People Share Eerie Gut Feeling Stories (r/AskReddit)

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serious what's your best story about listening to a gut feeling I was a birthday party princess in college dress up as a Disney character sing some songs help with cake paint faces typical party stuff I get called to the party that began at 8 p.m. unusual but not unheard of in our industry a lot of spanish-speaking families party well into the night but I pull up down the street princesses don't drive and begin walking to the house dressed as Sleeping Beauty my party box of supplies in hand but when I saw the house I knew immediately something was wrong there were no lights on no cars no balloons dot bid against my better judgment I knocked on the door this super creepy looking guy in his mid-fifties answers in a dirty shirt and jeans and the first thing he says is the part is around back I took one look at this guy and booked it as fast as I could while holding a box wearing a ball gown and being mildly crippled to begin with I got into my car locked the doors floored it - 7 - 11 and called my boss the party never called demanding to know where their princess was no one asked for their deposit back my boss calls police non-emergency but I don't know if anything was ever done I'm 100% sure there was no party in that house there was a party planned but the bad kind it happened in the worst way I was working with the patients whose cancer was in full remission she looked amazing and was telling me about the trips she and her husband was planning Paris Africa etc all the places she couldn't go to the cause of kids military and now cancer but now with nothing holding her back she was going to take the world by storm it hit me and it hit me hard as we were setting up her follow-up appointments she asked me if I was okay I said gasps and she laughed me off one week later she died in the hospital her cancer returned and in record time destroyed her to the point that she was bleeding out internally they were going for so many backs of blood that the commander of the hospital told them to stop I will never forget the look on her face as she dreamt of the future that I knew would never happen and the feeling it gave me when he was a young adult my dad went to Madrid to stay with a friend there was sudden change and they couldn't pick him up from the train station he had to sleep rough in the station after being mistaken for a prostitute twice to customs officer showed up and started showing my dad their badges and telling him to go with them already and sure because they weren't in uniform might had followed them anyway they were putting his stuff in the back of an unmarked car and beckoning him to get him all the time reassuring him and showing their badges when he saw a police officer walking down the side of the road feeling that something was really really wrong he went up to the police officer and asked him to help get his stuff out of the car the police officer went over to the two men got the stuff out the car and talked to them and got them to show him their papers turns out they were fakes and the officer took dad back to the police station after arresting the two men and allowed him to stay the night their dad got back with his friend and we all lived happily ever after in high school around everybody's birthday all their friends would go all out bringing balloons brownies gifts you name it it was just a fun tradition the whole school partook in to help with stress and whatnot fast forward to my birthday and as per usual I was given balloons cake funny letters for my good friends all of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me and I turn around to see a girl in our class staring at me I walk over and just start a conversation with her asking her when her own birthday was and made a mental note I had such a strong gut feeling that I needed to do something for her on her birthday even though this was our first time talking I knew this girl was very shy a little strange and had recently been given a lot of crap for coming out to a few people at our school so I figured her birthday might not be as recognized or participated in as maybe mine was fast forward to her own birthday and I brought her the biggest balloon I could find on some baked goods as classes went on I soon realized that was the only thing anyone got her that day I caught her in the parking lot to say happy birthday one last time before heading to practice and she seemed happy in normal fast forward to about four months later I got chatting to her again she pulled me aside and told me that for the last year also she had been planning to kill herself on her birthday I was in shock she told me that the balloon and goodies showed her enough of a brighter side to life to hold off and rethink things since a stranger seemed to care enough about a special day for her I still can't believe it so my friend and I were walking around at like 2:00 o'clock in the morning playing paw command go when it had first came out it was very quiet and we were just talking to each other when all of a sudden a very loud truck came down the road and drove past us then all of a sudden I just got this feeling in my gut that told me to run I told my friend what I was feeling and he immediately told me to run so we ran behind a gas station parking lot and hid behind a dumpster for a second and sure enough that same truck had turned around at the light and came back to the parking lot and even went behind the store in their truck looking for us they were in and out but it was still one of the most chilling feelings I've had before during a family vacation in Yellowstone my parents sent me and my siblings out of our rented cabins so they could be alone in hindsight to do things I'd rather not think about there was a small gas station type of store by the main lodge so they handed me some cash and told us to go out and get ice cream some relevant information there were two ways to the main lodge from our cabin a scenic Lake sidewalk or a roadside track as the eldest sibling I was in charge of the younger two and the ice cream mission normally I'm the kind of person who picks the scenic route but something that they told me to walk not as pretty Road my siblings were disappointed but I pulled rank and we walk the road to the store on our way back from getting ice cream we passed by a cabin next house along the road where the current renter was sitting on the porch he yelled over at us to be careful and get inside not 15 minutes earlier when we would have been walking to get ice cream he had seen a decent sized grizzly bear walking on the lake right where would would have walked I've trusted my gut ever since then when I was about 9 - 10 years old I used to water my neighbor's plants for her when she was on vacation normally my older brother and I went together but the previous day we got into a giant argument turned into water fight while doing the task so my mom decided we would go alone on alternate days for the rest of her trip now my neighbor had a lot of flowers both in front