Best of Best: Doctor Stories On Reddit (Compilation)

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dr. Zull read it what is the biggest mistake you've made serious not a big mistake but definitely awkward at the time I was gluing up a lack on a 14 year girl phorid anyone who has used dermablend before knows that stuff can be runny and bonds very quickly I get my glove to her face her mum was in the room and I had to turn to her and say I'm sorry I've just glued my glove to her face pathologist here biggest mistake I ever made was cutting myself during an autopsy on an HIV patient lucky for me I did not acquire the virus so everything had a happy ending but for me anyway that guy was still dead I missed a gunshot wound once a guy was dumped off at the a covered in blood after a rap concert we were all focused on a gunshot wound with an arterial bleed that was distracting the nurse placed the blood pressure cuff over the gunshot wound on the arm we all missed it because a blood pressure cuff slowed the bleeding I was doing the secondary assessment when we rolled the patient and I still missed it we didn't find it till the chest x-ray the bullet came off rest in the posterior portion of the thoracic wall without significant trauma to major organs the patient lived but I still feel like I flicked up big-time I was working in the O when a guy came in for a scratch on his neck and feeling drowsy we start the usual work ups in this dude's blood pressure tanked we scrambled but he was dead within 10 minutes of walking through the door turns out the scratch was an exit wound of a point to two caliber rifle round the guy didn't even know he'd been shot when the coroner's report came back we found that he'd been shot in the leg and the bullet tracked through his torso shredding everything in between there was really nothing we could have done but that was a serious what the frick just happened moment this thread is pretty depressing so I'll lighten it up a bit a few months ago I accidentally ran a creatinine test on a patient when a comp metabolic wasn't ordered it turns out that the guy was in renal failure and no one knew he was about to go in for surgery I believe it was a bypass it could be wrong but I got the results time to stop them from putting him under crap could have been messy I'm glad I screwed up and I'm sure he has no idea that he could have died my brother is a surgeon and during part of his residency he had to work in the pediatric unit he was working with two newborns one was getting much better and fighting for life he was going to make it just fine the other baby was hours from death he wasn't going to make it my brother was in charge of informing the families my brother realized about 15 minutes later that he had mixed up the families he told the family with the healthy baby that their baby wasn't going to make it and he told the family with the dying baby that their baby was going to be just fine he then had to go back up to the families and explain the situation to them how devastating to be given a glimmer or hope and have it ripped away from you not even an hour later that was most upset I've heard my brother he felt destroyed as a very young doctor in training i misdiagnosed a woman with epilepsy some years prior she had sustained a gunshot wound to the frontal area damaging the underside of one of her frontal lobes and severing an optic nerve to one of her eyes as well as some of the muscles that rotated that eyeball surgery saved her life but the frontal lobe was scarred and the I was blinded and always pointed down in at an angle away from her nose a few years after that she began having spells of a bizarre sensation altered awareness a pounding in the chest and she had to sit down stop what she was doing and couldn't speak these were odd spells and I assumed she had developed frontal lobe epilepsy from the scar on her brain increasing doses of anti-seizure drugs seemed to work initially but then the spells came back a couple years after my diagnosis her endocrinologist who treated her for diabetes mellitus checked a thyroid it was super high the spells were manifestations of hyperthyroidism she drank the radioactive iodine cocktail which ablated her thyroid got on thyroid replacement therapy and felt well thereafter no permanent harm done and she was able to come off the anti-epilepsy drugs she was obese not the typical skinny hyper thyroid patient and if she developed thyroid disease I couldn't tell because how one I was already so messed up I see how I screwed it up but in retrospect I have never been sure what I could have done differently except test her thyroid at the outset of treatment hence a lot of patients thousands have had their thyroid checked by me since then every so often I pick up an abnormality and it gets treated the lady was an employee of the hospital where I trained and I ran into her one day she gave me a hug and let me know how this had all gone down she made a point of wanting me to know she didn't blame me because I always seemed to care about her and what happened to her I think about her and how I screwed up her diagnosis and setback her care almost every day I am a much better diagnostician now but I always remember this case and it reminds me not to get cocky or be too sure that my working diagnosis is correct my mom just retired as an objet and she told me about a time early on in her career when while not a real medical mistake she still almost ruined the operation she was performing a c-section I think and she dropped her scalpel on the floor before she could think she blurted out oh crap as a reaction the mother thinking something was wrong with the baby started panicking it took a team of nurses the husband and the mother of the patients to calm her down farmed here couple different quick stories heard of a pharmacist who filled a fentanyl patch incorrectly and the dis was so high that the patient went into severe respiratory depression and died they're still practicing worked with another pharmacist back in the mid 2000s when I was still a tech who filled a script for Prozac solution concentrated it is 20 milligrams per ml average adult doses 20 milligrams instead of one milliliter once daily he filled it for one teaspoon for 5 ml the child got serotonin syndrome and almost died he is no longer working to my knowledge my husband nearly died of a fentanyl overdose after a rookie EMT was allowed to administer it via injection she gave him four times the safe dosage that's some serious crap my grandmother has had diabetes for about 20 years and takes a handful of meds to help control it about 10 years ago she developed a persistent cough it wasn't bad she said it felt like a constant tickle in the back of her throat she went to her doctor to find out what was going on and he ordered a battery of tests concerned that she was developing pneumonia lung cancer etc all the tests came back negative so he prescribed a cocktail of pills to help combat it over the span of five years she had tried about 35 different meds and none helped one day when she went it for a routine checkup her normal doc was out and she saw one of the on-call residents he looked at the barrage of pills she was on and asked why when she explained he replied oh the coffee is a side effect of this one particular drug you want to regulate your insulin if we change you to this other one it will go away I have noticed that when I see a new doctor because mine is on vacation I often get new and important information my parents are nurses they knew a doctor who'd been on a 36-hour shift patient came in with a punctured lung I think and the doc had to collapse the lung to fix whatever was wrong with it through tiredness he collapsed the wrong lung and the patient died doc ended up killing himself after being fired don't burn yourself out someone else tragically lost their life years ago but the incident saved my sister's life about ten years later several years ago my sister and I were in a car accident I had visible injuries she did not enter round without any problems so we thought nine days later she was preparing dinner began to feel all vomited and then passed out she was taken by ambulance to the hospital emergency and after talking to my brother-in-law for only a couple of minutes he rushed my sister into surgery and removed her spleen immediately it had ruptured in the accident but was a slow bleed my sister was in IQ for a couple of weeks but survived and is in good health today later the admitting trauma surgeon said he recognized what was happening because of a mistake his college professor told the class she made as a surgeon years earlier a teenage boy had fallen from a cliff and hit rocks below other than being bruised he was fine so did not seek medical help seven days later he was brought unconscious into her where the college professor was working as a surgeon at the time she and her team were not able to quickly identify his symptoms of a ruptured spleen that had happened seven days ago the teenage boy died about an hour later she was always sure to share this particular incident with her students thus saving my sister's life when one of her former students my sisters doctor showed up to class that day as an iku nurse I've seen the decisions of some doctors result in death families often times don't know but it happens more than you think it usually happens on very sick patients that ultimately would have died within six months or so anyway though the procedural wise I have seen a physician kill a patient by puncturing their heart while placing a plural chest tube it was basically a freak