A Lame Excuse | Lighthouse Revival | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] anybody knows we're worthy was to be our guest speaker today and teach Bible study I couldn't rest last night because I knew you and I had an appointment I didn't know how to tell a man who had gotten on a plane and had been looking forward to something for the last three months that all bets were off because God had called a revival called my wife on the phone and she said to me she says I sure hate you ain't preaching tonight I said I don't because we've got a realm in the bush pastor Torrance walked in my office about 1:15 he said Reverend I'm not trying to get in your business but you know you're supposed to be preaching tonight it ate it so I called my bishop I said Bishop here are the circumstances what should I do he told me what to do I called the pastor on the phone and said pastor I know you're in town but God called a revival and I have an appointment with the people he said Reverend my plane is stuck and I can't even get out I came to tell you tonight that anything that's coming that ain't supposed to Dazs going to ground it [Music] [Applause] you and I have an appointment [Music] Acts chapter 3 verse number 1 [Music] now Peter and John went up together whoo holy goes into the temple at the hour of prayer beginning at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and a certain man [Music] lame from his mother's womb was carried when they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful two acts alms of them that entered into the temple whose sing Peter and John about to go in to the temple axed forms and Peter fastened his eyes on him with John said look on us and he gave heed unto them expecting to receive what he had been asking for then Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I thee in the name of Jesus rise up and walk he had been lame from birth some of you have used what happened to you earlier on in life as an excuse to stay in your same position [Music] which is why I want to talk about today it's a lame excuse touch three people on your way down and you'll see to say it's a lame excuse [Music] Peter was the focal point of our discussion on last night before we know that when God began the church there was a sound of a mighty rushing wind and the Holy Ghost the third person of the Trinity the comforter left behind by God to be a helper we don't need biblical linguistic jargon to know that he is a helper because one of the ways that you know help in the English language is by the prefix para when you jump out of a plane you have the help of a parachute if you were to get sick right now we would call the paramedics when you're in trouble you called the Paraclete the name of the holy ghost it's a strong tower peter was the focal point of yesterday's discussion but just one chapter later we see he has company now from here on you're going to hear Peter and John I wonder why God didn't make John Peters assistant pastor at Pentecost then I come to realize that the topic is getting ready to change from worship to wonders this is the first miracle enacted upon humanity in the New Testament church and the reason why John had to be present is because the Prophet said that whenever there was a testimony it had to be established out of the mouths of two and so we know a miracle is coming because now Peter the long wolf now has company he's a pear he's got help Peter and John are on their way up to the temple to pray I wish I could just stay right there for a moment because people come to church for all kind of reasons they come from miracles they come for fashion shows they come for free dating service they come to grow their network marketing companies but I wish more people would come to pray he did not say my house she'll be called of all nations the house of business he did not say my house shall be called of all nations the house of the hook-up he says my house shall be called of all nations the House of Prayer and you want to know how to get out of your situation praises all right but it doesn't always do because you don't even have to be saved to praise them Psalms 150 said let everything that has breath praise that I feel glory you don't even have to be saved to praise them all you have to do is breathe even rocks will praise them the trees will wave their limbs and praise the grass will sway and praise you don't need salvation to praise praise and worship are two totally different things there are some things that only come by fasting and praying I want to tell you you need to work on your prayer life you need to learn that theology works for the theologian but nee ology works for the garbage man there's somebody here that will tell you that when they lost their job they went to the prayer closet when the divorce came they went to their knees do I have any prayer Warriors will say I might not be on the prayer team but when I send one up God has a history of sending something down do I have any prayer warriors our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in it give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power the glory forever amen I hate to tell you that ain't no prayer if you go back and you check the holy record the disciples came to Jesus as they had teach us to pray like John taught his disciples and he said when you pray you are to pray according to this format our Father signifying who he is which art in heaven saying where he is because in order to pray right you got a praise right because hallow it means