of and I'm back at her house in tiny ten-year-old me had to drag a hose between the two it wasn't an easy task I started by dragging the house from the side yard to the front I noticed the back sliding screen door was in the center where I thought it was usually to the side I shrugged it off and got the hose to the front door then all of the sudden had a gut feeling something was off and I needed to get out of there I dropped the hose and went back to my house next door separated by about an acre of heavily wooded area I told my mom something was off and I was too scared to finish watering she brushed me off and we went about our day telling me we could finish the task together later she thought I was just too tired or lazy to do it all on my own I told her that it wasn't true and I got a weird feeling over there but anyways we decided we would return that evening when it cooled off when we returned that evening the back window was broken and my neighbor's house had been robbed one of the large flowerpots was now knocked over where it hadn't been that morning the screen door was now off to the side again that means the burglars were probably inside while I was outside watering the plant we were both terrified and called the police of course my mom now believes my gut feelings I've told this multiple times at this point but my mom and dad went to visit some friends in Thunder Bay Ontario the friends introduced my parents to their daughter and her boyfriend well the entire time my parents were visiting my mom kept getting this really bad feeling about the boyfriend he made her so uncomfortable for some reason that my parents actually ended up leaving early because my mom kept getting such a weird vibe from the guy well a few weeks after their visit the boyfriend killed my parents friends their daughter and other kid and then himself sue my mom was definitely right here's a satisfying one from today I am a vet gave a vaccine to a toy breed dog today has had this vaccine before with no problems immediately after giving the shot he just looked slightly after me maybe just more quiet than usual all vitals normal but just not quite as typical happy self my gut said that this is not right I asked the owner to wait 15 minutes before leaving to make sure no vaccine reaction five minutes later he had an anaphylactic seizure in my Lobby was ready for it immediate emergency treatment for anaphylaxis one hour later barking his fool head off incessantly in my treatment room to tell me he's ready to go home I was friends with this girl in high school and we helped each other out with our depression well one day she just seemed off and distant and I tried really hard to get through to her all day was like that then we went home and my texts weren't being answered I got this really bad feeling and called my dad and told him I thought she was going to kill herself he works with her dad and he told him dad races home and finds her mid suicide attempt she'd never attempted before and never told anyone she had felt suicidal I just couldn't shake the feeling I'm glad I stuck with it was taking my dog to the park and was stuck at a light I live in a busy city and people drive like the light turned green and people began walking across the crosswalk as I pulled out to take my turn I felt like I needed to break and just went with it right as I do that a white SUV flies through there red light they almost hit the people walking across and come within inches of my car I laid on my horn and all I could see was this middle-aged women looking up from her phone this all happened within about a second but I still hate that woman and her face is burned into my brain she could have killed the people walking or hit my car and tossed my dog don't strap her in because it is literally a 1 minute drive these young kids and their firms it's ridiculous that old lady right before getting in the car I was joyriding around with two friends in the Shenandoah National Forest we saw that one road was open which had always been gated so we decided to go down it to explore we drove probably ten miles down this road which seemed to be surprisingly well traveled considering its gate is locked 99% of the time the road dead ended and we got out to look around it was obvious someone had been there with fresh tire tracks around the ground was pretty disturbed as well the three of us split up to look around more I came across a fire pit with a few makeshift benches it was obvious the fire had just been quickly snuffed out I started to get that gut feeling then I noticed next to the fire pit a stick drove into the ground on top of the stick rested a lit cigarette at this point my stomach had pretty much dropped out of my a hole I even drew my pistol and started to quickly but not in a panicked way make my way back to the truck it seemed to me that someone was hiding from us I get back to the vehicle and my two friends had also drawn their pistols and we didn't even need to say anything to each other we all felt the same thing which was a need to GTFO that hollow as fast as possible we haven't been back since turns out a short time later a man went missing in that same general area to this day he has never been found despite many search attempts name is Robert Fitzgerald I think some people were hiding out there maybe making meth maybe running from the law I've also heard a very similar story from another redditor who confirmed it happened in the same area and same timeframe this just happened today context I live in a corrupt third world country and police here are more of exporters than protectors I was supposed to head somewhere today and as I was taking my wallet I thought hmm maybe this is too much to have on me so I left most of the cash home cut to a few hours later I'm walking along a suspiciously bearing path between two sorter police stations listening to music through my efforts some guy then taps me on my shoulder and points to a gate where a policeman with an aks motioning for me to come over I didn't hesitate because I thought it would be an issue about me taking pictures as I had my phone out I head over quite calm what's your name my name all right get in there he says while pointing to shed that's beside the gate he tells me to sit down when we get it do you know it's illegal to have earphones on around these areas WTF peg at this point I totally know how this will go since it's not my first time being apprehended they basically start talking about how they helped us you in a Cell and you'll have to wait till the weekday to get your case heard anyways of course he asks for money I tell him I don't have much he tells me to Chuck my wallet and show him I do and he takes most of what I have so yeh I got less extorted out of me than I would have if I didn't listen to my gut WTF peg they are not even being that created with their excuses [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Redditors
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Id: k2DmjIlMbws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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