thing as apparently the patient had recently had cardiothoracic surgery and the heart adhered within the cavity at an odd position I'll never forget the look on his face when he came to the realization of what had happened you rarely see people accidentally kill someone in such a direct way heartbreaking I'm a nurse I've given an anticoagulant blood thinner to the wrong patient over the next day his red blood count drops he ended up in iku my first day as a camp nurse for people with intellectual disabilities I gave nine pills to the wrong guest I didn't know who I was looking for and asked my friend to send out the guest his hypochondriac roommate walks out tells me he is the person I'm looking for I asked my friend for confirmation who thought the correct person had come to me and confirmed from afar that it was and I administered the meds he had a lot of drug allergies stomach dropped when the actual person I was looking for came out 12 seconds later luckly we called poison control and most of the pills were vitamins and the ones that weren't were either similar to ones the guy was already taking or in therapeutic low-dose form he was fine and still continued to ask for everyone else's pills at all times worked there two summers and thankfully had no other disasters like this one hey at least your mistake was a valley one he claimed he was the kid you were looking for I had a short stay at a psych facility a homestyle place and they attempted to give me someone else's drugs very different different DX entirely and tried to shush me when I balked at first I've posted this before but I'll copy it here I had a nine-year-old girl bought in one night without parents complaining of fever and respiratory distress presenting with coughing and wheezing the kid was really out of it and the parents were very upset I thought it was bronchitis but I admitted her and ordered treatment for her fever and cough as well as throat cultures I was with another patient when the kids started hallucinating sobbing and spewing everywhere I figured it had to do with the fever so I packed her with ice but she died maybe a half hour after that this wasn't my first death but it was one of the worst I couldn't tell the stiff-necked since the kid was out of it she also couldn't tell me anything else that would point to simple or complex seizures she died of nice area meningitis completely wrong diagnosis to make matters worse we called in all her schoolmates and anyone else we could wake up just in time to see three other kids go the rest got antibiotics quickly enough probably my worst day in medicine had to look that disease up holy crap doctors override it what something someone came to the hospital for that they thought wasn't a big deal but turned out to be much worse had a guy come in complaining of a cough and difficulty swallowing he thought he had tonsillitis and just wanted some antibiotics I noticed his voice was incredibly hoarse but there were no swollen tonsils so sent him for a chest x-ray huge baseball sized tumors all throughout his lungs one of them was pressing on the recurrent laryngeal nerve causing his speaking and swallowing problems he died within a week well this red is terrifying my best friend sister went to the hospital for what she thought was a lingering flu she walked out with a diagnosis of bowel stomach and liver cancer and died nine months later my dad went into the hospital in some pain back when he used to power lift a nurse comes into the room looks down at her chart looks back up and says mr. pickle you are having a heart attack he got up on the bed and flexed saying does this look like a man that's having a heart attack to you but she looked back down at her chart up again and says yes sir this is a no flex zone not a doctor I'm an EMT but when I was deployed to Afghanistan as a medic a medevac pilot came in because he had a small abnormality on his flight physical EKG apparently this was something he had been getting waivers for years for I had just finished an A&P class and learned about something called Brugada syndrome which is basically an arrhythmia that causes sudden cardiac death in the patient eye jerking Lee mentioned how his EKG reminded me of the abnormality I saw in my textbook thinking there was no way he actually had it and it had to be artifact from the EKG the doctors eyes widened and he sprinted out of the office the pilot had it was immediately relieved off flight duty sent home and had a defibrillator put into his heart before being medically retired good for you you saved his life my sister-in-law thought she had a cyst on her shoulder no round cell sarcoma the doctors said she had two months she lived for eight when I was doing my hospital placements a patient came in laughing and skipping for their scan they thought 100% they were in remission and clear of cancer growth I was spending a day with the scan techs and sat in the scan didn't show one tumor it showed hundreds the guy was riddled with metastases it was terminal he had months he was laughing and smiling with us he asked if we could tell him how it went and the tech said we couldn't it was for the doctor the old man went at us and walked out he was so happy it was one of the days that told me I couldn't do that job my mother woke up one day and her arm was numb after about 45 minutes it will still pretty numb and she thought she had pinched her nerve in its sleeping but went to the adjust in case she had a stroke which actually was caused by a blood clot which moved up from her heart and exited a hole in her heart a congenital defect she was unaware she had he ended up fine and feeling in her arm came back but she was incredibly lucky that it did when I was 12 I had a crazy bad headache that won't go away my dad brought me to the dock and I didn't even make it to the exam room before they turned me back and sent us to the hospital it turns out my headache was from a burst sinus cavity as in all the bones around my eye broken the liquid leaked back onto my brain giving me brain meningitis my eye was bulging out to the point where I looked like an alien and they told my parents I was not going to make it obviously I pulled through but was hospitalized for two weeks and missed two months of school I was at the time only the third known case of this happening and they had flown in doctors from all over the US and from the UK crazy stuff I thought it was just the worst headache turned out to be so much more the 7th of December 2012 we brought my father-in-law to the ER because he just wasn't acting right mixing words feeling tired my husband and I thought for sure he had a mild stroke the staff thought he had a stroke too because of his symptoms and he was 79 they did a scan and nope cancer three huge tumors in his brain we took him for more tests the next day and it was lung cancer a tiny spot in his lung that traveled to his brain he died thirteen days later on my husband's birthday I'm on a nurse I cared for a patient that came in because she woke up with a severe headache and a knot on her head she went to CT for a head scan and had two bullets in her head one had gone in at the top of her head just past her hairline and traveled under the skin but on top of her skull to the back of her head the other went straight in it just fractured the skull behind her ear didn't go all the way through the skull they were smaller caliber bullets apparently she went to sleep the night before or after taking an ambien and there was a drive-by shooting on her Street the bullets went through her window and she slept right through it note to self never take ambien you will go into a freakin coma patient presented with a small less than one-inch scratch on his right thigh and severe pain and immobility on palpation there was crepitus a cracking sound we called in a surgeon in the hopes that we can excise the closed wound but as soon as the surgeon cast the skin the leg deflated yes deflated the escaped air was horribly putrid in odour we ordered an x-ray and discovered the leg was simply skin and bones without any signs of muscle I regretfully informed the patient that we had a strong suspicion of a flesh-eating bacteria called Clostridium perfringens and that the infection was spreading fast he called his family and loved ones got a lawyer and said his goodbyes 12 hours after admission he was declared dead um where is this bacteria commonly located my friend's mother was on vacation in Key West and as they were walking down the beach her husband pointed out that the toes on her left foot were all sandy and the other one wasn't she had been kind of dragging the front of her foot but only on the one leg the mom vaguely mentioned that she'd been kind of having a little trouble lifting the front of her foot up but figure she just strained something from running barefoot on the beach a few days earlier she went to a doctor to see if she could get some anti-inflammatories after questions and recommendations to see a specialist they figured out that she has ALS Lou Gehrig's disease this was six years ago now she is totally unable to move talk and breath on her own all she thought she had was a sprained foot I thought I had a nasty flu strain was feeling generally like crap didn't go to hospital until two days later was in operating room less than an hour after that appendicitis appendicitis is evil I thought I had food poisoning I was an offender bender car accident I was at fault and my lower back would not stop aching I went into the afib I had sprained the muscles in my back and that I would be prescribed muscle relaxers and maybe some pain pills six