when earth evolves into an impossible shape

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-All right. We're checking out the only game where you can send a Legion of space dragons to kill a hundred billion people on earth until it's the size of a single slice of American cheese. It's Solar Smash. So Solar Smash had a brand new update, uh, besides bringing in space dragons, they now allow you to make part of the earth completely invincible. This is possibly the most amazing thing ever as you can decide exactly how wide, tall, long, short, or whatever the invincible slice will be, and so I have decided that I want to see just how thin I can get the earth and see how many people I can shove on a one millimeter thick slice of Earth. Now obviously we need to start with a baseline. Although, I am kind of curious now. Does the invincibility area, is it like completely invincible? Like if I blow up the sun, will this part of the earth be completely unscathed or does the sun actually get through it? Yes, the sun absolutely gets through it. The sun does not care about your invincibility area. You can't spell yeet without y. So the obvious power here is in the custom planet area, because I found out that what you can do, hold on, is you take your My Little Pony beam, all right, you, you know, shave a little bit off the top of the earth like this here. Oh yeah, that's nice and smooth. That looks delicious. It's like a fresh oatmeal raisin cookie that's been baked on the surface of the Sun. Then you can take this part of the earth then you can get rid of the protective area. There we go. And now I-I basically have 1/4 of a sushi, but that's not all, this area is still alive. Normally in the game, it would have killed everyone on here. Hold on now, I can go ahead though, put some let-- you know what, hold on. Let me make Florida. Actually that looks more like Australia. There we go. That's kind of like Florida. Actually, it's just the tip. Doesn't look so much like a planet. Looks like bad cammo. Anyway, now we can go ahead and shove people on here. Now obviously, you need to know exactly how many people we can shove on this sad sushi. You boys like intergalactic teriyaki? Actually, am I allowed to put land? Hold on, I'm kind of curious. Can I put land here? Like, does it count? Nah, that's all right, I have an idea for later. Pretty sure that was Florida's tip right there, and then you have what is effectively a really long bra. I like to use my imagination to try and figure out what all these different shapes look like. This just looks like a water bottle vomiting fire or a turtle with no legs. All right, now that we've got all that filled up, always make sure to save often. Okay, I'd like to take a moment to mention, I managed to shove more people on this sad pickle slice than the original Earth had. Now one of the things that is amazing is that you can take a space dragon here, hold on, and you can pilot the space dragon, and of course the dragon makes the glorious sound. Yay. Although, I don't know what happens if you just, like, run into earth as the dra-- I just killed the dragon. I-I feel like that was some sort of weird felony. I'm not gonna lie, a lot of people wanna drive Teslas or Lamborghinis or something. If I could drive a dragon, I would be happy. Hmm. Dragons like pickles just like everybody else. All right, I'm gonna try to not kill this dragon. Florida's Department of Wildlife will get after me. Although hold on. I think it's pretty obvious that I have to see if I can drive this dragon into the sun. I need this dragon to blow up this sun. I feel like that's the start of some sci-fi book. Ouch. I don't know what happened. My dragon just didn't want to go into the sun. He was like, "Hell no." Also, just digging through the earth, I killed everyone. Hold on, I wanna put one Cthulhu-- Oh, I can't even put Cthulhu in the middle. He comes from the side. How big of a piece can he take? There's not much left, man. The hell was that? It was like a nibble. So luckily the Railgun does let you hit whatever you want. Crap. I was trying to core out the middle, I ended up blowing up the whole planet. Now it just looks like a giant piece of tetanus. Okay, so if you remember, this was the max population planet that I had made originally, but now what I have to do is just find out how screwed up I can get these things to work. Yeah, you know what, let's go sideways. Actually, hold on. Can I go like, can I go like this. I just wanna see if I can turn this planet into what is effectively just a French fry. All right, so to do this kind of quick-- Oh, here. Let's do this. Here we go. Oh, yeah, that- that's gonna help. A little bit down here too. It's, um, it's kind of like we're brutalizing the French fry. We're tenderizing the French fries. Here we are. Yes, go. I'm trying to find the fastest way to get rid of all this crap on the outside to leave the stuff on the inside so I can have my fry. What the hell? Oh my God. What did I do to the