When has your best friend lied to your face?

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[Music] what is the most disgusting secret you're hiding right now i dropped a human brain once in prep class and put it back like nothing happened and everyone was wondering what kind of head trauma that person died of my younger brother used to eat the dog food because he thought it would make him better friends with the dog and we began to leave a bowl out for him next to the dog bowl that there is someone on my facebook who is lying about her dad passing of cancer whilst her eldest daughter 8 years old is fighting a brain tumor it's all lies her dad is alive and well her daughter is completely healthy too one of the pictures she uses as proof is her daughter lying on a hospital bed from what i know she was just in for observation after a small fall she has two facebook profiles one for all her family and friends of the family and the second one that i'm friends with is for old school friends general acquaintances and anyone should date etc there is so much more lies but those two are the ones that i know a million percent to be false this went a bit mental i tried to confront her this was last year and she denied it going as far to provide screenshot messages between her and her sister however the reason i knew it was bullcrap was by speaking to her mom and passing on condolences yep didn't go down well her mom accused me of being mistaken until i showed her screenshots of the posts she did not reply that's when i confronted the liar by message countering her screenshots with the ones between myself and her mom i was swiftly blocked as far as i know she's still lying she's had several miscarriages cervical cancer dad dying daughter fighting cancer and many more i'm completely blocked from all her socials so i can't say for certain if she's still lying i did tell her to get help i admittedly took it very personally as my dad had passed away not long before she lied about her dad so it did hit a nerve she never admitted to it never explained instant block uncle confided in me that he stopped taking the medications that are keeping him alive because he can't handle the weight of his life currently trying to be there as much for him as i can but haven't told anyone else because i feel like it's his choice and i'd likely want the same in his situation he's just worn out and feels like he's done his time and has already done what he can for the people around him reminds me of my uncle we each have a rare muscle condition that will probably put us in wheelchairs later in life and found he's been doing meth and robbing homes to fund it i love him so much it hurts me to see him doing something that will hurt others as well as himself when my sister and i were little she would lick her cat because she thought she was helping to clean him did you grow up in scranton with a sister named angela when i was younger i would steal coins from my parents and when i had enough i would bring them to my dad and had them changed to paper bills and he would be so proud of me for saving coins that he would buy me ice cream or sweet bread i got nudes from my best friend's mom let's just say she wanted me to take the buns out of the oven does she got it going on mail for karen the legendary milf karen you bang her and it's the best sex ever but if you don't perform your manager will hear about it [Music] i once found a chocolate bar in a trash can when i was waiting at the bus stop i ate it i hope he checked it for the golden tickets first that last year when i was suspended from work for six months it was due to a failed post accident drug test i was not laid off i secretly broke a 2500 printer that is rare and precious i just fixed it just enough that the second person using it got blamed for this and almost expelled from school i've done similar things it's because how our society works is that admitting guilt is a bad thing if you admit you did something wrong and you're sorry you get the blame but if you hide it and you let someone else take the blame this is why i think we really should encourage people admitting to their mistakes because everyone does them as a student with a bad waitering job paying me almost nothing i used to eat the food my customers didn't want after i took their plates to the kitchen been there mate it was like a second payday if someone forgot about their to-go order my friend has no idea that i've known that he doesn't have kids for months also that i know he's been saying this and lying to everyone for attention he tells a very convincing story he goes into vague details has a photo of the girl says that she's been showing him fake paperwork as proof for the children if what he says is true it would literally be extortion everything little does she know that i've been watching closely and also researching to find the woman i know she isn't real and that he's lying and been lying this whole time for almost a year nothing he says makes sense and it just keeps escalating which also doesn't make sense i literally couldn't help myself but investigate if everyone finds out that he's been lying this whole time it will spread like wildfire he doesn't have many friends and the friends he did have stopped talking to him because of his compulsive lying i had a