hours several x-rays a catskin and four doctors later I found out my spine was broken and get this healed the best theory any of them could come up with was that my spine had broken during birth and since we never knew it just healed itself filling in with cartilage one of the docs told me that had we known my spine broke at birth I would have likely never walked and would have been treated miss handicapped my whole life I didn't find out until I was 20 and already had a child my mom cried because she always thought I was just a really colicky baby when in fact I was probably in a lot of pain that's really sad and terrifying parental guilt is horrible paramedic here we got called out one Christmas for a grandfather who was tired after eating a huge turkey dinner we get there and the first responders are standing around outside in high spirits I walk in slapper EKG on him massive mi heart attack went from happy turkey coma to heart attack in three seconds Frick it if I'm going to die let it be after a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner this one isn't nearly as scary as the others and I'm pretty late to the party but here's my story I have male pattern baldness and needed a prescription for some hair growth medication from a dermatologist the doctor said he would give me a prescription but first wanted to do a full skin checkup which he does for every new patient I got annoyed by the fact that I had to strip naked in front of this guy just for hair medicine a few weeks later I get a call there was melanoma cancer on my back they caught it early enough that it hadn't spread that checkup saved my life doctors overheard it scare the crap out of me this is like the web and offered it a year or two ago here in Texas a woman went to her optometrist for a regular exam she later told the news after a long silence he asks did you drive here Nam the person who drove you here needs to drive you to a hospital immediately why because you're about to have a stroke that's amazing but also scary as heck imagine knowing the entire weight of the hospital Maya doctor told me if I had waited 12 more hours I probably would have died so I was taking antibiotics for dental work that had been done and noticed these weird blisters showing up everywhere weird but whatever 48 hours later they started opening up leaving holes in my skin no blood just lost most of the skin in that area again weird but I was working so whatever then they started appearing in my throat so I got to the hospital ASAP and was diagnosed immediately with stevens-johnson syndrome any longer and the layers of my skin would have literally peeled away from each other and I would have died that was a sobering day after I got my appendix out I went back a week later thinking I was constipated nope I had a giant ass abscess that had started to wall itself off they went in the drain at and I woke up in iku five days later recovering from sepsis septic shock and kidney failure he thought she had pneumonia turns out it was Stage four lung cancer she was 31 for instance I thought I had food poisoning then they emergency took out my appendix at 1:00 a.m. I saw a 55 ish woman of the year last year she asks us if she might have something wrong with her breasts during my exam I couldn't help but notice that a left breast was bumpy talking like five centimeters mass protruding the nipple was inverted and leaking blood clearly a textbook case of cancer the woman had a pretty high paying job and seemed pretty smart and was clearly in denial I had gall stones for three years or so before I finally got my gall bladder ripped out last year at its worst I was getting an attack maybe once a month or so so I figured it couldn't be that bad I went to the surgeon for my post-op checkup he told me that my gold medal was filled with hundreds of stones of varying sizes and that it was precancerous apparently people don't typically get gallbladder cancer until they are in their 80s or 90s and it is often very serious because people don't catch it right away I'm in my twenties and like I said I had been sitting on this problem for three years for I finally toughened up enough to get it checked out scary crap man my girlfriend is in here final rotations for radiology a while back a young girl came in after winning a basketball championship she had some shooting shin pain but wasn't in a lot of pain still glowing from the win and talking excitedly about a scholarship offer when her scan came back about 60% of the marrow in her tibia was one big sarcoma cancer surgery and therapy essentially ended her shot at a full ride I'm not a doctor but a few years ago I took a positive pregnancy test I went to the doctor to confirm just thinking I would be getting some blood work done and maybe an ultrasound they did the ultrasound but couldn't find a baby in my uterus so they told me it was ectopic implanted in a fallopian tube and I needed to have surgery to remove the baby I went into surgery and woke up a few hours later the first thing I remember is seeing my parents and my fiancee crying turns out I was never pregnant I actually had a tumor the size of my fist on my ovary and my body was reacting to it like baby I had an HCG hormone and everything I'm four and one stroke two years in remission my aunt fell down some stairs or something in January 2011 it really wasn't serious at the time we thought apparently her hips started not feeling right after that she went to the doctor about it in the end of July ish she had cancer it was everywhere she was dead by September you know people can go fast sometimes but we were not prepared for that one night I suddenly had serious stomach pains after failing to sleep it off my parents wanted me to stay home from school but I declined for I had quizzes that day i sat through US history algebra two and even tried to eat lunch still in agony so after finishing my English quiz i wad all down to the office and call my mom to get me at this point the pain is so bad I can barely stand so my mom takes me to the doctors turns out my appendix was ready to explode you should have waited a little bit longer you would have felt a lot better my mother was in town visiting for Christmas suddenly she was slurring her speech acting belligerent and all-around confused tested her blood sugar and all it said was error we get to the year and she passed out her blood sugar was a 19 her liver spontaneously failed the best the doctors can guess is she caught a virus and it attacked her liver four days after the onset she got a liver transplant a 22 year old woman in Baton Rouge Louisiana gave my mother the ultimate gift please become an organ donor please 16 y/o here got my license like three weeks ago already an organ donor my basic thinking is if him dead I don't need them anymore doctors Alfred it what was your dummy star I am very smart patient experienced RN here I see some crazy stuff but one thing that stands out was the time I was admitting a guide to the hospital I can't really remember what for but he was about 400 pounds diabetic heart disease you name it anyhow I'm at the computer going over some admission questions with him and his ten family members who are crowded in the room with him a few minutes and he starts complaining that he's thirsty he needs something to drink right now so I get on my phone and call the nurse assistant and his head to bring in some ice water as soon as the words are out of my mouth the whole family screams in ooo oh no water he's allergic to water well this is gonna be a problem turns out the guy had been drinking nothing but sprite and sweet tea for years because of his water allergy the next question the wife had was where are we all supposed to sleep the whole family ten people were planning to stay at he hospital with him was working at a clinic I was speaking with an on control diabetic patient about her sugar intake and she said she drinks a 32-ounce soda every day I asked her if it's regular or diet and she replies with its half regular I let the ice melt first so there isn't as much sugar in it sorry but that isn't how it works I have had several arguments with diabetics about coke kool-aid sweet tea versus those made with artificial sugar I tell them look don't drink sugar if you have to have something like that use an artificial sweetener no way that stuff is poison it will kill me mom your a1c is 14 sugar is already killing you I had a patient who was a completely non-compliant diabetic smoker morbidly obese who had his first heart attack at 45 his blood pressure was also super high and instead of taking his anti hypertensive medications he went to the gym in the gym he would sit in the sauna for a very long time and sweat a lot and lower his blood pressure by becoming dehydrated I have one I got this from my friend who is a doctor on the children's ward in a rural hospital these parents bring in their child whose air is infested with lice the lice was visible to the naked eye and could be seen crawling on the child's clothing while the medical staff examined the child in order to determine a course of action they discovered the child was covered in a white powder and smelled heavily of chemicals they asked the parents want whether substances in the smells emanating from the child the parent said quite matter of fact it was Savina and flea and tick spray they used on their dogs on the family's farm needless to say social workers were notified about this case had a neighbor in rural TN who was convinced that the best way to treat her child's head lice was to comb diesel fuel through it and that doing it in an enclosed living room