When Enough isn't Enough | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you choose what what [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the lifting of your hands let's give him praise with the listing of your voices let's release the sound of horse come on there you go open up your mouth and release the phrase [Music] Lord we give prayer [Music] why are we give you [Music] would we give you honor we reverence your spirit your presence we acknowledge your mighty king hallelujah praise this one [Music] it's what I tell you [Music] where is this way [Music] Oh it's what I do we're just one [Music] it's all I know to do it's what I do a single one more time together pray this word [Music] it's what I do we were that's all along to do praise your name [Music] Oh it's what I do yes it is place is Who I am praises who it's that's who I am I won't let the rocks cry out in mountains [Music] that's who I am nobody gets the glory from you cheese's but me I'll give it to you every papers please who [Music] it's who I it's Who I am raises it's like it's [Music] everybody sing it one more time praise this what I do it's what I do come on to give a phrase [Music] what a sweet spirit that's in this place hallelujah does anybody feel that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's what I - let's flip it up together one more time Church with my hands lift it up because our actions raises [Music] ooh sweet spirits [Music] it's what I do [Music] come on and give a praise you may ask yourself why would I just stop in the middle of worship and have a conversation so you have to understand that there has to be a strand of connection between the minister and the minstrel that he is as connected to this move of what God is doing in this room and even though God has given me the job it doesn't mean I can't seek the counsel of somebody else who God is using so the question is what should we do next he says what's your word I said this is the word he says you got to give it because it confirms what just took place and we got a couple options we could just we could just worship so as we could just worship and we could just go and got to look at all of these capable you know you could go to one song that field could sing right and you could move over a rock or sing Totti just oh Jesus but the word will said you got to give it because this one is for the house I I only have 24 minutes to give you this word but it doesn't take God long so I had you on my mind a day I don't even know why you're standing there oh go to Luke chapter 18 god is real y'all yes sir in the spirit absolutely you all right George I this this is not one of those service security just just do whatever you have to do but wherever people are just let them stay where they at let them worship don't don't move nothing around let the lower have his way today we today we're gonna let the Lord do this we're not I know we got protocol and we got all this stuff to do but just today just right now I don't even know what's gonna happen to set just chill just let let's let God do it if he can't do it it can't be done let's just relax I don't care what people are just leave them where they are and I trust that you will not abuse that freedom over these next 20 minutes I'm just gonna let the spirit do what he has to do Luke 18 verse 19 if you look at verse 18 years what it says and a certain rule I said good master what shall I do here it is just to be saved jesus said in him why do you call me good none is good save one that's God see if you knew what to get excited about that see when I read the Bible that kind of stuff drives me insane that Jesus was saved there is none good that seen God now that's one one of the messages I'm trying to get in the earth if Jesus can say he's not good this idea that you that God is looking for good people that they don't exist save one and what he's actually saying translation there is only he says I'm not good except there is one save one that's what it means and then he says who verse 20 thou knowest the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness honor your mother and father watch what this man says he said I've been doing all of that since I was born now when Jesus heard these things he said unto Him you lack one thing sell everything you have and give it to the poor and follow me and when he heard this he got sad because he was very rich and when Jesus saw that he was sad he said it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God for it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for one rich man into the kingdom of God this man has enough money to buy anything he wants and yet he has finally come up against something in life that money cannot buy he has enough money what I want to talk about over the next 20 minutes though when enough isn't enough you may be seen when enough isn't enough chronologically we've come to understand that Jesus was born of a virgin named Mary chronologically we understand that after that Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day he disappears from our periphery and then we see him again at the age of twelve as an adjunct professor teaching doctors and lawyers chronologically we see that he disappears from our perspectives yet again this time for another 18 years resurfaces on the scene at the age of 30 has walked on water in his 30s has healed the sick and raised the dead in his thirties and ladies and gentlemen as a millennial at the age of 33 our Jesus is dead the truth is in three years three years everything you read about in the Bible about Jesus took place in three years what are you doing with your life when he walked on water when he healed the sick when he unstopped deaf ears when he went to the mountain to pray