4 Steps to a Heart of Revival | Jim Raley

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psalms 85 6 will you not revive us again how many of you want him to revive you again hallelujah he said that your people may rejoice in you show us your mercy lord and grant us your salvation i will hear what the lord god will speak for he will speak peace to his people and to his saints i said he will speak peace to his people and to his saints i said he will speak peace to his people and to his saints i declare the word of the lord over you he speaks peace to his people and his saints but let them not turn back to folly surely his salvation is near to those who fear him that glory may dwell in their land mercy and truth have met together righteousness and peace have kissed hallelujah truth shall spring up from the earth and righteousness shall look down from heaven yes the lord will give what is good raise your hands and say the lord will give what is good oh come on say i say the lord will give what is good and our land will yield its increase righteousness will go before him and shall make his footsteps our pathway i want to preach for a few moments along these lines and then we'll just see what god does four steps to a revival heart how many of you want a revival heart come on how many of you want a heart that hungers for the face and the presence and the power of god slip up your hands father release anointing in this house may your word go forth in power in jesus name somebody give the lord a great ovation of praise hallelujah you can be seated i have decided that i want a heart for revival i want a heart for an awakening i want a heart for a move of god i don't want a heart for religion i don't want a heart for just going through the motion i want a heart for revival and so i heard pastor kilpatrick say one time he said whatever you preach about is going to manifest so i am making up in my mind in this season that i'm talking about revival i'm talking about awakening i'm talking about a move of god that will rescue your children right out of the jaws of hell i'm talking about a move of god that will set the captives free i'm talking about revival are there any revival people in the house today hallelujah this is an amazing passage of scripture that i read talking about revival i want you to understand something precious revival is not a series of services revival is a condition of the heart it's an awakening to the things of god i don't just need a conference i need to be revived [Applause] so so the words in this text here in psalms are some of the most beautiful in all the bible but what truly makes this text amazing to me personally is understanding the historical background and conditions of the jewish people when this text had been pinned the truth was y'all that most bible historians believe that this text was written shortly after the jews had been supernaturally delivered from babylonian captivity they had been encaptured by to the babylonians for over 70 years but god determined to set them free they were in captivity to the superpower of the day they had no army that could fight them out they had no representation that could negotiate them out they had no political power no political connection but god got ready to deliver his people and when god gets ready to bring deliverance nothing can stop him you may be here today and you don't have the resources the money the connections or anything you feel like you need for the next season of breakthrough but i hear the lord say nothing can block me nothing can stop me when i get ready to touch my people nothing can hinder me this is very powerful to me because these people had been supernaturally delivered is there anybody here today that's been set free from something this is so awesome to me but here's what the text implies the people are delivered they are not in bondage anymore they are not in babylon anymore they are not chained up or shackled up anymore the issue is not about their deliverance the real trucks of the matter is this they were delivered but they were not revived they were delivered but they were not revived they had problems see the truth is i'm delivered but i still have problems who would be real i'm delivered but i still have issues i'm delivered but i still have things that i have to contend with so often we erroneously assume that once we get delivered from bondage that the enemy withdrawals and we won't have to deal with problematic situations anymore but i've come to tell you that often times your attack is a clue that you have been set free by god and the devil is upset about it see the devil is a liar somehow you need to understand that trouble comes to all of us the bible said in psalms 34 19 many not a few but many are the afflictions of the righteous that means sometimes you're saved and you struggle that means sometimes you're saved and you go through hard times but i'm so glad that there's a caveat in that text and god did not stop there he said many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers us out of them all i don't know who i'm talking to today but somebody has been in a season where it seems like hell has been working overtime but i've come to let you know that god is about to shift your situation god is about to bring a transformation listen there's no vaccine for trouble we all are going to encounter trouble it goes with the territory but i'm telling you i'm stopping at this very moment exalting my problem i'm going to exalt the god who can do exceedingly abundantly far above anything that i can ask or even think i'm so glad that god still loves me even when i struggle [Music] i'm so glad that my inconsistencies and my proclivities to not be all that i should be have not caused him to turn his face toward away from me there have been seasons when i have struggled so greatly and it was my struggle it seemed like that drew him to me