Fortnite's NEW MYSTERY Explained..

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a few weeks ago fortnite dropped an update they hinted at another Marvel crossover and with the next live event around the corner there are some crazy conspiracy theories that have blown my mind first off in the early days of fortnite Epic refused to add vehicles and while thankfully they caved in Chapter 2 when they dropped one of them was nowhere to be found we all moved on from this mysterious car assuming it was lost a time but even after years it keeps reappearing police cars spotted in the background of game modes the newest Futurama trailer and then just a few days ago an epic games employee posted this on Art station with the upcoming racing mode in chapter 5 having dozens of maps and its own battle pass players are convinced we'll finally see them but we just got brand new evidence for one of the biggest conspiracy theories that I normally make fun of in fortnite the Kraken okay before you roll your eyes it feels like one of those theories it's obviously fake right especially after the years of Click Fade with the goofy Live Events or pretending it was on the island right now lapic hasn't helped us by adding Kraken designs to Cosmetics loading screens even treasure maps this Theory went quiet for a couple years until concept art for chapter 4 was revealed showing off the ice biome with a completely different design by comparing it to the map it looks at the cabin in The Valleys near brutal Bastion except they were gonna have a ton of mind-blowing features someone's fighting a dragon and we have this huge skull of a sea monster but the most important of all is in the middle yeah a kraken the conspiracy theorists are going wild right now is this scrapped or could this appear when the ice melts as someone else is Breaking Free from the Island's grasp if this theory is to be believed one of fortnite's most powerful villains is about to be Unleashed in chapter 4. just days before the wild season dropped we got word that there was a secret skin designed totally around an original storyline character someone we had seen before who was also popular with fans and immediately there was one suspect a survey skin that looked identical to the herald players were now convinced she was returning and they confirmed that theory when they visited where she supposedly died her body was encased in a massive tree which had been there all chapter with clues about her fade hiding in plain sight you could hear her breathing through the wood and spot a mysterious hole in the back which had plenty of room to make an escape The Herald theory was a popular one and led a ton of people to be disappointed when meowsos was revealed as the true secret skin her tree was eventually replaced by the jungle biome but she got him and even with this leaked skin it's looking like she will return one day if you played fortnite in 2018 this Mex conspiracy definitely made you second guess yourself but people on YouTube started talking about the Llama trick it got us all interested apparently if you discovered all three in a single match it gave you an insane reward there's no reason to lie right I mean if you wanted to prove it just find three llamas except it wasn't that easy fighting all three takes a ridiculous amount of luck if you didn't have creative mode or Customs it had to be done in a real game it took the Internet by storm with tons of players claiming they did it and got a bright bag for free of course it's turned out to be totally fake and the backlink later dropped in the store but a conspiracy we have yet to prove wrong could spell the end of chapter 4's Island since Mega City arrived people been trying to figure out the reason behind this mountain next door path that ran all the way down into the nearby City along with a crater shape at the very top everything pointed to this being a secret volcano fortnite designed it this way for a reason would it eventually erupt and Destroy Mega City well the clues kept coming people found volcanic rock and debris in the files and what has never dropped epic did include some interesting battle pass skins Relic and Rianne were both molten themed along with volcanic Cosmetics I mean come on Mizuki also had a random molten style which had nothing to do with her character I felt like another on the nose teaser except nothing happened maybe in the final season of chapter four this Theory will finally come true and the people who connected all those dots will feel amazing another theory revolves around these suspicious Cosmetics thanks to some eagle-eyed fans we noticed fortnite is up to something like this whale glider which is a strange X symbol on it no it's not Elon Musk in all seriousness this is very similar to laboon from One Piece there's also an encrypted set code named parrot and people were convinced this was the real thing but nothing important was in there well that's Until you realize that season 4 starts on August 25th just days before the live action one piece comes to Netflix if there's ever a time to drop the collab in be then so marketing your calendars because we'll soon get an answer to this mystery some fortnite players have dropped folders of evidence showing how Marvel is coming back to fortnite and in those folders dark folders I'll explain head on over to creaky compound and you'll see that epic recently updated this place for the storyline nothing too strange except one of these desks was immediately posted everywhere because if a few files belonging to Stark Industries to most people is obviously just reused assets but that hasn't stopped some tinfoil hats from taking this somewhere crazy I'm hoping we get the return of cap Shield somehow and it turns out there's a fortnight Marvel comic dropping in chapter 5 titled the order restored so the imagined order is gonna make a return and Marvel will be involved somehow leading players to believe this wasn't an accident according to them it's all connected and that's why the rivals have also entered the spotlight it makes sense the i o needs someone to fight and that's why we'll soon see their historical enemies these guys have been missing for a whole year now and it's led to a lot of speculation about where they could be yes I'm talking about the seven and one of the wildest conspiracy theories reveal what happened to him if you followed the quest line to chapter 4 they're kinda all over the place but the ones about the seven are pretty dark and an effort to go find them we had to send test subjects through the rift gate and they came back to a form one of them told us that they're all different now and it might even be too late to save them considering the fragments came back evil it is entirely possible the seven might do the same thing imagine if we fight a corrupted foundation in chapter five maybe