She Called... After 3 Months

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be she called after three months well what a lot of guys do when they find out about my work and they start applying what I teach especially after they read my book and start to see how good what I teach really works what every guy does and I used to do the same thing when I was learning this stuff is that you start going through your mind all the relationships that you screwed it up with or the girls that you started dating and things are going great and then she blew you off after a few weeks or maybe a girl you were dating for a couple of months gave you the let's just be friends Beach and so you're practicing your you're becoming successful with other women now you're thinking man I want to go back and get those ones that I lost well I got an email here from a guy who's from he's in history he's in Central America say say that much and he this is the second one that email he's actually written me and this email he wrote me is not actually about the first gal that he was dating and seeing who answered his questions and he says that things are going quite well with that situation but this actually is a woman that he knew before her about a year ago and she gave me last just be friends Beach and he basically hadn't heard anything from her until this past I think he hadn't talked to her senseless past January and so just like that three months go by and then she texts him out of the blue and he uses some sexual innuendo and I'm thinking that from what he said maybe it's his translation from Spanish into English which makes it sound a little awkward but what I teach guys to do in my book is if you're not comfortable doing sexual innuendo if you're just starting to learn this stuff perhaps it's probably best that you don't go there and you don't use those things just because a lot of guys just they get themselves into trouble or you know instead of creating sexual attraction you'll do the exact opposite you put your foot in your mouth and you'll say something stupid or say something that basically communicates you still don't understand attraction and if this is a woman you screwed it up with before are you going to keep mine she's going to be testing you to see if you're still the same weak guy that she blew off before and you got to pass or test before you she'll actually go out on a date with you and if you start doing things wrong right away she's going to realize because what happens is that as time goes by men and women both we tend to look through rose-colored glasses at the past and three months ago she with may have thought absolutely no way never go out with that guy again then after two or three months goes by and she hasn't heard from you and in the meantime she's met all these other guys that are douche bags and or did a hundred times worse things and messed up hundred times worse than you ever did and then she starts thinking okay well maybe this guy isn't so bad maybe I should call him again but you got to be ready and you know what happens is when you walk away from a woman and she contacts you several months later the idea is in that period of time you've been focusing on using what I teach and practicing with other women because repetitions a mother's skill and as you lose your fear of talking to women in interacting with women ugly women fat women short women gorgeous women supermodel type women it doesn't matter you realize that they're all the same they're all just little girls basically that just want to have fun and have a good time and enjoy themselves in life and they really appreciate it when a guy comes along that actually knows how to talk and flirt and interact with them and have a good conversation and not creep them out not be a douche bag you talk about relationships or whatever it happens to be and she feels so comfortable around you like she's known you forever and that's with what you want and so on when one of these previous girls come back that you've messed up with the ideas in that period of time you've gotten a lot better and so if since you've gotten a lot better obviously you'll do a lot more things right and so maybe some of those girls that slipped away when they come back around for the boomerang the second time you'll do everything right I wrote about a couple women that I that happen with in to put in my book because obviously as you grow and you become better and you become stronger and you become more confident as a man you're going to do more things right and women who may have blown you off especially if months or maybe even a few years have gone by I mean you really will be a different guy because you'll emanate different energy your body language will be different it will be confident and be more relaxed more peaceful you'll be hanging back you won't be leaning in you won't be trying to force things along like you once used to and that can really help to create attraction because a guy that has that energy in that piece and that discipline and that emotional self-control is really rare and so women can recognize guys like me and obviously other guys like I coach or guys that are watching this and apply these things because this is these are natural behaviors that all men have is just that we've just learned a lot of really bad programming over our lives and it's understanding how to show up and be confident and do the right thing as opposed to doing something to screw it up he says hey Cory I'm the guy who's dating a woman with the kids who are being disrespectful well not anymore since I'm managing the situation quite well happens that before that like one year ago this time I was breaking up with another woman and I was totally in love with her but I didn't know anything about women yet when we met I was coming out of a relationship that lasted one year and she was leaving a marriage of six years I'm 32 she's 33 we had some friends in common and started dating after a weekend we spent at the beach by the invitation of mutual friends I can say that in three months I dropped her infrastruc ture 51% by being needy kind of weak and chasing her a lot and as I say all the time chasing women always guarantees rejection but it's good that you can look back on it now and you have a more objective approach because obviously you're succeeding with other women and so you don't have that hungry scarcity mindset and air about you anymore now you kind of have more of an abundance all is well kind of attitude just like a charming James Bond would it's like nothing ever gets under his skin and nothing should ever get yours we had much in common I can say we had quite a good time together and in every way besides me being needy in the three months we were together she discovered that our expert husband cheated on her for the last six months of marriage that drove her really nuts and besides that my girlfriend started investigator life and generate drama between her and some mutual friends that she had with my ex now one day I want to say about that is my life the drama-free zone and when I was younger I used to put up with women who create a lot of drama and our relationship or drama amongst my employees or that kind of thing and I just I just don't tolerate that crap in my life anymore and it's a good policy to have because there's plenty of really awesome women in the world who are great communicators who are healthy have healthy lifestyles who are successful and balanced and they don't need a guy for anything but