GIRLS Share OBVIOUS HINTS, Guys Don't Understand

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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of flying doggo ready three two one [Music] serious girls what are some obvious hits you gave a guy you like which he couldn't understand i asked him if he'd like to take a walk he said sure turned around and left later he texted me that it would be nice if we could go together sometime yeah that was what i had in mind sir oh frick before the pandemic i was trying to get a girl i was decently acquainted with to notice me more she asked if i could go over to help her on some assignment and i kinda just said i didn't want to bother her and send screenshots of my work i don't think she's interested anymore i played with his hair i would make a distinct point to sit next to him i would lay on his shoulder and months later he asked hey why would you do those things the girl i'm currently with literally laid on my shoulder on the way home from canada fell asleep wrapped in my jacket and kept looking up at my lips while she was there at the time i just kept thinking oh man she must be really really sleepy if she's falling asleep on my shoulder like that better leave her be she still to this day asks what it would taken for me to kiss her to this day short of her kissing me i don't think i would realized what she was going for texting late at night about his munches i offered to bring him some ice cream and listen to music with him he declined about a week later i invited him over to share a giant lasagna i bought from costco he gets there and asks where our friends are i tell him it's just me and him for the evening he literally pulls out his mobile and starts calling our friends to come over to eat i eventually had to basically throw myself at him before we started hooking up i asked if he was reluctant before or what was going on he said he was completely unaware he didn't want me to come over with ice cream because he didn't want to inconvenience me the lasagna knight he was worried i was lonely at not having more friends show up a sweet guy with good intentions he just never made the connections and was shocked when i told him describe the boy i liked to him and i described him exactly he didn't get it he's probably thinking damn i'm exactly like that why doesn't she like me instead of this other guy we are dense i told him i would love to go to a dance with him and he said haha that would be super fun and then didn't go to the dance because he didn't have a date to be fair you never directly asked him and we are denser's bricks another clueless guy very cute girl who i was friends with from college ended up living in my area for an internship she messaged me one night that her arm really hurt and asked me to come sleep over to help her with it i came over and took care of her by making a sling for her feeding her dinner then promptly putting her to bed and slept on the couch she insisted on watching a movie or something but i told her to rest up for her own health i wake up the next morning and started heading to work and she told me i look really cute when i sleep and she wanted to hang out again i agreed and gave her a friendly hug before i left only after i come home from work to my roommates and tell them what happened did i realize that i may have missed something i'm the guy in the story there was a girl who started calling me just before christmas i just got the new gold cart version of zelda for the n64 and was pretty much playing it non-stop my mother says i have a phone call and i remember being annoyed because i just wanted to play my game it was a girl from my school she talked about things going on in school and her life i think i basically ignored her and only said basic things like i know right oh yeah i see what you mean this goes on for hours anyway i thought it was over she calls the next day i get an idea in three-way call one of my friends in hopes he would talk to her more and keep her busy so i wasn't distracted it totally worked she calls yet again the next day and i pretty much immediately set up the three-way call i was at the water temple and i wasn't going to be distracted anymore that was the last day she called fast forward about 0.15 years i'm working at a retro gaming store after i got done with a contract with my last job a guy sells his copy of the gold cart version of zelda for the n64 memories come back about me playing the game followed by remembering a girl called me then the questions came in why did she call me how did she get my number she must have asked around for it but why would she want it it finally hit me she had a crush on me and i just straight up ignored it sorry sarah i was an idiot with low self-esteem as a kid and never even thought a girl would be interested in dating me texting him late at night telling him i had some wine and wanted to stay up and see what happens i thought i could get some flirting or maybe some phone shreks i even pointed out wine makes me frisky and we had met on a dating site he responded that he hoped i was warm and would get some good sleep chances are he even figured out it was a booty call but he thought it was just the wine speaking and didn't want to take advantage of your situation i always regret reading these posts because it makes me feel like the idiot i am i always regret reading these posts because it makes me feel a bit sad since no girl has ever shown any interest in me this again i actually went a few months without seeing this topic come up but here we go again women's hints are not universal one woman's hints are not the same as another woman's hints one woman's flirting is another woman's just being friendly for every woman complaining about a guy missing the obvious hint there's another woman complaining about how her friend linus is always mistaken for flirting unless you are literally getting naked or touching his penis i guarantee that whatever your hint is it has been done by another woman who wasn't interested in him it's kind of silly when you think about it most men would prefer straightforwardness and most women choose to make a guy guess the vibe and in some cases get mad that the guy doesn't take the hint honestly most guys don't take hints wanna be friends say it wanna duck say it how he guess that's our fault for being clueless to though who knows for some it might be cluelessness for others it could be the fear of it being misunderstood two girls same moves different motive one was definitely interested in me the other was just friendly i deliberately ignored all of it because i didn't want it to seem like i was being disrespectful or have it misconstrued in a worse way there is nothing worse than being investigated for a completely false allegation thank god for location tracking and cctv so i just don't entertain the behavior anymore unless it is made obvious hey it's a date in high school there was a girl who would bring me food she made herself i always thought she just liked making food and never connected her friend told me she likes me after she transferred to another school relatable except i'm the girl that