in an even more profound way can i can i talk to you does anybody have any children does anybody have a son or a daughter how many of you can say that child is mine even when they struggle yeah that child is mine even when they're acting crazy that child is mine even when they get on my last nerve and i can say they're going crazy but you better not say nothing about them or i might go country and hood on you all at the same time come on i can talk about my children's struggle but you better not talk about them y'all don't say nothing look straight ahead and act like i'm not talking to you but the reality of it all is even when they struggle they're still yours and you you are going to fight for them and fight for their breakthrough god said i'm the heavenly father and even when you struggle you're still mine hallelujah i need somebody to give god the praise that he never got done with you the lord delivers the lord delivers the lord delivers tell somebody on your role the lord still delivers yes he delivers you out of trouble he delivers you out of sickness he delivers you out of bondage delivers this the hebrew hebrew word not so it means to snatch away to defend to deliver to escape without fail to pluck out to preserve to recover to save and surely bring out see there are some people here today you've been plucked out you've been you've escaped you've been preserved you've been recovered you've been rescued you've been saved when you look back at the last season of your life he has surely brought you out that's what deliverance is it means he surely brings you out i was wondering if there's anybody here today that can say preacher he has surely brought me out yeah if you could see where i was 10 years ago he has surely brought me out if you could see where i came from he has surely brought me out i was in bondage just like the children of israel were in babylon but he surely brought me out there's people who don't understand you and they don't understand your pursuit of god but they don't know how profound his work was in your life he has surely brought you out he didn't bring you out a little bit he didn't bring you out barely he didn't just almost deliver you but he brought you completely out of the person that you were completely out of the bondage that you were in the things that you thought you don't even think anymore the things that you did you don't even do anymore the behavior that you had you don't even have it anymore the desires that you used to have you don't even have them anymore because he delivered you so profoundly and so intensely that now you are in a new place a new position a new location and a new address [Applause] do you feel something turning in this room right now i'm reminding you that you've been brought out [Music] plucked snatched away defended the devil had you one minute and you were gone the next so this had happened to the jewish people unexplainably supernaturally they had been set free change of address the problem was their address changed but their mentality stayed the same they were free but still acted bound because they didn't embrace all that god has for them and had for them they they they were delivered and they had been brought out plucked out rescued defended and snatched away from their bondage but the dilemma was this and you can hear it if you listen closely to the text the writer said will you not revive us again there it is they had been delivered they weren't in bondage anymore they weren't in shackles anymore they weren't enslaved anymore they were delivered but they were just not revived and here's the problem many in the church have been delivered the church is full of delivered people the problem is a lot of the people that have been delivered have not been revived so they're still depressed and they're still full of anxiety and they're still full of worry they they sit in church and go through life delivered you're they're not in bondage to what they used to be in bondage to they're not enslaved by what they were enslaved by in the past they're they're not blatantly in addiction or in bad behavior but something inside of them has not yet come to life in fullness they are faithful in their relationships they come to church most of the time some of them even tithe once in a while they've been delivered from so much but what they need is revival god said i didn't set you free for you to be dead i didn't set you free for you to be bound i didn't set you free for you to be in anxiety i didn't set you free for you to be bound up by what the enemy is trying to feed you in this season god said when i delivered you i delivered you with the purpose i am come that they might have life and they might have it more abundantly how many of you want that kind of revival come on i said how many you want a revival that brings you joy and peace and breakthrough here's what i have decided i want to be more than just a deliberate dead man i want to be revived where are the churches churches in america that want to be revived well one of them's right here come on somebody i've been in churches so dead before i smelt the embalming fluid when i came through the door five people died and they carted out the half the church before they got to the right one can i get a witness see see here's the truth revive means to restore the life and consciousness it's a recovery of breath it means to regain life it it means to give new strength or energy it means to restore entrances it means to improve the position or condition of i declare that there's a revival coming and baby let me tell you our position is going to improve our condition is going to improve we're going to have new strength and new energy the rider said lord will you not will you you you not revive us again see if i'm going to ask somebody to do something i want to make sure they got the ability to do it if i need some money i want to make sure i