Never Chase Your Girlfriend When She Pulls Away

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I'm Christian well and in this video I'm going to talk about how you should never chase your girlfriend when she pulls away from you your girlfriend is always going to pull away from you at some point in time we already understand this if you watched my other videos you know to expect this the storm will come at some point it might be a small storm it might be a major blowout whatever happens you need to be aware that your girlfriend is going to pull away doesn't matter if she's very happy and content with you right now at some point in time in a week in six months in 12 months she will pull away from you if you handle things the right way she will come back to you remember it's how you react that determines if she comes back or not now what the 95 percent of guys do when the girlfriend pulls away from them quite simply they chase her they go into panic mode they get anxious they get upset they get nervous the power dynamic of the relationship changes and they start chasing the girlfriend which means emailing her all the time calling her texting her trying to get her to come back and persuade her to come back some guys try to force their girlfriends to come back which never works now I've spoken to so many women over the years and they all say the same thing my boyfriend calls me all the time it's really cute it's really sweet for the first couple of weeks and then all of a sudden they lose attraction and they get repulsed by this I remember sitting with a group of people one time and one of the girls there she kept getting called by her boyfriend and whenever she looked at the phone she winced she was like oh and it was just turning her off so much and it was interesting to see this just to watch her body language and to see the way that she reacted when she kept getting calls and messages from the man she was supposed to love and be attracted to and you could see she was losing attraction for him every time he called her because he was just being too persistent too needy too desperate and he just wanted to know where he stood in a relationship now if you're worrying about this kind of thing as a man you're worrying where you stand you're worrying about if your girlfriend still loves you if she's attracted to you this will turn her off because it means you're investing so much into her and women don't like that women like to know that their boyfriend has options they'd like to know that their boyfriend is a man who's valuable he's high-value because it means then that she is with a guy was desired and this means that he has better genes and she is making the right decision now there's a very interesting concept in psychology called social proof if other people find you attractive if other women want to be with you then this sends a signal to your girlfriend that you are an attractive man and it tells her that she's made the right decision to be with you because everybody else likes you other women are interested in you and this says that yes you've made the right decision he's a high-value man is desirable he has good genes therefore you should date him and she is making the right decision and her attraction will go up even more however if you're just focused on your girlfriend and know other women around you are interested in you and you're just completely exclusively focused on her and you chase her when she pulls away from you and she's going to feel like he doesn't have any other options I'm with a man who has no options he has no abundance and maybe I've made the wrong decision however you don't need to have women around you you can send her the right message by pulling away so when your girlfriend pulls away from you and you don't respond you don't chaser you just hang back and you let her come back to you you're telling her that you have options and you're not scared if she pulls away and women intuitively know this they know that if they pull back and you don't chase them that means that you're confident and you're not desperate and you have options and that means therefore you are high value and this is very attractive to a woman so keep this in mind when your girlfriend pulls away never chase her because it's going to turn her off be the 5% of men who do the right thing the other 95% of guys chase they go crazy and they turn women off and if your girlfriend pulls away there's a very good chance that she's testing you she might want to see how you're going to react are you going to act in a weak way are you going to become desperate needy and insecure or are you going to handle things the right way has she made the right decision choosing you because she'll know when she pulls away how you react what kind of man you really are underneath are you strong or are you weak and if you handle things the right way you don't chase her you're sending a very strong signal to your girlfriend that you are a strong guy and is very attractive now if you need more tips on how to get your girlfriend back she's pulled away from you she's broken up with you please go to my website and download my guide it has all the information you need to get your girlfriend back and to keep her attracted to you and if you need help with a specific relationship problem I do Skype and email consultation and if you just want to get in touch shoot me an email I love to hear from you guys talk soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 560,419
Rating: 4.906179 out of 5
Keywords: chris canwell, develop attraction,, never chase girlfriend, girlfriend pulling away, chase girlfriend, get her back
Id: aydcfiAh67I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2016
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