everything that you read in the entire Bible about Jesus Christ as his axe three years see if you utilize your time better you could get so much more done see but Jesus had an advantage he knew that he only had thirty three years he knew that he only had three years he was telling them the whole way I must need suffer the cross I I'm going to die he predicted it told his disciples it's going to be over you and I don't have such a luxury no man knows the day nor the hour when he will take his last breath so now you must live every day like it is your last day the conversation between Jesus and this rich man is really more of a reflection of society today when this year started off everybody was excited about God everybody was excited about Jesus it was 2019 you couldn't get anybody's church anywhere January ain't over and the thrill is already gone January isn't over and everybody who came for their fix who came out of their guilt from last year and who thought that they were going to manipulate God to hurry up and do something the thrill is gone the enthusiasm is waning and I've come today to give you a shot of tranquility and almost a spiritual tranquilizer to impede the digression to give you some advice that you do not fall victim of buyer's remorse and spiritual fatigue that if God doesn't act like you want him to act in January then you will go back to acting like October of last year if you just wait on the Lord he will renew your strength and this fight that you're in to reach the highest level of destiny takes more than a four week adrenaline rush this is not about adrenaline this is not about hope this is not about maybe this is about holding up the blood-stained banner this is about working the works of the one that sent you while it is day four the night is coming this is about letting God know that when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child in other words before I was mature yes I will come every other Sunday before I was mature I will come on Easter Mother's Day and Christmas but when I became a woman and a man and I became mature then it didn't matter the holiday I was just glad when they said unto me God help me in this place let us go to the house of the Lord can you prophesy to your neighbors say I'll see you in March I'll see you in June because I speak divine energy into your mind you're not gonna let the weapons of your warfare keep you down you're not gonna let the devil keep you at home you got cancer keep worshiping until you get on the front row and say you healed that no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper and I want to add an addendum that every line tongue of the enemy that rises up against you shall be condemned devil the blood is against you I loved when I saw mothers bringing their daughters to the altar and fathers praying for their sons and wives hugging their husbands because the devil is finding out that when you push a Christian into a corner we get unified and we come out worshiping and we come out praising and we come out giving God glory a promotion will take care of a home-invasion y'all not here with me today Satan the blood is against you the conversation between this young man what we have come to know through linguistic study he is according to the scripture you've read this before the rich young ruler now depending on who you talk to that is semantics because he is between 24 and 40 years old okay so he's a young man he's millennial age which means that he has done well with his life because at 24 he has enough money that has gotten God's attention you got to understand God is rich Jesus left heaven he left gold streets he left he lived in a gated community right Bible says three gates in the east three gates in the north then he's left he's left angels and legions and and and and he's impressed by this young man's wealth and he comes to the young man but really the young man really arrest Jesus attention and says a good teacher a good teacher I want to inherit eternal life can you teach me here was the first problem that most people have and I want you to notice this going into 2019 watch what he says he says good teacher I want you to teach me about eternal life which lets me know that he really doesn't know who he's talking to he really thinks that Jesus is nothing more than a rabbi he thinks that he's nothing more than than a rabbinical teacher he thinks that he's just another moral man he doesn't know that he's in the presence of God and and what happens when you have a situation is that sometimes you can get so deep in your stuff that you can be in the presence of God and not know it the Bible says that Peter stepped out of the boat and then when he saw Jesus God spoke to him and watch what Peter says Peter says is it a ghost now Peter how do you call him a ghost you have seen him turn water to wine you have seen him open blinded eyes but he is in his storm and when you get in your storm Jesus watch this appears to be a ghost why because most of us don't know who he is when he shows up in the forum we don't expect so if you're struggling in the area of money and he doesn't show up financially you think it ain't God if you need healing and he doesn't heal your body when you want it healed then you think it's not God but see sometimes God shows up in a form you don't recognize to see if you are in love and in tune with his presence or the presence don't miss this touching episode you got to know who he is and it seems as though this conversation that has taken place between this rich man and this and this God is really the linchpin of this generation because watch this it's the most effective stump speech any politician could ever give because he's rich and God asked him about his money and the