A Vessel of Honor | Jim Raley

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[Music] well if you're ready for the word shall bring it on stand across the room if you're able i'm coming from second timothy chapter two i'll begin reading in verse 19 almost more than anything in my life i have decided at 57 years old i want to be useful to god i want to be used by the lord if you look at the word useful the word useful is actually two words it's used and full and i don't know about you but i want to be used to the full for god i want when i finally make it to heaven i want to know that he used me in every capacity that he saw fit and i've come to let you know today that we're raising up churches across the nation and there's a church right here we are a useful house hallelujah i believe god is using your church if you believe that come on give him a shout and thank him for doing it [Applause] i want everything that i cover everything that calvary's responsible for to have the touch of the lord on it i want there to be an anointing in the house i want there to be glory that sits on us i've been here for decades now 24 years and i'm more hungry for it than i've ever been so how many of you say pastor i want to be used to the full anybody all right i'm coming from second timothy 2 19. it says nevertheless the solid foundation of god stands even when the world goes crazy even when things happen we don't understand the solid foundation of god stands heaven's never jared god's never worried angels are never upset god's foundation stands having this seal the lord knows them that are his hallelujah and that everyone who names the name of christ depart from iniquity but in a great house somebody shout a great house in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay some for honor and some for dishonor in a great house i said in a great house therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter he will be a vessel of honor or for honor sanctified used to the full come on useful for the master prepared ready for every good work flee also youthful lust pursue righteousness faith love peace with those who call on the lord out of a pure heart watch this but avoid foolish and ignorant disputes boy doesn't the church need to hear that nowadays knowing that they generate strife and the servant of the lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all able to teach patient in humility sometimes it's not what you say it's how you say it correcting those who are in opposition if god perhaps will grant them repentance so that they may know the truth and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil having been taken captive by him to do his will i want you to note the 20th verse he said in a great house he said there are not only gold vessels silver vessels wooden vessels and clay vessels he said there's not only honorable vessels and dishonorable vessels he said they're all different types of vessels he said but the house is great hallelujah in a great house there are all kinds of vessels and i'm telling you this i don't care if you're gold or silver or wood or clay i want you and i to be vessels of honor how many of you want to be a vessel of honor for the lord lord we slip up our hands today and we ask you to teach us this word on vessels of honor have your way in jesus name if you want to be his vessel one two three give god a mighty praise give him a mighty praise you can be seated isn't that one of our main goals it's mine i want to be a vessel of honor useful prepared king james version says meet for the master's use ready to do whatever the lord would have me to do i want to be a vessel of honor for jesus used to the full but before i dive into this actual teaching and preaching today i want to talk to you about the background here of first and second timothy paul writes these letters to his young protege he writes these letters to his son in the lord a son named timothy and he writes first timothy and then about a decade later he writes ii timothy and in both of these letters years apart paul is encouraging and pouring himself into timothy i love this because paul is a man who is consumed with what god's agenda is in the earth and even though in the moment that he's writing these letters he's in prison in rome awaiting beheading he is still eat up with the things of god he is still eat up with heaven's agenda there are times y'all when we are facing things we would rather not face and if we're not careful we will allow the enemy to draw us away from being pertinent and focused on what god has called us to do but here paul is he's still consumed with the agenda of god and i want to tell you we've been doing this a long time here at calvary we've been here now for 24 years about to be a quarter of a century but we are still consumed with the agenda of god we still want lost people found we still want sick people healed we still want broken people put back together jesus so paul writes this letter to timothy first timothy he encourages him and says timothy god's got a plan for you don't despise your youth and i'll talk a little bit more about that in a moment but then he turns and writes ii timothy a little bit later about 10 years later and he writes at a time when the church is in crisis what had happened was this in rome there was a fire that had swept through rome and two-thirds of the city had been burned to ashes and nero was becoming just ludicrous and nero the emperor blamed the church for the burning of rome and when he did that he took that as an opportunity to begin to persecute the church at another level and christians endured persecution in this moment like never before and here paul is now he's in rome he's in prison awaiting the opportunity to stand