I went to a school with 100% death rate

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Alright, we're checking out the only game where going to school is a punishment worse than death. It's Scary School. Scary School is like any other school simulator except your best friends are drunk. I can't be the only person who, like, desperately wants to see exactly what this says. Yeah. Whatever, I'll play Spin the Bottle. That seems like a fantastic way to either get myself or someone else killed. Also, if you're gonna sum- Oooohhh... If you're gonna summonf you're going to summon like extra planer demonic demons, can you like let me know before this happens? Also, we couldn't go home and play this?!? All right, well, I guess we're- Oh boy!!! What was that? Oh, don't worry. It was just the cosmic demons from the underworld coming to tear our souls from our bodies. Whenever you are asked between truth or dare, you always pick dare. Every single time. I'm going to have to shoot someone, aren't I? Let's have some fun. I want you to summon a ghost- Were your eyes always red? Was it just me or was that girl's eyes blood red for a minute? What is this? Be brave. Be reasonable. What is this? Which one makes me summon the demons? Is that what a brave person would do? I feel like it's what a stupid person would do. Wait. Does being brave mean being stupid? Can you be both? Uhhhhhh.... You know I'm going to be brave. Yes, you will see how I am brave. Whether you want to or not, you have to do it. I just said I'm going to do it. Were any of you listening to me? I'll bring the Ouija board. What? Okay... Is this- This is the school that we go to? How can we pass the fence? Use the small hole. That's a really small hole, but it's highlighted in green. I feel like it's the stupider option. We're going to do it. All right, everyone, cram yourselves through there and try not to get skinned alive. All right. There you go. Very good. Oh, it works quite well, actually. Try to unlock the door. Run away. Why do I feel like this makes the entire plotline pointless? Actually, can I just run away? I'm nervous. I'm leaving. Does that just end the entire game? We can't do it without you- Oh, we CAN do it without you, coward. Oh, I failed it. It makes me do it no matter what. What happens if you climb the fence? Does someone, like, break their neck from this? Oh, wow. You guys are literally like Spider-Man. All right, let's unlock the door. I guess I don't really need a hint, because the last time I lost all my friends, I stole the key at noon. All right, just. Nobody noticed that this school is, like, completely surrounded by the fog of death. Have none of you ever seen the mist? All right, let's open up the old Ouija board here. Here we go. Oh, this is the. This is like the Fisher-Price Ouija board. There's only there's only a couple of numbers, and 'Yes' and 'No'. Who will we summon? Marilyn Monroe. I don't want Marilyn Monroe. I want to be like, let's summon Eminem. And everyone will be like, He's not dead. Not yet. I don't know. Pick anyone. I just want to know if there's someone better than Marilyn Monroe. What do we got here? What did you just say? Was that a person? Oh, this is a spell. Okay. How come no one actually used the Ouija board? Why is the ghost hiding under the desk? The ghost is like I've been summoned to destroy it. No, O-M-G, the ghost is here. The ghost is afraid of learning. Ask your bra size. Whose? The ghosts? I don't even know what this means. I love how calm this girl is about all this. Everything's going on the Internet. Get the dollar store version of Pennywise, the clown chilling out underneath the desk because he's afraid of education. And this girl's, like, "Man, did I- Did I leave the cap off of the superglue? because now I'm not going to be able to get back into the super glue." "I don't remember." Tell me your bra size if you're here. Three, four. My God, 34. I'm going to kill you all!!! Okay. I guess it's the wrong thing to ask. What are we going to do? Which is going to kill everyone to stop the ghost, to cry tonight? Am I wearing a completely different outfit? I love it. It's like, what do I do? I'm just going to go ahead and cry. There's no turning back the camera room or the garden for what I already said. I already I don't want to be a part of this. I guess we're going to the camera room. Why are we? Why are we even like the ghost isn't coming for us? Why are we going through all of this trouble? Okay, so I guess we have to look through, like, the role of film here to see if we can find the ghost. Is there. Is there seriously- There's nothing locked in this entire school. I mean, I know we had the keys, but the keys are from, like, 1921. I can't wait to see the ghost. Just like, I don't know, putting a bunch of oil in the fryer and just making some chicken fingers or something. Where is she? Oh, right there. See that? She's like, we're all out of chicken fingers. She's there. Let's go to the dining hall. No one explained to me why we're doing this. I like how all these girls are like, "Oh, the ghost has come to kill us." And the ghost is like, I'm out of here now. We're trying to track her down. So now what? Catch up. You can tell that pour salt is the right choice, but I'm totally not going to pick it. That would be stupid. We're pouring ketchup. Poor catch