I'm Going Overboard... All Over Again | Josh Carter

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john chapter 21 and i can i just preach it like i feel it i feel one of them old school holy ghost sweaty preachers coming on me and uh god wants to say something john 21 we're gonna read nine verses and then god's going to speak if you're ready say amen that's what the word of the lord would say after these things jesus disciples jesus showed himself again to the disciples at the sea of tiberias and in this way he showed himself simon peter thomas called the twin nathaniel of cana in galilee the sons of zebedee and two others of his disciples were together and simon peter said to them i go fishing and they said to him we go with you also and they went out and immediately they got into a boat and that night they caught nothing but when the morning had now come jesus stood on the shore yet the disciples did not know that it was jesus and jesus said to them children have ye any food and they answered him no and he said to them cast now your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some and so they cast and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish therefore that disciple whom jesus loved said to peter it is the lord and when simon peter heard that it was the lord he put on his outer garment for he had removed it and he plunged into the sea but the other disciples came in a little boat for they were not far from land but about 200 cubits dragging the net with fish last first and then as soon as they had come to land they saw a fire of coals there and a fish laid on it and some bread i want to take just a moment in this revival atmosphere to preach a word from god a wooing from god from his heart to your heart because i believe the call in this hour to every believer across the world is god is looking for somebody that's ready to go overboard all over again i said god is looking for some people who are ready to go overboard all over again if i'm talking to you just slip up your hands let me pray and i'll preach father i thank you for what i sense in this room i feel the anointing god i feel your people are ready their hearts are open speak now holy spirit speak god until pain turns to power and tragedy turns to triumph god have your way and we'll give you praise in jesus mighty name somebody who believes it shout amen you can be seated as you see to say i'm going overboard all over again i'm going overboard all over again at the onset of my message today i believe it's important for you to understand that there is a foundational truth that every believer should have come in contact with before they continued in christ that foundational truth is there no matter whether you've been in god for days or decades and it is the simple truth that god is a living god or you're too quiet on me i said the truth is that god is a living god see they bury the other prophets but the problem with the other prophets are that they're still in the grave they they put buddha in the grave and buddha is still in the grave they put muhammad in the tomb and muhammad is still in the tomb they they put krishna in the grave and krishna is still in the grave they put confucius behind the rock and confucius is still behind the rock but they put your jesus behind the grave and three days later he got back up again because he's not a dead god he's a living god and if it's your god you ought to give him some praise right now and if he's not dead your prayer life shouldn't be dead and if he's not dead your worship life shouldn't be dead and if he's not dead our youth ministry shouldn't be dead if he's not dead our kids ministries shouldn't be dead if he's not dead you shouldn't be dead but if he is alive there's got to be somebody somewhere in the body who says i exist to prove that he is who he says he is and i wonder is there anybody at a 10-10 service in ormond beach florida that could take about 10 seconds and not go hallelujah not be anything else other than proof that god is alive you ought to worship and let everybody in your area know he is who he says he is when you see me jump i'm not jumping for you when i'm dancing i'm not dancing for you when i'm out down here at the altar i'm not doing it for you when i say hallelujah real loud amen real loud i'm not doing it for you the reason i'm doing it is i'm just trying to let everybody else around me who's still on the fence about whether god can and whether god will that they can come into a place that says i know it because i knew who you were before god i saw what you were in before god and there you are anyway is there anybody who's proof [Applause] sometimes i don't think the world is looking for perfect as much as they're looking for proof see you see you're mistaken in this room if you think the object of christianity is perfection the object is not perfection it's maturity oh come on talk to me in this room i said the object of christianity is not that we are always a perfect person but it is a person that is continually growing what do you mean pastor josh that if you would have looked at my life six months ago i was talking different walking different acting different living different but praise be to god who always causes me to triumph that if i look back over my life i am not the same person because of who he's been in me one more time in this room if i've got any proof people who say i was addicted but who the son sets free is free indeed i was sick but i'm healed by his glory give god some praise in the room if you're proof this morning every once in a while we should have a sunday where we give the praise team a week off because you ought to come in this room being so much proof that you don't need a band to hype you up i feel like preaching y'all you don't need a band to hype you up you don't need singers to sing you in you will enter his gates with thanksgiving in your heart he will enter his courts with praise and we don't need no altar call no preacher nothing because when proof shows up everybody gathers around the fire to see what's going on god is a living god can i go deeper consequently then if god is a living god he must be a moving god god he's a moving god in fact the truth is