When Was Your Horrible Gut Feeling About A Person Correct? | AskReddit

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what is your story about having a horrible gut feeling about a personal situation that turned out to be dead-on so clang designated driver I'm at a stoplight when it turns green my gut says nope we are cool right here so three drunks in the back and one up front all explaining that I should have let them drive what the green light means how to operate the long vertical pedal etc all very helpful just as I hug and shake it off a black Camaro with its lights off shoots through the red light loses control and crashes into a telephone pole would have t-boned me 100% the drunks are all in awe of my psychic power then the Camaro flames shooting out from under the crushed hood backed up and drove off super surreal my best friend's family was visiting best friend and her dad had asked to see the new fossils I'd added to my collection so I went upstairs to get them her dad was allergic to my guinea pig who lived in my room as I turned the corner I noticed my younger brother who I call Shawn online was wearing his pajamas it was barely 9 p.m. she'll never went to bed that early I asked him why he changed Shawn told me that he felt really sick and that had told him to go to bed and see if he felt better in the morning Shawn didn't look that sick but something just felt off I asked if mom knew Shawn didn't feel good he said no he just talked to dad that wasn't okay and not because mom weld been upset if nobody told her Shawn didn't feel good it felt more serious than that mom had to know Shawn was sick I started to flip out and snap that Shawn that he should never trust dad's medical advice dad just tells people to sleep earlier and exercise more sheĆ­ll needed to tell mom now Shawn very clearly thought I was overreacting egg I thought I might be overreacting but he went downstairs and told mom he didn't feel good first thing mom did as per usual was check in for Ashes he had a red streak running from his thumb up to his armpit Shawn had severe blood poisoning we found out later from the he was four hours away from death if I hadn't had such a strong feeling that Shawn had to tell mom he didn't feel good he wouldn't be alive today he'd have died in his sleep that night there was knock on the shared front door the house was broken into three flats I was the ground floor I recognized the guide the door is the boyfriend of the pretty little Asian woman who lived a couple of floors above us and he smiled at me and asked if he could come in and wait for her in the hallway nice-looking white guy very upper-middle class with a tweed jacket and posh accent good manners winning smile my stomach did a flip and I said no and shut the door in his face very abruptly I had no idea why I reacted as badly as I did because I knew him to say hi to and I knew he spent the night in the building a lot a couple of days later I see her with her face swollen and purple where he had beaten her to a pulp apparently she had been in a hospital for a few days she stopped me in the hallway and said if I ever saw the boyfriend again I was to call the police I'm guessing I subconsciously picked up on some nonverbal cue from when I saw them together my sister had a boyfriend ten years older than her I didn't have a problem with the age gap even though the fact that he had his first child when my sister was 13 kinda weirded me out age doesn't matter as much when you're adults right they weren't dating long that she intentionally got pregnant six months into the relationship I was really excited to meet him during a family trip seeing as he's the father of my niece upon meeting him I got a strange vibe from him and found myself anxious of the idea of being alone with him he didn't do or say anything strange though and generally seemed like a nice guy still when it was just me and him I felt incredibly tense like he would try to rape me at any moment I stayed at my sister's place for a few days then went home in the next province over he added me on Facebook and then I got a message saying he thought I was super cute and he wanted to get together he literally tried to cheat on my sister with me he tried to cheat on my sister who was six months pregnant I didn't reply just screencap the message and sent it to my sister and my mom asking my mom to look out for my sister since her boyfriend is a puddle of grease after some issues my sister is now a single mother few weeks before graduation visiting my best friend at her school we were outside some dumpy college bar and this tall good-looking athletic guy starts talking to us right off the bat I hate him I just have this awful feeling about him immediately something about him is slimy dishonest trying too hard my friend who's seeing someone else at the time nevertheless seems charmed I have a terrible habit of being quick to judge strangers so she probably didn't think twice about my bad-mouthing after he walked off and anyway graduation is a few weeks away we'll never see this guy again fast forward a year my friend moved to my city and we share a house together it had been our plan since childhood things were great eventually our relationship ends and literally within a week the guy from the college bar let's