SB Plays The Eternal Cylinder 01 - When You're Strange

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this is not the story of the one the one encompasses too much crushing everything and making it the same no this is the story of the many who are blessed with difference and rich and strangeness this is the story of a family this is the eternal cylinder and i expect it's going to get much weirder than that that that's probably you should view that as a probable floor um hello everybody i'm sb uh and this is a game that just came out that i've been interested in for quite some while it's quite some time because it looks really strange and that's basically it that's basically all i've got for you it's about this cylinder uh you can see it sort of here on the screen it's eternal let's check it out let's let's go to another menu before we let's just let's just check it out there we go once upon a time in the age of the eternal cylinder they lived a family of little creatures called the trevor trebum are not the strongest nor the fastest and they do not have sharp teeth they would make easy prey for the terrible force that came to their planet but trebum are loyal and resourceful and very very stubborn it is with such a trebu that our story begins one clever little creature born into a cruel world who would be instrumental in bringing prosperity to its kind have you ever seen a video game protagonist that you wanted to be more than this guy i doubt it [Music] and as with all great journeys it starts with the cracking of an egg oh i like this loading screen very much run something inside him said run okay that seems like a good idea thanks game oh you can roll oh no water bad water bad though you really get going so behind us is it uh yeah it sure is okay look forward forward is good stop rolling get out of the vault it's actually really hard to stop once you started um okay did i miss an off ramp i am having a concern right now oh the great crushing thing the great cylinder had stopped perhaps it was safe here for a little while yeah that's the word i was thinking it learned to use its legs and its trunk but these things were not so much learned as they were remembered perhaps the little trebum thought they were a gift from the strange voice it heard in its mind that too was a kind of memory are you oh i definitely just consumed your something oh and i'm gonna eat that on purpose i guess just when it was starting to get used to its legs the food from the jumping creature gave it new ones food but the right substance as a catalyst atrebum can transform and adapt to many challenges oh that's cute so i can shoot these mushrooms too right yeah take that whatever you are creature that's making me very nervous actually also my water supply is not infinite let me okay so that's got to be a stamina bar so i don't really know what the difference is between the blue mushrooms and the i should probably eat you what did that do i have no idea okay well i feel like we should get further away from the cylinder now that's very interesting i have questions about that hopefully at this point y'all can see uh what i was into about this okay so these things items seem to have classes in the upper right of the the thing like some of these are water items but the mushroom is a mushroom class item can i still roll with my legs i sure can the trebum was drawn to a bright light or perhaps to the creature next to it except for the grass growing on the old one's head they were very much alike yeah i guess so surrounded by this light the trebum knew things it had not known before it knew the older trebum had carried this light for a long long time and it knew that now that responsibility had passed to the next generation yes this young trebum had to carry the light to those great towers in the distance all right well i don't feel like i really gave consent but okay to learn many old things but the cylinder would not allow it okay to the tower this one's a tower's wood kind of closer i think unless they were activated can i ramp oh i can ramp that is excellent excellent news whoa what is that the trevor had to step on the symbol or the cylinder would not be stopped they do it are we good are we live okay i mean the the light up there turned blue from red so i'm gonna assume we're live right that's gotta be good blues blue's a good color oh that's something i'm feeling that's an opinion i'm gonna be expressing a lot i feel like maybe i should keep moving okay yes assured it that while the tower stood the trevor would be safe the power of the eternal cylinder was contained for now maybe that's friendly this relative tranquility gave the trevor a chance to think about its family trebum are not meant to live alone so where were the others oh no no that's very bad i do not like that at all all right we're gonna do some we're gonna do some live testing here are you hostile you seem irritable at the very least irritable's good enough i'll leave you alone [Music] that looks like a thing i've played a video game or two before and that looks like the kind of thing that you find in a video game oh these are can i eat these [Music] hell yeah we're rich oh i'm not actually those are not turning into an item i'm just filling my brainometer up there in the corner they are it's not a brain that's like a shiny rock all right we have one entire gemstone finding another tripod was a house for jewelry hey but this new friend was not well oh no well inside the memories it had inherited the found the answer to recover its friend needed a very specific substance which appeared as glittering clusters of crystal dust this does was not natural only a great trevor could create it and so it was on the achievements of previous generations that the newborn trabump would have to rely luckily it seemed a wise and powerful trevor had passed through here some time ago [Music] okay uh go go and go too sure [Music] fine by me so welcome to the family friend [Music] just