before the leaders there and he knows that heaven is near he in first timothy he told timothy he said timothy fight the good fight of faith he spoke to timothy and said here's what you need to do if you're going to win and overcome you got to fight the good fight of faith how many of you know that a good fight is only a good fight if you win the fight oh come on now i said a good fight is only a good fight if you win the fight listen if you come and you've got yeah i got in a fight you got both your eyes are swollen shut you how your nose is bleeding your lip is hanging your tooth is out you say man it was a good fight i i got my back side toe up but it was a good fight let me tell you something that's not a good fight the only fight so the good fights are the fights that you win and i've come to let the church know that we are more than conquerors and when it's all said and done it's going to be a good fight because we will overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony somebody's been in a fight this week but i'm telling you you win hallelujah [Applause] so so fight the good fight so here's what paul says to timothy in first timothy he said fight the good fight of faith but then something shifts in second timothy he changes in first timothy he said thank the good fight of faith in second timothy he says i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith and now there is a crown of righteousness that is laid up for me he said timothy i stayed faithful and let me tell you what i love about paul paul is in prison he's facing beheading he's facing persecution if it would have been me i might have been writing timothy and saying pray for me son you better come and get me out of here see if you can get some of the people together and bust me out of here but no paul is still so consumed with the agenda of god that what he cares about is making a making a deposit into his son in the lord what he cares about is the agenda of heaven and i've come to let you know that hell thinks because of colvin hell thinks that because of all the division health thinks because of all the things that we have faced that the church is going to lose its focus but there still is a remnant that is focused on the agenda of heaven if you want god's agenda in the earth open up your mouth and give him praise right now [Applause] that electrifies me now as i have stepped into this role more as a father because it lets me know how important it is to make a deposit in the next generation paul is facing imminent death but he's still pouring out and he wants everything that he has come on to be poured into the church that he loved that thrills my soul now here timothy is he's young he's a novice he's inexperienced he's leading a church y'all that is full of seemingly rebellious people not we have no rebellious people on this campus come on they all go to palm coast can i get a witness [Applause] he's writing to timothy because timothy is in a moment maybe where he's feeling insecure he's in that moment where he's even maybe second guessing can i really do it because everybody around me is doubting me because i'm young and paul understood that and that's why in 1st timothy 4 he said timothy don't let anybody despise your youth he said you're not qualified because you got it going on you're not qualified because you're gifted enough or articulate enough you are qualified because god has put his hand on you and god has selected you and he will use you for his glory so it seems like in these moments that timothy is wrestling and dealing with what most of us have dealt with from time to time he's wrestling with confidence oh we're the real people at he's asking himself can i really do this do i really have the stuff to get it done can i rise see the truth is y'all you can't let people limit god's potential in your life you can't let people tell you whether or not you can break through whether or not you can be used listen uh if you don't believe my children can be saved i don't need your opinion in my life because i have made up in my mind i believe that if the lord said it he will do it and if he spoke it he will perform it and if he declared it he will bring it to pass timothy's in that moment where he's wrestling trying to find confidence and strength you ever been there and it seems like in those moments the devil sends people in your life to discourage you there there are some people they only have one assignment in your life and that is to discourage you oh i'm preaching better and you're letting home now i was so taken by this because timothy is probably dealing with seasons where he felt inadequate maybe not being able to measure up to the call he's feeling unworthy how about this even insecure now we're way too religious to admit that but what i love about paul is paul never got done with timothy he writes him a letter and says timothy in verse 20 in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also wood and clay earthen vessels some for honor and some for dishonor now i was reading this this week in my own personal time and four words left off the page at me when i was with the lord he said in a great house in a great house you're gonna find gold vessels silver vessels wooden vessels and clay vessels you're gonna find vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor and the word great there is the greek word mega and he said in a mega house in a great house there's gold silver wood earthly vessels vessels of honor and dishonor and as i was reading this this scripture came alive to me because in a purely religious mindset this goes against the spirit of religion because we want to say in a great house they're only gold vessels in a great house they're only clean vessels in a great house