What's The Reason "That Kid" Got Expelled In Your School? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what did that kid in your school get expelled for he shouted get yet it's out at the Queen of England that she drove past in a procession that our school were watching a guy at my secondary school rural Scotland built a homemade pipe bomb and brought it in to show his science teacher what makes me a good Demoman High School he had just come back from suspension he had brought in a dummy grenade he picked up somewhere he stands up in the middle of class and yells he going to kill everyone ankles the pin and rolls it down the aisle teacher jumps up and dives on the f king grenade without pause expelled teacher later became the vice principal he threw a hammer at a student narrowly missing another student and lodging it in the wall they'd been tossing plastic cutlery at him and he'd had enough honestly they were poking a sleeping bear because he'd made it clear from the day he arrived that he had some sort of mental condition that made him a compulsive liar but in the terrifying way like he told me directly about how he murdered his own mother a lady who regularly dropped him off at school sowed a lie with a screwdriver people at my school were very very dumb but he got expelled immediately recording himself jerking off and leaving the VHS tape in the a/v room smoking a bong in the middle of the playground I'm picturing an elementary school kid law we had one kid get expelled for punching the vice-principal in the face the vice-principal later got fired for s sue early harrassing the female students facepuncher was and still remains the hero when I was a junior in high school the senior prank that year was to steal all the science videos from the office all VHS and record PRN onto them at various parts then return the tapes for years teachers would be putting on tapes about fossil fuels on it's at shondrea or crepuscular carnivores and 20 minutes and boom dick in an acid full volume science department finally gave up trying to find them all and just threw them all away the year of the prank the student who organized it was expelled because someone spilled the beans there was the kid in the school who was notorious for not showering it was absolutely disgusting but he didn't exactly have the best home life so no one was really gonna say anything one day the kid sitting behind him decided to light the no shower his greasy hair on fire it went up like a fireball and the smell that him sealed would make an onion cry needless to say the kid with the lighter didn't make it through the rest of the day went to kindergarten with a kid named Marshall who was always getting in trouble until one day they finally just kicked him out of school for spraying a fire extinguisher all over the room and somehow getting his own humans tea and no fewer than nine cubbyholes where we kept our lunches you have to be a goddamn rock star to get kicked out of kindergarten a kid in my high school brought an airsoft gun in his truck on the one day of the year that my school decided to perform a modified lockdown which is really just a different way of saying the search in your sh t for drugs so he gets called outside to an unlock his car so that the police can further analyze this obviously fake see-through plastic toy gun and what do they do payday fellas we got exactly what we were looking for poor kid got expelled I will never forget sitting in chemistry with the windows open at the front of the school when he drove by in his truck screaming f ck high school's name double quote his adopted mom was a seventh grade teacher doesn't really mean anything but just an interesting bit of information that's so dumb poor guy didn't even bring it inside who cares if it's on school property I'd understand if it was black and had the orange tip removed but nope went to an old guy's Catholic High School one of the teachers was trying to become a deacon or something enhance a videotape himself hosting a service he taught religion so he used a class period to take his students to the chapel and record his service he had to go back to the classroom for something and one of the kids got up and began desecrating everything mock [ __ ] of the candles humping the crucifix fake sermons the whole nine yards the kid returns to his seat before the teacher ever gets back and all the students don't say anything the camera was rolling the whole time she pinned a girl against a wall and stared at her crotch shamed in a time or I'm hungry something along those lines she was just really weird and I do legitimately think she was mentally ill hold out his dick in the medical room in front of a second-year girl second year university or like grade two this kid wanted to drop out of school but his parents won't let him told the principal that there was a gun in the bathroom airsoft and once he and principal and vice-principal arrived at the bathroom and police were called he told them that he brought the gun into school put a PRN v/h/s in class where he knew we were gonna be having a chill day hit the remote in his pants so the teacher was kind of freaking out don't know why the teacher didn't think of unplugging the TV he then turned off the lights and threw a desk at the teacher I'm not even joking stealing water my sister's child was close to death we were thirsty you'll thirst again drug sniffing dogs came to school and had a pretty good time with his car the way you phrased that I'm imagining the dogs all getting high with his stash after they found it he drew over 1,000 pictures of dicks each on a separate sheet of paper and then proceeded to skip down the hallway during class and toss them all over the school when he was brought into the office they showed him a picture of him doing it he asked the principal if he could keep the picture as a memory threatening to bring his dad's gun to school to kill all the preps and jerks and also having a hit lists in his locker that's so edgy threw another kid face-first into