conversation changes because this generation and especially those of us in here who are like this rich young man between 24 and 40 if I mention money and shirts y'all run around here if I say you're gonna get a blessing that got your name on it you come out of your shoes you dance with your bare feet you mess up your pedicure you don't because if you want to church the shout tell them they got a financial blessing on the way tell them to forgive and the church shuts down and let me tell you something when you read your Bible and I'm getting ready to preach and if this all I get the chance to say for the 10 minutes this is what the Lord sent me to say if you look in the Bible every time there is a miracle you see obedience whenever you see sacrifice you see questions Jesus turned the water to wine bring me two water pots sure Jesus I'm blind go dip in the pool and wash your eyes absolutely Jesus my hand won't stretch out stretching out absolutely Lord I've been on the bed 38 years I want to walk pick up your bed every time somebody wants to miracle and God tells them what to do then all of a sudden they become obedient then God says pay your taxes do we got a renders or C's or seasons go up the mountain and sacrifice Isaac where is the lamb every time God actual sacrifice we have a question and as we build this dream Center many of you are asking God what do you want from me God says I want you to be obedient in the area of money the same way you are obedient in the area of miracles when I tell you I'm gonna heal your body from cancer you don't ask me why when I tell you that I'm going to heal your mother you don't have any questions when I tell you that I'm going to bless you then all of a sudden your worship it's on 10 but whenever I ask you to sacrifice you got a question why why we got a tie why is it that the loudest part of the service is the deliverance part of the service and the quietest part of the service is they're offering why because we want all the miracles but we don't want to give the money and this rich young man i'ma give you the end of the story since I don't have time he probably died and went to hell because he chose to stay with his money Jesus says sell everything and follow me what'd he say I don't know if I can do all that I don't know if I can do all that now watch this when God says keep the commandments oh I got that I got that thou shalt not lie thou shalt not thou shall not commit adultery honor your mother and father treat your neighbor as you treat yourself watch this because of the six Commandments that God gives him and notice if you go back and read the text God only says six Commandments there are actually ten and the reason why he didn't give him the first four is because the first for any good Jew would do love the law with all of your heart the first four had to do in your relationship with God the last six has to do with your relationship with people and what he was saying is I got the six it's the four I'm struggling with and and what we find out is that in the text he loses out on eternal life because he was settled for temporary riches oh god I knew y'all were gonna say man but but he should have read what job said naked I came into this world and naked shall I leave the Lord giveth and he taketh away I came to preach to you today that show worship shouldn't be on the fact that he's a healer your worship shouldn't just be about you wanting a promotion on your job your worship shouldn't be about stuff sometimes you just need to bless the Lord because he's God sometimes you need to bless the Lord and it doesn't matter if it's your favorite song holla at your boy it doesn't matter if it's Hillsong or Walter Hawkins whatever it is if it's talking about Jesus they ought to be a praise on your lips are you with me so far now I'm going to show you the three things that the devil is gonna use against you in the next season I'm getting ready identifying if you lose it's because you didn't take my advice watch what the Bible says he's a rich young ruler now in order for us to get rich young ruler we don't get that out of Luke because he does not say that specifically you've got to read all the synoptic Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke John doesn't cover this topic but the synoptic Gospels do and when you read it you find out that all three of the writers called him something different one writer calls him rich another writer calls them young and then watch this the other writer mark says that when they saw Jesus he to him and then when I put all of that together I find out that's how the devil is going to use his imps to affect your life in the next season one says he's young the first thing he's going to use against you as your age another writer says he's a ruler the next thing he's going to try to get you to do is either seek our abuse Authority and then the last guy says that when he saw Jesus he ran after him so here's what the devil is gonna use against you in this next season age Authority and aggression god help me in this church age Authority and aggression he's either going to tell you you're too young or too old and you're gonna use your age as an excuse well I'm young so I'm having fun no you're older than you think it's time to get busy oh well I'm old ain't nobody gonna pay attention to the old person no you are wise and you too you're too wise to make a mistake are you with me today he's either gonna use your age you're gonna think you're too young or too old and God says I can do what I want to do with you at the age you are at now and then he's gonna use Authority because some people either don't act because they don't have authority or they get a little bit Authority and now they think they somebody so God says I'm going