he'll be joined by epic secret character that'll have a massive impact on the storyline and his identity is the center of a heated debate throughout season 1 still on the roof Ward and talked about a shapeless man that was Haunting his dreams and telling him what to do everything that happened in the storyline was because of this mysterious figure who manipulated people and threatened them into making the rift game at first the idea of someone without a body or True Form led us to think it was the nothing but then more clues came along I talked about how the shapeless man brought Stella into the oath Bound in the first place and that he yearns for a rift gate if there's someone who would know about the oath bound and how to make a portal it's jenno and that made him suspect number 1. now eventually fortnite made it too obvious when he said he always imagined a world of perfect order and does not care if the gate runs the island at two I mean it's basically Jenna 101 but not everything is as clear the storyline also has some weird moments that left us speechless and the build up to the fracture event Paradigm told us to ask Jones about the loot breaker project and this one line of dialogue caused everyone to freak out there was only one moment in history where I've seen Jones with top secret files on his desk while someone was trying to break the loop yeah the device event immediately thousands of fans were hoping this is related and Midas would make a grand return there was even a spray in the file showing his hand with Chrome on it anyone who's played fractual no might have said the only thing that disappointed us that day a lot of Kanto has changed and deleted at the last minute leading the conspiracy to stick around to this day some believe he was meant to be in the event and was taken out with all the other alternate endings moving on it turns out fortnite decided to troll the conspiracy theorist in chapter 3 when the daily appeared on the map sure this was a using POI for the first season or two but when something is in the island that long it could get boring but especially when it's a collab and everything else is vanished players are certain that a crossover couldn't be on the map this long and had to be vaulted in season three so this is when we also learned that Darth Vader will be part of the next battle pass what if Vader replaced a Daily Bugle with his Fortress it somehow made perfect sense The Daily Bugle had randomly been on top of a volcano for like two seasons straight eventually it had to erupt and once it did there's only one person who lives near lava Darth Vader a lot of great points but none of it mattered of course has never happened and fortnite trolled Everyone by turning the POI into lazy Lagoon not the only villain we wanted in the game the entire Community was desperate for this Theory to come true when fortnite mares got leaked in 2021 there was a Halloween boss that was in the file so we didn't know much except for descriptions sounds and a few other details but everyone agreed on one thing it sounded a lot like siren head the theory blew up more when the trailer showed him in the foggy background tens of thousands of people were not convinced this was siren but of course it ended up being the caretaker even though they seem familiar in the trailers and leaks when you saw them in game I mean they were nothing like them some theories just make too much sense especially in chapter 3 when fortnite killed a character right in front of us throughout the countless events trailers and Comics epic has killed plenty of characters and most of them never come back one of the most important has got to be Dr Sloan who is crushing her tank by the mech at first glance it looked obvious she was dead but a few days after the event people started having doubts so they wanted to free cam and watched it back spotting that Sloan had secretly closed the hatch right before dying then more info appeared when a mysterious version of Sloan dropped in the surveys she had an entirely different outfit and sand Powers there's still way too specific to be a simple reskin so it had to be storyline related and it also meant she was alive despite this it was an unlikely Theory some fans were convinced she's dead and if fortnite brought her back it wouldn't really make any sense no matter which side you're on the conspiracy theorists were right and slona's return in chapter 4 with the survey outfit but no sand Powers yet we could theorized for days but sometimes fortnite forces us to rethink everything thanks to a huge change in the story and chapter 3 out of nowhere the writer of the Marvel Comics dropped a bombshell for years fortnite empties and Singularity as a super important character with Donald mustard himself calling her one to watch out for that's only for her to never appear again since the final showdown ended she hasn't actually been mentioned once in games since then leading us to believe that Paradigm was her new identity and she had joined this seven hey why else would they tease singularity's importance everything was lining up and more clues dropped each year until chapter 3 when they revealed that Paradigm and Singularity were two different people epic said they were simply trolling players with fake Clues obviously that last part was just a cover-up and it was more obvious that fortnite had changed the story turning Paradigm into a separate character so they could cast her as Brie Larson now fast forward to modern day and those tweets have been mysteriously deleted now the biggest conspiracy theory 4 that has ever seen is starting up again will Paradigm and Singularity be changed again I mean who knows at this point Midas alone has more conspiracies than anyone in fortnite's history and that's why I saved him for last every week people find new ways to talk about him because of a random piece of evidence from Donald mustard mentioning him his crew constantly reappearing and a Midas restaurant being on the map they'd like the entire Fortnight Universe knows what happened to him except for the players let me know if you guys have your own conspiracy theories it's been Tommy hope you enjoy it and keep it here on top 5 gaming
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Keywords: fortnite, Fortnite's NEW MYSTERY Explained.., fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite season 4, fortnite mysterys, fortnite secret mysterys, fortnite secrets, secrets fortnite, fortnite new mysterys, fortnite new season, season 4 fortnite, fortnite season 4 new, fortnite season 4 secrets, fortnite mystery, mysterys fortnite, fortnite theories, fortnite new chapter, fortnite updates, fortnite update, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: 6M6hdVgi9SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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