didn't see the signs in the guy told him i liked his voice when we spoke on ts both gamers and missed it when his nick gave out he didn't get it at the time and now we've been together for four years we were in a mycology class that i was taking to fulfill a requirement she asked me if i wanted to go mushroom hunting sometime with her i replied why would i want to do that because i wasn't really that interested in mushroom hunting and was having a bad day i only realized my mistake three hours after the final exam which was weeks after she had asked damn mushroom hunting is nice though i don't even eat mushrooms either lol a bit hint i have was always being available to talk to or something like i'd literally drop everything to talk to him he must have thought i was a lonely person or something instead of understanding i always wanted to talk to him which is understandable right there is no hint we all know how to identify if someone likes you as a friend if a girl acts like she likes you as a person just ask her out maybe she will say no but who cares because you weren't going on a date before she said no anyways if she texts you back texts you first accepts when you ask her to hang out and or is generally enthusiastic to interact with you ask her out there's no big clue or hint to look out for if you sit next to a girl in class and she's happy to talk to you and you like her say hey i like chatting with you in class would you like to go on a date sometime maybe to a cafe it is that easy she will be so impressed that you took the initiative and made your intentions clear that you might render her speechless i don't know what else to tell you i can't speak for every one of us but let me say most of the time we do realize the hints it's just that we rather not risk it and be humiliated at least i have a lot of self-esteem issues and always take for granted that it's a prank or something similar or you know we don't want to be misreading [ __ ] and come off as creepy i'm the guy in this one and i'll give you the short version was it a friend's birthday started making small talk with a girl i vaguely knew started raining outside the girl asks me to walk her home and i oblige says she is home alone and offers to let me come in and dry off plus sp e and either night there i decline and walk home in the rain two years later the penny drops jesus you don't have to rob it and how quickly you caught on high school soft year 15 to 16 y slash show a girl asked to borrow my sweatshirt for class no sorry i might get cold and need it didn't realize it until well into college edit i'm a guy but the point remains i was very unaware damn jackie i can't control the weather as a guy i can't understand this i can relate to all the dudes here who didn't get these because i wouldn't either i think i'm going to go make my own ask credit asking why women use hints instead of just telling guys they like them lots of research has been done on this women tend to be more indirect out of fear of rejection and fear of being labeled as too pushy or overbearing [ __ ] i'll answer for myself i think i was a senior nhs i had been working for two years already as an auto mechanic apprentice but i was getting it down one of my long time crushes this really shreksy and cute girl starts talking to me she says she wants me to look at harmony as it's making weird noises but doesn't give me a good description just wants me to come over i keep pressing asking if there's a check engine light on or if there's a loss of power i ask her more questions because i want to know what tools to bring she says she knows i have the right one after a few more messages of trying to diagnose her car over text she says something along the lines of forget it and doesn't talk to me again duck bro high school it happened to me both ways a girl that i considered out of my reach had invited me to spend time together indirectly i just didn't get it at the time took me four years i'm super dense the other way around happened before i straight up wrote a poem about a girl that i liked as a poetry assignment i read it out loud the whole class and even the teacher understood the situation everyone better oh boy he said he didn't know why he didn't have a date yet and i was or me neither i mean you're smart and funny or whatever i said and i'm sure there's someone out there you probably already know her got absolutely nothing back sounds like something a good friend without romantic feelings could say too at the end of high school my friends told me this one girl liked me i had no clue there were some signs i noticed in hindsight like her looking at me and her asking to work together on projects however the most obvious one was kind of weird one time she went off on a rant about touching a guy's body his large muscles etc this was probably an imaginary story she used to flirt with me but i'm a small skinny guy so all i was thinking is that i'm way out of her preference if that's what she likes in guys i don't get it i didn't even pick up any signs when she went as far as pulling me onto my bed with her thought she wanted to just converse and look at the ceiling lol only after she made the move on me did the thought cross my mind very easy to push signs aside when you genuinely believe nobody would ever be interested same i didn't realize it as she pulled me onto my own bed either it was only when she took my hand and placed it on one of her boobs that i got it when i was a freshman in high school i had a crush on a really nerdy guy literally in the robotics club at our school that sat next to me in one of our classes i knew that it would be me that would have to put the moves on so one day i wore a skirt to class and when we were doing a project i'd keep brushing his leg with mine after a few times of doing that i left my leg touching his after a little while longer i started sort of rubbing his leg with my leg then out of the blue him what are you doing me what him that thing that thing with your leg you're doing why are you doing that me oh sorry and obviously moved my leg away completely embarrassed we are silent for the next minute and then i hear him take a deep breath and he said i didn't mean you had to stop i just wanted to know why you were doing it to all the ladies in the comments on behalf of all men i'm sorry we are dumb don't worry it's not only men who miss hints my best friend who is a girl said to me once i wonder if i've ever even been flirted with to which i replied with a cheesy pick-up line and said something like there now you have been she just laughed and then moved on in the conversation a few weeks later she asked me wait a minute were you flirting with me back then you've been visited by the cool trouser kate you will be blessed with soft comfortable pant but only if you comment cool pant kate thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos you
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 13,756
Rating: 4.9732571 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, hints, dating, guys, girls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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