When The Dove Cries | Jim Raley

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you know shortly before the iron curtain fell there was a woman named dottie rambo who actually went over into russia and for some reason they had invited her to come and sing she's a great songwriter she wrote songs like we shall behold him if i just started naming the song she wrote you would know uh the majority of them she's a phenomenal one of the greatest writers of her generation but she had toured russia singing imagine that at the iron curtain and i've been to russia many times and been through in the east but she's sitting there about to take off on aeroflot airlines that's the russian airlines i've flown it many times in prayer come on y'all but she's there and she feels such a vacuum of the presence of god that in the ukraine in bella russia in siberia in russia in east germany i've been in all those different places there was no witness of the spirit at all and she said i sat there in that plane i began to weep and she said the holy spirit began to speak to me and she said i started writing out this song holy spirit thou art welcome in this place she said i sat there in my seat and i began to sing it over all of eastern europe holy spirit thou art well come you know what happened within about 10 years of that the iron curtain melted away the berlin wall became a speed bump to the holy ghost and eastern europe burned in revival how many of you can say the same holy spirit that she spoke about is welcome in this place today all right if you're ready for the word shout i'm ready okay stand for the reading of god's word on the campuses i'm so glad to have you listen here's what i know god meets us at the level of our hunger is there anybody hungry for more of god today listen i'm coming for you it's going to be a dangerous message i'm preaching again on the dove on the holy spirit the bible says in genesis 1 1 and 2 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth some of you guys believe in the big bang theory i believe in the big bang theory too god spoke and banged there it was hallelujah the bible said the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep watch this and the dove the spirit of god the spirit of god was moving somebody say moving over the face of the waters and then in genesis 8 i taught a little bit about this last week eight and nine this is when noah sent forth the dove from the ark to see if the waters had receded and the bible said he sent forth from himself a dove to see if the waters had receded from the face of the ground but the dove checked this out now found no resting place for the soul of her foot so she returned into the ark to him for the waters were on the face of the whole earth so he took her in his hand and he drew her back into the ark unto himself he sent forth the dove the dove tried the land but found no rest now here was here's what the bible says in ephesians 4 30 and do not grieve the holy spirit of god by whom you are sealed until the day of redemption the word grieve there means to cause wounds it means to be heartbroken let me tell you the most sensitive part of the godhead is the dove it's the holy spirit the holy spirit is easily grieved he's easily chased out of a place he's easily he's easily moved from a room when he isn't welcome and and and i want to preach for a few minutes along these lines when the dove cries i'm going to tell you that i don't want to make the dove cry today i don't want to wound him i want to welcome him how many of you can say pastor i want to welcome him today sip up your hands spirit of god release anointing and favor here and on all of our campus and the campuses and the people by live stream around the world and we'll give you praise dove have your way in jesus name somebody give the lord the ovation of praise you can be seated i want to talk to you for a few minutes along these lines when the dove cries i i taught you last week that the dove is an incredible emblem of the holy spirit the dove in the old testament and the new testament actually symbolized the holy spirit and i want to tell you something about the holy spirit the holy spirit is more than just some heavenly force that's what the jehovah witnesses say they say it's just a force no he's he's more than a force and the holy spirit is more than an it you don't define the holy spirit as an it the holy spirit is properly defined as he so on this generation that wants to get their pronouns right you better get your pronouns right about the holy ghost can i get a witness he's the third person in the trinity who is every bit as much god as god himself he's not some kind of lower version of god he is every bit as much god as god himself how many of you know that he was present at creation because the bible said let us make man in our own image if god would have been by himself in himself he would have said let me make man but he said let us make man and the word us there is translated elohim which is translated god's plural most often god's three father son and holy ghost so the holy spirit is not some kind of diminished third string player in the trinity no he's every bit as much god as god himself he's omnipresent omniscient all all-powerful that means he's everywhere and he knows everything everything you're breaking your neck trying to figure out the holy ghost already knows and what did the bible say the bible says that the holy spirit is in you so do you know that you've got the omnipresent omniscient omnipotent god inside of you and when he prays through you you pray the mind and the will of god that's why shackles fall chains are released cancer dries up you pray about things you