he's never stopped moving all the way from genesis to revelation he has never stopped moving in genesis the bible says that the spirit of the lord hovered over the face of the deep and he moved on the face of the deep if he's water he's living water if he's wind he's a mighty rushing wind all the way to the book of revelation when john says to close the book even so come quickly because yes he's living but if he's living he's moving and he's moving in me [Applause] you have to know in this room that god is not idle nor is he an idol you won't find him posted up between two candles at a cathedral somewhere or some figurine at the end of a buffet because god is not some dead god he is the living movie breathing awesome omnipotent i'm mission ain't nothing stopping god am i talking to anybody who knows that's who your god is this morning which means that the real test of faith in this room for every believer who calls himself a believer the real test of faith is can you keep up with a god who is always on his way somewhere that the test of faith sometimes is making sure that we are imitators and followers of jesus and let me just break that down for a second because when we start off we start off as followers but the apex of discipleship is not to call yourself a follower some of y'all have left follower stuff and your whole christianity the problem with following is it's not qualified by distance so i can be following you and be following you from a distance i can be following you and following you up close the problem is only you know which one you are so the apex of discipleship is not being a follower the apex of discipleship is being an imitator oh yeah y'all ain't ready for this this morning i said it's being an imitator cause i have to be close to you y'all ain't saying nothing i have to be close to you to imitate you i gotta be in your face to see what kind of expressions you make or when your hand moves this way and god is calling a group of people to come out of just being followers for jesus and then we become imitators of jesus when we become imitators we can lay our hands on sick people and see them recover when we become imitators we can get around the demonically oppressed and possessed and say in the name of jesus and the same authority that jesus had comes through us and people are set free by the power where are the imitators god get rid of the pretender that's in the church [Applause] and give us imitators who have power over the devil and you have to understand that if you want to be a believer you're going to have to be the kind of believer that follows him in such a way where you are close enough to never miss him when he decides to show up differently than you have ever seen him show up [Applause] why am i preaching this in my introduction because ladies and gentlemen this is the conflict of the text i bring before you the conflict is that there have been 11 men who have walked with jesus they have moved with the moving god come on somebody they have seen him heal the sick they have seen blinded eyes be open they saw the lame walk they saw the oppressor possessed be said they saw it they saw it but when we get to john 21 the bible says that now now he wants to move differently now he wants to show up in a fresh way and when he shows up in a fresh way they are so enamored with the former presentation that they miss the next manifestation because it is possible for you to lack discernment enough that when he shifts the way he wants to show up you can be caught up in what he does what he did and miss out on what he's doing you know what it sounds like i remember when we used to sing that one song you know what it sounds like i remember when we used to preach this kind of way and let me tell you every time you get enamored with a former presentation of god you miss the next manifestation of god but i feel like i'm in a church this morning full of some radical people who say i'm thankful for what you did at a souza street i'm thankful for what you did at brownsville i'm thankful for what you did last year at calvary but i am ready to see what i have never seen and experienced what i have never experienced i'm ready to touch your heart god i'm ready to be moved by your spirit if anybody ready for the next thing if you're ready come on give god some praise right now they have moved with him and walked with him and he shifts the way he wants to show up and in the middle of him shifting and manifesting differently the bible says that they became confused and it went along it wasn't long before their confusing them being confused led to them being disconnected and as they got more disconnected peter the leader of the group steps up amongst the group and says i don't know what he's doing i don't know where he's at come on have you ever been there i don't know what this new move of god is it's different to me and peter says i don't know him i can't see him i don't understand him and peter says i go fishing now on the surface it sounds right oh come on somebody we live in florida we live in florida it's it's it's it's it's on the surface it sounds right it sounds good it sounds like he's trying to vacate a little bit he's trying to relax a little bit but honestly if you look at this scripture in the right context you will realize there is no more detrimental statement to make by peter than for peter to say i go fishing well what do you mean pastor josh because to say i go fishing it's the first say i'm going back to a place i have already come from and what if i told you in 2021 you don't have time to go back to places y'all way too quiet in church here on me this morning but i'm gonna preach it anyway i said what if in 2021 i told you you don't have time to go back to places you have already come from what if i told you you've already overcome some things and you've already beaten depression and ran over anxiety and got over addiction what if i told you there are things that you have already overcome and i know sometimes you look ahead and say i'm not where i want to be but every once in a while you got to look over your shoulder and say i am not where i used to be and for that i will give god some crazy praise to let every devil know i