while smoking cigarettes was acceptable she was baffled when CPS took her kid away 7tu female tripped and fell two days ago she came it with hip pain but reports after the fall her nose was bleeding she had landed on her nose about a year prior her dentist had messes up an infraorbital nerve block and caused some swelling in that region but that all was resolved this old lady is now convinced her nose bleed after falling on her faces related to an infection from the dental issue a year ago after multiple back and forth on the etiology of the nosebleed she became the first patient I raised my voice and put down an authoritative no you are wrong just stop it this has got to be the medical equivalent to the update you installed on the computer a year ago is making it run funny get over here and fix it I work for an optometrist and it was the month before school started and a woman brought in her son to have his eyes checked for the first time seems like a pretty reasonable thing for any parent even if he was a little elder than usual for a first time exam better late than never I guess the mom was well-spoken and appeared fairly intelligent everything went as normal the doctor examined the boy and ended up prescribing glasses when the doctor was explaining to the mom that her son had to wear his glasses all the time since he's nearsighted and basically can't see clearly past five feet in front of him and will definitely need glasses for school for some reason this cause was switched to flip in the moment she's passed out on the doctor saying that her son doesn't need glasses and that the doctor is only saying that he does because he wants to sell glasses she says that she only brought her son in because there was some form for school that needed to be filled out and that doctors are all a con artists trying to push unnecessary medications and interventions but the doctor tried to calm her down and explained that he's only trying to help them but that she was free to get a second opinion and gave her a copy of the kid's prescription and sent them on their way about four months later the lady is back asking for another copy of her son's prescription apparently the first semester midterm results were in and her son failed them all because he couldn't see the board in his classes and needs glasses not a doctor but I'm a nurse who worked in the orator trauma center was doing surgery on a 19 year old who tested positive for M and see who was grilling the anesthesiologist about every drug we were going to use in surgery because he doesn't like putting chemicals in his body gotta stick with that organic Fairtrade non GMO coke most of my own stories go along similar lines to patient as chest pain driving a coach load of schoolchildren thinks it's indigestion swigs bottle of gaviscon later diagnosed with a huge heart attack my favorite ever story from a colleague a patient comes into A&E with abdominal pain as part of the workup he gets an abdominal x-ray which shows the problem as clear as day the colleague has then proceeded to remove from the patient's rectum an 8-inch replica of Nelson's column the statue in the center of Trafalgar Square London on showing it to the patient the response was oh that's Nelson he lives up there I've got two stories that stick out in my mind the first is the mother of a toddler who came into emmerich the kid had cruddy green bloody stuff coming out of his left nostril and a lot of redness and swelling of only the left side of his nose and the adjacent cheek mum was sure he caught a sinus infection and just wanted some antibiotics now I know some kids like shoving whatever will fit into their body orifices and that this was more than likely given the one-sided nature of his condition but mum was insistent that he never puts things in his nose it took some convincing but I finally got her to let me take a look gave a squirt of my dazzling in the good nostril to settle him then dug with some tweezers through the crud until I pulled out a big ol a button battery it would have been burning his nose for a couple days hopefully he healed up well sight note if a kid swallows a button battery it can do a similar thing to their esophagus this is an emergency and needs to be dealt with ASAP patient had a hard time getting pregnant finally conceived but miscarried patient has a DMC so she can try again this time with medical intervention we monitor her blood to ensure the pregnancy hormone is gone before beginning treatment but she keeps coming back with higher levels of hormone Doc's are worried because she might have some retained placenta or pituitary disorder and this could be super bad for future fertility we call her in for a conversation about the hormone levels not going away after talking together about what might be wrong they are going to go home and think about further tests he said I need to go I have an appointment at the weight loss center for an HCG shot turns out that she is on the HCG diet HCG is the pregnancy hormone and this was after an hour of the docs saying we don't know why you have these constant higher levels of HCG in your blood and we are worried patient enquiring about birth control was adamant she wanted an ID I mean she probably wouldn't get pregnant after that had a young woman with recurring UTA's that began after a recent partner and with no STDs went through the standard questions trying to figure out what could be causing them and eventually found out she had been lubricating with jelly not KY jelly the mix-up had literally been a joke on house it took me some effort to keep a straight face but we eventually resolved the problem and she stopped getting you teased Oh Lord I'm British so didn't think Jam straightaway and was just imagining someone trying to get jello type jelly to stick to their bits oh I have two good ones that come to mind clinical pharmacist here bTW with one story in the year and one in the pharmacy one a physician told me this one sixteen-year-old boy presented to the ER with an extremely swollen discolored penis apparently he has been using his mom's insulin needles to draw blood out of his arm and inject it into his own penis he thought that adding blood would help increase his size his penis was terribly infected and he was hospitalized for a week or so too one day in the pharmacy a girl comes to the counter requesting a refill for her birth control we pulled up her profile and realized we couldn't refuse because she just got a 28-day fill less than two weeks ago when we asked what happened to the other one she said she was out apparently both her and her boyfriend were each taking a pill each into his adamant that was how they needed to prevent pregnancy calm of apparently he has been using his mom's insulin needles to draw blood out of his arm and inject it into his own penis his penis was terribly infected and he was hospitalized for a week or so Frick that is just gruesome I work in the air we had a very pregnant patient come in needing stitches in her vagina turns out she was a realtor and didn't want her water to break while she was showing a house so she put a glass cup in her pants to catch the water instead of using a pad or an adult diaper she went for a glass cup she sat down while showing a house and sure enough it broke and cut her up pretty bad between the guy putting arm blood into his penis and now this I don't think I'm gonna see my genitals again for a couple of days I'm a corpsman not a doctor but I once had a patient tell me that there was no credible research that smoking was bad for one's health okay 80 plus y Oh patient who was declining with multiple diagnoses and about three decubitus ulcers daughter was adamant that her father be kept on his strict Paleo diet because I would supercharge his healing she had a stack of dark books he simply wasn't getting enough nutrition to heal the ulcers he didn't like the dart at all bTW at some point you kind of have to stop being polite and just tell patients family members bluntly that you don't have time for this crap and what you recommend and they can do what they want and just document everything it happens a lot but she sticks out I am a dental student one patient in particular is pathological liar during one visit they claim to have gone to medical school next visit was that they did dental army last visit was that they had a PhD the patient will say things like hey Doc do you need me to move my head mesial distal number I need you to move your head right hey doc are these cavities being caused by the anaerobic pathology microbes number they are caused by you eating snacks all day and not Russia a patient was admitted for anemia and a localized cancer was found she was referred to surgery so she can get cured from her localized cancer and she started telling everyone that it was the doctors who caused the cancer in that she was doing just fine before coming to the hospital she lectured the surgeon and my colleague who pleaded her to get her surgery so that the cancer doesn't advance and yet she refused saying she knew better and probably didn't even have cancer some people this kind of reminds me of my brother he told me that when he was younger five or six years old he thought that when a doctor diagnosed me with a disease it means that they actually gave you that disease the only difference is he quickly realized this wasn't the case and didn't become a fricking idiot like this lady nurse here the number of American twenty-something males who don't know what circumcision is is ridiculously high but they think that boys are born circumsized evidence new fathers and mothers asking me