holy and there are a lot of people go down on their knees asking but before you asked anything of him you need to say law thank you for what you've already done and if you don't do anything else you've already done enough what people don't recognize is that praising is praying that when you're thanking him because most people don't know that a thinking Saint is actually a thanking Saint for when I think of the goodness Jesus and all that he has done for me my soul shouts out hallelujah if I can get about 200 people to just start thinking I'll get 500 people to start thinking because let me tell you a thank you it's contagious I dare you start thanking them for the STD you didn't get I beg you start thinking them for the drug that didn't kill you I did you start thinking them for the divorce that didn't cause you to blow your brains out is there anybody in here that has a think on your lips and let me tell you Jame I said I got a praise on the inside that I can't keep to myself any praise you can keep to yourself is a result of a blessing you have created yourself but when God has done something for you you can't help but say hallelujah give your neighbor high five and say neighbor I'm probably gonna give you ten of those tonight let me borrow this one early I want to say thank you cuz it could have been me outdoors with no food and no clothes I could have been just another number with the tragic end but I've come tonight to say thank you Lord for all not just soon not a majority but for all the things you have done for me and I didn't just come to thank you for the things I liked I came to tell you it was good that I was afflicted I came to thank you for the hell I went through I came to thank you for the house they took and I'm not gonna lose my mind over what they took because I'm gonna need it for what you're about to sing I came to prophesy don't lose your mind over a man that left you you don't need it for the man God is about to sing don't you lose your mind over the woman that left you because you're gonna need your mind for your good thing Peter and John are going together because what God is getting ready to do is gonna be so miraculous you gonna need a witness to authenticate it do me a favor and ask your neighbor what the old preacher would ask do I have a witness look at somebody and say do I have a witness because what God is getting ready to do for me ain't gonna be able to tell this thing by myself what God's getting ready to do for me if I tell people he did this they gonna think I'm crazy so I need you to hook up with me and promise that's your document my journey cuz God's getting ready to give me more then I got room enough to receive that's why you need to make sure you standing by the right person because overflow spins on the person next to you you don't want to throw your pearls to swine so do me a favor and interrogate your neighbor and say are you worthy of this glory that God's about to put on my life Peter and John are going up to the tomb and s Peter and John came to the gate that was called beautiful they see a man who is lame who has not the activity of his lower extremities laying at a gate called beautiful oxymoronic at best paradoxical at worse because it's a double entendre because here is a man in an ugly situation at a beautiful gate he has never walked because he has lain since birth getting ready to do something that he has no experience in get ready for God to tell you to do things you've never done before he is laying at the gate called beautiful well Josephus suggests that in the Jewish chronological linguistic terminologies there is no such thing in the lexicon as a gate called beautiful you cannot find it in the in the Greek language you cannot find it in the Jewish lit there is no such thing as a gate called beautiful there are actually according to Josephus ten gates to the sanctuary ten of agates are either plated with gold or silver but this particular gate that he is sitting at is made of Corinthian brass more heavy and expensive than all ten all nine of the gates put together so the gate is called beautiful but it is not the gate called beautiful it is called beautiful because of what it is made of I came to tell you that you ain't beautiful because of how you look you're beautiful because of what's only inside of you oh I wish I had somebody in here who says my nose might be wider than I want it to be but as long as I keep these insides together baby I'm all of that do I have anybody here say I might be a little overweight but I got a good heart on the inside and some of us are underweight on the outside and some of us are overweight on the inside but I came to tell somebody in here this is the season not for you to lose weight this is the season for you to gain weight I got Bible they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength slap somebody say imma gained weight in this season I've been in a hurry for the last two years but I'm gonna sit at my gate called beautiful huh and I'ma wait until my change comes anybody been waiting anybody been waiting for a long time I came to prophesy and release a word of knowledge that God's about to sin yo Peter and your John there is somebody who is coming that has what you need and don't think it ain't God because you're gonna be begging for arms and your Peter is gonna say see and gold have I none but I do have something that money cannot buy are you here with me tonight the Bible says that he is at the gate called beautiful the Bible says that that somebody must