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-All right, we're checking out the only game where performing surgery is exactly the same as violently breaking every bone in your body. It's Doctor Ragdoll. Now, you may be saying to yourself, "Gray, why did you just knock a man over while you got jettisoned through your own dentist's window and then broke a giant piece of concrete?" This is a normal day at work for a doctor, okay? You can see right here, the thermometer says that I'm only 30% dead. Let us collect our money. Because you have to perform different types of medical procedures in order to advance to the next stage, but if you don't, then you get kicked out of your chair. Let's say we increase the skill up to five, the timing up to five, and then of course, put all of our money into bonus because this is where you always want to go. Now, how much more time do I get? Now, in case you're wondering what these are, these are actually called tonsils. These are real things. I kind of want to get kicked no matter what. [exclaims] Oh, wow. [laughs] Oh, luckily, that random crane carrying a bunch of slabs of concrete broke my fall. You can see from the heart monitor, the money just keeps ratcheting upward. Yes, so let's go ahead and put some more bonuses in there, and then I'll give myself some extra skill, although skill is an odd adjective for what we're really doing here. Now, you can use things such as Captain Hook's hook or a carrot. I'm not really sure how you perform surgery with a carrot, but I guess let's go ahead and try it. Oh, this is clearly going to work out just fine. Man, you need to aim really specifically with a carrot. Now, if I get this out, do I get kicked again? I don't. Now, I get to survive another day, but I have to come back to work tomorrow and this time, remove the tattoo of the dolphin with legs. Now, you can remove it with this tattoo remover, a taser, or a blowtorch. [chuckles] I guess I'll just try this normal. Which part of the tattoo-- Oh, it's the whole tattoo. Oh, I have to get rid of Antonio too? Not Antonio. Right in the traffic. [gasps] My guy has some meat to him. That car totally stopped after it smashed into him. [exclaims] Whoa. [laughs] Apparently, traffic stops for no one. I like how just random cars keep going. Oh, the police are just running over everyone. They are not stopping for this accident. In fact, I think the cop car just did a full flip. [laughs] Oh, no, the stack is going to continue. There's the EMS truck. Oh my God. Oh, no, what have I done? Oh, this game is just magical. It really is. This is the first time I can think of where failure is the real success story. I've got to use the blowtorch. Oh, yes. Now, I'm not sure if you get kicked farther based upon how much you remove or what. [laughs] Oh, no. I took the axle off of the EMS truck. Okay, so I got 81% complete there, so it has to be the amount of stuff you remove. Okay, so let's go ahead and increase the skill and increase the time. We'll bring these both up to 15. I'm going to go ahead and use the regular one here. Oh, yes. Okay, now leave a little bit just so we can go flying as far as possible. There it is. I've almost-- [celebrates] Yes, the whole Ferris wheel came down. [laughs] It did everything I wanted to do in this life. Now, notice that the people on the pier, they're just walking, they're just walking past the carnage. Tons of people have died, the entire Ferris wheel came down, and they're like, "Man, Starbucks is going to close in 15 minutes. I cannot help this guy." There are many people that are just randomly dead over here. Yes, let's go ahead and collect that money. Okay, now I can try and get 99% before we go on to the next level. I'm going to keep upgrading these. There we go. Okay, so this-- Now, we have a ton of time, so I have all the time in the world to do this. Now, Gray, just leave the tiniest little bit. There we go. That was as much as I could do, and still-- I'm going to the water. Get me to the sea. [celebrates] Free swimming lessons, and I got some extra money for falling to the bottom of the ocean. I love it. All right, now I guess I'll go ahead and use the taser. Don't worry, you're not going to feel a thing. The dolphin might feel some stuff because the dolphin has now been eradicated from this plane of existence. There we go. Oh, I have an open-air tattoo studio. I'm not really sure how sanitary that is. Notice that you make much less money doing your job right than doing your job wrong. Okay, now right over here, you can see we're going to have to start his heart back up. Now, you can start his heart with the electrodes here. Then we have some- are these like car battery clamps, like jumper cables? I don't know what this is for. I don't know why you would start a man's heart up with this. In fact, I'm kind of concerned. All right, let's start real basic here. Here we go. All right. Oh, yes. Just start that heart back up. How you doing, buddy? [exclaims] Did his soul just knock me out of the-- [exclaims] Oh, God. Not at rush hour. [exclaims] Oh, God. I just caused-- The carnage here is untold. I don't know how many people have died because of my incompetence. I love that they're not even slowing down. This is like Final Destination. Oh, I finally ran out of car. -Don't die or I'll kill you. -Did he just say, don't die or I'll kill you? Okay, so, yes, let's bring these up a little bit. Now, we've got to use the jumper cables. Oh, this looks safe. Yes, just perfect. All right, then we're going to put the other clamp over here, the other clamp right here. Uh-oh [groans] [laughs]. I think I just noticed that his soul gives you a right cross. Now, luckily, everyone's crashing kind of over to the side of me. You can see right here, I'm fine, okay? I don't think I took any damage at all. All right, well, now I took some damage because some of the cars are rolling onto my corpse. All right, let's bring the time up and the skill up, and then put everything else into the money bonuses. Well, I mean, it's the only thing that's left. I had to do it. Oh, it's actually a piece of a cucumber. It's not even a full cucumber. How many shocks does this guy take? -Parkour. -[grunts] It's the height that does it to you. Oh, I made it almost into the third lane of traffic over here. That's nice. All right, let's bring this all the way up to 26. In fact, I'll bring the timing up to 30. Yes, I've got plenty of time now. Now, this is a completely all-natural way of saving a man's life. There we go. Look at that. Vegan life-saving. I know his eyes look dead, but he's totally alive now. The fact that he just randomly twitches every once in a while is so disconcerting. Is this a crab claw? It's a crab claw. Oh, no. Oh my God, no. Yes, kick her. She's down on a water slide. [laughs] Yes. Oh my God. [celebrates] This is fun. [groans] That may have been my neck right there. You can see the very moment that her soul leaves her body. It's right about here. [chuckles] Oh, no. Headfirst. Beautiful landing. That is a 10 out of 10. Man, I would love to be a-- I don't know what kind of doctor this is. Big-money doctor, though. I don't know how this is skill, per se, but we'll put some money in there and the rest, of course, in bonuses. Now, we're going to go ahead and grab these pliers. Don't worry, I washed them beforehand. It's fine. Oh, the eyes follow you too. Oh, no, my door is following me or whatever this is. I don't know if this is part of my doctor's office or what. I love that-- [exclaims] It pushed me off the slide. [yowls] I just took down two palm trees. All right, we're going to move this all the way up to 35 and 36, and we're going to have to grab the crab claw. All right, Mr. Crabs just got his doctorate. This is where he's spending all of his time and money now is over here in [chuckles] the beautification studio. Yes, just working on the entire deli section over here. You see, we got some sausages. This is like a ribeye steak. There's a T-bone right there, and all the way in the back, I'm pretty sure there's a rubber ducky. We're going to have to just move-- Oh, there's a whole rat right there just chilling out. That's a hand grenade inside of a man's abdomen. Hey, big landing, all the way across the gigantic hole in the ground, against the car that was parked. What happened to the city? It's like an apocalypse scene or something. All right, we're going to need to pump this up, I can already feel it. Yes, we're going to bring that all the way up to 41, and then put two levels into the bonus. Now, you could use the forceps over here, or you could just use a dinner fork. All right, fork, let's see how good you are at this. There's the rat, there is the hand grenade. Then we have a rubber ducky. I missed whatever was last there. Again, part of the ceiling is inside of my arm. Doesn't feel great, I am going to mention. How close did we get? Oh, this is absolutely funny, sir. Please don't tell me that. 53%. This guy still had like three more items lodged inside of his pancreas or something. [growls] More skill. Now, you may not have known, but a very common medical tool is the vacuum cleaner, yes. Oh, that was an entire shuriken. Okay, I think I got maximum distance this time. Beautiful. Look at the speed, look at the-- I'm levitating. I have figured out a way to circumvent gravity. I am the most powerful doctor in all the world. Not only that, I'm circumventing gravity while dabbing. Dr. Dabbington is in the office. Okay, the duck, there we go. The shuriken. I'm pretty sure there's a cell phone. Oh, there's one more. There's a car. There's a whole toy car over there in the lower intestinal tract that I have to get out. Really? Come on, guys. All right, come on now. We're being timed here. This is our practical. There we go. I love how he doesn't even have any injury. Did I just do the worm? Oh, I am. I'm just fully doing the worm and all sorts of incredible acrobatics. What I was going to say is this guy doesn't even have an injury to his chest. I'm pretty sure I just took that stuff out of his body with my mind. We're on the moon. We are performing surgery on an alien. I don't know what's right in here and what's wrong in here. I have no idea what to do. This alien has 75 ribs. Are we fixing something? Oh, all right, maybe-- Oh, those organs are coming out. I see. All right, we need to use these. Oh, the alien did not like that. I just ricocheted off of an entire space shuttle, and now I'm falling toward a satellite dish. Great. I get to go home, though. That's the plus side. I think I'm going to land on either the North or the South Pole, though. Okay, let's go-- We haven't really focused on the bonus in a long time, so we're going to go ahead and bring that up there. Now, luckily, in our toolbox of alien dissection, we have a plunger we can use. There we go. Unclog your toilet and unclog your alien. Perfect. All right, there's the other-- I got one more rib out of the whole deal. Tell me I can hit the satellite dish. Oh, we're heading straight for it. [onomatopoeia] Boom, off the satellite dish, off the backboard. [chuckles] Okay, we got a lot more money here to spend, so we can bring up the