up to some our. I don't know. Maybe she's. Maybe she's got something against, like, vine grown fruits and vegetables. Did you just knock over our. The ghost is inside one of us. Let's check our body temperature?!? Why?????? Also, I got to say, I actually really do love the Costco sized ketchup inside of the school. All right. Let's see the body temperatures here. All right. Your 37 degrees, I assume this is Celsius. And how about you? What do you have? 30, 36.5. You're actually a little, little cooler than this girl. I don't mean like a better person. I just mean your body temperature is a little bit lower. I don't know what that means. That may mean if the ghost eats you, it'll take it'll take it the longest to consume your body. So I guess we'll just feed you to it if we have a problem. All right. Green Hair, what do you got? Negative ten. All right, we've got good news and bad news. The good news is, those are fabulous shoes. The bad news is you literally have hypothermia. Your blood is freezing inside of your body like a crystal in substance. You're going to die. Even if the ghost doesn't kill you. You can't survive this. That is not a thing you can do. What happens if I pick one of these girls? Whoa!!! Oh, my God. It really did kill her. Well, guess I have a lot less friends now. I killed everyone. Everyone died because of me. I love how they all died like dominos. All right, I guess you're the ghost. Does that mean that she gets to survive? Nope. Nope. She's still dead. Oh, we're going to get bludgeoned to death. O-M-G, she looks so angry. Well, if you keep talking like that, yes! Be stupidly brave??? Doesn't seem to understand. She can't hurt us. This guy went- Oh wow!!! I just got brain damage. We're just leaving our friends back there. What is this game? What is this place? Is Kim dead? Yes, Kim is dead. Oh, was it a dream? No, it definitely wasn't a dream. Kim is dead. Kim is not coming out of the school, okay? Uhhh, Kim is not in school today. Let me take out my abusively large phone. I am not dead. Believe? Don't believe? Be kind of funny if the ghost went so far as to text me from dead Kim's phone that she's not dead. Like, I actually need to give the ghost a round of applause for going this far with this. I'm totally not believing you though. You are fake. You have to believe me. I'm here, stuck in school. Please come tonight and save me. I'm literally- I'm in school! We can save her now. Actually, I need to have at least a couple of people die in this episode, so I'm not going to save you. You have to believe me. We already did- I know you'll save me heart. You sent a private photo. What? What kind of private photo? What does this mean? I have to know now. Well, wait. Well, what happened? What was the photo? Where did it. Am I dead? I just noticed. I'm, like, frozen Now that would actually be kind of unique if the ghost attacked me through my phone. Guys, I heard you summoned a ghost. Did you tell him? I don't mind. Maybe I did. Be flirty, be normal. The last time I was normal, I got hit in the face with a cafeteria tray and it broke my orbital bone. Actually, you know, being normal is great. Of course I didn't. Don't you ever keep a secret? Listen, girls, I'm not the one that killed Kim. Kim is still dead. I need to flip this coin here to see whether or not this guy is going to join us. I love how I happen to have a coin that says yes. What about like Harvey Two-Face? All right, here we go. And survey says, well, that's one more body. I'm with you. My girls You're not coming to school tomorrow, are you? Let's find some useful tools. Where can we find some useful tools? The library. Well, actually, the ghost is afraid of knowledge. We have learned that. I'm going to abuse you with geometry. All right, girls, let's go to the most dangerous place in the entire school. What are we going to do with books? Throw them at the ghost. Books are not for throwing. Let's go to the storage room. Oh, they're totally for throwing. Also, how come- Did everyone just completely- Am I levitating off of the ground? I love a game that makes no sense. All right, everyone, over to the storage room. Since apparently my ideas are stupid. What I doing? My picking a lock by picking a lock like Skyrim style. I feel like this is illegal. Wow. I'm a criminal. All right, welcome, everyone. Inside where we all get to be felons together. Come on, everyone. All right, now, inside the storage room. Just like in every school, we have a crucifix. A- Why would we have a thing of salt? Can I- I want the wrench! Yeah. Give me the wrench. No, no, I want the wrench. Okay, we're up against a ghost. We're up against a ghost. Not some under seasoned to miso soup. Fine. I'll take two. All right, I take this now. I guess not... I guess I have to take the UV light. Don't know what I'm going to do with the UV light other than to see all the bodily fluids that have been laying around inside this school. Actually, if you ever took a UV light to school, you probably never be able to go again. We can use these to defeat the ghost. I like how Karl's like, I hope we don't die. Yeah. You and Kim both saved Kim. I'm totally not saving him. Can't we just leave? I've literally been trying to leave for the past three days, and these girls won't let me. No, we have to find the ghost. Why doesn't anyone listen to