may not be there yet but i will not go back to where i've come from is there anybody that can testify for about 10 seconds and that every devil know and let every demon know i ain't going back i'm not going back to addiction i'm not going back to pain i'm not going back to lust i'm going to keep on moving for the just shall walk by face oh you want to make some devils mad right now you ought to make that little drug demon mad you ought to make that little lust the lust devil man you want to make some devils mad and say look you tried but it didn't work baby i'm on my way to destiny in 2021 [Applause] i go fishing i'm going back to where i've already come from but it's deeper it's deeper and most preachers will preach to you they're going back part they're going back to a place you come from but i would tell you it's deeper because it's not just him going back to where he's come from are you ready for this it's also him saying i'm going back to a place of comfort because if we don't go back to where we've come from we will slip back into places of comfort what if i told you there is no such thing as being called and comfortable priest pastor josh that was good right there i said what have i told you there is no such thing as being called and comfortable because if it was about your comfort there would be no need for a comforter oh hallelujah hallelujah i said if it was about you staying in the boat and being comfortable it would never need the holy ghost but how many know every once in a while god will call you to walk on water why not so that you can sink but that you can see that outside of your comfort there is a move of the spirit that your eyes have only dreamed of in your ears have only wished for look at your neighbor say get uncomfortable get get uncomfortable get uncomfortable get uncomfortable feel the anointing right there get uncomfortable get uncomfortable and worship get uncomfortable when you're out and about some of you need to start losing your mind a little bit more when you come in this room you can't get comfortable don't get low to sleep with a couple songs in your hand lifted every once in a while you got to get out of your comfort zone and say i didn't come here for people i came here for jesus [Applause] look at somebody said get uncomfortable get uncomfortable while you're eating your lunch today and that waitress comes up and the holy ghost says that little thing where he hits you on the inside and says you better minister to her get uncomfortable be willing to step outside of your comfort zone well pastor josh i'm weak good news baby in your weakness he is made strong when you feeling weak baby that's when the holy ghost jumps up on the inside of you it says don't worry i got this some of you ought to go to work and just walk around and say who wants prayer today who wants prayer today and just watch what happens when you start getting out there in faith a little bit all of a sudden you're going to get a little bit more bold and have a little bit more courage all of a sudden you're going gonna lay your hands on somebody and god's gonna heal about it and he's gonna prove to you that he can use you and it don't just have to be the preacher let me tell you how i know real revivals in the house as when you stop putting the responsibility of the great commission just on us the last time i checked it wasn't just on the preacher it was on every believer that you would walk with such authority and power that you can walk in these signs oh hallelujah i feel like preaching would follow them that believe that yo hallelujah monday and tuesday and wednesday that if you call yourself a believer you got to look and see are there some signs following me because if i got some signs i got power if i got power i've got impact and peter said i'd go fishing i'm going back to where i've come from i'm going back to places of comfort and to be honest with you i wasn't really in that i'm not that mad at peter because at least peter was a fisherman at least he was going back to something he knew you know it's these other dudes in the text that are getting on my nerves that jump up and say we go too time out there ain't nothing worse than going fishing with somebody who don't know how to fish i said ain't nothing worse you know you got to bait the hook for them because they scare the worms and then they're catching boots and tires and the only reason i know is because i'm the dude catching boots and tires amen it's these other guys that say we go too because it's one thing for peter to go back based upon a first-hand relationship in first-hand decision it's another thing for these guys to go back based on second-hand information and second-hand revelation and second-hand relationships see i love the fact that your grandmama has a great faith i love the fact that your daddy was in church and your mama was in church but for this thing to be really real this faith has to become your own you all ain't saying nothing because there are some of us that only praise god when they praise god and we only go the altar when they go to the altar and we only jump if they jump in and i won't go all in unless everybody's going all in the devil is a liar at some point in time you got to get out of your oh hallelujah yourself and start to step in to what god has called you to do and get your own faith wouldn't it be a tragedy that god would come to find you to use you but couldn't find you and use you because you were too busy following somebody else [Applause] that i got ready to use you and when i showed up to find you in the spot you were supposed to be you were over there chasing sisters so and so to their destiny and sister brothers so and so to their destiny where are the people who say if none go with me still i will follow if you ain't coming with me it ain't gonna keep me from getting everything god has prepared for me god's got some stuff and i got to be where he is am i helping anybody this morning i go fishing we go to and all of a sudden then the text says something odd odd and incomplete all my bible readers will understand the men i say because once these boys decided to go back the bible says and immediately they got into a ship you got to know this is