skill and the time. Oh, this is no better than my plunger. I'd rather just use the plunger then. Okay, now we need, I think, six organs or items. I'm not really sure where any of this is. We got one rib on the side over here. I am going to need a lot more distance and power. Wow, that's going to be a lot of money. Oh my God, more. I'm doing this plunger-only. I don't need anything else. Come on, two. Come on, three. All right, yes, whatever this chunk is over here. Oh, that's perfect. He wasn't using that anyway. We definitely got farther that time. Do you eventually get all the way to the Space Station? You absolutely get to the Space Station. [growls] Yes, I'm ricocheting off every single part of the Space Station. [moans] I'm still getting money. [gasps] Give me a moment here, everyone. I've got to do a little house cleaning. By house cleaning, I mean I have to give us tons of bonus cash. I almost don't want to complete the board. I want to fail because failure is worth a lot of money. [chuckles] I'm surprised too at how acrobatic my astronaut is. [groans] My arm. Oh, yes. Oh, that was perfect. Okay, now off the top. Beautiful. Now, roll down the side. You got it. You are really good at this. I wish his head would've hit the rolling piece over here because I think you can get even more money if you do that. Now, I'm satisfied that this is higher. Yes, we've got a ton of money. I can bring all of our skills up to 66 with absolutely no problem. As a matter of fact, this may be enough to complete this, but I think I'm going to fail one more time just to see if I can get the absolute best. Oh, I completed it. Hold on, I think I can go back and fail. Okay, so now I'm going to take these and not take this one. I'll get part of it. There. I just barely failed. That was the best you can do and still fail. There, both parts of the Space Station and almost the solar panels, and I am going to make it all the way to Earth. Look at the distance. [exclaims] Oh my God, look at the money. Now, it's time to do some Botox injections here. There we go. I got one part of the nose and one part of the-- Oh my God. One part of the forehead. Luckily, there's tons of explosive barrels to totally save my life. I have hit every explosive barrel on the way. Oh, there's one more, wouldn't want to miss that one after all. Luckily, I can put myself out, if I was on fire, because there's a lake here with a nice boat. I had $1.5 million, so let's go ahead and put this up. Let's go ahead and put this up. You know what? I'm going to go straight for 71 and 73. Now, obviously you can use the syringe, but I'd much rather use whatever this is. I'm pretty sure that right there is a grease gun. Yes, there we go. I'm going as fast as I can, ma'am. Now, I really wish that you wouldn't Sparta-kick me because it's really hampering my ability to do my job. [groans] [chuckles] I almost hit the boat. 55% done. I can fail just a little bit better. Yes, let's go more. There we go. Let's grab the grease gun. Grease gun, go. I just noticed that her face really does change when you do this. It's kind of concerning to watch. I appreciate the attention to detail the game had to literally do that for you. Oh, the tree. The tree knocked me to the other side of the map. All right, I'm leaving the last one. I'm going to get it part way though because I think you might get more distance if you get it part way. I'm not really sure. Oh, there's people doing hang gliding or something over there-- I made it across the entire lake, and then I did a burn turn around the back side of it. [laughs] All right, we're going for the completion. Oh, the time is ticking down. We got it. That's right, we're just twerking out in the middle of nowhere. That's what doctors do whenever they succeed in surgery. Well, ma'am, I hate to say it, but you have giant pieces of coal in the bottom of your foot. I really don't know how they got there in the first place. Oh, you're giving me a free cruise. Well, that's nice. I missed the cruise ship, though. Crab claw. We're going all the way-- Actually, we're going part of the way, but I do want to see just how much distance you can eventually get. I'd really like to get to this other island over here. I've racked up $1.9 million, so we're going to go ahead and oh, you know, bring up our skills to about 100 each. Finally, the crab gets his retribution for all the time this lady probably ate crab legs. Okay, so we got everything but one left. Wow, I am almost leaving the planet with that kick. Go. There's only so much time. There's only so much time. Go, go, go, go, go. Oh, the crab is fast. The crab has been dedicating his entire life to making women's feet better. Wow, what kind of money do you get from this? We're back to the dentist's chair, which means we're back to the beginning, so we completed all the boards and we have a winner. Well, I became a doctor and I found out it's much better to fail than to succeed. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoy this episode of Doctor Ragdoll. Until the next time, stay foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,114,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, game, android gameplay, android games, ios games, best android games, best games, top games, mobile games, best mobile games, android best games, doctor simulator roblox, dr. simulator, ragdoll, ragdolls, physics, surgeon simulator, surgery, doc ragdoll, doc ragdoll clinic simulator, clinic simulator
Id: ZWGkcfI5U7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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