what's wrong with their newborn son's penis um he still has his foreskin many parents choose to have it removed when the baby is a couple days old it's called circumcision often followed by a parent's question what circumcision that's when I facepalm dead serious we talked about circumcision in my grade six health class butts on any pictures I Amand had absolutely no idea until I was in high school I knew what it was but had nothing to compare it to this was pre Google was working at a pediatric Urgent Care family brings in their three-year-old unvaccinated son with autism for a weird rash they couldn't give me any reason why when I asked them about his vaccination status said it before I'll say it again had a patient insist I didn't have a heart attack I had a myocardial infarction that's just the technical term for a heart attack genius patient had an anoxic brain injury from drug overdose she was 23 her father demanded a brain matter transplant and oxygen directly put into her brain to fix it but then he decided they would trash and peg her send her to a nursing home and wait for a cure because we didn't know what were doing I was a unit secretary and nurse aide on a radiation oncology unit in the early 2000s we had a patient show up through the year and was admitted for emergency radiation treatment she had a massive fungating mass in her mouth that had consumed half her head when the radon doc tried to examine her and open her mouth her remaining teeth fell out into his hand it had eaten through the buns of her face invaded her eye socket everything doc said it was the worst case of mouth cancer he'd seen according to her husband she had a small lesion on her hard palate and upon receiving the diagnosis of an early stage squamous cell carcinoma she decided to treat with essential oils and things like frankincense because chemo was poison her husband said he had tried to reason with her but she was adamant about the natural treatment she died in agony shortly after you know I usually adamantly refused to allow my happiness to be disrupted by stuff on the internet but it's stuff like this that makes me feel justified in allowing myself to be triggered when I see someone I know on Facebook posting horrible misinformation from somewhere like natural news or in here not a physician but you may find this interesting young adult male presents with multiple abscesses on various parts of his body states he injected his boyfriend's semen into himself trying to get pregnant he tells one of the APCs he should have gone with his original plan and tried on his dog's first sight clears him he's admitted to the floor and gets IV antibiotics what I've seen enough father II did today doctors and nurses offered it what's the worst thing you've seen on the job all right this one is really really bad like really bad do not read this if you're pregnant your spouse is pregnant or you are trying to get pregnant I'm an EMT and this is my worst story back when I was fairly new to running emergency calls My partner and I got a call for a woman who was in premature labor and bleeding we grabbed another person on scene to drive since we wanted to concentrate on the woman we do the usual things IV blood pressure which was really effing high strap in for transport it's this is where things go very very wrong while we're on the waiter and a high blood pressure starts to spike even higher and she's involuntarily pushing her entire uterus detaches internally and falls out literally I don't know how much people know about the blood flow required for pregnancy but when a woman is pregnant all sorts of veins and arteries are formed attaching the fetus to the womb and the blood flow to the womb is enormous so where there in the back of the bus everything is covered in blood like coated there's a pool of blood on the floor with splashing in the mother is of course unconscious or dead we don't even know the only thing we could do was basically put the womb back in the woman and hold pressure until we got to the hospital obviously neither the woman nor the child survived and we literally had to remove blood from our rig for eight hours the entirety of our remaining shift it even coated the ceiling and that's my worst story nothing has ever topped it and I don't think anything ever will I'm really happy I don't have nightmares because I know my partner did my sister Jean ecologist told me this one girl comes to hospital complains that she's unusually smelly down there sister takes a look sure enough there is something not right there upon further inspection my sister notices there is an object deep inside her sister there seems to be something stuck inside your birth canal do you know what it could be I'm going to take it out patient no please don't touch that it's the capped of my deodorant I'm keeping it there is a contraceptive sister what a friend who was a field medic and the army told me this story while he was in training at a military hospital they would provide free medical attention to civilians that couldn't afford it on their own he said that a black woman in her 70s came in with what turned out to be a prolapsed rectum but that's not the interesting part when they went to roll her onto her side one of the guys grabbed her arm and it just flopped freely like it was just hanging on by skin they freaked and said are you okay does that hurt she replied now that's no big deal I just have a bad arm as it turns out when she was 16 years old she fell down and completely dislocated her shoulder they didn't have access to medical attention so she just lived with it like that for 50-plus years she just conceded that she would never use that arm he said that it could have been reset very easily without surgery if they would have taken care of it when it happened this story makes me so sad every time I think of it I am an EMT so not a doctor or nurse but this story makes even my er surgeon friends nauseous a few years back I got a call over my radio saying that there was a trapped woman in her home who needed medical assistance I was the first responder so I go into the house with my bag and immediately am hit by a wall of stench now this soda is not just the Oh God you need to air this place out odor it's the sweet Mother of God I can taste it it's in my eyes I have to burn the clothes I'm wearing odor obviously this woman was some kind of hoarder there were cats everywhere they were just sitting on top of crap that hadn't piled up in the house there was cat crap on the walls the floor I saw families of cockroaches skittering around disgusting so I called out to identify myself as a paramedic and I hear this woman calling me from down the hallway as I pick my way through the house the odor just gets worse it was like someone crap covered themselves in baby vomit and then rolled around in a field of rotting flesh I come to an open door and lo and behold there is the woman this woman had to weigh at least 450 pounds she was naked covered in crap and wedge between her toilets and her bathtub I nearly lost my goddamn mind the desire to vomit was so intense I asked her what happened donned my gloves as well as a mask and started to think of how the Frick I was going to get this woman out I'm not small but dang I'm not Hercules it's about this time that more EMTs start arriving as well as a few cops this rookie cop comes racing in sees this woman covered in crap and vomits right onto her this sets off a chain reaction the woman begins to vomit more EMTs and cops come in and everyone is freaking vomiting I'm standing in an inch of vomit juices that is now mingling with crap and I'm just trying to figure out what to do turns out we had to call the fire department get the jaws of life and rip the toilet out we didn't have a stretcher that could support this woman's weight so we had to improvise when we got to the other doctors and nurses looked so incredibly disgusted now keep in mind we're covered in crap and vomit with that horrible odor of the house clinging to us we had to go into a decontamination room to get cleaned worst day ever you have officially made me so happy I work with dead people and not live once guy came in with severe abdominal pain turned out he had painful hemorrhoids which had led to him being too scared to take a dump for one month he couldn't tolerate any of the normal treatment laxatives and enemas so he ended up being taken to theatre where I the most junior member of the on-call surgical team had to claw out this monstrosity of a turd with my fingers it was this dense mass about four five inches wide that felt like hard and clay and smelled exactly how you might expect a bull of crap that's been brewing for a month to smell like took a good half-hour before I managed to clean him out all while the nurses tried to stand as far away as possible and my seniors peed themselves laughing at my horrified expressions are in here here's my fun tale had a very obese man 400 plus lbs with a swollen scrotum no kidding his ball sack was the size of a basketball just dangling there between his legs the gross part was when he went to sit down yes he could walk a few steps with lots of help he would grasp the handlebars off his Walker and start swinging his hips back and forth back and forth to get his ball sack swinging then at just the right moment when his basketball size junk was out in front he'd sit down quickly so as not to crush anything I pride myself deeply in being able to keep a straight face through that ritual I never once saw male nursing assistant who didn't choked with laughter watching him do it dad's a dentist one night we get a call at