ask somebody who's got something can i get a witness he said will you not revive us again we are all delivered they said but we need revival and i've come to tell you that that's what's happening in our church delivered people are getting revived god is breathing in this house god is breathing on this church god is breathing in your family and in the natural when someone needs to be revived there's a heart condition that must be addressed the bible says in the bible we understand the hebrews believe that the heart is the center of a person's being the physical emotional and moral part of a person it's the heart the heart is who you really are that's why you want to have a right heart and a good heart and a pure heart the bible says in first samuel 16 7 but the lord said to samuel do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature because i have refused him for the lord does not see his man sees for man looks at the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart he said folk will look at you and just see the superficial you they will see the trappings they will see the polish they will see the struggle they may see professionalism they might see clothes they might see physical beauty they might see resources they might see somebody who doesn't look like they're enough they might see somebody who doesn't look like they can get the job done but god said i look fast all those superficial things and i look deeper into a man see the heart is in the deepest part of your body the heart is in the deepest part of your body and god said i'm looking past what everybody else is looking at and i'm looking at your heart and when your heart is right anything is possible i need the people who are glad that the lord looks at the heart just take about 10 seconds to give him praise right now you are not disqualified by the numbers in your bank account you are not disqualified by anything that you've done you're not disqualified you are not even defined by your past you're not defined by what you wear you're not defined by what you have god said i'll look past all that and i'll look straight to your heart aren't you glad that's why your heart has to stay revived you reason from your heart you you you make decisions from your heart the bible said for as a man thinks in his heart so is he you chart the course for your future from your heart proverbs 16 9 said a man's heart plans his way but the lord directs his steps hallelujah it comes from the heart nothing's more important than the heart the bible said in proverbs 4 guard your heart keep it with all diligence for out of it springs the issues of life he said guard your heart don't let bitterness get in your heart don't let pride get in your heart don't let condemnation get in your heart don't let a judging spirit get in your heart don't let lust or unforgiveness get in your heart don't allow these things in your heart because you have to guard your heart that's why i'm i listen if you wrong me i'm forgiving you if you talked about me i forgive you i've already forgiven you but i forgive you again today because i'm not going to let anything get deposited in my heart that will cause my heart to be diseased how many of you want the lord to do a work in your heart if that's you give him some praise right now so i want to talk to you about cpr that's cardiopulmonary resuscitation come on y'all i can google can i get a witness now there are several steps in the process of revival it's a matter of the heart when you're going to do cpr on somebody and there are several steps to this process when you're reviving someone but if you will bear with a gospel preacher i may be able to bring a little revelation as it relates to cpr now if you're going to do cpr on a person and we got somebody here today thankful for our first responders that brought this guy here for me to revive come on y'all we're just going to pray that god also gives him legs in the process can i get a witness but but here's the process that you have to go through if you're going to revive someone now we have all kind of first responders all kind of medical doctors and all kind of medical people in this room and they can explain the scientific part of it better than i can but i just want to go through the process and and apply this to where we live number one you need to open the airways of a person you got to open up the airways of the person if you're going to revive them you've got to open up the airwaves of the person and i was reading and they said how do you do i i said i was thinking how do you do that and as i was reading the the the the thing that i read said the first thing you have to do is tilt your head back get did them in a position where where you tilt their head back i dare somebody to tilt your head back right now just just tilt your head back right now what are you doing you're looking up you're not looking around you're not looking at your situation you tilt your head back and you're looking up you know what the key to revival is baby tilt your head back stop looking at who did your own stop looking at what ain't going right stop looking at the issues stop looking at the devil stop looking at the attack put your i dared some about a thousand people right now i dare you just to tilt your head back somebody just tilt your head back and say god show me revival show me breakthrough come on show me what you want me to see see you do this you you open the airwaves by tilting your head back and then first and foremost if you're going to experience reviving you have to have an unrestricted airway it's necessary to make sure that the person is in the proper position so you can't revive somebody if they're laying on the stomach you can't revive somebody if they're laid on their back revival has a position revival has a position come on somebody i said revival has a position you say what's the position it's the prayer position