When you charge $99999 for twitter blue

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All right. We're checking out The only game where you'll do terrible things for shout-outs. It's Happy Wheels. Oh, I got the twin. I don't even know what that means. I think I'm just one-half of the twin. I'm like the Danny DeVito to the Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh, now I've just shoved two bottles in there. Now it's just double Danny DeVito. Arnold. Yes. 100 bottles. All right. [screams] That may be a few too many bottles. -Wow. -Wow. 97.6% impossible. There's- You can't just because it told me I couldn't. You know what I really want though? I want my shout-out. Come here to shout out. Oh, bad. I love How insane has three E's. It was so incredible. They had to put more vowels in it. Good. Wow. Oh, nice. Which one's this is? Is this just half of the name like Arnold Schwartz? That's it? I wonder. Okay. I love that the only way to get more bottles in this board is the 100 bottles, and it just gives you an abusive amount of bottles. So high. Wow. There we go. Hey, I got it directly inside and it breaks in anyway. Does that count for the shout-out? Flip it inside of the play. How about that? Yes. All right. Now that I've completed that stupidity, what is escape? Oh, it means just escape to your death. Ow. Then yay. This is called rope swing one. Okay. Oh boy. Oh, that's not too bad. Oh, yes. That's fantastic. Oh. We're on a fluffy, not very clean at all cloud. It's a, oh God. That man did not break my fall. I love that my head bounced off of his butt and it still ended up killing me. Okay. All right. Yiddish, big jump and the landing. I'm going to land like so. I think my arms are going to get ripped off my body. There is a real-- all right. Your rope swing is, it's pretty legit. What I have to do is tuck and then lean. Look at that right there. Oh my God. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Now. [laughs] Ouch. Oh, there's another rope swing after it. Okay. I vastly underestimated this rope swing. Grab and we're going to like this. I'm experiencing pain in parts of my body that I don't know the scientific name score. There's all weird gluteal things happening here. Oh, okay. I got to get ready and we're going to do the big flip. Man Jumping and not touching the blade with your head is surprisingly difficult for me. [chuckles] I'm sure I can do this with one hand. Of course, and I make it down here just fine. No. Your board is causing a disturbance in my blood pressure. Okay. Land it. Grab it. Tuck there. Okay. Now, we're going to tuck and then we're going to release. Perfect. Yes. Okay. Grab, swing, let go. No way. Oh, there's another rope grab after this one. Are you kidding me? Now that I know, I'm not giving up until I get it. Okay, jump, land it. Oh God, now. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Actually, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Perfect. Yes. Yes. [laughs] Oh, one of my arms made it. I know there's an end. I see the light. Oh, at the end of the tunnel. I can do this. Oh yes, I can do this. All right. Yech and fall and nope and lean. Perfect. Grab, swing. I'm not going to lie. That secondary jump is really hard. It's been a long time since I've had a rope swing. Since I've had a rope swing that has challenged me thoroughly. I enjoy it. Yes. Big flip. That's how you do it. I've got all my limbs, which is a big plus. This is called spacecraft failure. All right. Stabilizing. I didn't read that fast enough. Atmosphere conditions. 69 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not in Florida. Segueway. How do you feel? Not great. I don't know, man. I feel like I'm going to miss my family. What happens if something bad happens? We'll get McDonald's after this whole is done. 11 seconds left for launch. Do I get any training or anything? Oh, my God. Oh, we can't hear you. Speak louder. [screams] Did I do it? Oh, I did it. Jerkface times. Oh, astronaut is dead. This is called ball fall. Impossible. Huh? See how impossible it is now? That's not too bad. [screams] You lie to me. All right. Guess I'm not going that way. Oh, my arms. Oh, God. Oh, I feel like I needed those. Uh-oh. Oh, this is bad. Oh, wait. My arm blasted the thing for me. See? I don't get blown up. I just have to go this way. Look at that. Now, I don't have any arms to fix things if I end up not falling correctly. I basically just have to hope that all of my yoga practice comes in handy. I can see something very violent. I don't-- There is a lot happening down there. We don't need arms where we're going. Oh, no, it's right there. Well, hold