Game Theory: The Bloody History of Poppy Playtime

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I honestly agree with almost everything except for the prediction for the next antagonist of Chapter 2. The trailer they just released not too long ago saw Poopy warning us about a "mama" character. Course I can be wrong, but we just have to be patient.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/StevieOk-2984 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
doki doki literature club  solved bendy and the ink machine   solved five nights at freddy's solved maybe  then then kind of retconned and solved again   i don't know it's kind of solved yeah remains  to be seen anyway today there's a new challenger   poppy playtime and with only one chapter available  this thing is ripe for the theorizing we've seen   children's toys and games trying to kill us in  the past but it's never been anything like this hello internet welcome to game theory  where today i wanted to start off by   introducing you to our latest piece of  merch say hello to the maddie pally doll   matty pally the perfect friend for every  theorist but hey that's just a theory and   that's not all he can say he's actually full of  all the favorite catch phrases from the channel   i'm coming to get you mad oh okay very funny  who changed the voice box no one did matpat okay going to kill you and that's no theory and  we're done with that one why do i always end up   with all the creepy possessed stuff this is just  kind of the brand now but hey if you like all   things creepy why not hit that subscribe button  if you don't well let's just say that i can't   guarantee your safety from whatever scary toys you  have lurking around your house to be fair i can't   really do that even if you do push the subscribe  button but still pushing that button won't hurt so   poppy playtime the latest horror craze fill in the  void of emptiness as we asymptotically approach   the release of security breach if there is a  formula for indie horror this thing checks all   the boxes simple creative gameplay check horrific  childhood playthings check mysterious hidden lore   sprinkled throughout double check so today we're  gonna look at the first chapter to start piecing   together what's really going on in this game and  what's gonna be coming in the future installments   and let me tell you this well it may certainly  look similar to the dozens of indie horror games   that we've seen in the past this one has some  unexpected twists that make it all the more   surprising and the more terrifying and i gotta  say for the first time in what seems like forever   there's no malicious ai trying to steal your  identity to escape their video game prison by   hopping into your body no matter what else this  story entails big props on being creative on that   one when we boot up chapter one we're told that  we're taking on the role of an ex-employee of the   playtime company finally returning to the factory  years after everyone mysteriously disappeared   inside if that's not a theorist invite i don't  know what is what happened why are we the ones   who remain one click into this game and already  there are so many questions circulating around so   to start our adventure we receive a note  informing us that these missing employees never   actually left the building alongside of the hs  tape that introduces us to the titular character   poppy playtime a doll with hair that smells like  poppy's weirdly realistic eyes and the ability to   have actual conversations she is the first truly  intelligent doll in the world a little girl can   talk to her poppy gives her answers what you gotta  say is a whole lot of red flags right off the bat   i've played enough horror games over the years to  know that when inanimate objects start talking to   you you start running in the other direction but  i don't know it's a game what else am i gonna do   i'm curious so off to the factory we go right  off the bat we find a giant version of the   popular playtime company mascot huggy wuggy  huh those cold dead eyes aren't ominous at all   sure nothing bad is gonna come from this guy now  watching playthroughs of poppy playtime there is   one thing that immediately stands out everyone  high-fives huggy high five high five buddy   hey high five man let's go let's go even me high  five huggy boom apparently there's just some sort   of primal reflex in our monkey brains raised hand  equals high five from there we unlock the second   hand of our grab pack we get to build one of the  toys and look it's that muppet reject that we met   earlier except now he's trying to kill us oh no  who could have seen that one coming i mean to be   fair it is a legitimately terrifying encounter  once we managed to escape the nightmare by   throwing them down into the factory abyss we see  a large flower on the wall along with all sorts   of warnings about why we shouldn't go through  that door but nah those people clearly didn't   know what they were talking about we plow our way  inside and find poppy herself resting inside a   glass case without any forethought or concern for  our own well-being we rip open the case because   of course we do