gonna follow me around and kind of suck up whatever you find uh i will say that our new friend does not seem to have the legs if we can get him some good legs you have to eat the feces of one of those grasshoppers though which is not it's the thing that's in short supply what is this i get in there it's very difficult to jump with any precision the answer is yes oh no oh god run away run away leave it alone okay that thing was definitely it came over here quite aggressively and it was definitely going to charge why did go to not follow me my man you are okay you are small and unwise you must trust me oh that's is that alive it's just like a big oh oh no okay hey hey palomin you know how to roll have you ever rolled before let's try let's try rolling to get away from everything that's happening in our livestream oh jesus christ changing direction boy you got lots of glowy bits i don't think that thing could even reach down here oh all right more of you oh i see i see they're employing tactics now let's keep moving all right all right all right i get it this plant is a horn hey buddy you wanna think it does work what if does does this do what i want it to do i am delighted buddy you gotta you gotta get one of these can i can i tell okay what if i i'm gonna i'm gonna vacuum that up then i'm gonna hand it to you and i want you to eat it can you do that with your brain can i like swap between i don't know well hold on can i swap between aha q q is do thing as other guy okay i must eat this we must both know how to do the thing okay other other guy is just devouring his entire inventory that doesn't feel necessary my dude we should definitely eat more things what about you can you teach me to swim um swimming must eat more things oh that is not a swimming pod okay he'll grab some stuff by himself i bet you know functioning as the ai that he has a better sense of what is actually useful in the environment that i do come on no my stamina my stamina i can't actually follow you very far into the water i really need you to not do that it's almost like they don't want to get eaten which it doesn't make any sense to me as a survival strategy for a creature why would why would you not want to get eaten trying to get away from those chargy things all right all right ooh you we will make we will make friend a storage body buddy i got a cool thing for you here have this no shoot sloped surfaces all right come up here on the flat ground now catch this with your face oh that's sorry that's water you have water here here we go uh i ate a thing i didn't even mean to eat there we go storage bodies for everyone plus now we're larger and predators will bother us less i learned that one from a parrot i once lived with although i will tell you that the parrots the parrots whole game was to get like like eight percent larger and i didn't think it was very impressive this is like a tanning booth ah i am so relaxed look at him look at him basking are you doing basking we got work to do probably one assumes this is a big shell does something live in big shell may i live in big shell i'm not that sorry can i do this nope cannot pull big shell with my face oh hey that looks that looks like something that looks like a significant place what's my objective did i i think we are entering stealth mode i think that's what this is oh hey snail friendly okay wants to be left alone fair enough i get that way my own self i wish i had one of those cool shells to hide in okay our young friend had found an egg or a trebuchet with one of his siblings inside the egg had been abandoned but it could still be made to hatch all that was needed was a source of heat well you don't say does it want to go in the lava can i put it right here will this work okay yeah that's warming up these vom wonderful i hate that name very much congratulations it's yours forever no those are just i'm assuming that the mushroom class items are just like vegetables but i don't know maybe maybe everything that you could safely eat in this game is in fact a mushroom all right well friend you're gonna not be storage body for a little while because we walked away from the pond and i don't remember how to get back so it's all right you know here's the thing we want a diversity of strangeness i know that first of all from life but secondly that guy said it in the intro oh but then but then but then i found more storage body creature oh your trouble is too young to swim across this ah on account of that thing is in the water watch for beams of light that come from activated towers that will point you to objectives or areas of hearts for the trebum to know what to do or where to go give me your water bug but the friendly voice suggested this was not the right way it said you must follow the beam of light that emanates from the tip of the tower and stay away from the deep waters where the old things dwell yeah big big big water i get it we are not at this juncture looking for big big big big water sorry i think our friend may be mistaken though because this beam this tower is not beaming of light oh that one is though all right uh who's ready to oh wait scary mouth monster who's ready to roll around the scary mouth monster let's go i can hear them rolling behind me i don't even need to look oh oh oh hold up hold up hold up where's bomb bomb do we lose you buddy uh-oh vom is too young and doesn't roll so good maybe the storage body must make you roll faster you know this is for you bomb we're gonna i'm gonna pass this to you in a minute but we gotta get away from these charging things first they are hostile all right thumb friend bomb come here come here and gain trumpet oh sorry i yeah i unselected it that's my bad take this and then trumpet for you all right who's ready to really just like blow this thing's mind oh yeah you want some of this oh it actually worked it's awesome he's trying to climb a tree to get away from us i i did not expect that to be that effective okay this thing is