it's the praise position it's the worship position god said if i can get you in position i'll breathe on you god said if i can get you in position i'll send an awakening god said if i can get you in position see a lot of churches are not having a move of god because they're out of position but i prophesy that there is a new generation rising that says god put me in position to receive anything and everything you have for me if you want to be in the right position give god a praise right now you can miss your revival if you're not in position to receive it it's easy to get out of position it's easy to get in a place and miss what god wants to do in our lives we got to be in the right positions he wants to breathe on us but so often we're not in position to receive it but i declare that some of you right now are getting yourself in position for the next season that god's going to unlock in your life [Applause] i remember when i we were traveling to hong kong pastor dawn and i and we had a group from our church and we were sitting in a restaurant in san francisco about to board a plane it was a burrito restaurant because you know what god loves burritos it's one of the good things that the lord made hallelujah but we're sitting in this great burrito place and and we're just eating and all of the sudden one of the ladies that was there she noticed a man who was choking on a piece of steak man he he was choking and and she said that man is choking and i'm telling you he was like for real about to meet his maker she ran up behind him and she started doing the heimlich maneuver this little lady did and it was nothing see that guy who could not she couldn't dislodge that and i said oh my goodness and i bet people are panicking and i said i've never done the heimlich before but i'm about to go do it on this guy right now man my adrenaline was so high i picked that joker up and i because he couldn't breathe the steak had restricted his air well y'all ain't saying nothing i got behind him and i struggle and man i hit him one time just right a nice tank went like that and i was so jazzed up i hit him about three more times and he said wait a minute i'm alive i'm alive see the i'm okay i'm okay i'm alive i'm alive i need to tell you that it's time to get the stuff out of the way that's been restricting what god wants to do the holy spirit wants to come in this house again how many of you can say move it out of the way move my past out of the way move my pride out of the way move religion out of the way move whatever i'm thinking out of the way search me oh god [Music] [Applause] when i when i walked over there my wife said either i knew that you were going to revive him or kill him david said search me oh god i know my heart and test my thoughts point out anything that you find in me that makes you sad and lead me along the path of everlasting life to revive a person all the hindrances the blockages have got to be removed clean airways that's what it's going to take for revival how many of you can say lord clean the airways over daytona beach clean the airways over our church clean the airways over our life put me in proper position cleanse me and remove me from anything that would restrict me from receiving your revival if it's religion move it out the way if it's my past move it out of the way if it's wrong relationships i said if it's wrong relationships move it out of the way if it's attitudes move it out of the way if it's behaviors move it out the way if it's unforgiveness get it out of the way if it's anger get it all the way if it's loud get it out of the way if it's shame get it out of the way but put me in a position where you can breathe into my life [Applause] so so they said if you're going to revive a person you've got to tilt their head back you've got to clear the airways you've got to remove all the blockages and hindrances but then you pinch the nose of the person right and then you do mouth to mouth now here's what you've got to understand we must come to a place where we say lord i need you to breathe on me more than anything else i want you to breathe in this church if you don't breathe on me i'm gonna perish if you don't breathe on me i'm not gonna make it if you don't revive me i will not make it i need your breath to bring me revival so here's what i say i say lord breathe on this church and everybody in it how many of you want that i say breathe on this church and everybody in it i say breathe on this church and everybody in it the bible says that so jesus said to them again peace be unto you the father has sent me i also sinned to you and he said and when he had said this he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit is there anybody here that can say god if you're breathing on somebody breathe on me if you're breathing on somebody breathe on me see here's what you've got to understand one of the main requirements for a person to experience revival is intimacy that means you got to be willing to let the revival get close that means you got to be willing to say okay get right in my face if you really want revival from god there is no comfort zone there is no saying god you can't get that close touch this but you can't touch that see when you really want revival everything changes when you really want revival things begin to shift when a person is getting cpr they're not saying back off they're not saying don't touch me there they're not saying don't get too close how many believers miss out on revival because they don't desire intimacy with the father and they say god you're getting too close don't touch that relationship don't touch that attitude don't touch that but i'm at a place right now where i say god invade my space invade my life get as close to me as you can get [Applause] god won't revive people who want to be superficial there's no comfort zone in revival are you hearing me you ready for this real