do horror games not exist in  these universes we almost died in the arms of   this giant sesame street reject let's uh just make  our presents known to the creepy living doll now   the lights flash poppy's eyes open and we get  the final line of the chapter you opened my case   and that's it big old cliffhanger for the next  installment but is it just me or did it feel   like there was something more going on here who am  i kidding of course there's something more going   on here this is a modern indie horror game there's  hidden lore all over this thing for starters let's   rewind a bit to take a closer look at huggy woogie  himself we know from the opening placard that the   toy was made in 1984 and became playtime company's  most popular mascot but how do you go from this   to this toys just don't come to life  unless toy story was right all along   they don't so what is this thing well for obvious  reasons i immediately jumped to animatronic but   the game actually gives us clues that he's  something else entirely something even more   horrifying than we could have ever anticipated if  you're unfortunate enough to get killed by huggy   during the chase you get a randomized death screen  with a message that ranges from it's not your time   to don't let them inside but mixed in there is the  chance of you seeing one that reads exp 1006 isn't   he wonderful this would suggest that someone is  asking us what we think of their experiment the   monster that just killed us this isn't the only  time that we see huggy referred to by this name   either throughout the game we discover vhs tapes  with recordings from various factory employees the   last one you receive is simply titled unknown and  on it we hear this message final log in relation   experiment 1006 the prototype coordination and  cooperation is evidently within his skill set   though still missing today's events are no doubt  in relation to him we must forge onwards in the   name of science whether those who are beneath us  understand it or not so he's an experiment within   the facility that escaped and clearly created an  incident within the factory but this still doesn't   explain why i think his creation is different  from something like the animatronics and fnaf   but in the trailer for the game we get our first  look at huggie walking towards us while bits of   text flash up on screen these messages seem to be  excerpts from documents of playtime co but before   you can read them most of the text disappears  to reveal a new eerie sentence but you know   i'm gonna pause the video and read all the frame  perfect stuff right most of the vanishing messages   cover pretty standard stuff mostly about grab pack  safety that is until we get to the 43 second mark   of the trailer where suddenly we have a giant wall  of darkened rolling text happening behind the main   message hold the phone things that are hidden in  the dark what is this a 2015 snap 4 teaser image   so true to form i do what i do best i lured the  contrast i up the brightness and voila we got this   experiment 1006 the prototype he seems serviceable  as the prime example for the type of vessel which   we're trying to create despite his digestive  tract being wired properly the prototype finds   no necessity for sustenance unlike the others  all other experiments can only survive while   subsisting on much larger portions huggy as well  as these other experiments has a digestive system   that's not something an animatronic possessed  by the soul of a dead child would need it leads   me to believe that huggy is a living organic  creature not just a stuffed toy turned sentient   although if we're reading this right huggy just  kills for fun he doesn't need to eat unlike the   others plus if we take a look at the scene where  you caused the walkway to collapse huggy falls   into the factory blow hitting two pipes along the  way notice anything unusual here's the before and   after shot to make it easy for you you see there's  blood on the pipes huggy bleeds he is definitely   organic a literal living breathing monster but  how are they turning toys into organic creatures   for that let's actually turn our attention  to the perfect toy herself poppy when we're   introduced to her in that initial vhs tape we're  told that she's perfect she has hair that smells   like poppies which side note i looked into and it  turns out that poppies don't really have that much   of a smell unless of course you're talking about  opium poppies in which case you're opening up a   whole lot of messed up there in the olden days  opium was used to relax and help you to sleep no   wonder this thing was a hit especially with the  parents but i'm getting myself sidetracked here   anyway the important part of this ad is that  a child can have conversations with poppy and   that she can talk back to give answers which seems  like a strange level of ai for a company that was   around during the 1950s and 60s unless of course  she's not an ai in the teaser for poppy playtime   we see a tutorial on how to look after your puppy  doll near the end of the video the voice box gets   pulled out and we see that it's dripping with  blood again leading me to believe