pointing is it pointing to the huge crystal monster no it's pointing to a thing near the huge crystal monster okay who who thumps who thuds yeah you better stay over there we do we do not honk at snail snails just trying to get by stale had a tough day at work this door had been built for trevor it gave them hope that in this large and dangerous world some places had been made for them hey you are you traveling place get go away go away faster okay oh no the power's gone to my head try to have some slots open here okay so we found ourselves the temple the elder cave probably an elder cave [Music] okay hold q to manually select don't worry if you lose sight of one of your family members you do not need to wait for them they will always manage to get to where the group leader is okay so we don't have to micromanage everybody's crossings and stuff that's nice all right this is interesting ooh [Music] okay that stuff's just just for water let me real quick here just making sure i didn't miss any gem dust [Music] [Music] somehow this ancient statue transferred knowledge to the tremor and also food an organic cube it was as if a memory had been stored inside it waiting for someone to absorb it and as soon as this knowledge had entered their minds the tribune realized gross there was a great library of information hidden away in the web of their memories but why was the knowledge of a specific ingredient placed here in this trebuck made of stone all right who wants to be a square [Music] i will i will volunteer to be the first square let me eat some of this real quick [Music] oh okay body mutually exclusive so you're gonna be the crew's storage body then [Music] i really i should have kept uh go go and go to on storage body and then just just put vom on square so i mean do i want to go this way now or is this going to end this area let's let's have a quick look over here to the left to see if there's any more gem dust around or any anything like that there is some how is that accessed okay i assume i can i still roll yes remarkably oh hey a living elder [Music] inside the cave the trevum found a living elder it had been waiting in this chamber for a long long time the elder told them it was happy to see some friends before the cylinder came it said you are young so you never knew the time when how people could shape-shift at will we trebham are inheritors of a vast tree of abilities abilities passed on to all future tripper but this power is being taken away beware the servants of the cylinder they will seek to hurt you at every opportunity and they have the power to rob you of your abilities but if you persevere one day you will find a way to protect yourselves from their evil light farewell my brave friends i fear i am too old and tired to join you may you find a way to prosper in this time of struggles that uh that servant of the cylinder was a car with arms and a spine yeah is that what everybody else saw does it it doesn't quite doesn't it doesn't seem right to me that that's the thing that should be allowed to exist so okay this is not in fact going to show us how to get into that other area so mayhap we will uh we'll have to figure it out on our own i love the pictograms and you shall spit water on it and it shall cube you become as cube so can we see another entrance i mean it looks like the weigh-in is over there somewhere let's just take a a quick look here we won't i won't spend too much time on this huh the ramp looks like you're designed to like roll up the wall but it doesn't look like there is any reason to do so maybe they just like to put in places where you can do six stunts that's pretty troubling thing to do so i would expect that the entrance would be somewhere around here yeah maybe i just don't maybe i just don't know how stuff is accessed in this game oh right i saw this when we came in and i totally spaced on it like the extra gem dust is only going to be so useful right oh what is this what on earth okay um actually no you know what this this is gonna be uh your deal vom you eat that and find out what it does it didn't do it didn't do anything i don't think it did anything how about this one okay that one's a power oh patch of grass like hair which attract which attracts sac flies is that a thing that we want i don't really think that that sounds like a no i wanted to be square man square man please nope okay how does this how's this damn ui actually work there we go and then we have more squares but i think i think we really only need the one square how do i turn my nose upward it doesn't okay oh you know what actually i don't know what those do either let's um sorry let's have vomit one of those oh it's just water all right i do not want this okay there we go i mean the hang of it i'll i'll figure it out eventually okay let's get out of here that's not the correct direction all right i think i'm following it so far except for the part where that enemy apparently is a car you know will there's no deal with that one but the elder had urged them to go friend suddenly they felt the weight of their many tasks to find their trebum siblings to restore the powers their people had lost and it all seemed a little daunting a little yeah even when they are afraid trip up i'll stop it i do feel a lot of kinship with these creatures already oh exiting the blue energy dome that radiates from the tower you activated will awaken the eternal cylinder not all towers have the same radius of protection okay you have like a huh what do you think of this oh that's a mouth back there cdna nobody likes the horn that's pretty great i'm a pretty big fan of the horn so we don't know how to cross the water right ah for you i had it for just a second then i lost it [Music] oh shoot cause i yeah i got no got no empty slots uh hey you this is your problem [Music] you shall become as fish okay and with that i guess we go for it right so where do we that's backwards so we need to go this way oh we're probably just going across