don't even know about because the holy spirit prays through you hallelujah anybody glad you're filled with the dove today now the first time we see him show up on the canvas of eternity is in genesis 1 2 and it said and the spirit of god was moving somebody say moving over the face of the waters the first time the holy ghost shows up we see him doing something he's moving and i've come to let you know he has not changed the spirit of god that moved at creation is moving right now don't get it bent when the holy ghost shows up he shows up to move he doesn't show up just a hangout but he walks in the room because he has an agenda to move he'll move your children he'll move your cancer he'll move your problem he'll move your depression how many of you can say lord come on in this place and move hallelujah how many of you'd like him to move in your house how many of you like him to move on your family so you're going to understand something about the holy spirit don't get it bent the spirit of god moves and that's why i want to be a part of a church where god is moving i don't know let me tell you something we need the moving of the holy ghost more than we ever have and and the truth is y'all the word moving there is a real powerful word if you look at it in the hebrew it means to hover it means to flutter it means to brood over it means to shake like a bird hovering over her nest like a bird brooding over her nest like a dove come on somebody it's like a dove hovering fluttering and brooding much like a bird as i said and one of the most powerful emblems is a dove now emblem reminds us of the spirit of god oil is an emblem of the holy spirit you study your bible you'll find out that that water is an emblem of the holy spirit and the wind is an emblem of the holy spirit their characteristics show us in the natural they reflect the characteristics of the holy spirit but the most power one of the most powerful emblems is the dove and the first thing you need to know about the dove is this he wants to come into your life and he wants to move and the bible says do not grieve the holy spirit i believe that there are some ways in this day and age that we are living in whereby we are grieving the holy spirit whereby we make the dove cries you say well pastor rayleigh when does the dove cry the first way the dove cries or the first reason the dove cries is this the dove cries when he finds no place to rest the soul of his foot the bible says in genesis 8 9 and the dove found no resting place for the soul of her foot and she returned to the ark now here we see the ending stages of the flood you remember the great flood i believe the entire bible how many of you believe the entire bible come on okay that's about half of you i said how many radical people believe the entire bible okay so at the ending stages of the flood noah sent forth the dove from the ark to see if the waters had receded he sent forth the uh dove because he did not want to make a move forward until he sent forth the dove and we are living in a day when we must have the dub the holy spirit going before us i don't want to do anything i don't want to go anywhere i don't want to do anything unless i get the dove out in front of me i want the holy spirit to go before me and prepare the way i want the holy spirit to be out in front of me i don't want to make a decision without the dove i don't want to sign a loan without the dove i come on i don't want to come on young person you don't need to date without the dub going before you some of you young people better be careful because you're making permanent decisions with temporary people you got to get the dove out in front of you and you got to live right and i'm going to tell you that virtue is still necessary and virgin is not a dirty word can i get a witness you got to send the dub before you you got to take him with you if you got to take your bible with you when you go out on a date take it with you take the family bible when i was growing up my mama had a family bible it was huge you all it was like this it said on the coffee table we didn't need a gun we could take you out with the family bible come on if you got to take that family bible with you out on that date take it with you how many of you know that rascal will have trouble crawling over matthew mark luke and john can i get a witness i'm trying to tell you i don't want to do anything unless the dove goes before me i don't want to start a campus i don't want to make a decision some of you right now you're in trouble because you did some things without the dove going before you but it's a new season god is going before his people and make it away if you believe it come on and give him praise we must not lube without the leading of the spirit and we must be spirit led to be spirit fed noah sent forth the dove from the ark but when the dove tried to land he hovered he fluttered he brooded just like he did in genesis that dove in the natural he hovered fluttered and brooded he looked for a place to land on planet earth but he could find nowhere to land because the earth was occupied with other things there was no room for the dove to land because everything was full of everything else so the bible says that when the dove hovered fluttered and brooded he looked for a place to land but could find no resting place that he came back to the ark and noah took him in and he went back to whence he had come because there was no room for him to land now i submit to you this morning that just as noah sent forth an earthly dove so has the king of glory jesus christ sent forth the heavenly dove the heavenly dove has been sent forth from glory he hovers he flutters he broods he looks for