when the earth swallows a city whole

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-All right. We're checking out the only game and you can play the worst kind of God by injecting every natural disaster with copious amounts of steroids. It's City Smash with new city hacks. [laughs] Mm, welcome to a baseline. So, City Smash is a game where you get to do anything you want to all these different cities, but one thing that it lacked was the ability to make more zeros. If we go over here to our volcano, the fireballs stop at 100. And as anyone will tell you, 100 balls is a very few number of balls. Also, I didn't- I never realized this until just now, but it's bothering me. The I is the only letter here that's lower case for some reason. So, what we just saw was 100 fireballs. What happens if say, we do 500 fireballs? I have a feeling it's going to be 20 seconds of death vomit. All right. So, this is-- I wonder if there's gonna be enough space on the screen to hold all of the balls. [laughs] Oh, the stack's getting pretty big. All right. That actually wasn't that bad. Now, obviously, we have this for pretty much everything, but before I go onto some of the other stuff, 2000 fireballs. There has to be a point where the game just can't support the number of balls that I'm going to slap it with. I don't know what that number is. Okay. The-the audio is starting to falter. At this point, like, you gotta look-- You're-you're in your city. You notice the volcano begins to erupt, and this is what happens. I have a feeling that people would just look back down at their cell phone and be like, "Oh, whatever. There's nothing I can do about this anyway." Okay. It is- it is still going. There's literally nothing left. At this point, we're just- we're just beating the ground with balls to beat the ground with balls. It's still going. Are we done yet? You done vomiting? Nope. This is the worst volcanic case of indigestion that has ever been recorded. Okay. It's finally done. Oh, there's that, there's the last ball. The hurricane has been something that I have wanted to mess with forever. Right. So, here's the hurricane. The force tops out at 150. Right. So, this is 150. It's still pretty-- It's already pretty bad. All of the- all of the defenses were like, "There's nothing to target." They had all those missile launchers. You can't shoot the hurricane unless you're in Florida. Then we absolutely shoot at the hurricane. I think I need more stuff to blow over. Okay. So, 150 on the hurricane, but let's go ahead and bring that up to 500. All right. 500 on the hurricane, go. Yeet. [laughs] Oh, my God. Oh, there's one little piece. God, it was like one of those performances where the guy pulls the table cloth out from the entire dinner set, except they suck at it. So, the whole dinner set comes with the cloth. Uh, I mean, I might as well use the buildings real quick. What the hell? How come this side of the city got torched before this side? Everyone who lives on the left side of town lived for an extra one half a second. I mean, at this point I don't actually know what I'm trying to achieve, but I'm gonna put in 5,000 just to see if we even get to see the city or if it just evaporates pretty much immediately. Okay, here we go. [laughs] Oh, my God. Ah, all right. You did get to see it. I wanna make these winds light speed. Hold on. All right. Screw it, 100,000. Actually. Uh, before we get here, uh, yeah, you can have a little bit of snow. Maybe the snow will pad some of the death. Hey, Honda civic. I'm really sorry. Goodbye. Yup. You don't even see the buildings. They simply vanish from sight. Now I remember the earthquake being-- Oh, it has start force and an end force. I remember the earthquake being pretty bad no matter what. Everything pretty much gets liquified right away, but obviously, 150 just isn't good enough. Let's do the nightline here. Maybe the people in the flying cars can survive this. Uh, earthquake start force. You know what? Let's start it off kind of slow. We'll do 50, but the end force will be, oh, 500. You guys can have some rain. All right, here we go. Uh, I feel like the start force and the end force kind of came together very quickly. Also, the flying cars did survive. Don't really know what- don't really know what's blowing up. Oh, I think they're running into the debris. Yeah, they're trying to get over it. [laughs] Look, your car can fly. How are you screwing this up? This is like a 30-car pile up over here. Everyone keeps hitting the exact same piece of debris. All right. I'm not even sure if we'd be able to like tell a difference or anything, but, uh, whatever. Here. You know what? Let's go all the way. How many numbers can I shove in here? That-- I clicked by accident? Okay. So, one-one gajillion is obviously too much. How about 10,000? Maybe you can actually see something in 10,000. Go. [groans] This is what happens when the earth steps on a Lego. So, the meteor has always been great, because you get to decide kind of, where it goes and how fast it comes in at. The only problem is, that's pretty much as fast as you can go. Notice how many survivors we have on this map? Rookie numbers. So, what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the meteor here and make this 1000, and then, yeet. That's actually not too bad for 1000. Typically at 1000, it just removes everything from the screen down there, but we still have three whole buildings left. All right. So, if I take the blast radius