When She Leaves You (From A Psychologist)

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in this video I want to talk about those times when your girlfriend breaks up with you or she leaves you or she pulls away from you I want to talk about this from a psychological point of view because when this happens a lot of guys panic they freak out because they're overwhelmed by emotions at this time it's very natural to feel nervous agitated anxious you can't eat properly you're distraught you don't know what's happened you're hit by a train because all of a sudden everything's going great and then the girl who you really care about in love she pulls away she disappears and she doesn't want you in her life anymore it's very sad it's very heartbreaking and you need to have the right frame of mind to deal with this because if you deal with it the right way as I talk about in my videos you will react her back into your life but if you don't deal with this the right way she will disappear completely from a psychological point of view it's very important to understand that a breakup doesn't necessarily mean that you're broken up it either means she's testing you she's lost momentary attraction for you which can be rekindled you can get it back she's either pulling away for another reason she's busy she doesn't have time at the moment but she will come back to you when she's ready or she just wants to see what's gonna happen when she pulls away women I like that maybe she's not feeling the emotions at the moment and she wants to see how you're going to react how are you going to deal with a situation and if you react in the wrong way then she will leave you and she'll move on to somebody else but if you handle things the right way she'll come back and she'll come back even more attracted to you that's the beauty of dealing with women the right way if you react them and you know how to deal with them then they come back even more attracted to you and they don't pull away as often now I got an email the other day from a guy who reached out to me and he said he's been in a marriage for five years and he's married to this woman very beautiful woman and he has a daughter with her as well but she keeps on pulling away from him she keeps on losing interest and she keeps on backing off and now you think you're in a marriage with somebody it's pretty much guaranteed safety for life well newsflash that's not the case when you're married to a woman it doesn't change anything if she's not feeling the emotions she's not into you she's gonna back away and if she loses attraction for you she's gonna back away to it doesn't matter if you're married if you're boyfriend girlfriend whatever the situation is she's gonna pull away and she's gonna come back to you when you deal with things the right way if you handle a situation right she'll come back to you now from a psychological perspective let's talk about what's really important here you're not fighting your girlfriend you're not fighting your wife in this situation you're dealing with yourself you're dealing with your own insecurities your own fears your own anxiety because once you can overcome this it doesn't matter what a girl does to you you will be able to react her because it's your insecurities it's your fear it's your nervousness which will cause you to reach out to her it will cause you to make all these terrible mistakes you're gonna blow up a phone you're gonna call her all the time and you're gonna message her like crazy and you're gonna beg and you're gonna plead and then she's gonna lose interest in you so understand that you have to overcome your own insecurities first you have to master yourself you've got to become strong at least project strength and confidence even if you're not feeling it inside and then confidence a true confidence will follow so if you can do this and project your confidence your strength you're not rattled by anything she does if she goes away it doesn't matter let her come back to you because she will if you handle things the right way if he starts talking about other guys she's seeing other people on the side just as friends or whatever it is she's talking to other people that's okay but if you let her know that you're upset by this you get insecure about it and you get nervous then she's gonna pull away if you show in your body language and the way you talk to her that you're not bothered by anything she does anything she does doesn't affect you you go on with your life and you don't get upset she's gonna see you as a very strong man she's gonna see you as confident she's gonna see you as secure and as all the scientific data shows in this situation women are really attracted to men who were like this if he presents strength he presents stability then she's gonna see you as very attractive because she knows she can't move you she can't rattle you and that's very important with women they want to know that with a man who's stable who's constant and he's not going to get upset by very small things like this and then she will do less testing she will come to you more often and she'll want to be around you all the time because she's gonna fall in love with you if you act this way it's pretty much a guarantee that if you're seeing a woman you act the right way within a couple of months she's gonna fall in love with you and then it's gonna be very very easy from that point forward you can still make mistakes but it's gonna be much more difficult for her to pull away from you because she's in love with you now if your girlfriend's pulled away from you she's losing interest in you you sense her being less responsive and you want to get her back you want to get a psychological perspective on this good my website and download my guide it has all the information you need to get your girlfriend back and to keep her attracted to you also if you need help with a specific relationship problem go to my website and you can book a Skype or email consultation with me and if you just want to get in touch shoot me an email I love to hear from you guys talk soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 382,861
Rating: 4.8397737 out of 5
Keywords: developattraction.com, develop attraction, get her back, get girlfrend back, get ex back, get ex girlfriend back, girlfriend pulling away, girlfriend distant, girlfriend losing interest, chris canwell, girlfriend not responding, girlfriend doesn't respond
Id: lefXXOI58gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2016
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