a brick wall he pulled his dick out and rubbed it on this girl's back and he just wouldn't stop this is one of those third hand hysterical stories if you were anyone involved I'm sure this is horrific but I couldn't help but laugh it was the last week of eighth grade this kid named Damien threw a carton of milk at a Dean the Dean yelled Damien you are expelled double quote he ran off and I never saw him again he was coerced selling cocaine and the library pouring gasoline all over the locker room and setting it on fire ok so we were in the middle of class that took place on the fifth floor of our school and there was this kid who in the middle of class stands up goes to the window proceeds to open it and jumps off the entire class watched his terror and the teacher just stood there for a second in disbelief of what she had just witnessed in reality the kid jumped on a legend of the window as some sit prank to make us think he just suicided he got expelled in the following week and we had to list it to our counselor for a week about why stuff like this isn't funny and why suicide is bad edit this was not the only reason he got expelled this was just the final straw that forced the school to expel him he was known for fooling around a lot and pranking the teachers all the time and doing dangerous stuff like starting fire in the middle of the class and similar he made an effort to get in shape he joined the gym workout weight training class that just happened to have a lot of the football players in it he was constantly bullied by a few even though the more respectable players stepped in its time it wouldn't stop after two swirlies in two days he brought a knife to school cue the third swirly he pulls a knife and they stop expelled nothing happened to the bullies this is a weird one preface this by saying this kid was on borrowed time he had a history of being a jackass but was a really funny kid so it's early junior year and it's lunchtime two people jokingly said to Kevin that they would pay him $60 to piss his pants money talks and he stood up from his seats and within moments pissed his pants they recorded the event and the video was passed around the school maybe a day or two later he was cooled down to the office and was promptly expelled for whatever reason the kicker here is that the two kids never paid up their money until the disciplinarian forced them to pay Kevin instead of detention right after the Virginia Tech shooting one kid wrote VA tech today in a bathroom stall they gathered everyone into one assembly which was the stupidest thing possible and placed the school on lockdown the kid didn't have a gun or anything he just wrote it because teenagers and impulse control but we made CNN there might be gunmen who plan on shooting up a school let's get everyone in one closed off space this one kid had a broken zipper in his pants or something so he was sticking his finger through it asking people to shake his hand he asks a teacher and he got sent to the Dean and got expelled found a gun laying on the ground on the way to school he thought that was insanely dangerous so he picked it up and put it is his locker so it was secure and safe he then immediately went to a teacher to report it he was expelled zero tolerance in action he brought a bullet to class not a gun just a single bullet I asked him about and he said that it was for a presentation in his history class apparently somebody saw it during lunch in the principal flipped her sh t about it if you even think about a gun in school they'll flip sh t oh wow we around everyone during class writing I will shoot acronym for school upon a bathroom wall using his own fesses at least I hope it was his own Dave can I borrow some sh t my pens run out there was a super super senior at my high school each super indicates the extra year you stay at high school so this dude was already in his sixth year of high school I was a freshman when I met him I was a junior at this time I'm referencing he brings a shuriken during lunch he demonstrates how he was learning how to throw one he throws it at a wall and it just bounces off and lands at a different lunch table fortunately no one was harmed unfortunately for that dude the people at the table got very upset and yelled out enough to get the school security guards attentions yes we had school security guards the next week I hear he got expelled I would see him again as a super super super senior during my senior year the worst part is I don't remember seeing him during graduation our school had a kid bring a gun to school and threatened to shoot his teacher if he didn't change his grade what's the thought process behind this like let me just go shoot up the school then it'll be a straight-a student two kids were fighting at lunch so a teacher ran in and tried to stop it by tackling one of the kids to the ground however another kid in the audience really wanted to watch the fight so he kicked the teacher in the face one chick in my school gave weed brownies to a teacher hurting a cherry bomb in a toilet and then running away when it somehow started a fire for the police officer he ended up in the hospital and later jail I don't know the whole story because they kept very quiet about it but rumors were that he s surly assaulted one of the quad girls in the bathroom this was in grade 8 we never saw either of them again throwing a girl in a wheelchair with disabilities in a big trash bin during a cafeteria food fight senior guy propositioned a freshman girl and wouldn't let it go allegedly also offering money in exchange for services about two weeks before graduation he was already on super thin ice from similar creepy incidents throughout high school including an incident where he explained a hypothetical plan to a teacher about putting GHB in smoothies and giving them to girls he liked he was smart but seemed just completely intent of wasting all of his potential and being a piece of sh t just decided to run his name through the County Courthouse database where he grew