a place to land he's hovering and fluttering and brooding over this house today he's in america and around the world he's hovering and fluttering and brooding and wanting to land in churches he's wanting to land on preachers he's wanting to land on families but the problem is the dove hovers he flutters and he broods you could probably hear his wings fluttering against the stained glass windows trying to get into our professionally religious circles but there's not room for the dove because the service is occupied with other things even though he's hovering and fluttering and brooding there's not room for the dove because just like that earthly dove couldn't rest his foot because there was no room i'm afraid that in a lot of churches there's no room for the dove to land help me holy ghost i'm afraid that in a lot of ministries there's no room for the dove we got room for the announcements we got room for sisters so and so to sing we got room to give so-and-so a plaque we got a room come on we got room for our agendas we got room for our service orders but we don't have room for the dove but i finally come to a place in my life where i say lord tear everything up that gets in your way and don't just hover and flutter and brood but land in this church come on land in palm coast land in new smyrna beach land in panama city land in orlando land in racing wisconsin land in kentucky [Applause] how many of you can say lord land right here in ormond can i get a witness see my thing is this if the dove is going to land i want him to land here and i don't anything less than the dove is lesser come on now anything less than a manifestation of the spirit of god is a lesser thing i've come to blow the trumpet in zion now y'all know i'm a pentecostal preacher right so i say pentecost at any cost i want a fresh glimpse of the dove who wants a fresh glimpse of the dove today anybody now how about our own personal lives how many times has he come over your life and he's covered and he broods and he flutters over your life but so often our lives are occupied with other things we have room for our careers come on somebody we got room for facebook we've got room to help me holy spirit we got a room for instagram we got we got room for tick-tock we got room for social media we got room for movies we got room for fun we've got room for pleasures but have we made room for the dove have we said dove i want you to come into my life see the dove is hovering and fluttering over each of us today the question is can he find a place to rest can you really say dove if you're gonna land on somebody oh come on just do like this they land on me yeah yeah if you're gonna land on somebody don't hover don't flutter don't brood don't see my life occupied with other things but if you're gonna land on somebody lex marks the spot you land right here come on come on how many of you want the dog to land on you oh listen listen listen listen listen you don't have to tell him you don't have to go to another seat you don't have to go to another road you don't have to go to another aisle you don't have to go to another church you don't have to go to another city if you're going to land laying right here on me amen but here's the key precious here's what i'm after we don't want the dove to just come we want the dove to stay [Applause] i don't want him just to come and make a cameo appearance come on y'all guest starring cameo no no no i want the dove every time we get together i want us to experience the dove on every campus i don't want just the cameo appearance i want the holy spirit to come and i want him to stay but the problem is much of the church is filled with professional christians [Music] much of the church in america is filled with churchianity we go through the motions without knowing the spirit of god and in churches across america and around the world and in every town there's every conceivable problem that came to the building aids is in the building divorces in the building suicide is in the building depression is in the building anger is in the building bitterness is in the building rebellion is in the building rage is in the building sexual issues are in the building brokenness is in the building struggle is in the building and i'm telling you that man's methodology and man's power and man's strength can set none of these people free but if you get the dove in the house everything can shift and everything can change the answer to it all is the dove i said the answer to it all is the dove if you believe that stop and give god a praise right now so that's why we can't afford to hold out the answer that's why i do you no good if i'm just a guy that can stand up here and preach a good message but don't know anything about entertaining the dove i believe that there's a difference in this house i believe that there are some people here today you don't want the dove just to hover over you you have crossed the line you're saying dove come on in spirit of god don't just chill me and thrill me feel me and heal me come on somebody change my life i want him to do more than hover flutter or brood i want him to move in ha-ha-ha i want him to move in hallelujah some some are happy with just a hovering and a fluttering and a brooding and a little touch and a little encounter but not me i'm telling you i'm gonna get more radical [Music] how about that you think i'm radical now wait till five years in five years i'll be 44. buddy i'm gonna be dancing all over this huh i wish come on i want more than just a good service we need the power of the holy spirit to come and rest in our lives the bible said when the day of pentecost should fully come that they were