have picked him up because the Bible says he was laid he was laid at the gate called beautiful he had somebody who was close enough to him to pick him up and take him where he could not get for himself watch this same place same gate the gate called beautiful same place two different purposes one group goes to worship the other one goes to beg Peter and John go to go worship the man goes there to beg they've got the same place but they're going there for two different reasons they got the same place but two different reasons I'm telling you right now some of y'all sitting next to somebody you in the same place but y'all came here for two different reasons you sit next to somebody y'all y'all here right now just do do an assessment look left and right y'all in the same place but but but y'all came for this different reasons and I came to tell you don't let their reason hinder why you came you came here to worship they came here to watch left him watch while you worship do I have somebody that has a bought Emmaus spirit that'll start shouting until you get on somebody's nerves and when they look at you like you crazy look them right in the eye and say pardon me thou son of David have mercy on me they're gonna look at you a little funny and tell you to sit down but I want you to turn up the volume and say thou son of David have mercy on me matter of fact do me a favor tell your neighbor for the second time say neighbor I came to get on your nerve cuz I know would praise let's go up blessings come down and since you didn't bring my blessing to church with you I'm not gonna try to impress you I might irritate you because I'm looking to the heels from which cometh my help and all my help comes from the Lord do I have any worshipers in the room same place two different reasons but don't let why they can disrupt why you came I want you to get what you came here to get this is your last night revival the devil has been bothering some of y'all a long time he has been in your family he has been in your children he has been in your mind and you have not yet told him that he's a liar get it in your mouth right now and say devil you are a liar I've been at this skate too long I've been laying too long I've been using my daddy as an excuse too long I've been using my momma as an excuse too long I've been using my job as an excuse too long I came to tell somebody your legs about to get stretched and it's time for you to get out of that position matter of fact somebody oughta just start shaking it and speak to your legs like he see him and says I command these pawns to live or you ought to speak to your situation by the time today is over everything that the devil has done to you you're gonna pick up your bed and walk up somebody walk it out walk it out touch it and say walk it out walk it out I want you to walk it out walk it out and every time they tell you you can't do it every time you get a week after you've done all you can panda tea try to tell somebody to stand somebody say stand even when you feel like falling stand and that's why you need Jesus because he's the everlasting arm that you can't lean on and when my mother and father have forsaken me there is somebody who's sticketh closer than a brother do I have any standards here today matter of fact Hill your neighbor I'm getting ready to raise my standards I'm not falling anymore I'm not sitting anymore I'm not standing anymore I'm not selling for Less anymore I'm getting ready to stand for what God told me I could have anybody know this is the year of Greater matter-of-fact turn around three times and every time you get an about-face say greater turn around again and say greater turn around again and say greater now psyllid with this greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world now wish I had about 400 people who would say I don't even need a reason I'm gonna ready to take a praise break because I just had a flashback for what the Lord has done for me now a day to start losing your man right now and let's show David no I didn't come to play with you and I don't give a damn what you think about me I came to worship God I came to worship Him in spirit and in truth and when praises show up messes come down somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] a poor man at an expensive gate a poor man at an expensive gate a poor man and an expensive gate he needs money the gate can solve this problem well then if the money was the answer why is he still laying let me tell you you will come up against some stuff that money cannot buy you gonna come up against some hurt that money can solve you gonna come up against some stuff that your money can't get you out of that's why you need to understand that you're gonna need a miracle we talked yesterday about worship well let me tell you what happened after they worship the first thing that we see in the texas after the worship we see a wonder i wanted you to know tonight that you are a candidate for wonder you are a candidate for wonder you are a candidate somebody have five your neighbor for the third time and tell them you are candidate for a wonder he's about to get a miracle and just because he is in the way of a worshiper he gets a miracle don't miss this because they're coming to the temple to worship and what he has found out is that i can't walk but i'm going to come and situate myself in the company of the worshiper if i just put myself in the proximity of somebody who knows how to worship maybe I could get my miracle I don't know who I'm talking