planet? It's like I ripped its face off. I skinned it like an apple. Uh, I think I may have broken things hold on. Okay. That may have been because that planet was still on an old save. There we go. Oh yeah. If I can't have my French fryer earth, I'mma be pissed. Okay. I ended up killing everyone on the last planet too. So here's the plan. I'm going to get this working. Okay. So right now everything's fine. The planet is still alive. Okay. Now what happens if I take this and I start, you know, making it thinner like that. All right. Oh yeah. Oh, here we go. Okay. So far so good, everyone on this planet is probably like, "If you spent as much time trying to torture everyone as you did, trying to help everyone--" Yeah, yeah, I know, tomato-tomato, right. We're getting there. Now we have like an earth bottle opener. Hey, bring it down a little bit more. This is going to work. It may be kind of like a steak fry, but it's still going to be an earth French fry, swear to God. And then I have to get it as thin as humanly possible. All right. Bring it in. [laughs] Okay, now we basically have the earth school eraser. Okay, perfect. A little bit more. I don't want to go too far. Torture takes time. Okay. Yes, yes, it's working. The planet hasn't blown up yet. Okay. Now for the last chunk, poop, there. Let me have my French fry, let me have my French fry. Yes. Oh, we're going to have one millimeter thick earth. It's going to happen. Okay. We did it. Okay. So now that I have the French fry earth, hold on, now the land on it, I get as much as possible. I don't have a lot of space to work with all right, but we're gonna make do. Here we go. And now people want as many as them as possible. I feel like this is one of those instances where, like, everyone's starting to go to space now at this point in time, and you know, people are thinking about colonizing other planets, and then they get to it and they see this and they're like, "Oh God." They'd be like, "Who built this planet?" They'd be like, "GrayStillPlays." They'd be like, "No." Oh, hold on. I think I missed like a tiny little area right up-- like right up here, I think. There we go, there we go. Got it. Okay. Yeah. Perfect. A little bit more. Okay. French fry earth is ready. Now, I want to make it look-- hold on. I want to make it look legit. So, you know, put as many clouds on their. Clouds. If I put like a ring around it, is it like-- that's like a legitimate ring. If a planet was shaped like this, I don't know if it's, like, gravitational field around it would be perfectly circular. Not like I'm a scientist or anything. All right, make it very Floridian. Okay, so now I can take the protective sphere away. There we go. There is 1.8 billion people on the French fries. Oh, crap, I almost shot it by accident. Let me turn that off. I would- I would be in complete dismay if I destroyed this work of art. Okay. So, all right. So you have French fry earth. So now, right, if I take this, oh, not that way. Take this. All right, so now if I shrink it by-- this is getting pretty stupid, but all right, just hear me out now. Let's see if this works. I think once I put people on it, it won't let me do this, but I'm going to try. Ah crap. One shot and everyone insta died. 1.8 billion people. That was-- Ah my planet just disappeared. What the hell? Ooh, I am dividing by zero in this episode. Like, is there anything technically there right now? Hold on. Space dragon, ge-get in there. I want to see-- can you, like, do anything? I don't [?] get a space dragon right now. Oh, I can't even get rid of the shield. Oh, I broke things in a way they weren't meant to be broken. All right, no worries. We've got another planet right for the Bob Rossing. Okay. So if I take this, I don't even know what would happen. Like, is this even-- it is? There-there is space. Like it is one tigh-- Ah, that dragon just side swiped my plan. I had nothing to do with that. What I was trying to say is if I go like this, can I get rid of all this but keep the middle still alive. Actually, I'm going to kill people with urine today. I don't do that enough. Okay, okay. So far so good. Yes, I told you, even if the game doesn't want us to do something, there's always a way to make it work. I just can't put any people on it yet. Otherwise it'll they'll d-- like, this won't work. It's because nobody's dumb enough to hang around while I'm taking a stream of light speed urine to their planet. Actually, what happens if someone urinated on earth at light speed? That sounds like the title for a new video. All right. Get rid of this last little chicken nugget. There we go. Okay. And legit, look at this, for real, flat earth has nothing on this. Okay. So now, right? Oh yeah. I can put land on it. Imagine if this game was used in, like, a science class and the parent would be like, "What did you do today at school?" And the child is like, "I turned earth into a gigantic sewer lid and then I killed everyone on it." I mean, the dad would probably be like, "That's my