with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house somebody said the whole house the whole house said prom coast the whole house in new smyrna the whole house in ormond now watch this first three then there appeared to them divided various clothes and tongs as a fire there it is and one sat down on each of them the house shook the wind blew the dove hotter hovered the blood dove fluttered and he brooded but then he sat down on each of them you say pastor raleigh what do we need we need the dove to sit down in this place come on now i want america to know that in ormond beach in palm coast in new smyrna there is a place where the dove sits down every time we're together he's in the room hallelujah we'll get people out of the way we'll get a gymnast out of the way we'll get schedules out of the way we'll get compromises out the way come on we'll get preachers out of the way we'll get religious folk out of the way we'll get performers out of the way whatever it takes who wants to dove if that's you come on give him praise he came on in and he and he sat down come on now holy ghost just sit on me the bible said suddenly somebody say suddenly listen when i was growing up i was i was large and in charge my mother never brought me slim clothes like a six slim i was always husky some of y'all don't know about clothes called husky clothes but i always wore the husky clothes because i was a big boy i was a little round come on y'all i like to eat then and i like to eat now come on so my mom always bought me husky clothes and i used to run with a bunch of boys we played sports and and bulb and and things like that they called me in in baseball they called me speed ball because i would hit the ball to the fence and get the first base cause i wasn't real fast can i get a witness in the house and everybody knew i wasn't real fast and so they would come up and my buddies would hit me and run they would hit me and run because they knew if they ran away from me i probably couldn't catch them but see though i what i lacked in fastness i made up for in suddenness oh come on somebody what i lacked in speed i made up for with suddenness they would hit me like that and they would run and i would remember it though and then they would get by me and when they least expected it i would grab them by the arm i'd get them on the ground and sit on them and it wasn't over till it was over i'm telling you i'm at a place right now where i say lord come on in here and sit on me sit on me and change me forever sit on my church sit on my campuses hallelujah sit on us now there are several ways that you will handle the dove in your life when the holy spirit tries to come and make himself real there there are a number of ways that people process that there are a number of ways that people handle that now there's some people that they're the they're the dove watchers come on where's my binoculars when the holy spirit starts moving they're like well would you look at that man look at her shout come on somebody the bible said in matthew 19 16 that there was behold there was one that came to him and said good teacher what good things shall we do that he that i that should i do that i should have eternal life so he said to him why do you call me good no one is good but one that is god but if you want to enter into life keep the commandments he said which ones he said don't murder commit adultery don't steal don't bear false witness honor your father and mother you'll love your neighbor as yourself for the young man said i got that unlocked i'm already doing that all these things i've kept since youth what else do i like and jesus said if you want to be perfect go sell what you got and give it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven come and follow me but when a young man heard that saying he went away sorrowful because he had many possessions see here is a prime time example of someone who wanted to be a bird watcher a dub watcher he wanted to see the miracles he wanted to see the breakthroughs he wanted to see all these great things happen but when it came right down to abandoning it all and going after jesus he said i got too many possessions here's the question y'all what in the world did he have that even compared to who stood before him [Applause] let me tell you i've lived long enough now where i've got some blessings in my life don't hate me for it god's been good to me and he ain't through being good to me come on somebody i've seen the lord bless my life and i'm grateful for that but i want you to know right up front i don't live in anything i don't drive anything i don't wear anything i don't own anything that compares to the jesus that i serve hallelujah how many of you guys say there ain't nobody like jesus come on palm coast come on in ask me how many y'all say there's nothing like the lord when it came right down to it this man would rather see than be he wanted to watch it but he didn't want to count the cost and the truth is we got people who come to church and when the dove begins to move they're just oh look at that well can you see that my goodness gracious come on somebody look at her shouting oh she just fell out look over there look up yeah you look at that that one she's going after yes she is look at him there he dancing they hugging oh my goodness look at there they they haven't sure what what in the world and they just sit there and they spectate and they watch it and they really have no desire to get in it some of y'all just sit around like this look at her dance my lord it don't take all that come on i grew up where you had the joy police do you know what the joy police is that's when somebody would really get free in church and