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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah hey I'm gonna say 23 pound all right people kept this Dave here I'm not sure what the date is it's May 8th maybe could be the night who knows it's a very cold morning blackberry winter they call it got down into the 30s last night I made a video right here called too lazy to fish I established that this would be a good spot right where a creek dumps out right off a point right off a Ledge problem was as I got anchored in the water about 10:30 that morning I was too lazy to get up I ended up catching three fish in that video wasn't a bad trip but could have been a lot better if I just got my butt out of bed now I didn't totally learn my lesson because I still didn't get here early by any means I should have been here two hours ago right at daybreak but either why I am here about two hours earlier than I was before so we're gonna see if getting here earlier gets me more than three fish and possibly even gets me a bigger fish than last video I hope so because I like catching big catfish and this is a catfish video one fish landing and probably the first eight minutes of being in the water which is a good sign Oh team catfish I just got hit again something's hitting on wine going slack almost sucks like a flat head by a blue cat will usually nail it there it goes there it goes no it could be a small fish that's a big bait well I got breakfast Timmy let's catch some catfish I got something just wearing my headpiece out just a little bit he bites over here on the right I don't know what a fish that small is doing out here in this deep of water you think he'd be scared he'd get ate by something there he goes still pecking it's a nice quiet morning I'm not hearing no dag-blasted dogs I'm not hearing no dag-blasted goose and there ain't too many best fishermen out this morning I had one parked right next to me here when I planted that first fish I'm hoping this colder morning and keep them ocean cruisers off my butt for a little while I'm sure they'll come out hopefully it's after I make this video I'm counting on the fact that I got to a good spot earlier than the last time that I have a better trip all right people I got here early enough that I've had the time to sit down and decide that this spot ain't producing Jack doodly-squat I pulled up here and in the first 8 to 10 minutes had a blue on the boat I figured yeah this gonna be a good spot I'm at the right place it turns out it is not technically it is a good spot even the fish finder says there's fish right down here there's a series of points around me I'm at this point here on this side of the creek channel well there's another one where it up one dumps out over there there's another Creek over here it's got the same thing it's got a point so I've got a series of points here and I have got here early enough that I can pull anchor now and get anchored on one of these other ones and still have time to catch some of the morning bite as soon as my boat quits Rocking I'm gonna pull anchor and hit one of them other spots dag-blasted bass fisherman spot number two let's see what it'll do anchor it over about 40 foot of water right here not real far off the bank right off a point I'm after something big so far no big ocean cruisers this morning I'm happy about that not getting numbers of fish this morning but if I end up with one big fish I'll be happy this looks like a spot that would produce a big fish hey shut up you're dag-blasted duck well I've been out here an hour and so far the fishings been sour all I've seen is a bunch of 70 mile an hour bass fisherman wanting to show me that their boat motors got powered it's windy it's called and I ain't catching Jack doodly-squat [Music] this ain't no tank right here this is a tank he's going straight for my anchor it's a big fish right here boys [Music] fight like a flathead steak [Music] I got a good mind to pull my car if it gets close to it tell your wife my anger [Music] hold another line and get it [Music] [Music] that might be a blue I'm putting a little bit of hint [Music] it's a blue cat that's a nice fish right there nice fish that's the biggest fish on the anvil Rock so far well that fish right there was worth the wait worth the trip good test for the anvil rod first I thought it was a big flathead the way it was staying down I felt that head shake I said yeah blues got a different feel to it if that's all I get is them two fish I'm happy with today one point don't work try another will people it's getting close to the noon hour it's a slow bite I really don't know what else to do right now but sit down and eat another can of Vienna sausages even if the fish was button I still couldn't stay my last little Debbie all right people it's getting into midday don't seem like there's too many fish here wanting to play if you get one real nice one I'm gonna make another hot there's a Creek comes out over there I'm gonna park off that point over there right where that Creek dumps out there's stuff like this all over for it Loudon my Ma's will give it a shot and see if it's a good spot let's head on over that way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I need a bigger net weight to point people so far we get one fish per point [Music] I have reestablished with a double anchor because I got tired of that wind swinging me around it'll blow that way then it'll blow that way now we're getting up into the afternoon hours which is definitely the time I do not like to fish one thing I do have going for me is that it's better to be out here in the afternoon than it is tonight during that full moon another thing I have going for me is it is the month of May it is spring fish are more active right now than probably any time of year so even though it is the afternoon fish still have something to fear because I'm still out here Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this number more that fish came extremely shallow probably in six foot of water they're just kind of scattered all depths this time of year either way they are swimming in fear just catfish Davis here point to point people this is a video there was fish in the video this is catfish day with another one signing out [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 62,757
Rating: 4.950067 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Catfish, Flathead Catfishing, Fishing, Fort Loudoun Reservoir, Tennessee River, Anvil Rod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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