that these   toys are actually all organic but with poppy we  can actually go one step further and figure out   how she's been made organic see the hardest  secret to find in poppy playtime chapter one is   a pink vhs tape right before the final chase wait  wait wait wait wait wait oh my gosh is that it   oh no way oh my gosh that was it  well done wow i'm assuming the game   really doesn't want me to do this but i  don't care because i i found the lore oh no   if you manage to find it before getting locked out  the tape shows you an interview with a prospective   employee stella graber she's a woman obsessed with  living forever wanting to be more like a child and   longing to bring joy to children like her toys  did for her your body just gets older and older   and then you die human bodies just can't stay  young forever this tape feels really random   in the grand scheme of things like why would  we be shown this well it starts to make much   more sense in the context of living organic toys  based on the way that she talks stella would be   the perfect candidate for some experiments that  playtime were running i believe that they used   employees specifically stella to make poppy  not just transferred her consciousness either   but used her physical body their digestive  systems their brains and in the case of poppy   stella's eyes it seems like an extreme leap  to make but look at poppy's eyes in the video   tell me that those aren't human you don't just  add capillaries to your cute little doll's eyes   this would also align with the whole bleeding  thing organic bodies made of flesh and organs   that can bleed it's also worth mentioning that  the voice actor for stella is the same as the   voice actor for poppy this may just be because  of limited voice actors but it also feels like an   interesting detail to call out if i'm right about  stella and poppy being one in the same i think it   gives us a pretty good idea of what her part is  in the wider story the general consensus online   is that poppy is gonna be the big bad i mean the  game's got her name on it after all but for me   i'm not so sure i don't believe that stella would  be mad about being turned into a toy i think   that honestly she'd be delighted she would not be  delighted however in being locked away in a sealed   glass case listen to that final line again when  we open the glass case at the end of chapter one you opened my case it sounds like a confused but  thankful response by being locked away she hasn't   been able to go out into the world and bring joy  to children it's not much of an existence living   inside a tiny box believe me i know doing this  many videos every week i've become very used   to the confined space of my recording closet us  coming along and freeing her i think that's gonna   be the rescue that she's been longing for some of  the death messages also lead me to believe that   poppy isn't trying to kill us look again at these  screens i need you alive it's too early to die   death isn't permanent who is talking to us in  these screens well i think it's poppy she's the   only other character that we've been introduced  to so far so if it's not her it kind of has to   be someone else that we haven't really met yet  she's calling out to us she needs us and it's not   just for her sake either another death screen  reads more lives are at risk than just yours   whoever this person is they're hoping that  we can help all of the vanished employees and   it doesn't end there there's one final death  screen to call out this one which looks like   somebody head desk their keyboard repeatedly but  it actually appears to be cyrillic characters or   at least approximately close to cyrillic  characters for those of you don't know cyrillic   is the alphabet used for slavic languages places  like russia bulgaria the ukraine you know the   countries that give new meaning to the word gold  who knows maybe the languages all look this way   with the extra accents and swoops because people  trying to write them are shivering all the time   anyway for it being so relic it actually  looks to be a simple substitution cipher   with different characters representing different  characters from the latin alphabet that we're more   familiar with notice these two in a row right  here probably e e or o o using that as our base   and trying lots of different combinations we  can't come to a definitive conclusion there just   isn't enough letters here but stay they need help  certainly fits the pattern that we're seeing in   the letters which again hints at the fact that  these are people ex-employees trapped inside the   bodies of the monsters looking to escape all of  this points to poppy becoming our companion maybe   she'll help us solve puzzles by getting into  spaces that we can't or she'll be able to   distract the monsters while we progress or she'll  just be our guide through the factory maze kind   of like glados the potato from portal 2. but in  some small way i think that she's going to be   helping us both save herself and all the others  so if poppy is our helper then who's our big   bad well remember the trailer while discussing  huggy it mentioned others so did the vhs