revival will eliminate our country our comfort level i said real revival will eliminate our comfort level that means we've had this kind of setup it's got to be just like this calvary services have got to look like this we've got to sing this long and we've got to have this happen right there and then the offering's got to happen right here there's going to be three songs and three points and a poem and we're going to get out of here but god said no i can't move the way i want to move if you kind of keep me in the box he said i got to get close i would i want to mess up what you thought it was going to be and i want to bring something fresh how many of you can say pastor it's okay it's okay if we're not the same that we've always been we just want something fresh from god one two three if you want something fresh from god give the lord a mighty praise [Applause] all right the person being revived has to have their chest pressed on right at the heart 30 compressions and two and two rescue breaths 30 compressions and two rescue breaths see the person that is being revived must be touched and in order for revival to manifest the heart has to be moved if the heart doesn't move then revival doesn't come if the person is in touch then revival doesn't come i can't just go to church anymore i can't just sit in the building after 2020 and all that i've gone through i can't just go through religious ritual baby i want to say god touch me until you move my heart touch me until my heart changes touch me until i'm transformed is there anybody that can say god i want you to touch me today i want you to touch my family today don't just leave me sitting in this church god without your touch move my heart if the heart never moves revival never comes you know why people walk out on god because their heart wasn't moved you know why people don't walk in revival because they won't let their heart be moved they want to stay mad i'm mad i'm mad you need to build a bridge and get over it you see what they they put on facebook come on lord look at what you put on facebook you see yeah i'm mad my sister messed me up listen when god puts his hand on your chest he begins to move your heart things change it's impossible to be revived without a touch from heaven so here's what i say today touch us holy spirit move our hearts i told the staff what you're going to do if this dummy gets up and starts walking shelly jevin says i'm going to run out of the church come on somebody see real revival is a matter of the heart if a person's heart doesn't move and doesn't respond there can be no revival and this church must have its heart moved y'all the bible said from the end of the earth will i cry out when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than i for you have been a shelter for me a strong power from the enemy see when you start here's what i was studying when you start pressing on that heart and that heart starts to move how many of you can say lord move my heart in this season come on i dare somebody right now if you want god to move your heart just say move my heart in this season come on i dare you make a little noise if you're ready for god to move your heart move my heart for the lost move my heart for the struggling move my heart for revival move my heart for a new season move my heart for an awakening move my heart for the lost move my heart for this generation if you want god to move your heart give him a mighty praise right now oh come on come on how many of you can say god move my heart and breathe on me move my heart and breathe on me invade my space get in my life god move my heart and because so when our heart gets moved things change but it really doesn't change until your heart changes how many of you can say lord move my heart move my move my heart move my heart but as i was studying this this is where it really gets good i mean it's all been good but this is even better when when that heart begins to beat what happens if there is a there is a movement that begins to take place now that that person has been dead how many know you don't get any sicker than dead nobody ever died until their heart stopped beating and when the heart stopped beating you know what happened the blood stopped flowing but i was reading and they said when you move the heart when you do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and you breathe into the person and you get life into the person then that heart begins to move they said blood begins to flow to the entire body i've come to tell you that there is a church that is rising up in the last days that is saying god breathe on me lord move my heart and let the blood of jesus flow to the entire body let the blood flow in the youth ministry let the blood flow in the children's ministry let the blood flow on the senior adult let the blood flow like a river let the blood flow in my house let the blood flow over my sun let the blood flow to my daughters let the blood flow how many of you can say god move my heart and let the blood flow i need somebody right now if you want the blood to flow over your life over your church over our ministries make a little noise right now [Applause] i'm telling you if i've got to do that in this season then you can have a pastor or and that's going to stand in this place [Applause] i refuse to let hell rob me of revival i refuse to be denied an outpouring of the holy the blood is gonna flow over our youth ministry the blood is gonna flow of our college students the blood is gonna flow over our school the blood is gonna flow over our back somebody right now just push just say god do it do it let the blood flow let the blood flow come on i said give god standing if you want to flow like a river over this church if you want your heart moved if you want the blood to flow over your family open your mouth right now and give god a mighty proof [Applause] [Music] never you've been giving up