begin to worship the lord there was always these three women older women who were assigned to get that one that was praising god and dance her back to her seat come on somebody and help i know that's old time pentecost right now but they'd get her back to her seating and i remember one lady christine clyde buddy she would get so blessed and then try to dance her back to her seat and she'd start trying to sit down and she'd start thinking about the goodness of jesus and everything he had done for her and she shout again hallelujah see see the truth is y'all i don't want to just see god move i don't want to just be a witness of god moving no i want to get in it i want to get in it whatever you want how many of you can say i want to be more than a dove watcher we must do more than see someone else experience the holy spirit we must experience him ourselves and i want you to understand that you don't experience the holy spirit because you are worthy you experience the holy spirit because jesus made a way for you hallelujah so so there's the dove watcher some of y'all double watchers that's the wrong end however everything got smaller then i'm gonna look at this when i look in the mirror come on y'all see i'm getting skinny up in here hallelujah there's the dove watcher but then number two there's the dub hunter see they want to kill the dove they they don't desire the dove they want to consume anything that he does and the bible said in philippians 5 19 quench not the holy spirit the word quenched there literally means to extinguish like to put out a fire to stifle divine influence how many of you know that there are churches around the world that are filled with people who want to quench the spirit of god they want to put out the fire some of y'all say well pastor really i go to your church and it gets a little bit radical aren't you afraid of wildfire i've never been afraid of wildfire i'd rather have wildfire than no fire come on i can tone down a fanatic but i don't know it's hard to resurrect a corpse can i get a witness in the house quench not the holy spirit do not extinguish what the lord wants to do and there are people in their agenda the moment god begins to manifest they get out their gospel gun come on now where's my gun at they get out their gospel gun and they just criticize everything come on y'all i got my bb gun so i can't really hurt nobody and it's not loaded in the safety zone come on they pull out their gospel gun come on somebody the moment the holy spirit begins to move they say my lord would you look at that it don't take all that shouting why in the world is he weeping why does pastor always give altar calls we are ready to go we want to get to the cracker barrel oh y'all ain't saying nothing why is she why is she shouting like why is she shouting like that why does courtney dance the whole time just dance up here and now we've gotta feel like i'm trying to work out my lord i don't take all that and there's some people the only reason that they even are in the kingdom is because they have the spirit of a pharisee come on somebody they they crawl social media with the spirit of a pharisee they look at every worship service with a spirit of a pharisee there were several different sects of pharisees and if you know the truth about pharisees there was one sect that they wore a sword in their belt and if you ever disagreed with them they pulled out their swords and they tried to kill you and i'm afraid that in america and around the world one of the things that's holding back revival is that there is a pharisee spirit that is taking hold of so many churches oh i'm gonna go ahead and preach whether you say amen or not people get on my social media and they they carry on why you let people dance why you let people shout why don't you just keep scrolling in the name of jesus come on if you don't like it come on somebody my daughter was leading worship in panama city at our campus there and she was dancing all over the place and i know that there were people who got tied in their lower extremities come on somebody they were drawing all up and courtney stood up and she said i know some of y'all say this is hype and it would be hyped if i was doing it for you but since i'm not doing it for you and i'm doing it for him it is praise [Applause] i'm telling you i've had about all i can stand of people criticizing worshipers and criticizing prayers it is time for the church to rise up and say come on endure spirit of a pharisee come on now you got your titles but you're a spirit of a pharisee but here's the good news i'll do a ferrosec to me can i get a witness in the house these people these pharisees y'all they they knew the word they could quote the first five books of the bible they understood the word but when it came right down to it when the manifested jesus appeared they did not even recognize him and i'm going to tell you honey i have prayed too hard i have sought god too much i have pursued him too fervently in this season that we have been in to to make him feel like a stranger in his own place my agenda is this we're not gonna watch him we're not gonna wound him but we're gonna welcome him we want him to come and we want him to have his way put down your weapon and lift up your hands and say let me be the one who will entertain the dub just just real quick if you want to entertain the dub you don't want to wound him you you you don't you you don't want to watch him but you want to welcome him just give him a praise right now come on come on come on hallelujah yay y'all i gotta finish but i feel it yeah look at your neighbor and say i'm i'm sorry if you didn't like that yeah but tell your neighbor it wasn't for