they're only honorable vessels but god said no in a great house you got gold vessels silver vessels wooden vessels and clay vessels you got vessels that have figured it out and vessels that are struggling he said you got honorable vessels and dishonorable vessel [Applause] we think the great houses are the houses that are golden oh help me holy spirit where everybody's perfect and got it going on you say well i can't come to calvary cause they got too many clay vessels i can't come to calvary because there's two people are not everybody's not right there you know everybody is not a vessel of honor there i'm gonna find me a great house full of gold vessels and when i get there i'm gonna find honorable i'm gonna be in a great house full of gold vessels let me tell you when you find that house they're not gonna let you in cause you got too much chuck in your trunk can i get a witness the truth is y'all there are no perfect houses the truth is there's no place where everybody's getting it right but i am so glad to be in this great house today and it doesn't matter to me whether you're wood or gold or silver or clay it doesn't matter to me what you're struggling with in this house there is a jesus that can revolutionize your life one of the things that has made calvary great through the years is that we have a great god who has been willing to come in to our flawed existence and we allow people who belong even while they're becoming and you may be here today and you're struggling you may be here today and everything's not right in your life you may be here today and you don't feel like an honorable vessel i've come to let you know we're not going to push you out we're not going to tell you you can't come because in a great house i need somebody right now who believes that this is a great house just thank the lord for it it's not a perfect house but it's a great house nonetheless [Applause] here timothy is and paul writes him says in a great house son there's there's gold there's silver there's wood there's clay there's earthen vessels and i'm sure in that moment probably timothy may have been wrestling with his confidence and he may have fallen into the trap that so many of us can fall in sometimes the trap of comparison where he says i wish i was a gold vessel paul is a gold vessel silas is a silver vessel peter is a golden vessel but not me i'm just a clay vessel i'm just i'm just a i'm just a an earthen vessel but here's what you've got to understand timothy timothy what you gotta know paul is telling him is that every vessel is valuable it doesn't matter whether you're a gold vessel or a silver vessel or a wooden vessel or a clay vessel because if you're a vessel in the house of the lord you are valuable and see the truth is i've been doing this a long long time i've been preaching and teaching the word and i love it better today than i ever have i love preaching more today than i've ever loved it before i feel like the lord has been so good to me but if i'm just being real lucille if i'm just being real with you if i'm just being transparent with you most of my ministry i have felt like a clay vessel i've not felt like a golden vessel a silver vessel come on somebody i not even felt like a a wooden vessel but i felt like a clay vessel breakable come on chipped up sometimes leaky i don't always have it together i'm not as attractive as some of the other other vessels but see the truth is what makes a vessel great is not how it looks and what makes a great vessel great is availability y'all come on i feel this the the vessel is not great because it's got it going on because it's flawless no the vessel is great because it's available and maybe i'm a clay vessel maybe i'm chip maybe i'm leaky maybe i got some cracks but at the end of the day my cry is this lord fill this vessel up and use it any way you want to use it you've got to stop comparing yourself to everybody else because if you get caught in the trap of comparison you will begin to be angry about what you see god doing in other people's lives and wonder why he's not doing it in yours [Music] but the truth is you're ready for this god will never do for you what you secretly resent him doing for somebody else you'll fall into the trap of comparison and maybe timothy was there and paul reaches out and says timothy stop comparing yourself because in a great house they're all kind of vessels and i was thinking about that as a clay vessel come on any clay vessels in the house a little bit leaky where y'all at somebody grabbed her husband's hand and said you better raise your hand come on little little cracked come on a little chipped but in a great house the vessel is valuable no matter what it is if it's available and i looked at the word vessel and so i i gave the jim rayleigh definition to the word vessel you know i tell y'all all the time i was born in the country but i was raised in the hood so i'm a hood neck come on y'all i was born in alabama but my daddy always had churches in the inner city so i'm like a hood neck but to me a vessel can be defined as this something that holds something else a vessel is something that holds something else if you're standing here today and you judge me just based on the kind of vessel that i am you have not perceived me in my full value because the value is not the container the value is the content i wish i could find the church here today do i have a church here today that knows it's not the container it's the content i see these young preachers and these young ministers and these people who want to have a ministry they're so concerned that they're so worried about the vessel they're so worried about how they look how they dress how they sound they're so worried about saying the right thing