to either get you to be jealous of Authority are abused Authority come on and if I can't get you with that then imma get in your temper and let you use your aggression to destroy yourself and I want to talk to somebody in here today who has recognized that the devil is using your aggression you fight everything you're growling and every barking you're you're growling at every passing car you're fighting everybody on the job everybody who comes up in your space you're ready to fight and you don't know why because the devil is using your aggression to destroy you there is a season and there is a time for everything under the heavens but this is not the season for you to fight every day sometimes you got a watch and pray and this we this is the problem with the rich young ruler and with this generation all we know how to do is fight why do you not just fight and and we got all these kind of excuses well my momma was working so I raised myself my daddy wasn't there for me so I didn't know how to be a man my mama didn't hug me so I don't got love him just shut up it's just a whole bunch of excuses because there are a whole lot of people who didn't have their father and they're still good men they're a whole lot of women who didn't have mothers and they're still good women there are a whole lot of people who did not grow up with money and yet they can manage it and you're not going to be blessed until you stop using your past as an excuse for a failing future slap somebody say overcome it I don't care what you've been through here is the key you went through it and so if you went through it going through anything means you're on the other side I came to prophesy you're not in it you're on the other side of it you're not you're not still going through it you're on the other side now that show body is how can you snatch no man out with you are you with me so far everybody say age Authority and aggression these are the three things that devil is going to use to try to hinder you age Authority and aggression the Bible shows us that that when it comes to receiving this miracle he was excited but when God says you got to leave everything behind he's got buyer's remorse and God gives him the 6 commandments that have to do with people because let me tell you if you're going to be rich if you're going to be rich the first thing you're going to need to understand is that that riches come from relationships I want to talk about the wealth of relationships there are a lot of people who have money but when you don't have anybody to enjoy it with then you are poor you can have a mansion but if nobody ever comes over there you are poor you can have a bitly but if you don't ever use it to help somebody get somewhere you are poor and I want to talk to people who have dollar in their pocket but don't have a heart in their chest you can have stuff god help me in this church because this generation is all about stuff you want to be rich by the time you're 25 you wanna you want a penthouse on the top of the building but you won't speak to the bellman on your way up god help me in here did this generation you want to walk around with a latte in one hand with a Birkin bag on your arm with a little nasty poodle inside your purse you want to drink wine at noon and coffee at 4:00 and you don't want to work and you won't jerks and you all wrecks and you own stacks but you don't want to speak to nobody you don't want to treat anybody right you don't want to hug anybody you don't want to minister that's why the church is suffering because now we got divas and no prayer warriors it's time for us to get back to the things of God what happened to the woman of God who have to hold it ghost and didn't mind if your breath stank didn't matter if you had alcohol on your breath didn't mind if it had needle prints in your arms and will still lay her hands on you and say devil come out of this child now everybody nobody can't heal cuz everybody's dressed that's one thing I miss about the church I don't miss those nurses uniforms but those shoes was comfortable enough to do ministry you laughed at them and the hill was that thick but sister saw it so would throw toe shoes off and lay hands on somebody we can't even heal because by the time we get there somebody say relationships and God ain't against you being rich and he was against you being rich he wouldn't have made David rich if he was against you being rich he wouldn't have made Abraham rich if he was against you being rich he wouldn't allow that kids to be rich but that kids does something different than the rich young ruler when God comes after that kids and says follow means that kid says well God to follow you how about I give up half of what I got when God asks this man to follow him he didn't even counteroffer he's a rich man he's got negotiation skills he should have said okay God you say all how about 25% he didn't counter because he didn't want to part with anything what you don't know is that when God comes and ask you for something he will be happy with whatever you give but you just got to get to the point where you rather have Jesus oh I'm so tired of preaching the people only time they shout is when they think they're gonna go to the car light and get a car they can't afford with a credit score they should eat Lord let me see the only time y'all shout is when I tell you you're gonna go to the car light will show 500 and they're gonna give you alone but what I really need to be telling you is because you have a 500 credit score stay oh but at home the only one hit at because he won't got to work a miracle and when it comes to the miracles you're obedient but when it comes to the sacrifice you got questions god help me in this cold church thank you thank you will for