odd in the bible because they had earlier in the gospels forsook their boats no they didn't forget them they forsook them to forget it means i left it back there and i got to come back and get it when this thing's all said and done they didn't forget it they forsook it they left the boat and said i'm never going back to that boat ever again so what does this text mean that immediately they got in the ship because what is it about the devil that when he sees you made the decision to go back he always provides the vehicle necessary to take you further than what you really wanted to go y'all way too quiet on me this morning i said what is it about the devil when he sees you're starting to make your way back and sees you sliding into comfort he always provides a ship a ship that is designed to take you places you never wanted to be with people you never wanted to go with doing things you never wanted to do you know the ships [Applause] you know the ships you know the friendships you you know the people in your life oh it's going to be good pastor be back in a couple weeks you go just hang on tight amen you know the people in your life that you don't talk like that act like that walk like that and dress like that unless you around them you know the kind of people that you can be around them for just a few moments and by the time you get done a conversation you've stopped dreaming you've stopped believing your faith is gone and let me tell you let me let me help you find those people out in your life it's not how you feel when you meet them it's how you feel when you leave them because i know some slick folks that can talk real good and shake hands real good and hug real nice but baby if you get off the phone with them and off of facebook with them and you don't have dreams anymore and you don't have faith anymore baby you got to cut that ship loose drop that anchor and say i love you but i just can't let you be in my life like this you you know the ships you you know the relationships help me do it lord all the single people in the room and some of the married people amen how how to be with them they ain't been good to you and forever how long has a good term ain't it forever how long and forever how long and all of a sudden you start slipping back out of faith and you ain't heard from him or her but it's amazing how you start slipping back and there they are in your messages and in your dms you you know the ships can i do one more you know the fellowships [Applause] this is old school but this is still right not everything the enemy has for you is tied up in people this is old school preaching and you may not like me after this but i got to tell you the truth i'm accountable to god i still believe you should watch what you listen to i still believe you should watch what you watch i still believe that it's not okay to take the dove into places that dove would never go alone the bible says that the dove came and landed on jesus and the bible says you would know it was the messiah because the devil would land and remain why the dove is a skittish bird jesus walked in such a way that he walked with the dove in mind and i believe if we're going to see a move of god like we have never seen before we got to get back like walking like we know we got the dove and we don't want to take the dove anywhere the dove would never go by itself so holy ghost if i don't go into that movie i'm okay with it holy ghost we ain't going to listen to that on the radio because that didn't edify you holy ghost if you want to go here we go here if you say no we say no i'm done with people pleasing because the bible says watch this that eyes are ears eyes and ears are more than eyes and ears they're gates your eyes and ears are more than eyes and ears in the kingdom they are gates to your soul and the enemy look look sometimes the enemy's so slick so slick he knows he don't have to get it in through a relationship he can get if why would he get it in a relationship if he can slip it into a [Music] song why would i bring it through a relationship if i can get it in there through a movie why work two and a half years when i can get it done in two and a half hours in the theater and some of you were on fire for jesus six months ago and you wonder what happened why have i lost my first love why can't i sing like i used to sing and i want to dance but i don't feel i feel heavy on my spirit i would tell you go back to the footage and check the gates oh is this all right this morning i said check the footage and see if anything slipped in because baby you got to get that holy ghost so in you and you got to be so full of the spirit that even if the devil wanted to try he couldn't get in because there wasn't any room because i am full of the spirit of god [Applause] you know the ships and the bible says these boys who have walked with him see it in your head they have walked with him now they have slowly retreated now they are in a boat that they supposedly forsook and before they know it it is not even day anymore the bible says it has become dark and it is night because that's how quick it can happen that you can go from walking in the light to working in the night within the blink of an eye the bible says that we are supposed to walk in the light as he is in the light but the minute you stop walking in the light you will start working in the night can you see these boys who have retreated and gone back and gotten in the boat now they have nets but it's dark out so now they're in a place that is familiar but they don't have vision you can lose your sight but please god never lose vision is that too deep somebody can pluck your eyes out tomorrow and it couldn't stop you from fulfilling the god purpose in your life because you don't need sight to fulfill purpose you need vision to fulfill purpose in god they are standing out there in the dark no vision watch this no direction and now they pick up nets with no vision and no direction and they just start casting hoping something works let me do it lord because that's a picture of some of us in this room today that we are trying everything we know how to do and we're throwing our net every way we know how to do it and yet for all of our casting