earth, 1mm black hole, 1mm black hole on earth, solar smash, solar smash update, solar smash worms, solar smash noob pro hacker
Id: uPNpmztTB9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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