boy." All right, Now I need to see exactly how many people I can get on here. I feel like the original earth would look at this planet and be like, "What did you do to my boy?" All right. So we got our perfect earth onion ring. Get rid of that. Yeah, you can see the cities over here built up. And now the big question is, how many people could live on this sad potato chip? What the hell? How did I get more people living on this than I did on the other one? There's eight billion people shoved in here. I mean, I guess there is more space than a French fry. Now, if I send a moon right through the middle of this, will it kill everyone, or will it just make it like the perfect earth onion ring? Damn it, why did ya'll have to die? Although it did keep the earth looking earth like. Hold on. I just don't want to half-ass the onion ring. So I have to urinate until it's-- There we go. Perfect. Delicious. Or is it? What the hell? What the hell? What happened to the crust? Looks like an overcooked brick oven pizza. Um, well, maybe I can cool it. Oh, that makes it perfectly smooth. Woo. Yeah. Hold on. Oh yeah. Oh, that's beautiful. I'm making Zena's chakra out of the earth. Okay. Something I-I dreamed of my whole life. Just a happy little mistake. There you go. I turned the earth into a wedding ring or like a piece of fried calamari with a lot of freezer burn on it. Okay. Real quick, before I try and get the tiniest piece of earth possible, I've got to feed my dragon. Okay. I'm not even sure. Hold on. I kind of want to see if I can fly through the middle of this. This dragon would look at this planet and be like, "Oh, maybe I'll just leave these people alone. Clearly they already have enough problems." Oh God. I don't have insurance on this dragon. There we go. Oh yeah. Oh, this is totally working. Yes. I don't even know why I'm punching this, this sad piece of planet. Hold on. Let me see if I can-- All right. He's winding up. He's going to end up splitting his knuckles because it's so thin. Look at that, it did almost zero damage because there's nothing to damage. Okay. New planet. And now I have the smallest protected area you can possibly get. All right. So now it's still like a urine stream, but it's like the urine stream of someone who abuses a lot of drugs and alcohol. Please let this work game. I need to know. Okay. Now. Oh, here, here. Come on. Please work. Okay. And then a little bit over here. Oh, it's working. The people. [laughs] Yes. You kinda have to, like, move it around to get it to work. Hold on. This-- can you actually see? Yeah, you can- you can kinda see the tiny little city on here. It actually just looks like the planet is getting leprosy. There, I'll give you a ring too, because why not? 310 million people. Well, let me get rid of this. That is how many people live on what is effectively just a lawn dart of the earth? I would say I'd give them a quick death, but honestly there's- there's nothing that can't kill them. Like I could sneeze on this planet and it would die. So hold on, let me make things real slow. Let me blow up the sun. Okay. There we go. So the sun's blowing up. Ah, crap. I hit a frigging asteroid. Okay. Now I just-- I need to know if this is-- Uh, nooooo. [chuckles] I wasn't sure. Maybe it was so small that it wouldn't even be recognized by the game. Uh, yes. The sad bits of charred flesh of what is effectively a tent spike of earth are now dissolving. Is it gonna explode like it really impressively? Because there's no landmass to blow up. Like, there's nothing here. It's- it's just one tiny piece of earth floss. It did. It exploded like it was a whole planet. There's one last thing I need to do though. I need to see if this is possible. Okay. Cause you've seen like flat earth and you've seen cubed earth. Okay. Now this-this, Oh yeah, people are absolutely going to be able to live on here. Hey, go. Oh, yeah, there's a little bit down here. Actually, there's a bunch down here. I don't even know how someone could live over there, but whatever. Behold, I give you Phillips head screwdriver earth. Population, 11 billion people. Now I can finally say that I screwed over the earth. Cthulhu, you know what to do. There's like one area where basically everyone lives. Yam-yam-yam. [laughs] 11 billion souls over into the next dimension. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode [?] next time stay Foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 5,626,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, greystillplays, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, black hole vs earth, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, smallest black hole possible, simulation games, god games, black hole on earth, cern black hole, 1mm black hole, 1mm black hole on earth, earth evolution, earth evolve, 1mm earth, solar smash, solar smash update, earth evolves, impossible shape
Id: lo4vXfzorMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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