I Replaced the Sun with a 1mm Star and This Happened - Universe Sandbox 2

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all right so we're back to the only game where you can heat up the earth with a Sun that's the size of 10,000 bottles of Bud Light it's universe sandbox - universe sandbox - is all about adding more zeros until something breaks today however we're gonna do something different I want to see how small I can get the Sun and still have it heat up the earth i realistically want to at least get down to one kilometer but if I can go smaller I will this is particularly depressing for the Sun because imagine waking up one day and all your zeros are gone everyone's questioning your judgment you can't perform like you used to your wife left you I mean at this point the game has become making everything as big as possible so making something as small as possible means that whatever is the target of my insanity is probably feeling justifiably wronged from this point forward you will be known as the Sun after the divorce something I'm kind of curious about is how close the earth is going to have to orbit the Sun in order to you know actually not turn into a block of ice I'm also kind of curious what's gonna happen when the Sun only takes up like this much space because doesn't that mean that it would only be able to potentially heat up like a small area I mean Florida is pretty close to the equator so maybe Florida man will be all right Africa should be good as long as I don't end up blowing it up with a rogue meteorite like I do in every other episode so the issue here is that the Sun is gonna have to get smaller but the mass is going to have to get much higher and at some point the Sun is going to want to turn into a black hole why I don't know that's that's what the Sun does when it retires after the divorce we can't have that though I want it to be the goddamn Sun so we're dealing with seven hundred and two thousand kilometres right now let's go ahead and knock off one of the end numbers and take it down to 70 thousand kilometer okay the Sun shrunk pretty bad it's like all the steroids that have been taking in the other episodes finally kicked in okay so the Sun is one tenth this big let me give it 10 times more mass and pray to God this doesn't destroy the universe real quick all right so far so good it's the same learn everything I can only imagine when the earth sees the Sun had a divorce and the earth is like Oh God the Sun is like no my child it's not your fault go ahead and speed up time here a little bit just to see what happens to the surface temperature surface temperatures going up went up a lot like you know ninety degrees Celsius we're at a nice temperate 41 degrees Celsius up to 144 and everyone baked to death okay that was not the way to go about this okay I've got it working we're all still alive Australia is good the Sun is still divorced but people move on for numerical her hers were currently that many kilometers away from the Sun little over 14 million kilometers temperatures good everyone's happy and the Sun will still shine on Florida man while he pulls knives out of alligator skulls kind of like King Arthur in the sword in the stone only a lot more drunk all right it's time to start dividing by ten we go oh Christ first time I made the Sun disappear second time I made the Sun go supernova this is gonna be a lot larger pain in my ass than I had previously anticipated all right I've got good news and I've got bad news the good news is that I found the balance to make the Sun now 1/100 of its normal size the bad news is it's still divorced and the earth is 71 degrees Celsius maybe if I just kind of back down the temperature just a little bit god damn it now the earth is too cold it's like the baby bear of planets it's like either too hot or too cold come on baby just a just a little bit more right in the middle earth you freaking thought bastard just accept the green there we go so there's a few things to know here first off we get a year done in like 1.18 days right now we're also only like three million kilometers from the Sun I want to get to the point where the earth is like right up in the Suns grill like a hundred kilometres away or something the Sun however is actually looking brighter than before done some teeth whitening before it goes on social media to find a new mate all right son go down to 700 kilometers and see if you can hold it don't turn into a black hole do not turn into a black hole I'd like to take a moment to show you exactly what happens to the earth now you can see fairly close to the Sun everything's looking pretty good though temperature seems to be nice we are rotating around the Sun at like a bajillion miles an hour but that's just how it go right about here you see that that is the darkness that is the depression that is the earth starting to go to therapy after the Sun got divorced as usual I do appreciate that the very first pieces of Earth that are leaving the entirety of the planet are right next to Florida in fact there goes a chunk right from Florida first Florida man in space right there whenever the game begins to slow down suddenly I know there's an issue you know like the flames of hate is beginning to spread across the earth oh now it's ejaculating out of both sides one year now happens in 51 minutes and the earth is orbiting around the Sun at 678 km/s as the shock wave of death claims lives go ahead and speed things up mm that kind of sucks you know when its own particulates are kicking it in the balls and before you know it the earth is no more okay we may have to tone down the gravitational pull of the Sun a little but okay we got it holding right around fourteen point four degrees Celsius we're getting pretty freakin close the distance that the earth has to be to the new Sun is pretty close so we're gonna have to back down the mass yet again well the Sun didn't do too well after all the court hearings neither did the earth gonna have to back the mast down a little bit more on a side note though the fireworks show is pretty amazing so here's a bunch more don't pay any mind to the very first earth that I tested at this distance we recycle here so that Earth is now a ring for the Sun just makes it look cooler in order to survive we are now only three