and all of the energy spent and all the things we are doing every time we pull the net we get nothing in return business isn't starting marriage ain't coming back things are happening my kids aren't coming in all night long night casting the net getting nothing in return and i want to talk to some people for just a moment who are in the middle of a dark night you are using all of your energy and getting nothing in return trying to do what you're called to do help me do it holy ghost trying to do what you're called to do yet in the midst of doing all you know to do you are still coming up empty and there's somebody in this room who's under the sound of my voice that you have been trying for so long and your strength that you're just about to quit and if i left the text here the text is actually a tragedy but aren't you thankful the text didn't stop there because just when it looks like the devil has won over god's very own disciples oh come on now these weren't just casual believers these were the end of the end these were the disciples wouldn't that have been a trophy for the enemy to have that he didn't just get some men he got the ones that were closest to him this looks like a tragedy until the next verse screams out but in the morning but in the morning let me stop right there for just a moment because let me just get a little preachy and tell you sorrow may last for night but joy oh hallelujah is coming in the morning i dare somebody to get out of that funk to get out of that lie that the enemy has told you that this has to be forever and i hear the word of the lord over somebody that sorrow may last for a night sickness may last a fortnight trouble may last for night but joy comes in the morning you want a prophetic word from the lord here it is good morning everybody good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning your kids will get saved good morning your family we'll come back together good morning your body's about to be here good morning from the holy ghost to you if you believe it give him praise right now but in the morning in the morning look at the text in the morning jesus let me stop right there and preach for just a moment because i had some people tell me they were going to walk with me and be there for me and when things started getting crazy they left me maybe that's just me maybe that's just me but i had some people make some promises they didn't come through on in my life especially when times got crazy but it amazing that when people leave he stays he is the friend that sticks closer than a brother he said lo i am with you always even till the end and i'm so thankful for a god that can look at me in my failures and in my mistakes and even though i walked away from him he just won't walk away from me is there anybody in this room that can thank god that for every time you walked away from him he didn't leave you he stayed and said i'm gonna stay until you come back i'm gonna be faithful until you return somebody give him praise if you're thankful he never left can i go deeper because really what this part of the text is illustrating it's not just that he won't leave is that we have to thank god for second chances [Applause] and all you religious people are gonna get real nervous right here but there are some of us in this room that wouldn't even be here today we wouldn't be able to come in this room if god didn't give some of us a second chance we'd be in a jail cell somewhere we'd be locked up behind bars we'd be sick in a hospital we'd be all jacked up and addicted laying somewhere in a gutter but praise be to god who didn't give up and didn't give in but he gave me a second chance is there anybody that could take 30 seconds and give god some praise for every second chance he ever gave you 30. put away religion for just a moment put away your religion you got 20 seconds somebody lift up their hands and open up their mouth and give god some crazy praise for every second chance that god ever gave you if you want to know why i shout like a shelter why dance like i dance while i run like i run it's because every once in a while i realize where i should be but praise be to god i'm not there anymore so let the redeemed of the lord say so in this room let me go deeper see i always know when i'm in the room with religion and when i'm in the room with relationship because religious people they won't still just sit there in moments like this and say would you hurry up i gotta get i gotta be somewhere but there are some relationship people who understand that if my mascara smears it's all right today if my shirttail comes untucked that's all right today i didn't come here to be liked i came here to give him glory for everything he's done for me [Applause] but in the morning jesus if i don't say anything else that right there is enough that right there isn't a but in the morning jesus it's both praise and prophecy at the same time let me finish this thing right here and so there they are them in the morning in the boat in the water him on the shore and there is a chasm between lover and follower and through the dew of a new morning the lover opens his mouth and for the first time he speaks in a long time now you're done i thought i was waiting for jesus to say something real profound and prolific so i could tweet it instagram it i mean i always expect something real profound to come out of the mouth of jesus but when he opens up his mouth through the dew of a new morning listen to him speak children i could preach that right there because i'm so glad he didn't call me according to my condition i'm glad he called me according to my position and him i'm so glad he didn't call me according to my mistake you're way too quiet according to my failures uh according to my maybe my mess-ups but when he looked at me he had every right to be upset with me every right to be angry with me but when he looked at me he didn't shout anything else but children because that's what you are baby you are a child of the living god and once a child always a child that's the way he'll only ever see you and somebody who's a child of god ought to give god some crazy praise just to thank him you're a child you're not what you did you're not what