you anyway yeah yeah this challenge for you this clap ain't for you this dance ain't for you this hallelujah ain't for you just thank you jesus you ain't got nothing to do with these tears hey it's about the dove the holy ghost is in my life so yes sir yes sir now watch this you got the dove watcher you got the dove hunter but then number three you got the dove catcher close it up you got the dove catcher are there any dove catchers in the house now watch this the dove catcher comes with a different agenda the dove catcher walks in the house and says my goodness where is he the dove is here oh let me catch him i'm serious about oh yeah let me let me get to that dove let me oh let me let me get him hey does he like my shout hallelujah does he like my clap well glory to god see there are some in this room right now and baby you are in pursuit of the dove the dove hunter is allergic to the dove but the dove catcher is addicted to the ducks is there anybody in palm coast in new smyrna you know i'm a beast that can say jim really i'm right there with you we want the holy ghost in our lives we want the death come on are they really dumb catchers come on i'm looking for the dove catchers we're the dove catchers i'm here lord hide your way i'm here lord have your way i want you lord i want you to move i'm in pursuit of you i'm after you are you in the balcony are you back in overflow [Applause] some of y'all that's why you came to calvary that's why you're here today you're not here because you got that pastor you like this you like the building no you heard that the job was in the house and you said let me get to where the dog is if you want to be a dove catcher open up your mouth and give god a praise right now on every campus come on in there steve come on palm coast come on on monday come on in your house [Applause] uh hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus i'm after the dove i want to catch him oh if you're gonna move come right here i want to catch you and have you land on me [Music] [Applause] i don't want to be a i don't want to be a dove watcher where i just want to kind of witness what god is doing i don't want to be a dub hunter and have the spirit of a pharisee and be critical of anything that makes me uncomfortable here's the truth i've said it before and i'll say it again we ask the holy spirit to have his way and if we're going to ask the holy spirit to have his way that means we don't get to have our way [Applause] okay preachers now here's what's amazing to me i'm gonna try to land this plane paul has been in jail he's struggling in philippians he when he wrote the book of philippians he was actually in jail awaiting death by beheading and he was coming to the end of his life and in that moment he said rejoice in the lord always philippians 4 13 and again i say rejoice hallelujah how can you rejoice in prison how can you rejoice with a death sentence you can rejoice because what's in you is greater than what you're in but paul said something very amazing paul said these words that just electrified my spirit listen palm coast don't miss this nsb you watching at your house oh i got news for you he'll come right into your room he'll come right into your bedroom he'll walk right into your living room right now he'll hover flutter brood and land on you right now [Applause] so paul pens these words he said not as though i have already attained either already made perfect he said but i follow after he said i'm not the president of i've got it going on committee come on now he said i'm in a process i follow after what's this that i may apprehend he said i'm trying to catch him i'm trying to apprehend him come on somebody i'm trying to get him apprehend me to possess and make my own he said i'm trying to possess him i'm trying to make him my own he said that i may apprehend now don't miss this i follow after him that if i may apprehend that for which i am also apprehended he said i'm trying to get him i'm trying to apprehend him i'm the hunter and he's to pray i'm trying to get him i'm trying to i'm trying i'm trying to possess him and make him my own i follow after in the greek that means i pursue i run after i get radical about it because i'm trying to apprehend him i'm trying to make him my own but then he says something that is almost shocking in the text it's almost unreal and unfathomable because he said i'm trying to appreciate the one from whom i have been apprehended he said i thought i was the hunter and he was to pray i thought i was trying to catch him but here's what happened i thought i was the one in pursuit but i never was the one in pursuit of him he was always the one that was in pursuit of me oh i thought i was the hunter and he was the prey but the prey took the hunter [Music] oh he took me how many of you today can say pastor i have been apprehended by the one i was trying to apprehend i was trying to get him and he got me i thought i was after him but all the while he was after me i thought i was doing all the pursuing but it was him it was his drawing it was his goodness it was his grace it was his faithfulness it was his peace it was his love i didn't get him because of myself i get him because i say lord [Music] [Music] if there's somebody that wants to be apprehended by the one you've been trying to apprehend get on your feet right now and give god a praise [Music] i said give god a praise [Music] i said give god a praise come here young there's three three guys right here y'all want to be preaching come on take this right here i want you to run around i want you to try to come on come on that's how i'm supposed to make you a preacher that's what's gonna make you a minister of the