they're so worried about being cool and i've come to let you know mister none of that is important the vessel does not matter if you're full of pride the vessel does not matter if all it contains is compromise the vessel does not matter if it won't preach the truth the vessel does not matter if it's full of sin or gossip or offense [Applause] [Music] come on now [Music] the vessel is afraid of men and fears men more than he fears god because the truth is precious it's not the container it's the content but there are times when the container and the content are in conflict because you know i'm not worthy to do this i'm not a good enough vessel i'm just an earthly vessel i'm just a clay vessel i'm just a clay jar and that may sound like the enemy could get an advantage on you in that moment but when you read second corinthians 4 7 it says but we have this treasure in jars of clay in earthly vessels to show that the old surpassing power is from god and not from us god said i'll put you in a condition and a situation where it looks like you ought not be able to do it where you seem unworthy and unfit but i'll put my treasure my holy ghost power in you and then you don't get the glory i do am i helping you today i love you see the treasure is not the vessel the treasure is what's in the vessel come on now the bible said in a great house somebody say a great house he said in a great house in a great house there are vessels of honor and dishonor he said in a great house there are gold vessels wooden vessels that in a great house there are silver vessels and clay vessels here's the truth if you are hungry all right and i said a golden vessel up here encrusted with rubies but full of manure [Music] beside that gold-crusted manure field vessel there was a clay vessel with cornbread y'all where with biscuits come on with tortillas give her whatever you like fresh hot bread when it's all said and done you will pass by that golden vessel because you know what is in it cannot change my situation and you will say give me to the vessel that's got the value in it hear me in this room stop worrying about being a gold vessel and get full of the treasure that god wants to put in you but here's where the text even goes further here's where paul talks to his son at another level and says son in a great house [Music] there are vessels of honor and dishonor can you imagine that paul said the great houses have people who have it going on and people who have figured it out but it's also in the same house you're going to have vessels of dishonor he said you'll have vessels that are unsurrendered vessels that are compromising vessels that are sinful vessels that have issues and problems and you know we've got to come to a point y'all in the church in america where we don't expect people to be perfect when they come through the doors where we say even if you're dishonorable there is a god that can set you free clean you up and fill you up in a great house there are vessels of honor and dishonor that's why you can't look down your nose at someone who struggles that's why we can't come in and say but i saw her here i saw her there i i saw her at the club well how'd you see her at the club breeds faster raily [Applause] see one of the things that makes a house great is when it's full of people who struggle when people can come in here and have their lives transformed and we can sit around and be religious and be cute but the truth is y'all there was a time when we weren't fit to live and we were scared to die there was a time in our lives when we were all together unworthy and unfit but didn't he take you out of the maori clay didn't he give you a brand new beginning and i dare you just to tell your neighbor if he did it for me he can do it for you yeah yeah it doesn't matter how addicted afflicted jacked up messed up beat up toe up you are there is a god that can pick you up out of your mess and give you a brand new beginning there is a god that can start you on the right track and give you an opportunity to be something you never thought you could even if you're not a golden vessel i just heard the holy ghost say tell them their past doesn't disqualify them their past prepared their testimony [Applause] somebody just raised one hand and said thank you lord thank you that my past doesn't disqualify me yeah it's just prepared my testimony i tell you to give god a praise right now it gives me the ability to say he'll pick you up he'll give you a start over he'll change your life [Applause] in a great house i believe this is a great house well you would say that you're the pastor i believe this is a great house because we're not perfect but that's all right we allow people as i said to belong while they're becoming we would like for every vessel to be golden and when we have a religious mindset full of kindness all the time no compromising always honorable but that's not a reality the the truth is there's a place for people in god's house in a great house even when they struggle and here's what i know if you watch me and you're a pastor across the nation and many of you do you're paying attention to calvary i want to say this to you the greatest houses make room for the lost the greatest houses give altar calls the greatest houses are trying to win people to jesus the greatest houses are not ashamed of the gospel the greatest houses don't always have the best music the greatest houses don't always have the finest stages the greatest houses don't always have the best equipment but if somebody stands up and gives a lost person a chance to be found that is a great house [Music] can i help you you believe i love you i really do but i'm going to speak to your truth today paul addresses timothy and said you're going to have