telling me to preach it anyhow let's see if I would have just met y'all showered and left you out here now to let you eat dessert without some vegetables and you know what that's called spoil the wealth of relationships we've got to care about a generation outside of our own we're building his dream center rich young ruler we're building his dream center rich young ruler and it's going to be a sacrifice and we're not going to spend the next two years asking gosh should we they're building the bus station our truck station over here I don't see them arguing with their shareholders about building see the world keeps on building skyscrapers in every city generation Park over here hotels over here apartment buildings over here luxury apartments going up in the Galleria you can't go nowhere without seeing the world bill and here it is the Church of Jesus Christ some of our churches some of our churches have the same rule appending on the wall they have when the old mama went there you ever walked in one of them churches and it got wood on the wall how many originally have you know what I'm talking about so y'all know what I'm saying and I'm not making fun of it but don't you think that by now it oughta been some remodeling somewhere but you know why it's difficult because when people get used to what they won't and you ask him to do something else now their homes will be new see this this is this is the balancing act this is the balance of that because everything you pray for up here is going to be validated by what you do with this word listen you ain't gonna nip you let God you ain't smart enough you can keep bringing all these tears up here leave them all leave them all and God is too smart to be tricked he knows your heart so you might as well go ahead and just be real god I'm struggling because here's the difference between a rich young ruler God didn't mind him having money he just minded the money having him and I'm wondering do you have the money or does the money have you are you not comfortable unless your hair is done are you not comfortable unless your nails are done brothers are you not comfortable unless you got a knot in your pocket can you can you still be who you are without all of the stuff Oh God because if you got the right relationships when you don't have the money if you got the right relationship somebody to come to you and say you've been doing it for $15 without when you when you do it for the right reason God will send somebody my question for you is not how are you balancing your checkbook my question is how are you balancing your relationships and do people only hear from you when you need something from them let me just get to the end and let y'all go because all your Holy Ghost is going I didn't expect you to keep it I mean I I wish I think next Sunday what I should do is just play the tape cuz you think I'm lying I just gonna play the tape and show y'all how when I was talking about miracles I had 7,000 people up here crying and now I'm talking about sacrificing y'all look like lumps on a log it's amazing and God it's not food you are actually showing him you're not ready to be blessed on that level because your worship should not be over because I'm not promising you something your worship should not be over because I'm not telling you in miracles around the corner I'm trying to tell you that if you sacrifice when you get to the mountain there will be a lamb and you won't have to give what you came willing to give I'm just gonna pull the tape I'm just gonna put a tape me I know we tape everything I'm just gonna show you you so you don't think I'm fussing I just want you to look at yourself say mmm that's a shame just 30 minutes ago y'all now I'm talking about sacrifice i'ma tell y'all it's rough it's rough it's rough when I'm when I'm preaching miracles we almost have like a slumber party everybody stared searching touch me over at 11:00 y'all still be here 650 just on the flow now I'm talking about sacrifice in 15 seconds somebody walking out the door say my Sunday this ain't what I came for come back next week when you got a word I gotta go to work I made up in my mind I made up in my mind as a pastor I'm gonna tell you where my shift was I used to ask God for masses but then I realized that masses are cancerous now I'm looking for disciples 1,000 disciples can do more than 10,000 attenders anybody heard of NRA the NRA has successfully made sure that gun legislation in this country has not been changed in any of our lifetime there are 350 million people in this country the NRA has 4 million people on their own 4 million people have silence the voices of what 75% of the Americans say why because they are unified in their purpose and the church could ever get unified in its purpose we could shut hell down and put it out of business but you have to own all of the Bible you can't just want the promise part you gonna have to sacrifice the Bible says and I didn't get a chance I we didn't have the time but the Bible says that this man did not follow Jesus because of what Jesus asked him for and the saddest part of this whole story is the Bible says that he got sad and he turned away from God what he should have really realized is if he knew who God was he would know that there is no mountain he won't climb up there was no wall that he won't kick down there's no lie that he won't tear down coming after me God has a reckless love and that even though the man didn't want to give up his possessions if he would have knew he was talking to he was just said God just as I am I come after you I'm coming after you with this stingy mentality I'm coming after you with the inability to give up my riches and what he he would a new God if he would a new God he would have known