gospel come on come on how about you i want you to run around now i want you to run around oh come on how about you run around now and get after it see that's what preachers need yeah that's what we gotta have now okay y'all get up here right now all three of you guys that are running get up here right now run to the front you think you're running after him you think you did this you think you called yourself but the lord said no while you thought you were apprehending me i was apprehending you god's about the catholic generation the holy ghost is about to catch a generation tell somebody next to you i'm sorry if i bother you come on i'm sorry if i step on your shoes i'm sorry if i shout too loud but i've been caught i've been calm i've been caught [Music] if you've been called one two three i want you to give god a shout right now [Music] you feel that shifting in the room how many of you just felt this service go from zero to 200 just like that bam [Applause] you know why that is y'all girls get up here all three of y'all girls right there come on shawn da da da i'm declaring young people on fire for god i'm declaring that you're going to be used by the lord i'm declaring young girls are going to be mighty women of god i release the oil over let it flow over her use her in ways she never dreamed or imagined thank you for revival in this generation [Music] we must realize then today that we are not just in pursuit of the holy spirit the holy spirit is in pursuit of us oh he's after you i said he's after you he's after that son he's after that daughter come on he's after he's after people but here's what i know as it relates to believers the lord meets us at the level of our hunger combatant anointing and glory and breakthrough over your life i come against everything that's trying to discourage you i release a new season honda and yamaha the lord there it is [Music] a new season over you sister in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name so so somebody's got a lost son or a lost daughter right now but wave at me if that's you so we declare that they will be apprehended [Applause] declare they'll be apprehended just throw up your hands and say they're going to be apprehended they're going to be apprehended now if i know anything about the dove the dove always comes where he's welcome he always shows up where people love him that's why the bible said grieve not the holy spirit because he's going to come and he's going to look for a place to land he's gonna hover flutter rude some people are gonna watch him some people are gonna kill him some people are gonna pursue him some people are going to welcome him hallelujah lord hallelujah i declare the dove is coming to palm coast in fact he'll be there tonight he's in the room right now but he's going to be there tonight i'll come in the new smyrna next month for a revival service the dove is moving all across volusia and flagler county let me tell you something guys right now the dove is in this room he's hovering and fluttering and rooting before i finish this service up if you just want a fresh glimpse of the dove i want you to slip up your hands right now hallelujah to the lamb of god hallelujah to the holy ghost of god i declare that this is your season to walk in new power palm coast new smyrna you at home you here in ormond this is your season for the dub not to just hover or flutter or brood but he lands in your life he lands over your career he lands over your children he lands over your bank account he lands over your mind the dove lands somebody just say land on me dove come on land on my family land on my sun and land on my daughter land on my church come on land and park coast land in ormond beach land in an sb [Music] oh jesus i feel the holy spirit in here right now holy spirit you are i'm gonna finish up and slip up your hands and say come flood this place and feel the your glory lord come on palm coast come on in s.b it's what our hearts stand on your feet across the room mostly you're already standing you on the campuses stand if you're not standing even at home i would stand up right at my house if i was watching it all and i'll just fill my house with worship i'd fill my house with worship i'd fill my house [Music] [Music] to be overcome [Music] come and flood this place [Music] it's happening right now come on your glory your glory [Music] holy um is [Music] to be over come on [Music] oh [Music] holy spirit [Applause] glory is your glory god is what our hearts [Music] to be not overcome presence now somebody give him a little bit of glory right now [Applause] how many of you believe this is a word for the nation i really feel like this is a word for the nation for the church i want you to if you have social media i want you to share this because i feel like preachers need to hear this message man the answer is in the dove it's the manifestation of the holy spirit so here's what i'm going to do on all campuses i want everybody just for a moment to bow your heads and close your eyes today the dove is in the room over somebody's life right now he's hovering and fluttering and brooding and you've had your life occupied with other things other agendas and he's wanted to land in your life but your behavior your sin your compromise your way of thinking has kept him from being fully who he needs to be for you but today he's hovering and he's fluttering and he's brooding see you have to understand that your answer isn't allowing him to land your breakthrough is caught up in him so in this room and in every campus if you're here today and you'd say pastor there's some things in my life that i'll not be there things that may keep the dove from landing the way he