and I put this up to 10, try that. Okay. That pretty much got rid of all of the buildings. Put it up to 100. Go. Yeah. [laugh] Oh, God. Hold on, hold on. Maybe, uh, maybe the water will blunt some of the force. I think it did actually, because the pieces of the bridge didn't actually go that far. It never ceases to amaze me how people just don't care in this game. This dude's like,"Listen, I got a meeting to get to. I get paid- I get paid by the delivery, not by the hour. I'm driving across this debris. I don't care." Oh, really? Yeet. [laughs] Okay, blast radius 200. Obviously, like I said, there's going to get a point-- How is this still st-- Okay, there we go. I was gonna say, like, one-eightieth of the building managed to stand somehow. I also like how in the background, some of the buildings already look like they've been messed with. It could- they could just be futuristic, but it kind of looks like some dick like me was like, "You know what'd be great? More meteors." All right, whatever. Blast radius, 1000. Well, I'm gonna do it real slow. Here. Nice slow meteor. Okay. That wasn't that slow. What the hell happens if I do it all the way? Actually got a little bit of slowdown from the damage. All right. Explosive forced 10,000, since we haven't actually broken the game yet. For Science. It looked like it hit the city so hard that the rain that was left on the building was all that was left for, like, one-eighth of a second until that too evaporated into steam. Seriously here, watch. See, it's there for a second. It's the rain that's chilling out on the buildings. Oh, one of the pieces of debris hit the car on the way down. That's like an extra 10 points. Actually, if I- if I come, like-- Well, yeah. If I come at the side-- Oh. So, because of the force, even if I shoot the meteor way on the other side of the planet, the force just blows all the stuff to the other direction. I don't even think I can [?] this thing enough. Hold on. Maybe if I do it-- Yeah, there we go. It still happened. I managed to get it to go upward and it blew everything this way. It's unstoppable. So, something I hadn't done. How quickly can I spawn these? I can at least probably get-- Oh, that's right. I can make these fall down forever. Hold on, I have an idea. Real quick, volcano. Number of fireballs, whatever. A huge amount, 10,000. All right. Let me get a whole bunch of volcanoes going. Hold on. Obviously, there's not going to be anything left here, right? I just wanna see if I can keep stacking up the fireballs or if there's just a limit to how many can be on the screen at any one time. Volcanoes choose violence. They are still going. Yeah, at this point, we're just playing the drums on the planet. 10,000 is legit too. The first one is still vomiting up fireballs. Actually, if my violent volcano fights dollar store Godzilla over here, like, will it hit him or-- Hold on. [laughs] I guess, maybe he was born a fire. He was like, "Ah, it was just like taking a shower." That's okay though. I can try Cthulhu as well. Okay, are you at least gonna catch some of the fireballs? I'll help a brother out. It's like he's just funneling them into one specific area. Okay. It's time to mess with the black hole. So, the maximum we had before was 100 and 150, and with that, you get this. It's pretty- it's pretty damn bad to be honest with you. [chuckles] Okay. There's only one poor car that doesn't blow up right away, so he just has to sit there inside of the ball of depression. And then, let's take it and do 300 and 500. Go. See, now nothing can escape, right? It's so big. Actually, can I spawn another one? I want the two black holes to fight against one another. Just give me all the black holes. More. Ah, I've created a helix of death. Okay. So, it's not so much the radius, it's the force. So, we'll do 10,000 force. Oh, destroy distance, eh? Sure. Now, I don't know if this just erases-- [laughs] Oh, my God. It does. I was gonna say, "I don't know if it would just erase everything." So, I think, like, even 100 would probably erase most of the city. Everything just gets vaporized immediately. How about zero? How about if there's just no destroy distance? Actually, what happens if there's no effect distance either? But there's like 10,000 force. Just a black hole the size of a grain of sand. Oh? Okay, so nothing happens. So, how about just, like, one? There's a lot of lights. It looks cool. Effect radius one. Yeah, one tiny little area, but it doesn't actually do any blackholing. It doesn't suck anything. Oh, yeah. Landing right on the car. And now, just because we can, here we go. And welcome to 2022. See that, I just created world peace by making sure that no one lives here anymore. [?] folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of City Smash. Until next time. Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,415,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, ways the world could end, greystillplays, city smash, city smash game, city smash gameplay, city destruction, city destruction game, meteor hits city, cat 10 hurricane, f-10 tornado, f10 tornado, natural disasters, and this happened, swallows a city, when the earth, simulator, simulator games, what if, black holes in space, natural disasters 2021, mobile games, solar smash, what happens if, tornado, earthquake, earth, city, volcano, hurricane, space
Id: JBu1EK15Qp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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