that God will leave the ninety-nine and that's the greatest thing about our God therefore everybody in here who will admit prodigal son that you want your portion of your inheritance and you want to go out and live wild and do whatever you want to do you want to get lit you want to get turned because you're young cuz this your season because this is your time you want to have fun and all of that is fine but let me tell you something maturity calls for sacrifice when I hear young mothers say I'm gonna have fun you should have thought about that before you got pregnant when you when you get a baby all that's over with if you really care about your children you can't just leave them with anybody and at any time and just because people will watch them you don't know what kind of spirits and and conversations and language is being put in your child you don't know what kind of manners uncle is over there when you're not around you you gotta sacrifice ain't nobody babysat my daughter's but they grind Mama's and they auntie's and if I didn't have a babysitter we didn't do it cuz I know what I'm gonna do if I find out so ain't no sense even put me in that situation let me just go ahead on enhance my protection because I'm turning the club up sacrifice this is a season of sacrifice did you not know that the Bible says that you have to even give the sacrifice of praise that praise as a sacrifice this is the season of sacrifice and yes we're saying we're going to build a dream Center and yes we're saying that people are going to have to give gifts but you know what Davis served his generation and it's about legacy and it's about leaving something behind that's bigger than you and the 2,000 of us bought this building 10,000 of us can build that one and over the next two weeks I'm going to be challenging you with words you're not accustomed to because I want you to be a total Christian and not just one that understands that God is good and he's a provider and that he's all of this sometimes God would come to you rich young ruler and say leave everything behind and follow me and my last question is is why would you worship up about a God who can leave the ninety-nine and come after the one and you won't leave the one to chase after the one who left the 99 if you would have just admitted here I haven't been sacrificing and I'm not talking about financially just financially I haven't been sacrificing there times I could've made in the Bible study but I just went home because I was lazy there was times I could have I could I haven't even picked up my prayer journal and I got it but I've been looking at it but I have it's a sacrifice I've been tired of if you just if you know you haven't been given God everything I just want you to stand to your feet I haven't been praying in the morning like I should I haven't been praying that night I've been I've been falling asleep while I try to read the Bible how many of you've done that before be honest I started reading that word woke up and the Bible is still on Genesis 1:1 right on my chest in the beginning tomorrow in the beginning God in the beginning of God cream ate it [Music] have you seen how aggressive you are in your portfolio but how passive you are and your spiritual growth how many applications have you filled out to increase your salary how many job interviews have you been on some of y'all ripping and running all over the city taking one daughter that cheerleading practice once on the football practice one daughter to too badly and and your niche to football and sheep play on the boys team and it's all you're just doing all kind of stuff and then when it comes by the time you come to God you have nothing left you and all kind of clubs and all kind of book clubs and all kind of girl clubs and girls night out what about God's day out I want you for the next 15 seconds and I've got to move because the next service is coming in I want you to ask God to forgive you close your eyes lift your hands god I need a sacrificing I need a sacrificing huh come on pray no shadow you won't light up Mountain you won't climb up coming after me no oh you won't kick down my I won't tear down coming no you were lighter now she will come up coming after me no I won't come [Music] now do you all time up coming after me Oh Oh [Music] [Music] I say to you who are sad because you have not yet been able to do what God has asked you to do don't give up because his love is reckless and no matter what walls and what habits have been built in you by how you were raised and where you came from there is no lie that the devil has told you that God won't kick down there is no wall that you have built in between you and him that he won't tear down to come after you so I say be not weary and your will doing do me a favor and high-five three people say he's coming after you he's coming after you he's coming after you he's coming after you he's coming after you needs coming after you he's coming after you is coming after you he's coming after you he's coming after you he's coming up Oh [Music] [Music] never without a minute
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 28,774
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, When Enough isn't Enough, Rejection, Purpose, amazing story, relationship with god, worship, Bishop, faith, jesus, God, grace, god sermon, power, strength, waking faith, truth, prayer, universe sermon, amen jesus, amen, believing in god, beautiful day, son of god, jesuschrist, evil spirit, god's word, pastor keion henderson, pastor, bible, what is god, jesus video, holy spirit video, spirit of fear of god, blessings, christian, blood moon
Id: LgmDlAf8OAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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