Doctors Share When A Patients Lie Almost Killed Them (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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doctors when did a patient's line illy end up killing them paramedic here one common one is when older guys are having chest pain and we want to give them nitroglycerin paste pills to help the chest pain one thing that doesn't mix well is Nitro and vidura it causes a blood pressure drop that can be really dangerous we always ask them to make it really clear that if we give the nitro and they are taking their girl and similar meds that they could die it usually takes three or four warnings in a row before the guy will admit it early on I made the mistake of trusting a guy after just a couple mentions of how dangerous it would be I sprayed the nitro under his tongue and he said as generic Verger account Frick at one point his BP wasn't even registering on the box calf it was bad I thought I was going to get screamed at by my doctor but he just laughed and said it was so common that he wasn't upset and gave me a couple ideas on how to make it clear how dangerous it was to the patient not a doctor but my sister's Godfather was diabetic he went to the ER because he had a really bad cold for like two weeks he went in and they asked him if he was a diabetic and for some reason he said no long story short they gave him something that made his sugar levels go up and he went into a coma he died about a month later because his organs shut down a hypo can give him delirium which may have caused him to say no no I've got a friend who has had issues with this one time he was found outside wandering around in the middle of the street people had passed by and ignored him assuming he was drunk he had a small tattoo done on his wrist so medical professionals have the correct information in case anything happens to him one of my relatives had a bad reaction to amoxicillin as a child puffy face trouble breathing emergency room visit bad fast-forward 15 years she's off at college and has come down with some sort of infection she however didn't inform the campus health people because and I quote allergies are caused by a bad diet and since I'm a vegetarian I shouldn't have them anymore yeah they prescribed her amoxicillin and if it weren't for her run mate being home to call an ambulance she'd have been dead I wasn't the lead on this case but I was the assist when I was in dental school his patient came in and was really hyped up my buddy asked him if he has been on in a tux and the guy just said he had a lot of caffeine okay we move forward from what my friend told me his blood pressure was high but not too high for an elective procedure part of the local numbing we give patients has epinephrine in it and sometimes this gets into the bloodstream with certain types of nerve blocks not uncommon however if you've snorted a couple lines of cocaine and then get EP in your bloodstream that's no bueno ended up calling the ambulance his BP was so high he was at risk for a stroke so yeah even stuff the dentist does can kill you if you lie my understanding is meth also has a really serious reaction with dental and aesthetic people we're medical professionals not the FBI please for the love of all that is holy be honest with us not a doctor but I was in the ER once separated from another patient by only a thin curtain it was impossible to not overhear what was going on she was an elderly woman who had taken an ambulance and due to feeling faint and said she had no other symptoms ours are going by she gets up to use the washroom that couple times and make small talk with her brother sounding pretty woozy the whole time doctors keep checking on her they draw blood and check her blood pressure I think it was like remarkably low but they aren't sure why cut to several hours later when a nurse notices there's some blood on the woman's bed after some back-and-forth she finally admits that she had been bleeding profusely from her rectum for weeks the doctors gave her a hard time but got her out of there real fast I was admitting patients in the psychiatric ward busy night I was way behind an older man with schizoaffective disorder is admitted with a caretaker a nurse asks them a few questions including if the patient has taken any medicine and/or narcotics the caretaker says no I see the patient four hours later he seems delirious which often is caused by a somatic problem including medicine you know where this is going he can't maintain eye contact and can only sit in his chair and talk nonsense he drools and yells every word but somehow seems very tired I asked the caretaker if the patient has taken any medication and she says the patient broke into a medicine room at the the institution he lives and just started eating random pills apparently this is somewhere around 80 pills not being more precise because she did not bother gathering the empty pill boxes the only information I could get was that he definitely ate over 40 lithium pills which is just great if you really hate your kidneys now after calling the emergency department to quickly prep and an ambulance with an anesthesiologist for transport I talked with the caretaker through my teeth just slightly angry apparently the nurse wouldn't understand because it wasn't his own medicine and she didn't want to make a fuss I screamed into my pillow that's night and pure frustration I later found out he lived after intensive care and almost loosing his kidney function I work in outpatient surgical center lying to anesthesia can be really dangerous I've had a person lie about not taking takes and then react badly when given the anesthesia meds because they interacted fortunately for that patient not nearly dying but I will forever have it ingrained in my head the anesthetist leaning over their head screaming what books