honorable vessels and dishonorable vessels that means you'll see people who are sitting in the house who have served god sometimes they fumble and they stumble and they change their status from honorable to dishonorable have you ever seen it happen but it doesn't stop god from being able to put their world back together again now the goal when it's all said and done is to become a vessel of honor and i love the fact that paul tells timothy how to do it in verse 21 he says therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter he will be a vessel for honor sanctified and used to the full useful for the master prepared under every good work he doesn't even stop there he said now timothy flee also youthful lust he said if you're going to be a vessel of honor at some point you got to make up in your mind you're going to try to quit sinning [Music] well i'm underneath grace pastor really i got grace no grace doesn't give you a license to sin grace covers the sin that you've committed it is the grace of god then that gives you the ability to be able to live the life that the lord has called you to live i would say if you want to sin don't say you're a christian because a christian does not constantly consume himself with the affairs of compromise at some point he said lord change me so you gotta flee youthful lust ain't nobody helping me in this holy ghost field church those songs said i looked at my hands and my hands looked new i looked at my feet and they did too hallelujah let me tell you you don't know the pit that i crawled out of you don't know the compromise that it invaded my life but honey when i found jesus everything changed and i'm not perfect but i'm telling you this i know of the redemptive saving keeping power at the cross of jesus christ so he said flee flee somebody say flee flee you for lust but pursue righteousness faith love peace with those who call on the lord out of a pure heart flee is the greek word pronounced for yugo it sounds like to me fool you go oh y'all fool you better run fool you better go she's trying to get in that fool you better run you a married man he's trying to get with you girl you better run you're a married woman y'all y'all ain't saying a lot fool you better go sometimes you the enemy tries to you need to go with no fool you better go the lord's saying sometimes you got to learn how to run listen i travel a lot i've had women hit on me before let me taste them i run i run scared come on somebody because number one i don't want to lose what god has done in my life in the way of ministry i got too much at stake but number two i'm absolutely terrified of my wife because if i ever did something like that she would kill me dead deader than dead come on then she would raise me from the dead because she's got the gift of faith and then she would kill me again just to watch me die and then she would tell all y'all what i did she would tell the whole world but i'm telling you is that the truth she would be at facebook and everybody in the room and so i'm scared because i understand consequences we don't have preachers anymore that stand up and tell young people it doesn't matter what the world says to do there are consequences for that behavior you better run tell somebody you better run you better run if it affects your reputation you better run if it'll affect your ability to walk with god you better run you better run [Applause] fool i know you shouldn't call nobody a fool the bible says just say it in the air say fool you go yeah if the shoe fits you better wear it come on somebody flee the things that would endanger your future flee the things that would hold you from god run somebody shout run run and then he says he said flee but then he also said next he said follow follow after righteousness follow what flee and follow follow after righteousness i think it's faith and love and peace he said when you run away from one thing you need to run to another the problem is that when you flee this you need to run to that because if you don't run to something what you ran from will bring you back [Applause] texas is amazing to me because paul is given the play by play of how to overcome and become a vessel of honor and then he said in the 23rd verse but avoid foolish and ignorant disputes knowing that they generate strife i've never seen a time when the church in the world is more divided than it is right now come on it started with race issues and i understand that from racist use to political issues political issues to covet issues from coving to the mass from the mass to the vaccine everything the enemy is perpetrating against the church is his father for us to be divided and there are so many people that are consumed with foolish and ignorant disputes that they have lost sight of the gospel of the lord jesus christ it is time for the church to get it together because the world never will till the church does [Applause] ignorance i love folk but some folks are just ignorant you know anybody ignorant don't you point at them they're sitting by me no don't you do that you know what ignorant means it means without instruction it means uneducated unlearned and rude and we've got ignorant people with too great a voice in the earth today who are saying that they are doing it in the name of the lord and nobody's shouting but i'll finish this in just a minute i've said this for years and i'll say it again facebook never made the lame walk but it sure made the dumb talk can i get a witness in this [Applause] [Music] the house said knowing that these foolish ignorance disputes generate strife do you know that there are some people in the earth and their only goal is to generate strife everything they post everything they say they troll your social media and mine