call him chat sends her flowers and a cookie cake just being a nice guy after her breakup I think this is creepy and overreaching and chock full of ulterior motives and I tell her as much but she thinks it's sweet and they eventually begin to date though he lives four hours away I try to get to know chat when he comes to visit but he's aloof kind of typical for me and not really interested in anything other than my friend he stays over a lot and as weird things like show up with his whole family again from four hours away unannounced friend doesn't want to hear my concerns about chat she thinks I'm judgmental and trying to control her dating life maybe I was that I couldn't stand this man aliens chat moves to town to live with my friend she and I don't hang out as much and never see each other unless Chad is around when I called and invited her to my birthday dinner she insisted that she had come too and when I told her I didn't want that it's it's not like Chad would have even enjoyed an old girl's dinner on my birthday all lines of communication broke down it was very clear she chose him over our friendship and I gave up trying to be involved my friend and I didn't speak for over a year she and Chad lived a few blocks from me and I never saw either of them I would drive by their house once in a while to make sure everything seemed okay that I could never tell she worked for jobs pulling crazy hours while Chad worked part-time if at all from what I know he spent most of his time fishing on a boat that my friend tried to convince me that he had bought not her she slowly withdrew from all social circles that weren't directly related to him deleted most social media it made me sick and I worried all the time about her I knew he was controlling who she saw what she did who her friends were not to mention taking advantage of her finances and it made me sick to think he was abusing her in other ways after a few years she left he had continually threatened to beat her and she finally had had enough it was hard and I still feel a lot of guilt for not having tried harder to make her see what I saw about chat or at least to maintain communication but luckily over the last year or so we have been able to rekindle a friendship which started when we were kids and I've been able to be there for her when she needs me I'm just so happy it didn't last for longer as they were continually talking of getting married I [ __ ] hate that guy I gave birth in November to a baby girl who had a very rare neurological disorder she hardly moved at all in utero but when I told my doctors they all said that every pregnancy / baby is different etc I have a healthy son so I tried to put my worries to bed we had a completely normal pregnancy totally normal tests no indication of trouble then she was born the second she opened her eyes for the first time I got a horrible sinking feeling in my gut there was no there behind her eyes we were still in the delivery room there were pictures taken and in every one I look very scared there were immediate problems she didn't latch she had no reflexes etc etc etc I shoved all my worries down she was born a few weeks early everyone kept saying bottle feed her and she'll perk up once she gets closer to her due date every nurse every doctor every lactation consultant we were released from the hospital with a healthy baby nope nope nope a week later we were back in the makuu because she was still lethargic she wasn't eating it turns out she was basically brained at the entire time I didn't want to know but I knew I knew the moment I looked in her eyes eater the diagnosis was a terrorist syndrome a catastrophic and fatal epilepsy disorder of infancy no family history of seizures a complete surprise medically speaking we took her home from the makuu and she passed away in our arms at 16 days old my ex she would constantly tell me things that seemed like they could be true with just enough details to make them believable but were also just a little bit exaggerated so it made her seem like her role in the story was more important or more unique it always felt a little off but she always had the benefit of plausible deniability on her side example one morning I was waking up for work and she told me there was a huge screaming match at the neighbor's house where the two parents were fighting and making a scene her role in it was that she took their kids elsewhere while it was going on to keep them out of harm's way the police were called and the man was escorted off to jail since I hadn't heard any of us going on she just told me yeah you were out like a rock which was quite possible but it was all a fabrication just for her to have a story that made her seem interesting and important turns out she was a pathological liar and almost none of those things were true at all my gut knew but my brain reasoned the sense out of me there was actually a girl I grew up with who was loosely a part of my greatest social circle who've always kinda creeped me out I'd actually brought this up with some closer male friends and they seemed to agree if you ask me to say why I really can't even explain it she was a bit ditzy but very friendly and just overall nice never said a bad thing about anyone or found herself in any drama but it was just like she