did you take full stop a litter that I fortunately haven't-- seemed serious event but definitely has happened to our providers and I've seen more mild versions people eating drinking before the anesthesia and then denying locky from my patients they just have puked after waking up so we know there had it but made it okay the danger as you can puke during sad and then get it in your lungs cooled aspirating and die from that could be really bad but fortunately I personally haven't seen the worst yet but I've heard plenty of stories of it had a grandma who was basically comatose status in ER whenever we could rouse her or get a word she stated she wasn't on any drugs we Allah gave her narcan narcotic aa drug with no effect 20-30 minutes later we do for methanol romatic on benzo odd drug and she wakes up a lot of ppl went suspecting her off de God given her Asian statement so they were thinking 900 different routes my well step uncle brother of my stepfather never met him though lied about being in pain 6 so he could stay home from school and miss a test kept upping the ante so they'd believe him apparently his parents were pretty strict and he was terrified to admit he'd lied long story short they took him to the hospital he was diagnosed with appendicitis and they straight-up cut him open the test was looking pretty good at that point not a doctor but her Army Combat Medic we were in a small fight fight and all a soldier was hit in the leg it was very easy to see the wound because of the desert camo doesn't blend in well with blood the part that almost killed him as he never told her sadly he was hit in the chest we asked him and he said only in the leg I knew he was lying because he was holding his chest too but I didn't want to make a bad situation even worse so I didn't say anything but when we asked him again and he said no I didn't want him to die of course so I pulled his plate carrier off and we did more medical on him he definitely would have died from that wound it punctured his lung and he was having trouble breathing we called for a medevac and he lived but with only one lung never knew it he joined the other again but I assumed he stayed out my cousin is an ER doctor and sees this quite a bit mostly people lying about having done it exams underage drinking because they don't want to get in trouble not understanding that the doctors are less concerned with that and they are making sure the person lives one particular incident the person had drunk quite a bit and done several kinds of nooks but wouldn't admits to it and came in alone so there was no one to verify what had happened because this person wouldn't admit a FedEx feed taken and thus wouldn't tell the docs what they had taken they had no way to help and could do little except watch as this person slowly died from Fettig and alcohol interactions because without knowing what was already in their system giving them anything could have only sped up the process the person was a minor and passed away from massive organ failure because they were more worried about getting in trouble than saving their own life until it was far too late to admit the truth when patients lie and say they haven't eaten anything prior to elective surgery when they have I caught a patient sniffling biscuits at her partner had brought in for her because we are so cruel to deny her food people can die from aspirating stomach contents during a GA I didn't drink or eat for like eight hours because I might have surgery that dated and have until two days later I didn't drink or eat all day because I went surfing in the morning and broke my leg and the people at the hospital didn't let me touch anything just in case I work in an STD clinic so the stuff I deal with isn't usually deadly or at least not immediately deadly however I am constantly surprised by the percentage of patients who test positive and refuse to tell their partners a guy came in a few years ago who saw something relatively simple like gonorrhea but seemed to have trouble walking long story short in us called an ambulance for him and sent him to the ER for a spinal tap turns out an ex-boyfriend refused to tell him about his syphilis diagnosis after they had a rough breakup like 15-20 years earlier so not only was our guy possibly spreading syphilis unknowingly he now had untreatable neurosyphilis he works with our disease intervention specialists to track down as many partners as they could but I think he died from related complications like a year after his initial visit I'm not a doctor but a patient with a couple of really weird disorders that cause doctors who err and familiar with them to think I am taking I have been denied very needed basic treatment like a bag of saline because my dehydration is exasperating my symptoms because they think I'm somehow gaming the system these assumptions that patients our line do a lot of harm - why would they Denise a line the worst that can happen is you have to pee a bunch the best part is if you are dehydrated you are cured low it's a slippery slope you stopped with regular table salt then gradual to the pink Himalayan sea salt then before you know it you're mainlining saline the most frequent one is that they don't need a specific antibiotic or other life-saving like the corset is really just too expensive for them to afford the fault is mostly with federer knees they find out they are the only ones making a specific degan they raise the price just because they can then the insurance stops covering it and the doctors may not learn any of us until the pharmacy is stopped calling his office to get fed and changed to something else but there is no telling how many people die all suffer serious health problems because of Fettig and insurance companies greed lot of people get less than ideal treatment simply because of these middlemen trying to get