me? The only thing that we're going to be doing is increasing the body count. Don't ask me how I had to change in between, like walking down the hallway Accept and sit. Reject and roast. Roast like peanuts. Or we're going to make fun of the ghost. I don't know. Let's just- Let's just accept our death. Come on, everyone. Don't fight it. Just take it. Oh. Do you really have to keep saying that jibber jabber? What do you want to know? I want to know why hot dogs come in packs of ten and hot dog buns come in packs of eight. Ask the ghost if she's nude. Why? I mean. Yes. What are you wearing right now? Nothing. I'll kill you. All right. Yeah. We'll save Kim. I guess I don't really have a choice. The answer is in your heart. You can find it if you seek it. I don't. I don't get it. I don't know what that means. There's not a lot in my heart, but regret. Flirt with the ghost. Am I pretty? Ghost is like, Yeah, you're right. You'll be the most beautiful thing. I'll kill your crush as a secret. I don't know- I have a crush? Check your phone. I am really concerned about checking my phone right now. All right, I'm checking my. Really? Is this a real thing that's happening right now? Who is? That's what you get for hanging out with the dead girl that's possessed by the ghost. This for guys like, I don't even remember doing that. Now it's time to kill you all. I love how he's running, and he just, like, is running out of nowhere. You can't run from me. Protect, Carl. Protect yourself. Sorry, Carl. Every man for themselves. *laughter* all the cholesterol inside of cold is dead. Whoa. Hey, didn't you have red eyes the last time I saw you? Carl is dead. And now it's your turn. Answer or die. What's going on between you and Dave? I don't know who Dave is. Was Dave the guy that I. That I like brought here with me? I didn't even want him to come. If I say I like you both, like, am I going to die? And then he dies. And then you die and we all die. I actually need to know now. I desire you both. This writing is amazing. Oh, it's him! Beaten to death with a crucifix. Hold my hand. Let's run quickly. So now, technically, did you just kill Kim or did the ghost kill Kim? Or was Kim already dead? Because now I don't know if you're a murderer or not. I don't trust any of y'all. I trust in Dave. I don't trust you. We're going to die. Trust me. I've been trying to die this entire game. It's not working. Are we literally back inside of the library? I hate this place. Whoa. The library is not a safe space. Uhhhhhh..... Am I doing this with the power of my mind? Because I didn't actually go over there and move those... They just kind of moved on their own. I'm basically a blond, much less intelligent Jean Grey. That is me. I'm going to kill you all. She has been fulfilling her end of the bargain. She has killed two out of three. I guess two out of five, now. Use the UV light. I told you guys not to do this in school. We're totally doing this in school. All right, U.V. light. Let's take a look over here. Is there anything on all these lockers? Anything that I should know about? I'm gonna end up- in to end up getting rabies inside of this school. Okay, we got some footprints... Is- Is Kim drunk? Like, is the ghost drunk? Because she's not really going in a straight line. All right, Ghost, are you going to beat me using this light? I am already dead! I mean, she has a point. Let's run. This is. This is like an episode of Scooby-Doo. If everyone on Scooby-Doo is completely incompetent, Am I going to punch this door open? HIYAHHHH!!! What is that? Well, let's say we need ancient something or other. Agree with Dave? No, we need help? I wasn't trusting Dave before. You know, I don't. I don't stand by any of my own choices. Say the ancient words backwards, please. I will try. Metallica rules. You can't stay at another and another friend. She's dead. Run with Dave? Stay and cry? Stay and cry. You have murdered all of my friends. Finally, you're here. Ahhhh!!! I'm getting choked. I'm getting force choked. It's like going up against Darth Vader. Okay, so I don't know how many friends I've lost at this point. We're going to run now. Yep. Just leave her there. She'll. I don't know. She'll hold that floor up. This is the type of school where I can picture a teacher coming into her office and just seeing, like, a random student on the ground unconscious. And the teacher's, like, "Not again!!!" All right, demon school, we're out of here. Let's get somewhere safe. Can you, like, not touch me? Go to your bed. Wait, my bed or his bed? I'm going to my bed. *gibberish* I just vomited the ghost! She killed him!!! Everyone is dead. I will kill everyone on this planet. This is the most depressing game I've ever played. *laughter* Oh my God! Oh, no!!! Well, this is the first game I played where literally everyone dies and that's the end. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Scary School. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,423,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, walkthrough, gameplays, tapgameplay, android, ios, 3d game, game ads, spin the bottle - truth or dare?, truth or dare?, spin the bottle, scary school, girl and city spin the bottle game, truth or dare game
Id: zFczNyu78nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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