to but somebody in here you better look for somebody who got their hands in the air and find your way over to him because just by chance you might receive a miracle because you're in the company of a worshipper oh I wish I had somebody who get what I just said how dare you look around for somebody who ain't too mean look around for somebody who got their hands the air look around for somebody playing scared and get right in front of them and say neighbor while you worship i'ma get in your way because just by chance God might bless me because your blessing him oh you got the wrong neighbor you gotta find somebody [Music] [Music] [Music] say never will you be my prayers partner cuz over the next 15 seconds I'm getting ready to dance on the devastation you don't know what he's done to me you don't know he blocked it from you don't know how almost killed myself you don't know how much lost my man the Devils are lame excuses about the strength of my legs I'm about to get strengthened my boys Shadia [Music] [Music] he's a lay man at a beautiful gate he's a poor man an expensive gate he shows us a lesson that she better stop going into environments that match your condition oh god you didn't miss really you didn't miss me you don't miss me you don't listen you don't miss me just because you're feeling bad don't mean you got to go to bad places just cuz you're doing bad don't mean you got to go to places like that just cuz you're insecure don't mean you gotta settle you better stop going the environments that match your condition I don't care if it is ugly find a beautiful place do I have anybody in here he goes to a gate called beautiful check who you next to cuz you're gonna need them over the next 20 minutes you're gonna need them cuz everything the devil has tried to do to you getting ready to fall off every area you have been limping you are about to start leaping touch your neighbors say I'm in the season of the wonders not only is he a candidate for wonder now he is a candidate for a walker he is walking silver and gold have I none but that ain't what you need anyway in the name of Jesus rise up and walk I would ask you what was the most important word in the entire sentence get up walk rise immediately I would suggest four conjecture that the most important word in the sentence was Jesus at the name of Jesus every knee must bow well then I thought that bowing is better than lame that when he says Jesus something happened the Bible says that when he says rise up and walk past the core he got up immediately now that's amazing because if he had called on the name of anybody else it would have been eventually if he had called a doctor the doctor says you want to walk well there is something we can do come down to the office there were some paperwork you got to fill out there are some things that we have called stem-cell research we can take stem cells from your spinal cord we can inject them in your legs and see if they grow and then we can put your legs in braces and then we can send you the physical therapy and then we'll maybe get you to limp and then another year maybe you'll be able to walk but there are no guarantees but he went to a doctor that never lost the patient and God says I don't need your stem cells because I created them you ain't gonna have to put on no braces when I command you to get up and walk it still happened immediately oh I prophesied that what's getting ready to happen for you it's getting ready to happen immediately touch somebody's tell them by the time the service is over you're gonna be walking in a different area by the time the service is over the miracle is already gonna be at the house and by the time the service is over the headache is already gonna be gone by the time the service is over the cancers going to already be dried up by the time the service is over you ain't gonna be rejected anymore find somebody to say immediately it find somebody tell him immediately I dare you to lay your hands on them and tell them immediately as a matter of fact some of y'all don't believe it because of you believed it you'd be praising God right now because you got to sit in this praise in advance because if it's gonna happen immediately you gotta have a praise on the other side of immediately now over the next 30 seconds and I need every person who believes that God can do it immediately him just start praising the Lord I dare to open up your mouth I dare you to lift up your hands and I tell you to start worshiping and say I'm not gonna wait until the battle is over I'm gonna shout don't shout immediately immediately immediately I'll be somebody over him to act like God has already done it I need somebody over here that no God can handle your innovation I need somebody over here to say devil you should have killed me when you had the chance something happening on the inside I feel something happening feel so much better since I've made [Music] such somebody say walk it out walk it out welcome to your destiny welcome to your Cesar welcome to your miracle I'm going through the next level I'm going to walk I'm syan eyes and if there by chance is not a ram in the bush whatever you need I stand ready not my mother not my father somebody shot walk it out walk it out walk it out [Music] you must have hear what I say I didn't say stand I said walk put your left foot in put your right foot in one over the other [Music] I'm moving to another level [Music] real surface is about to happen there's a Roblin and a sacred someone is a while somebody's out there