you said you're not what your mama did to you you're not what your daddy did to you you are a child of the living god children children children children children watching children children children have ye any food what i was waiting for profound prolific all it sounds like is he's hungry have you any food until you realize you can play soft he is asking the one question that nobody wants to answer because with one question have ye any food he is creating contrast and comparison between what they're in and what he gives have you any food i want to know i want to know that for all your time out there for all your time in that relationship that caused you to stop coming to church it cost you to leave me it caused you to stop praying for all the time in that job have you any food can you show me that what i was given is less than what you're getting can you prove to me that that life was greater than this life let me put it in bible terms children is there any fruit for all you've been working in what do you have to show for it that would have been greater than what i would have given you through relationship and union with me have you any food and thank god oh don't miss this thank god for the honesty of these boys who finally said i'm sick of being out here oh i'm sick of casting my net with no energy i'm sick of having i'm sick of it all and finally somebody somewhere said no we've caught nothing one word two letters the perfect answer why because it is only honesty that releases majesty if you want to know maybe why you're not getting out of where you are it's only because maybe you're not being honest about where you really are [Applause] everybody has a phone these days one of the greatest things you can have on your phone is the gps gps can get you anywhere you want to go with only one prerequisite don't miss this one prerequisite are you ready here it is i need a point of origin in other words if you tell me where you are i can get you out of where you are and take you to where you are called to be and there are people in this room you have been stuck for years and you're saying how do i get out i've called upon the name of the lord and my question is have you ever been really honest have you ever taken off the churchy face and the religious stuff long enough to say i'm struggling i'm depressed i'm anxious i'm fearful i'm worried i'm struggling i'm struggling because when he heard their honesty he said now i can help you how can you help us jesus cast your net on the right side of the boat cast your net on the right side of the boat to master fishermen who have been casting their net every way they know how because this time i don't want you to cast your net with your energy i want you to cast your net based upon obedience to my word because there are some blessings you only get through obedience and they threw the net in i'm done and started pulling and this time it didn't feel like what they were in the net the catch was so big that they started calling for other boats we're gonna need another boat you know what it tells me that the fish were there the entire time i want to tell somebody your blessing is closer than you think it is your healing is up under the boat this morning oh hallelujah your freedom is right up under the boat the question is can you obey the word and he pulled the net in and you would think that if you got what you could never get on your own just by somebody somewhere saying a word that peter would have known who it was but the text says peter is still standing there dumbfounded until the bible says the disciple whom jesus loved don't miss this stepped up and said wait a second peter i know that voice i've been around that voice peter that's not a man that's the messiah [Music] the disciple whom jesus loved you know who it is it's john it's john it's the writer of this book it's john john you know john john john's the one that while they're saying who's going to sit at your left hand and right hand john says you can have the seat i want his feet you know john john's the one that's the weather saying what's in his head up one what's in his head john said that's fine you can have what's in his head i just want to lay my head on his heart you know john you know john in this church because it only takes one note and they're jumping and dancing and worshiping and shouting and running because if you want to know who john really is john is a radical worshiper and why do i have to be around radical worshipers because radical worshipers are acquainted with the presence of the lord you should come in this room on sundays if you've been going through it and haven't been able to touch god and you should stop before you take your seat and scan the room where's the worship or where's the worshiper because baby if you can get around a radical worshiper it won't be long before you're seeing and experiencing and touching and knowing jesus all over again john said peter [Applause] peter that's him the one that we left and the real conflict comes into context because the real conflict was them not getting fish in the boat it's the fact that they got blessed but didn't have the blesser here is the test for revival do you stay with the blessing or do you go to the blesser do you hang with the benefits or are you after the benefactor do you hang with provision or do you launch towards the provider are you after what he does are you pursuing who he is and peter comes to the edge picks up his coat for he had removed it normally when you get ready to jump in the water you don't you don't put stuff on you take stuff off but peter was saying i have lived here long enough i'm tired of being blessed and not having him oh hallelujah i'm tired of having provision but not having him i'm tired of getting his stuff but not having his presence i need him i want him i want him and peter says fellas you can stay in this boat if you want to you can hang with all this blessing if you need to but i can't go another day without his presence in my life fellas you can have the world but give me jesus give me jesus give me jesus in the evening give me jesus in the afternoon give me jesus at the midnight hour give me jesus i just need jesus is there anybody here