tape   we know that huggy is experiment 1006 which  if this scientist has any respect for logical   procedure would imply that he's actually the sixth  experiment they've created sure they call him the   prototype but he's gained that name because  as the trailer said he seems serviceable as   the prime example for the type of vessel that  we're trying to create so they thought they'd   got the experiment right that time but clearly  there were others before him all with cognitive   ability but these ones are gonna be hungrier  they're gonna be more bloodthirsty than huggy   gotta admit he was already pretty bad so then who  or what came before well during the course of the   game we're actually made aware of five other  toys that playtime creates candy cat boogie bot   brawn cat b and a pink version of huggy which  we'll call ms huggy if huggy was experiment   1006 with five other toys available i think it's  likely that they're gonna be the monsters that   show up in future chapters but kicking us  off in chapter two i believe will be cat b   why well because as much as there are references  to all the other toys throughout the factory   cat b's the one that has an active part in this  chapter of the story after getting the storeroom   tape we see a conveyor belt which is covered in  cat-b parts once we crawl through the vents we   end up at an assembly line where we then proceed  to activate and create a cat b toy the others have   all been background characters to the chapter  but we actively create catbee which seems like   a metaphor for the humans creating monsters and  that points me in the direction of catbee being   our next big bad but all of it leaves me with one  final question clearly poppy put playtime on the   map in the 1960s based on the vintage style of the  poppy ad and the fact that the ad is actually in   color which is something that wasn't available  until the 1960s huggy wuggy was invented in 1984   after poppy so if poppy was a human experiment  and she was perfect then why are huggy and all   the other experiments than monsters well my theory  is that poppy was a human experiment done back   in the 1960s and was a roaring success but the  secret to how it was done was kept under wraps   and as dolls came out of fashion the company had  to evolve creating new colorful toys like candy   cat and huggy wuggy we can see based on the  toy packaging that this went on for some time   huggies packaging is very similar to those in  the 1980s boogie bot and candy cat look much   more like toys from the early 2000s clearly the  company was able to survive for a long time but   it wasn't enough to keep the company afloat and  so someone in the factory decided to pursue new   innovations to bring playtime code back to its  former glory innovation is key after all as we   see in one of the death screens without any  knowledge of how they managed to successfully   create poppy the scientists get to work trying to  recreate the magic toys that would come to life   acting like pets for children bring them joy  once again they succeed in creating something   organic but they miss the one human element that  made the original poppy experiment successful   willingness stella was the perfect subject she  seemed like she'd be over the moon with living   forever as a child however our scientist may not  have known about stella and what made her and   therefore poppy special i bet you that characters  like the disgruntled storeroom worker rich that we   meet in the tapes are people that have been turned  into these monstrous toys he doesn't seem all that   pleased with the company making his life difficult  and we know that although they may have a clean   sparkly outward image playtime don't tend to treat  their employees very well wouldn't be too hard to   believe that they saw the tape of rich complaining  and decided he needed to be disciplined in a very   special way but rich doesn't have that child like  wonder of stella or that natural love of toys and   so when he gets made into one he becomes a monster  the experiment backfires and starts killing the   employees the scientist locked himself away in the  same room that we found poppy she was patient zero   locked away in the case to protect and study her  until of course we come along and set her free   there you have it friends my predictions for poppy  playtime was i right was i wrong i guess we're   just gonna have to wait and see but hey that's  just a theory a game theory thanks for watching you
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 7,839,085
Rating: 4.9574142 out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy, poppy game, poppy theory, poppy playtime chapter 1, poppy playtime explained, poppy playtime lore, poppy playtime ending, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime trailer, poppy playtime theme song, poppy playtime gameplay, fnaf, fnaf fan game, fnaf security breach, scary game, horror game, scary, horror, halloween, halloween game, game theory, game theorists, matpat, poppy playtime horror game, huggy wuggy, huggy wuggy fnf
Id: 54KyOW0naRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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