Push Your Ex Away & Make Her Want You

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I'm Chris kam well and in this video I'm going to talk about pushing your ex away and making her want you now when your ex has pulled away from you and she's broken up with you the relationship dynamic has changed it's very important to understand that you're no longer in an equal relationship and in every relationship though there is always a struggle somebody always has the upper hand somebody has more power somebody has more control somebody desires the other person more somebody is less responsive and it's always this way and there is always a power balance going on and shifting all the time however it's very important to understand that when your ex has pulled away from you this means that she has changed the dynamic of the relationship she's pulled away she now has the power and she's made an executive decision on the relationship she's saying I'm no longer happy with the terms of the relationship I'm pulling away from you therefore I have control and you're going to have to suck it up so this is essentially what she's saying she's saying this relationship is on my terms I'm happy to walk away and I can live without you now when your ex pulls away from you she is essentially saying that she can live without you she is in control she desires you less than you desire her so it means that she wants you less than you want her and this is not a good place to be in when you're a man because it means that you're going to be chasing your girlfriend you're going to be more upset you're going to be more anxious and essentially G has just told you that she can live without you now that hurts of course I mean it's telling you that she can go out she can find somebody else and it's going to make you anxious it's going to make you nervous it's going to make you upset and you're going to do crazy things you're going to chase her you're going to call her you're going to insist on messaging her as much as possible calling her as often as possible you're going to want to get responses straight away which aren't going to come you're going to expect to get messages back which aren't going to come back you'll expect her to respond and she won't and you just get more and more upset and then you end up calling her more you get more freaked out and it just falls to pieces from there everything is ruined because you didn't handle things the right way so when your girlfriend walks away from you you do how do you get her back and how importantly do you get her to want you and to be attracted to you again which is crucial because when your girlfriend has walked away from you it essentially means that she's lost attraction for you she doesn't feel the same way about you she likes her life more without you which is a big call she's making she is making an executive decision on your relationship she is taking the power now you need to do something about this but the answer the solution to your problem is counterintuitive when she walks away from you she pulls away you don't chase her you don't try to call her you don't try to text you don't bombard her with messages you don't try to get an instant resolution to your problem because you have to understand that if you push her away you push your ex away you make a go you tell her that you wanted to leave your life is better without her you're happier without her you can do your own thing when she reaches out to you these little messages to find out how you're doing you delay the response you don't give an immediate answer you're telling her that you're actually cool with a situation and you're happy to walk away - now this will get a thinking and she'll start to wonder what's going on because she should now have the power and I've seen in some situations where women actually break up with guys they walk away or they pull away because they're testing you they found that they've given too much power to you and they want to take it back and they're testing you they're going to see if you'll allow them to take more power in the relationship so it's really just the power play she's pulling away you need to get her back but when she comes back to you who's going to have more power who's going to have more control who's going to want and desire the other person more if you show that you can stand on your own two feet and you're not desperate you're not needy as was found in numerous studies the University of Rochester also the interdisciplinary Center in Israel found that men are more desirable if they're less responsive and you need to also take the same approach when you're dealing with women you need to be less responsive less needy call her less message her less don't be as responsive on the phone when you see her it's a different story because then you can be yourself you can relax you can have fun but in those times apart the long spaces the lonely nights the days when you don't hear from her you have to take control back because then you are changing the dynamic of the relationship and a lot of men don't understand that you need to push your ex away to make her want you if you do the opposite and you try to beg her to stay you try to get her back you need an instant resolution to your problem it's not going to come it's not going to happen and you're going to push her further away now if you need a solid strategy and a game plan that actually works to get your girlfriend back go to my website and download my guide it has all the information you need to get your girlfriend back and to keep her which is really important and if you just want to get in touch shoot me an email I always love to hear from you guys and if you'd like to book a Skype or email consultation with me you can do that through my website as well talk soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 401,577
Rating: 4.8931751 out of 5
Keywords: chris canwell, get her back, get ex back, get girlfriend back, get ex girlfriend back, develop attraction, developattraction.com
Id: vQv-SQkCtOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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