don't come for me don't come for my family because I got authority to step on the side oh Christ sunny is seeking such [Music] Wow enter your destiny until miracle [Music] [Music] we said in the name of Jesus rise up and walk well this that's why it happened he called on the right name al-sharia they are sufficient one that's why when it caught on Jesus she had a cold all Confucius he might have got the left leg but not the right leg petticoat on Mohammed he might have got the left leg but not the right leg but when you call on Jesus the all-sufficient one will that be made hope tell somebody hang him for partial deliverance I came for the whole thing I didn't come here to feel good today and be depressed tomorrow when I come through this storm I'm done with crying slap somebody and shout neighbor my last here if they don't leave let that situation you got the role neighbor look at somebody else look how many hot grab hands with him and shall labor together we don't lock it up when you get a week lean on my soda when I get a we cannot trust you finding somebody else you've got to roll a book I need you to find somebody to the next dimension yes walk it out walk it out why do you have to walk because there's a law that you don't have to walk seven times but on the seventh time on the Saturday after you finish walking you won't have to shop that's when it comes down until it falls get everything that has breath now you don't believe me the Bible says after he was healed he went back to the temple and started praising God because after the wonder and after the walking he became a witness God says holy people are blessing in this next season our people who don't mind telling somebody who did it for look at your neighbor and shout neighbor for the eighth time if it has built a lot I don't know where I would be you don't move from praise to worship now it's time to give Him glory tell your name I need some room I neither neither of the room I need some room because this glory that I'm about to give I'm gonna need all three scruff feet around me now on the count of three I want you to release a phrase in this house and let the devil know that everything you told me was a lame excuse I am more than enough I am the head and not the tail the rape he tried to take you out with it be abortion he tried to depress you with it the best lame excuse it's time for you to step over what happened and what you did yeah somebody show me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] play with me bonito [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody Ralph why you got us doing all that cuz after God healed him he used two things to worship God his legs and his lips let me tell you you can act how you on act but you can't worship it unless you're using your legs and your lips now I know some of y'all sitting there but you're saying something some of y'all standing but you ain't saying nothing but over the next two minutes you gonna use your legs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] got it let me see let me see you fool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's [Music] somebody say there's a lame excuse you could walk [Music] if you get the right person speaking in your life see the man who carried them never carried him anywhere where he could good help he only carried him to a place that kept him in his condition and I personally think they had a business arrangement because he probably got paid for dropping him off percentage of whatever he gained that day you need to find people in your life who don't gain from your lameness you need people in your life we want you to rise and walk [Music] you see that person next to you they've been through hell and high water too [Music] but they're not gonna let that be excuse to be lame some of us came here today limping Who am I talking to you didn't you didn't come to this revival with no notice I mean we didn't do no market and we just said the Lord said it's a revival I guarantee you guarantee you if we would have tried to market it and say we're gonna have a revival to three weeks down the line four miles down the line the Holy Ghost I didn't tell you to do it when you wanted to do it I didn't tell you to do it when you could prepare to do it I chose to do it when I said do it look at what the Holy Ghost will do need people in your life who don't benefit from you laying at the gate you need people who are in your life that'll help you own the game [Music] last night when I left for our text wheel on the phone it had to be bout midnight so will you were remarkable yesterday and worship I wanted to let him know because whatever you praise you'll get more wrong why would you get jealous because somebody performed well [Music] why would you be jealous because somebody has to give other than you if you just do what you posed to do be anything in life but don't be a hater be anything but a hater you got to help people get to their destiny can I tell you all something the secret to what Felicia and I have done is we have just helped other people get where they wanted to get and somehow we find ourselves where we want to be because if you help enough people achieve what they want to achieve the byproduct is God will give you what you're asking for don't don't be a crab in the barrel put another people down in fact if you see somebody getting ready to get out of the barrel and you stood at the bottom push them out you push the right person out there come back to the barrel let's say this way [Applause] [Music] you