on. I might have a second chance. Just trust me on this. I can't imagine anything going wrong here. -A few seconds later -If you're looking at me right now, something went wrong. [music] Oh, right arms. Yes, do the thing. There you go. Blow everything up for me. I need to make sure that I fall more over to the right. My knees. That was bad. You know what'd be great? If I could get rid of my legs right now. Oh, never mind. Oh, yes, just got to-- That's the downward dog position right there we call that in yoga. Perfect. Excellent. Now we have the swaying albatross right here. Then there's that-- I got to get [grunts] just the toe. If I can get my toe-- Oh, come on. Get over the ball. Yes, perfect. Okay. I like how I said I need to fall over to the right and I end up doing the exact opposite. Is there a way for me to keep my hands? There we go. There we go. Yes. Uh-oh. Oh, wait. Hold on. This is fine. Everything's fine. We have lift off. Perfect. There goes my helmet. That's not good. Let's just-- Oh, my God. I swear to God, toes, you're really starting to get in my way out. Oh, God. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Now, perfect landing. Go. Yes. [laughs] Yeet. God. 123. Oh, yes. Just resting my head on a very, very violent jet. No big deal. Well, that's fine. I needed to leave that behind, to be quite honest with you. That foot had been troubling me for a great many years. I'm flat footed. Now, I'm no footed and a backflip. Perfect. We're going to ricochet upward. Look at that. Right there. I may have lost an arm, but I kicked a goal, so I'm going to go ahead and take that trade. Welcome to Satan's Bedroom. What does Satan's bedroom look like? [laughs] How about that? [laughs] That was accidental but it worked out really good. Ready for this? [screams] Boom. [laughs] I survived, too. I'm so high. This is called harpoon survival 18. Round one. Uh-oh. It's been a long time since I've done a harpoon survival. Oh yes, no problem. I'm going to stand up straight, and then this way. Perfect. What else you got for me, huh? Anything else? Round two. How many rounds are there? Boom and nice. Oh, going back to the bottom. Perfect and then big jump. [laughs] Round three. [screams] Oh, God. No. Oh, my groin. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Oh, no. [laughs] Round what? Round victory. [screams] [laughs] This is called Leetball. Grab the mighty leetball. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Then you just hold onto the-- Hold on. Oh, epic jump. Whoops, my leap ball didn't leap hard enough. Oh, yes, there we go. Big flip sticks the landing. Oh, my arms. This is called glass break catapult two. Click, launching a catapult. Click ball throwing. I'm going to click it now. Oh, got it. This is called Twitter takeover. Wait, if I don't want to take over Twitter, can I just jump out the window? Yes. [laughs] There's nothing down but you can. All right, so what do you have to do in the twitter takeover? Oh, it's like a violent Tesla. Why? [laughs] No. All right. Oh God, and then what is this? Oh, my two brain cells when Gray uploads another vid. Thanks, McLovin. Oh, my God. Let me-- Okay. See if I can get through the little-- Oh, God. I'm fine. We're fine. Everything's fine. All right, I'm a lot less fine now. Oh, boy. Twitter takeover is about to be a lot more difficult than I had previously anticipated. All right, so what you got to do is kick upward. Look at that. Kick upward. See that? Okay, this board is no joke. Oh, yes. I'm just going to jump over the problem. Oh, okay. All right. Okay. Okay, kick upward. Perfect, and then kick upward. Nice. Oh, yes, we're getting there now. Everything's fine, and then I have to go under this a little bit. Oh, I was on the trend floor. What floor am I going to now? The verified floor. Oh, are they-- Oh, I thought they were violent verification check marks. They're not. Oh, a glass break.Okay. I'm not going to lie, it is really giving me anxiety hearing all of the very, very violent check marks preparing to kill me. Hot judge. Melons rulez. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Are you done? Are you done Mr. Twitter bird? Did you enjoy that? Oh, I got-- Did I get verified? What happened? Did I get it? Do you go? Oh, wow. Oh, no. Apparently, I can't trust anyone. Up and over. Blowing pass those right away. I don't want any of your analytics. Get out of here. Now, I do have to take a bunch of Twitter bird cross snowballs to the butt. Not super happy about that, but you know how it goes. All right, hit me. Ow, ow. Oh, yes. Oh, that's great. You done yet? Good. All right, get verified, and now we're going full speed. Really? I never knew Twitter was so violent. Oh, yes, and over. This elevator is like the worst place on earth. All right, here's the plan. We're breaking all the glass. I am not dealing with getting one tiny shard of glass stabbing me in the face. Yes, all the glass gets broken. Every glass, break. All of you. No survivors. Ow, ow. No survivors for the glass. I said-- Oh, I just lost my helmet. That's not good. All right, shoot me in the butt. Go ahead. Oh, that's it? Okay. Oh, there's glass back there too in the bird? Come on. This board is torture. This board is literal torture. I don't have any arms. Well, I do technically have arms. They're just like passengers on this voyage. All right, verification bird. Let me get my head forward here. Yes, there we go. Okay, so do not touch the Twitter bird. The Twitter bird is a liar. There. Check mark. Go. Over the analytics button. This board is probably one of the more difficult boards that I played because if you make any mistake anywhere, you die. Now, I have trust issues. Okay, so I've got all my arms, I've got my helmet, I can't manage to break these last two pieces of glass. This better not come back to haunt me. It's going to come back to haunt me, isn't it? Ow, ow, ow, ow. All right, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Come on, elevator. No. Little Tom Hardy, I'm sorry, man. I'll send your mother to come pick you up tonight. Splatoon. I don't like the sound of that. Can we be friends? Apparently not. Wow. All right, bye. That was weird. Anyone else? Oh, God, no. Oh, boy. Oh, they're swirling. They are violently swirling. Wait for it, wait for it, and now maybe? Oh, God. That went right in the gluteus. Luckily, I'd been-- I see a sword. Oh, one of them is triple wielding butcher's cleavers. Come on. Oh, God. Oh, Lord. Okay, Yes, we're fine, we're fine. We're not fine, we're not fine. We are so not fine. Oh, come on. I'm going to go insane. This board is going to drive me completely insane. Through the glass. Grab the check mark. All right, splatoon let's see what you got. Come on, bring it on, yes, you think your blades can stop me? Oh, probably. I can get past the trends pretty much every time. I don't want your verification. Ow. Uh-oh. Oh, this is bad. Oh, they're all coming at me at once. Oh, God. Oh. Oh, no, the first splatoon dodged. The second splatoon dodged. The third platoon is up my rectum, I have faced this splatoon army like 1,000 times at this point. Oh yes. Okay, it's fine. Everything's fine. How does this army work? I feel like I could skip past it slightly. Oh, now they're caught together. Well, that's bad. How am I supposed to get through it now? Both armies are stuck. Oh, hold on, one army's coming this way? No, never mind. I feel like I did something I wasn't supposed to do. Okay, are we all friends? We're all together now? No? Well, this is interesting. Come get me because I can't progress unless you do. All right, you know what? We'll all beat the board together. That's right. Everyone start moving this way, very good. Yes, kill that guy over there. Perfect, yes, keep going, keep going. Yes, you guys are doing great. You guys doing great. Oh yes, there you go. Come on, you're almost there. [laughs] I don't know what to do. Oh, hey, wait a second. I don't remember giving you access to be here. Well, I brought my splatoon army. I don't remember you having a cyber truck hanging above your head, a cyber what? [laughs] What does it mean? Oh, come on. You know what? I have an idea of how to beat these guys. Here's the plan. He're going to get through all this. Boom. Look at that, watch this right here. Bam, bing. I'm going to use just my hands. In other words, we're going to crawl our way through this. Now, I think that the creatures don't get-- oh, look at this, the whole time the answer was right in front of me. I never realized that I could crawl my way to victory. Yes, yes, oh, oh, get cyber trucked. Cyber truck powers activate. Yes, okay, I just have to climb over the cyber truck. No problem. Yes. Oh my God, thank you. It's finally over. We have a winner. I took over Twitter and I don't want it. Hey, folks, I hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels Till next time. Stay foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 991,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, mobile game, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, indie, impossible happy wheels, hw, best happy wheels moments, twitter happy wheels, twitter blue happy wheels
Id: UQKfu57d5Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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