their cut it may please you to know that in Canada the government regulates how much a company can charge for medication as a result medicine prices are just 10% of what you would pay in the US and in some cases just 1% it is amazing what happens when the government is for the people instead of the corporations we had a patient that took l'homme heart meds religiously even in the hospital when we were also administering then to her she was educated to not take any of her home meds while she is hospitalized since were giving her the hospital meds she would sneak and take them her blood pressure bottomed out and would have to bolus her security was cooled and had to remove the meds from her and lock them up we had another patient requested a sleep mode the nurse gave it to her later found patient barely arousal and blood pressure dropped which did not make sense she was given a low dose of sleep aid patient had her purse open on the bed and found a prescription of ambien the patient took our sleep aid plus double dose of her homemade ambien we always instruct patients on admission not to take their home meds while in the hospital we are not allowed to go through their belongings due to privacy I was a L&D RN my co-worker had a patient show up in labor she was 6 centimeters I was helping get the room set up for delivery and the patient's mom started to ask her so does that mean the baby and the patient violently xuxa's her her doctor wasn't on that night and that office didn't have electronic records we could access at night so we're just going about prepping for this delivery when her doctor happened to come into the nurse's station because she had to come and for medical patients on another unit she just stopped by to chat but noticed that patient on the board and our asks oh so her baby actually flipped turns out the kid had in breech all pregnancy and was still breech she didn't want a c-section so she figured she'd just try to come and so far dilated that she could just deliver that would have been ok if she was frank breech go down since it wasn't her first baby but she was food cling breech crossed legs with feet down that's dangerous as hell because it's super easy for the umbilical cord to come out first instead of the baby which cuts off baby's oxygen my fourth was head down and this ended up happening to me anyway emergency c-section in less than 10 minutes her baby was so lucky her water hadn't broken especially if she'd been at home still she still kept refusing the c-section and my coworker finally snapped we had another patient who was in for a stillbirth and had a lot of family down in our waiting room trying to process what had happened a co-worker asks if a patient had noticed all the crying people at the end of the hall as they were mourning their dead baby and would she rather have a c-section or deal with the grief that family had she finally got the stupid c-section my coworker caught a lot of flack for checking that patient and not noticing she wasn't feeling a head when we do our a pre-op check before a surgery our office prints out a list of meds we have in file that the patient is taking we tell them please look at this list and sign it to indicate this is the current and up-to-date list of the meds you take patients signed and we plan for surgery next week get a call from anesthesia the day before her scheduled surgery apparently she forgot to mention she had started taking a weight loss tag that if you're taking it can cause severe hip retention when you go under anesthesia and in extreme cases you can die from that you have to have stopped Fettig for at least four days to be safe to have anesthesia so her surgery got pushed back a week not canceled just pushed back enough to be safe she call our office fuming and demanding a refund for the time she took off work seriously lady sorry but we have a signed document saying you told us all your meds exactly who should be mad at who you put asset/liability and now the surgeon our office doesn't get paid for that day when we could have subbed in someone else in that slot here's a freaked up family story we had an 81 year old frail grandmother brought in by family for failure to thrive in the setting of incurable stage IV colon cancer being cared for at home patient was admitted awake and conversational poor historian complaining of pain she proceeded to gradually get sicker shut down like she was dying becoming gradually nonverbal unresponsive and dropping vitals she was DNR so we did supportive care and looked for causes such as UT s BP sepsis liver failure etc the family was around the whole time acting very involved and caring 36 hours later she gradually started coming out if it were for recovering back to baseline it turns out she was given her home dose of morphine in the ER prior to admission which was 100 milligrams extended-release morphine twice daily as she had been complaining of pain her family had failed to mention that they'd been diverting all her pain medications that nearly got their grandmother killed as we had no reason to suspect an opiate as the cause that reminded me to always consider opiates we discharged her to a long-term care facility social worker at a Children's Hospital we have kids coming in through our resuscitation room that have been seizing and are unconscious with no prior history I'm constantly trying to get parents to tell me if there is a possibility that their toddler might have ingested something as your kid have access to cannabis could they have eating some full-stop parents never want to admit it to doctors and so I'm always on a fact-finding mission as a social worker parents are either glad I'm there or they think I'm going to take their kids away sar cannabis can affect children in horrible shutdown your ability to breathe kind of ways I'm an NP in a medical I cou probably