know we were we were here yesterday and we were helping women and men who had worked for the government and has been shut down and they hadn't been paid and I'm reminded of what one of our members said something to me some time ago and and she was absolutely right she was absolutely right mama Maddy are you here tonight I don't even know she's here his mama Maddy Allen here this year she may not be she said something to me that struck home she says son she says our church has a lot of young people then she been with us since the beginning she said I church has a lot of a lot of young people in and she said but some of us older members were struggling to [Music] gave me like a ton of bricks because you know she's right she's right she's right is there a senior in here that has been struggling to make it just make it work is there a senior in here somebody will consider yourself come in mother come in within this is mama hen y'all y'all give her a hand mama hidden has been here with us since we started - and mama you have I remember days well you would grab my hands and pray with me and just saying Lord I hope we make it remember those days we were in office buildings and TV stations with no air condition and answering the bathroom even then she believed in us y'all remember that don't you remember always like some of y'all you come now and you see this but can I tell you all we used to have worship in a TV station with two toilets and the doors didn't lock so we had to put somebody outside of the door to make sure that nobody walked in on you while you were using it and it was ants crawling on the toilet so you had to hover and a lot of I and and Momma was a senior and let me tell you some of young people mama and she'll tell you she took over our seasoned Saints ministry and all of that and you know when you when you hot at 20 that's different than being hot at 50 and 60 mm-hmm cuz see y'all and I'm not being facetious I'm telling you what she told me you know she said you needed to be hot to be hot she says no matter what the temperature is I'm hot and you stay right with us and you pray with us I remember you land your hands on the sand Fran and we had another check that we were going to give to another government worker but I'm gonna give it to you i'ma give it to you because truthfully but ain't no you ain't know us and when you have to strengthen you had the money and everything was going well for you you were helping us when we didn't have any of that and Jackie's gonna give it to you today I don't have to wait on it I love she said my hot water heater just went out and it just got fixed today telling one God reimburse you come on y'all give God some praise [Music] I remember she was suffering with vertigo and she would come in church and be dizzy didn't know if the ground was shaking underneath her but she was there every Sunday let me tell you something when you start walking don't you forget those who was there when you was laying [Music] bet have a long memory that remember who was there for you and you couldn't be there for yourself and don't not do anything for anybody because you can't do something for everybody do it in increments do it when you can since she was there for me when police and I would land at the gate called beautiful and I remember when our car the oil change needed we needed to all change because we couldn't afford to get the oil change just I came can you imagine I mean an oil change wasn't about twenty or thirty dollars and we just couldn't get it done anybody know what I'm talking about I just couldn't get it done I remember being so broke that we couldn't even turn on the heat and the people across from us was selling firewood for ten dollars and we didn't even have the ten dollars to go get the firewood I remember our answer to coal was more closed not heat we had to decide maybe you're gonna go to work today okay well if you're gonna go to work I'm gonna stay at home because we ain't got enough gas for both for us to go nowhere and and I'm talking about just six or seven years ago all right this ain't history this ain't 30 years ago this is this is just not that long ago to show you how fast when God touches you he'll do it immediately he'll do it and leave it he will do it immediately when we started this church I was the lame one I remember falesha has $600 cash I have zero to be more specific I had 12 dollars in 86 cents I remember it like it was yesterday together we had six hundred twelve dollars and 86 cents and she had 600 of it I remember she said well we getting ready to start this church she said I want to take the kids on a vacation now our idea of a vacation was Fiesta Texas in San Antonio and we went down there I remember we drove the best part of the whole trip was the Krispy Kreme light was on right before we got there I feel like a mouse will play with Jesus baby said that light is on we made a u-turn went over there and got them donuts and if you if you know anything about being broke you have a conversation with your kids before you get in any place and I will tell them that look you better get fooled before you get in here because once we get in here no hot dogs no cotton candy I remember we got up to that gate and we were getting ready to go in and Felicia took them $600 out and she put it in my hand so that the girls could see me paid [Music] that's a real word put it in my hand so them girls could see me pay and those girls are under the illusion that I have taken care of them their whole life and