they're looking for a man to share their completeness with so don't spend your time chasing after chicks who are a mess or especially ones that are creating drama in your life so after three months of dating she left me and started with the only friends thing and then I found out about you and started to learn something after months of acting at my Center I believe she was again with greater than 51% of interest and I set a date in my place on this date after we spent some good time and relaxing together she told me at the end of day like a 4 a.m. that she was seeing another guy I was kind of devastated the best comeback in that situation keep in mind this first time you see in this chick in three months who [ __ ] cares you have no competition at the end of the day she's on a date with you tonight and you got your shot right now to make something happen and when a woman says something like that a great comeback for that is hey that's ok you can keep you busy when you're not with me and it's just a simple way because I mean at the end of the day if you say something like why don't want you dating anybody else but me soon be like you know you [ __ ] pounce and she's gonna blow you off I mean you have no leverage at this point so the only thing you can do is just egg go along with it your attitude should be I mean you're dating other women so who [ __ ] cares you know just let her come and go as you please you have to - so he said some days later I sent her an email like the one you recommend in the article that you wrote how to get the best strategy again next back and I'll put a link to that article in his page I said I had order but I couldn't live with less than what I wanted which was totally true it was January 2012 I never heard from her since then until this past week as I said I'm a Rheumatologist and she has an uncle with a rare rheumatic disease she started messaging me during work time of course I didn't answer right away but only at night and very straight here's what I would I would I would have not responded to her texts at night I would have waited because here's the way I handle things if she texts in the middle of day I'll respond her if this something I've heard from the three three months I'm [ __ ] text anon next day why I'm [ __ ] busy and if I obviously wasn't important enough to call over the past three months I'll get back to you when I got some [ __ ] time that's that should be your attitude is you're busy you're dating another girl anyway so it's like who cares and so if I want to call you after 7:00 p.m. at night just texture the next day I always like to return phone calls with text because at the end of the day you should use the text or the phone or contacts simply for setting up dates not giving out information chitchat or having a phone ship over the phone the idea is you want to set dates and be in person to raise her interest together you can't do it over the phone she asked she asked where I was where I was working and he told her all that and he basically what he says here is he's being all all business and he says he says she's been messing in Jimmy meshing messaging me and I've been very straight professional all the time after all she came with a message saying you know I don't think it should be so radical that we may not talk anymore it's sad and I didn't like his response I mean here's what she's basically saying I want to put you in friendship zone I want to keep you there so you walked away three months ago and now she's showing back up and she's got to test for you and you're being all business and you're basically being a cold fish instead of being playful and fun and when she says you know I don't think it would be so radical that we may not talk anymore and I would have said I agree I look forward to seeing you naked in my bed again just like that or I look forward to seeing you in my bed again or I look forward to seeing you naked in my bed again gorgeous a little smiley face to send that back tour and then it's plate full of fun and right away you're going right back to what you want which is you and her together having an intimate kind of relationship doesn't mean it a committed relationship but just hanging out knowing that hey this is where I want it to go and and saying you know with that in a nice way you're not you're just not going to say you know I don't want to deal with that friendship [ __ ] so I mean when he actually says here he says Carolyn I love when you talk to me and you may ask me professionally for anything that you desire you're basically saying hey I'll be your Butler I'll be your buddy I'll be your friend you're basically saying I'm gonna agree to go along with being just your friend again and then he says this is his way of trying to use sexual innuendo but it may be a bad translation from when he translated from Spanish to English but it just sounds really lame he says if you want as a friend a man who will use all of his intelligence to try to take you to bed you are welcome to come and tell me at my address I can see Center was address there's a very nice deck here I don't know if I went too deep or if I went to having the sex thing and I would say that basically there's a right way to to use sexual innuendo and there's a wrong way obviously the way you did it it kind of sounds like you basically communicated I don't have any game and if you ever saw the Will Smith movie god what was it that was called hitch where he's basically what I do for a living and he helps helps guys out and there was a scene in the movie where the the main guy that he's working with they're in hit you know Will Smith's apartment and he's teaching them how to dance and have some rhythm and this guy dances like the way he thinks a cool guy would dance and Will Smith just goes don't ever do that again and that's what I would say he was like don't ever come off like that maybe you should back off with a sexual innuendo because it just it doesn't come out right you should focus on being playful and fun instead of serious and being a cold fish all the time because James Bond is always charming and he's a little bit naughty and it's like well I said when she says I don't think it's an odd thing for us to you know to be talking and so you know I think it's a great idea I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you naked in my bed again gorgeous and that's all you got to say les tends to be more so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going down to the Libya toolbar which is at the bottom your screen if you're watching this video on my website and click the Pay Pal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information in this video at the very least please share this page with all your friends and family by clicking any one of the social networks sharing buttons which are also located on the web iya toolbar at the bottom of your screen if you have a question that you want to ask me or topic you'd like me to cover in a future video newsletter click the contact me tab on the left hand side of your screen and send me three or four paragraphs max detailing your situation your challenges and you just got to give me several days get back to the detail response because I get a lot of email from the internet and I get a lot 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 251,575
Rating: 4.8565607 out of 5
Keywords: She, Called, After, Months
Id: kftEz023NgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2012
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