my most consistent as people lying about their drinking habits I could give less than a sh t if you pound a bottle a night I just need to know so I can be ready for you to stop detoxing on day three and have the right medicine q so you don't have a seizure aspirate etc I always make this abundantly clear and I am NOT in the royalty police yet every year we have a few common with very fixable problems lie about heavy drinking habits and ultimately die in the hospital from complications secondary to their withdrawal vet here so in my case it is is the owner telling the lie that can kill the patient it is hard to get the point across to people that I am NOT going to call the cops if you tell me your dog ate your gas - just telling me will save time lots of money spent on diagnostics and possibly your pets life I really don't care if you do drugs the only scenarios I can think of where I would call the authorities would have to involve deliberately harming an animal or extreme neglect that I know will continue in the future my teenage brother had the opposite to most of these stories he came home after being out drinking with friends raided the fridge and went to bed a little later he comes out panicking to my parents that he's having trouble breathing is feeling dizzy and has a bunch of other alarming symptoms they rush him to the ER and from what they tell me the staff were yelling at him to tell them what big shed taken even though he was adamant he hadn't taken anything they wouldn't believe him my parents were begging him to tell them but he insisted he hadn't I'm not sure of the rest of the details but it turns out he had developed a nut allergy he wasn't aware of and had eaten something that was causing him to go into anaphylaxis nurse on an ortho unit this particular patient was a fresh post-op joint-replacement they woke up in the middle of the night going black-tea crazy he was insisting he had to leave he was seeing things he were on the sixth floor and he tried going down the back stairwell there was no reasoning with this dude he was straight up and determined to leave turns out he was detoxing from alcohol he had lied to both his doctor and the nurse that admitted him about his alcohol use when you're a heavy user like he was quitting cold turkey can kill you we were lucky he didn't start seizing before we got meds on board to help him detox safely I was very thankful I caught him trying to get down the stairs before he went ass over teakettle and cracked his head open a few months later he was back on the surgery scheduled to fix an injury on his operative legs from falling luckily his doc knew to plan for detox this time around but the patient also planned ahead after he was discharged we found a bottle of booze in the bedside table I have a story about someone's like that did end up killing them about ten years ago my best friend's ex David bought some ecstasy for himself and his big brother John the ecstasy they bought was laced with something bad but they didn't know that yet they each took one and John started to OD David wanting to sate his big brother called an ambulance it showed up and David explained what happened they loaded up John and they asked David if he also took the ecstasy because he didn't want to get in trouble he lied and said only his brother took the bad ecstasy ambulance left with John while David started to OD minutes later John was taken to the hospital and survived David died alone at their house such a dumb accident but so sad nonetheless I think John still struggles with the guilt of the death of his baby brother to this day not a doctor but sometimes people who smuggle cocaine pellets by swallowing them and then CH ting them out after crossing borders can die when a pallet or two opens up it's very dangerous and most of them do not tell the doctors about it in fear of being caught body packing is not recommended at all how about the opposite I've moved a lot and when I visit a new doctor they often try to answer my health history for me drinking smoking exercise and diet met you're thin so moderate no regular healthy ' none of that is accurate but when I correct them I get oh so is this a cry for help ' what no I just want you to have the facts not a doctor but my dad's a paramedic he's told me plenty of times about when patients have told him they've taken XYZ EOG's when they've been doing a leg old dog still avoid getting into trouble and he is administer a tag switch just make it 10x worse because of the combination of them and he can't do anything else other than just take them to the hospital if they're still breathing paramedic here when you do drugs don't lie about it don't leave ste out we're asking cause they can have adverse effects with other meds and it might kill you even math especially math you can straight-up die if you've taken meth anything less than something like 24 hours before getting anesthetized it also raises your heart rate and blood pressure I believe which ain't good combined with other drugs middle-aged housewife comes to IDI with episodes of headache and collapse vacant episodes usually early hours of the morning has the full workup with CT scans and lumbar punctures several times always negative it took several attendances before anyone asked her about recreational drugs yes she was an unassuming suburban mum turns out she was into cocaine in a big way leading to reversible cerebral Vasek and striction no more cocaine equals no more headaches and known Aston consequences luckily how did that not come up in a tox screen after multiple times coming in I'm genuinely shocked no one checked for drugs source working an IDI myself we check out everyone's urine [Music]
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Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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