needs to land so when you pray pastor i want you to pray for me if you're not where you need to be with the lord when i count the three raise your hand you say jim rayleigh since you're praying pray for me if that's you one slip up your hand pray for me pastor too since you're praying anyway i want to get anything out of the way that keeps me from you three slip up your hand right now slip them up on campuses right now i want to get any of the hindrance out of the way i want to get anything of the flesh out of the way i won't get it i want to get it all the way i'm going to lend you five more seconds hands in every section i'm sure hands are up on campuses right now hands you're even being raised at home right now people watching i'm leaving you five more seconds if you need to raise your hand raise it up and keep it up five four raise it up and hold it up if you raised it three two one if you're serious about this and you want shifts in your life and you want the dove to land i want to invite you to come forward and i'm gonna pray with you you won't come by yourself if somebody next to you had their hand up or raised their hand why don't you get them and you bring them with you if they're afraid to come people are going to move from across the room you at campuses you're moving right now come on i dare you to give god a praise people are coming by the dozens people are coming by the dozens hallelujah i said people are coming by the dozens i said people are coming in dozens yes they are this is the shift you've been waiting for this is the answer you've been look look at young people coming look at moms and dads coming how about a good palm coast how about it nestle are you ready for the dove to land don't stay there in your seat but come to the front all right i want everybody in the room i want you guys that are praying with them hold off pray just for a second and i want everybody in the house to take your hand and put it on your heart right now and i want everybody here in palm coast and nsp i want you to pray this prayer after me i want you to pray this loud and strong we're all going to pray it together oh man look at this altar call scores of people have made it to the front hallelujah this is why you gotta let the dove land paul this is why you gotta preach like this and worship like this this is why you give the way you give and you serve the way you serve because this is the benefits right here people coming to know jesus and love him more so you hand on your heart and raise your other hand everybody pray this prayer after me pray heavenly father in jesus name i'm asking you please forgive me for all my sins anything in my life that gets in your way move it out of the way move my agenda move my behavior move in his sin move it out of the way jesus i receive you now and i say today dogs don't just hover don't just flutter don't just brood but raise up both hands and say job land on me right here right now in jesus name give the lord a praise give the lord a shout hallelujah i said give the lord a shine so my altar workers i want you to move out and lay hands on people guys y'all stretch your hands toward them right now i'm gonna hand this off to my pastors my campus guys i love you all palm coast i'll see you tonight can't wait so i want you to stretch your hands toward these precious people so many who made a decision how many of you feel like this was for you today you know it was now i'm going to close the service out but i want to make a couple of announcements i will be in palm coast tonight if you'd like to come it's going to be straight revival we are doing past appreciation on the 17th we got a lot going on i want you to be a part of it stretch your hands out toward these and i'm going to pray and this will be our dismissal for you but you in the front let an altar worker get to you and pray with you okay if you need healing in your body if you'll come to the front our altar team will pray for you to be healed but father i thank you for these people that came now i thank you that the dove didn't hover flutter or brood but he has landed i thank you that he has landed over young men and young women and their lives will never be the same again i declare that they will never be the same again i declare new seasons and new breakthroughs bless my friends in jesus name and father i pray that you will move our church forward in revival i pray god that you will awaken something on every campus they cannot be contained by the agenda of man i pray god that you will move in such a way that prodigals come home that sick folks get healed that broken people get restored and wounded people find hope in jesus lord thank you that the dove doesn't hover flutter or brood at calvary but he lands thank you for landing here today we give your name the glory and if you love it come on give me praise if you accepted jesus just put salvation in the comment column i love you god bless you sing holy spirit thanks for watching the message i'm sure this spoke to you here's what i want you to do why don't you subscribe to this youtube channel that way every time there's a new message you'll get to hear it also many of you have watched this some of you watch on a regular basis why not take time and so you can give at calvaryfl.com you can give on your phones and you can be a part of helping us take this message around the world the message of hope the message of jesus christ can't wait to see you back here real soon
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 656
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Id: agLqUjguPnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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