the land bridge anyway well whatever we'll keep playing as this one for now cylinder resumed its destruction nothing could stop it forever except for me refusing to move forward anymore i think that would have done it to find another tower to protect them quickly i do really like the rolling this is the best marble madness sequel ever out of stamina all right we got some time we're fine all right friends gather up we all here cool i do want to be someone with a horn let's let's be go-to go-to is the best at picking things up and that's a pretty critical video game skill that's interesting and it's got it's got the objective thingy on it that said clearly there are good reasons to do stuff beyond the trebum found themselves almost as lost as they had been in the beginning i don't feel that lost but the voice and their memories comforted them it was only natural to be confused it said oh good ah that thing isn't born into a strange broken world cut off from the history of their ancestors everyone was a little lost these days what mattered was to keep going to keep looking for answers to keep carrying the light they held within them the light that stopped the cylinder all right you get a little heavy-handed but i see what you're getting at here the water processor mutation is constantly processing ingredients found in its inventory slots and transforming them into water this does not extract nutrients from them be mindful of what you absorb as its body will automatically process any organic ingredients stored inside of it the trevor were excited by this discovery this new mutation would allow them to extract water from ingredients that were otherwise quite dry but the voice cautioned them to be careful more water was useful but this process would not extract any nutrients they would have to use it carefully and wisely do i need nutrients is that a thing should somebody who told me about the nutrients i thought it was just a funny joke in the text the first time well all right more water okay this is terrible i must i must must be somebody with legs okay that's right only one of us has legs the hell y'all where'd you go go go gogo's the hero yeah oh um okay hold on a second how do i how do i access that screen that i keep accidentally ending up on with the yeah here we go so okay we can see everybody's in for in uh inventory all at once you get your own area because you're processing things we have a compendium that's food okay the red treblite that we ate in the other thing gives okay that's fine uh there's also a creature compendium that we access i don't exactly know how does this doesn't feel like clicking should do the thing maybe i'm just not allowed to access it yet i have to get more brain more brain good something like that okay well as we're not far enough in the game to have all the stuff up against this strange eerie temple the trebum felt something stir in their memories check this power in this place something from the days when even the elders were young perhaps it could help them we all going didn't really seem necessary well okay those are my two ideas um i'm standing on these isn't gonna do it we don't have anywhere near enough people this is that sac fly thing i don't know if that's i don't know if that's compatible with other bodies oh there's some kind of orange thing up there okay thank you everyone hold on let me let me switch to let me switch over to bomb here okay pulling that off of there did not accomplish anything oh wait that's cool i mean at this point we have enough for so many crystals that like this is for sure not going to be the limiting factor wait oh i see y'all come here come here flies there we go huh we retrieved some map well that's interesting the trebum were disoriented for a moment something new had entered their memories and they needed to make sense of it it seemed to be a map and on this map a location had been marked if they understood correctly there was some manner of serpent a guardian a greater being of some kind somehow linked to a safe haven that is what it looked like could they find refuge there their ancestors must have created this map for a reason are my are my ancestors the ones responsible for the big red skeleton or because that that's the thing i have some considerable questions about everybody water up doesn't it feel like this big red skeleton should be more involved in what's going on somehow am i the only one who thinks that thinks that that seems from here i bet i can hit this maybe not there we go there we go what is it who wants to test vom wants to test look at him look at him volunteering so as picking that up put it into my journal by any chance organic material wrapped in an amber like substance that's not super helpful ah here we go amber eye this could have been the result of a highly specialized microorganism hmm the rare organic materials the trouble used to decorate their statues so not really any information at all there i don't know put it in you see what happens always tripping balls third eye you can use this mutation to look for specific ingredients by tagging them in the compendium ah of all the changes that trebum were experiencing growing a third eye was the strangest one yet i think the stranger this eye seemed to look in two directions at once into the world and into their memories they could use it to find in the real world any element that was contained in the web of their memories it was truly a remarkable mutation that is pretty remarkable hmm that looks like something too that absolutely is something it's the morph ball some ingredients cannot be eaten until their edible interiors have been exposed there are multiple ways to break open ingredients try experimenting with smashing them against things uh items the breakable experience are marked uh exterior are marked with the yellow border this game has a lot of stuff going on in it i'm gonna just shoot this at a rock real hard that's my first plan i'm gonna select it first