was almost missing some human component anyways we not touch after high school but a few years after that she had a kid and a few years after that she got sent to prison for years for basically doing that Munchausen by proxy thing she was poisoning her kid in the doctors caught on I guess luckily the kid lived and is with the father who by all measures is a decent guy I've told this story before and it's really frustrating because I really can't articulate anything specific about her that gave me the creeps but there it is when I was about three or four years old I was playing in the yard in a bikini like the cute as a little kid ones with ruffles and I remember I was sticking my belly out really far because I thought it was cool that I could see my belly in my bathing suit an adult male family member was over visiting and I remember feeling like someone was looking at me so I turned around and noticed that he was watching me I remember feeling scared and I sucked my belly in and started looking for my mom the man said oh you have such a cute little tummy and I just remember feeling absolutely panicked in a way I had never felt before I never told my mom but as I was growing up that family member would invite some of the kids over for sleepovers with his adopted son but my mother would never allow me to go she always told him that I needed to up for some activity early in the morning or that I was up late the night before and needed to sleep I also never forgot that panicked feeling and never would allow myself to be alone with him if he walked into a room I was in I would make an excuse to leave and then go stick-like do next to my mother as you can probably assume that man was indicted on federal charges of possession of child pornography distribution of child porn sexual assault rape statutory rape etc my mom and I talked about it later and she said that she never had any concrete reasons to not trust him but she just felt compelled to listen to her gut in this instance that was honestly one of the most important lessons she me sometimes your gut picks up things that your conscious doesn't but those instincts are there for a reason my mom also called my cell phone seconds after I wrecked my car miles away from her because she got this strong auditory hallucination of me yelling mom she's a witch years ago I was in another state due to a family member being hospitalized the hospital was very close to a sketchy rundown area in my family and I had stopped to get gas this guy in a hoody walks up while I'm pumping gas looking kinda out of it and hits me up for coffee money I had a very bad feeling about him and so not wanting to piss him off I carefully gave him a bit of change I had in my pocket explaining I wasn't carrying any cash on me all the while watching him and all around to make sure I could scoot / do something if necessary he thanked me and went on his way a few days later and back home I saw his face on the news he was arrested for killing a bunch of women and ditching the bodies in the nearby abandoned houses my sister-in-law was a high-level executive company she introduced me to her boss this year at that moment I knew they will have in in affair nothing outward strictly intuition she was married to my wife's brother and when I told my wife she said I was nuts within months we learned I was right she divorced and went on to marry her boss I was 18 and had just moved into my own apartment the complex was managed by the owner's son and right from the get-go he seemed off to me nothing that I could articulate that I felt uncomfortable around him since he was frequently at the complex for one reason or another I kept my door locked and chained whenever I was home and I would literally run away if I saw him outside to avoid talking to him well one day I grabbed the local paper and on the front pages this guy's face he had fallen in love with a previous tenant and had harassed her and her boyfriend and continued to stalk her after she moved away she was a great school teacher and he waited outside the school for her shot and killed her in front of the school kids and then killed himself ages ago I was maybe nine years old we on our way home from the local pool when a massive summer storm started I'm talking full-on garbage birds flying through the air and literally feeling how the wind was moving our car a bit to the left so we enter this tunnel and I suddenly scream stop of the top of my lungs my mother slows down and asks me confused about what's going on I now crying begged her to stop the car and wait the storm out she tells me that she can't just stop the car in the middle of the street in a tunnel and promises me to drive slow and carefully just as we were able to see the end of the tunnel a small tree falls onto the street followed by a gigantic 300 kilogram rock that stone would have hit and squished us it even left a bump in the road I have absolutely no idea what gave me the feeling but I'm very glad that it was there
Channel: Humor Studios
Views: 677,753
Rating: 4.8951921 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, EmKay, GioFilms
Id: YQvNIwdFC6c
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Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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