on your son but here's what i said some of you've been giving up on your daughter but here's what i said some of you've been giving up on revival but here's what i say the blood is born again revival is flowing again now what's this he said will you not revive us didn't stop there he said will you not revive us again oh that that makes me that makes me want to rejoice that that makes me want to rejoice i said that makes me want to rejoice he said will you not revive us again did you get that the psalmist said do again what you have done before he said if you've done it before you can do it again i dare somebody right now maybe you've been in a greater revival than than you get in in the past but you would say god if you can do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again you get it brownsville do it again you get it do it again do it again revive mormon beast revive daytona revive your church i'm gonna give you 30 seconds to put your desperation on display if you want god to do again what he did before one two three give him a mighty please [Applause] come here son come here we're making the announcement go ahead revival revival revival revival revival revival revival revival riff you talk about it it'll come you preach about it it'll come whatever you say you're gonna see revival revival revival on sending revival on monday revival on saturday revival on wednesday revival on tuesday revival on thursday revival on friday revival in your house revival with your family revival in our youth group revival in our kids revive for revival [Applause] um i just don't wait on the hungry people i just don't wait on the hungry people i see the spirit of the lord pushing this church right now the holy ghost is over this house right now he is pushing [Music] have your way holy ghost [Music] one of the things that i love most about the presence of the lord is this and the goodness of the lord is he will revive us again and again no three strikes and you're out no you went too far god said i'm ready [Music] look at this crowd of people here that's how many of you are coming to calvary because you feel like there's revival in the room one two three make a little noise if that's you make a little noise if that's you [Applause] revive is from the old french latin word it means again or back it means live again there they live again back again in the name of jesus i declare that god is doing it again [Applause] i said i said i know you've seen him do it before but god's about to do it again he's about to do it again you saw him save somebody else's children but he's about to do it again and save your children you saw him make a way but he's about to do it [Music] i said he's about to do it again now here's where it really gets beautiful he said will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you now i need you to get that in your spirit because there's an idea that revival is something that's hard it's something that you earn it's something that you make happen yourself but him and now always remember he said that your people that your people may rejoice in you you are his people and revival that's coming baby it's not gonna be labor it's not gonna be us making it happen it's not gonna be me beating you with a sledgehammer but it's gonna be people walking in and saying just touch me lord just breathe on me lord just have your way we're not gonna stress over it we're not gonna we're not gonna worry about it how many of you believe that revival is coming just like [Music] [Music] this is a time of refreshing this is a time of refreshing who's ready for refreshing how many of you can say lord let me tilt my head back come on let get me in position remove any obstacle remove any hindrance clear the airwaves for revival now now lord get close to me and breathe on me breathe on my family breathe in my house breathe in my home breathe into my church get any obstacle or hindrance out of the way now god move my heart move my heart god move my heart move my heart john i want you to sing whatever it is on your spirit and i'm gonna do something but i want those who are hungry for this kind of revival because revival is a matter of the heart those were four steps that i just gave you for revival how many of you are hungry and you're possessing what i've been preaching remember if you talk about it it's going to come if you preach about it it's going to manifest step up here and sing pastor john come on this world can never satisfy the longing in my soul when all is lost [Music] oh i'm coming back [Music] i am desperate [Music] not anymore [Music] we're gonna close this service [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need [Music] is [Music] me [Music] i am desperate [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is not anymore [Music] uh [Music] pastor josh come stand with him no no the other josh i'm gonna pray for you in a minute the other day these are the guys in our youth ministry raise up your hands i declare that revival an awakening of the holy ghost is about to hit our youth ministry like we have never seen i declare that young people are going to be set free from from confusion i declare that revival [Music] do i have anybody here from our children's ministry anybody that works in any capacity and kids i want you to get up here and i have just one do i have somebody do i have anybody come on i know that most of them are probably working [Music] [Music] look at this pastor jen is across the street pastor ronnie is across the street but i'm declaring revival over your children i'm declaring that your sea ordering are going to serve the lord i'm declaring that your are gonna be mighty i release the anointing of the holy ghost and our youth on our kids ministry shadow rabbi by shocking this let revival fall let revival fall let revival fall let revival fall in the mighty name of jesus [Music] get up here anderson come here