this morning that would say god i'm about to go overboard i'm about to go all in i'm about to do it in a way i've never done it before i'm about to launch [Music] stand to your feet this is a leap of faith this is the call that is keeping you out of the supernatural i could see him john i could see him don't go nowhere jesus i'm coming i'm sorry i repent for every time i left you and every time i disobeyed you [Music] don't leave me oh can i go deeper i'm coming through my pain i'm coming through my hurts my wounds my scars i'm coming and if you'll stay i'm pursuing you i'm coming after you with everything that i am peter said i'm coming [Music] last thought this text preaches great all by itself because peter goes overboard but this is not the first time peter had gone overboard matthew 4 he called him from the boat to be his disciple overboard yet in matthew 14 he is back in a boat and jesus says all right i'll come walk into you on water and i will bid you come on somebody to come out of the boat and peter walks on water yet here we are again in john 21 and peter has found himself all over again in the boat so i couldn't text to title this text i'm going overboard it had to be i'm going overboard all over again because if i said i'm going overboard some of you would never respond you would think you had it but i'm here to tell you that if you want to see a move of god in our city and in our church if you want to see souls saved and lives changed this word is for you because there is one prerequisite that god has to call a people overboard all over again overboard in prayer overboard with our worship overboard in praise overboard and what we do overboard in our discipline because many of us have made a decision for jesus we've just never made a commitment to christ and so in this room this morning there is one clarion call to every person and that call is are you willing to go overboard this time what if i told you the only thing holding back the manifestation of the sons of god of the earth is sons of god who know better than god sons of god who think they know more than god for many for those who are led by the spirit overboard these are the sons of god look at your newspaper the whole earth is groaning waiting for the manifestation of the overboard well pastor josh how can you say he's calling the church overboard because just a few chapters earlier he looked at peter in the eye the same peter and said your name is not caiaphas he said your name is peter petra and on this rock i'll build my church so i'm not just calling a man overboard i'm calling a church overboard [Applause] [Music] and the clarion call to you today in this revival season is are you willing to finally step off of this boat once and for all and not care what people think about you and not care what they post about and not care what they might say but to say if i hear well done good and faithful servant that would be enough for me to live this kind of kingdom life for the rest of my life altar call is simple today every head bowed every eye closed two groups of people you're in this room today and you're far from god you're far from god throughout whatever kind of life decisions you made it's landed you apart from god away from the relationship you once had doing what you never wanted to do saying what you never wanted to say my friend he is not angry at you he is not mad he is madly in love and he wants you so badly that he would bring this crazy preacher that would sweat and holler just to give you a chance to come back into union in relationship with him if you're in this room this morning and you're not where you need to be with god listen i'm not talking about people who have never met him i'm talking to you too but i'm talking to people who have once known him even and you are far from him in church but far from god on the count of three you've got to get it right pastor josh i got to get it right on the count of three don't don't even play with it this morning this is real my friends heaven is real hell is real and jesus is coming soon you're in this room and you're not where you need to be with god on the count of three get it right today one if that's you lift up your hands you need to get away with god their hands are already going up one two three you got to get it right you got to get it right you got to get it right you got to get it right you got to get it right you got to get it right you got to get it right you got to get it right i'm going to lend you just a few more seconds there hands up keep your hands raised there's no shame in your game this morning hands are going up all across this room you're far from god i can hear him saying go overboard and watch what i'll do go overboard and watch how i love you we're going to do something radical if somebody were there if you have your hand up on the count of three i want you to meet me at this altar and let me tell you there's no shame because the truth is every one of us had to make the same walk in the same way humbly before the lord if you've got your hand raised come down to this front of the count of three they're already coming one two three come on get out of your seat that's right calvary keep clapping and they'll come come come there's no shame there's no shame there's no shame keep coming if i'm talking to you keep coming keep coming meet me right here at the front need me right here you don't have to go another day being distant from god come come come that's it i bet if you keep clapping they'll keep coming you don't have to go another day the bible says god is married to the backslider he loves you my daughter he loves you son come on just keep clapping for 10 more say there's somebody keep going that's it come on i don't know who i'm waiting on but i feel it so deep in my spirit making the right decision today god's been after you he loves you he knows where you've been my friend he knows the pain the hurts the wounds the scars and yet he loves you enough to bring you right into this moment church would you stretch your hands toward these we're going to pray a prayer today so many i see you i see you i see i see i see come on if you're giving your life back to jesus today come on slip up those hands