home from the local asking if my father is willing to come in and deal with a patient because well they have no idea what to do with this woman my dad is a rather stand-up guy so goes and opens his practice to treat this woman I go along with him and help set up the room an ambulance pulls up and wheels this elderly woman into the clinic from the get-go the first thing that hits us is the smell her face is bandaged up pretty well and we can see blood seeping through the gorse and all down her shirt double gloves double masks my dad dives in she has something penetrating her lip it's mustard yellow and has the consistency of rock candy he plays with it a little bit and a large chunk breaks off what's attached his for of this woman's teeth or rather the decayed remains of her teeth apparently this 78 year old woman had never brushed her teeth a day in her life and what had penetrated her lip was in a bliss cough Clark he continued to clean away what he could but the plaque buildup was so massive that she had literally rotting away all of her teeth and most of her gums one spot was obsessed clear down to her jawbone to this day he kept a chunk in a jar in his office and scares little children into brushing their teeth every day mom in the air guy came in with a pencil and a straightened cloth ashamed her up his urethra both stuck good apperently the pencil was for fun and the hanger was to attempt to dig the pencil out I don't understand that method of pencil removal so a lady who had flown in from another country to have US doctors help with her breast cancer she had a metastatic tumor on her arm that was the size of a bagel and smelled of necrotic tissue her chest wall was replaced by tumor and you could see her rib cage her family got mad that we couldn't just cut a tumor off her arm the whole ER smelled like rotten flesh nursing student here had to insert a catheter into a pretty obese lady saw a black string hanging from her vagina I asked her if she had a tampon in and she said oh I hope it's not still there I ended up having to pull it out and the stench will be with me forever not to mention the white pass and brown slime covering and now tampon apparently she hadn't had a period in months so who knows how long it was in there when I was doing my obedient rotation we had a woman come into clinic that had a condom in her birth canal apparently it came off during intercourse with her boyfriend but they didn't take it out and she waited like two weeks to come in to get a doctor to remove it but she stunk the entire office up so badly most disturbing thing I can remember in recent history with someone with cysticercosis tapeworm infection of the brain I got a script for a deal with a ridiculously high dose I called the doctor thinking it was a mistake and he told me what was up we both agreed there was very little chance of it working but he said there were absolutely no other alternatives the homeless paraplegic woman was brought into the earth on pneumonia we had to strip off all of her dirty clothes and put her in a hospital gown as I took her pants off I noticed a cockroach which I thought was weird as we took her panties off out came the swarm roaches had nested in her birth canal and she couldn't feel it because of the paralysis worked on a rural EMT team during summers off from college and responded to a drunk driving accident when we arrived I thought clearly this guy has to be dead mostly due to the crumpled car that the firefighters had cut apart this guy must have been drinking a lot because there were beer bottles all over the place with broken glass shards all lodged in his skin but that wasn't the worst part he had the remnants of a be a bottle lodged in his neck which in and of itself wasn't too bad I've seen worse except the bottle was the only thing keeping his head attached to this body the man had decapitated himself I'll never forget seeing his eyes moving and mouth attempting to speak or the six sucking sound that were emanating from his neck as he struggled to breathe obviously he did not survive the night my mom worked for a urologist she came home with a story of this guy that had a master lock attached through his dong he misplaced the key and was looking to get it off he also rode his bike to the office they had to refer him to the hospital to remove the lock not as gross as some stories I've read but this is one my mother told me after a night working the air a guy came in with his dong broke sideways he said my girlfriend got a little too excited another one where my dad was driving an ambulance it was time to remove the cast for a very large woman who broke her leg he was sent to pick her up she never got up from her chair since getting out of the hospital for months she crap and peed herself in her recliner my mother is the one who removed the cast the cast was full of cockroaches and roach eggs they said the ambulance and the exam room smelled for days student psychiatric nurse here while on a ward for the elderly suffering from dementia I had one experience I will never forget a lady let's call her betty was in the corridor outside her room the first thing I noticed what her hands covered in feces Oh Betty did you have some trouble in the bathroom hey it happens sometimes when you're older you may be a bit shaky or confused and I'm not one to judge the unwell let's get you washed up then we move into her bedroom when the smell it's me for a second I just stare and try to take in what has happened what follows is my brain process traces of feces are everywhere on the walls on the Wardrobe on her clean clothes on her bed on the door that's okay we can clean this but I can't see any major movement from which it would have come from but wait there's something on the floor as if someone had defecated on the floor and picked it up yes there's slide marks from someone obviously mauve oh my god but she has shat on her dinner plate I saw on her bedside table a plate piled high with feces I'm not kidding at least six inches on top of the food and I just stood there and stared for what felt like an eternity more like five seconds I guess before calling someone to give me a hand perhaps it was a political statement about the state of the food in the hospital I don't know regardless I now have a best party dinner table story not mine but my sister she was working at an old-folks center near our house and she was with this one older gentleman on his hip was a black hair the size of a dime on top of a decent sized lump about two inches long an inch wide and half an inch tall so she threw on some gloves and squeeze the blackhead with the permission of the man of course out popped this roll of gauze that was left over from his hip surgery ten years prior that he never bothered to get removed apparently the smell was horrid and she will never forget it here's a story from my cousin who's in med school currently there was a PCP who went to some part of Africa for the Peace Corps when he came back he found he was always more tired than he was when he left for Africa one day he felt a pulsation in his eye and went to the air once there the doctor found a small worm wriggling around in his eye the worm normally lives near the brain but had somehow made its way out from there and into his eye to be a doctor hadn't seen anything like it and called in another doctor to come and look at it by the time the other doctor got there the worm had made its way back out of the I cup - about a month later and the PCP feels the pulsation again but instead of returning to the hospital he decide to take care of it himself he takes a needle and heats it up using the stove he then puts it into his own die in order to remove the parasite over the course of the next year or two he removes if I remember correctly around five of the worms this way before feeling better my mother was once lifting up the folds of fat on an obese person to check for abnormalities and found a biscuit I found a dead mouse in the fat folds closest I've been to vomiting not a doctor or a nurse combat medic in the army a girl came into the clinic complaining of pain in her bag and when he went to examine her he found she was having thick gray ooze in discharge he tried to prescribe her medication for it but she refused to take it why because her boyfriend liked the taste my dad is a doctor in the intensive care unit one day he had a lady who was crossing the street when a coach bus ran her over she was dragged for two blocks before someone stopped the bus she came into the hospital missing like eighty percent of her skin and was disemboweled but conscious for the whole thing girlfriend a nurse early one morning a man came in with a broken off plunger up his butt he was sodomizing himself when it somehow broke off splintered his finger and lodged itself deep within his rectal cavity needless to say it was quite gross to remove and looked incredibly painful a woman came in with complaints of abdominal pain screaming about how her baby was dead her record showed absolutely nothing about her being pregnant after having her change into a gown the most ungodly stench filled the room my doc began a pelvic exam with me as a standby I will never forget his face as he removed a pinkish Brown clotted mass a chicken leg turns out her baby was an uncooked chicken she chopped up and inserted into her birth canal her baby might not have been dead but that chicken sure was my roommate is a nurse and there is a homeless guy that comes to her regularly apparently this guy had a major surgery in the last ten years where they removed something from his stomach or that general