thanks everybody oh that was easy this is a different kind of eye all right oop oh i am protected against small predators i am no longer an adorable cube though which i am it's fine i guess i'm a little bit thumbs down on are these huh they're ingredients that are of a crystal class i do not know what to make of this and so i shall leave i miss being a cube i wish that i had taken this thing on somebody else what manner of strange beasts left behind the cylinder the trevor were deeply unsettled by this new mystery but though some part of them was curious they were certain it would be best not to find out i am feeling certain of that actually what is this all right down there i do want to just like look around i know i know we're supposed to be going to the next thing but it doesn't oh oops that's all i wanted [Music] there we go okay the honk insufficient some of the time one of my troubles got knocked off the cliff there but it wasn't me so is this one of those situations where they'll catch up eventually or is that is that guy dead booboo's died no fuufu is actually dead okay we should move then okay apparently uh consequences i can't believe they killed vuvu oh egg okay vuva was the uh the water processor because i think of you [Music] all right we're gonna leave this thing away from the egg a little bit and i'm gonna go back and grab it i don't know where we're gonna warm this up enough for it to be hatchable have we seen any real sources of heat around here i mean there's got to be one they wouldn't give us an egg and no way to hatch it right [Music] well i guess we're just gonna wander for a bit [Music] i do wish i felt like i had a better way of fighting back against those sky dudes [Music] yes i don't really know how to fight anything [Music] please source of heat it would be very cool yeah i just don't see anything oh wait is that one that totally is one [Music] it's a little close to some of these flying jerks but hooray your name is to replace the one that i so so callously lost all right don't worry nufu we're going to get you some cool body parts soon for right now [Music] you may just want to try to keep up i guess so we're going there yeah we need this path all right i'm just gonna go i am confident that i will be able to figure it out here we go oh see my maximum stamina is pretty decreased oh no stop stop stop go go go i'm wondering if maybe nutrients are how you deal with that okay we got plenty of time no reason to panic the pillars right there scary mouth monsters right there no we're good we're good everything's fine it is it does seem like it's speeding up like quite a bit maybe oh no oh no egg i will save you egg killer one i am hunger i see the stomach meter the stomach meter presents the two parts of everyone's stomach the stomach and the energy pouch the stomach holds all the food you consume and fills up depending on the nutritional qualities of the ingredients you eat trouble can digest food when resting or standing still which depletes the stomach and fills the energy pouch the energy pouch is not only necessary for your trouble to survive it is essential to replenishing the energy the energy we use to roll the less energy we have the more slowly our stamina and endurance will regenerate rolling consumes a lot of energy okay as their fear faded the trebums started feeling weak and tired with all the excitement and adventure they'd neglected their most basic needs the sound of an empty stomach reminded them that survival requires more than escaping from danger you also have to eat luckily one of the many gifts of the trevor is the capacity to store food in their bodies but they still need to digest to gain the vital energy that gives them strength and for such small creatures they do require rather a lot of food fortunately the savannah was rich in flora and fauna which would set up their little bellies without necessarily triggering a mutation okay so you're not you're not quite there so we need three of those pretty common yellow mushrooms so common in fact that we might have some do you no no we don't okay to open that pot up and i think that pod might allow for the heating of this egg enough all right so hold on a second [Music] everybody feast if you got if you got food do yourself a feasting is it tracking my um my food per trouble or is is there sort of a group stomach [Music] okay it seems like it's sort of a group stomach i appreciate that it would be really tedious to manage otherwise um so actually i'm gonna go ahead and eat these too because we actually are a little bit low on water all right so there's a survival aspect as well we're looking for those yellow flat top mushrooms to free our new friend this is interesting okay maybe not while i'm carrying an egg [Music] i mean we can eat these though right yeah storage body over there is on the case okay there's some nose plants over here boy i do not see a source of heat anywhere why anywhere else that is uh who needs nose you need nose oh also nosebleed gives a lot of food flat yellow mushrooms is that another egg that is another egg i'm a little concerned that if i put this down it'll like if we step too far away from it it will unload you know maybe i should just put this down here for now maybe the plan should be to open this thing here and if we manage that aha only two of those were the right thing shoot yeah you're not so at this point i can just run around in collect mode if i run into the right one it will uh it will collect wait wait wait i thought i saw it for a second [Music] flat top yellow ah and we definitely have the uh oh right wait sorry don't roll plus we actually have to [Music] okay it did maintain the other egg hello friend vogue sure but so now we're at now we're at maximum party size so i guess we just leave the eggs here or i mean we could hatch them at least if i you know what let me just say i do not think it's polite to leave someone in the egg if you can assist in their hatching [Music] you