hundred and ninety thousand kilometers from the Sun but obviously a 70 kilometer Sun is still too damn big okay that doesn't work hey the Sun can sort of exist right here except for the fact that it's 594 degrees Celsius so the Sun doesn't have much left to give it is currently not even seven kilometers in size it's only radiating 781 degrees Celsius but that is enough to keep the earth warm at this point the earth is only a hundred and seventy four thousand kilometers away from the thing that's beginning to regret ever having given birth to it it's not small enough let's go for seven meters okay we're now only sixty thousand kilometers to this sad broken pathetic Sun the earth is basically this colossal being that's rotating around this thing and it's currently four meters in radius this is the current orbit it's pretty friggin depressing but we can go smaller okay about 13 degrees Celsius were 24,000 kilometers from kill me it doesn't even look like a Sun anymore it just looks like a really pathetic Jupiter but you know like a Jupiter the size of a large marble it's almost four centimeters I want to make this Sun one millimeter okay I don't know what happened I tried to put the earth next to a 1 millimeter Sun and the Sun turned into this glowing semi translucent ball of Thanos death the dust of the galaxy is slowly following it being absorbed the souls of all the Florida men weeping softly consumed by their own enjoyment of Bud Light ok I've got it working I can't positional lock the Sun because if I do the earth just runs into it so now they have to orbit each other the Sun is one millimeter in order to get it to be a pleasant 15 degrees Celsius on earth the Sun has to run at 2300 degrees Celsius and the earth is only 6,000 kilometers from it it is an Earth's radius away from the Sun as you can see here it was actually a happy ending the Sun did in fact become closer with its child okay so while the sad pathetic Sun and the earth rotate around each other I I'm I'm faced with a question even though the Sun is only one millimetre what happens if we made the temperature that it gives out like a bajillion degrees Celsius 1600 degrees Celsius rookie numbers okay so the Sun has now turned into the Sun but it loves cocaine and that's its new surface temperature let us see what happens I mean yeah you know it's the size of a pinhead but it gives out a lot of heat the earth is only up to 26 degrees Celsius this is not good enough more zeros I don't care how many times I gotta hit this goddamn button hey 39 degrees Celsius I at least want to earth to catch on fire again I know that it's so minuscule of a size I don't think the game has ever let me gone this far without crashing before I don't know I kind of want to hold down on this until something breaks sweet Jesus we're going back in time now okay the earth did heat up it just takes forever the cocaine abusing Sun is beginning to cool off but it's okay all we have to do is move the earth closer there is a distinct possibility that when I do this the Sun could start ripping the earth apart because the gravity is still pretty strong holy jesus a little bit of movement goes a long ass way the earth ends up taking a lot of abuse from the Sun but again it's cooling off means we got to go closer I've got bad news even though the Sun and it all of its cocaine glory is only one millimeter that was far too close I think we ended up at like 6000 kilometers and the little sunlit wasn't having any of it oh this is new and exciting it's making the Sun do an s-curve now the earth has seen worse it just has to kind of like exfoliate it skin with the dead particles of its former glory these are all the places that no one cares about anyway it's like the middle of the state of Florida well alright maybe except except for Orlando I'm curious how long this pain will continue on it is just ripping bits and pieces away from the earth well about that long so I decided to shoot a one millimeter son that's a gajillion degrees and temperature at the earth at one billion times the speed of light just to see what happens okay slowly making our approach things don't look too bad so far as usual it's gonna hit Africa damn near like it does every friggin time okay the earth hasn't turned inside out or anything yet this may be one of those things where you know the Sun just passes through the earth because it's moving so fast and it doesn't actually destroy it or anything like that and we okay okay the the earth is starting to glow the earth is kind of looking like its pissed I'm not sure if it just absorbed all of the sun's energy or all of its heat or what it seems to be okay though I mean the earth is still in one piece and that to me is victory if ever I did see one okay now the earth is starting to boil that was a that was a pretty big piece of the earth right there that just came off maybe it wasn't such a good idea to shoot the Sun at a billion times the speed of light now the earth is having terrible acne never mind the earth is going freakin nuclear you can actually see the the flaw sighs the line where the Sun carved a path through space oh it must have penetrated so hard that it's having like blowback all chunks are blowing out of the earth in the direction it came from you Yeah right earth you turn it into some colors that I hadn't really anticipated before oh there we go now it's starting to shrink back down okay well it atomized the earth to be fair I guess that's fairly accurate I can't even click on the earth anymore the particles that were there have now completely dissolved oh well okay hope you all enjoyed this episode of universe sandbox 2 till the next time stay foxy much-loved
Channel: GrayStillPlays
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Keywords: graystillplays, best vr games, gray still plays, graystillplays vr, gaming, video game, video games, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 workshop, universe sandbox 2 update, causing the apocalypse, ways the world could end, greystillplays, supernova, universe sandbox 2, increase gravity, smaller sun, smallest star, smallest sun, 1mm star, micro star, what if the sun was smaller than the earth
Id: 7VoJ5ZuiPV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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