area after the surgery he woke up and just left the hospital without letting himself healing he proceeded to do drugs such as em and his body was never able to heal properly apparently he comes to the ER about once every week to rebandage his intestines the nurses have to rinse and sanitize the intestines and rebandage him up every time he comes in they simply take a large bandage and wrap it around his midsection he has been seen outside the hospital holding his intestines with a plastic bag pressed to his stomach while smoking cigarettes doctors and medical professionals overed it what one medical fact do you wish everybody knew your immune system is one of the greatest assets you haven't you never thanked it in your life your body will autonomously eradicate between 6 10 cancers without your realizing it will fight your infections repair micro traumas and police the entire population of billions of cells in your body without your asking all it requests in return is a little bit of Health to preserve it stop smoking lose weight maybe exercise a little don't drink so much your diet is so much more important that you realize if you want to keep hands fingers upper limbs intact do not punch a wall car door guy in the face brick etc you will end up with a boxer's fracture or a break of your fifth metacarpal bone most of the time everyone will know you were drunk when it happened and it's not comfortable or fun do not reach into the chute of the running snowblower even if it stopped because something is stuck in there do not attempt to fix your chain driven garage door opener by putting your fingers in the track and asking your wife to hit the button do not reach into an auger at work trying to retrieve your safety glove that just fell in there do not hold on to something at work that winches rope if you have a wound on your hand fingers arm and it is using something that looks green yellow white or pink go to the doctor and have it looked at you may save yourself from an amputation source I'm an RN at an orthopedic surgery center all of these things have happened numerous times and yes archaic as it seems sometimes people have to get fingers or even hands amputated in this day and age because they ignored an infection nurse here if you're an alcoholic that's admitted to the hospital don't lie about how much you drink there are drugs we can give you to take the edge off odd withdrawals it's safer for you and safer for us we're not judging you we have safety in mind when I was on my pharmacy rotations I remember a guy in the IQ for alcohol withdrawal he was having such strong tremors that even benzodiazepines couldn't stop he was there for a whole week at that point I promised myself not to have more than two beers at a time keep an eye on your weight rapid unintentional weight loss is often a sign something serious is up or gain was in the ER last night overheard guy in front of me that he gained around 30 pounds in two weeks and could no longer walk based off his swollen abdomen and wet lungs I thought he was in congestive heart failure he was room near me and it turns out that's exactly what he has if your kid has a fever and you give them Tylenol or ibuprofen to bring it down they are still freaking sick you're only treating symptoms temporarily not curing anything for the love of everything holy do not give them tylenol and send them to school day care sports birthday parties et Cie to become patient zero and infect everyone else I think there's a phenomenon for this the 11 o clock spike which is when the meds where often the kid is feverish and then the mom is P when you call her to come get the kid doctor here most important role know your own history and drugs re Emma's are too inefficient to depend on especially if you've been to many different institutions yes yes yes it's in the computer is not enough and even if you are in the same town at a different health system and we can see some of your data from your usual dokey Emma's are still pretty bad at talking to each other if you have tons of meds make a list also when you get asked about if you have any medical problems diabetes and high blood pressure count not just cancer and heart attacks it's significantly more effective to prevent cancer than it is to treat it but the world isn't interested because most people just want a pill to fix their problems don't smoke wear sunscreen don't drink excessively get a bit of exercise and eat some goddamn vegetables do those and bam huge drop in cancer risk but nobody wants to hear it the pregnancy test you get in videos no different from the one at the store and equally accurate viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics but that placer bombers in though doctor here keep things out of your ears seriously safety professional hair this does not apply to here plugs in loud in the wrong hands if exercise were a pill it would be the most prescribed drug in existence while elective brain surgery doesn't test that great it still tests better than dieting and exercise better off ted volunteer sauce ship crew member here when you suspect whoever is lying down is not breathing by themselves begin CPR in addition do not stop until medical professional arrives even if this means that you have to go on for several hours we do not perform CPR to have the patient miraculously wake up and make out with us we do this to sustain the most vital bodily function the circulation of oxygen to the brain until we can get that person to a hospital stay at home with norovirus call and ask for advice don't come in and infect a bunch of possibly already ill people mental illness can be as serious as a physical one get treated you wouldn't let a broken leg go Ripple a disorder made me lose months of my life I do not remember and made me almost kill myself talk to your doctors if you are not feeling okay dentist here just because a toothache goes away doesn't mean it's all better many times it's the calm before the abscess it goes from dying to dead too obsessed in as fast as a day or sooner drug allergies and side-effects are not the same thing it makes you look like a crazy person when you have twenty allergies and nineteen of the reactions are nausea epinephrine makes my heart race dot yes that's part of how it works one reverse cowgirl may be a fun position for you but please be careful girls too blood in your pee when not associated with pain and fever is something you need to get checked out three get that new ugly mole checked especially if it is painful or bleed spontaneously before noise if you notice some irregularity growth in your balls please get it checked early if you ball is the size of a grapefruit ignoring it will not make it go away it will just increase the risk of worse news than that you are fearing it is much better to be labeled a worried well than the alternative if we are stressed or rushed for time it's not personal it's the system we may not always say it but we are grateful for those who take responsibility for their health the human rectum is nightmarishly elastic go on don't care if you suspect a heart attack take an aspirin or two not ibuprofen not paracetamol not some other dumb bars and lgz painkiller an actual aspirin also get yourself to a hospital duh but that aspirin might save your life vaccines are safe and save lives no you're just trying to make us autistic you should not stop an antibiotic treatment because you feel better already seriously this is how we get superbugs people avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice if you are taking some kind of medication about 50% of pharmaceuticals on the market are metabolized at least in part by sit 3 a 4 which is inhibited by compounds found in grapefruit a doc here medical facts emergency means potential loss of life limb or eyesight it does not mean inconvenience irritation or chronic condition your sore throat evaluation in the IDI is gonna cost you $1,000 go to an urgent care just don't lie to us we don't judge you because your poop is smelly or you like to put things up there remember always we've seen something far far worse than the gerbil up your butt oh and don't frickin drink and drive some new updates because no one learns I work in a burn unit don't put accelerants on a camp bonfire don't go back into a burning house vehicle airplane don't put accelerants on bonfires this includes aerosol cans of stuff those blow up don't make game unless you have an advanced degree in the field don't put accelerants on bonfires even if it just went light don't let your pot handles hang over the edge of the stove where your kid can reach don't put accelerant on bonfires even if you've been doing it for yours don't pick up containers of flamin grease and oil don't put accelerants on bonfires diesel is an accelerant don't keep electric cigarettes in your pocket if you wear oxygen don't smoke with it on in your lap don't burn trash you don't know what the friction they're probably accelerants stop opening your radiator cap unless the car is cold carburetor injuries are common I don't know how it happens help me out car people don't put accelerants on your gadem fire no the signs of a heart attack and stroke and don't tough it out these are time sensitive and potentially deadly events paramedic Lera super frustrating when I get a patient who didn't call early enough and because of that they can't get life-saving treatment or the damage is already done it sucks when you have anxiety the symptoms of a panic attack are awfully similar to a heart attack I don't have the money to visit the Oh every time so I admit to ignoring it some of my symptoms last