up and I count five felonies along the lines of burglary and grand theft along with a bunch of unlawful suspended license citations filmed a special ed kid choking to death during lunch he died on the way to the hospital made jokes on Facebook with the video edit that's really f ked up who the hell does that he sounds like a psychopath transferred out of our school to a boarding school but he called in a bomb threat right around my birthday got me three days off thanks justin w best birthday week ever instead of giving a presentation on the book that he was assigned he climbed up on a desk and started singing Kanye West's gold digger until the security guard pulled him off and out honestly the teacher thought it was funny at first but after the second time through it was just annoying and disruptive got pregnant expelled for getting pregnant where and when did this happen okay so I was sent to a private school that cost 20000 dollars a year I was on the cross scholarship there anyway there were these two girls one still her mom's credit card in order to call a taxi cab to the school in the middle of the day they snuck out and took the cab to the airport where they tried to call a friend of mine to impersonate their father it planned on going to Florida and stayin at their family's beach house down there they were caught by the police after successfully getting the tickets because the girl's mom realized she didn't have her card and thought her identity was being stolen ting on the teach hit share my job is to be counselor to a classroom of that kid once they've been expelled they come to my program and we try to help them not be that kid if you want the honest truth most of their behaviors have come from being born to release TTY parents led a revolution in music class that ended in merely assaulting a music teacher implying God wasn't real he went on to be a core member of valve so it worked out now he no longer believes in three years at university my father had a classmate who aced all his exams but failed one when he was asked how did he manage to do that he revealed that a civil war broke out in his home country if he would have finished university he would have to go back and fight hitting me in the head with a brick one of my friends stabbed her father in the neck with a kitchen knife that story spread to the entire school about a five hundred kids within a half-hour people were running from room to room shouting about it I haven't seen her since m sturbation with a hot dog during lunch period source put laxatives in this kids milk sent him to the hospital bragged about it go after the maths teacher with a baseball bat this one kid got mad in a math test stood up screamed I can take this anymore flipped every desk in the room and then let the teachers on a several hour manhunt as he escaped school grounds and ran naked through the streets let's hear my two for one so the first kid was in a fight during one of the pay classes and do now Jim we have a balcony and one kid threw the other off the edge about 15 feet broke three of his ribs and an arm he spray-painted a swastika on all of the windows on the building the school cop tried to stop him and just sprayed in the face with it fun kid he thought mine Kampf was the Bible tried poisoning another girl by offering her a soda that had rat poison in it he had ADHD and did all kinds of sh t m sturbation in the bathroom still keys to go up with the elevator constantly disrupted lessons insulted teachers spray-painted the walls in and outside smoked weed during lunch breaks and on top of it almost set a teacher on fire truly f ked up kid oh wait that was me I went to another school where I completely changed my behavior I'm a programmer now and everything is going well close bracket and then BSB edit change the word I was personally asked to leave when I accidentally threatened death of my teacher read the mayor by accidentally I mean that I didn't think anyone would actually take it seriously sent a bomb threat through a fax machine and caused the entire school to evacuate fax machine a group of students as a grad prank in their final year of high school decided to print out PRN and put it in the hem books in the school's Chapel we had a very religious Christian primary school from the Bahamas visiting that day who asked to use the school's Chapel as you can imagine we no longer get visits from that school and those kids didn't get to attend graduation punching the teacher twice in the stomach when she was pregnant her husband even wanted to sue him but I don't know too many details about it I just know because my mom was in the SAR and she let it slip one time he also stabbed another student in the back with scissors and was suspended for 20 days prior to that I think the school just said yeah f ck it he's expelled after coming back several days from his suspension and doing that he tried succeeded to blow up the school's toilet room using an improvised bomb made from expired fireworks he made a very long wick laced with gunpowder as a timed bomb trigger guys are genius the school admin would have not known who was responsible if not for his friend who ratted him out in exchange for extra school credits some kid made the your mom joke too this weird kid in chemistry class it was just one of the typical ones you hear all the time did this kid say fu and laugh it off though he heated up beaker tongs with a Bunsen burner and then shoved them into the neck of the other kid who he snuck up on got knocked out expelled ensued and was proud he did it through the whole process I'm glad I branded that F ker I knew he was the typical meme school shooter psycho kid but I didn't think it was anything more than teenage you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 117,374
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, kid expelled, expelled, school, high school, student, teacher, trouble
Id: EeHUtCXdS0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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