don't have to go home and you can stay here you know if you want whatever i'm not the boss of you whoa okay they just i guess they just won't hatch oh no must hydrate [Music] are you a watery plant no oh no we just we need like a pond didn't someone have yes no that's not it i thought someone had an extra copy of the thing that makes you a water processor i definitely see what the what the deal is with wanting a water processor around i'm getting so i'm getting so so woozy so desperate where the damn sack flies when you need them are you a water plant no it was all so easy it was all so easy once upon a time okay what if what about that place where the place where we could fall down oh this is water drink drink drink drink drink found some oh so much better oh so much better okay maybe a little bit of rolling friends because some creatures are [ __ ] okay we found some we found some water and stuff i can see that there are gonna be some challenges here anyway where was that little that little cool little thing we could fall down it was it was out there it is it was outputting sparkles so it shouldn't be too hard to oh i don't like it when they just walk around on their uh a lot of the creatures in this game are very unsettling i wasn't sure if there was fall damage if there's a thing i need to care about oh legs also sick friend except i cannot we cannot take you with us friend am i allowed to heal you anyway need more leadership wow okay judgmental well phone you should get legs okay cool then we'll give the other one to someone else when we get out of here um that does not actually come down what a weird little area ah okay so what happens if you eat crystals you cannot eat crystals rocks is not food [Music] okay this gives a power we're gonna wait until we're outside to figure that out ah there is so much of this gem dust in the environment okay we're not gonna be able to get up that way so crystal type items are probably like ammunition more than anything right you're just spitting rocks at people that makes sense nope okay clumsy the jumps are a little uh the jumps really don't work if you're too far away from things and they also don't work very well if you're too close to things oh wait hold on i gotta give you this all right let's find out hey nuvu what have you learned the mineral processor is constantly refining minerals transferring them into units of refined mineral that can be used for various purposes huh okay wow that is an intense look uh well here i guess take these just all right somebody else had some minerals too right how is uh where's gogo [Music] we're sure to remember friends [Music] there you are oh hold on velen doesn't have a nose yet [Music] obviously this is tremendously important [Music] okay well i feel like let's do let's do one more objective here and then maybe call it for the day i think i'm just trying to get the hang of this i do kind of wish they hadn't attached a cost to rolling now though because i do just want to roll absolutely everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the trebum felt a great power flowing through this cave but they were not afraid the powerful familiar even friendly these glowing structures were the work of their ancestors okay so more things to spend this currency on increase the size of the stamina wheel that's pretty good these are definitely strongly based on the uh visuals of the the four elements from the fifth element you know what that's a lot of loose mineral [Music] how's this going so when you finish a thing what actually happens here he's working on that thing in slot 3. i'm assuming based on the the diagram that it showed us that it's just going to convert it into currency but let's actually be watching when it happens yep it converts it into quite a lot of currency so then we definitely do want you to grab as many of these as you can and just like you know slowly work on this while we're while we're doing stuff okay what does this one do maximum water storage and also okay that one i'm not so worried about it seems like food's quite plentiful i do kind of want to increase our maximum water storage [Music] oh there's another one over there i probably should have looked at that one before spending again let's get in here are you drinking i yeah i guess so it's feeling a little i mean i get it it's overwhelming the whole thing's kind of overwhelming oh hell [Music] yeah how close is our uh our processor to finishing okay let's get the job done it turns out the stuff that was in here process processes really quickly i think we're just gonna hang out for a second and get to four and then upgrade this one more time shouldn't take that long and then we can refill on these rocks before we leave it feels to me like having an awful lot of trebums just like it's gonna give you such a variety of tools i don't know if it actually increases the since we effectively share a water meter and stomach i could see it increasing the rate of drain potentially look at him down there just being adorable all right there we go wait current 3.1 there we go just took a second to update okay now we are up to seven units per family but okay these things are water that's worth carrying around right and i guess with that we're good to go all right i feel like this is maybe a pretty good place to stop this is all sort of overwhelming um thank you all so much for watching with the intention with the series is for there to be another hour of gameplay every weekday until we resolve the mystery of the eternal cylinder so when you come back next time tomorrow i guess we're just gonna keep adding to our little family and keep getting stranger seems to be the only way to survive around here and we'll see you then
Channel: SB
Views: 7,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LcbZWkkBXx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 42sec (4302 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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