for days not a medical fact as much as it's just something I wish all patients would do I'd love it if patients could bring a sheet of paper with all the meds they are on pass medical history past surgical history allergies and family doctor contact info it's a small thing but can be so helpful nurse and Midwife here I wish people understood that if they are receiving treatment for a condition they still have that condition case in point if you're taking medication for something you want suddenly free of that disease your blood pressure meds are maintaining a normal blood pressure because you have the condition of high blood pressure your insulin is maintaining your blood sugars because you have diabetes sounds simple but amazing how much people tell us they have no conditions but around 1,000 medications that tell a different story I had one lady come into the IDI with complaints of headaches stated that she'd been diagnosed with HIV nine years prior hasn't taken any meds in the past three years because I'm undetectable and that means the virus is barely there anymore ended up having giant abscesses in her brain that required neurosurgical intervention not a doctor but something a doctor told me when the incident occurred girls if you get excruciating cramps at the time of your period and it feels much worse than it actually is go to a doctor when I was 13 I had already been confirmed to having ovarian cysts and it made it very painful for me during my periods to the point where I had passed out from the pain of it once however at one point it felt much worse than it typically did and I blew it off as being because of my period it turned out my appendix was bursting the doctor told me a lot of woman blow-off period cramps because doctors tend to do the same don't it almost meant life or death for me I used to get such bad PMS that I would be vomiting cramps where I was curled up crying bad mood swings the works the doctor told me the pain was normal and I would grow out of it Frick you doctor turns out what I was going through was not normal and my new doctor is great vet tech your cat is probably obese so many people free choice their cats because it's easier or just way over feed their cats because cats whine a lot you're not doing your cat any favors he is going to get diabetes I guess that about 10 percent of cats I've seen they're actually at a healthy weight get a good one toy and play with your cat every day and for God's sake limit how much they eat also treats are supposed to be less than 10 percent of your pets caloric intake cool it with the treats sadly a lot of children get the same treatment doctor here don't stop your medications by yourself just don't no matter how good you feel patients stop antibiotics and relapse so many resistant TB cases here stop taking insulin and come with DKA stop taking antihypertensives and get a stroke don't stop any drug and less cleared prior with your doctor most of the diseases can only be managed they can't really be cured if you have diabetes get sugar levels tested at least once a month don't ignore it don't mix alcohol and antidepressants also no matter how bad it is we have seen worse don't be ashamed pull out doesn't mean she won't get pregnant Prem has sperm to lust if you see anyone vomiting and lost conscience turn them to their side less chances of it entering lungs rph hair do not keep your medicine in your medicine cabinet in your bathroom the steam from a shower and the temperature fluctuations will degrade your medication keep them in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight also look through your OTC items in your house and clean out the expired drugs and restock your basics I do prefer them a sit Amin ofin pepto eyedrops etc' I may be alone in this but I want my patients to know that there is no possible way I can keep up with all the medical advances and new studies that are out there and I also want them to know that there are thousands of conditions that I learned about in medical school that I've forgotten because I've never seen or recognized them in practice this is important because my patients frequently apologize for looking up things on the internet no don't apologize I want you to research your condition I want you to look things up I want you to know about new treatments new research and alternative medications because often I don't I may not agree with the things you've read and that's fine to ask me about things you've read in the picture you found that looks like your ash I can't tell you how many times a patient has come to me with a suggestion about a possible explanation for symptoms because they read about it on the internet that turned out to be a correct or at least reasonable guess please educate yourselves about yourselves some good websites are the CDC website and AAFP org the American Academy of Family Practice and if your doctor is offended that you're trying to be educated get a different doctor source I'm a doctor smoking not only causes cancer but also a Treo sclerosis COPD and multiple other problems you're much more likely to encounter when smoking keep an up-to-date list of all the medication you take including doses and bring it with you whenever you are seeking health care if you say that you take two white pills and an orange one that's so vague as to be useless being involved in your own care by making sure to have specific and accurate information is very helpful in a situation where first aid is required it is better to do something than to be scared and not do anything you might save someone's life doctors are there to help you stop lying to them they have to protect your privacy so if you're doing drugs tell them they have to keep it secret and it could kill you if you don't doctors might not snitch but the insurance company gets to see their records clinical psychologist here if you need mental health treatment try your local college campuses or fin times there are training clinics supervised by some of the best clinicians around most will provide a generous sliding fee scale treatment works especially for sleep problems depression anxiety PTSD etc also do not ignore mental health problems in your children or adolescents including when you are concerned about substance use early intervention works best and if you wait until they are 18 they may not get treatment for another decade because they refuse to go in until they mature in their late 20s so if your child or adolescent is showing signs of a mood or anxiety disorder cutting struggling with ADHD and is using drugs regularly weekly or more and you are concerned consider an intake assessment with a licensed psychologist former ends here don't get angry when that quiet person gets taken out of the awaiting room before you you have a headache and are raging and I can't help you but that person who just got taken back is quiet for a reason you're not dying death is quiet I can't tell you how many times I took someone to the yelling and kicking and screaming and when we roll up and they get looked at it's often minor I've seen people who I had a feeling would not make it they don't rave like idiots they lay still and quiet and it's almost eerie speaking from my own personal experience the few times I've been in severe pain I was not making any noise all of my concentration and focus was on the pain I could barely talk let alone wail and moan don't lie to us it never works out and if your P is a different color don't ignore it seek help except after you eat beetroot stop frickin smoking I know it's hard I know you're addicted just stop freaking smoking P after sex any sex just do it all kinds of bacteria get pushed up your urethra you T's suck if you get in an accident as a biker don't take your helmet off your head under any circumstances you can unhook the strap if you really need to to not suffocate but that's it stop reading here if you'll a faint of heart many times your head will break like an egg in the helmet is basically the only thing preventing your skull from being skewered by your cranium shards or spilling out not necessarily a medical fact but please carry an up-to-date list of medications in your wallet or take a picture of your various pill bottles at home and keep it on your phone despite what everyone thinks everything about you isn't in the system if you're sexually active go for STI testing once or twice a year HIV can take up to six months to show and it's possible to have an STI with no symptoms well endocrinologist here and I have to let off steam last month I lost a 24 year old patient to diabetes seriously people visceral fat is freaking serious sometimes I see people mocking their potbelly as if it's not a big deal but it is you have no idea how many silent illnesses you may be developing in your body by not monitoring your weight you have been visited by the safety Stuart little upvote in 16 seconds for 16 years of safe grinds if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 93,921
Rating: 4.7358489 out of 5
Keywords: reddit on tap, doctor, emergency, operating, operation, room, ambulance, IV, vitals, broken, cut, bandage, emergency awesome, doctor mike, emergency landing, room tour, room decor, room decorating ideas, emergency spliff, roomie 45 voices, operating system, cute hairstyles, cute puppies, cute animals, cute cats, cute couples, updoot everything, reddit stories, reddit cringe, ask reddit, updoot reddit, reddit stories 2019
Id: 8w-xuBsJ_HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 27sec (4767 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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