Why The No Contact Rule Is So Effective

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hey so in this video I want to talk about why the no-contact rule works why it's so effective at rebuilding attraction saving relationships even saving marriages and how you can implement the no-contact rule the right way because if you implement the no-contact rule the right way it will have a devastating effect on your relationship in a positive way now you might have heard the saying the silence is deafening what you don't say is more powerful than what you say people have this misconception that just because you're not saying anything when you implement the no-contact rule that the other person isn't gonna receive any message from you and they're gonna walk away forget about you and leave you and move on to somebody else that's not what happens in fact if you talk to them and you try to always initiate contact text them call them on the phone reach out to them that's when you drive them away into the arms of somebody else and they lose interest in you now the reason the no contact rule is highly effective at building attraction is because it gets the person's mind focused on you if you want to get a woman's mind focused on you and her attention onto you then the no contact rule is one of the most effective ways to do this now they've done research into anxiety and attraction and they have found that if you create a sense of anxiety in the relationship then your girlfriend is much more likely to find you attractive because her attention is gonna come back on to you whereas before she loses interest in you she starts thinking about other people or the guys her interest goes elsewhere she starts to lose attraction for you how do you get her attention focus back on you doesn't have to be your girlfriend it can be a wife it can be any woman and if you've read my book atomic attraction you'll know exactly how to implement the no-contact rule the right way to build attraction how do you get her attention focus back on to you well you create a sense of anxiety and in cases where a girls lost attraction for you right because she doesn't find you interesting you've been too responsive which kills attraction how do you get her focus back on you you implement a no-contact rule and you raise your value why is that because people who are scares people who are less available are seen as more attractive and the same applies to people who are hard to get they're also seen as more attractive they've done the research into this is not just hocus-pocus or something I made up out of thin air one of the great benefits of my job is that I can see the effect that no-contact has on a girl firsthand I get to see situations where guys implement the no-contact rule and there has an amazing effect because it restalls attraction it rebuilds attraction it gets the girl's attention back onto you I had one reader tell me that he was just getting to know a girl and they started talking and he found that it was just fading away she was losing interest after a week he couldn't really meet up with her she was just showing a lack of interest but when he met her she was really interested how did he fix the problem he implemented no contact he went silent cut contact waited for her to reach out to him so she feels subconsciously in her mind that she's the one chasing him and that he's lost interest in her instead of moving on to somebody else she starts to focus on him because she feels a sense of anxiety will I ever see this guy again has he forgotten about me has he met somebody else her attention comes back on to him and she reaches out to him another guy told me just the other day that he used the no contact rule to get his girlfriend back and it worked she lost all attraction for him she refused to be intimate with him she decided to move out of the apartment she didn't want to have anything to do with him and instead of reaching out to her and chasing her he did the opposite the counterintuitive thing the thing that she didn't expect him to do she expects him to reach out contact her all the time try to persuade her to come back to him he didn't do that what he did is he went no contact he created a sense of anxiety a sense of mystery a sense a challenge again and she started to focus on him and she starts to think hang on a minute maybe I got this wrong maybe he's not as interested in me as I thought he was she starts to get anxious instead of him being anxious she's anxious she's focused on him she starts to come running back to him because she wants to resolve the relationship and she wants to fix a problem because he's given her space and he implemented no contact the right way so if you want to know more about using the no contact rule the right way to build attraction click on the link below or on this video and you can pick up a copy of atomic attraction and if you need help with a specific relationship problem I do Skype and email consultations and if you just want to get in touch shoot me an email I love to hear from you guys talk soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 687,092
Rating: 4.8597288 out of 5
Keywords: developattraction.com, develop attraction, get her back, get girlfrend back, get ex back, get ex girlfriend back, girlfriend pulling away, girlfriend distant, girlfriend losing interest, chris canwell, girlfriend not responding, girlfriend doesn't respond, no contact rule, no contact, atomic attraction
Id: lJQBJ_s__t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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