anderson oversees the finances here at this campus stay right there get right here i'm declaring that you are about to come into a financial revival i declare god is breathing resources god is breathing resources i release it in the name of jesus everything you need somebody they represent small groups and family ministries follow up i want you to stretch your hands toward them i declare that they're gonna have more people to follow up on that they've ever had in their lives because more people are about to be saved in calgary than in the history of our church and i release the anointing of the holy ghost [Music] him has a little is i declare what god is doing here will not be confined again pastor josh you oversee our campuses i declare revival of new smyrna i declare revival in palm coast i declare revival in kentucky i declare revival in wisconsin i declare revival in orlando and i declare revival in ormond leads i declare nothing nothing stops you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] some people live their entire lives and never have an experience like this but i came today looking for the people who will say revive me lord i'm ready if that's you open up your mouth and give god [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i need you i'm here [Music] [Music] i need you [Music] [Music] i need you [Music] me [Music] my [Music] [Music] me i am [Music] me [Music] not anymore [Music] [Music] me [Music] i need you [Music] me [Music] me [Music] i am [Music] [Music] supernatural direction supernatural clarity supernatural vision god's going to show you exactly what to do i am declaring it over you but the lord said you are going to be a facilitator of the glory of god the lord said in a way you've never been before the lord said you are going to lead this church past the outer courts you're going to lead them into the glory and to a place of transformation i declare over all the calvary worship lie that there is a new glory coming i put it on his head right now i lay my head [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] here's what i feel like the lord said that we have to do you talk about a thing and it it it happens i want you to i heard the lord say this in my spirit and i believe i've heard from the lord how many of you trust me that if i if i say it i really feel like the lord said for me to say it i'm too old to be trying to impress anybody sue i see healing in your body right now i see healing in your body in your back right now i see healing in your shoulder somebody give god praise for healing right now excuse us here's what i i felt like i heard the lord say i felt this in my spirit and he said you need to have the entire church launch it into the atmosphere can you imagine if all of us get an agreement i want you to look at your neighbor and i want you to declare this here's what i heard the lord say look at your neighbor and say hey neighbor breakthrough it's come under your house no no no some of y'all think it's just gonna be at the church some of y'all think this revival is just gonna be at 1687 west granada boulevard but look at another neighbor just in case they didn't believe you and tell your other neighbor just say hey neighbor can you give god some glory breakthrough breakthrough is coming to your house [Music] is [Music] [Music] so this is the last thing i'm gonna do but i was at my house early this morning and i was getting myself prepared how many of y'all received the word of the lord today one two three make a little noise if you receive the word of the lord [Applause] i said make a little noise if you receive the word of the lord all right here's what i heard the lord say this morning and i'm going to launch it into the atmosphere and pastor josh is going to pray over us but i want to tell you this i was sitting there this morning and i was working on my notes and i was praying and the lord began to talk to me about open heart surgery and he began to talk to me about when all the blockages get get unblocked and when the heart it starts to get healthy and everything it is tender the blood from flowing now it's out of the way some of y'all have open heart surgery but he said when it's over he said the patient now with this unblocked heart he goes to the recovery room [Music] [Applause] the lord said the devil doesn't want you to know it but this is not just a place where hearts are affected this house is a recovery room you're gonna get your joy back you're gonna get your purpose back you're gonna get your power back you're gonna get a new season back then you're ready for recovery [Music] [Music] so father in the name of jesus we open up our hearts we open up our lives we open up our spirits and we say come holy spirit that knowing that the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead is alive in us right now so father as we open up we say holy spirit come invade every part of who we are god i pray right now lord that there would be a healing lord that there would be deliverance lord that there would be something in us god lord that changes changes and moves us and transforms us not by might not by power but by the spirit of the living god thanks for watching the message i'm sure this spoke to you here's what i want you to do why don't you subscribe to this youtube channel that way every time there's a new message you'll get to hear it also many of you have watched this some of you watch on a regular basis why not take time and sew you can give at calvaryfl.com can give on your phones and you can be a part of helping us take this message around the world the message of hope the message of jesus christ can't wait to see you back here real soon
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 2,450
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Id: 7A3aQEqUy5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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