that's it i want everybody at this church stretch your hands this way and for those with their hands lifted i want you to keep one up and i want you to put one in your heart we're about to pray a prayer [Music] there is no power in this prayer all by itself the power is in the heart that believes the prayer that's being prayed and if you believe by faith [Music] the bible says he he is mighty to save church can we say it with them i want everybody this altar to say and you say with them churches say dear jesus jesus today i go overboard today today i say that i'm sorry for my sin today i repent i turn away and i run towards you jesus jesus thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and i ask you to come live on the inside of me change me from the inside out and i live for you for the rest of my life in jesus mighty name i said in jesus mighty name come on somebody shout amen come on somebody shout amen i want you to stay right here don't move for just a second this is the last thing we're going to do before we let you go pastor anderson's getting ready to close [Music] but the word of the lord this day to his people is that he is looking for overboard believers who do more than just invite the church we share our faith [Music] it's a new day it's a new day sorrow can last for just a night but joy's coming in the morning he loves you [Music] god is looking for believers who go overboard i don't have to hype you up for this message you know why because if you love him the way he loves you overboard is the only response so we're about to sing and we're about to worship but i want you to worship in an overboard kind of way i want you to not wait till you leave this place to get the party started i feel like there's been such a deep impartation this is more than a good good sermon and a good service this is life transforming for those that take the word of the lord i want you to slip up your hands in this room pastor john i want us to go out of a deep heart of gratitude and love towards the father but let's go overboard together all across this room with your hands lifted and your voice raised altar team i'm gonna release you to pray for those that are in front of you on the count of three one two three come on you can begin to pray and all across this room before we leave flip up your hands come on tell him nothing nothing else we'll do i just want you to lift up your hands in the room and say yes nothing else nothing else [Music] nothing else nothing else [Music] nothing else nothing else nothing else come on [Music] come on take it up one time [Music] come on [Music] come on one last time everything you have in the room we'll do i just want you nothing else nothing pastor austin come here for just a second i'm gonna obey the lord and then anderson and he's gonna close it come come come just come right here just stand right there lift up your hands the enemy has faults you and faults you and faults you over what you're building in this church god says for you didn't desire to do it like you've seen other people do it you're after the things of god the heart of god the kingdom of god god says even crying out for supernatural expressions of the spirit body's healed and god says i've shown you that i would honor your request the enemy even attacked you in your body and tried to push you off the purpose of god but god said he was only just a roaring lion and roaring lions cannot and will not bite you god said i have spread my blood over you and your wife and your family for the sake of this church and ministry god says coming around the corner of this year god says supernatural growth that will even blow your mind god says obey my strategy obey what i say and god said in that season supernatural unexplainable growth through signs wonders and miracles god said don't deviate from the plan god brought you here this morning because he wanted to say a word to you and i declare you will become your name you will become a church for the city in a church of the city god's eyes are fixed upon you and i declare in the name of jesus as i lay my hands on you that this word is performed not by might no hallelujah or by power but by the spirit of the living god i break every demonic attack off of you and your leadership team and i lose a new anointing and a fresh glory and it comes upon you this hour this day that when you go back they'll say what happened how what shifted what moved and there is an encounter god is engrafting his word into your spirit and i loose that anointing in jesus mighty name come on if you believe it give god some praise for his word put your hand on somebody's shoulder i say anderson as you come let me pray father i declare over these believers overboard lord as we traverse the waters of revival let us not cling to the boats of tradition cling to the boats of our previous encounters but let us leap by faith headlong into the waters of revival i pray that you would bless your people give them favor and anointing set them free and i pray even leaving this room today lord that you would open up opportunities to express yourself to an overboard believer lead a waitress to jesus today let somebody get healing in their body today in jesus mighty name and if we've got any overboard believers come on put your hands together for jesus i want you to put your hand on somebody's shoulder did you get anything from this word today thanks for watching the message i'm sure this spoke to you here's what i want you to do why don't you subscribe to this youtube channel that way every time there's a new message you'll get to hear it also many of you have watched this some of you watch on a regular basis why not take time and so you can give it calvaryfl.com you can give on your phones and you can be a part of helping us take this message around the world the message of hope the message of jesus christ can't wait to see you back here real soon
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 1,353
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: _UzK1VxNnIQ
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Length: 67min 9sec (4029 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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