just to generate strife thank god for the delete button hallelujah that's not how a vessel of honor is a vessel of honor doesn't generate strife vessels of honor generate peace and the bible says here and and a servant of the lord a vessel of honor must not quarrel but be gentle to all able to teach patient in humility correcting those who are in opposition i'm in a place now 57 years old i graduated from the university if i don't give a rip can i get a witness [Applause] i graduated from the university of i don't give a rib but nevertheless even when i correct i want to correct from a place of humility when i correct someone in opposition i want to correct from a place of humility if god perhaps will grant them repentance because we sometimes in correcting people think that the motive is revenge the motive is not revenge the motive is repentance i'm going to tell you off and you got to come and let me tell you something i thank god that he never gave me what i had coming [Applause] why do we speak the truth so that they may know the truth how will they hear without a preacher he said if you speak the truth they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil having been taken captive by him to do his will that means there should be some sort of pursuit in our lives to escape the enemy and to become a vessel of honor what is a vessel a vessel is something that is filled with something else i say god fill me with something else come on raise up your hand and say just fill me with something else in a world full of doubt fill me with faith in a world full of division fill me with unity in a world filled with sorrow fill me with joy in a world filled with sickness fill me with healing in a world filled with hate fill me with love in a world filled with with weakness fill me with power from on high [Applause] feel me come on just raise your hands and say fill me with something else fill me with something else in a great house there are vessels of honor and dishonor golden vessels man i feel the anointing in here sometimes you just gotta wait a minute and let the lord's spirit settle over his word that you just preached i just feel like saying lord just settle over this word there are vessels of gold and silver and wood and clay vessels that are so beautiful and then vessels that are leaky like me and maybe you if we're not careful rather than allowing god to really change us in a religious church that's not a great house we'll be full of vessel inspectors okay you this vessel is unfit you can't use that vessel you can't be a greeter you know no you got too big of a pass you're we we're only allowing this is the gold level this is the silver level and you are a vessel inspector let me tell you you probably won't last real long if you're a vessel inspector in this church because as long as you're inspecting vessels as long as you feel like that's why you're in the earth you will never get full yourself [Applause] as long as you're sitting around being critical stirring up strife and division as long as you're doing that from a religious context you will miss your opportunity to be full and here's the deal probably the thing that really came to me most from this message in a great house there are vessels of honor and dishonor the lord said in the greatest houses there's opportunity for people who are struggling to have their world put back together again in the greatest houses nobody is rejected because of their past in the greatest houses there's vessels of honor and dishonor who would admit maybe you're not one today but you have been one i sure have i sure have i haven't always gotten it right so everybody's standing hallelujah so make me a vessel make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be new wine is a song i came here with nothing and all you have given me jesus bring new wine jesus jesus bring me [Music] [Music] make me [Music] jesus [Music] make whatever [Music] [Music] we're gonna sing that one more times [Music] you want me to be jesus christ [Music] there is no right now [Music] there is [Music] there is no power there is no freedom is here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so make me [Music] use me to perform [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody wave one hand and say yes jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you feel that you feel hope in the room well somebody told you that your past disqualifies you or you're inadequate or you've struggled too much but paul said son in a great house there are vessels of honor and dishonor if you're struggling today you've not been disqualified abandoned or forsaken if you're struggling today and you're not where you need to be if you're online and you say lord i want you to clean this vessel up i want to get in a position where i can hold what you have for me to hold get the refuge out get the mess out and let me get full of new wine and fresh hot bread lord i may not be a golden vessel i might be a leaky clay cracked earthen vessel but the value is not in the container it's in the content so with heads bowed and eyes closed then you're here and you say pastor or you're watching online you'd say i'm not where i need to be with god there's things in my life that have alienated me separated me from him and i cannot contain what he has for me to contain because my vessel is not as clean as it needs to be there's sin in my life there's compromise in my life there's things that have separated me from god and and jim really i know you don't want to embarrass me but you do want to see me broken free so pastor if you're going to pray for somebody pray for me i'm not where i need to be today and i know it and if you're gonna remember somebody remember me if that's you when i