they have no idea that I've just got in the driver's seat that I was a passenger with them the first few years trying to make this thing live and tearing up our whole bank account throwing all of the same as account in here to keep it opening whenever Jackie and in will count the money and we didn't have enough money to pay the bills I was right in whatever Saturday was given to us I was giving it right back to the church just to pay to pay the bills and when we needed furniture in the church this is this is documented this is real talk we needed furniture in the church Felicia not didn't have furniture in the house because we gave all of the furniture in our house to the church so that all the offices could be furnished I'm gonna tell you something go back in that office in the coal office right now that couch and that table came right from my house that stuff is oh I need to get you some new cos it ain't gonna last much longer imma tell you that right now I got it from one of those you know those furniture stores that ain't got no name you just know some furniture store cuz there's a couch in the window and you drive past it and you know they sell furniture with ain't got no name ain't no prices on nothing you walk in there say how much is that they say what you got you know what I mean and and that's how I learn whenever they say what you got I say I ain't got nothing I'm gonna have to go borrow whatever you say it is and I remember we were go to McDonald's to feed our girls and I'm just talking about being lame yeah I'm just talking about being lame and it's a lame excuse I remember us going to McDonald's and having to feed a family of four at the time before Kaitlin came and all I had was $20 every time we went and I had to give a speech in the car now listen anything that go over $20 we can't get all of our meals had I'm all of our meals had to fit in there 20 the Lord knows when they start raising the prices because the burgers used to be 69 79 and 89 and when he went up to a dollar I just I start panicking today I had a meeting talking about buying a chick-fil-a ain't there something ain't that amazing I ain't that amazing that that I could just be four or five years ago not being able to buy a hamburger and the day talking about buying a franchise what is that I know the devil tried to block because the meeting was at 9:30 I called Jackie at 9:30 Oh God oh my god oh my god Jackie it was the gate issue this morning I had a meeting at 9:30 with the people some people from chick-fil-a for this meeting at 9:30 they make me here at the church and I couldn't get out of the neighborhood because the gate was broken and I called Nicole and I said Nicole I might be going to jail and I need you to come get me because they told me that it was going to be 22 minutes before they could get it open and now if I tell this story and I go to jail y'all can come get me I got out my car and I pushed that gate open myself just just broken food and then became a Highway Patrol man told everybody lemona because they have me blocked in I have to go I got here at 9:54 and I looked at men inside and I said sir in ten years of nine years of past research I've never been late to a meeting this is the God's honest truth I hate late for me own time is 15 minutes early okay I've never been late for a meeting God forgive me I came here late today and looked at the man and I just thought apologized and said sir I'm so sorry I'm never late I'm never late he said well I always am late and I'm surprised I'm on time for this meeting so let's go I was like thank you Jesus it was a gate issue [Applause] and we're almost there it's almost done and all of that from just six or seven years ago 15 903 Yorktown crossing in a one-bedroom apartment with two girls sleeping on the leather couch and Felicia not sleeping in the bed what a room so small that we have to do this just to go to the bathroom around the bed and I could have stayed there but it would have been a lame excuse it would have been a lame excuse because you are not had an appointment and I promise you I will never go anywhere without giving you the directions God has been good to me he's been good to you better than I deserve better than I deserve better than you you order you don't use so much smarter than me you're so much brighter than me you have so much more potential than me you just don't know it life's which never goes off and you realize you really can't walk you'll stop laying at that gate of excuses talking about what you can't do and I have no man to put me in the pool and because I went through this I'm this way and because I went through that let me tell you if I told you my life you would throw up every time I look at my mother I am reminded of how far
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 24,895
Rating: 4.8891821 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, A Lame Excuse, Lighthouse Revival, Lame Excuse sermon, Wonder, Walker, Witness, sermon, worship, church, bishop, faith, trust, jesus, god, power, pastor, surrender, lighthouse worship, lighthouse sermon, god is everything, belief, waking faith, holi, jesus christ, bible, sermons, god sermon, preaching, christian sermons, my god is awesome, religion, revelation, heaven, ministry, spirits, truth, holy spirit, soul, christianity, preacher, christ, ministries, Lod
Id: TTKmWb2c-CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 35sec (4355 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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