friend like that in college i talked to him about it and while he took it super hard at first i gave him examples and he broke down it turns out that he had been so severely bullied for his whole life that he had absolutely no confidence in being able to attract and keep people in his life without those lies it took a lot of time and work on his part and me kindly and patiently reminding him when he slipped on my part but he changed i gained a solid friend as a result of my being willing to stick around and work with him through it it was a life-changing experience for both of us [Music] i loved ketchup so much as a kid that i used to have it with my cereal sometimes mother of jesus [Music] my friend's girlfriend is having serious doubts about their relationship and she's telling everyone but him my wife went out drinking with co-workers and got really drunk i had to struggle to get her inside blackout drunk crying puking it was a nightmare and not the first time doing this after putting her to bed i took a crap on the driveway next to her car door and told her she did it while drunk and told her the neighbors saw her do it she found it going to work the next day she has not went out drinking since and this was four years ago if she does drink she's one and done a buddy of mine had a wife that used to be a stripper she ended up leaving him for one of her patrons before she left him she was impregnated by him my buddy she ended up marrying the guy she left him for and the newish dad is basically raising his kid i'm still friends with both of them on facebook since i was cool with both of them and her son definitely looks like him this was maybe 7 or 8 years ago i just shut the f up about the whole situation when i was about five i used to prefer cat food to normal food now i can't stand the taste my dad's affair with a man roughly my age my childhood with my parents was traumatic and physically abusive enough i'm too detached to tell my mom our siblings also if you're expecting a text from the hot young stud you plan to bone maybe don't leave your phone on the restaurant table while you go to the bathroom i'm addicted to cocaine please get help man a friend of mine was too and he went full sight causes after a couple of years his worried boss found him in his flat completely detached from reality babbling nonsense as a teenager i was abroad with my class i shared a room with two other girls one morning i went to the toilet to take a dump i was shocked as i saw that the toilet flushing was not strong enough to wash it away i panicked so i grabbed it with toilet paper wrapped it around and throw it as far as i could out of the window during lockdown my sister had a meltdown because she thought i had stolen a pair of nail clippers shaped like a foot that she owned i told her and truthfully that i also had a pair and that she had stolen mine they actually were hers i found mine an hour later rather than tell her i gave back hers and said if they mean so much to you you can have them i then hid mine in her bag when she went back home after lockdown she got there and found the two nail clippers and now believes that she was wrong and that the nail clippers she had a meltdown over were actually mine in biology class we were dissecting a pig's eyeball and my hand slipped and the eyeball fell on the floor and me being extremely lazy i kicked it under a cabinet and it lay there for two years until someone finally found it i made up a person when i was in high school i wanted to sound more popular so i made up a guy friend he had an incredibly interesting backstory this went on for years went into college i had the same friends so i could not just end the charade the funny thing is all of these people my family my best friend even my husband believed that they met this man i never introduced them to anyone but over the years they all have different memories of seeing him finally i just sort of phased him out saying that we grew apart and lost touch and yet people will randomly ask me for updates on him i just give wake answers and watch my husband smirk from across the room my husband is the only person who knows the truth i am so ashamed that i will never admit it that lie was such a dumb thing that snowballed i logged into my boyfriend's telegram account from my device and found he was dating me and other girls at the same time still reading the chats gotta log out and leave him but i can't i was running late one day when i worked in a restaurant so when i got there i started cooking right away i realized after sending a couple of orders out that i forgot to wash my hands the reason i was late was because i was having sexy times with a girl before work and lost track of time thank you for supporting ask planet have a good day you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 11,382
Rating: 4.7845602 out of 5
Keywords: ask planet, When has your best friend lied to your face?, ask planet when has your best friend lied to your face, what is the most disgusting you're hiding now?, personal hygiene fail, how to confront someone, deceit, radio tts, updoot, ask planet disgusting, hiding secrets, toad films, funny stories, ask planet funny stories
Id: xXQ5ySMTtBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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