count to three raise your hand pray for me pastor one remember me pastor two i wanna be a worthy vessel i got some things i need to get right three slip up your hands right now pray for me pastor pray for me pastor pray pray pray pastor i got some things i ought to get over the blood today there's things that would keep me from being used by god and things that would keep me maybe even out of heaven so when you pray pray for me if you slipped up your hand if you raise it up keep it up i'm gonna lend you five more seconds people in the balcony are raising their hand somebody's raising their hand at home right now you're sitting at your computer and you're weeping and god is dealing with you you're watching this on your tv and you feel the spirit of god in your room right now hallelujah if you raised your hand hold it up don't put it down if you need to raise your hand you haven't raised it yet here's five more seconds for you five four three pray for me pastor two one zero hallelujah now if you raised your hand and you're really minted your hand is up right now i'm gonna invite you to step into a new season i'm gonna invite you to come i want you to step out by faith i promise you won't come by yourself in fact if somebody next to you raised their hand but they're apprehensive about coming why don't you take it by the hand and come begin to come right now altars team begin to come right now but if you want to get things right between you and the lord why don't you come right now if you want to get it under the blood why don't you come right now that's it come on brothers and sisters somebody better praise the lord come on stand right here in the front here they come so make me a vessel everybody say so make me make me an offering y'all better clap they're coming from across the room [Music] is [Music] i came here [Music] make [Music] i came here with nothing [Music] step out right now it's a new day for you make me a vessel me [Music] i came here with nothing oh i came here [Music] [Music] jesus springs i want everybody in the room right now to take your hand and put it on your heart we're going to join with these who are going to pray everybody pray this prayer after me you on the stage you who are watching my live stream there's an encounter with jesus going on right now in this house and it can happen in your house you pray this prayer if you'll just put salvation or saved in the comments it'll let us know that you made a decision to follow jesus with everybody in the room your hand is on your heart now pray this after me loud and strong everybody hand on your heart pray heavenly father heavenly father in jesus name i thank you i thank you that i'm in a great house i thank you lord thank you that in a great house there's opportunities opportunity to get things right please forgive me for all my sins take my heart wash it clean give me a new beginning make me what you want me to be me i surrender everything to you i want to be your vessel i want to be your best lord i may not be a gold vessel but whatever i am i'm available and i want to be yours thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you for a new beginning in jesus name jesus can somebody give the lord a mighty praise can you give him a mighty phrase now our altar team is going to stay here and pray with people nobody leave for just a second if you're if you're sick and you want prayer if you'll come up here we'll lay hands on you but how many of you believe that this week needs to be a week of victory can i get a witness friday night pastor don is going to be in the house the globe women women don't forget i'm going to head back to the back and i'd like to if you're my special guest if i've never met you before i would love to meet you pastor dawn and i are headed to guest central and no we're headed to the chapel wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute y'all y'all we are redesigning our foyer it's going to look like it's going to be brand spank-a-linking new not just brand spanking new spank-a-lincoln it's going to be amazing we got new coffee shop we're gonna be able to host events in there we'll be able to do services in there with about 500 people who's excited about that it's going to be mighty so if you're my guest we're actually meeting in the chapel right so i'm gonna go right over here just come right out this door and you'll see it slip up your hands and let me pronounce the blessing of the lord on you father in jesus name i bless your people thank you that even when we don't feel like it we're vessels of honor because you've called us to be that i pray lord that your people will walk in your power that this week they will be careful not to be quarrelsome or ignorant or or prideful but this week we will be vessels of honor thank you for your word at calvary thank you for your presence at calvary thank you that we are a great house not because of the container but because of the content if you receive today one two three give god a shout i love you go ahead john thanks for watching the message i'm sure this spoke to you here's what i want you to do why don't you subscribe to this youtube channel that way every time there's a new message you'll get to hear it also many of you have watched this some of you watch on a regular basis why not take time and so you can give at calvaryfl.com you can give on your phones and you can be a part of helping us take this message around the world the message of hope the message of jesus christ can't wait to see you back here real soon
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 1,539
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4g9h1xnCqSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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